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Global Change Biology (2011) 17, 3736–3746, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02499.

Quantifying the hydrological responses to climate change

in an intact forested small watershed in Southern China
C H U N L I N W A N G ¶ , G U O W E I C H U * , S H I Z H O N G L I U * , X U L I T A N G * and X I A O D O N G L I U *
*South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, 510650, China, †University of British Columbia
(Okanagan), 3333 University Way, Kelowna British Columbia, V1V 1V7, Canada, ‡Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC)
Research and Technology Solutions, Contractor to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science
(EROS) Center, Sioux Falls, SD, 57198, USA, §U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS)
Center, Sioux Falls, SD, 57198, USA, ¶Climate and Agrometeorology Center of Guangdong Province, China Meteorological
Administration, Guangzhou, 510080, China

Responses of hydrological processes to climate change are key components in the Intergovernmental Panel for
Climate Change (IPCC) assessment. Understanding these responses is critical for developing appropriate mitigation
and adaptation strategies for sustainable water resources management and protection of public safety. However, these
responses are not well understood and little long-term evidence exists. Herein, we show how climate change, specifi-
cally increased air temperature and storm intensity, can affect soil moisture dynamics and hydrological variables
based on both long-term observation and model simulations using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in an
intact forested watershed (the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve) in Southern China. Our results show that, although
total annual precipitation changed little from 1950 to 2009, soil moisture decreased significantly. A significant decline
was also found in the monthly 7-day low flow from 2000 to 2009. However, the maximum daily streamflow in the wet
season and unconfined groundwater tables have significantly increased during the same 10-year period. The signifi-
cant decreasing trends on soil moisture and low flow variables suggest that the study watershed is moving towards
drought-like condition. Our analysis indicates that the intensification of rainfall storms and the increasing number of
annual no-rain days were responsible for the increasing chance of both droughts and floods. We conclude that climate
change has indeed induced more extreme hydrological events (e.g. droughts and floods) in this watershed and per-
haps other areas of Southern China. This study also demonstrated usefulness of our research methodology and its
possible applications on quantifying the impacts of climate change on hydrology in any other watersheds where long-
term data are available and human disturbance is negligible.
Keywords: climate change, floods and droughts, intact watershed, long-term study, precipitation pattern, soil moisture

Received 23 April 2011 and accepted 7 June 2011

annual amount in many areas of the world (Karl &

Knight, 1998; Mason et al., 1999; Easterling et al., 2000a;
Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate New et al., 2001; Luo et al., 2008; Schiermeier, 2008; Piao
change may have significant impacts on terrestrial et al., 2010; Qiu, 2010). For example, Piao et al. (2009,
hydrological cycle by altering the spatiotemporal distri- 2010) identified increased frequency of floods and
bution of precipitation, air temperature, evapotranspi- droughts in China’s cropland during the past 40 years
ration, plants, etc. (Saxe et al., 1998; Wand et al., 1999; as well as heat waves during the past 50 years.
Medlyn et al., 2001; Eckhardt & Ulbrich, 2003; Ficklin In spite of growing interest in assessing the impacts
et al., 2009; Wu et al., 2011). Several large-scale studies of climate change on hydrology, few studies have dealt
based on modelling and observations implied that glo- with the underlying mechanism of hydrological
bal climate change have altered the watershed hydrol- responses to climate change (IPCC, 2007; Schiermeier,
ogy (Easterling et al., 2000b; Jackson et al., 2001; Koster 2008; Qiu, 2010). Due to interactive effect of climate
et al., 2004; Piao et al., 2009) and the intensification of change and land use shifts, it is challenging to quantify
rainfall storms is more notable than the change of the relative contribution of climate change to hydrol-
ogy without removing the effect of land use changes
Correspondence: Guoyi Zhou, tel. +86 20 3725 2708, (Shukla & Mintz, 1982; Koster & Suarez, 2003; Qiu,
fax +86 20 3725 2615, e-mail: 2010; Wei & Zhang, 2010b; Zhou et al., 2010). The lack

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H Y D R O L O G I C A L R E S P O N S E S T O C L I M A T E C H A N G E 3737

of a suitable and commonly accepted research method- vations including precipitation, air temperature, soil
ology may be the major reason for this challenge (Wei moisture, streamflow and groundwater table, etc. can
& Zhang, 2010a). Statistical and hydrological models help us to understand the occurred climate change and
are frequently used to assess climate change effect on hydrological processes, while SWAT model can be used
hydrology but each approach has its own weakness to investigate the processes and mechanisms as to how
(Wei & Zhang, 2010a; Zhang et al., 2011). Where data climate change affect hydrological processes. The com-
are appropriate and long-term, and statistical assump- bination of long-term data with a hydrological model
tions are met, statistical techniques or models are use- offers better and complementary opportunity to assess
ful to develop inference between hydrological the impacts of climate change on soil moisture and
parameters and responsible variables. Statistical mod- hydrology.
els do not provide information on the underlying
physical processes that control hydrological response.
Materials and methods
Physically based hydrological models, such as
DHSVM, MIKE-SHE and VIC require time-consuming
Study area
calibration and validation process, as well as large
datasets including topography, vegetation, climate and Dinghushan Bioshere Reserve (23°09′21″N–23°11’30″N, 112°
hydrology. In particular, hydrological models need 32’39″E–112°35’41″E) is located about 84 km west of Guangz-
empirical data and relationships to validate the interac- hou in central Guangdong province, Southern China (Fig. 1).
tive effect of climate and land use changes on hydrol- It was established in 1950 to protect natural monsoon ever-
green broadleaved forests (MBF) in the lower subtropics and
ogy (if their relative contributions must be separated),
was accredited as the first National Natural Reserve in China
which are normally not available. Therefore, alterna-
in 1956. The reserve covers an area of 1156 ha, divided into
tive methods must be explored to quantify the hydro- eastern and western watersheds of area 613.2 ha and 542.8 ha,
logical effects of climate change. respectively. The elevation ranges from 14 to 1000 m above
Globally, soil moisture is not monitored as regularly sea level. The region has a typical southern subtropical mon-
as temperature or precipitation because it is not easily soon climate, with annual average precipitation of 1678 mm,
collected (Robock & Li, 2006; Schiermeier, 2008). Clari- of which nearly 80% falls in the wet season (April–September)
fying the relationship between climate change and soil and the other 20% falls in the dry season (October–March).
moisture is difficult because there are few continuous The annual mean temperature and relative humidity are
soil moisture monitoring sites around the world (Ro- 22.3 °C and 77.7%, respectively. The bedrock is sandstone and
bock & Li, 2006; Schiermeier, 2008; Piao et al., 2009). shale. Soils have a pH 4.0–4.9 and are classified in the ultisol
group and udult subgroup according to USDA soil classifica-
Although numerous modelling studies discussed the
tion system (Buol et al., 2003).
change between soil moisture and air temperature as
There were no changes in land covers and uses in DBR
well as rainfall (Hong & Kalnay, 2000; Seneviratne before and after 1950s. In addition to the MBF, pine forests
et al., 2006; Fischer et al., 2007), climate change and soil (PF) and mixed pine and broadleaved forests (PBF) are other
moisture relationships are not well understood due to two most common forest communities that represent the
limited data (Dirmeyer, 2000; Koster et al., 2004; Schi- early- and mid-successional stages of MBF, respectively. The
ermeier, 2008). Further, the substantial uncertainty of age of the youngest forest type (PF) is older than 60 years. Pre-
climate projections using General Circulation Models vious studies in the study area showed that, although the total
(GCMs) (Wolock & McCabe, 1999) also hinders scien- biomass of several succession vegetation types has been
tific progresses in assessing regional climate change increasing, their leaf biomass has kept relative constant with
impacts on ecosystems and water resources (Milly an insignificant downtrend since 1980s (Zhou et al., 2007; Tang
et al., 2011), and no yearly uptrend in transpiration was found
et al., 2008; Schiermeier, 2008).
(Yan et al., 2001a,b).
In this study, to quantify the impacts of climate
All the long-term observations on soil moisture, stream dis-
change on soil moisture and hydrology in Southern charge and groundwater tables were conducted in the eastern
China, we used a unique design of a long-term moni- watershed of DBR (Fig. 1). The rationale for selecting sites to
toring programme and hydrological modelling with monitor streamflow, groundwater level and soil moisture was
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in an intact to assess dynamic responses of those hydrological variables to
forested watershed. The intact forested watershed climate variability and construct water budget in an intact, for-
(Dinghushan Bioshere Reserve or DBR) is dominated ested watershed. Therefore, the distribution of the probes
by regional climax evergreen broadleaved forest, which installed in 1979 was based on the two factors: representation
has not been disturbed in the last 60 years. Selection of of spatial watershed soil moisture as much as possible and
this watershed allows removal of the confounding easy deployment of equipment. Soil moisture monitoring sites
were located in six major forested catchments of the eastern
effect of land use change so that the effects of climate
watershed, two for MBF, three for PBF and one for PF. The
change can be effectively quantified. Long-term obser-

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3738 G . Z H O U et al.

Fig. 1 Locations (left panel) of Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve (DBR) (black solid triangle) and Gaoyao Weather Station (GYWS) (red
solid circle) and topographical map (right panel) of DBR. DBR is divided into eastern (upper and right) and western (lower and left)
watersheds and covered with three major vegetation communities. A (1-2)-MBF (monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest), B (1–3)-PBF
(mixed pine and broadleaved forests), C-PF (pine forest), G(1–4)-groundwater wells, P-weather station and W-hydrological station.

areas of the six catchments range from 4 to 30 ha. Stream dis- metric water content (%) of respective soil layers after being
charge and groundwater tables were measured through combined with soil bulk density.
hydrological weir and four groundwater wells, respectively,
that were located near the outlet of the watershed. The four
groundwater wells were used to monitor the groundwater Soil water characteristic curve (SWCC)
table dynamics of the unconfined aquifer in the downstream The SWCC was determined in three forested catchments, A1,
of DBR. These wells are located in the range of 60–150 m from B2 and C, in 2006. Three measurement locations were selected
the weir, and their elevations are 2–6 m higher than the weir. and evenly arranged in upper, middle and lower parts of each
catchment, which are close to neutron probes. Therefore, there
are nine SWCC measurement locations in total. Five sampling
Soil moisture
points at each measurement location were randomly selected.
Soil moistures were measured using both neutron probe and Soil cores in each of the nine layers (0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, 20–
gravimetric sampling since 1979 (Table 1) in six forested 30 cm, 30–40 cm, 40–50 cm, 50–60 cm, 60–70 cm, 70–80 cm
catchments (A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, C as shown in Fig. 1) of the and 80–90 cm) were taken using stainless steel corer (5.65 cm
eastern watershed. Nine neutron probes were installed in each in diameter, 4 cm in depth and 100 cm3 in volume). Soil mois-
catchment, evenly arranged in upper, middle and lower parts ture was measured gravimetrically and soil water potential
of each catchment. Therefore, there are a total of 54 neutron (Table 1) was determined using centrifugation (Hassler &
probes. In the top 90 cm soil layer, six layers (0–15 cm, 15– Brunner, 1945).
30 cm, 30–45 cm, 45–60 cm, 60–75 cm and 75–90 cm) were
subdivided. Three to six measurements (usually every 5 days)
were made monthly using neutron probe method. Next to the Streamflow and groundwater table
neutron probes, soil samples were collected monthly with a The daily streamflow data were collected at the hydrological
30 mm diameter auger to determine the gravimetric soil mois- station (marked with ‘W’ in Fig. 1) which controls the eastern
ture contents corresponding to the same layers as sampled by watershed. Streamflow was recorded automatically with
neutron probe method. All results were changed into volu- both digital (WGZ-1, resolution 1 mm) and mechanical

Table 1 Measurement description of a number of variables

No. Variable Measurement method Measurement period

1 Soil moisture Neutron probe and gravimetric sampling 1979–2009*

2 Soil water potential Centrifugation 2006
3 Groundwater table Groundwater well 1999–2009
4 Streamflow Hydraulic weir 2000–2009
5 Daily precipitation and air temperature Gaoyao weather station 1954–2009

Note: *With missing values in some years.

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equipments (HCJ1, resolution 1 mm) at the weir. Within the

range of 150 m from the hydrological weir, there are four
groundwater wells (marked G1, G2, G3 and G4 in Fig. 1) used
to manually measure groundwater tables once every 5 days.
The groundwater table was directly determined by manually
measuring the depth below land surface with a floating

Precipitation and air temperature

Daily air temperature and precipitation representing the
DBR’s climatic regime were obtained from the Gaoyao
Weather Station, 10 km from DBR. There are no significant
differences in air temperature and precipitation between the
Gaoyao Weather Station and DBR Weather Station (Yan et al.,
2003) (Fig. 1).

Statistical analysis
Prior to any statistical analysis, data must be checked on nor-
mality, autocorrelation etc. Where data do not meet those sta-
tistical assumptions, data were transferred or alternative
statistical tests (i.e. distribution-free non-parametric test) were
applied. We used the least squares method to obtain the linear
fits of trends in air temperature, precipitation, soil moistures,
groundwater tables, annual ratio of water yield to precipita-
tion, monthly 7-day low flow and the maximum daily flow in
May and June (Figs 2 and 3). If the slopes of fitted linear lines
are significantly different from zero (t-test: P < 0.05), the
trends are considered to be statistically significant.

SWAT and its modification

The SWAT model was developed by the USDA Agricultural
Research Service (Arnold et al., 1998) for exploring the effects
of climate and land management practices on water, sediment
and agricultural chemical yields. This physically based
watershed scale model simulates the hydrological cycle, cycles
of plant growth, the transportation of sediment and agricul-
tural chemical yields on a daily time step (Arnold et al., 1998; Fig. 2 Temporal trends in soil moisture, groundwater table and
Neitsch et al., 2005). The hydrological part of the model is streamflow in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve (DBR), with error
based on the water balance equation in the soil profile with bars as standard deviations; (a) monthly soil moisture during
processes, including precipitation, surface runoff, infiltration, 1979–2009 and the corresponding soil water potential in the top
evapotranspiration, lateral flow, percolation and groundwater 50 cm soil layer (y = 2.2x + 4502.2, R2 = 0.63, n = 218,
flow (Arnold et al., 1998; Neitsch et al., 2005). P < 0.0001, y-soil moisture (mm); x-year); (b) monthly ground-
For simulating baseflow in SWAT, Qb,i, on a given day i water table near the outlet during 1999–2009 (y = 0.042x – 86.3,
(mm/day), the following equation was adopted (Neitsch et al., R2 = 0.17, n = 119, P < 0.0001, y-groundwater table (m), x-year);
2005), (c) monthly hydrograph and other characteristics of streamflow
in the outlet during 2000–2009; c1-monthly hydrograph; c2-ratio
Qb;i ¼ Qb;i1  eb t þ Wrchg;i  ð1  eb t Þ ð1Þ of dry season streamflow to the precipitation (RASAP)
where ab is the baseflow recession constant, Dt is the time step (y = 0.015x + 29.6, R2 = 0.84, n = 10, P = 0.0001, y-RASAP, x-
(1 day), and Wrchg,i is the amount of recharge entering the year); c3-monthly 7-day low flow (MSDLL) in each month
aquifer on day i (mm day-1), and is calculated by the equation (y = 0.0058x + 11.6, R2 = 0.27, n = 120, P < 0.0001, y-MSDLL
below, (m3 s1), x-year); and c4-the top ten daily stremflow (TTDS) in
May and June (y = 0.063x - 125.4, R2 = 0.20, n = 100,
Wrchg;i ¼ Wseep  ð1  e1=b Þ þ Wrchg;i1  e1=b ð2Þ
P < 0.0001, y-TTDS (m3 s1), x-year).
where db is the delay time or drainage time of the overlying
geological formation (days), Wseep is the total amount of water

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3740 G . Z H O U et al.

Fig. 3 Trends in annual periods, dry seasons and wet seasons of mean air temperatures (a, b, c), total rainfall (d, e, f), total no-rain days
(g, h, i), total light-rain days (with precipitation intensities less than 10 mm day1) (j, k, l) and the percentage of annual rainfall in the
intensity range of 50–100 mm day1 to the annual total (APARI) (m, n, o) during 1954–2009, 1954–1979 and 1980–2009. Significant
(P < 0.05) trends for both periods of 1954–2009 and 1954–1979 were found only for air temperature. The trends with statistic signifi-
cance (P < 0.05) in the period of 1980–2009 are depicted with regression equations in the respective panels.

exiting the bottom of the soil profile on day i (mm day-1), and seepage enters the groundwater system and how fast the
Wrchg,i-1 is the amount of recharge entering aquifer on day i-1 water in the shallow aquifer discharges to a river or lake,
(mm day-1). respectively. However, we found this baseflow representation
According to Neitsch et al. (2005), the calculation of is not suitable for our study area, because the simulated
baseflow in SWAT is a function of seepage from the soil profile groundwater table (i.e. shallow aquifer water content) cannot
in addition to two parameters, delay time of recharge db and match well with the observations, no matter how we calibrate
baseflow recession constant ab, which determine how fast the the above two parameters under the premise of satisfactory

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simulation of soil moisture and streamflow. Therefore, we pro- In this study, a Geographic Information System (GIS) inter-
posed an alternative equation to represent the baseflow pro- face, ArcSWAT (Winchell et al., 2009) was used to automate
cess in the study area as shown below, the development of input parameters for SWAT. The 10-m
  digital elevation model (DEM) data for delineating sub-basins
Wgw;i  GWQMN b
Qb;i ¼ a  ð3Þ and this discretization resulted in the definition of 78 sub-
Wgw;mx  GWQMN basins for the DBR. The land cover and soil data from field
where Qb,i is the baseflow on a given day i (mm/day), Wgw,i is survey and Guangdong Soil (Guangdong Soil Survey Office
the water in the shallow aquifer on a given day i (mm), (GSSO), 1993 were used to parameterize the SWAT model.
GWQMN is the threshold depth of water in the shallow aqui- The multiple Hydrological Response Unit (HRU) model
fer required for baseflow to occur (mm), which is an existing option was used for representing the dominant land uses and
parameter in SWAT, Wgw,mx is the maximum allowable depth soil types as separate HRUs within a subbasin. As a result, the
of water in the shallow aquifer (mm), a and b are linear and study area was divided into 136 HRUs. Considering the small
exponential coefficients to be calibrated. size of our study area and the major type of land cover (MBF,
Once baseflow, Qb,i is obtained by the above equation at a PBF and PF), the delineation of subbasins and HRUs can rep-
daily time step, it is updated considering the memory effect of resent the DBR landscape for hydrological modelling.
groundwater flow using the following equation,

Qb;i 0 ¼ Qb;i1 0  eb t þ Qb;i  ð1  eb t Þ ð4Þ Model calibration and validation
where Qb,i′ is the updated baseflow on a given day i (mm/ Through investigation of literature related to SWAT calibra-
day), Qb,i-1′ is the baseflow calculated on a previous day i-1 tion (Santhi et al., 2001; Muleta & Nicklow, 2005; Arabi et al.,
(mm day1), Dt is the time step (1 day), and ab is the baseflow 2008) as well as testing of sensitive parameters reported
recession constant. therein, eight parameters involved in the original SWAT were
Thus, the original SWAT was modified by incorporating the selected for model calibration. By including the three extra
above new method for baseflow simulation. Comparing to the parameters (i.e. a, b and Wgw,mx, see Section Streamflow and
original method, adoption of the new method in SWAT groundwater table) when using the new method to estimate
involved two existing parameters (i.e. ab, and GWQMN) and baseflow, a total of eleven parameters were finally selected
three extra parameters (i.e. a, b, and Wgw,mx). Since GWQMN (Table 2).
and Wgw,mx can be estimated as the minimum and maximum Although the observation for soil moisture could cover a
observed amounts of water in the shallow aquifer (i.e. corre- longer time (from 1979 to 2009 with missing values for some
sponding to the lowest and highest observed groundwater years), groundwater table and streamflow were only mea-
tables), three parameters, a, b and ab need to be calibrated for sured for 10 years from 2000 to 2009. As a result, the SWAT
baseflow simulation. model was calibrated and validated using 6-year (2000–2005)
and 4-year (2006–2009) observation data, respectively, includ-
ing streamflow, groundwater table and soil moisture. The
Model input SWAT built-in auto-calibration procedure (van Griensven
The SWAT model requires inputs on weather, topography, et al., 2006; Green & van Griensven, 2008), which is for
soils, land cover and land management (Arnold et al., 2000). streamflow and other constituents in the channel, is modified

Table 2 Calibrated parameters for the eastern watershed of Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve (DBR)

Parameter Description Range Calibrated value/change

CN2 SCS curve number for moisture condition II 8 to +8% 4%*

ESCO Soil evaporation compensation factor 0.001–1 0.75
EPCO Plant uptake compensation factor 0.001–1 0.6
SOL_AWC Soil available water capacity (mm H2O/mm Soil) 0–1 0.23
SOL_K Saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm h1) 0–100 12
GW_delay Groundwater delay (days) 0–31 4
GWQMN Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer 0–500 300à
required for baseflow to occur (mm)
ALPHA_BF Baseflow alpha factor (days) 0–1 0.5
Wgw,mx Maximum amount of water in the shallow aquifer (mm) – 450†
a Linear parameter for baseflow estimation 0–1 0.015
b Exponential parameter for baseflow estimation 0–1 0.04

Note: *Means relative changes of parameters to their default values,

Means it is taken from the minimum observed water amount in the shallow aquifer instead of trial-and-error,

Means it is taken from the maximum observed water amount in the shallow aquifer instead of trial-and-error.

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for the three variables of interest (streamflow, soil moisture terns and trends (i.e. decreasing soil moisture and
and groundwater table) in our study. rising groundwater table) (Fig. 2).

Modelling of intensified rainfall and increased Trends in air temperature and precipitation
In the past five decades, the annual temperature and
To assess the connections between climate change and hydro- temperatures in both dry (October–March next year)
logical variables, the calibrated SWAT model was applied to and wet (April–September) seasons in the DBR region
compare the following three different scenarios: Reference
increased significantly by approximately 1.0 ± 0.1 °C,
Scenario is the one with low intensity rainfall of 1975, Scenario
1.3 ± 0.6 °C and 0.6 ± 0.2 °C (Fig. 3a-c), respectively.
1 refers to high intensity rainfall of 2005 and air temperature
The total amount of rainfall over the annual period, dry
of 1975, and Scenario 2 refers to high intensity rainfall of 2005
and high temperature of 2005. Total annual precipitations in seasons and wet seasons did not show any significant
1975 and 2005 are the same, but rainfall intensities are differ- changes (Fig. 3d-f). However, the annual number of no-
ent. All other variables remain the same for comparison pur- rain days has significantly increased (Fig. 3g) and the
pose among the three scenarios. This comparison with a annual number of light-rain days (i.e. with rainfall
physically based model can help to investigate the impacts of <10 mm day1) has decreased significantly (Fig. 3j)
changed rainfall and temperature on specific hydrological since 1980. The increase in no-rain days and decrease in
processes (surface runoff, soil moisture, groundwater level) light-rain days were statistically significant in the dry
when measurements cannot be easily implemented. season (Fig. 3h and k), but not significant (P > 0.05) in
the wet season (Fig. 3i and l). The annual proportional
Results and discussion amount of rainfall with intensity (APARI) of 50–
100 mm day1 has significantly increased since around
Model evaluation 1980 (Fig. 3m). The annual increasing trend in APARI
can be mainly caused by the significant increase in
As mentioned previously, the SWAT model was cali- APARI in wet season (Fig. 3o) even though the decreas-
brated and validated using 6-year and 4-year observa- ing trend APARI in dry season is also statistically sig-
tion data, respectively, including streamflow, nificant (Fig. 3n). In short, the air temperature has been
groundwater table and soil moisture. The calibrated increasing, while total rainfall shows no significant
values of these parameters are listed in Table 2. The change since 1954 in the DBR region. However, rainfall
model performance given in Table 3 indicates that the patterns have been shifted towards more severe storms
SWAT model is satisfactory (P < 0.00001) in simulating in the wet seasons, and more no-rain days and less
monthly streamflow with R2 being 0.78 and 0.66 for cal- light-rain days in dry season since around 1980.
ibration and validation, respectively. However, the R2
values for simulating groundwater table and soil mois-
ture were as low as 0.4 and 0.24, respectively, for the Trends in hydrological variables
validation period. This may be due to relatively large A significant declining trend in soil moisture starting
spatial variations on those two parameters, as com- from the early 1980s is apparent in Fig. 2a. Based on
pared to SWAT simulated values. Nevertheless, the the observation data, the mean rates of decrease were
visual comparison shows a good fit between the obser- 2.2 ± 0.1 mm yr1 and this trend was different from
vations and simulated values, particularly for the pat- zero at a = 0.05 (t-test). The mean dry season (October–
March) soil moisture decreased from 162.3 mm in 1983
to 107.4 mm in 2009. The soil moisture in the wet sea-
Table 3 Evaluation of model performance in simulating son (April–September) decreased from 186.6 mm in
streamflow, groundwater table, and soil moisture during the 1983 to 122.5 mm in 2009 and the soil water potential
calibration (2000–2005) and validation (2006–2009) periods decreased from about 15 kPa in the early 1980s to
Variable Period PE (%) R2 about 200 kPa in 2009. In natural broadleaved forests,
trees are stressed when soil water potential falls below
Streamflow Calibration 13.67 0.66 100 kPa in humid Southern China (Gao et al., 2002).
Validation 4.74 0.78 Considering the dynamic soil water potential, tree
GW table Calibration 1.42 0.33
growth in DBR could have been started since 1980s,
Validation 8.61 0.40
especially after 2001.
Soil moisture Calibration 11.12 0.39
Soil water potential values were about 15 to
Validation 16.90 0.24
50 kPa year round (Fig. 2a) from 1979 to the early
Note: PE, percent error (Green & van Griensven, 2008). 1980s and this may indicate that the forest soils in DBR

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were rather wet (close to the soil field capacity in the chance of both floods and droughts as a result of
wet season). Only since around 1980 when precipitation change in rainfall intensity and air temperature.
regime has significantly changed and air temperature
has been increasing, did the soil moistures show a
Simulated hydrological impacts of changed climate
declining trend. The soil moisture declines coincided
with the change in rainfall patterns that are character- Changed climate in the DBR was characterized by the
ized as more no-rain days and more intensified storms intensified rainfall and increased temperature and its
as described previously. effects on hydrological variables were assessed using
Data on groundwater tables measured in the lower the calibrated SWAT model. Both Table 4 and Fig. 4
reach of the watershed showed a significantly present the simulation results under the three different
(P < 0.0001) increasing trend since the starting of obser- scenarios stated previously. Figure 4a shows that soil
vation in 1999 (Fig. 2b). The mean rates of increase moisture decreased significantly especially in the dry
were 4.2 ± 0.9 cm yr1. The trend was different from season due to the elongation of no-rain days, and con-
zero at a = 0.05 (t-test). sequently led to the reduction of actual evapotranspira-
Although no apparent trend (P > 0.05) in monthly tion (ET) (Table 4; Fig. 4b) in the dry season even if the
streamflow has been detected for the past decade since potential evapotranspiration (PET) remained
the observation began (Fig. 2c1), both the ratios of dry unchanged (Scenario 1: high intensity rainfall and low
season streamflow to the precipitation (RASAP, water temperature in 1975). The increased PET due to the
yield coefficient) (Fig. 2c2) and monthly 7-day low higher temperature can slightly raise the actual ET due
flows (MSDLL) (Fig. 2c3) have been significantly to the insufficient soil moisture in the dry season and
decreasing (P < 0.0001). On the contrary, the high daily this temperature effect was much less than that of the
streamflow values (the 1st to 10th ranks) in May and changed rainfall pattern. Therefore, the changed rain-
June (TTDS) show a significant increase trend fall pattern was the dominating factor, which led to
(P < 0.0001) (Fig. 2c4). decreases of about 10% in soil moisture and 19% in
Overall, decline in soil moisture, water yield coeffi- annual average ET (Table 4). From Fig. 4c and d, the
cient and monthly 7-day low flow demonstrate an intensified rainfall raised the annual groundwater table
uptrend in drought, and rising in high flows and by 5.8% and increased the surface runoff by 143% in
groundwater tables suggest an increasing risk in flood- the wet season. Figure 4e shows that the peak
ing events. Clearly, climate change has pushed hydro- streamflow in 2005 was much larger than that in 1975
logical regime to two opposite extremes by increasing during April to July when soil moistures were at rela-

Table 4 Comparisons of hydrological responses to three different climate change scenarios

Observation/simulation Relative change†

Reference Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2

High intensity High intensity High intensity High intensity

Low intensity P P and low T P and high T P and low T P and high T

Year 1975 2005 – –

P (mm)* 1909 1905 Nearly no change
Number of dry days* 177 217 22.6%
Air temperature (°C)* 21.90 21.90 22.53 – 0.63
PET (mm) 1165 1165 1182 – 1.5%
ET (mm) 941 758 765 19.4% 18.7%
Water in the 50 cm soil (mm) 149 134 134 10.1% 10.1%
Surface runoff (mm) 56 136 137 143% 143%
Lateral flow (mm) 351 403 413 14.8% 17.7%
Baseflow (mm) 528 632 616 19.7% 16.7%
Water yield (mm) 935 1171 1165 25.2% 24.6%
Groundwater recharge (mm) 579 664 650 14.7% 12.3%
GW table depth (m) 2.08 1.96 1.96 5.8% 5.8%

Note: †The changes of the two scenarios relative to the reference;

Observed data; P, precipitation; T, air temperature; PET, potential evapotranspiration; ET, actual evapotranspiration; and GW,

© 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 17, 3736–3746

3744 G . Z H O U et al.

Fig. 4 Simulated responses of some hydrological parameters to intensified rainfall and increased air temperature in the DBR region
under the low intensity rainfall (1975) and the high intensity rainfall (2005) (the total amounts of rainfall in 1975 and 2005 were nearly
the same, 1909 and 1905 mm, respectively; P is precipitation, T is temperature, and GW is groundwater); and (a) monthly soil moisture
content in the top 50 cm soil layer; (b) monthly PET and ET; (c) monthly groundwater (shallow aquifer) table depth; (d) monthly sur-
face runoff; (e) daily streamflow.

tively high levels, with 113% of increase in streamflow season clearly due to the soil water holding capacity,
under an increasing of 45% in rainfall during the 4- while the increased number of dry days reduced the
month period. In contrast, about 42% of decrease in soil moisture dramatically in the dry season. This con-
streamflow during the other eight months (i.e. August– sequently leads to the reduced ET due to the insuffi-
March) in 2005 was estimated when rainfall declined cient soil moisture as shown in Table 4. The intensified
by 31% during this period. The annual water yield rainfall in the wet season can raise both water yield and
under the high intensity rainfall was raised by 25% groundwater tables. Especially, the substantial increase
compared to that under the low intensity rainfall in surface runoff and streamflow would intensify the
(Table 4). Clearly, the changed rainfall pattern exacer- floods. In the dry season with increasing number of dry
bated both droughts and floods in the annual scale. days, however, the significant lower soil moisture level
decreased runoff generation and groundwater
recharge, which explains why the soil moisture content,
monthly 7-day low flows and the annual ratio of
The simulations demonstrated that the observed soil streamflow to precipitation (RASAP) were significantly
drying, high streamflow increasing, and elevated reduced (Fig. 2a, c2 and c3). This may suggest that
groundwater tables were controlled by the change in the response of soil moisture to climate change was a
precipitation patterns and air temperature. The intensi- critical factor causing the change in other hydrological
fied rainfall did not raise the soil moisture in the wet variables such as ET, RASAP, low flows, surface runoff,

© 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 17, 3736–3746

H Y D R O L O G I C A L R E S P O N S E S T O C L I M A T E C H A N G E 3745

streamflow and groundwater tables in the study season mainly due to the soil water holding capacity,
watershed. but increased number of dry days reduced the soil
This case study clearly demonstrated that droughts moisture drastically in dry season, and consequently
and floods can be accelerated by shifting of rainfall and caused ET reduction due to the insufficient soil mois-
temperature patterns at the watershed scale. Our results ture. The intensified rainfall in the wet season can
from this study are generally consistent with other increase water yield, surface runoff and groundwater
studies (Schiermeier, 2008; Piao et al., 2010; Porporato, tables, which would augment the magnitudes of floods.
2011). However, our study addressed the connections In the dry season with increasing number of dry days,
between the changing climate and droughts and floods the significant lower soil moisture level reduced runoff
by elaborating the central role of soil moisture drying generation and groundwater recharge, which led to sig-
and shifting in rainfall intensities. In addition, this case nificant reduction in soil moisture, monthly 7-day low
study demonstrated a unique research methodology in flows and the ratio of dry season streamflow to the
addressing relative contribution of climate change to precipitation (RASAP). Those soil moisture and hydro-
hydrology, which can be applicable to any other region logical responses suggest that climate change has inten-
where the watershed and data are comparable. sified both floods and droughts in Southern China. We
Assessing how regional climate change affects eco- also conclude that combined methodology of statistical
systems and water resources is critical for developing analysis with robust hydrological modelling applied in
appropriate strategies for public safety (Changnon & an intact, forested watershed can be extended to any
Easterling, 2000; Milly et al., 2008). The findings from others watersheds where long-term data are available
this study have important implications to management and human disturbances are negligible.
of long-term water resource sustainability. Due to past
mismanagement (i.e. deforestation, fast urbanization
and other land use changes), China has greatly and fre-
quently suffered from effects of droughts and floods. The study is supported by NSFC 30725006, 2009CB421101,
The results from this study suggest that climate change NSFC40730102 and NSFG8351065005000001 and belongs to a
part of CERN (Chinese Ecosystem Research Network).
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