GE 121 JJ22 Darrel M. Ocampo
GE 121 JJ22 Darrel M. Ocampo
GE 121 JJ22 Darrel M. Ocampo
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6 authors, including:
Darrel Ocampo
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
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All content following this page was uploaded by Darrel Ocampo on 18 June 2022.
Abstract Introduction
Language and literature are two different words that
The study aimed to determine the English
appear similar in their purport. These two words are
proficiency and literary competence of English
not only intertwined but also interrelated because of
major students of CBSUA-Sipocot. The third
their symbiotic relationship. Literature presupposes
and fourth-year college students were the
language since it is within the periphery of language
respondents of the study. The evaluative-
that the merit of literature is shaped, formed, and
correlational method was employed in the
concretized. Furthermore, in divulging the merit of
research. Frequency count and percentage
a literary text, one must be well adept in the
technique were used to describe levels of
language (Singh, et al., 2020) [21]. To immerse in
proficiency of the students, while Pearson
exploring the merit of literature, knowledge and
Product Moment Correlation was used to
language competence should be at its core (Benzie,
determine if there was a significant relationship
2010) [3]. Thus, the English teacher needs to be
between the two variables. The researcher-
proficient in the language and competent in
made test validated by language experts was
literature since they are meant to teach language and
used to test the students' English proficiency
and literary competence. Data disclosed that the
general English proficiency level of the
A person is a language proficient if he can
students was approaching proficient.
spontaneously apply the rules and components of
Meanwhile, their literary competence and
language in real-world contexts in a non-rehearsed
textual and conceptual knowledge were both
manner (Rubio & Hacking, 2019). This proficiency
approaching competent, while their literary
further demonstrates the extent of the language
reading skills were considered developing
user's knowledge of where, when, or how the
competent. Furthermore, the statistical data
language will be used and acquired (Ocampo, 2021)
revealed a significant relationship between the
[14]. The Philippines was once recognized as a
students' English proficiency and literary
country that performs well and professes mastery in
competence. Hence, the pedagogical shift in
using the English language. Filipinos were
delivering language and literature as separate
proficient in English in a wide array of speech
discourses to interfacing the two fields may be
situations. Its application can be widely observed in
adopted by the teachers in promoting effective
education, where it is considered a major subject and
language and literature teaching. Moreover,
is being taught from primary education to tertiary.
creative and innovative activities that link the
Moreover, it is also the medium of instruction in
two discourses may be given more to the
private and public schools.
However, various studies revealed that Filipinos’
Keywords: English Proficiency, Literary
competence in the English language is rocketing
Competence, Effective Language and
down the slope. The study by San Juan (2019) [20]
Literature Teaching.
showed that Filipinos scored a mean of 7.18 for
listening, writing, speaking, and reading, a very low
number based on international standards. In the
study conducted by Alviz (2019) [1], findings
revealed that only one out of 5 public high school
*-******Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot, Philippines.
teachers is proficient in the language. Accordingly, and develop the learners' skills that make up literary
13% or 13,200 public school teachers in the competence (Mozafari & Barjesteh, 2016) [11]. This
elementary lacked English Proficiency, while competence includes distinguishing and decoding
around 1% or 1,300 of the total high school teacher figurative languages, poetic, rhetorical devices, text
were not proficient in English. It only shows that features, literary trends, form, and genre.
even teachers have a problem with their English Furthermore, it requires the application of
proficiency. Meanwhile, students' language knowledge of literary notions needed in deciphering
proficiency in State Universities and Colleges shows the meaning of a text; hence, students should be
the same results. Tendero (2019) [22] study revealed taught to discover literary significance for
that the average score of Filipino college students in themselves in the very art of reading. These calls for
English receptive skills is tantamount to the target the language teacher to be proficient and competent
passing score of Thai and Vietnamese high school in literature.
In the Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-
It is essential for education students, especially those Sipocot, where the present study was conducted,
who choose English as their major, to acquire Eborde, et al. (2017) [6] found out that most BSEd
linguistic skills and have advanced proficiency in English major students have adequate performance
the language at the tertiary level. It serves as one in the English Proficiency test and literary
good foundation to excel in academic pursuits and competence in the past year. Findings showed that
have a better opportunity later in life, particularly in 60% or 159 out of 263 takers failed the examination
applying for a teaching career. In the research study in English. It was found that their literary
conducted by Patron and Barrera (2016) [16], competence was low, and it was affected by their
among the 386 College Students in the selected State language proficiency. The 32% of these English
Universities and Colleges in Luzon, 79% showed plus takers are education students, making it an
that those have a good grasp of the English language alarming situation in the College of Teacher
performed well in the class and were provided with Education. Due to the preceding statement, this
job opportunities; whereas, the 21% found difficulty study was conceptualized to determine the English
to adjust in their lessons and did not finish their proficiency and literary competence of English
courses. Amidst this positive figure, the study major students of CBSUA-Sipocot, which can serve
conducted by Patron and Barrera (2016) [16] found as a baseline to draw implications that can help
that most college students have difficulty with improve language and literature teaching.
grammar conventions, especially in the rules of
subject-verb agreement. Moreover, poor English Objectives
language application in written and spoken The study determined the correlation between
discourses was observed. English proficiency and literary competence of
English major students at Central Bicol State
Meanwhile, in terms of literary competence, Reyes University of Agriculture-Sipocot Campus.
and Bird (2015) [17] defined the term as a subset of Specifically, it aimed to determine the respondents'
skills, knowledge, attitude, values, and interest that English proficiency level and literary competence
an individual has for reading and understanding based on a teacher-made test; analyze the
literature. To be competent in literature, one should relationship between the English proficiency level
first be proficient in the language. Hence, acquiring and literary competence of the respondents, and
literary competence will not be difficult if language make implications of the findings that may help
competence is ensured. Van der Pol (2012) [23] enhance the aspect of language and literature
argues that when the students are involved in a teaching.
reading activity, their experiences and background
knowledge interact with the text they are reading, Materials and Method
creating a relationship that helps build the merit of
the text. However, he explained that this stage does
not suffice the process of revealing the actual merit Research Design
of the text since the reader might have an intentional The evaluative-correlation method was used in the
fallacy in reading the literary work and fail to study. The evaluative method was used to determine
convey the meaning intended by the author. proficiency in English along with vocabulary,
grammar, reading comprehension, and literary
Moreover, in unveiling the meaning embedded in a competence along with textual knowledge,
literary work, Hapsari (2011) [8] argues that it conceptual knowledge, and literary reading skills.
requires an exquisite approach with a certain degree The correlation method was used to determine the
of preconception; thus, merely relying on the relationship between the level of English
reader's experience and background knowledge will proficiency and literary competence of English
not be enough to excavate the essence of a text. major students.
Consequently, literature teachers should introduce
Research Participants year students were selected because they were the
The research was conducted at the Central Bicol most suited respondents for the study, considering
State University of Agriculture- Sipocot. It included that they are on the higher levels of the academic
the total population of the third-year and fourth-year ladder, and it is assumed that they already have the
English major students. The third-year and fourth- expected language and literary competencies needed
by soon are English teachers.
Table 2: English Proficiency Level of English Major Students along with Vocabulary
Advanced Proficient 9-10
Proficient 7-8
Approaching Proficient 5-6
Developing Proficient 3-4
Beginning Proficient 1-2
Data revealed that 1 or 2.38 percent of 42 an average score of 4.98, described as hardly
respondents were advanced proficient and ranked proficient. They concluded that most of their
fifth, 6 or 14.29 percent were proficient and ranked respondents have difficulties in word meanings and
third, 17 or 40.48 percent were approaching using particular words. Consequently, Nayan and
proficient and ranked first, 14 or 33.33 percent were Krishnasamy (2015) [12]. the study disclosed that
developing proficient and ranked second, and 4 or the students' limited vocabulary hampered them
9.52 percent were beginning proficient and ranked from exploring and understanding the meaning of
fourth. individual words.
Table 3: English Proficiency Level of English Major Students along with Grammar
0 0 0
Data showed that 2 or 4.76 percent of 42 respondents teach learners to use correct, precise, grammatical,
were advanced proficient, 7 or 16.67 percent were coherent, and accurate language. It can be concluded
proficient, 25 or 59.52 percent were approaching that the majority of English major students belong to
proficient, 8 or 19.05 percent were developing the level of approaching proficiency, which means
proficient, and none were beginning proficient. that they already have the background knowledge
According to Ocampo (2021) [15], there is a need to when it comes to grammar.
It can also be inferred from the findings that English Comprehension is the capacity of the mind to
major students have difficulties with the different perceive and understand. Reading comprehension is
rules that govern the language, specifically those of the competence to perceive and understand the
syntactical rules. This finding is similar to meanings communicated by the text (Webster
Magbanuna (2016), who revealed that almost half of Dictionary). For a language teacher, the most
the college students from a public university belong common definition of comprehension is the process
to the qualitative description of very good grammar in which the readers construct meaning by
and that the College English teachers should interacting with the text through the combination of
strengthen their strategies in grammar teaching since prior knowledge and previous experiences,
their respondents got an average score of 4.98, information in the text, and the stance the readers
which was interpreted as hardly proficient. take in relationship to the text (Ocampo, 2018) [13].
Reading Comprehension Table 4 shows the English proficiency of the
respondents, along with reading comprehension.
Table 4: English Proficiency Level of English Major Students along Reading Comprehension
Advanced Proficient 9-10
Proficient 7-8
Approaching Proficient 5-6
Developing Proficient 3-4
Beginning Proficient 1-2
According to the data, 3 or 7.14 percent of the 42 General English Proficiency Level of English
respondents were advanced proficient and ranked Major Students
fourth, 22 or 52.38 percent were proficient and Presented in table 5 is the overall English
ranked first, 13 or 30.96 percent were approaching proficiency level of English major students. It was
proficient and ranked second, 4 or 9.52 percent were discovered that 1 or 2.38 percent of 42 students were
developing proficient and ranked third, and no ranked as advanced proficient and ranked fourth, 14
student belonged to the beginning proficient. or 33.33 percent were ranked as proficient and
According to the findings, 52 percent of respondents ranked second, and 22 or 52.39 percent were
were proficient in reading comprehension. The approaching proficient and ranked first. Among the
findings indicate that their vocabulary and grammar five proficiency level categories, 5 or 11.90 percent
knowledge have influenced their reading were developing proficient and ranked third, with no
comprehension. student falling into the beginning proficient
Advanced Proficient 9-10
Proficient 7-8
Approaching Proficient 5-6
Developing Proficient 3-4
Beginning Proficient 1-2
Based on the findings, it can be deduced that the These activities allow them to apply their skills since
majority of the English major students were a skill without an opportunity is useless.
approaching proficiency; thus, they can understand
and communicate academic content with more English Proficiency Level of English Major
sophisticated vocabulary and varied verb tenses,
implying that they need to improve their skills in Students based on Mean
reading comprehension, vocabulary, and especially Presented in table 6 is the English proficiency level
grammar. of English major students based on the mean score
that the respondent got in the three components of
It is supported by Ocampo’s (2021) [14] study, English proficiency. Disclosed in table 6 is the
which emphasized that learners should be given respondents' mean score in the three indicators of
more time to practice English to be proficient in English proficiency level: vocabulary, grammar, and
various learning areas such as reading, grammar, reading comprehension. Data revealed that the
and written skills. Also, they must be exposed to English major students of CBSUA-Sipocot have a
communication language situations such as mean score of 4.18 in terms of vocabulary, which is
storytelling, role-playing, activity cards, interpreted as developing proficiency, and they are
dramatization, narrative and description writing, and both approaching proficiency in terms of grammar
other interactive and interdisciplinary activities. and reading comprehension having mean scores of
5.64 and 6.64, respectively.
Table 6: English Proficiency Level of English Major Students Based on Mean
The data revealed that the English major students Literary Competence
have an overall mean of 17.07, interpreted as Literary competence is a fundamental concept in
approaching proficient. Based on the findings, one literature education. Students of literature are
can infer that among the three indicators of English expected to have an implicit understanding of the
proficiency levels, the students have difficulty when operations of literary discourse, which tells them
it comes to vocabulary. This finding validated the what to look for. This ability allows a person to
study of Wu (2013) [24] in which of all the interpret meaning beyond what is written in the text.
components of language proficiency, college As a result, it is the responsibility of the literature
students in a public university got the lowest mean teacher to ensure that their students understand the
score of 4.98 in vocabulary, interpreted as hardly semiotic signs and culture that are implicitly written
proficient. This finding implies that language for them to grasp the meaning of literary work
teachers of CBSUA-Sipocot should adopt more (Hapsari, 2011) [8]. Table 7 shows the level of
engaging teaching pedagogies that would help literary competence and textual knowledge of
learners be more proficient in vocabulary. English major students based on the results of a
researcher-created test.
Table 7: Level of Literary Competence of English Major Students along with Textual Knowledge
Advanced Competent 9-10
Competent 7-8
Approaching Competent 5-6
Developing Competent 3-4
Beginning Competent 1-2
Gleaned in Table 8 is the frequency distribution of competence since language competence alone will
the respondent's results in the literary competence not suffice to achieve higher literary competence.
test and conceptual knowledge. Data revealed that Thus, a well-structured lesson plan will help boost
out of 42 respondents, no one belonged to the the students' competence.
category of advanced proficient, 11 or 26.19% were
competent and were ranked 3rd, 15 or 35.72% were Literary Reading Skills
approaching competent and were ranked 1 st, 13 or Literary reading skill is reading between the lines to
30.95% were developing competent and ranked 2 nd, discover levels of meaning and develop more
and 2 or 7.14% were beginning competent and was complex interpretations. It covers the basic and key
ranked 4th. Based on the findings, one can conclude reading skills that make it the most sophisticated
that the English major students are still achieving a reading level, involving grasping complex texts in
higher level of competencies in terms of literature. all their complexity (Din, 2020) [5]. Presented in
The findings aligned with Yimwilai’s (2015) [25] Table 9 is the level of literary competence of English
study, which said that the literature teachers should major students and literary reading skills.
plan strategically to present lessons in literary
Table 9: Level of Literary Competence of English Major Students along with Literary Reading Skills
Advanced Competent 9-10
Competent 7-8
Approaching Competent 5-6
Developing Competent 3-4
Beginning Competent 1-2
As gleaned from the table, it disclosed that out of 42 “grammar of literature,” which forbade them to
respondents, 2 or 4.76% were competent, 20 or convert linguistic sequences into literary structures
47.62% were approaching competent, 16 or 38.1% and meanings.
were developing competent, and 4 or 9.52% were
beginning competent, and no student belonged to the Over-All Level of Literary Competence of
advanced competent level. With these results, one English Major Students
can infer that the respondents have a weak Table 10 displays the overall level of literary
foundation of knowledge when reading literary text. competence of English major students. Table 10
Results revealed that the respondents need revealed that no English major student belonged to
reinforcement in dealing with reading literary text. the advanced or beginning categories, but there were
A stylistic approach to reading literature is highly 9 or 21.43 percent who belonged to the category of
recommended because the respondents are competent and were ranked third, 19 or 45.24
unfamiliar with literature and the conventions by percent who belonged to the category of
which a literary text should be read; hence, they are approaching competent and were ranked first, and
baffled when presented with a literary work. These 14 or 33.33 percent who were developing competent
findings conform to the idea of Culler (2002) that and were ranked second.
the respondents have not able to internalize the
Table 10: Over-All Level of Literary Competence of English Major Students
Based on the findings, it can be deduced that most Table 11 shows the level of literary competence of
of the students belonged to the category of English major students based on the mean score
approaching and developing competent in terms of obtained in the three components of the literary
literary competence. It can also be implied that most competence test. The mean score in the three
students need scaffolding in developing their literary indicators of literary competence, textual
competence. Thus, the teacher should adhere to knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and literary
Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development theory, reading skills is shown in table 11. Data revealed
which states that the teacher should identify the ZPD that English major students at CBSUA-Sipocot had
of their students to provide proper assistance, a mean score of 5.36 in textual knowledge and 5.12
thereby encouraging and advancing their learning in conceptual knowledge, which was interpreted as
(Gredler, 2012) [7]. approaching proficiency, and they had a mean score
of 4.45, which was interpreted as developing
Level of Literary Competence of English competent.
Major Students based on Mean
Table 11: Level of Literary Competence of English Major Students Based on Mean
The data disclosed that the English major students It only implies that the students cannot wholly
have an overall mean of 14.79, interpreted as deduce all the elements of prose or poetry and that
approaching competent. Based on the findings, one they have difficulty decoding and appreciating the
can infer that the students got the lowest mean score essence of a literary text.
in literary reading skills among the three indicators
of literary competence.
Correlation between English Proficiency Moreover, the study of literature mainly enhances
Level and Level of Literary Competence in extensive reading skills development. Research
findings overwhelmingly support the fact that there
English Major Students is a correlation between extensive reading and
Literature is rooted in language, and language gets language acquisition, especially effective writing.
life through literature, making them interconnected. For instance, You (2011) [26] posited that reading
According to Carter and McRae (2014) [4], could provide a ready means for acquiring
literature should be used with students because it is vocabulary and effective writing in a second
a motivating stimulus for language acquisition. language. The source further stated that reading
Literature, a convenient source of content for a brings to the reach of the learner large repertoires of
course in a foreign language, provides motivating lexical items in their natural linguistic contexts. It
materials for language teaching. Khatib and Rahimi means that an individual could only unfold the merit
(2012) [10]. equally agreed that literature is a of specific literary text if they have mastery of the
legitimate and valuable resource for language language. Thus, the present study tries to correlate
teaching. In the same vein, through the creative the students' English proficiency and literary
methods of teaching literature, students can be competence to derive pedagogical implications
helped to develop confidence in producing coherent relevant to language and literature teaching.
and cohesive spoken discourses, organizing Presented in Table 12 is the relationship between the
sentences into paragraphs with useful linkers, and English proficiency and literary competence of
organizing paragraphs into coherent, meaningful English major students.
written discourse.
Table 12: Relationship between the English Language Proficiency & Literary Competence of
English Major Students
Gleaned on the table is the relationship between the Proficiency and literary competence. The
English proficiency and literary competence of accumulated score of the respondents in vocabulary,
English major students. Data disclosed that the reading comprehension, and grammar was used to
computed value is 4.503 with a critical value of determine the English proficiency level belonging to
2.021and was interpreted as moderate correlation. the descriptive rating of advance proficient,
Since the computed value is greater than the critical proficient, approaching proficient, developing
value at a 5 % level of significance, the decision on proficient, and beginning proficient. Likewise, to
the hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is a determine the level of literary competence of the
significant relationship between the English respondents, the accumulated score of the students
proficiency level and the level of literary in textual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and
competence of English major students. literary reading skills were used. Pearson r was used
in testing the significant relationship between the
Conclusion English proficiency level and literary competence of
The study focused on English proficiency and the respondents.
literary competence of English major students of the
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture- The findings showed that most of the students have
Sipocot. Specifically, it focused on the following a proficiency level of approaching proficient both in
problems: (1) What is the English proficiency level vocabulary and grammar. The majority of the
of the respondents in vocabulary, grammar, and students have an English proficiency level in reading
reading comprehension, (2) What is the level of comprehension. Moreover, the data revealed that
literary competence of the respondents along with most students are approaching competent in terms of
textual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and textual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and
literary reading skills, (3) Is there a significant literary reading skills. The statistical data showed a
relationship between the English proficiency and significant relationship between English proficiency
literary competence of the respondents. and literary competence of English major students
of Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-
It used the evaluative-correlational method to Sipocot College of Education.
evaluate and determine the students' level of English
Recommendations 4. Carter, R. and McRae, J., (2014). “Language,
The researcher recommends that the English major literature and the learner: Creative classroom
students be given seminars and workshops to practice”. Routledge.
improve their English proficiency in terms of 5. Din, M., (2020). “Evaluating university
vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. students’ critical thinking ability as reflected in
The teachers are encouraged to give ample time to their critical reading skill: A study at bachelor
discuss the basics of grammar, especially in the rules level in Pakistan”. Thinking Skills and
of subject-verb agreement, the basic sentence Creativity, 35, 100627.
patterns, and the different tenses of the verb, which 6. Eborde, et al., (2017). “Attitudes and practices
are crucial to developing language proficiency in in literary appreciation of fourth-year English
students. They may provide activities to improve major students of CBSUA-Sipocot”.
the students' creativity in dealing with the literary Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis: CBSUA-
text. They may think of other ways to strengthen and Sipocot.
intensify the students’ love for reading. They may 7. Gredler, M.E., (2012). “Understanding
provide concrete examples of how to deal with a Vygotsky for the classroom: Is it too late?”.
different literary text, wherein students may be able Educational Psychology Review, 24(1), 113-
to overcome the problems in appreciating literary 131.
texts. The pedagogical shift in delivering language 8. Hapsari, A., (2011). “Literary competence for
and literature as separate discourses to interfacing the teaching of literature in a second language
the two fields may be adopted by the teachers in educational context”. JEE, Journal of English
promoting effective language and literature and Education, 5(1), 29-36.
teaching. Creative and innovative activities that link 9. Hashemi, A. and Daneshfar, S., (2018). “The
the two discourses may be given more to the learners impact of different teaching strategies on
and may also be adopted. Supplementary reading teaching grammar to college students”. Theory
may be given to the students to trigger their and Practice in Language Studies, 8(3), 340-
emotional and personal life leading to the 348.
appreciation of the text since literary appreciation is 10. Khatib, M. & Rahimi, A.H., (2012). “Literature
an indispensable aspect of developing literary and language teaching”. Journal of Academic
competence. On the part of the school and Applied Studies, 2(6), 32-38.
administration, they may provide opportunities to 11. Mozafari, A. and Barjesteh, H., (2016).
the teachers handling English and literature subjects “Enhancing literary competence through
to access the new trends in teaching by sending them critical-oriented reading strategies”.
to different local, national, and international International Journal of Applied Linguistics and
conferences and seminars. Moreover, other English Literature, 5(7), 168-177.
researchers are recommended to conduct similar 12. Nayan, S. and Krishnasamy, H.N., (2015). “A
research to aid the university's existing language preliminary study on vocabulary learning
curriculum that will eventually address the problems strategies used by the students from the Faculty
in language proficiency and literary competence. of Accountancy”. International Journal of
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