Transport Policy of Addis Ababa
Transport Policy of Addis Ababa
Transport Policy of Addis Ababa
Table of content
Title page
1. Background 1
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Existing condition of Addis Ababa Transport 2
1.2.1. Urban Land use and transport plan 3
1.2.2. Infrastructure 4
1.2.3. Transport Service Provision 5
1.2.4. Traffic Management 6
A. issues related to road engineering 6
B. issues related to education 7
C. issues related to traffic law enforcement 7
D. issues related to Incident Management 8
1.2.5. Environmental Protection and Energy use 8
1.2.6. Social issues 9
1.2.7. Finance 10
1.2.8. Transport service providing institutions 10
1.2.9. Legal Framework 12
1.1. Introduction
According to the 2007 national census, the population of Ethiopia has reached
73,909,355 of which urban population was 11,956,170 accounting for 16.1% of
the total population. Having a growth rate of 2.1%, the population of Addis Ababa
was 2,738,248 which accounted for 32.27% of the total urban population of the
country (Central Statistics Agency, 2010). The expansion of the city, increasing
population size coupled with the economic growth has required respective
transport service supply for the increasing mobility needs of the People.
and on good governance which directly affects the livelyhood of the residents. In
order to narrow the gap between urban transport demand and supply, to provide
the transport service that can support the residents’ socio-economic development
effort, it is vital to take necessary measures which, in turn, will have an impact in
solving complex problems observed in the sector. Therefore, in order to clearly
identify those continuously increasing basic challenges, indicate clear direction
and identify measures to be taken and to, optimally, utilize those positive
experience, it has been found important to formulate Addis Ababa transport
policy. The policy has been coined taking into account the main actors,
considering crucial issues and by identifying alternative solution and forecasting
the future changing situations. Different studies witnessed that Addis Ababa, the
defacto capital of Africa, and capital city of Ethiopia suffers from inadequate
transport service. Above all,day to day transport operation is arrested with
complex issues and currently complaints of the service users is vivid.
In other respect, there are opportunities which have a significant role in urban
transport improvement. The commitment of the government and the interest of
the residents, as well as the interest of the private sector to participate in
improving the sector, are major issues to be indicated.
Addis Ababa, with an area of 540 km 2 is divided into 10 sub-cities and 116
woredas. The city is the country’s political and economic center, the seat of Head
Offices of African Union and United Nations Economic commission for Africa. It
also accommodates many international Aid and Development organization and
more than 100 embassies. The city’s population is estimated to be 3 million. With
the current population growth rate of 2.1% the city population is estimated to
reach 5 million after 10 years. Addis Ababa is exhibiting high social, economic,
structural and change is found to be a fast growing city. More than 70% of
registered vehicles in the country are found in Addis Ababa.
Taking into account Addis Ababa‘s fast growth and to enable the transport sector
to play its required role, the Government has invested a huge resource to
construct roads so as to expand the road network. An effort has been made to
improve the transport service provisions. Preparatory actions required have also
been taken to introduce a light rail transit (LRT)
Urban transport plan and implementation is based on land use plan and its
implementation. As it is indicated in the Addis Ababa 2002—2010 master plan,
the increasing pressure on public transport service, low fleet size of buses,
unattractive location of freight and passenger transport terminals and weak traffic
management system are the main challenges to mention.
According to the master plan, inorder to alleviate the identified challenges, timely
recommendations and outlined implementation strategies had been proposed as
To improve the efficiency of the city’s public transport service and traffic
management system,
to provide the required bus stops,
To relocate the freight depots from the center to the outskirt of the ring
road so that the trucks will be serving there for loading and unloading,
To build the capacity of concerned institutions in planning and
management so as to upgrade them in performing urban transport
planning and management. However, though the adoption and
implementation of the master plan has counted years, most of the
recommendations and implementation strategies proposed in the plan are
not implemented due to various problems. This is especially true that the
urban transport plan and land development plan were not coordinated;
lack of coordination among concerned stakeholders and lack of trained
manpower are main problems that threaten the sector. On the other hand,
in connection to the master plan many urban transport plan studies have
been conducted, though they are not implemented
1.2.2. Infrastructure
During the last few years massive road construction and improvement works
have been going on in the city. This has contributed to the efficiency of transport
mobility and has changed the image of the city as well as facilitating other socio-
economic developments. The road length envisaged by the Addis Ababa 2003
Master plan was 800 km. As of April 2010,constructed road and pedestrian
walkway were 620km. and 423km respectively. Currently the road coverage of
the built area is 11.3% and it is envisioned to have the road network coverage
about 20% by the year 2020.
Due to lack of a rail way and other effective mass transport system, the city
mobility needs are mostly covered by road based few number of buses and
taxis. Moreover, there is no sufficient and comfortable pedestrian walkway. As far
as the city development process is concerned,the infrustructure construction and
the transport services are not in accordance with the transport plan.
Lack of public and freight transport terminals with necessary
Therefore, understanding this major challenge and giving special attention to the
issue, a great effort is made by the government to realize technology transfer in
mass transport by introducing Light Rail Transit (LRT), Bus rapid Transit (BRT)
and Trolley Bus transport services.
1.2.4. Traffic Management
The city’s road network, roundabouts, junctions, terminals and parking spaces
are basic components of traffic management. However, some of these
aforementioned road engineering elements have great influence on the traffic
flow. Facilities like taxi stations, parking spaces, and traffic calming measures are
not available in many corners of the city. Most of The available bus stops are not
constructed to the standard and without due consideration of proper shades for
passengers which, in turn, forced users to wait for the service in open air. Road
ways do not give consideration for priorities for buses and mass transport
vehicles and are not designed for longer trip lengths. Even the recently
constructed ring road faces critical challenges to be used for the intended
objective due to implementation problems. Periodic maintenance on some of the
roads is not sufficient. There are no sufficient expansion of interlink ages
between functional roads. Above all, sufficient and comfortable pedestrian
walkways are not constructed for the pedestrians who account the major trip
percentage in the city. Though, there are demands for bicycle use, there is no
sufficient and convenient bike-ways and bike-bays. This has rendered impact in
making the traffic management activity inefficient.
B. Issues related to Education
The enforcement effort is ineffective due to the fact that the responsibility of
controlling, coordinating and law enforcement of the transport system and
transport service is operated by different offices without coordination in a a
fragmented manner. Moreover, it becomes not easy to have an effective system
because of lack of required professionals in the implementing agencies/offices,
lack of opportunity to get the required sustainable training, professional
composition, ethics training, surveillance and control. Consequently, most drivers
and pedestrians do not respect laws, animal movement in the main road of the
city is customary, no control on environment pollutant vehicles, traffic congestion
is increasing, and as a result the rate of traffic accident is not decreased to the
required level. Therefore, it is possible to say poor enforcement capacity is
evident which made it difficult to provide efficient and quality services within the
existing roads, traffic systems and transport services.
D. Issues related to Incident Management
The effect of global climate changes has imposed negative impact on the overall
urban development and pollution emanating mainly from the transport sector is
identified to be one of the major causes. There is no integrated planning between
agencies of the environmental protection and transport sector. The absence of
coordination and symbiosis in implementing the laws and regulations pertinent to
environment protection and transport sectors, as well as gaps in improving
quality of fuel used in the transportation sector is also a main problem.
The city widely suffers from high levels of traffic congestion leading to ambient
air and noise pollution due to vehicular emissions. Air and noise pollution in
particular has a negative effect on health, pollution from decrepit vehicles is also
a major problem to the city.
Moreover, there also exist no proper provisions in the scope of new infrastructure
development and maintenance. This is particularly true in projects relating to
road construction and maintenance. The lack of such adequate environmental-
related provisions creates adverse effects on the environment. Degradation of
the environment due to these factors reduces the quality of life of the people and
it has become imperative to enforce more stringent environmental control on the
The urban transport service is believed to consider the social needs and
obligation as related mainly to education, health, age, gender and the conditions
of the physically disabled. Contrary to the normal expectations the urban
transport system of the city of Addis Ababa is unable to fulfill the special needs of
students (such as providing school buses) through the private or the public
sector. Though the student traffic wardens are widely used, traffic management
and controls around the school areas remain poor.
1.2.7. Finance
The Federal Government and the City administration have been investing a huge
amount of money for the development of road infrastructure and transport service
provisions. This is particularly true in the investment made for the city’s road
infrastructure development by the city government which, as a result, has
increased the stock of road in terms of network development. To improve
transport service provision, the Light Rail Transit System project, with expected
high investment capital outlay, has been envisaged for the city of Addis Ababa.
Moreover, the public transit transport service provision, that has critical financial
constraints have made the Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise unable to
replace the old buses with new ones which in turn, has restricted its service
quality and coverage. Though additional budget requirements are still a critical
issue, the transfer of the enterprise’s accountability to the city administration is
being considered as a strategic process to revitalize the operational capability of
the enterprise.
Though transport service requires coordination among different institutions,
evidence suggests that collaboration among these institutions seems to be
minimal and ill-coordinated. One of the basic problems in this respect is that, the
institutions are organized under fragmented set-up. The existence of resource
and capacity limitations in terms of knowledge in transport hence failure to
accomplish their responsibilities are also the main challenge to lead the city’s
transport sector.
There is sufficient evidence that other relevant public institutions that have stakes
in the city’s transportation system are also organized and managed under
different institutional organizations. Compounded by lack of skilled manpower
and budgetary constraints, many of these institutions have exhibited
fragmentation activities and fragmented institutional set-up which have rendered
failures to coordinate the transportation system of the city.
With regard to the participation of the private sector in transport system of the city
which indicates that also, shortages of investment /disposable capital,
fragmentation of service provision, sub-standard transport management skills
and lack of organizational structures is evident. This made it difficult for
coordinating, harmonizing and work in accordance with norms of responsible
governmental institutions.
The legal framework set for Addis Ababa transport systems is inadequate. It is
only when proclamations, regulations and directives are set appropriately and
applied effectively that policies and programs are possible to be implemented.
Moreover, institutions established to implement the existing legal provisions are
not able to function due to the nature of their fragmentation resulting in difficulties
to improve, harmonize, develop and adopt effective transport development,
management and services.
The major challenges in transport infrastructure and services, some are indicated
B. Infrastructure issues
Poorly designed road junctions.
Lack of pedestrian walkways/facilities and miss-use of the existing
sub-standard terminals for passenger and freight transport and
inconvenient bus and taxi bays
Lack of segregated bike- ways.
C. Financial issues
Financial constraints
Failure to devise and implement enhanced revenue generation
Absence of legal limits and effective control over air and noise pollution
There is no clearly defined transport policy for the city of Addis Ababa. It is rather
based on and led by different proclamations, regulations and directives issued by
the Federal Government and the City Administration which renders difficult for
harmonized and coordinated actions. The importance of the promulgation of the
policy paper for Addis Ababa is necessitated due to factors listed below:-
Enable the transport services of the city assist the national effort to reduce
poverty and accelerated development programs.
Realize infrastructure and transport service based on development in the
city, based on accessibility and mobility of the urban population and
ensures that different institutions and stakeholders play key role in a
coordinated and cooperative spirit.
Integrate the city’s land-use and transport plan.
Provide efficient, coordinated and improved transport service
Since funding urban transport development requires huge financial
demands, set favorable condition to finance the development of urban
transport through revenues generated from different sources of the sector.
Capacitate the principal stake holders in their institutional structures,
enhance human resource development, management, application of
technologies, promote for coordination and provide for the private sector
participation to enhance safety, and effective transport services.
The needs to capacitate urban transport planning practices, develop
qualified human resources, enhance experience, advance skills in
information dissemination and research in the field of urban transport.
The city’s urban transport policy is based on the following basic principles;
The city’s urban transport policy shall take due considerations of national
and international conditions and contexts.
The city’s urban transport policy shall be aligned with other national
policies and adopts effective practical experiences used internationally in
the field.
The transport service shall be accountable and transparent.
2.3. Vision
“To see the transport service accessible to all and play major role for the
development of the city”.
2.4. Objective
To lead and develop the transport system of the city, the following general policy
concepts shall be commonly adopted.
Mass transport and non motorized transport system shall be considered
for the mobility needs of the urban inhabitants.
The transport service development shall be supported by modern
transport technologies, shall be safe, and affordable.
Application of technological development and system integration shall be
introduced to reduce environmental pollution in the transportation system.
Enhance financial capacity necessary to further expand transport
infrastructure and services.
Provide comprehensive continuous publicity campaign and program to
enhance road user awareness on road use and road safety.
A coordinated framework shall be laid down to implement the transport
policy of the city.
Build the capacity of key institutions in the sector to fulfill their missions.
The Government shall encourage the private sector partnership to develop
parking facilities and enhance their participation in transport service
In order to effectively implement the transport policy of the city, of the
existing and yet fragmented laws shall be consolidated and new laws and
regulations shall be enacted if deemed necessary.
In order to accomplish these needs, the Transport Policy of Addis Ababa has
outlined eleven key policy issues and implementation strategies.
Policy issues;
Evidence suggests that there exist no integration and compliance between Land-
use and Transport Plan under the Addis Ababa City Administration. Such lack of
integration between land use planning and transportation planning has resulted
in disparities between travel demand and land use developments observed in
different parts of the city. Such developments do not observe the need to balance
the capacity of existing transport infrastructure. The disparity has also resulted in
non-compliance with the volume of traffic generated and the demand for parking
spaces in some parts of the city. With the expansion of residential land use
development without considering the necessary transport infrastructure and
services resulted in inefficiencies in the transport system.
As land use and transport plans are inseparable components in any city
development, the provision of the drafting of this transport policy serves as
instrument to harmonize this particular issue.
During the preparation and implementation of the city’s development plan,
connectivity with the transport plan shall be ensured.
The future development direction of the city shall take into account the
transport infrastructure and mass transport service
Parking space and terminals developments shall get due attention in the
land development process
Attention shall be given to minimize trip length and avoid unnecessary
trips ,local development plan that connects residential areas with work
places, schools, market places and similar social services
According to the development plan, to maintain right of way for roads so
as to avoid lose of property related to compensation, infrastructure
dislocation and others, control and coordination shall be exercised by
responsible bodies and legal ownership of activities shall be identified.
The city development plan shall be periodically revised to reflect the broad
development and rapid growth of the city.
The city administration and the Oromiya regional government shall be
supported to cooperate in transport development.
Since civil aviation operation requires modern instruments, the building
height of constructions around the airport locality shall be enforced to take
into account the topography of the city.
Constructions along arterial roads shall provide parking spaces
Induce densification by developing central business district areas where
there is adequate transport infrastructure, access to mass transport,
businesses, government institutions and social services
Ensure adequate parking space in the issuance of construction permit,
monitor and control its implementation
Constructions undertaken by public or private property developers that
generate high traffic volume shall be aligned with high standard load
capacity roads
Access social institutions that render public services with road and mass
Ensure right of way for roads indicated in the development plan and those
encroached by other activities because of weak implementation and
protect from illegal construction
Develop work areas, market places and social institutions around
residential quarters to minimize unnecessary long trips
Critically consider and enhance land supply for parking and terminal
development in the central parts of the city by the city administration
Work in coordination with Oromiya Regional Government on issues
pertaining to city development and transport.
Height of Buildings constructed within the flying zone shall take into
account current aviation technologies
3.2. Expansion of Transport Infrastructure
Recognizing the key role of transport infrastructure for the city’s socio-economic
development, the federal government and the city administration have given
special attention and embarked on construction and administration of this
transport infrastructure. The city’s roads, airport, bus and taxi terminals, parking,
freight terminals and sewerage network are directly included under this topic
whereas related but out of this topic such as electric and telecom networks shall
be considered. Although big road construction is undertaken in the city, the
coverage is inadequate compared to international standard and the existing road
network is not properly utilized. On Street parking is widely observed, there are
no mass transport priority lanes and adequate attention is not given to non
motorized transport users .High congestion occurs in road intersections and
squares. Most of the installed traffic signals are not operational. Therefore,
considering the expansion of infrastructure that requires high investment in the
city, a policy is formulated that enables the optimum use of existing infrastructure
and address the current supply.
To increase the city’s road network coverage and optimizing the use of
existing capacity, to minimize traffic congestion and facilitate traffic flow
To expand infrastructure crucial to enhance mass transport services
(LRT,BRT,Trolley Bus) and enable them render services
To give priority to mass transport along major roads and intersections and
ensure improved, efficient and high level service
To give special attention to non motorized transport , its safety and
enhance the service
To ensure bus, taxi, rail terminals and freight centers convenient to users,
enable them deliver service without hampering the traffic flow
To coordinate road and other infrastructure planning and implementation
The government shall give due consideration to expand infrastructure in
recognizing the key role of transport infrastructure to the city’s economic
and social development and to create conducive living environment for
Addis Ababa which is the seat of African Union,
Traffic management problems shall be identified and corrective measures
shall be implemented to minimize congestion and ensure efficient traffic
flow along major corridors of the city
Since a large size of the city residents are pedestrian, attention shall be
given to non motorized transport in the preparation of the master plan and
road plan of the city and its implementation
Since personal car users in the city are negligible and a large part of the
population uses buses and taxi for its daily mobility, attention shall be
given to mass transport promotion and quality of service. And priority shall
be given to the construction of mass transport infrastructures along major
Constructions and major developments in the city shall be required to
integrate the provision of adequate parking facility
parking facilities shall be built by private, government and public private
partnership in the city center and in areas with high traffic volume and land
supply shall be given special attention by the city administration
Bus and taxi terminals shall be widely built. With the commencement of
Light rail transit service ,convenient rail terminals for intermodal
connection shall be integrated in the master plan, terminals shall be
constructed and adequately organized to render service
Freight terminals shall be identified and built according to the master plan
to provide service to users depending on their needs
The government shall promote mass transport by developing LRT
network, Bus Rapid Transit , trolley bus alongside and the necessary
infrastructure to provide the services to the public
Support shall be given for the construction, maintenance and protection of
feeder roads by the administration and the community
Infrastructure and related property shall be protected and maintained by
the government and the public
Infrastructures built along streets shall take into account rights of way and
infrastructure development plan
The infrastructures required to access Addis Ababa Bole International
airport shall be developed in all directions.
Increase road network coverage through building new roads, expanding
the existing ones and timely maintenance and protection to ensure
efficient service
Protect and maintain infrastructure by coordinating relevant offices and the
Construction of the road network shall take into account the hierarchy and
linkages to facilitate traffic flow to ensure that it fulfills the mobility and
accessibility needs of the city residents and conduct adequate
Provide parking spaces for mass transport and taxi services along
roadside (bus stations, taxi bays and off-roads).
Priority shall be given to mass transport services due to its high
occupancy, affordability and its low impact on environmental pollution,
Resolve traffic flow bottlenecks at intersections and make them efficient,
using traffic signals and modern technologies to deliver standard services,
and evaluate the use and implementation of interchanges, roundabouts
and other options,
Expand pedestrian walk way network, construct segregated bicycle and
pedestrian paths from other traffic, use cobble stone and other appropriate
technologies for the construction of pedestrian paths, build underpass or
overpass on high traffic volume major roads
Apply, as required, one way roads that can reduce traffic accident and to
facilitate traffic flow
Build bus and taxi terminals, and install necessary facilities for those
constructed to facilitate smooth flow for passengers vehicular traffic and
commence service, Develop nearby parking service,(park and ride, bike
and ride)
Reserve and maintain land for light rail, bus rapid transit and trolley buses
operation and service. Protect from illegal construction,
Develop freight terminals along entry locations of the city and business
centers, encourage public and private sectors participation in the
construction, management and service provision
The city administration shall supply material and professional support to
the local community to engage in the construction of local roads
Consider other infrastructures during road sector strategic plan
preparation, design, and construction
Ensure efficient traffic flow on major roads leading to Bole Airport
Shortage of public transport service is observed in the city to meet the growing
mobility needs of the people due to the expansion and population growth of the
city and lack of mass transport service supply. There is no high occupancy public
transport service. Though there are different transport service providers, there is
no coordination among them. The service is limited to major roads and its
coverage is very low. Therefore, this policy is formulated to bridge the gap
between transport demand and supply and to provide mass transport service that
can support the socioeconomic activities of the residents, and address problems
inherent to the sector.
To make the public transport service efficient, competitive in price and
affordable to the public
To utilize renewable energy sources produced in the country for transport
service and reduce environmental pollution
Ensure that various sections of the society get alternative transport service
Ensure that transport service is delivered through economical use of the
city’s scarce land resource, reduce traffic congestion and accidents
To make public mass transport providers more economical and deliver
improved service
Encourage private sector participation in the provision of transport service
through incentive mechanisms applied for brand new high capacity
vehicles and that uses electric power, bio-fuel and other renewable energy
produced in the country or imported from abroad
The Government shall give attention to promotion of mass transport
service in order to meet the growing demand for public transport
The Government shall create conducive environment to support the
sector with new technology, expand its scope of service in terms of quality
and coverage, and promote public-private partnership
The Government shall provide subsidized transport service to low income
section of the society through cross subsidy from high income generating
Vehicles that provide public transport service from and to the airport shall
be modern and to the standard
Necessary infrastructure shall be in place for light rail transit, bus rapid
transit and electric buses to deliver service
Since public transport service involves inter and multi-modal public
transport and different suppliers, attention and support shall be given to
enable an integrated and convenient service to users
Priority shall be given to mass transit on roads and intersections and
applied Intelligent Transportation System to facilitate operation.
The Government shall franchise passenger transport zones and routes as
appropriate to enable the private sector providers to deliver service
The Government shall support the promotion of non motorized transport
(NMT) service and make it favored mode
Light rail transit and electric power driven buses will be put into use to
develop mass transport service provision and meet the trip purpose of the
Implement bus rapid transit service;
Develop transport infrastructures required for mass transport service (rail,
road, terminals) and give priority during service provision
Apply modern and tested technologies for mass transport service
Maintain the standard of mass transport vehicles
Organize and strengthen prevailing scattered private sector operators and
deploy them in the provision of mass transport service
Develop standard, integrated and coordinated system for the mass
transport service provided in the city and Organize public and private
operators forum and share best practices of other cities convenient to its
users(time, ticketing, transfers, etc)
Provide meter taxies for Airport transport services and make them secured
and dependable
deliver convenient inter modal mass transport service for transfer in
Enable mass transport service providers adopt modern systems that
makes them cover their costs and increase revenue by expanding high
paying special services and provide service to low income public at a
reasonable fare.
Provide infrastructure to non motorized transport (pedestrian and bicycle)
and particularly provide bicycle parking (park and ride) along main
Restrict Tri-axel vehicles and horse pulled carts to move in the city, but
shall be given temporary permit to provide service at the outskirts of the
city where public transport is not served
Reduce mini bus services by expanding bus transport service to minimize
traffic congestion
Organize special space for sedan taxi stand so as to enable them provide
on call services
Take measures that initiate private car owners to use mass transport
Control the quality of imported vehicles and spare parts, encourage fuel
efficient and low carbon emission vehicles, and enforce old vehicles to
install emission reduction gadgets
Encourage high capacity vehicles both locally assembled and imported
that use renewable energy to provide extensive service
The loss of life and property inflicted by road traffic accident in our city cannot be
overlooked. Traffic accident in African cities is estimated to cost 1.5% to 2% of
gross national product. Although a tendency for reduction of traffic accident is
observed in our city, the increasing number of vehicles and consequent traffic
congestion has still kept the figure high. The policy is formulated to drastically
reduce the loss of life and property caused by road traffic accident.
To reduce traffic accident and big loss on life and property in a meaning
full manner
To mobilize stakeholders working on traffic safety to coordinate their
activities and exert effort to minimize traffic accident
To raise awareness of residents on traffic safety and reduce their
propensity to danger
Traffic measures to prevent traffic accidents shall identify causes and
traffic accident prone areas
Traffic safety strategy shall be guided based on long term vision and
detailed program, measures shall be taken to coordinate sectoral efforts
Broad traffic safety education and awareness measures shall be taken, It
shall be integrated in formal and informal education syllabus, student
traffic wardens shall be encouraged to participate in traffic safety
To support road traffic accident reduction actions, road safety data base
particularly causes of accident and black spots shall be recorded,
analyzed and disseminated to users
To ensure traffic safety and reduce accidents, drivers’ professional ethics
and vehicles’ technical fitness shall be upgraded
Traffic safety council shall be established at different levels involving
stakeholders and city residents to coordinate and enhance participation in
minimizing traffic accident
The city’s overall development shall ensure civil aviation safety
Organize traffic safety data base
Establish traffic operation center to coordinate efforts of different actors
working on traffic safety enforcement
Identify traffic black spots and take corrective measures using pedestrian
over-pass, zebra crossings and traffic islands
Prepare traffic safety directives and manuals, identify gaps and improve
existing ones, launch broad awareness raising program, include in
informal and formal education syllabus
Strengthen traffic enforcement measures to compel pedestrians, drivers
and vehicles abide to existing traffic laws ,regulations and directives
Organize, strengthen and give support to student traffic wardens to
effectively manage traffic without affecting their formal education
Build capacity and engage in effective traffic control
Take stringent and timely vehicles’ technical inspection
Upgrade drivers, education and training supported by modern
Apply stringent control on drivers that use alcohol and drug to minimize
and avoid traffic accident risks, develop data base to monitor its
Restrict animal movement on streets other than permitted and enforce
regulations and directives issued to this effect
Introduce traffic islands on corridors with arterial roads
Introduce pedestrian traffic signals with sound and picture on major
intersections for safe crossing
Introduce vehicle speed control measures and apply modern monitoring
Establish traffic safety council at different levels and encourage the public
to contribute to traffic management
Encourage traffic safety research to minimize accident
Take into account the aviation safety in constructions and development
activities around the airport
Remove waste storage from the surrounding area to ensure and maintain
civil aviation safety
3.5. Employ integrated and modern traffic management
To ensure traffic management system that enable to provide efficient
traffic flow, safe, and comfortable transport service in the city;
To mitigate congestion and traffic accident in the city;
To benefit from the city’s transport infrastructure and services in its proper
and coordinated way in economic manner;
To ensure pollution free transport system and to enable the users and
implementing agencies to follow and enforce currently required traffic
flow system.
Infrastructural network like road network, roundabouts, junctions,
pedestrian walkways, traffic signs and road markings, parking spaces and
terminals shall be constructed and provide service in a way that facilitate
the traffic flow;
Awareness creation measures about the sector shall be taken to the urban
transport users so as to enable them to use the transport network, system
and traffic laws properly and respectfully;
Traffic operation center shall be established in order to direct the traffic
management with modern knowledge and technology support;
Offices responsible for coordinating,administer and controlling the
transport system shall be coordinated in principles of;transparency,
acountability and efficiency
fast, reliable, and accessible transport service shall be provided by
concentrating on mass transport priority and using necessary technology
inputs in the traffic management system;
Immediate and coordinated response to traffic accident by the concerned
stakeholders shall be employed to enable roads open for traffic.
Main roads shall be open for traffic and on road parking is discouraging
while off-roads parking service is practiced.
efficient urban logistics services shall be employed;
Ensure proper functioning of traffic signals, signs, road markings, round
abouts and junctions that facilitates to smothen the traffic flow ,ensure
periodic maintenance and avoid the traffic signals;
Follow up that parking areas do not affect the traffic flow; design and
implement parking lots or parking buildings by identifying high traffic
Supervise that terminals loading and unloading places are properly
constructed and functioning, avoid the uncomfortable ones, facilitate to
construct the new ones and implement it;
Inorder to be efficient and effective in traffic management effort Perform
continous awareness creation works to the users about traffic education in
residential areas, health centers, work places, recreational places, worship
places; provide formal and informal traffic education in schools; create
conducive environment to governmental nongovernmental institutions and
the private sector to work in coordination and cooperation so as to
implement such activity as effective as possible
To ensure healthy, fast and cost effective transport services and traffic
management, responsible offices and their staffs shall get continious
training to enforce traffic laws, perform supervision and control; assign
organised manpower in quantity and quality that can cover the
responsibility of the offices and acquint introduce them with modern
Inorder to reduce congestion, introduce variable/staggered working hours
in schools and offices;
Enforce mobility of heavy duty freight vehicles and machineries in limited
time and space;
Introduce towing track services to avoid traffic flow affecting vehicles
created due to road accident,or damage or illegal parking, encourage the
private sector to participate in the business
Introduce a system and build enforcement capacity to collect current
information on traffic accidents; and avoid such incidents that would cause
other traffic congestion;
Coordinate participation of stakeholders to ensure that religious , public
holidays and other events do not affect the traffic flow;
Establish traffic operation center to realize close follow up of the traffic
system through the support of modern knowledge and technology;
Based on study prohibite vehicles not to pass through main trade and
market centers
Facilitate special treatment,as the case may be, for high occupancy
vehicles (vehicles more than 5 seats capacity);
Improve the traffic flow through introducing traffic congestion pricing,
pollution tax, priority for mass transport, prohibiting street vending and
animal movement on the road;
Implement one-way street,as the case may be, that may facilitate traffic
flow and reduce traffic accident;
Ensure that non motorized two wheel vehicles are giving service without
affecting the traffic flow,street cleaning and road side plant watering
services shall be provided not during pick hours
By the measures taken to improve fuel quality, currently imported diesel is lead-
free. On the other hand, due to the complex nature of the problem no direction is
put to avoid old vehicles. It is worthwhile to take care of emission and noise
pollution from vehicles, as well as environmental pollutions created during road
construction and maintenance. The action taken for blending of petrol with
renewable sources of energy shall be strengthened time to time. Therefore the
policy is formulated to forward recommendations that can support the
aforementioned issues.
To contribute for sustainable environmental protection, by establishing
clean, healthy and safe transport system;
To develop positive impacts by mitigating the influence of transport
infrastructure construction, maintenance and service on environmental
To encourage application of transport technologies that use renewable
energy source and that are fuel saving.
Environment protection , transport plan and implementation shall be
integrated in order to ensure healthy transport infrastructure and service
and to associate with the environment protection;
Technologies, procedures and renewable energy sources that will mitigate
transport services caused environmental pollution shall be in use;
Conditions shall be facilitated to reduce or avoid air pollution, caused by
transport infrastructure construction and services; renewable energy
source technology study and development shall be encouraged;
Based on bio-fuel development and use strategy, bio-fuel technology
transfer research and study shall be encouraged in the urban transport
Laws of environmental protection and transport shall be enforced in
Limit ages of imported vehicles so as to reduce or avoid air pollution in the
transport service; improve fuel quality and use fuel substitute energy
sources, employ vehicles technical inspection, implement clean
development mechanism, training and awareness creation about the
influences of transport service on environment;
Formulate emission standards and implement necessary control;
Supervise that vehicle maintenance location does not disturb the residents
security and by-products of maintenance do not affect the public health,
Prepare and implement Standards and legal framework that enable to
reduce noise pollution in the transport sector;
Expand mass transport so as to reduce traffic congestion;
In order to reduce pollution, priorities of measurable actions shall be
identified by concerned bodies, establishment of institutional coordination
and preparation of action plan;
Enforce high ethanol-blended fuel consumption of imported vehicles,
introduce incentives, regulation formulation and implementation;
Ensure high biodiesel-mix consumption of imported diesel vehicles to
enable biodiesel for transport service , prepare incentives for importing
fully biodiesel vehicles, regulation formulation and implementation;
Import trolley buses and encourage domestic production of such buses,
In order to realize effective enforcement of rules and regulation of
transport and environmental protection, create coordination among
institutions, disseminate education and information build institution
execution capacity, improve capacity of vehicles inspection and drivers
training schools;
Study and implement sideline activities that enable to reduce or prevent
negative influence on the surrounding areas during transport infrastructure
construction and maintenance;
Facilitate forums for concerned stakeholders that would work in
coordination so that urban transport and environment protection activities
could be integrated in implementation.
The role of transport infrastructure and services play an important role for the
improvements of social development. Development in transport helps in creating
strong ties between economic and social interaction leading to strong unity
between people and further enhances good governance and addresses human
right issues.
Nevertheless, the current transport service and infrastructure development
seldom addresses and accessible to health and educational issues. It lacks
consideration to the disabled, children, the elderly and women. This policy paper
has been formulated to address these basic social issues.
The transport infrastructure and service to address and play a vital role in
improving basic education and health development issues and support for
comprehensive social developments.
The transport service to address disadvantaged section of the society who
as a result of natural or human problem was not able to benefit from the
transport system and provide afordable transport services and enable their
participation in the development and good governance of the city.
The transport infrastructure and service shall address basic social issues
and ensure accessibility to educational and health facilities.
Based On the objective of government’s responsibility to address
vulnerable section of the society exposed due to natural or manmade
calamities, the transport and traffic management system shall address
the needs of the disabled, children, women and the elderly.
In order to minimize the risks of vulnerability in the vicinities of schools
and health facilities, complement special traffic management system
and install appropriate traffic signage indicating such institutions.
Prohibit noise pollution and religious posters, stickers and audio
visuals in all public transport service vehicles.
In order to address the needs of the disabled, children, the elderly and
women, road designs, vehicle’s height and seats in public transport
shall be considered. Mass-transport vehicles shall also address the
special needs of these categories of the society.
Ensure that the transport providers have created conducive
environment in transporting the elderly so that the elderly gets
comfortable service .
Provide separated parking facilities and clearly mark with necessary
signs to the disabled persons, so that they can be served conveniently
on phase by phase basis.
Ensure special support and care for vulnerable sections of the society
in traffic management.
radically change the public transport supply and enable the city acquire
modern transport system.
To meet these financial requirements, the need to scale up revenue from the
sector and look for other alternative sources of finance is of a paramount
importance. Considering the extent of the financial requirements, the following
policy has been prepared.
As the government could not meet the financial demands required for
all the infrastructure development and provision of mass transport, to
look for alternative and supportive financial sources to cater for the
To enable the transport management and service provisions cater for
capacity building through self financing.
To collect financial resources obtained from different sources and put
together in one separate account and administered to enhance the
development of the sector.
Conducieve environment shall be created to enable the private sector
to participate in infrastructure development and mass transport
provision and administration.
Transport fund shall be established to make available financial
resources required for infrastructure development and mass transport
provision in the same account.
system for higher income groups with higher-quality services
(timeliness of supply, comfort and speed)
The transport system is key element for the directions of the comprehensive
development of the city’s administration and requires linkages of individual
plans and their implementation.
manage the city’s transport to fulfill and satisfy the needs of the city
dwellers and beneficiaries to an acceptable standard.
To give a due emphasis and resolve issues with those who have
crucial relationship with transport system planning and implementation
and provide lasting solutions and directions for their implementations.
To create conducive environment for government institutions and
private transport operators to complement each other and expedite
their expected duties and responsibilities.
To provide institutions with effective set-up and capacity, as they have
indispensible role in planning and implementation of the city transport
growth and development.
the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and religious
Conducive environment shall be created for the private transport
associations to be upgraded to a company level to make them
supportive to transport service provision and traffic management.
3.10. Equiping with the neccessary legal frame-work
The current legal frameworks should consider the economic development of the
country, consolidate the development of democracy and good governance and
observant of current and international situations. Infrastructure development and
transport service provisions in Addis Ababa are provided through different
institutions with proclamations, rules issued and directives cascaded by different
authorities. As sect oral activities are performed in different institutions, there are
major gaps observed and the performances are not cost effective and fruitful.
In order to address or narrow down the gaps in interpretation of the legal issues
and to provide a consolidated legal framework, rules and directives, this policy
has been formulated.
To improve all legal frameworks, which have created gaps in leading the
city’s transport;
To reconsolidate all fragmented proclamations, regulations, and directives
provided on the basis of organizational setup of different institutions and
make the same to provide for cost effective, reliable and effective
transport system;
To enable infrastructure development and transport service provisions
lead by accountability and transparency.
The legal frame work of the Addis Ababa city transport shall consolidate
all legal provisions, revise, improve the existing and enact new ones in line
with the objective conditions of the country and the city.
Rules and directives, that survey the existing transport system of the city
and foresee the future directions, shall be enacted and implemented.
To ascertain that, the city and its neighbors shall benefit and complement
each other by enhancing the transport and other sectors could play the
supportive role.
To enhance the interrelationship of Addis Ababa with other regional cities and
to enable contribute for comprehensive economic and social development,
this transport policy of the city has been formulated with the assumption that
the regional cities shall adapt it taking in to consideration of their objective
To promote capacity building in the sector in relation to national and
international situations.
Enhance cooperative and integrative platform for city administrators and the
community between Addis Ababa and Finfine surrounding Oromia cities, to
promote the city-hinterland linkage practices with respect to infrastructure
development and services.
The road network distribution of the city of Addis Ababa connects regional
outlets, as a result in order to improve the transport service and advance
cooperation among the city and the regions, leaders and administrators
should contribute their part in implementation of the policy.
Cooperate with countries and institutions those who have experience in public
transport, new transportation technologies, and international experience in
modern traffic management so as to implement agreements signed in the
It is required that all stakeholders play /contribute their part and work together to
realize the objectives of this policy. Ministry of Transport and the City
Administration are expected to create conducive environment by providing a
study that enables to establish the institution that could lead the sector, by
crafting legal provisions that helps/enables to lead and coordinate the activities of
the stakeholders, identify investment finance ( resources necessary to expand
the sector and that the resources are effectively used for that particular activity
and create condition, cooperation and lead the sector in partnership with federal
institutions of the government and development partners.
The private sector has also a wider role in developing transport services,
terminals and parking facilities. It has a role to make the service dependable and
effective by adopting new systems of transport service provision. Non-
governmental organizations are also expected to contribute their part in
improving the sector. Educational institutions should be involved in research and
provide training in the sector. Other civil societies are also expected to play a
crucial role in the efforts of educating the wider public on sectoral laws.
It is necessary to conduct pilot test before some components of the policy are
implemented; and experiences gained from the pilot test should be applied on a
city –wide scale. It is necessary to have monitoring and evaluation mechanism
put in place to ascertain whether the policy implementation has produced the
intended outcome.
Finally, the policy should observe the dynamic situations and set itself to
continuous revision and updating.