Case 12 Questions

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Analysis Question
1. In trying to teach the student a lesson about taking responsibility for her
actions, did the teacher go too far and become a bully? Why or why not? Does
she deserve to be fired for her actions?
 Yes, the teacher go too far and become a bully because she confront
the student in the classroom and post the video for the public to see her
student apologizing to her, that action of the teacher is also ruining the
dignity of her student in social media and that is also an act of
cyberbullying as a teacher she must know that her act a part of
cyberbullying and she must become the role model to the student and
teach her student what to do when they are feeling upset instead of
confronting her student she must talk to her student in private and
teach her student the consequences of cyberbullying. No, the teacher
do not deserve to be fired we give the teacher another chance because
maybe she has done it because she’s also feeling upset. We think that
both of the student and teacher must go to the guidance office and be
educated that if you feel upset to anyone you should not post it on
social media and talk to them in private. Teach them to think before
they click.

2. What punishment does the student deserve? Why?

 The student should ho to the guidance office with the teacher. They
both deserve to talk and clean their reputation by deleting their post.
Before doing punishment the authority should know the reason why
they did it. So for us the student do not deserved to be punished but to
be educated maybe because of her age she do not know the
consequences of what she did. But if the student did it once again
maybe that is the perfect time to punish the student.

3. Who is the victim in this case? The teacher or the student? Was one
victimized more than the other? Explain.
 Both of the student and the teacher are victims of each others anger
and of social media. No one is victimized more than the other because
the teacher also did what the student did to her. If the teacher do not
confront her student in front of the class and don’t post the video in
social media, she will become the victim, but since the teacher post the
video she also become guilty. Although the student did the first
bullying she still do not deserve to be bullied back by the teacher. And
because of that inappropriate action of the teacher, she also become the
bully. And both of them become the offender and the victim.

4. Do victims have the right to defend themselves against bullies? What if they
go through the proper channels to report bullying and it doesn’t stop?
 Yes, all victims have the right to defend themselves against bullies but
in a correct manner. The victim should defend themselves by telling
the authority, we should always remember that there are do much
many ways to defend ourselves where we do not become the offender.
If the offender or the bully still did not stop bullying you after
reporting them to authorities you should stay away from them. As a
victim of bullying you have the right to file a case against them and
that is the only way to get rid of the bully. I think anyone does not
want to go to prison, so if you file a case against them you will get the
justice you deserve and also you can get rid of the bully and the bully
will no longer become a bully anymore its like you just teach a bully
their lesson in a good way.

5. How should compassion play a role in judging other’s actions?

 Compassion plays a big role in judging other’s action in a way where
you have concern to others. You have no right to judge others action in
a negative way because that will tear them down and slowly hurts
them until they give up their goal. Having compassion in judging
others may help them a lot especially in encouraging them to strive
harder and helps build others confidence. We should always have
compassion to others because these will make everyone peace and
everyone succeed in life.

6. How are factors like age and gender used to “excuse” unethical behavior? (ie.
“Boys will be boys” or “She’s too young/old to understand that what she did
is wrong”) Can you think of any other factors that are sometimes used to
excuse unethical behavior?
 Factors like age and gender are used as an excuse to unethical behavior
is a way that people think that anyone with under age do not
understand of do nit know the consequences of what they are doing. It
is right to use gender as an excuse for unethical behavior because it is
true that people with young age are not yet educated to the possible
consequences of what they are doing but at the same time at a young
age their parents also somehow teach them to do good things and
avoid doing bad things that will hurt others. While on the other hand
gender is not acceptable to be an excuse for unethical behavior
because anyone, boys or girls can do the same thing its just we that
that a girl weaker and soft hearted that they cannot hurt others but
sometimes girls are also bully especially when they think that people
has sympathy for them. Being out of school, sometimes I encounter
out of school youth who bullied me my parents always tells me that its
ok and I should nit mind them because unlike me I go to school and
they are not so I should understand them that they just did it because
they are not educated in school. Being out of school is also an excuse
for having unethical behavior.

7. How is cyberbullying similar or different from face-to-face bullying? Is one

more harmful than the other? Explain.
 Cyberbullying is similar to face-to-face bullying because both are a
way of hurting and tearing other down, but at the same time it is
different because cyberbullying is more on ruining reputations to
others because anyone that is using social media can see what bullies
tells to you while in face-to-face bullying only you and your close
friends and families will know about what bullies did to you. It is more
scandalous to be bullied on social media rather on face-to-face. Both
are harmful because first in cyberbullying, people who was bullied in
social media become depress because they think that the whole world
is witness of what bullies did to them and they think that the whole
world is their enemy. At the end that depression lead them to commit
suicide. The second is fav-to-face bullying this is also harmful because
being bullied in face-to-face come in different ways such as hurting
their victims physically to death.

8. Do you know anyone who has been the victim of cyber-bullying? What types
of harm did this person experience?
 Yes, I know a you tuber who has been bullied on social media lately,
he is a minor but a his young age he become a famous influencer and
also being bullied always on social media. He suffers under different
harm, he receives death threat and most of the bullies bullied him
using harmful words. He experience a lot of pressure and at the same
time difficulties but because of his dedication he still continue what he
is doing and he still continue being a social media influencer.

9. Why or why not? Does she deserve to be fired for her actions?
 The teacher do not deserve to be fired because everyone deserves a
second chance. We can admit that all people sometimes makes mistake
even a teacher that studies everything. No one is perfect, its just maybe
the teacher was pressure or was filled with anger because we do not
know if the student did it for the first time or always did it until the
teacher was run out of patience. We just need to help them overcome
what they are experiencing because giving them punishment will not
fix everything, it will just add to the depression or hurt that the teacher
and the student are experiencing.

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