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Microwave Report 2020 Spectrum Update

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October 2020
4 Ericsson Microwave Outlook | October 2020

Latest on spectrum

The future use of 6GHz is the new

hot topic in backhaul spectrum.

Spectrum is a finite and very valuable used for backhauling; see Figure 3. Introducing unlicensed use in a licensed
resource, which is why its efficient use is There is another use considered for the backhaul band raises many concerns.
regularly reviewed by regulators. At the 6GHz backhaul band. The possibility to Regulatory studies assess the probability
World Radiocommunication Conference expand license-exempt wireless access of interference using statistical simulations,
2019 (WRC-19), a global IMT (5G) into the band, without causing harmful complemented with the analysis of realistic
identification was decided for the high interference with the licensed backhaul critical scenarios.
bands: 26GHz (24.25–27.5GHz), use, has been studied in the US and Europe. New technical and operational rules
40GHz (37–43.5GHz) and 66–71GHz. Some administrations see this as an should strike a delicate balance between
As a result, usage of backhaul will important opportunity to enhance new unlicensed use and maintaining
eventually be transitioned from some of wireless broadband, utilizing Wi-Fi 6E, reliable licensed backhaul. Administrations
these bands, such as 26GHz in Europe. 5G NR Unlicensed (NR-U) and other may have different levels of concern on the
The timing of the transition will vary unlicensed technologies. balance, depending on how common and
between countries, depending on the The US has decided1 to allow unlicensed strategically important the backhaul use
demand for 5G NR balanced against the use in the 5.925–7.125GHz range, of which is in a country.
importance of existing backhaul. The 5.925–6.425GHz and 6.525–6.875GHz are There are some differences between
32GHz (31.8–33.4GHz) and 80GHz heavily used for backhauling; see Figure 4. the unlicensed rules in the US and Europe;
(71–76 paired with 86GHz) bands were Unlike many other countries, the 7/8GHz see Figure 5. The draft European decision
not identified for 5G and remain essential (7.125–8.5GHz) backhaul band is in the US also includes a Country Determination
for backhaul. reserved for federal use. In Europe, there is Capability (CDC) to address the need for
At the conference, an agenda was also an ongoing review to allow unlicensed use2 additional protection measures in some
decided for the next WRC in 2023, which in the 5.925–6.425GHz range, also known countries. Three different unlicensed
will consider IMT (5G) identification of as lower 6GHz. The 6GHz and 7/8GHz device categories are discussed:
mid-band spectrum. With its combination bands are commonly used for backhauling Standard Power (SP), Low Power Indoor
of coverage and capacity, additional in Europe, but the relative use differs from (LPI) and Very Low Power (VLP). There
contiguous mid-band spectrum is crucial country to country. are also requirements for client devices.
in supporting 5G. One of the candidate The bands below 10GHz are essential for The allowed Equivalent Isotropic Radiated
bands is 6.425–7.125GHz, also known as long-range backhaul due to their superior Power (EIRP) is limited for each unlicensed
upper 6GHz, which is today commonly propagation characteristics. device category to protect the backhaul.

Figure 3: New usage considered for the 6GHz microwave backhaul band
Frequency (GHz) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Microwave backhaul

Frequency (GHz) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Microwave backhaul

5G NR bands

Unlicensed bands

Source: Ericsson (2020)

Report and Order, FCC 20–51
Draft ECC Decision (20)01
5 Ericsson Microwave Outlook | October 2020

Figure 4: The use of 6GHz for long-range backhaul

US France UK
Long-range backhaul relies on 6 and 7/8GHz.
6GHz 7/8GHz
The relative use of 6GHz varies globally.

US UK and France UK and France

6GHz (7/8GHz is a federal band) 6GHz 6 and 7/8GHz

A new geolocation concept is introduced frequencies and power levels are available problem. But the time it takes to find
in the US for SP devices – the Automated for use. The introduction of a geolocation the interference source and resolve the
Frequency Coordination (AFC) system. database concept is also part of the issue is essential. There are concerns that
The AFC receives the geographic location proposed rules in Europe for LPI devices, as this could take days or even weeks. In
and operating parameters of the licensed the second stage of implementation. theory, the AFC is a promising approach
backhaul from a database. It also requires Interference from unlicensed use can to avoid interference, but its accuracy
the geographic coordinates and height cause reduced throughput and, in the and reliability should be proven before
above ground of each unlicensed device. worst case, complete outage of a licensed being relied on in the field. A cautious and
The AFC then uses specified propagation microwave backhaul link. Microwave conservative approach is recommended,
models and backhaul interference Analytics tools3 can be used to indicate as licensed backhaul is ultra-reliable and
protection criteria to determine which interference as the root cause of a link provides critical services.

Figure 5: Regulatory overview for the unlicensed operation in 6GHz

Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) Incumbent licensed use – microwave backhaul

Database of
incumbent use

AFC system to
protect incumbent

Unlicensed radio use

Allowed channels
and power levels

Unlicensed radio
controlled by AFC Standard Power (SP) Low Power Indoor (LPI) Very Low Power (VLP)

US – decided US – decided US – decided US – further discussion

• Up-to-date, accurate database • Mandatory AFC use • Indoor only (no AFC)
• Reliability of AFC system to be proven • 5.925–6.425GHz and • 5.925–7.125GHz
before use and operation overseen 6.525–6.875GHz • EIRP ≤30dBm and
• The unlicensed radio will provide precise • EIRP ≤36dBm and ≤5dBm/MHz
geolocation and height data ≤23dBm/MHz

Europe – not allowed Europe – draft decision Europe – draft decision

*Some European countries have decided that • Indoor only. Not allowed in • Portable use
additional protection measures are needed all countries in first stage* • 6.025–6.425GHz, Category A
to allow LPI devices at a second stage. These • 5.945–6.425GHz • 5.945–6.425GHz, Category B
countries will investigate how to enable • EIRP ≤23dBm and • EIRP ≤14dBm and
geographic restrictions managed through ≤10dBm/MHz ≤[1 or 10]dBm/MHz
national geolocation databases.

Source: Ericsson (2020)

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