Control Engineering
Control Engineering
Control Engineering
(Lecture #1)
The enclosed fluids (liquids and gases) can be used as prime movers to provide controlled
motion and force to the objects or substances. The specially designed enclosed fluid systems
can provide both linear as well as rotary motion. This kind of enclosed fluid based systems
using pressurized incompressible liquids as transmission media are called as hydraulic systems..
Basic Components of a Hydraulic System
Figure 1 shows a simple circuit of a hydraulic system with basic components.
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3. Valves are used to control the direction, pressure and flow rate of a fluid flowing through
the circuit.
4. External power supply (motor) is required to drive the pump.
5. Reservoir is used to hold the hydraulic oil.
6. Piping system carries the hydraulic oil from one place to another.
7. Filters are used to remove any foreign particles so as keep the fluid system clean.
8. Pressure regulator regulates (i.e., maintains) the required level of pressure in the
hydraulic fluid.
Figure 2 shows the components of the hydraulic system using symbols.
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Basic Types Of Valves
1) directional control valves:
They determine the path through which a fluid traverses a given circuit
2) pressure control valves:
They protect the system against overpressure, which may occur due to excessive actuator
loads or due to the closing of a valve.
(3) flow control valves.
They are used to control the flow rate of the fluid
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Three way valves
When a valve has one pressure port, one tank port and one actuating port as shown in Figure 3,
it is known as three way valve.
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Symbolic Representation of Valves
Hydraulic Cylinders
Cylinders are linear actuators, that is, they produce straight-line motion and/or force.
Cylinders are classified as:
1. Single-acting Cylinder
2. Double-acting Cylinder
Single Acting Cylinder
Single acting cylinder has only one fluid chamber and exerts force in only one direction, as
shown in fig. 5.
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Fig. 5, Single acting cylinder
Hydraulic Motors
Motors work on the reverse principle of pumps. In motors fluid is forced into the motor from
pump outlets at high pressure and is converted to mechanical energy.
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Flight Control System
(Lecture #2)
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• It uses a collection of mechanical parts such as rods, tension cables, pulleys,
counterweights, and sometimes chains to transmit the forces applied from the cockpit
controls directly to the control surfaces (see fig. 1)
Increases in the control surface area required by large aircraft or higher loads caused by high
airspeeds in small aircraft lead to a large increase in the forces needed to move them,
consequently complicated mechanical gearing arrangements were developed to extract
maximum mechanical advantage in order to reduce the forces required from the pilots
Some mechanical flight control systems use Servo tabs that provide aerodynamic assistance.
Servo tabs are small surfaces hinged to the control surfaces. The flight control mechanisms
move these tabs, aerodynamic forces in turn move, or assist the movement of the control
surfaces reducing the amount of mechanical forces needed.
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Need for Powered Control System
The Complexity and Weight of the system (Mechanical) increased with Size and Performance
of the aircraft.
•When the pilot’s action is not directly sufficient for the control, the main option is a powered
system that assists the pilot.
•The hydraulic system has demonstrated to be a more suitable solution for actuation in terms of
reliability, safety, weight per unit power and flexibility.
Powered Assisted Control System
The pilot, via the cabin components, sends a signal, or demand, to a valve that opens ports
through which high pressure hydraulic fluid flows and operates one or more actuators.
The first problem is solved by using (hydraulic) servo-mechanisms, where the components are
linked in such a way to introduce an actuator stroke proportional to the pilot’s demand
For the second problem an artificial feel is introduced in powered systems, acting directly on
the cabin control stick or pedals.
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4. Dangerous characteristics such as stalling, spinning …etc, which depend mainly on the
stability and structure of the aircraft concerned rather than the control system itself, can
still occur with these systems
By using electrical control circuits combined with computers, designers can save weight,
improve reliability, and use the computers to mitigate the undesirable characteristics mentioned
Fly –By –Wire System (FBW)
The term "fly-by-wire" implies a purely electrically-signalled control system
• It is a computer-configured controls, where a computer system is interposed between the
operator and the final control actuators or surfaces
•It modifies the manual inputs of the pilot in accordance with control parameters
• The pilot’s demand is first of all transduced into electrical signal in the cabin and sent to
a group of independent computers.
• The computers sample also data concerning the flight conditions and servo-valves and
actuators positions
• The pilot’s demand is then processed and sent to the actuator, properly tailored to the
actual flight status (see fig. 2).
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Introduction to control systems
(Lecture # 3)
A control system is an arrangement of physical components connected or related in such a
manner as to command, direct, or regulate itself or another system.
The system shown in Fig. 1, consisting of a mirror pivoted at one end and adjusted up and down
with a screw at the other end, is properly termed a control system. The angle of reflected light is
regulated by means of the screw.
Fig. 1
control systems of interest for analysis or design purposes include not only those manufactured
by humans, but those that normally exist in nature.
Definition 1:
The input is the stimulus, excitation or command applied to a control system,
typically from an external energy source, usually in order to produce a specified
response from the control system.
Definition 2:
The output is the actual response obtained from a control system. It may or may not be
equal to the specified response implied by the input.
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Inputs and outputs can have many different forms. Inputs, for example, may be physical
variables, or more abstract quantities such as reference, setpoint, or desired values for the
output of the control system.
Example 1
An electric switch is a manufactured control system, controlling the flow of electricity. Flipping
the switch on or off may be considered as the input. The output is the flow or nonflow (two
states) of electricity.
Example 2
A thermostatically controlled heater automatically regulating the temperature of a room is a
control system. The input to this system is a reference temperature, usually specified by
thermostat setting. The output is the actual temperature of the room.
Control systems are classified into two general categories: open-loop and closed-loop systems.
The distinction is determined by the control action, that quantity responsible for activating the
system to produce the output.
Definition 3
An open-loop control system is one in which the control action is independent of the output.
Definition 4
A closed-loop control system is one in which the control action is somehow dependent on the
Two outstanding features of open-loop control systems are:
1. Their ability to perform accurately is determined by their calibration.
2. They are not usually troubled with problems of instability, a concept to be subsequently
discussed in detail.
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Most automatic toasters are open-loop systems because they are controlled by a timer. The
time required to make ‘‘good toast” must be estimated by the user, who is not part of the
An autopilot mechanism and the airplane it controls is a closed-loop control system. Its
purpose is to maintain a specified airplane heading, despite atmospheric changes. It performs
this task by continuously measuring the actual airplane heading, and automatically adjusting the
airplane control surfaces (rudder, ailerons, etc.) so as to bring the actual airplane heading into
correspondence with the specified heading.
Feedback is that characteristic of closed-loop control systems which distinguishes them from
open-loop systems.
Definition 5:
Feedback is that property of a closed-loop system which permits the output to be compared
with the input to the system so that the appropriate control action may be formed as some
function of the output and input.
The concept of feedback is clearly illustrated by the autopilot mechanism of Example 4. The
input is the specified heading, which may be set on a dial or other instrument of the airplane
control panel, and the output is the actual heading, as determined by automatic navigation
instruments. A comparison device continuously monitors the input and output. When the two
are in correspondence, control action is not required. When a difference exists between the
input and output, the comparison device delivers a control action signal to the controller, the
autopilot mechanism. The controller provides the appropriate signals to the control surfaces of
the airplane to reduce the input-output difference.
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Solved Problems
1 Identify the input and output for the pivoted, adjustable mirror of Fig. 1.
The input is the angle of inclination of the mirror Ɵ, varied by turning the screw. The output is
the angular position of the reflected beam Ɵ + α from the reference surface.
2. How are the automatic washing machine open-loop system calibrated
Automatic washing machines are calibrated by estimating any combination of the following
input quantities: (1) amount of detergent, (2) amount of bleach or other additives, (3) amount of
water, (4) temperature of the water, ( 5 ) cycle-time.
3. Identify the organ-system components, and the input and output, and describe the operation
of the biological control system consisting of a human being reaching for an object.
The basic components of this control system are the brain, arm and hand, and eyes.
The brain sends the required nervous system signal to the arm and hand to reach for the object.
This signal is amplified in the muscles of the arm and hand, which serve as power actuators for
the system. The eyes are employed as a sensing device, continuously “feeding back” the
position of the hand to the brain. Hand position is the output for the system. The input is object
position. The control action is equal to the distance between hand and object position. The
objective of the control system is to reduce the distance between hand position and object
position to zero
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(Lecture # 4)
A block diagram is a shorthand, pictorial representation of the cause-and-effect relationship
between the input and output of a physical system.
The simplest form of the block diagram is the single block, with one input and one output, as
shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1
The interior of the rectangle representing the block usually contains a description of or the name
of the element, or the symbol for the mathematical operation to be performed on the input to
yield the output. The arrows represent the direction of information or signal flow.
Fig. 2
The operations of addition and subtraction have a special representation. The block becomes a
small circle, called a summing point, with the appropriate plus or minus sign associated with the
arrows entering the circle. The output is the algebraic sum of the inputs.
Fig. 3
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In order to have the same signal or variable be an input to more than one block or summing
point, a takeoff point is used. This permits the signal to proceed unaltered along several
different paths to several destinations.
Fig. 4
The basic configuration of a simple closed-loop (feedback) control system is illustrated in Fig. 5
Fig. 5
Definition 2. I :
The plant (or process, or controlled system) g 2 is the system, subsystem, process, or object
controlled by the feedback control system.
Definition 2.2
The controlled output c is the output variable of the plant, under the control of the
feedback control system.
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A servomechanism is a power-amplifying feedback control system in which the controlled
variable c is mechanical position, or a time derivative of position such as velocity or
An automobile power-steering apparatus is a servomechanism. The command input is the
angular position of the steering wheel. A small rotational torque applied to the steering wheel is
amplified hydraulically, resulting in a force adequate to modify the output, the angular position
of the front wheels. The block diagram of such a system may be represented by Fig. 6. Negative
feedback is necessary in order to return the control valve to the neutral position, reducing the
torque from the hydraulic amplifier to zero when the desired wheel position has been achieved
Fig. 2.6
A regulator or regulating system is a feedback control system in which the reference input or
command is constant for long periods of time, often for the entire time interval during which the
system is operational. Such an input is often called a setpoint.
regulator differs from a servomechanism in that the primary function of a regulator is usually to
maintain a constant controlled output, while that of a servomechanism is most often to cause the
output of the system to follow a varying input.
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Solved Problems
1. Consider the following equation in which xl and x2 are variables, and a1,, a2, are general
coefficients or mathematical operators:
(a) Two operations are specified by this equation, a1, and differentiation d/dt. Therefore the
block diagram contains two blocks, as shown below.
( b ) The + and - operations indicate the need for a summing point. The differentiation operation
can be treated as in part (a), or by combining two first derivative operations into one second
derivative operator block, giving two different block diagrams for the equation for x 3 , as
shown below.
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( c ) The integration operation can be represented in block diagram form as following.
3. Draw a simple block diagram for the feedback control system of the airplane with an
The plant for this system is the airplane, including its control surfaces and navigational
instruments. The controller is the autopilot mechanism, and the summing point is the
comparison device. The feedback linkage may be simply represented by an arrow from the
output to the summing point. The autopilot provides control signals to operate the control
surfaces (rudder, flaps, etc.). These signals may be denoted ul, u2,.
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Control Systems - Mathematical Models
(Lecture # 5)
The control systems can be represented with a set of mathematical equations known
as mathematical model. These models are useful for analysis and design of control systems.
Consider the following electrical system as shown in the following figure. This circuit consists
of resistor, inductor and capacitor. All these electrical elements are connected in series. The
input voltage applied to this circuit is vi and the voltage across the capacitor is the output
voltage vo.
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Substitute, the current passing through capacitor in the above equation.
The transfer function model of an LTI system is shown in the following figure.
Here, we represented an LTI system with a block having transfer function inside it. And this
block has an input X(s) & output Y(s)
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Previously, we got the differential equation of an electrical system as
• Vi(s)) is the Laplace transform of the input voltage vi
• Vo(s) is the Laplace transform of the output voltage vo
The above equation is a transfer function of the second order electrical system. The transfer
function model of this system is shown below.
Here, we show a second order electrical system with a block having the transfer function inside
it. And this block has an input Vi(s) & an output Vo(s).
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Block Diagram Algebra
(Lecture #6)
Block diagram algebra is nothing but the algebra involved with the basic elements of the block
diagram. This algebra deals with the pictorial representation of algebraic equations.
Series Connection
Series connection is also called cascade connection. In the following figure, two blocks having
transfer functions G1(s) and G2(s) are connected in series.
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Similarly, you can represent series connection of ‘n’ blocks with a single block. The
transfer function of this single block is the product of the transfer functions of all those
‘n’ blocks.
Parallel Connection
The blocks which are connected in parallel will have the same input. In the following
figure, two blocks having transfer functions G1(s) and G2(s) are connected in parallel.
The outputs of these two blocks are connected to the summing point.
That means we can represent the parallel connection of two blocks with a single block.
The transfer function of this single block is the sum of the transfer functions of those two
blocks. The equivalent block diagram is shown below.
Similarly, you can represent parallel connection of ‘n’ blocks with a single block. The transfer
function of this single block is the algebraic sum of the transfer functions of all those ‘n’
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Feedback Connection
There are two types of feedback
• Positive feedback.
• Negative feedback.
The following figure shows negative feedback control system. Here, two blocks having
transfer functions G(s) and H(s) form a closed loop.
his means we can represent the negative feedback connection of two blocks with a
single block. The transfer function of this single block is the closed loop transfer
function of the negative feedback. The equivalent block diagram is shown below.
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Similarly, you can represent the positive feedback connection of two blocks with a single
block. The transfer function of this single block is the closed loop transfer function of the
positive feedback, i.e.,
Summing point has two inputs R(s) and X(s). The output of it is {R(s)+X(s)}.
So, the input to the block G(s) is {R(s)+X(s)} and the output of it is
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Now, shift the summing point after the block. This block diagram is shown in the following
The first term ‘G(s)R(s)′ is same in both the equations. But, there is difference in the
second term. In order to get the second term also same, we require one more
block G(s). It is having the input X(s) and the output of this block is given as input to
summing point instead of X(s). This block diagram is shown in the following figure.
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Shifting Summing Point Before the Block
Consider the block diagram shown in the following figure. Here, the summing point is
present after the block.
Now, shift the summing point before the block. This block diagram is shown in the following
term. In order to get the second term also same, we require one more block . It is
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having the input X(s) and the output of this block is given as input to summing point
instead of X(s). This block diagram is shown in the following figure.
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block . It is having the input Y(s) and the output is X(s). This block diagram is
shown in the following figure.
Here, X(s)=Y(s)=G(s)R(s)
When you shift the take-off point before the block, the output Y(s) will be same. But, there
is difference in X(s) value. So, in order to get same X(s) value, we require one more
block G(s). It is having the input R(s) and the output is X(s). This block diagram is shown in
the following figure.
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Block Diagram Reduction
(Lecture # 7)
Block Diagram Reduction Rules
Follow these rules for simplifying (reducing) the block diagram, which is having
many blocks, summing points and take-off points.
Rule 1 − Check for the blocks connected in series and simplify.
Rule 2 − Check for the blocks connected in parallel and simplify.
Rule 3 − Check for the blocks connected in feedback loop and simplify.
Rule 4 − If there is difficulty with take-off point while simplifying, shift it towards right.
Rule 5 − If there is difficulty with summing point while simplifying, shift it towards left.
Rule 6 − Repeat the above steps till you get the simplified form, i.e., single block.
Note − The transfer function present in this single block is the transfer function of the overall
block diagram.
Example 1
Consider the block diagram shown in the following figure. Let us simplify (reduce) this block
diagram using the block diagram reduction rules.
Step 1 − Use Rule 1 for blocks G1 and G2. Use Rule 2 for blocks G3 and G4. The modified
block diagram is shown in the following figure.
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Step 2 − Use Rule 3 for blocks G1G2 and H1. Use Rule 4 for shifting take-off point after the
block G5. The modified block diagram is shown in the following figure.
Step 3 − Use Rule 1 for blocks (G3+G4)and G5. The modified block diagram is shown in the
following figure.
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Step 4 − Use Rule 3 for blocks (G3+G4)G5 and H3. The modified block diagram is shown in
the following figure.
Step 5 − Use Rule 1 for blocks connected in series. The modified block diagram is shown in
the following figure.
Step 6 − Use Rule 3 for blocks connected in feedback loop. The modified block diagram is
shown in the following figure. This is the simplified block diagram.
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Example 2
Simplify the block diagram shown in the following figure
First, move the branch point of the path involving H1outside the loop involving H2
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Combining two blocks into one gives
Example 3
Simplify the block diagram shown in Figure 3-13. Obtain the transfer function relating C(s) and
R(s ).
The block diagram can be modified as following
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which can be simplified to that shown in Figure below
Example 4
Simplify the block diagram shown the Figure
First move the take off point between G3 and G4 to the right-hand side of the loop containing
G3, G4, and H2. Then move the summing point between G1 and G2, to the left-hand side of the
first summing point.
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By simplifying each loop, the block diagram can be modified as
Example 5
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Signal Flow Graphs (SFG)
(Lecture # 8)
The block diagram reduction process takes more time for complicated systems. Because,
we have to draw the (partially simplified) block diagram after each step. So, to
overcome this drawback, use signal flow graphs (representation). Signal flow graph is a
graphical representation of algebraic equations. The main advantage for using SFG is that a
straight forward procedure is available for finding the transfer function in which it is not
necessary redraw the system several times as with block diagram manipulations.
Basic Elements of Signal Flow Graph
Nodes and branches are the basic elements of signal flow graph.
There are three types of nodes — input node, output node and mixed node.
• Input Node − It is a node, which has only outgoing branches.
• Output Node − It is a node, which has only incoming branches.
• Mixed Node − It is a node, which has both incoming and outgoing branches.
Let us consider the following signal flow graph to identify these nodes.
• The nodes present in this signal flow graph are y1, y2, y3 and y4.
• y1 and y4 are the input node and output node respectively.
• y2 and y3 are mixed nodes.
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Branch is a line segment which joins two nodes. It has both gain and direction. For
example, there are four branches in the above signal flow graph. These branches
have gains of a, b, c and -d.
There will be six nodes (y1, y2, y3, y4, y5 and y6) and eight branches in this
signal flow graph. The gains of the branches are a12, a23, a34, a45, a56, a42,
a53 and a35.
To get the overall signal flow graph, draw the signal flow graph for each
equation, then combine all these signal flow graphs and then follow the
steps given below –
Step 1 − Signal flow graph for is shown in the following figure.
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Step 2 − Signal flow graph for is shown in the
following figure.
following figure.
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Step 6 − Signal flow graph of overall system is shown in the following
Let us convert the following block diagram into its equivalent signal flow
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Represent the input signal R(s)R(s) and output signal C(s)C(s) of block
diagram as input node R(s)R(s) and output node C(s)C(s) of signal flow
Just for reference, the remaining nodes (y1 to y9) are labelled in the block
diagram. There are nine nodes other than input and output nodes. That is
four nodes for four summing points, four nodes for four take-off points and
one node for the variable between blocks G1 and G2.
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Mason's Gain Formula
(Lecture 9)
Suppose there are ‘N’ forward paths in a signal flow graph. The gain
between the input and the output nodes of a signal flow graph is nothing
but the transfer function of the system. It can be calculated by using
Mason’s gain formula.
Mason’s gain formula is
Consider the following signal flow graph in order to understand the basic
terminology involved here.
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It is a traversal of branches from one node to any other node in the
direction of branch arrows. It should not traverse any node more than
and y5→y3→y2
Forward Path
The path that exists from the input node to the output node is known
as forward path.
and y1→y2→y3→y5→y6.
Forward Path Gain
It is obtained by calculating the product of all branch gains of the forward
abcde is the forward path gain of y1→y2→y3→y4→y5→y6
and abge is the forward path gain of y1→y2→y3→y5→y6.
The path that starts from one node and ends at the same node is known
as loop. Hence, it is a closed path.
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y2→y3→y2 and y3→y5→y3.
Loop Gain
It is obtained by calculating the product of all branch gains of a loop.
bj is the loop gain of y2→y3→y2 and gh is the loop gain of y3→y5→y3.
Non-touching Loops
These are the loops, which should not have any common node.
The loops, y2→y3→y2 and y4→y5→y4 are non-touching.
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o Loops are y2→y3→y2, y3→y5→y3, y3→y4→y5→y3,
y4→y5→y4 and y5→y5.
o Loop gains are l1=bj, l2=gh, l3=cdh, l4=di and l5=f.
• Number of two non-touching loops = 2.
We know,
There is no loop which is non-touching to the first forward path.
So, ∆1=1.
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Substitute all the necessary values in the above equation.
Example 2
Obtain the transfer function C(s)/R(s).
Step 1 : Forward path gains
There are two forward paths
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Step 2 : Loop gains
Example 3
Obtain C(s) /R(s) for the following signal flow graph.
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The Laplace Transform
(lecture #10)
common notation convention: lower case letter denotes signal; capital letter denotes its Laplace
transform, e.g., U denotes L(u), Vin denotes L(vin), etc.
Example 1
Example 2
Constant: (or unit step) f(t) = 1 (for t > 0)
computing Laplace transforms directly can be fairly complicated. Usually we just use a table
of transforms when actually computing Laplace transforms. Table 1 includes most of the
commonly used Laplace transforms and most of the commonly needed formulas pertaining to
Laplace transforms.
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Table 1, commonly used Laplace transforms
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Example3 Show the steps for
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Example 6
Compute L(f(t)) using the basic Laplace table and
transform linearity properties.
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The Inverse Laplace Transform
(lecture #11)
If F(s) is the Laplace transform of f (t) then we can say that f (t) is the inverse Laplace transform
of F(s) . The following notation is used
The complex integral above is usually difficult to evaluate. Instead the approach that is
considered here is to express F(s) as the sum of simple terms that are usually available in the
Laplace transform Table.
Example 1: We have
Likewise, since
we have
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Example 2: Let’s find
We know that
To use this in computing our desired inverse transform, we will combine linearity with
multiplying by 1with, in this case, 1 = 3/3 :
which, reduces to
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Partial Fractions
we often get transforms that can be converted via ‘partial fractions’ to forms that are easily
inverse transformed using the tables the basic idea is that, if we have a fraction of two
we should note that one factor in the denominator can be further factored
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Letting s = 3 in the equation:
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Time Response Analysis
(lecture #12)
If the output of control system for an input varies with respect to time, then it is called
the time response of the control system. The time response consists of two parts.
• Transient response
• Steady state response
The response of control system in time domain is shown in the following figure.
Transient Response
After applying input to the control system, output takes certain time to reach steady
state. Therefore, the response of the control system during the transient state is known
as transient response.
The transient response will be zero for large values of ‘t’. Ideally, this value of ‘t’ is infinity.
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Mathematically, we can write it as
Let us find the transient and steady state terms of the time response of the control
Here, the second term will be zero as t denotes infinity. So, this is the transient
term. And the first term 10 remains even as t approaches infinity. So, this is the steady
state term.
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So, the unit impulse signal exists only at ‘t’ is equal to zero.
So, the unit step signal exists for all positive values of ‘t’ including zero. And its value is one
during this interval. The value of the unit step signal is zero for all negative values of ‘t’.
Ramp Signal
A unit ramp signal, r(t) is defined as
We can write unit ramp signal, r(t) in terms of unit step signal, u(t) as
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So, the unit ramp signal exists for all positive values of ‘t’ including zero. And its value
increases linearly with respect to ‘t’ during this interval. The value of unit ramp signal is
zero for all negative values of ‘t’.
Parabolic Signal
A unit parabolic signal, p(t) is defined as,
We can write unit parabolic signal, p(t) in terms of the unit step signal, u(t) as,
So, the unit parabolic signal exists for all the positive values of ‘t’ including zero. And its
value increases non-linearly with respect to ‘t’ during this interval. The value of the unit
parabolic signal is zero for all the negative values of ‘t’.
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Time Response of the First Order System
Consider the following block diagram of the closed loop control system.
The power of s is one in the denominator term. Hence, the above transfer function is of
the first order and the system is said to be the first order system.
We can re-write the above equation as
Follow these steps to get the response (output) of the first order system in the time
• Take the Laplace transform of the input signal r(t).
• Consider the equation,
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Impulse Response of First Order System
Consider the unit impulse signal as an input to the first order system.
Rearrange the above equation in one of the standard forms of Laplace transforms.
The unit impulse response, c(t) is an exponential decaying signal for positive values of ‘t’ and it is
zero for negative values of ‘t’.
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Time Response of Second Order System
(Lecture # 13)
Consider the following block diagram of closed loop control system. Here, an open loop
We know that the transfer function of the closed loop control system having unity negative
feedback as
The power of ‘s’ is two in the denominator term. Hence, the above transfer function is of the
second order and the system is said to be the second order system.
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• The two roots are imaginary when δ = 0.
• The two roots are real and equal when δ = 1.
• The two roots are real but not equal when δ > 1.
• The two roots are complex conjugate when 0 < δ < 1.
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Case 1: δ = 0 (Undamped)
So, the unit step response of the second order system when δ =0 will be a continuous time
So, the unit step response of the second order system will try to reach the step input in steady
So, the unit step response of the second order system is having damped oscillations (decreasing
amplitude) when ‘δ’ lies between zero and one.
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The following figure shows the four cases of the Step Response of Second Order System
The step response of the second order system for the underdamped case is shown in the
following figure.
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Delay Time
It is the time required for the response to reach half of its final value from the zero instant. It is
denoted by td .
Rise Time
It is the time required for the response to rise from 0% to 100% of its final value. Rise time is
denoted by tr.
From above equation, we can conclude that the rise time tr and the damped frequency ωd are
inversely proportional to each other.
Peak Time
It is the time required for the response to reach the peak value for the first time. It is denoted by tp.
From the above equation, we can conclude that the peak time tp and the damped
frequency ωd are inversely proportional to each other.
Peak Overshoot
Peak overshoot Mp is defined as the deviation of the response at peak time from the final value
of response.
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From the above equation, we can conclude that the percentage of peak vershoot will decrease if
the damping ratio δ increases.
Settling time
Both the settling time ts and the time constant τ are inversely proportional to the damping
ratio δ
Find the time domain specifications of a control system having the closed loop transfer
function when the unit step signal is applied as an input to this control system.
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The standard form of the transfer function of the second order closed loop control system as
By equating these two transfer functions, we will get the un-damped natural frequency ωn as 2
rad/sec and the damping ratio δ as 0.5.
The following table shows the formulae of time domain specifications, substitution of necessary
values and the final values.
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Control Systems - Stability
(Lecture # 14)
Note that, there should not be any term missing in the nth order characteristic equation.
This means that the nth order characteristic equation should not have any coefficient
that is of zero value.
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The following table shows the Routh array of the nth order characteristic polynomial.
generated until all subsequent coefficients are zero. Similarly, cross multiply the
coefficients of the two previous rows to obtain the ci, di, etc.
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until the nth row of the array has been completed1 Missing coefficients are replaced by
zeros. The resulting array is called the Routh array. multiplying a row by a positive
number to simplify the calculation of the next row does not affect the outcome of the
application of the Routh criterion.
Example 1
Let us find the stability of the control system having characteristic equation,
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Step 2 − Form the Routh array for the given characteristic polynomial.
Example 2
The characteristic equation of a given system is
From the array we note that there are no sign changes in the first column. So, the
control system is stable
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Example 3 The characteristic equation of a given system is
From this array we note that there are two sign changes in the first column. So, the
control system is unstable
Example 4
Determine if the following characteristic equation represents a stable system:
Since there are no changes of sign in the first column,the system is stable.
The characteristic equation of a given system is
What restrictions must be placed upon the parameter K in order to ensure that the
system is stable?
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The Routh table for this system is
Example 6
Find the range of K that stabilizes the closed-loop system
The block diagram can be simplified as follows
Characteristic equation is
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Routh array
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Root Locus
(Lecture # 15)
In the root locus diagram, we can observe the path of the closed loop poles. Hence, we
can identify the nature of the control system. In this technique, we will use an open loop
transfer function to know the stability of the closed loop control system.
Rule 1 − Locate the open loop poles and zeros in the ‘s’ plane.
The root locus branches start at the open loop poles and end at open loop zeros. So,
the number of root locus branches N is equal to the number of finite open loop
poles P or the number of finite open loop zeros Z, whichever is greater.
N=P if P≥Z
N=Z if P<Z
Rule 3 − Identify and draw the real axis root locus branches.
If odd number of the open loop poles and zeros exist to the left side of a point on the
real axis, then that point is on the root locus branch. Therefore, the branch of points
which satisfies this condition is the real axis of the root locus branch.
• If P=Z, then all the root locus branches start at finite open loop poles and end at
finite open loop zeros.
• If P>Z , then Z number of root locus branches start at finite open loop poles and
end at finite open loop zeros and P−Z number of root locus branches start at
finite open loop poles and end at infinite open loop zeros.
• If P<Z , then P number of root locus branches start at finite open loop poles and
end at finite open loop zeros and Z−P number of root locus branches start at
infinite open loop poles and end at finite open loop zeros.
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So, some of the root locus branches approach infinity, when P≠Z. Asymptotes give the
direction of these root locus branches. The intersection point of asymptotes on the real
axis is known as centroid.
We can calculate the centroid α by using this formula,
Draw the root locus of the control system having open loop transfer function,
Step 1 − The given open loop transfer function has three poles at s=0,s=−1 and s=−5.
It doesn’t have any zero. Therefore, the number of root locus branches is equal to the
number of poles of the open loop transfer function.
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The three poles are located are shown in the above figure. The line segment
between s=−1 and s=0 is one branch of root locus on real axis. And the other branch of
the root locus on the real axis is the line segment to the left of s=−5.
Step 2 − We will get the values of the centroid and the angle of asymptotes by using
the given formulae.
Step 3 − Since two asymptotes have the angles of 600 and 3000, two root locus
branches intersect the imaginary axis.
The root locus diagram for the given control system is shown in the following figure.
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