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Curriculum and Syllabi

Regulation – R23
Academic Year (2024-2025)


III Semester

School: Computer Sciences Batch: 2023-2025
Programme: MCA Regulation: R-2023
Periods Max. Marks
Sl. Cate
Course Code Course Title Credits CA
No gory L T P ESM Total

1 P23MC3T01 Machine Learning DSC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100

Agile Software
2 P23MC3T02 Development and DSC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
C# and .NET
3 P23MC3T03 DSC 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Mobile Application
4 P23MC3T04 DSE 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Accounting and
5 P23CM3T01 Financial DSE 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
C# and .NET
6 P23MC3P05 Framework DSC 0 0 2 1 50 50 100
Mobile Application
7 P23MC3P06 Development DSC 0 0 2 1 50 50 100
8 P23MC3W07 Mini Project DSC 0 0 4 2 50 50 100
Generic Elective
9 P23XX3T01 Generic Elective GE 2 0 0 2 100 - 100
University Mandatory Courses
10 P23UM3P31 Research Aptitude- TRA 0 0 2 1 100 - 100
11 P23UM3P32 Green Credit-III GC 0 0 2 1 100 - 100
TOTAL 24 590 510 1100

BoS Chairman Dean-FSc Dean Academic Affairs

L T P C Hrs
3 0 0 3 45

Course Objectives:

• To provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles and techniques of machine

• To develop the ability to analyze and preprocess data for machine learning applications
• To equip students with the skills to implement, evaluate, and optimize machine learning
• To introduce advanced machine learning topics such as neural networks, deep learning,
and ensemble methods
• To enable students to apply machine learning methods to real-world problems

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

CO1: Understand the fundamental concepts and applications of machine learning.

CO2: Preprocess and analyze data to prepare it for machine learning tasks.
CO3: Implement and evaluate supervised learning models for regression and classification
CO4: Apply unsupervised learning techniques for clustering and dimensionality reduction.
CO5: Develop and deploy machine learning models using advanced techniques such as neural
networks, ensemble methods.

Unit I: Introduction to Machine Learning 9 Hrs

Overview of Machine Learning: Definition and scope of machine learning, Historical context
and evolution of machine learning, Types of machine learning: supervised, unsupervised, and
reinforcement learning. Applications of Machine Learning: Applications in various fields such
as healthcare, finance, and robotics, Case studies of successful machine learning
implementations, Machine Learning Workflow: Data collection and preprocessing, Feature
engineering and selection, Model training and evaluation, Model deployment and monitoring.

Unit II: Supervised Learning 9 Hrs

Regression Analysis: Linear regression, Polynomial regression, Regularization: Ridge and

Lasso, Classification Techniques: Logistic regression, k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), Decision
Trees and Random Forests, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Model Evaluation and
Validation: Cross-validation techniques, Metrics for regression and classification (e.g., RMSE,
MAE, accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score), Bias-variance tradeoff.

Unit III: Unsupervised Learning 9 Hrs

Clustering: k-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, DBSCAN, Dimensionality

Reduction: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), t-

Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), Association Rule Learning: Apriori
algorithm, Eclat algorithm.

Unit IV: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning 9Hrs

Ensemble Methods: Bagging and Boosting, AdaBoost and Gradient Boosting. XGBoost,
Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Basics of neural networks, Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Introduction to deep learning
frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch), Reinforcement Learning: Markov Decision
Processes (MDPs), Q-Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning

Unit V: Practical Machine Learning and Case Studies 9 Hrs

Machine Learning Project Lifecycle: Problem formulation and data understanding, Model
selection and hyperparameter tuning, Model deployment and maintenance, Case Studies: Case
studies from industry applications, Analysis of machine learning competitions (e.g., Kaggle

Total Lecture Hours: 45

Text Books:

1. "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by Christopher M. Bishop, Edition: 1st ,Year
of Publication: 2006, Publisher: Springer.
2. "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective" by Kevin P. Murphy, Edition: 1st, Year of
Publication: 2012, Publisher: MIT Press.

Reference Books:

1. "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow" by Aurélien

Géron, Edition: 2nd, Year of Publication: 2019, Publisher: O'Reilly Media.
2. "Machine Learning Yearning" by Andrew Ng, Edition: 1st, Year of Publication: 2018,
Publisher: Deeplearning.ai,
3. "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville, Edition: 1st,
Year of Publication: 2016, Publisher: MIT Press,
4. "Python Machine Learning" by Sebastian Raschka and Vahid Mirjalili, Edition: 3rd, Year
of Publication: 2019, Publisher: Packt Publishing.

Web References:

1. https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning
2. https://www.tensorflow.org/

L T P C Hrs
3 0 0 3 45

Course Objectives:

• Understand the Need for Agile Software Development

• Comprehend the Agile Manifesto and Principles
• Explore Various Agile Methods
• Identify Key Agile Roles and Artifacts
• Analyze the Challenges and Business Benefits of Agile

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:

CO1: Interpret the concept of agile software engineering and its advantages in software
CO2: Analyze the core practices behind several specific agile methodologies.
CO3: Identify the roles and responsibilities in agile projects and their difference from projects
following traditional methodologies.
CO4: Access implications of functional testing, unit testing, and continuous integration.
CO5: Determine the role of design principles in agile software design.
CO6: Make use of various tools available to agile teams to facilitate the project.

Unit I: Introduction 9 Hrs

Need of Agile software development, agile context– Fundamentals of Agile Process:

Introduction and background, Agile Manifesto and Principles, Stakeholders, and challenges
Agile Development Models: Scrum, Extreme Programming. Business benefits of software
agility. Feature Driven Development, Crystal, Kanban, and Lean Software Development.

Unit II: Project Planning 9 Hrs

Recognizing the structure of an agile team– Programmers, Managers, Customers. Agile

Projects: Planning for Agile Teams: Scrum Teams, XP Teams, General Agile Teams. User
stories– Definition, Characteristics and content. Estimation– Planning poker, Prioritizing, and
selecting user stories with the customer, projecting team velocity for releases and iterations.
Creating the Release Plan; Monitoring and Adapting: Managing Risks and Issues,

Unit III: Project Design 9 Hrs

Fundamentals, Design principles– Agile Software Design and Development: Agile design
practices, Role of design Principles, Need and significance of Refactoring, Refactoring
Techniques, Continuous Integration, Automated build tools, Version control; Agility and
Quality Assurance: Agile Interaction Design, Agile approach to Quality Assurance, Test

Driven Development, Pair programming: Issues and Challenges .Single responsibility, Open-
closed, Liskov substitution, Dependency-inversion, Interface-segregation.

Unit IV: Design Methodologies 9 Hrs

Agile Scrum Framework, Scrum Artifacts, Meetings, Activities and Need of scrum, Scrum
practices –Working of scrum, Project velocity, Burn down chart, Sprint backlog, Sprint
planning and retrospective, Daily scrum, Scrum roles– Product Owner, Scrum Master, Scrum
Team. Extreme Programming- Core principles, values and practices. Kanban, Feature-driven
development, Lean software development.

Unit V: Testing 9 Hrs

The Agile lifecycle and its impact on testing, Test driven development– Acceptance tests and
verifying stories, writing a user acceptance test, Developing effective test suites, Continuous
integration, Code refactoring. Risk based testing, Regression tests, Test automation.

Total Lecture Hours: 45

Text Books:
1. Ken Schawber, Mike Beedle, “Agile Software Development with Scrum”, International
Edition, Pearson, 2001.
2. Robert C. Martin, “Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns and Practices”, First
International Edition, Prentice Hall, 2013.
3. Pedro M. Santos, Marco Consolaro, and Alessandro Di Gioia, “Agile Technical Practices
Distilled: A learning journey in technical practices and principles of software design”, First
edition, Packt Publisher.
Reference Books:
1. Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory, “Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile
Teams”, International edition, Addison Wesley.
2. Alistair Cockburn, “Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game”, 2nd Edition,
Addison-Wesley E-Books and Online learning material.
3. Kenneth S. Rubin, Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process,
Addison, Wesley, 2012.
4. James Shore and Shane Warden, The Art of Agile Development, O’Reilly Media, 2007.
5. Craig Larman, ―Agile and Iterative Development: A manager’s Guide, Addison-Wesley,
6. Cohn, Mike, Agile Estimating and Planning, Pearson Education, 2006.
7. Cohn, Mike, User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development Addison Wisley, 2004.

Web References:
• “The Complete Guide to Agile Software Development”
• “Agile Fundamentals Ebook: A Complete Guide for Beginners”,
• https://www.edx.org/course/agile-software-development
• https://www.coursera.org/learn/agile-software-development

L T P C Hrs
3 0 0 3 45
Course Objectives:

• Grasp the basics of C# programming, including the structure of a C# program, data

types, and output formatting.
• Learn to design and implement classes and methods, including constructors,
inheritance, and method overloading.
• Develop skills in managing arrays and strings, including their initialization,
manipulation, and file handling.
• Gain knowledge of the .NET framework, including its architecture, CLR, and how it
supports multiple languages and various application types.
• Apply understanding of .NET features like metadata, assemblies, and garbage
collection to build and manage .NET applications effectively.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

CO1: Students will be able to write, compile, and execute basic C# programs, effectively using
data types and output formatting.
CO2: Students will create and manage classes, implement methods with overloading, and
utilize inheritance in their code.
CO3: Students will efficiently use arrays and strings, including performing operations and
handling file input/output.
CO4: Students will explain the architecture of the .NET framework and create applications
using various .NET components.
CO5: Students will demonstrate the ability to apply .NET features like metadata, assemblies,
and garbage collection in developing robust .NET applications.

Unit I: Fundamental Concepts 9 Hrs

Introduction, the main method, program output, printing & formatting output, compilation
& execution, Namespace Declaration, Common Language Platform, Structure of C# program,
Value type, Default Constructor, Struct type, Enumeration type, Reference type, Class Type,
Object Type, String Type, Interface type, Array type, Delegate type, Predefined types, Concept
of Boxing & Unboxing, Array types, Variables & Parameters, Operands, Statements.

Unit II: Classes and Methods 9 Hrs

Objects, Classes, Objects as Data type, creating classes, Using an Object member function,
constructor, Types of class members, Inheritance, access to Members of class, Garbage
collector, implementing classes, Class library and Name Space, Methods, Structure of a
method, Method overloading, implementing method, class containing functions, statements

Unit III: Arrays and String 9 Hrs

Struct types, declaration, modifier & Interface, Enums, Enumerator Base type, Enum
modifiers, Members, values and operations, Concept of Arrays, Passing array as parameters,
Array initialization, Accessing array member, Arrays object, Array list (adding, deleting,
searching data from array list), String operations, converting objects to string, String builder,
File and folder operations, reading and writing text files, reading and writing binary files.

Unit IV: .NET Overview 9 Hrs

Introduction to .NET, NET framework overview: development, key design goals, Mega
Data, Multiple language integration and support, Name spaces, .NET framework Base classes,
User and program interfaces: user interface, Windows Forms, Web Forms, Console
application; Program interface, Web Services.

Unit V: Common Language Runtime 9 Hrs

Introduction to Common Language Runtime (CLR). Net Framework class Libraries-CLR-

Metadata-Interoperability-Assemblies-the .Net Packaging system. Requirement of .NET
application (Assembly, Module, Type), common type systems (Custom types, Boxing &
Unboxing value types), Megadata (Attributes, Custom Attributes), Managed Data (Managed
Heap, Garbage collector), Garbage collector, optimization, pinning objects.

Total Lecture Hours: 45

Text Books:

1. Programming in C# by Balguruswamy, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. C # Programming, by V. K. Jain, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi.
3. Introduction to DOT NET (.NET), be James Conard et. Al., Shroff Publisher and-
Distributors Pvt. Ltd (Mumbai).

Reference Books:

1. C# 4.0 the Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt

2. Latest version of Andrew Trolsens C# text from Apress(Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET
Framework 4.5)
4. Robert Powel, Richard Weeks, C# and the .NET Framework, Techmedia.
5. Introducing Microsoft Dot Net - David Platt, PHI Publication.
6. C # (C Sharp) Complete Reference - Schildt, Tata McGraw Hill.

Web References:


L T P C Hrs
P23MC3T04 Mobile Application Development
3 0 0 3 45

Course Objectives:
• Introduce students to the fundamentals of mobile application development.
• To equip students with the skills necessary to design and develop effective user interfaces
for mobile applications
• To provide students with knowledge and practical experience in implementing data storage
and management solutions for mobile applications.
• To enable students to develop mobile applications that can effectively communicate with
web services and handle real-time data.
• To teach students advanced concepts in mobile application development, including
performance optimization, testing, and deployment.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

CO1: Understand the fundamentals of mobile application development, including the history,
platforms, and development environments.
CO2: Design and develop user interfaces for mobile applications that follow industry standards
for good UI/UX design.
CO3: Implement data storage solutions, both local and remote, using industry-standard
technologies and frameworks.
CO4: Develop mobile applications that interact with web services and handle real-time
communication effectively.
CO5: Apply advanced concepts in mobile application development, including performance
optimization, testing, and deployment.

Unit I: Introduction to Mobile Application Development 9 Hrs

Overview of Mobile Application Development: Evolution and Importance of mobile

applications, Types of mobile applications. Mobile Platforms and Development Environments:
Introduction to mobile platforms, Comparative analysis and setting up development
environments, Introduction to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and Software
Development Kits (SDKs), Basics of Programming for Mobile Apps: Introduction to
Java/Kotlin for Android development, Swift for iOS development, Overview of mobile app
lifecycle and architecture.

Unit II: User Interface Design and Development 9 Hrs

Fundamentals of User Interface Design: Principles and differences of UI/UX design, Material
Design Guidelines for Android, Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for Ios. Building User
Interfaces in Android, Building User Interfaces in iOS: Storyboards and Interface Builder, Auto
Layout and constraints, Handling user input: Table Views and Collection Views for displaying
lists of data.

Unit III: Data Storage and Management 9 Hrs

Local Data Storage in Android, Local Data Storage in iOS, Remote Data Storage and Cloud
Integration: Consuming RESTful APIs, Working with Firebase: Realtime Database and Cloud
Fire store, Data synchronization and offline support.

Unit IV: Networking and Web Services 9 Hrs

Networking Fundamentals: Understanding HTTP/HTTPS protocols, Introduction to RESTful

services, Data formats: JSON and XML. Implementing Networking in Android, Implementing
Networking in iOS, Real-Time Communication: Introduction to Web Sockets, implementing
real-time features using Firebase Realtime Database, Notifications and background services.

Unit V: Advanced Topics and Deployment 9 Hrs

Advanced Topics: Integrating third-party libraries and SDKs, implementing push notifications
using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Using Google Maps and Apple Maps in mobile apps,
Performance Optimization, Testing and Debugging: Writing and running unit tests and UI tests,
Debugging techniques and tools, Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment
(CD) practices. Preparing for Deployment: Preparing apps for deployment on the Google Play

Total Lecture Hours: 45


1 "Professional Mobile Application Development" by Jeff McWherter and Scott Gowell,

Edition: 1st, Year of Publication: 2012, Publisher: Wrox

2. "Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide" by Bill Phillips and Brian Hardy.
Edition: 2nd, Year of Publication: 2015, Publisher: Big Nerd Ranch Guides.

Reference Books:

1. iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide" by Christian Keur and Aaron Hillegass,
Edition: 7th, Year of Publication: 2020, Publisher: Big Nerd Ranch Guides
2. "Designing Interfaces" by Jenifer Tidwell, Edition: 3rd, Year of Publication: 2019,
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
3. "The Design of Everyday Things" by Don Norman, Edition: Revised and Expanded, Year
of Publication: 2013, Publisher: Basic Books,
4. "Learning Firebase" by Bhanu Birani and Anubhav Singh, Edition: 1st, Year of
Publication: 2015, Publisher: Packt Publishing.
5. "iOS 13 Programming for Beginners" by Ahmad Sahar and Craig Clayton, Edition: 1 st,
Year of Publication: 2019, Publisher: Packt Publishing.
6. “ Professional Android" by Reto Meier, Edition: 4th, Year of Publication: 2018, Publisher:
7. "iOS 14 Programming for Beginners" by Ahmad Sahar, Edition: 1st, Year of Publication:
2020, Publisher: Packt Publishing.
8. "Android Development Patterns: Best Practices for Professional Developers" by Phil
Dutson, Edition: 1st, Year of Publication: 2016, Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional.

"Continuous Delivery for Mobile with fastlane" by Jan Stępień, Edition: 1st, Year of
Publication: 2018, Publisher: O'Reilly Media.

Web References:

L T P C Hrs
P23MC3P05 C# and .NET Framework Laboratory
0 0 2 1 30
Course Objectives:

• Introduce students to the fundamentals of C# programming language and the .NET

• Teach students the foundational syntax and control structures in C# necessary for writing
basic programs.
• Educate students on defining, calling, and using methods and functions.
• Equip students with skills to handle exceptions and errors using try-catch blocks and
exception handling techniques
• Teach students how to develop web applications using ASP.NET and understand web
development within the .NET framework.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Students will demonstrate a solid understanding of the C# language and the .NET
framework fundamentals.
CO2: Students will be able to write C# programs using correct syntax and implement essential
control structures effectively.
CO3: Students will demonstrate the ability to define, call, and utilize methods and functions.
CO4: Students will be capable of implementing robust exception handling strategies.
CO5: Students will develop dynamic web applications using ASP.NET.

Total Lab Hours: 30


1. Introduction to C# and .NET Framework

2. Basic Syntax and Control Structures
3. Loops in C#
4. Arrays and Collections
5. Methods and Functions
6. Classes and Objects
7. Inheritance and Polymorphism
8. Interfaces and Abstract Classes
9. Exception Handling
10. File I/O Operations
11. Delegates and Events
12. LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
13. Windows Forms Applications
14. Database Connectivity with ADO.NET
15. Entity Framework
16. Web Applications with ASP.NET
17. ASP.NET MVC Applications
18. Asynchronous Programming
19. Unit Testing
20. Deployment and Maintenance

Mobile Application Development L T P C Hrs
Laboratory 0 0 2 1 30

Course Objectives:
• Gain proficiency in installing and configuring the Android SDK
• Develop skills in creating user-friendly interfaces using various layout
• Learn to manage and utilize the Android Activity class
• Acquire the ability to integrate and control multimedia features
• Develop programs that effectively interact with device hardware

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

CO1: Students will be able to correctly install and configure the Android SDK.
CO2: Students will demonstrate the ability to design and implement complex user interfaces,
CO3: Students will be capable of writing programs that utilize the Activity class to manage
CO4: Students will be able to illustrate their competence in handling multimedia and
communication features.
CO5: Students will demonstrate the ability to write programs that interact with device

Practical Exercises:

1. Install the Android SDK and Developer Tools.

2. Create a Restaurant Data Entry Form.
3. Display Events Using Activity Class.
4. Program for Application Redirection.
5. Develop an Audio Player
6. Develop a Video Player.
7. Capture Image with Built-in Camera.
8. Send SMS Messages.
9. Convert Text to Speech.
10. Make a Phone Call.

Total Practical Hours: 30

L T P C Hrs
0 0 4 2 60

A mini project in an MCA (Master of Computer Applications) program typically serves as a

practical application of theoretical knowledge gained throughout the coursework. It aims to
provide students with hands-on experience in analyzing, designing, developing, and
implementing a software solution to solve a real-world problem or address a specific need. The
mini project is structured to:

1. Apply Concepts: Apply theoretical concepts learned in courses like programming

languages, databases, software engineering, and others.
2. Problem Solving: Engage students in problem-solving and critical thinking by
identifying project requirements and constraints.
3. Design and Development: Involve students in the design and development phases,
emphasizing software engineering principles and best practices.
4. Implementation: Implement the solution using relevant technologies, frameworks, and
5. Testing and Debugging: Conduct thorough testing and debugging to ensure the
functionality, reliability, and usability of the solution.
6. Documentation: Document the entire project lifecycle, including requirements
specifications, design documents, user manuals, and technical reports.
7. Presentation: Present the project outcomes to peers, faculty, and possibly industry
professionals, showcasing technical skills and project management capabilities.
8. Feedback and Iteration: Receive feedback from evaluators and stakeholders, and
incorporate suggestions for further improvement.
9. Team Collaboration: Foster teamwork and collaboration among students, simulating
real-world software development environments.
10. Time Management: Develop time management skills by adhering to project timelines
and milestones.
11. Ethical Considerations: Address ethical and legal aspects related to software
development, such as privacy, security, and intellectual property rights.
12. Industry Relevance: Align the project with current industry trends and practices to
enhance employability and readiness for professional roles.
13. Innovation: Encourage innovation and creativity in problem-solving approaches and
technological implementations.
14. Learning Outcomes: Ultimately, the mini project aims to enhance students'
understanding, practical skills, and confidence in applying computer science principles
to real-world scenarios.
15. Preparation for Major Projects: It serves as a stepping stone for more complex and
comprehensive projects that students may undertake in their academic or professional

Project Assessment Breakdown (Total: 50 Marks)

1. Project Planning and Documentation (10 Marks)

o Project Proposal and Objectives (4 Marks): Clarity and completeness of the
project proposal, including objectives and goals.
o Requirements Analysis (3 Marks): Thoroughness in gathering and
documenting requirements.
o Design Documentation (3 Marks): Quality and detail of design documents
(e.g., flowcharts, UML diagrams).
2. Implementation (20 Marks)
o Code Quality (8 Marks): Cleanliness, readability, and organization of the
code. Adherence to coding standards and best practices.
o Functionality (8 Marks): Correctness and completeness of the implemented
features. All specified requirements are met.
o Use of C# Features (4 Marks): Effective use of advanced advanced features
(e.g., classes, inheritance, interfaces, collections).
3. Testing and Debugging (10 Marks)
o Test Coverage (5 Marks): Range and depth of tests conducted. Includes unit
tests, integration tests, and edge cases.
o Debugging (5 Marks): Ability to identify and fix bugs. Use of debugging
tools and techniques to ensure the application runs smoothly.
4. Presentation and Demonstration (5 Marks)
o Project Presentation (3 Marks): Clarity and professionalism of the
presentation. Includes explanation of design, implementation, and features.
o Demonstration (2 Marks): Effectiveness of the live demonstration of the
project. Ability to answer questions and address issues during the demo.
5. Project Report (5 Marks)
o Content and Structure (3 Marks): Completeness and organization of the
project report. Includes introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion.
o Clarity and Language (2 Marks): Quality of writing and presentation.
Proper grammar, spelling, and clarity of explanation.


• Project Planning and Problem Statement: 10 Marks

• Implementation: 20 Marks
• Testing and Debugging: 10 Marks
• Presentation and Demonstration: 10 Marks


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