Thermal Performance of AAC Blocks
Thermal Performance of AAC Blocks
Thermal Performance of AAC Blocks
1.0 Introduction
Building design and material properties influence thermal performance and energy consumption for
residential and commercial buildings. AAC wall, floor and roof systems provide an innovative
combination of excellent thermal conductivity, thermal mass and low air-infiltration. This
practical combination of properties in one system provides an excellent thermal insulation material
and permits peak energy usage in the building to be shifted to off-peak hours, thus reducing
operation cost for building users and owners, improving comfort of living and reducing the demand
on power generation facilities.
2.0 Definitions.
It is important to remember that thermal performance of any building material is the result of several
factors and may not be assumed either effective or ineffective on the basis of any one factor. In this
section, there are definitions and examples of the various thermal properties that are used to
determine overall thermal efficiency of any building material. It will be shown how these thermal
properties generally influence the design of the building envelope and specifically how the AAC
thermal properties result in outstanding performance and energy savings. .
Thermal Conductivity “K” ( .F) is a measure of the material conductivity as tested in a
laboratory procedure that measures the heat flow through building material under steady and
constant climatic conditions. It is important to remember that these laboratory conditions do not
reflect the normal climatic cycles. Based on the above definition, it is obvious that the lower the K
value the higher the insulating value. The following table gives the “K” value for different materials;
Thermal Resistance “R” (h.Ft2.F/Btu) is the opposite of the thermal conductivity and it is the
resistance of material to conduct or allow heat flow. R-value
Note: Wall System and Concrete Wall System Consist of Plaster on both side of the wall
Heat Transmission Coeficient, U-value (Btu/h. Ft2.°F) is defined as the amount of heat, expressed in BTU’s
transmitted in one hour through one square foot of a building envelope in 1 °F temperature diference.
Note: AAC Wall System and Concrete Wall System Consist of Plaster on both side of the wall
In addition to the above basic material thermal properties, other thermal properties such as specific
heat and heat capacity effect the performance of building envelope.
Specific heat, s (Btu/Ib.°F) is the amount of heat required to raise one pound of material one
degree °F.
In the “steady state” thermal values obtained from laboratory testing, it is assumed that temperatures
at both sides of a wall are constant and remain constant for a period of time, unlike what actually
occurs in normal conditions. In actual conditions, the temperature levels on both sides of walls may
change during a 24-hour period. In many cases, the exterior temperature may experience large
temperature swings. These changes may cause a reversal in direction of the heat flow or at the
least, “delay” the heat flow to the point where it substantially reduces the heat transfer to the inside
the building envelope.