Parent Circular For Sleep Over Program 077 30.09.23
Parent Circular For Sleep Over Program 077 30.09.23
Parent Circular For Sleep Over Program 077 30.09.23
Grades: 3 to 5 / 6 to 10
OISCVR/PPP/2023-2024/077 30-09-2023
Dear Parent,
Here’s to the nights that turned into mornings and the friends that turned into family
Yes, you heard it right. Orchids The International School is glad to inform you that we are
launching a Pizza Pajama party- A sleepover program at school for the students of Grades 3
to 5 and 6 to 10.
Self- dependence, time management, socializing, tolerance and bonding are skills that are
built among when they are left independent. Slumber parties like these give them an
experience for life.
What’s in store???
Fashion Show -Design a Unique dress using newspaper and walk on the floor
Team Building activities -Students will be divided in groups and team building activities
will be done to instill cooperation and mutual tolerance among children.
Night Matches
Students will be divided into teams and matches will be played between the teams.
Adventure activities- Adventure sport like Wall climbing, Rope climbing and Ladder
climbing will be arranged