MSC Computer Science Part II (SEM III & IV) Syllabus
MSC Computer Science Part II (SEM III & IV) Syllabus
MSC Computer Science Part II (SEM III & IV) Syllabus
University of Mumbai
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This syllabus is an extension of the syllabus for the semester - I and semester – II of M.Sc.
Computer Science of the University of Mumbai, which came into existence in the academic
year 2021-2022. As mentioned in the syllabus forthe semester I and II, the intended philosophy
of the new syllabus is to meet the following guidelines:
This syllabus for the semester - III and semester – IV has tried to continue the steps initiated in
the semester- I and semester –II to meet the goals set. This proposes Four Tracks in semester-
III. The student must select one paper from each track.
Semester- IV will have two papers which shall be conducted in ONLINE MODE. A ratio of
70:30 needs to be followed i.e. 70% percent of lectures and practicals shall be in ONLINE
MODE and the remaining 30% of lectures and practicals will be conducted purely in OFFLINE
The syllabus also offers an internship with industry and project implementation in semester IV,
each of which has weights equivalent to a full course. Introducing different Electives in Tracks
in semester –III and offering the opportunity to choose those Electives will give the student
added advantage of high-level competency in the advanced and emerging areas of computer
science. This will equip the student with industry readiness as an internship in an IT or IT-
related organization gives a practical exposure to what is learned and what is practiced. The
strong foundation given in the core courses in different semesters will give enough confidence
to the learner to face and adapt to the changing trends and requirements of industry and
The syllabus prepares a strong army of budding computer science researchers. The syllabus
was designed on the firm belief that focusing on student-driven research on cutting edge and
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emerging trends with lots of practical experience will make the learning more interesting and
stimulating. It is hoped that the student community and teacher colleagues will appreciate the
thrust, direction, and treatment given in the syllabus.
We thank all our colleagues at the University of Mumbai for their inputs, suggestions, and
critical observations. We acknowledge the contributions of experts from premier institutions
and industry for making the syllabus more relevant. We thank the Chairperson and Members
of the present Ad-hoc Board of Studies in Computer Science of the University for their constant
support. Thanks to one and all who have directly or indirectly helped in this venture.
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The syllabus proposes Four Tracks with Two Electives each in semester -III with theory and
practical components. Each of these courses is of Four Credits and Two credits respectively.
The following table gives the details of the Theory Courses in Semester -III.
Track-B: Security
Select Any one from the courses listed below along with corresponding practical course
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Semester - III: Practical Lab courses
The syllabus proposes Four laboratory courses of 02 Credits each. As far as the practical is
concerned, equal weightage similar to that of theory courses have been given in terms of the
number of hours.
The following table gives the details of the Practical Courses in Semester –III
Course No of
Course Title Credit
Code Hours
Track-B: Security
Select Any one from the courses listed below along with corresponding practical course
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The syllabus proposes Two subjects in Semester – IV, and each subject has a Theory and
Practical components. In addition, there will be an Internship with Industry and Project
The following table gives the details of the Theory Courses in Semester - IV.
The syllabus proposes Two laboratory courses of 2 Credits each. As far as the practical is
concerned, equal weightage similar to that of Theory courses have been given in terms of the
number of hours.
The following table summarizes the details of the Practical Courses in the Semester-IV
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Internship with industry
The syllabus proposes an internship for about 8 weeks to 12 weeks to be done by a student. It is
expected that a student chooses an IT or IT-related industry and formally works as a full-time
intern during the period. The student should subject himself/herselfto an internship evaluation
with proper documentation of the attendance and the type of work he or she has done in the
chosen organization. Proper certification (as per the guidelines given in Appendix 1 and 2) by
the person, to whom the student was reporting, with Organization’s seal should be attached as
part of the documentation.
Project Implementation
The syllabus proposes project implementation as part of the semester–IV. The student is expected
to submit the proposal and implement the same in the semester–IV. In addition, experimental
setup, analysis of results, comparison with results of related works, conclusion, and prospects
will be part of the project implementation. A student is expected to make a project
implementation report and appear for a project viva. He or she needs to spend around 200 hours
for the project implementation, which fetches 6 credits. The details are given below:
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Course Code Course Title
Course Outcome: -
● To cover the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, and distributed
● To familiarize potential applications for Bitcoin-like cryptocurrencies
● To Basics of smart contracts, decentralized apps, and decentralized anonymous organizations
● To know Solidity programming
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Ethereum: Overview, Ethereum network, Components of the Ethereum ecosystem, The
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Smart contracts, Blocks and Blockchain, Wallets and
client software, Nodes and miners, APIs, tools, and DApps, Supporting protocols,
Programming languages,
Ethereum Development Environment: Overview, Test networks, Components of a private
network, starting up the private network, mining on the private network, Remix IDE,
MetaMask, Using MetaMask and Remix IDE to deploy a smart contract
1. Mastering Blockchain: A deep dive into distributed ledgers, consensus protocols, smart
contracts, DApps, cryptocurrencies, Ethereum, and more, 3rd Edition 2020
2. Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Dr.Gavin wood “Mastering Ethereum” O‟Reilly Media Inc,
3. Ritesh Modi, “Solidity Programming Essentials: A Beginner‟s Guide to Build Smart
Contracts for Ethereum and BlockChain”, Packt Publishing.
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1. Josh Thompson, „Blockchain: The Blockchain for Beginnings, Guild to Blockchain
Technology and Blockchain Programming‟, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform,
First Edition - 2017.
Note: The following practical can be performed using Solidity, NodeJS. Ethereum and any
other suitable platform
Install and understand Docker container, Node.js, Java and Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum
1 and perform necessary software installation on local machine/create instance on Cloud to
2 Create and deploy a block chain network using Hyperledger Fabric SDK for Java
Interact with a block chain network. Execute transactions and requests against a block
chain network by creating an app to test the network and its rules
Deploy an asset-transfer app using block chain. Learn app development within a
Hyperledger Fabric network
Car auction network: A Hello World example with Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK and
6 IBM Block chain Starter Plan. Use Hyperledger Fabric to invoke chaincode while storing
resultsand data in the starter plan
Develop an IoT asset tracking app using Block chain. Use an IoT asset tracking device to
improve a supply chain by using Block chain, IoT devices, and Node-RED
Create a global finance block chain application with IBM Block chain Platform
8 Extension for VS Code. Develop a Node.js smart contract and web app for a Global Finance
with block chain use case
10 Create a block chain app for loyalty points with Hyperledger Fabric Ethereum Virtual
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Machine. Deploy Fabric locally with EVM and create a proxy for interacting with a smart
contract through a Node.js web app
Course Code Course Title
Course Outcome: -
● Learners will be able to develop and launch applications in the cloud environment
● Explore various frameworks and APIs that are used for developing cloud-based applications
● Handling data in a Cloud environment
● Design, develop & deploy real-world applications in the cloud computing platforms
● Demonstrate the ability to access the various cloud platforms
● Describe the standardization process of the cloud platform and various API’s used in Cloud
● Describe the methods for managing the data in the cloud
● Analyze and use of an appropriate framework and APIs for the task
● Design dashboards for management across cloud-based service
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Managing the data in the Cloud: Securing data in the cloud, ACL, OAuth, OpenID,
XACML, securing data for transport in the cloud, scalability of applications and cloud
Application: Designing a RESTful Web API, PubNub API for IoT to cloud, mobile device
as IoT, Mobile cloud access
Azure essentials: Azure Compute and Storage, Azure Database and Networking,
Monitoring and Managing Azure Solutions, GCP Compute and Storage, GCP Networking
and Security, Google App Engine (PaaS)
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Course Code Course Title Credits
Note: Learners are expected to create free accounts with various Cloud Computing providers
and try to explore different technologies.
Using the software like / API / Tools JDK 1.7/1.8, Eclipse IDE, Dropbox API, Apache
1 tomcat server 7.0/8.0,Google AppEngine API, Servlets, Struts, Spring framework design
and develop Web applications using MVC Framework
2 Installing and configuring the required platform for Google App Engine
Creating an application in Dropbox to store data securely. Develop a source code using
Dropbox API for updating and retrieving files.
Installing and Configuring Dockers in localhost and running multiple images on a Docker
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Course Code Course Title Credits
Course Outcome: -
● To develop the foundation for the study of cryptography and its use in security.
● To understand the application of Number Theory and Algebra for the design of cryptographic
● To understand the role of cryptography in communication over an insecure channel.
● To analyze and compare symmetric-key encryption and public-key encryption schemes
based on different security models
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RSA Cryptosystem and Factoring: Public-key Cryptography, Number Theory-Euclidean
Algorithm, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Other Useful Facts, RSA Cryptosystem, Primality
Testing, Square Roots Modulo n, Factoring Algorithms, Rabin Cryptosystem, Semantic
Security of RSA
1. Cryptography Theory and Practice Douglas R. Stinson, , Fourth Edition, CRC Press, 2019
2. Applied Cryptanalysis, Breaking Ciphers in Real World, John Wiley, 2015
1. Implementing Cryptography, Shannon W. Bray, John Wiley, 2020
2. Algorithmic Cryptanalysis, Antoine Joux, CRC Press, 2017
3. Modern Cryptography: Applied Mathematics for- Encryption and Information Security,
William Easttom, Springer, 2021
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Course Code Course Title Credits
6 Program to implement Steganography for hiding messages inside the image file.
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Course Code Course Title Credits
Course Outcome: -
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Advanced Social Engineering and Physical Security: Common Methodology, Physical
attacks at a console, creating rough physical devices, Social Engineering Toolkit, Hiding
executables and obfuscating the attacker’s URL, Escalating an attack using DNS redirection,
Launching Phishing attack
Wireless and Bluetooth Attacks: Wireless reconnaissance, Bypassing open SSID and MAC
address authentication, attacking WPA and WPA2, Dos attacks against Wireless
communication, Compromising enterprise implementations of WPA2, Evil Twin attack,
using bettercap, WPA3, Bluetooth attacks
1. Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing Fourth Edition, Vijay Kumar Velu,
Packt, 2022
2. Learn Kali Linux 2019: Perform Powerful Penetration Testing Using Kali Linux, Metasploit,
Nessus, Nmap, And Wireshark, Glen D. Singh, Packt, 2019
1. Hands-on Penetration Testing for Web Applications: Run Web Security Testing on Modern
Applications Using Nmap, Burp Suite and Wireshark, Richa Gupta, BPB, 2021
2. Advanced Penetration Testing, Wil Allsopp, Wiley, 2017
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Course Code Course Title Credits
1 Exploring and building a verification lab for penetration testing (Kali Linux)
Wireless Network threats (sniff wifi hotspots, analyze strength, discover wireless access
Course Code Course Title
Course Outcome:
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● Design a data center infrastructure integrating features that address security, performance,
and availability.
● Learners will be able to know basic concepts of Server and Data-Centric Networking
● Learners will be able to know about the infrastructure of Data Centers.
● Learners will be able to know about the security measures of Data Centers.
● Learners will be able to know about network designing and virtualization.
Data Center: Essential Definition, Data Center Evolution, thernet Protocol, The Humble
Beginnings of Network Virtualization,Resource Sharing Control and Management Plane,
Concepts from the Routing World, Overlapping Addresses in a Data Center
Virtual Routing and Forwarding:Defining and Configuring VRFs, VRFs and Routing
Protocols, VRFs and the Management Plane VRF-Awareness, VRF Resource Allocation
Control, Use Case: Data Center Network Segmentation
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Disk Subsystem: The architecture of Intelligent Disk Subsystems Hard Disks and Internal
I/O Channels JBOD: The Physical I/O Path from the CPU to the Storage System, SCSI, Fibre
Channel SAN, SCSI via InfiniBand and RDMA,Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) I/O
Consolidation based on Ethernet,FCoE Details,Data Center Bridging (DCB), File Systems
and Network Attached Storage (NAS)
File system Management: Local File Systems File systems and databases Journaling;,
Snapshots Volume manager Network File Systems and File Servers, Network Attached
Storage (NAS)
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Course Code Course Title Credits
Note: Practical can be implemented using GNS3, CISCO packet tracer 7.0 and above
01 Installation of
● Vmware Esxi
● Citrix Xen
● Microsoft Hyper-V
04 Configuring EtherChannels
Suggested Topology
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05 ● Configure Secure DMVPN Tunnels
● Implement a DMVPN Phase 1 Hub-to-Spoke Topology
● Implement a DMVPN Phase 3 Spoke-to-Spoke Topology
09 ● Implement GLBP
● Implement VRRP
● Implement HSRP
10 Implement MPLS
Course Code Course Title
Course Outcome: -
● Learners will be able to know advanced concepts of wireless technologies and recent trends
in them.
● Learners will be able to implement wireless architecture practically.
● Learners will achieve the basic knowledge required as per industry standards.
● Learners will be able to know about wireless optical communication.
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Wireless Communication Technologies:Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) and Wireless
Sensor Networks, Enabling technologies for Wireless Sensor Networks.
1. Anurag Kumar, D.Manjunath, Joy kuri, ―Wireless Networking‖, third Edition, Elsevier
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Course Code Course Title Credits
Note: Practical can be implemented using GNS3, CISCO packet tracer 7.0 and above
3 Placing ACLs
Course Outcome: -
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● Working with different Data Collection Structures.
● Efficiently handle various source data using Tableau.
● Data Visualization and Analysis can be performed using Tableau.
● Handling and customizing Geospatial data using Tableau.
● Creating a story using the dashboard to analyze data
Series: Creating a Series with index, creating a Series from a Dictionary, Creating a Series
from a Scalar Value, Vectorized Operations and Label Alignment with Series, Name
Attribute. Accessing Data from a Series with a Position, Exploring and Analysing a Series,
Operations on a Series.
Data Frames: Creating a Data Frame from a Dict of Series or Dicts, Creating Data Frames
from a Dict of Ndarrays, Creating Data Frames from a Structured or Record Array, Creating
Data Frames from a List of Dicts, Creating Data Frames from a Dict of Tuples, Selecting,
Adding, and Deleting Data Frame Columns, Assigning New Columns in Method Chains, 15L
Row Selection, Row Addition, Row Deletion, Exploring and Analysing a Data Frame,
Indexing and Selecting Data Frames, Transposing a Data Frame, Data Frame Interoperability
with Numpy Functions.
Reshaping and Pivoting: Reshaping with Hierarchical Indexing Pivoting “Long” to “Wide”
Format Pivoting “Wide” to “Long” Format
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UNIT 3: Basics of Tableau
Tableau: Introduction, connecting to data, Visualizing Data using Tableau, Graphs, charts,
and reports
Connecting to Data: Connecting various data sources, Managing data source metadata,
Extract Data, Filtering data. Moving beyond basic visualization. 15L
Telling Data Story with Dashboards: Designing Dashboards in tableau, Designing for
different displays and devices.
1. Dr. Ossama Embarak, Data Analysis and Visualization Using Python, Apress, 2018
2. Wes McKinney, “Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and
IPython”, O’Reilly, 2nd Edition, 2018.
3. Learning Tableau 2020, Create effective data visualizations, build interactive visual
analytics, and transform your organization. Joshua Milligan, Fourth Edition, Packt, 2020.
1. Jake VanderPlas, “Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data”,
O’Reilly, 2017
2. Visual Data Storytelling with Tableau, Linda Ryan, Pearson Addison Wesley Data &
Analytics Series, 2018
3. Visual Analytics with Tableau, Alexander Loth, Wiley, 2019
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Course Code Course Title Credits
1 Create one-dimensional data using series and perform various operations on it.
2 Create Two-dimensional data with the help of data frames and perform different operations
on it.
3 Write a code to read data from the different file formats like JSON, HTML, XML, and CSV
files and check for missing data and outlier values and handle them.
4 Perform Reshaping of the hierarchical data and pivoting data frame data.
8 Create a Trend model using data, Analyse-it and use it for forecasting.
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Course Code Course Title Credits
Course Outcome: -
Big Data: Characteristics of Big Data, Big Data importance, and Applications, Big Data
Analytics, Typical Analytical Architecture, Requirement for new analytical architecture,
Challenges in Big DataAnalytics, Need of big data frameworks, Types and Sources of Big
Data.Exploring the Use of Big Data in Business Context
MapReduce Framework and Basics: Working of Map Reduce, Developing Map Reduce
Application, I/O formats, Map side join, Reduce Side Join, Secondary sorting, Pipelining
MapReduce jobs. Processing data using Map Reduce.
HBASE: Role of HBase in Big Data Processing, Features of HBase. HBase Architecture,
Zookeeper. HBase Commands for creating, listing, and Enabling data tables.
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UNIT 3: Spark Framework and Applications
Writing Spark Application – Compiling and Running the Application. Monitoring and
debugging Applications. Spark Programming.
Spark SQL: SQL Context, Importing and Saving data, Data frames, using SQL, GraphX
overview, Creating Graph, Graph Algorithms.
Spark Streaming: Overview, Errors and Recovery, Streaming Source, Streaming live data 15L
with spark
Hive: Hive services, Data Types, and Built-in functions in Hive.
Pig: Working with operators in Pig, Working with Functions and Error Handling in Pig
Flume and Sqoop: Flume Architecture, Sqoop, Importing Data. Sqoop2 vs Sqoop.
1. Big Data Analytics, Introduction to Hadoop, Spark, and Machine-Learning, Raj Kamal,
Preeti Saxena, McGraw Hill, 2019
2. Big Data, Black Book: Covers Hadoop 2, MapReduce, Hive, YARN, Pig, R and Data
Visualization, Dreamtech Press; 1st edition, 2016
3. Big Data Analytics with Spark, A Practitioner's Guide to Using Spark for Large Scale Data
Analysis, Apress, 2015
4. Hadoop MapReduce v2 Cookbook - Second Edition, Packt Publishing, 2015
1. Big Data in Practice: How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver
Extraordinary Results, Wiley, 1st edition, 2016
2. Hadoop – TheDefinitive Guide by Tom White, OReilly, 2012
3. Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data,
McGrawHill, 2012
4. Big Data, Big Analytics: Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for Today's
Businesses, Michael Minelli, Wiley, 2013
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Course Code Course Title Credits
1 Installing and setting environment variables for Working with Apache Hadoop.
Download and install Spark. Create Graphical data and access the graphical data using
4 Write a Spark code for the given application and handle error and recovery of data.
6 Install Hive and use Hive Create and store structured databases.
7 Install HBase and use the HBase Data model Store and retrieve data.
8 Perform importing and exporting of data between SQL and Hadoop using Sqoop.
10 Use Flume and transport the data from the various sources to a centralized data store.
Course Outcome: -
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● Interface motors and sensors with a Raspberry Pi
● Code robot to develop engaging and intelligent robot behavior
● Explore AI behavior such as speech recognition and visual processing
Robotics in Action: Exploring Robot Building Blocks - Code and Electronics Technical
requirements, Introducing the Raspberry Pi - Starting with Raspbian Technical requirements,
Raspberry Pi controller on a robot
Technical requirements: Robot chassis kit with wheels and motors, a motor controller,
Powering the robot, Test fitting the robot, Assembling the base.
Robot Programming: Programming technique, adding line sensors to our robot, creating
line-sensing behavior, and Programming RGB Strips in robot.
Use and control of servo motors, pan, and tilt mechanism.Distance sensors, Introduction to
distance sensors and their usage
Connecting distance sensors to robot and their testing. Creating a smart object avoidance 15L
behavior. Creating a menu to select different robot behaviors, Distance and speed measuring
sensors—encoders and odometry
Robotics setup: Setting up a Raspberry Pi Camera on the robot (software and hardware), 15L
Check the robot vision on a phone or laptop, Mask images with RGB strips
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Robotics for Vision and Voice Applications: Colors, masking, and filtering – chasing
colored objects, Detecting faces with Haar cascades, Finding objects in an image, Voice
Communication with a robot
1. Danny Staple, Robotics Programming, Packt Publishing, 2nd edition, Feb 2021
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Course Code Course Title Credits
Note: Following practical can be performed using Python and simulators, Raspberry Pi, and
other hardware devices.
1 Making a Raspberry Pi headless, and reaching it from the network using WiFi and SSH.
6 Add the sensors to the Robot object and develop the line-following behavior code.
7 Using the light strip develop and debug the line follower robot.
8 Add pan and tilt service to the robot object and test it.
Use the robot to display its camera as a web app on a phone or desktop, and then use the
camera to drive smart color and face-tracking behaviors.
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Course Code Course Title
Course Outcome: -
● Understand the context and use of neural networks and deep learning
● Understand the tools and libraries for deep learning
● Have a working knowledge of neural networks and deep learning
● Explore the parameters for neural networks
● Identify emerging applications of deep learning
Recurrent Neural Network: Notation and Idea of recurrent neural networks, RNN
Topologies, backpropagation through time, vanishing and exploding gradients
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UNIT 3: Advanced Concepts for Deep Learning
Unsupervised Feature Learning: Hopfield networks and Boltzmann machines, restricted 15L
Boltzmann machine, Deep belief networks
Deep Learning for Object Localization and classification: Intersect Over Union (IoU),
Sliding Window Approach, Region-Based CNN (R-CNN)
Deep Learning for Language Modelling and Speech Recognition
1. Advanced Deep Learning with Keras, Rowel Atienza, Packt Publication, 2018
2. Python Deep Learning Cookbook, Indra den Bakker, Packt Publication, 2017
3. Deep Learning with Keras, Antonio Gulli, Packt Publication, 2017
Implement Feed-forward Neural Network and train the network with different optimizers
and compare the results.
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Implement deep learning for recognizing classes for datasets like CIFAR-10 images for
previously unseen images and assign them to one of the 10 classes.
Implement deep learning for the Prediction of the autoencoder from the test data (e.g.
MNIST data set)
5 Implement Convolutional Neural Network for Digit Recognition on the MNIST Dataset
Write a program to implement Transfer Learning on the suitable dataset (e.g. classify the
cats versus dogs dataset from Kaggle).
8 a. E.g. (4-to-1 RNN) to show that the quantity of rain on a certain day also depends
on the values of the previous day
b. LSTM for sentiment analysis on datasets like UMICH SI650 for similar.
10 Write a program for object detection using pre-trained models to use object detection.
Course Code Course Title
An internship offers an environment for the student to apply what he or she has learned in the
classroom in a real-world setup. It also equips the student with the technical and non-technical
skills required by the industry. An organization, in turn, gets an opportunity to understand and
appreciate the curriculum of the program and will be in a position to offer constructive feedback
on the course and industry requirements. Faculty will get first-hand exposure to understand the
industry and the type of work they do, which will help to improve the pedagogy and delivery.
Internship details:
• Internship should be of 2 to 3 months with 8 to 12 weeks duration.
• The student is expected to devote at least 300 hours physically at the organization.
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• The student is expected to find an internship by himself or herself. However, the
institution should assist their students in getting an internship in good
• The home institution cannot be taken as the place of internship.
• Internship can be on any topic covered in the syllabus.
Interning organization: Internship can be done, in one of the following, but not restricted to,
types of organizations:
▪ Software development firms
▪ Hardware/ manufacturing firms
▪ Any small-scale industries, service providers like banks
▪ Clinics/ NGOs/professional institutions like that of CA, Advocate, etc
▪ Civic Depts like Ward office/post office/police station/ panchayat.
▪ Research Centres/ University Depts/ College as research Assistants for research
projects or similar capacities.
Internship mentors:
To ensure the rigor of the MSc program, a student will be provided with a faculty mentor
provided by the institution and an industry mentor, to be provided by the organization where
the student is interning with.
● The industry mentor ensures that the requirements of the organization and the demands
of the project are done by the internee.
● The faculty mentor is the overall in charge of the internship. He or she could evaluate
the quality of the internship in a uniform manner across all students and within the
demand of the program.
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should give an idea about the type of activity a new employee is expected to do in that
section of the organization.
▪ Description of work allotted and done by the intern: A detailed description of the work
allotted, and actual work performed by the intern during the internship period. It shall
be the condensed and structured version of the daily report mentioned in the online
▪ Self-assessment: A self-assessment by the intern on what he or she has learned during
the internship period. It shall contain both technical as well as interpersonal skills
learned in the process.
The internship report needs to be submitted to the external examiner at the time of the
University examination.
● Students should submit a detailed project implementation report at the time of viva.
A student should submit a project implementation report with the following details:
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● Title: Title of the project.
● Objective: A detailed objective of the proposal is needed.
● Related works: A detailed survey of the relevant works done by others in the domain.
The student is expected to refer to at least 15 recent (last five years) research papers in
addition to textbooks and web links in the relevant topic.
● Methodology: A proper and detailed procedure of how to solve the problem discussed.
It shall contain the techniques, tools, software, and data to be used.
● Implementation details: A description of how the project has been implemented.
● Experimental setup and results: A detailed explanation of how experiments were
conducted, what software was used, and the results obtained. Details like screenshots,
tables, and graphs can come here.
● Analysis of the results: A description of what the results mean and how they have been
arrived at. Different performing measures or statistical tools used etc may be part of
● Conclusion: A conclusion of the project performed in terms of its outcome
● Future enhancement: A small description of what enhancement can be done when
more time and resources are available
● Program code: The program code may be given as an appendix.
The project documentation needs to be signed by the teacher in charge and head of the
Department. Student should also attach the certified copy of the internal evaluation report
(Appendix III) at the time of Project evaluation and viva as part of the University examination.
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b. Scheme of External Examination (60 Marks)
The External Theory examination of all semesters shall be conducted by the University at
the end of each semester.
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
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There will not be any internal examination for practical courses of Semester- III.
No of Total
No Semester Course Code Particular Marks
Questions Marks
Laboratory experiment
question with internal 40
PSCSP3011 / choice
1 02 50
Journal 05
Laboratory experiment
question with internal 40
PSCSP3021/ choice
2 02 50
Journal 05
Laboratory experiment
question with internal 40
PSCSP3031/ choice
3 02 50
Journal 05
Laboratory experiment
question with internal 40
PSCSP3041/ choice
4 02 50
Journal 05
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Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be
conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and the second class test when an
additional 40% syllabus is completed. The duration of each test shall be one hour. The test
should be conducted in online mode on the LMS system on the institute’s premises.
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
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Q.5 Attempt any two of the following (12)
a) 6
b) 6
c) 6
d) 6
There will not be any internal examination for practical courses of Semester- IV.
The particulars of the external examination for each practical course of Semester- IV will be
of TWO hours. The details of the same are given below:
Course No of Total
No Semester Particular Marks
Code Questions Marks
Laboratory experiment
question with internal 40
1. PSCSP401 choice 02 50
Journal 05
Laboratory experiment
question with internal 40
2. PSCSP402 choice 02 50
Journal 05
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Quality & Relevance 40
3. PSCSP403 90
Internship VIVA 50
Quality & Relevance 40
4. PSCSP404 90
Project VIVA 50
Guidelines of Journals:
A student should maintain a Journal with Practical experiments reported for
each of the practical courses of Semester- III and Semester - IV. Related theories/algorithms
need to be explained in a journal.
Certified Journal with at least 70% of the list of the Practical need to be submitted at the time
of the practical examination.
Signature: ____________________
Name: _______________________
Designation: __________________
Email: _______________________
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(Seal of the organization)
(Proforma for the Evaluation of the intern by the industry mentor /to whom the intern was
reporting in the organization)
Comments: _________________________________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________
Name: __________________________________
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Designation: _____________________________
Contact number: __________________________
Email: __________________________________
Maintain the weekly online diary for each week in the following format.
Name of the Topic/Module
Day Date Remarks
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