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@ cue lied UNION BANK LTD crTr uion Bank BRANCH : PALLIPALAYAK Ground Floor, 24, Sangagiri Main Road, Pallipalayan Pincode - 638 006 LOAN AMOUNT 132,400 AccomwT 10 +01312030022243 STATUS +CLOSED ACCOUNT TYPE CUSTOMER DETAILS +5 Hariharan 201, D MING CITY Ueto BAN SWAGAT CO OPERATIVE SOCTTY DAMODAR PARE, GHATEOPER WEST omBar Statement Date rOct 12, 2023, at 12:23 PH STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT from 14/07/2023 to 12/10/2023 a [prscxrprzon [exo asia] ee money 3/08 /a0a3 [or serene of Se eS a Fa cel ad 1/07/2093 [or Renae eA tracy Poe PO 2RY FATES Rooect SO T 31240. 0) Za0.04 ‘TDL anal susp. eal 3.34004 + Statement Downloaded By § Hariharan . en Oct 22, 2023. at 12:23 oH If any discrepancy in the statenent,should be informed to branch immediately. END OF STATEMENT - from Internet Banking pee INDUSIND BANK LEGEND CREDIT CARD STATEMENT. IndusInd Bank reer Jop-up your Festive Rewards ol edee rence Sea o = So pcre | = eS a Come = IMPORTANT MESSAGES: ou = < = ee sn ee {_cave20z3 Te oxioreces = 1 + Payne Daa for HARIHARAN S (Cust Cars No, 4700200037375, ‘00172023 SWETPAY PAYNENT 7 eae foenetes mri amet + Seneo en| L_2008202% To oooraoes 0172023 _ SWETPAY PAYMENT __sonnnta_ cn] TOTAL © @9000,00 Pacha. HARHABAN S Cre ard No 41eT00N00CEEHTS, 12008 (6/10/2023 PAYMENT FOR ALOP 7 wees on oe TOTAL 0 o7e0s8e Sera aie HARIHARAN S Bosna 102 Wing D9 SWAGAT CO OF HG SOC LTD _OAMCOAR PARK. CBSROAD GHATKOPAR WEST MUMBAI MH coooae Invoice and Credit note Ne ‘ No Due Certificate Date: 03-Oct-2023 Raurese1"'b wing, cy Union Bank Swagat co Operative Socy ese 10ND Win n Bank Swagat Co Operative Soc Damodar Birk Ghatkoper, West Mumia, Wombat Maharashtra "4000e8 Mobile Number: $345466005 013280158 Dear SiriMa'am, ‘This letter isto cerify that Smt. /Shri § HARIHARAN was maintaining the Loan Number: DIGPUNOSMR000013280158 of Rs. 1100 with Upmove Capital Private Limited. There is no outstanding liability and the aforesaid loan is finished as on date ‘Thanking you, For Upmove Capital Private Limited “This Is a systom generated document and does not require any soal or signature,” 'S HARIHARAN 114768624 19/05/2023] ‘Monthly EMIS} ES 3 comet) feet rT Nom oo 10300772023 2 |omosr2023 slosrazo2s osnor2023 osstt2028 oaiaon osaz02e oawarz026 4 5 6 7loset2024 3 ° 10) joaaranze ‘i /osrsran2e ‘2 |oswezo2e ‘3|osv7a024 ‘4|oasr2028 1 |osmaranza 16|osvior2024 ‘Jos an2e 19 0307/2026 IDFC FIRST Bank Limted REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ‘MUMBAI 60 0.00) '255485.00) 6,078.00 2.88468, 25258032, 6078.00 292074 2a9ei05a) 67800 295728 246,702.33 6,078.00 2.98422 243,708.11 6078.00, 3.03164 240867647, 6,078.00, 3,080.54 237,606.83, 6,078.0 3,107.81 23eav0.02) 6078.00, 3.14676 23138226) 6078.00 ‘3.38600 28,186.17 6078.00 3.22592 22694025) 6078.00 3.28624 zaieraci| 6.7600 3.30707 218,36684) 6078.00) 3.4841 215,01853| 6,078.00) 3,390.26 2112827) 8.78.00) 33204 208,195.63) 6,078.00) 3.478.55 204,720.08 6,078.00 ‘asi899 197,638.11) 6,078.00 3,607.52 3,198.32 3,157.28 3075 3.083 78 3,016.36 3,008.46 2,970.09 2.98124 Bevis 2852.08 2aii76 277089 272958 2687.78 2.618;36 2248 2559.01 247048 kalo oad ra os Corry amt 752358032 219.5058 24670238 (#370811) 724087847 22760008 23449902 73138228 2036017 2494025 187401 71030094 aiso1ess 7162827 20819869 20472008 20120109 ig7eaes1 198.0309 Pages 10F 3 Registered Office: KRM Towers, 7th Flor, No. 1, Harington Road. Chetpet, Chennai 600031. Tel: +9144 4571 6400 CIN 651 10TN20 ¥4PLCOS7792, tank www idleirstbank com 20 oswareazs 21 oansi2025 22 oa4iz02s 23 oswsrz02s 24 0306/2025 25 03072028 26 osmerz029 27 o3n912025 28 oanorz0%s 29 osn1i2025 30 oa/220%5 31 030172026 32 osmaizoze 33 030372026 34030472026 35 0306/2026 36 03672026 37 0307/2026 38 030872026 38 0308/2026 40 01072026 4 osn12026 #2 03/12/2026 $8 oxe1/2027 ‘4 02/2027 45 03372027 46 0304/2027 «7 03572027 48 030672027 49 03072027 50 0308/2027 ‘51 030972027 +32 osrio20a7 33 osnta0a7 34 osrarz027 $8 0301/2028 $6 0322028 57 0332028 58 o3e42028 59 os5/2028 60 03e62028 Registered Office: KRW Towers, 7th Foor, No. 1, Herrington Road, Chetpet, Chem 600031. Te 1651 10TN2014°LC097792, bank info@icietretbank com, ymvw icfearstbank com 194,030.59) 190,377:98) 186679.71 182885211 179,143.91 175,305.21 iiaiass 16748327, 163,498.82 159,484.56 18537987 181,216.12 147,056.68, 14251689 | al 1287890) 67800) ei7a00) 12532112 111.616 80) 106,994.01 102.192.69 97,392.10 9253151 87,810.16) 82,627.23) r7s1214 7287392 67,30185 96879 11,888.60, 5980.21 5078.00 5078.00 6078.00 6,078.00 6078.0 (78.00 6.78.00 6.078100 6078.00 6.78.00 451148) 1.88652) 3.65261] 20538) 4.13575 418744 423878 1785.22) 1,731.56) 10728 4.45578 1,622.22) a7) «1 610-13 678,00 497, 1.433.03) 4.68279 ama, 395.21) 4.90059 1,277.41 486059, 4.21741) 40738) 1,4865 498287, 1008.13) 508515 (08285) 5.10822, 078 5.17207 905.93) saan] ana 775.82) ass = “iaan| aaa Saree) —— sao} sauiaal —asasat tee) set 296.11) 7,143 37 175,305.21, “TATasS: ~~ 167.48827 16349682 ~150,46656° 155,57987 828A “147,05668, ‘azsi683 13852411 194,17787 "129,776.90. 20,8086 e277 1116 706, 93407 702, 19269, "-97,38210 "9253151, 8761016 8262728 7758214 72.47382 ‘TOTAL 364,836.00] 255,465.00| 109,171.00 Generatedon (Date & Time): Friday, October 06, 2023 9:04:18 PM "END OF REPORT ** This is a computer generated letter and does not require signature. Pages 3OF 3 IDFC FIRST Bank Limited RRogistered Office: KRM Towers, 7h Floor, No.1, Harrington Road, Chetpat, Chennai 690031. Tol: +9} 44 4571 6400 CIN: USS1T10TN2014PLC097792, bank ino@idtrstbark com. mw idctrstbenk com ACCOUNT STATEMENT ca IDFC FIRST CcenaratedBectroncall ton 0¢ Osby 323 caus & SHARIHARAN 101 D Wing City Union Sank Swagat Co Operative Socity Damodar Park Mumbai - 400086 S& 934546-6008 & Products | EMIAmount | Remaining EMI(s) | Principal Outstanding EMI) Overdue Charges Overave sore | s 248708 ° ° of every month oa presentation of every math if gute Dalorce i not maltancs oy ‘ote that non-payment ef EMI within tw oalendor rent wi to ‘loricatens of charges appbcable to your account. coraul oy schedve of shar ‘Alchsiges mentongl nthe stetoment aro exclusive of ST. GST ‘DISCLAIMER: This ts syatem generated Account Staternent and dors not require sighs" fal 1860:388.2000 oF vil naatent IDES FURS" Bank branch vin 10 (TEN) dave ‘Aéount Slatement wile deeeres to bs accertes by you (he Borrove Visit us at Callus on Download our a wrwtarstonccom — SP Seeoasezo00 a PERSONAL LOAN : fo vome | Ea —e nun nes _—— a so wan ee = aaa = = - -— . ee = waiaag re ae 7 oa ed ease es Weis date Parucular Remark Debit Crett csoranzs Duero sumert = osorsozs rer tcc 1. 2LAT824/ Ao N= NA) bate Partoular Remar Detit reat osossezs oor nsamen coven 0 Date Particular Remark Debit Crest ososanzs DesFornsninests i 600 oxosa023 yar ca uo no 21108¢24/9 ect RRA 00 soreso Date Particular Remark Debit Creat alain mane ve Ferns z sence > terme chad uct nan47ss62/4 Reet NS (NA ac | avec0 Visit us at Call us on ro & Sas () cownicad our app ACCOUNT STATEMENT aac Crug Generated Eectronically 32 6 06 Ocabey, 223 100 Lat pement/eralchry/ Dau nees/Overdue er month) ot te unpai Ei or 300 whichever is ihr Cheque Svap cho (ow swap) son 10000 within 30 days ef disbursement or Ast EMtI resentation whicineve! is Cancellation & Rebooking charges ‘eae, Post 30 days or ist EMI presentation request for cancellaton will be ‘vested 08 oreciosie _Forselosure / Prepayment chargas* ‘5% of princple cutstending amount Loan rescheduling charge pat schosuing) na ‘Dusloate No Objection Certientessuarce Chaos 00 Prasat Repayment Schetule * 500 _ Physical Statement of Account 500 DDocumentretievel charges (per revoval® 00 Stamping Crago ‘As pe actuals Processing fees Up 3.5% of te ttl loon amour stot Documents Me Part Payment charges Par Payment snc owes nil Maney Dept Anplcation Fees Wor-retundable) MA EDS ReplasementFee (# EC Applicable) Enty Buy Cor Reslacement Fe Easy Suy Card Aolenble) BC & Pus) Cord eit xpcale) ‘EM Ple/ Callesion charges 380 Ain Charest apical Prem ‘FTekmnow principal outstanding for loan against property) home loans please get Intouch vith our cus lest nots tate charge of fs 400 wit be leved agaist your account case of EMI boun Balance in your aosount by 1st of every month to avend En Beunce chergeo Presentation of every month if suffciere balance te net maintaines Pate thet ponspayment ct EM within the calender wir tlanleations of charges appicatte to yest acccunt So DISCLAIMER: Thisis a system yeneratae Account Statement and does not require siynatue tn case of a ‘all 1860.258-2000 of va naarest TOF FIRSY Bank branch within 12 (FEN) days or ‘Aceout Siatemert willbe Seamed to be accepted by you Ihe borrower) Visit us at Callus on ea Qrrmisttroaniem SY po2se%000 © -_(E)20wnoed our app ees ee == 6 00h, 2023 oS a Diag Eos Leasl/Colectiona/ Repostesson & incerta harges Valiaton Charges aonteable) Adin Fee (it applica ther Charges (it sopicate) Valuation Charges (Used Tractor) *Chanes above ae exclusne of 6ST lease get Intouch wth our customer seric please call? 860-258-2000 count n cae of Ml Bouncing due te nsuicient bance. Please mainte sufficient charges. A second aterpt to ecover EMI wie made 2 working days get the at inc y the secon stomp further bounee thug of = 400 il be eed. Pea also Ino penal charge OF 2 of fe Unpaid EM 9 fe 380 whichever is Right Foray f Your beseuntconaut ow sched af charges J GS 6ST willbe chaiged ne par the appleabla roles and egilatlons ‘Bank braich mith 10 (TE accepied by you (ihe borrowet) Visitus at Callus on Comuctetanicon 9 Saenase2000 [Download our app 1 signature In ense of ay discrepancy H this Account Statement, lease ot fat entry made inthis statement falling whl, Is 7a Ror RG ole a Oo aie les) Cen emet ey RS aC oe oat ad Coen cra aa eee Dede it Bureaus at the earlest and credit burea take up to 30-45 working days to update your credit scare in your records. Se etre Peery Deas ET ee ees ee ea service to you again. Peer Pee eta x € CHOLA INVST FIN © Personal lean Sanctioned smount Currert balance 314,400 %0 Payment history (3 years proto closing the account) fy Nolte payments dan Feb Mar Aor May don dd Ay Sep Ok Nor One vOntme x tate 7 Natreporied A, Diputed Status Closed Account created on August 2023 Account closed on ‘September 2023, Last updated by bureau on ‘September 2023, The information here is based on what is reported by your bank or Financial institution to CIBIL. CIBIL No Due Certificate To Whomsocever It May Concern Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: No Due Certificate for Loan Account Number 10002353275 This is to inform you that there are no dues with respect to the Loan Account Number 10002353275 of 6,000 with applicant name Mr./Ms. S Hariharan residing at 101 D Wing, City Union Bank Swagat Co Operative Socity Damodar Park Ghatkoper, West Mumbai, Mumbai, Suburban Maharashtra - 400086. The said applicant has cleared all the outstanding dues and the loan stands fully closed in our books of accounts as on 05 October 2023. Regards, Navi Finserv Private Limited (Fonmety Known as Chatanya Rus! nermedtion Dewopmant Services Putt) teary Gis We understand your world Poy RT HOFC BANK TD Dew os/i0z029 Repayment Schedule Page 0001 Currency: Indian Rupee Customer MR. § HARIHARAN ‘Agreement No, 440930306 Loan Type PERSONAL LOAN Tenure. © ‘Amount Financed 410,000.00 Total inst, 60 Frequency Monthy Currency Indan Rupee insti Ne Due Date Principal Interest (Os Principal 1 7/06/2023 4954.83, 405,30783 2 7072023 4,998.12 0,558.95, 3 o7rosre023 4240.73 3,98,75268 4 o7rosr2023 4,782.85 3,90,88833 5 ovror2023 472387 85,065, 6 7/11/2023 4,964.37 ‘SBOE 7 o7/12/2003 4,808.16 3,75,99973 8 ‘onrovenes 5,103.73 4343.21 370.8354 3 ‘o7ozra026 5,165.47 4481.53 3,85,67047 10 ovoaraaaa 5207.69 4ar9.41 3.50,44258, " ‘or/oqrz024 5,291.07 4,355.93 3,55,15151 12 orvosvanz4 4201.99 549,798.5, 3 orvosranes azarar 348.3767 16 ovo7renes 4,161.78 3,38,891 55 8 orrona024 4005.40 33334004 18 ovrogranes 4028.4 3z772144 7 or/vorace4 3960.5 3.22,03894 18 ovivvvaces 3891.78 3627872 19 ‘orrizraco4 3.2222 3,10,48494 20 o7rorraca5 3751 83 30455977 2 ‘oriozracas 3,880.59 2.98, 593.36 2 ‘o7iosr20e5 3,808.49 292,554.85 2 ‘orroqr2025 3.53551 2.86.443:36, 8 (07/05/2025 3,461.65 25 o7/osra005 3,386.9 8 or1o7ra02s 3311.25 287,862.16 2 o7roa2025 3234.68 261,249.84 2B orrowraces 3157.18 254,760.03 2 ornioraces 3078.76 248,191.79 30 o7rs972008 2,900.30 2a1.54418 3t orriza0a5 2919.05 23481623 32 ‘71012026 2837.74 228,006.97 33 ‘7/02/2028 2755.45 22111542 4 (07/03/2028 2572.17 2'14,14059 25 orroarat26 2587.88 2071081.47 6 o7/os2028 2502.87 199,997.04 7 o7/os2028 1,230.77 2416.23 1192,70827 38 ovrorr2026 7318.15 2328.85 115,388.12 39 ‘7108/2026 7,406.59 2240.41 47.98153, 40 ‘710072026 7,406.1 2.1509 170,488.43, r. ema We understand your world HOFC BANK LTD ‘ae errs Repayment Schedule age: 002 ‘Curency: Indian Rupee ‘Customer MRS HARIHARAN ‘Agreement No, 1140930306 Loan Type Tenure, 60 ‘Amount Financed otal ines, 60 Frequency Currency Indian Rupee inst No Due Date Inst Art Principal Interest a ‘orrioraozs 9.887 7,386.69 2,080.31 a 7/1/2028 9647 7878.38 1,968.62 a 72/2026 9.647 7737 1,875.83 4 ‘7/01/2027 9,867 7,865.08 1.71.92 45 oriezrg0zr 9,867 (585.87 46 ‘ormsr20zr 9,867 590.67 a ‘o7/osr2027 9,867 1,493.31 4 ‘o7/s/2027 9,647 1,398.77 4107,161.75, 4 ‘7/6/2027 9,687 1,295.04 198,808.77 50 ‘o7ior/20z7 9,647 4398.11 90,356.88 3 ‘o7reara0zr 9,847 1,081.96 81/801.84 Ea 7/9/2027 9,847 988.57 73,143.41 53 7/0/2027 9,647 883.09 64,360.34 54 o7iva0a7 9,647 77803 5551137 56 o7/2r2027 9,647 670.85 46,535.22 26 o7/ova0%8 9,647 56238 37 4506 37 722028 9,647 45259 28,256.19 58 7/03/2028, 9,647 oaua7 18,950.66 58 o7/ea2028, 9.647 2302 9532.68 6 (07/05/2028 9,647 11432 ° 78,820.00 4,10000.00 _1,68,820.00 eda We understand your world HOFC BANK LTO ate eoca3 Lean Statement Paget Loan Account No: 140830308 Currency: Indian Rupee ‘CHEQUE ‘OUTSTANDING OPENING CLOSNG ae CSET numeer EBIT CREDIT BALANCE BALANCE — BALANCE (08 Sep 2023 Payment Received 1 140990908004- 907 ° 9.647 0 1 07 Sep 2023 Due for instalment Amount 4 9.687 9.647 ° 9.687 (08 Aug 2023 Payment Received 140930306003- 9ea7 ° 9.47 ° 1 (07 Aug 2023 Due for Instément Amount 3 9.647 9.47 ° oer 10 Jul 2023 Payment Received E140990306002- 9.647 o 9647 ° 1 (07 Jul 2023 Due for Instament Amount 2 967 9e7 ° 9,687 08 Jun 2023 Payment Received 140830306001- 97 ° 9.47 ° 1 (7 Jun 2023 Due for nstaiment Amount 1 9.687 9867 ° 9.687 24 Apr 2028 Amount Paid 140030208 4,02,855 0 402.885 ° 21 Apr 2023 Due for Stamp Duty Paid To 10 402855 403,265 402,855 Bank 21 Apr 2023 Due for Gap interes Booking 2.606 403265 © 405.871 403,265 21 Apr 2023 Due for Processing Fees From 43 “405871 410,000 405,871 Customer 21.A9¢2023 Amt Finances- Payable 4.10.00 410,000 © 10,000 Total: (448,588 448,868 -1,589,403,00 -1,583.408 00 7.583.403 .00 (End OF Report)

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