Anatomy Paper 1
Anatomy Paper 1
Anatomy Paper 1
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Kamataka
MBBS Phase - I (CBME) Degree Examination - 08-Feb-2021
4. A 30-year-old cricketer felt moderate pain in the right shoulder for the last two weeks. The pain
was severe enough to prevent him from bowling. He visited a sports medicine specialist who
observed that maximum pain was felt in the mid-range of abduction. A diagnosis of rotator cuff
tendinitis was made.
abduction. (2+1+2)
5. Describe the movements of the scapula and the muscles causing them. Explain the anatomical
6. Describe the formation , course, termination and drainage areas of the thoracic duct. Explain
how stab injuries to the left side of the neck can damage the thoracic duct. (0.5+1+0.5+2+1)
7. Describe the attachments, actions and nerve supplv of the muscles of the soft palate. Explain
the role of the soft palate in deg!utition. (2+1+1+1)
9. Describe the movements that occur at the atlanto-occipital and median atlanto-axial joints and
the muscles causing them. Explain the mecha nlsm by which movements occur at the median
atlanto-axial joint. (2+2+1)
9. Draw a neat, labelled dlagrc:m of the cross-sect;cn of the spina ! cord at the mid-thor::1cic level.
Explain the functionai importance of the dorsal colum ns . ( 4+ 1)
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Raj iv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Ka~ataka
1p. Describe the extent, gross features and relations of the hypothalamus. Explain the functional
importance of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system. {1+1+2+1)
11. Describe the development of the umbilical cord. Explain why the umbilical arteries carry
deoxygenated blood and umbilical veins carry oxygenated blood. (4+1)
12. Compare and contrast the light microscopic features of serous and mucous acini.
14. Describe the location, formation and termination of the coronary sinus. (1+1+1)
17. Name the_ bones that contribute to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. Explain the function~\
imp0-rtcince of the turbinates. (2+1)
19. Desc;ibe the anat om ical basis fo r performi ng a lumbar puncture at the l.3/L4 interspinous level.
20. Describe the three types of anastomoses with suitable examples. (1.5+1.5)
21. Describe the components of the blood-brain barr,er. Explain its functional importance.
22. Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a blastccyst.
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