Participant Agreement Code of Conduct

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To be completed by participant and parent/guardian.

Groups - Organizer to retain copy on file

16. Participant Agreement and Code of Conduct

Group Name: ____________________________________________________________

Name of Participant: _____________________________________________________

It is important that all participants understand their personal responsibilities and

conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible way at all times. By signing this
form you are agreeing to all of the conditions of participation in the EXPERIENCES
CANADA Youth Exchanges Canada program.

Please sign and return this form to your Group Organizer:

I am ready and willing to participate fully in all aspects of this exchange.

I understand the different responsibilities I have as a host for my twin and as a

guest in the home of my twin.

I will attend all organized activities with my twin in both locations.

I agree that I will not leave the program or the site of any activity without the
permission of the Group Organizer, or the host family.

I understand that vandalism in any form, shoplifting, possession and/or use of

alcoholic beverages and/or any illegal substance, inappropriate use of social
media, or bullying of any sort, will not be tolerated and I agree to respect the code
of conduct established by the Organizers and the families for the duration of the

I understand that smoking Tobacco is illegal for participants under the age of 16.
Smoking is forbidden in public spaces. Participants who smoke cigarettes should
be aware that it will be strongly discouraged and be prepared for very limited
opportunities to smoke during the exchange.

I understand that if I do not respect the code of conduct or engage in behaviour

that is deemed inappropriate, I may lose the privilege of participation in this
program. I may not be allowed to continue to participate in activities of the
exchange or, if I am in the exchange destination at the time, I may be returned
home at my parents’ risk and expense. In addition, I will reimburse any expenses
undertaken by the Group Organizer and Experiences Canada on my behalf.

Participant Agreement and Code of Conduct – June 2023 Page 1 of 2

To be completed by participant and parent/guardian.
Groups - Organizer to retain copy on file

I agree to treat Organizers, family members, and other participants with respect
in all interactions, whether personal or electronic.

I agree to complete the Post Exchange Questionnaire which will be sent to me at

the end of my exchange. These questionnaires are used by Exchanges Canada as
a tool to evaluate and improve the program for future Exchanges Canada

I have read, understand and agree to the conditions listed above.

Signature of Participant Date

Signature of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Date

Participant Agreement and Code of Conduct – June 2023 Page 2 of 2

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