Bored Piles

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Bore cast-in-situ piles are piles formed by excavating a hole of a specified size

(diameter) to the required depth and casting the excavated hole with concrete of

specified strength after the reinforcement is lowered into the hole.


Surveyor will be employed to set out the boundary grid lines and the piles position

as shown in the piling layout plan of the detailed design. Upon completion of all

piling works, the Surveyor will be employed to check the piles eccentricity and

subsequently produce the as-built drawing showing the positions of all piles as



The boring plant intended to be used for bored piling will be either mechanical or

hydraulic drilling rig. Both type of drilling rig will be capable of speedily and

efficiently installing piles to the design requirements. The suitable auguring tools

and buckets will be mounted on both type of drilling rig to enable boring in this

particular ground condition and pile dimension to the design requirement.

Actual required number of units of equipment will be based in the actual

production rate on site in order to keep to the agreed construction schedule.

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3.1 Material / Machinery / Tool / Equipment

Item Description Quantity

1 Rebar cutting and bending machine 2 Sets

2 Air compressor 2 Nos.

3 20kVA genset 1 No.

4 Diamond cutter 1 No.

5 30 Ton mobile crane 1 No.

6 100-150 crawler crane 1 Nos.

7 Hydraulic excavator 1 No.

8 Welding set 1 No.

9 Poker and vibrator engine 5 Sets.

10 Air poker 2 Sets

11 Spot lights 3 Nos.

12 3” – 6” submersible pump 2 Nos.

13 Bore pile machine 1 Nos.

3.2 Manpower

Item Description

1 Project Manager

2 Project Engineer

3 Site Supervisor / Site Foreman

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4 Land Surveyor

5 General Workers


After setting out the position by the Surveyor, the drilling rig will be moved to the

pile position intended for boring. The Kelly bar mounted with the appropriate

auger is placed just above the pile point. The vertically of the Kelly bar will be

controlled by a built-in electronic level (for hydraulic rig) and also checked by

means of a spirit level. Adjustment shall be made so as to enable the Kelly bar to

be as vertical as possible. The position of the auger is checked against the pile

point. Adjustments shall be made so that the center of the auger is nearest to the

pile to ensure that the tolerances of 50mm. deviation can be maintained. The

auger is then lowered and boring operation commenced.

Reasonable care should be taken so that the pile position and vertically are

constructed within the specified tolerance 75 mm and 1 in 100mm respectively.


5.1 Boring

Boring will commence after the position of the boring plant is checked.

Usually, an auger of the required size is used to bore the hole.

Excavation of the hole shall be continued until the required depth. If hard

material or rock encountered during the excavation, other drilling tools

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may be utilized. Rock augering or coring maybe required to break-up the

hard stratum, if necessary. After reaching the required depth, a cleaning

bucket will be used to clean up the bottom of the borehole. A joint

measurement of the depth of the bored among the Consultants and the

contractor's representative will be carried out prior to the lowering of

reinforcement and concreting.

5.2 Boring Near Recently Cast Piles

Piles shall not be bored so close to other piles which have recently been

cast and which contain workable or unset concrete that a flow of concrete

could be induced to avoid damage caused to any of the piles. In general,

recently cast piles will be marked on the Construction Drawing for

identification purposes.

5.3 Temporary Casings

If the bored hole is collapsible, temporary casing with inside diameter not

smaller than that of the bored pile will be installed to maintain the stability

of pile excavation. Temporary casing shall be free from significant

distortion. They shall be of uniform cross-section throughout each

continuous length. During concreting they shall be free from internal

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projections and encrusted concrete which might prevent the proper

formation of piles.

5.4 Stability of Pile Excavation Using Water and Drilling Fluid

Water or other type of drilling fluids such as bentonite or polymer might be

used to maintain the stability bored hole if temporary casings are unable

to install. The level of the fluid in the excavation shall be maintained so

that the fluid pressure always exceeds the pressures exerted by the soils

and external ground-water, an adequate temporary casing shall be used

in conjunction with the method to ensure stability of the strata the near

ground level until concrete has been placed.

5.5 Spillage Disposal

Any disposal of sludge shall comply with the regulations of the local

controlling authority to prevent this pillage of sludge suspension on the

working areas.

5.6 Pumping from Bored Hole

If necessary, pumping from bored hole will only be carried out when

temporary casing has been placed into a stratum which prevents the flow

of water from other strata in significant quantities into the borehole. In

stable hole, no pumping exercise will be carried out.

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5.7 Cleaning of Pile Bases

On completion of boring, loose and disturbed or re-moulded soil shall be

removed from the base of the pile using a Cleaning bucket of appropriate

size which is not greater than the pile diameter.

5.8 Inspection

For a boring without casing, the diameter of the boring hole for a

representative number of piles shall be measured by measuring tape prior

to the placing of concrete. The measurement shall be done by the

Contractor. Boring depth will be measured at the center of pile by using

measuring tape.

After study of all the available soil investigation report, ground water

seepage is likely to occur during pile excavation. Furthermore, long

casing is difficult to be installed as hard materials are likely encountered.

For safety of all parties’ purpose, inspection below ground by sending

person into the bore hole will not be exercised in this particular project.

Generally, the following items are to be checked prior to concreting.

a) Actual bore size

b) Actual bore depth

c) Actual bore shape

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d) Pile base condition

e) Verticality

f) Eccentricity - after casting (by as-built)

5.9 Continuity of Construction

A pile constructed in a stable soil without the use of temporary casing or

other support shall be bored and concreted without prolonged delay

ensure that soil characteristics are not significantly altered.

5.10 Surface Water

Generally, temporary casing is slightly higher than working platform to

prevent surface water entering into the borehole. For uncased hole,

proper earth drain near the pile will be formed to prevent any water from

entering into the borehole.

5.11 Excavation Materials

Surplus earth resulting from boring operations will be used as backfill

material to the empty bored hole above the cut off level or removed away

from the site as directed by the Engineer.

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All reinforcement will be inspected and approved by Consultant prior to

placement. Reinforcement to the design requirement of bored piles will be

prefabricated in the reinforcement yard and transported to the bore hole for

placing. After fabricated by the bar benders/fixers, depending on the rigidity of

the steel cage, the helical links might be tack welded to the main reinforcement to

prevent collapse during lifting the steel cage. Laps are also to be spot welded at

approximately 100mm interval so that they are intact during transportation and

lifting. Cement/sand mortar round spacers will be placed at 3m c/c to the

reinforcement to provide the cover to the reinforcement against the soil during

concreting. The reinforcement will be lowered to the completed bore hole, prior to

concreting, by means of a service crane and to be adjusted to the correct level.


Immediately after the boring for the pile has been completed, approval for

concreting will be sought from the Consultant before placing concrete, measures

shall be taken to ensure that there is no accumulation of silt or other loose

materials at the base of the borehole. Concreting shall be carried out

continuously without interruption. Concrete conforming to the specification and

design requirement will be delivered to site by ready mixed supplier.

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For concreting of bored pile in wet hole (bored hole filled with water),

tremie method shall be used. A 8" to 10" diameter tremie pipe is inserted

at the center of the reinforcement cage and down into the bottom of the

bored hole. The hopper and tremie pipe shall be clean and watertight

throughout. The pipe shall extend to the base of the pile. Vermiculite or

polystyrene beads may be poured into tremie pipe to form as a sliding

plug in order to prevent direct contact between the first charge of concrete

in the tremie pipe and the water in the drilling fluid. The pipe shall at all

times penetrate the concrete which has previously been placed. At all-

time sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained within the pipe to

ensure that the pressure from it exceeds that from the water. As the

concreting proceeds the pipe is gradually withdrawn until the concrete at

finishing level. Measurement of the level of the concrete surface shall be

taken immediately before and after several vertical movement of the

tremie pipe.


All temporary casings are to be extracted immediately after completion of

concreting where the concrete within them remains sufficiently workable to

ensure that the concrete is not lifted. A service crane attached with the vibro-

hammer will be used to extract the casing. Reasonable care should be taken to

ensure that the concrete level is above the cut off level after extraction of casing.
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Bored piling record shall be properly recorded in the bore log provided which shall

contain complete information as below:

• Project Title.

• Pile details including pile dimensions’ location, reference number and working


• Plant and equipment details including type, model and capacity of boring rig.

• Name of Operators and Supervisor.

• Existing working platform and ground level.

• Specified cut off level and toe level of bored pile.

• Length of pile.

• Ground water table.

• Boring date including date, time, soil description, actual diameter and depth of

bored hole.

• Size and length of temporary casing used.

• Number, length and size of main reinforcement bar, size and pitch of links.

• Concreting data including date, grade slump, theoretical volume, volume

delivered, length, wastage, concreting method and time required.

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