5G and Aviation Altimeters
5G and Aviation Altimeters
5G and Aviation Altimeters
1. Background 2
2. Spectrum Aspects 2
5G Networks and Altimeter Spectrum 2
Sharing Spectrum 2
3. Aviation Concerns 3
Background to Debate with Aviation 3
Safe Functioning of Altimeters 3
4. Regulation 4
Regulatory Activity 4
Tests around the World 5
5. Quotes 6
Annex: 5G Networks operating in the 3.5 GHz range 7
1. Background
Currently, live 5G networks in over 53 countries are using spectrum in 3.3-4.2 GHz
(the 3.5 GHz range). Roughly 80% of 5G network launches have used this band so far,
totalling around 160 networks. The global media reacted to concerns from the aviation
industry, in late 2021 to early 2022, that aircraft altimeters authorised to use the 4.2-4.4
GHz band would be impacted by 5G networks operating in the 3.5 GHz range. However,
collaboration between industries has been taking place to reach improvements in radio
altimeter equipment.
So far, there have been no instances of interference Co-existence between different technologies is at the
between 5G and aviation. The 3.5 GHz range has been foundation of sound management of the radio spectrum
under consideration and development for mobile – ensuring that citizens derive the maximum benefit from
services over the past 15 years. It has also been studied this resource. This is the case in the 3.5 GHz range where
at the ITU and by national governments during this the safe co-existence between 5G networks and aviation in
period. adjacent frequencies is important.
2. Spectrum Aspects
5G Networks and Altimeter Spectrum
While most networks currently use the lower part of the The aeronautical radionavigation service operates with
3.5 GHz band (3.3-3.8 GHz), macro-cell networks are live radio altimeters in the 4.2-4.4 GHz band.
in the upper part (3.8-4.1 GHz), as well. Some networks
also use spectrum between 4.4-5 GHz. See the annex
section at the end of this document for additional details
on 5G networks in the 3.5 GHz band.
Sharing Spectrum
5G is an IMT technology and as such the way it uses IMT technologies either share the same spectrum or are good
spectrum is defined by the ITU. Mobile generations (2G, spectrum neighbours with TV, satellites, Wi-Fi, aeronautical,
3G, 4G, 5G and future 6G) are designed to share the military, radio astronomy, Earth exploration, deep space
spectrum with other radio systems. The technical and exploration and other technologies and radio services.
regulatory conditions under which they can operate
are defined in the ITU’s Radio Regulations, changes to 5G is the most spectrum efficient mobile technology to
which are agreed only at World Radiocommunication date. Its efficiency is three times higher compared to 4G
Conferences (WRCs). while it makes active use of active antenna systems (AAS).1
3. Aviation Concerns
Sharing Spectrum
The possibility of interference to radio altimeters from Equipment designed against such a standard should
5G networks was raised through a white paper by US not be usable nor acceptable in today’s radio-frequency
aviation industry group RTCA. Prior to this, the US FCC environment. For example, existing high-power radar
examined the use of 3.5 GHz by 5G over the course of systems up to 3.7 GHz, which have operated worldwide for
four years, including submissions by the aviation industry, decades, would significantly disrupt or damage the front-end
and found that the technical rules adopted for 5G C-band receiver components of such a hypothetical device.
service, as well as a 220 MHz guard band separating
5G networks from aviation operations, “are sufficient to Subsequently, a considerable amount of coordinated work
protect [aviation] services in the 4.2-4.4 GHz band.” The and progress has been made among mobile and aviation
FCC’s Order also noted that the guard band “is double the industries looking to address this concern. In October
guard band supported in initial comments by [the aviation 2022, RTCA released the 'Guidance Document on Radar
sector]”.2 Altimeter RF Interference Rejection and Tolerance', for
consultation and comments.(Insert footnote number*) The
The first RTCA study was published in October 2020 publication aims to "provide guidance to radar altimeter
and filed with the FCC immediately after that.3 The US designers and manufacturers, aircraft manufacturers and
telecommunications industry has offered clear rebuttal system integrators, and others involved in the modification
of the findings of this report at various points since it and development of radar altimeters for RF interference
was published.4 RTCA avoided giving detailed, non- robustness on the current state-of-the-art Aircraft-
aggregated deployment information on radio altimeter Level RF Interference and Tolerance for radar altimeters
models currently being used and only some anonymised operating in the 4200-4400 MHz band".5
information was provided publicly by RTCA’s research
partner in late 2021. RTCA/the aviation industry is now working on new
specifications (MOPS) for radio altimeters that will set
The white paper was subsequently raised more widely in standards for radio altimeters for many years into the
US government circles later in 2021, leading to significant future. It is important that these MOPS will enable better
media attention. In order to ensure 5G networks launched coexistence between radio altimeters and other users of
smoothly, the US MNOs agreed firstly to delay launch spectrum in neighbouring bands, and enable this valuable
of the 3.7-3.8 GHz band, and then to a set of temporary, spectrum to be used efficiently.
voluntary, precautionary measures which reduced transmit
power around certain airports.
2. https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/0303046335999/FCC-20-22A1.pdf
3. https://www.rtca.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/SC-239-5G-Interference-Assessment-Report_274-20-PMC-2073_accepted_changes.pdf
4. https://www.5gandaviation.com/filings/
5. https://www.rtca.org/committees-overview/documents-under-review/
4. Regulation
Regulatory Activity
Most countries using 5G in the band 3.3-4.2 GHz do so • In the US, the Federal Aviation Administration has set
without extra restrictions and thousands of flights take up an online resource detailing its own work to give
off and land safely in their airports every day. Only a few additional clarity on the safe functioning of radio
countries have implemented additional or provisional altimeters.6
measures out of an abundance of caution:
• Brazil has decided to apply temporary precautionary
• Japan, which uses spectrum in the 3.6-4.1 GHz band measures around airports in 3.3-3.7 GHz.
(and 4.5-4.6 GHz) for 5G, applies a set of restrictions in
• Australia has decided to apply precautionary
close proximity to the airport landing strip only in the
measures around airports and power limits of 62 dBm
portion 4-4.1 GHz.
in 3.7-4.0 GHz.
• France and Belgium apply a set of measures around
• India has decided to apply precautionary measures
airports in 3.4-3.8 GHz.
around airports: downtilting, and power limits of
• US operators adopted restrictions in 3.7-3.8 GHz based 58 dBm in 3.3-3.7 GHz.
on a modified version of the French model on a
• In Europe, radio altimeter coexistence with 5G
voluntary and temporary basis.
operating in 3.5 GHz is being discussed in the CEPT
• Canada has also applied measures around landing ECC PT1.
strips in 3.45-3.65 GHz.
6. https://www.faa.gov/5g
France has published results of a trial on Gendarmerie In the first report released, it was concluded that the low
helicopters using a Base Station at 3640-3710 MHz level of unwanted 5G emissions within the radio altimeter
configured to a worst-case 78 dBm EIRP. The helicopters spectrum was negligible and would therefore be unlikely to
flew around the high-power BS in test loops trying to cause potential harmful interference; "This measurement-
simulate interference. No disturbances were observed. based observation increases the likelihood that, to the
extent EMC problem arise between 5G transmitters and
Another field test, from Norway, outlines a set of tests adjacent-band radalt receivers, the technical solution
done at Bergen-Flesland airport (BGO) with a 3.7-3.8 GHz to such a problem might be installation or retrofitting
BS. It concludes: “The tests were carried out with a wide of more-effective RF power-rejection filters on radalt
range of aircrafts representative for aircrafts landing at receivers for frequencies below 4200 MHz."7
Norwegian airports”. Test results showed no abnormalities
on the radio altimeters during the tests. Other countries and their regulatory bodies have initiated
verification processes and tests deployments such as
Japan deployed laboratory testing performed for different Canada, which has also a public consultation for protection
type of altimeters. No interference complaints have zones ongoing.
been noted; however, laboratory test conditions are not
reflective of real-world flight conditions. The Czech Republic has published the results of an RA
test (onboard) near a new IMT BTS installed at an airport.
The U.S. performed four phases of testing: lab setting; They used two different types of planes and two types
in-flight joint test and evaluation; collection of altimeters of Helicopters. The Base Station operated at 3.7 GHz
power levels; and, characterization of radiation patterns Results showed no abnormal RA function was detected.
with emissions of 5G base stations at 3.3-3.6 GHz,
3..7-3.98 GHz and 3.3-3.98 GHz.
7. https://its.ntia.gov/umbraco/surface/download/publication?reportNumber=TR-22-562.pdf
"Conversations with other NAAs has established that there have been no confirmed instances
where 5G interference has resulted in aircraft system malfunction or unexpected behaviour."
UK CAA, 17 January 2022
"Based on our assessment of all the information that is currently available to us, we consider
that there is no immediate need for risk mitigation actions nor for States to act."
European Aviation Safety Agency, December 2020
"The emission of 5G NR base station had no impact on the operational behaviour of the radio
altimeter fitted on the French gendarmerie's EC135 helicopters, which gives us a good level of
confidence in the resilience of this type of radio altimeter to conduct its missions."
ANFR France, September 2021
"And we continue to have no reason to believe that 5G operations in the C-Band will cause
harmful interference to radio altimeters. Among other things, these altimeters operate
with more than 200 megahertz of separation from the C-band spectrum currently being
auctioned, more protection than is afforded in some other countries."
FCC, January 2021
"We're aware that the aviation sector is looking at this; we've done our own technical analysis
and are yet to see any evidence that would give us cause for concern."
Ofcom UK, 18 January 2021
"The ACMA considers that compatibility with radio altimeters can be successfully managed
with WBB (Wireless Broadband) services introduced up to 4000 MHz."
ACMA, January 2021
"Many countries around the world are already deploying wireless networks in the bands from
2200-4200 MHz. There have not yet been reports of harmful interference due to wireless
broadband operations internationally."
FAA, 23 December 2021
Czech Republic
Hong Kong, SAR China
Korea, South
New Zealand
San Marino
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Taiwan, Province of China
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States of America
3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400