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Class Notes

Class: XII Topic: CHAPTER-8


Key Points: 8.1. Meaning & Importance of Biomechanics

8.2 Types of Movements (Flexion, Extension Abduction and Adduction)
8.3 Newton’s Laws of motion & its application in sports

8.1 Meaning & Importance of Biomechanics Meaning of Biomechanics:

Bio + Mechanics
Bio  Living organism Mechanics
 Branch of Physical science which deals with force acting on a body in static
condition or in moving condition.
Biomechanics: is the study of forces & their effects on human being is moving or in
static condition.

Importance of Biomechanics:
 In Selection and Improvement of Technique
 To develop advanced sports equipment
 To develop new training method
 To speedup recovery process
 To prevent from sports Injuries
 To improve sports skill for movement economy

MCQ | Objective Types Question Answer

Q.1. Which is not the Importance of Biomechanics

(a) Improvement of Technique
(b) To understand the structure of Movement & effect of forces on the Movement
(c) To understand Physiology of human body
(d) Improvement of sports Equipment’s

Q.2. Biomechanics Deals units.

(a) Muscles involved in Movement
(b) Effect of force on Different Movements done by human body
(c) To understand the physiology of the body
(d) To understand Time & Distance concept of Various Movements.

Q.3. What are Biomechanics? How it helps in the field of sports & games.

Ans. Bio:  living organism

Mechanics: Branch of Physics. Which deals with effect of force on the object.
Biomechanics is branch of Science which deals with effect of forces acting on a living
of organism in moving condition or in Stationary condition. Biomechanics helps in
the field of sports in the following way.

1. Improvement of Technique: Biomechanics helps to improve technique. It

determines how the technique should be execute to get best result.
Example: Shifting from orthodox to disco put Technique is shotput.

2. Improvement of Equipment: If helps to improve equipment According to

nature & safety of the game for example in increase in thickness of mat for
high jump.
3. Improvement in Training method: It helps to develop new Training
method to get better result. for example, Development of Isotonic method to
develop strength.

4. Development of Skill: It helps to develop skill of the sports. Example:

Development in the skill of fielding in cricket.

8.2 Types of Movements (flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction)

Type of movements:

Flexion – Decrease in angle sagittal plane and frontal axis

Extension – Increases angle sagittal – Plane frontal axis

Abduction – A way from midline of body – Frontal planes sagittal axis

Adduction – Towards midline of body – frontal plane sagittal axis

Objective Types/MCQ

Q.4. Match the following:

(a) Flexion (I) Increase in Angle
(b) Extension (ii) Away from Mid line of body
(c) Abduction (iii) Towards the Mid line of body
(d) Adduction (iv) Decrease in angle

1. a–IV, b–I, c–III, d–II

2. c–II, d–III, a–I, b–IV
3. a–IV, b–I, c–II, d–III
4. c–I, d–IV, a–III, b–II

Q.5. Bending of Elbow when our hand is going toward our chest is:

(a) Flexion
(b) Extension
(c) Abduction
(d) Adduction

Q.6. Opening of hand sidewise when our hand is moving away from body is example
(a) Abduction

(b) Adduction

(c) Flexion

(d) Extension

Q.7. Discuss the Abduction, Adduction, flexion & extension with suitable examples
in detail? Name the Movements which occurs in leg press exercise?
Ans. (1) Abduction: It is that Movement in which
 Moving body part move away from the midline of body
 It always occurs on frontal plane & sagittal axis.
Example: Moving of hand in sidewise dissection i.e. hand going away from
(2) Adduction: It is that Movement in Which
 Moving part coming towards the midline of body
 It always occurs at frontal plane &sagittal axis
Example: to back his hand to Attention position from the hands opening sides
(3) Flexion: It is that movement
 In which the joint on which the movement occurs. There will be decrease in
the angle between the bone of that joint.
 It always occurs at sagittal plane & frontal axis
Example: Bending of Elbow and bending off knee
(4) Extension: It is that movement
 In which the angle between the bone of that joint on which movement is
occurred will increase.
 It always occurs at sagittal plane & frontal axis
Example: Straighten of elbow from bending position – Straighten of knee from
bending position in leg press exercise – In leg press exercise flexion of knee joint and
extension of knee joint take place.
8.3 Newton’s Laws of motion and their application in sports.

Newton's laws of motion:

Ist law of motion (Law of Inertia)

IInd law of motion (Law of acceleration)

IIIrd law of motion Law of Action Reaction

MCQ | Objective Types Question Answer

Q.8. Newton’s IInd law is also known as

(a) Law of Action Reaction

(b) Law of Inertia

(c) Law of Acceleration

(d) Law of velocity

Q.9. In the long jump take off which law works

(a) Ist law of newton

(b) IInd law of newton

(c) IIInd law of newton

(d) Law of conservation of mass.

Q.10. What is the newton’s law of motion? Explain the Application of IInd law of
Motion (any two applications)
Ans. Ist Law of Motion (Law of Inertia): any object will be remains in its position
until or unless any external force is applied on it.

IInd law of motion (Law of Acceleration): The rate of change of acceleration is

directly proportional to the force applied on the object and Inversely proportional to
the mass of the object.

IIIrd law of motion (low of action and Reaction): There will be equal &
opposite reaction to each & every action

Application of IInd low of motion

Example 1: According to IInd law motion if we want to produce acceleration in
football Then a large force will be required to put on the ball. In the same ratio to
which force is applied on the ball will be accelerate.

Example 2: Landing of high jump initially done on the sand but with the time
change now landing of high jump will be done on the mats as according to IInd law
when rate of change of momentum will be done in large time period less force will
be produced which will helpful to avoid injury. So according to IInd law landing on
the mats is more favorable for high jumper to avoid injury

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