WSA Magazine November 2023 Edition
WSA Magazine November 2023 Edition
WSA Magazine November 2023 Edition
Visionary, Creative, and Dynamic
The best of African Literature
Anthony Onugba POETRY
Anthony ‘PenBoss‘ Onugba Omadang Yowasi
Chisom Benedicta
Scholar Akinyi (CE)
Scholar Everisto Tatenda Simayo
Kenya Zimbabwe
I Echo
I Echo Stephanie Nanyongo Darah
Ghana Cameroon
Victoria Enyonam Adonu
Lise Nova Berwadushime
Namse Udosen
Namse Udosen Funminiyi Akinrinade
Nigeria Nigeria
in this issue...
24 Philetairus’ nests
Bongani Zungu, South Africa
WSA Awards
On the cover
• Monthly Digital Literary Magazine of the Year -
Maame Efua Eshun is (The Corporate LiveWire Global Awards 2022/23)
the visionary behind • Best Monthly Digital Literary Magazine (Africa) -
Golden Quill Editing Solu- (Global Business Awards 2022)
tions and the dynamic co- • Best African Literary Magazine - 2021
(MEA Business Awards 2021)
ordinator of Writers Space
• Writer Promotion platform of the Year - 2021
Africa (Ghana chapter) (The Corporate LiveWire Global Awards 2021/22)
Page 16
Jessica Murage
morning and drew him water for a bath. were in the shed. Karoki had stolen my
Children are not allowed in the gathering cow. I don’t have a cow and an old man’s
of elders, but my uncle has a big mango bones need milk.”
tree behind his rickety store and I intend
The next and last victim is my other uncle.
to hide there.
His story is short. “Karoki stole my pesti-
My uncle is an elder and he is leading the cides, sold them, and used water to spray
case. My cousin’s neighbor starts and gets my fruit trees; now I have no produce.”
in the center of the circle. “Karoki came and The elders are quiet for a minute and then
told me that the cows to be vaccinated were they start chattering. Messing with a man’s
to be vaccinated. As I don’t go out much, produce is against the law of the land. Who
nobody had sent word to me. As you all will pay for his son’s dowry now? And the
know, I’m an old man whose feet cannot child’s dedication? His wife will surely
take me to the cattle dip. I was overjoyed leave him.
when he offered to take my cow for me. As
My uncle hits the ground with his staff and
you all know, my children are grown and
the elders stop chattering. “ Karoki will be
don’t visit home.” He stops and spits, and
banished from this village for ten years. It
all the other elders spit. It’s a shame for a
is decided.” The crowd is silent; the moth-
child not to visit a sick parent.
er wails and his father shakes his head.
The old man continues, “When I went to The branch snaps, and I panic then fall in
help myself behind the tree just outside the center of the circle. My mother gasps
my compound, I came across my neighbor and my uncle shakes his head. Luckily
and asked him whether Karoki was back for me, children cannot be banished, but I
with the cows from the cow dip. He told don’t feel so lucky when the staff lands on
me there was no vaccine, and his cows my back.
Dear Edward Francis Small, es, ploughs, huts, cobblers, and sweepers.
Estelle Morris once said, “Politicians want “Ask not what your country has done for
to create an irreversible change because you; rather, ask what you have done for
when they leave office, someone changes your country,” Jawaharlal Nehru once
it back.” said.
Every man in the shade today sits because Many recognize your exceptional Gambi-
the tree was planted years ago. We can an political accomplishments. You wanted
call him Gambian politics’ doyen, pioneer, to help Gambians, especially farmers and
and father. You educated and freed your labourers. Being one of the few educated
people with your pen. Religious leaders Africans in the territory, you taught them.
opposed British rule before your famous Evening schooling was supplied to the vil-
Gambian politics. You’ve been honoured lagers.
for your Gambian political work. Today,
The Gambia Farmers’ Cooperative Asso-
we honour your heroic sacrifice that freed
ciation began in 1917. At the 1920 Ghana
the Gambians. National grandeur de-
Conference, you gave a powerful address
pends on mothers’ unflinching dedication
on West African self-rule. Your amazing
and sacrifice. You and other brave soldiers
move created the National Congress of
fought for future freedom and dignity for
British West Africa and the Gambia branch.
years. Breaking free took time. Freedom
In 1922, you founded “the Gambia outlook
fighters like you let us express ourselves,
and the Senegambia reporter”—the colo-
believe in our values, and be proud of our
ny’s first nationalist newspaper and one of
heritage. You died so our nation could live
the earliest Pan-African tabloids—to give
with bravery, honesty, sacrifice, liberty,
the people a voice.
freedom, and independence. We salute
your heart struggles, tenacity, passion, You founded Bathurst, the first legally
and commitment to our motherland, Gam- recognized trade union in The Gambia,
bia, which has grown from peasant cottag- in 1929. Your greatest accomplishment is
rising, not staying put. The 1935 internal rule and toward self-determination and
issues that broke up the Bathurst trade independence. You trained JC Faye, Gar-
union, now the Gambia labour union, led ba Jahumpa, and others to continue the in-
to a new union. dependence movement under your guid-
“No taxation without proper represen-
tation,” was your early 1920s campaign You inspired many, including Alieu Ebri-
slogan with other West African Patriots to ma Cham Joof, who led the 1959 Bread and
advocate elective representation and give Butter March that led to Gambian indepen-
the people tax control. The Ratepayers’ As- dence. Many Gambians will continue your
sociation won all six African city council heritage of independence thanks to your
seats in 1936, becoming the first political inspiration, freedom, religion, memories,
party. Since it benefits everyone, you cre- and patriotism.
ated this political party in 1930. In French
After your death in 1958, other indepen-
West Africa, you formed political networks
dence movements prevailed. The Gambia
because a small group of devoted people
was Africa’s longest-running multiparty
with a solid purpose can change histo-
democracy. The Gambia’s transition from
ry. You were definitely appointed to the
a democratic government under Sir Daw-
Legislative Council to represent Bathurst
da to a dictatorial government under Yaya
in 1941. You defeated IM Garba Jahumpa
Jammeh, a coalition government under
and Sheikh Omar Faye in 1947. Gambians
President Adama, and now a Barrow gov-
elected their first citizen directly.
ernment is an intriguing case study that
You were reappointed to the executive should be fully examined in the context of
council in 1951 after being appointed in African politics. Understanding how the
1947. Mr. Francis Small, these extraordi- country has changed since independence
nary achievements led to independence from Britain in 1965 is crucial.
and republic-hood. The people of this
Mr. Francis Small, since then, the country
great nation only have sovereignty be-
has thrived and suffered under different
cause of you. Light brought you out of the
political periods in terms of health, econ-
old world. You won after seeing that poli-
omy, education, and security. When the
tics is the art and science of ruling. You and
presidential elections were held in 2016,
other great thinkers fought colonialism.
Adama Barrow emerged victorious, and
You campaigned for African racial repre-
by all means, that was seen as a turning
sentation in colonial rule and West African
point for the country. Gambians were opti-
cooperation on common challenges.
mistic that a new dawn had arrived, which
Like all true revolutionary Pan-African- would usher in a new Gambia. A new
ists, you fought between western Chris- Gambia that was on the right trajectory but
tian and Muslim and anti-western forces got short-lived. What went wrong?
to set the Gambian people against colonial
Dear Francis Small, in 2016, President Bar-
row initiated several reforms, including Education is free in Gambia, but our sys-
the Janneh Commission, which revealed tem is a mess, Mr. Francis Small. Poor edu-
how Jammeh’s regime looted the Gambia; cation policy and curriculum. High unem-
the TRRC, which revealed Gambians’ suf- ployment and insufficient job options for
fering and brutalities under Jammeh; and graduates contribute to high crime rates.
the CRC, which drafted a new constitution
After COVID-19, the health sector deteri-
to change Gambians’ lives and political
orated. Paracetamol is scarce in our hospi-
landscape to consolidate democracy and
tals. Rising maternal and child mortality.
usher in the third republic. Many Gambi-
The economy is down, commodity prices
ans who wanted a new constitution were
are high, house rent is rising, and the cost
crushed when Parliament rejected this
of living is rising, making it tougher for
draft constitution.
Gambians to live. Social vices include cor-
My dear Edward Francis Small, due to re- ruption, bribery, inequity, and high crime.
cent massive losses, many Gambians are
Finally, our beloved Francis Small, after
wary of President Barrow’s policies. Presi-
57 years of freedom from Jawara’s rule
dent Barrow is offering Jammeh allies key
through Jammeh’s and now Barrow’s, the
positions in his cabinet. He nominated sev-
Gambia you envisioned and anticipated
eral for high-level parliament jobs.
has not materialized.
Revered Edward Francis Small, “How far
Government change was like repackaging
has the Gambia come in its 57 years as an
old wine. It tastes like 57-year-old wine.
independent state?” A million-dollar ques-
Corruption plagues our nation. Rising debt
causes an economic downfall. Gambians
Is Gambia living up to your agricultural, are poor. Youth, education, and agricul-
political, and educational vision? “Where ture are departing for greater possibilities.
is Gambia in global development?” Poor remuneration makes civil servants
live hand-to-mouth. Gambians have had
Mr. Francis Small, Gambia’s agriculture
issues since 1965. The Gambia was sup-
economy remains undeveloped despite
posed to be redeemed in 2016 when we
your efforts. Subsistence, rain-fed, and
overthrew a ruler. Gambians are growing
low yields require imports. You fought
desperate as President Barrow appears to
British exploitation for farmers, but noth-
be failing. When will politics’ messiah ap-
ing changed. Farmers must feed the nation
pear? A good leader will be honest, incor-
but have a weak market. The government
rupt, and patriotic like you. We hope God
doesn’t help them grow agriculture, and
gives us another leader like you.
greedy dealers exploit them. We have pa-
tronage and tribalism in politics. We elect
inept leaders that jeopardize national pros-
perity because people aren’t politically ed-
Taiwo Adewuyi
I hear someone’s footsteps outside the “It is time for breakfast,” Mrs Abigail
door before the door opens. From the says.
assault of disinfectant on my nose, I
Can’t she see that they brought food?
know it is Mrs. Abigail, our cleaner.
This is supposed to be a picnic. And I
“What are you doing?” she asks. Some- want to enjoy this day. It is after all, the
thing metallic moans on the floor as she only time my family gathers to cele-
drags it. brate my birthday.
“Visiting my family,” I whisper rudely, “His head is not on his neck and you
as if she doesn’t know today is the day have yourself three hands,” the cleaner
my family visits or I visit them as the sighs.
case may be.
I don’t blame her. It is my fault. I have
She has to take a few steps before she never seen my family before and I have
sees them. never seen myself before. Neither can I
see what I am painting.
“Oh, I didn’t know,” she apologizes.
“Good morning sir.” My imagination falls apart. But I keep
the cardboard on the bed to eat break-
My father waves his hand and says good
morning in a silent voice. My moth-
er sits under the big tree in the room, Then I realize that Mrs Abigail and the
dressed in a gown. Her eyes are staring bed are gone too.
at me unblinking but full of love. My
I live under the bridge with a senile
younger brother is holding her hand. I
don’t know yet whether he should wear
clothes or not. But he seems happy to
be enjoying the evening breeze.
I wish my paradise was not in an eter-
nal sunset.
Umaru Jennifer
I flitted around preparing for my sur- The abrupt display of mirth confused
prise birthday/engagement party. My me, I was still confused when he said;
boyfriend of two years was going to
“Don’t be long oh, return quickly so
propose. I was floating to the sky from
that you can help Mummy with dinner.
the pleasure, but a bleak shroud of grief
You know she’s heavily pregnant and
held me down. My reflection in the mir-
Baby Pat won’t let her rest.”
ror testified that I looked gorgeous in
my red flowery gown. The last time my mother was preg-
nant was fourteen years ago. And Baby
“Achile, come say happy birthday to
Pat no longer existed. I picked up this
your sister,” Mummy announced.
memory and wrapped it in my heart.
Achile ambled into the room with a
It joined the stash of memories I had
glassy stare fixed on me. The looniness
compiled over the years. I wondered
in his eyes slowly faded and the years
if he also had gatherings. If he saved
became real. I rushed to his side and
the moment when I massaged his back
held his arm. “So, you are turning 22
and he confessed that I was his favorite
today?” he smiled with intense eyes
sister. Did he remember how Baby Pat
that looked over my body. Gladness for
had died in the accident that took his
being remembered filled my heart. The
memory? Were all these lucid moments
best birthday present ever.
gatherings of memories that would
“You became a woman,” he added as never be fondled by him?
he brought his eyes to my face. “Yes,
brother. I am getting married soon.”
His eyebrows twitched as he laughed.
In this edition of the Writers Space routine that I can follow to get things
Africa magazine, I had a chat with the done and also keep track of what I’ve
founder of Golden Quill Editing Solu- been up to.
tions and the current coordinator of
Writers Space Africa-Ghana, Maame Also, being disciplined counts. Now
Efua Eshun. Join me as we discuss her that I’m done with school and have
writing and editing journey. a little bit more time on my hands,
I’m learning to discipline myself and
distribute my energy across board so
no area or task is left lagging. It’s not
PPBlessing: Could you briefly intro- easy, but I’m doing my best.
duce yourself
PPBlessing: That’s wonderful. How
Efua: I am Maame Efua Eshun, but ev- did you get into writing?
eryone calls me Efua. I’m a writer and
editor at Golden Quill Editing Solu- Efua: My writing journey started when
tions. I’m currently the coordinator I joined Writers Space Africa-Ghana
for Writers Space Africa-Ghana and (WSA-G) sometime around 2019. A
Assistant Communications Manager friend of mine—Phyl—whose poems
at Ghana Food Movement. I’m intro- I used to proofread, introduced me to
verted and extroverted, depending WSA-G in that year. I started out with
on my environment and the people poems, very whack poems, and some
around me. I love to read whenever I of the critiques I got broke my heart
can and have a passion for art as well. to pieces, in fact, to powder! But they
were all for my good and I got better
PPBlessing: How have you been able with time and more practice. I was also
to combine doing all of these things? introduced to other genres and fell in
love with Creative Nonfiction (CNF)
Efua: Honestly, it hasn’t been easy. It
so I chose that and poetry to special-
was even worse when I was editing for
ise in. But currently, I write more CNF
WSA, editing for my business, work-
than poetry. I think I’ll just stick to the
ing part-time, and schooling at the
former, but time will tell.
same time. But one thing that helped
me and still helps is always creating PPBlessing: Will you recommend
a to-do list of things I want to do in joining such writing communities to
a day (at least 5 things) and trying others?
my best to finish them by the end of
the day. That gives me some kind of Efua: Absolutely! I can say for a fact
that I wouldn’t have become as good ly, and I got better and better. In 2020,
a writer as I am now if I had learnt I started thinking of business names,
everything on my own. The critiques, it wasn’t easy, surprisingly, but I end-
other people sharing their works, ed up with Golden Quill Editing Solu-
workshops, and lectures etc. inspire tions. Golden because I believe there’s
and shape the writer and I highly power in my fingers which flows to
recommend such communities, espe- my pen/keyboard and makes things
cially for amateur writers. Aside from better... Quill to signify a writing tool,
learning, joining WSA really widened necessary for manual editing...Edit-
my network. I’ve gotten to virtually ing to show people what the business
encounter a lot of cool people I prob- does or is about... and Solutions be-
ably wouldn’t have met if I hadn’t cause I have the solutions to your ed-
joined. It’s like an online family on its iting problems!
own and I thank God always for plant-
ing me in there! I started monetising my editing some-
where late 2021 and set up social me-
PPBlessing: Have you always wanted dia accounts for it and all. And in May
to start your own editorial business? this year, I registered the business of-
ficially. Over the years, I have been
Efua: Funny enough, it wasn’t my able to put some systems in place that
goal when I started. I didn’t even think make it easy to deal with customers
about it. I started with editing my and also give them a good experience.
friend’s poems every now and then, I’m still learning and I believe it can
and after I joined WSA-G and then only get better with time.
WSA main later, I could easily spot
errors in the works some of the other PPBlessing: So apt! What has been
writers shared, so I’d say it came to me the most challenging work you’ve
easily. Fast forward, I ended up edit- had to edit so far?
ing PenBoss’s articles and screenplays
almost every week before he shared Efua: I can’t mention any one work
them. That put me in the spotlight but there have been a few works that
during my early days and more peo- gave me migraines! There have been a
ple in WSA got to know about me and few occasions where I had to stop ed-
some came to me for editing which iting, sleep, and go back to the work
I did for free. I then realised that it’s later before I could figure out what the
something I could monetize. So, I took writer was trying to say. This is very
it seriously, took a few online courses, important because an editor must nev-
read a lot and practice more frequent-
Bongani Zungu
South Africa
Marial Awendit
South Sudan
Elias Denen Dodo
Matrida Phiri
And when he appears, all sorts of hellish things lift their heads within me
The chosen one, older even than the elders, his bald head shining like the moon
Sinister in appearance and strange in the ways of men, he commands respect
There descends an ethereal and sudden hush over the dreadful circle of old men
The invisible pedestal upon which this ancient being has been placed is lofty
A throne so high, it reaches and merges with spiritual wickedness above the sky.
The covenant gourd is passed over to the chosen one with traditional flourish
Moon-head flaunts then stuffs disgusting ill-begotten bank notes into the calabash
Kneeling before the monster, my father receives the spoils, grinning like a buffoon
The dreadful deed accomplished, loud invisible chimes resound, sealing my fate
Fragments of my dream to be a lawyer drop like dry petals from my defeated grip.
Sarah Frost
South Africa
Adedolapo Grillo
editor’s choice
I am like a stranger, relegated to the back- and my peers —when I was just a boy of
ground in my home as I watch the festival fifteen. I scanned the area for my wife and
preparations from my vantage point on kids, but I couldn’t find them. They’d fol-
my late father’s balcony. Women crowd- lowed my sister to the market.
ed in groups around several fires, cooking
“Is that you, Dolapo?” The voice drew
different meals, while the men slaughtered
me from my thoughts. There they were—
the animals for the ceremony. The children
Dayo, Gbenga, Yinka, and Ibukun. I’d not
chased each other around playfully. The
seen them in thirty-two years. Nostalgia
whole town was celebrating, and I smiled
hit me like a water wave.
as I watched. I remember celebrating this
festival some thirty-two years ago—me “Yes, it is me. I am coming.” As I trudged
down the stairs, I remembered the time I and very old now. Fathia is in charge of the
left and the promise we made to ourselves. shop, selling beer and pepper soup. You
I never kept it. I have been running for will like what she’s done with the place.”
thirty years. I shivered in anticipation of
“Now that I think about it, she liked you
my reception as I walked up to them.
once. So, we might get a discount.” We all
“Welcome home.” Yinka’s high-pitched laughed at Ibukun’s joke. It was the ice-
voice brought back sweet memories. He breaker we needed. For the first time since
gave me a hug that squeezed my ribs so meeting my friends, I relaxed. We rem-
hard that I grimaced in pain. inisced as we trudged the small path to
Mama Fathia’s parlour, pointing at houses
“Yes, the prodigal has finally returned.”
and telling tales of the old days.
The tone of the voice was harsh.
“Wait, is that not Iya Agba’s house?” I
“Ibukun, not now!” Yinka restrained him.
singled out an old thatched-roof hut sur-
I could hear the plea in his voice.
rounded by tall trees. The compound was
Ibukun forced a smile. “Welcome home, abandoned, and the weeds claimed every
Dolapo.” He stretched out his hand, and space they could find, even the windows
I shook it. It was not a warm handshake, and doors.
but at least it betrayed some emotions, and
“Yes, it is. She died some months after you
for that I was grateful. I took turns greet-
ing the others, awkward as the entire ritual
was. “Ahhh, what a woman!” I said wistfully. I
remembered how Iya Agba would gather
“Do you take beer?” Dayo asked me in a
children in her compound in the evening,
manner that reflected his disappointment
give each of us a piece of dried fish, and
at not knowing whether I drank or not.
tell stories of the past. She was the old-
“I do,” I answered. est in the community at the time and was
well respected. “But how could this place
“Haa… Let’s go to the parlour and... talk.”
be left like this? What about her children?
“But the festival?” Don’t they visit?”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. We will still “They came home when she died. They’ve
make it in time for the grand finale,” Gben- not been here since. At least, that’s what
ga replied. “The beer parlour is not far my mother tells me whenever I ask.”
from here. You remember Mama Fathia’s
I looked at Yinka incredulously. “What do
palm wine shop?”
you mean, ask? You should know since
Startled by the question, I answered, “She’s you live here.”
still alive?”.
He stared at me hotly, a look they all
He laughed. “Yes, she is. But she’s retired shared. Suddenly, I felt foolish. “Did you
However, his sense of duty eventually exuded strength and vitality. Their eyes,
overcame his fear, and he ventured outside obscured by swirling, circular flames, held
to investigate the strange phenomenon, an otherworldly allure. Their feet seemed
despite his family’s protests. The village to meld with the cloud’s surface, adding to
was shrouded in an eerie hush as he made their ethereal presence.
his way to the playfield, with curious eyes
Identifying themselves as messengers
peeking through their hut’s windows.
from the gods, they spoke in deep, echoing
Arriving at the playfield, the chief stood voices, each word accompanied by a small
at a cautious distance from the colossal flame that flickered from their mouths.
cloud, unsure of his next move. His mind They instructed the chief to gather all the
raced for a plan, but he found himself villagers for an important message, warn-
overwhelmed by the magnitude of the sit- ing of dire consequences for those who re-
fused to attend. Reluctantly, the chief re- After a quarter of the villagers had entered
turned to the huts, instructing his fellow the portal, no one else moved. The messen-
villagers to assemble at the playfield. Fear gers inquired again, but there was no re-
and trepidation spread through the com- sponse. A few more brave souls ventured
munity as they reluctantly complied. in before the messengers closed the portal
with a mere raise of a staff-bearing hand.
With the entire village gathered, the mes-
The messengers commended those who
sengers began to speak in unison, as
chose selflessness and sacrifice, sparing
though their words had been rehearsed for
them as the righteous. They announced
millennia. They conveyed the gods’ wrath
their intention to establish a new village
at the villagers’ waywardness, listing their
founded on principles of humanity and
sins and emphasizing the need for hu-
man sacrifice to appease the divine anger.
Those willing to sacrifice themselves were In the blink of an eye, panic spread among
called upon to step forward, and the mes- the remaining villagers, and they rushed
sengers made it clear that without enough toward the portal, desperate to gain en-
volunteers, the entire village would be try. Yet, an invisible force repelled their
consumed by a devastating fire. efforts. Desperation and hopelessness
overwhelmed them as the messengers
Intrigued and fearful, the villagers ex-
now turned away, entered the cloud por-
changed puzzled glances. Then, an elderly
tal from whence they came. The portal was
woman took a determined step towards
sealed shut, and the dark cloud ascended
the portal created by the messenger’s staff.
into the sky.
Her family tried to dissuade her, but she
pressed on, pausing at the threshold to The villagers left behind watched in de-
wave at her loved ones before disappear- spair as a colossal fireball erupted from
ing into the darkness. A spine-chilling beneath the cloud, consuming them in a
scream pierced the air, followed by an ee- blaze of unforgiving fury.
rie silence, as if she had been swallowed by
an abyss. Panic and sorrow engulfed the
villagers as they watched in horror.
Ogooluwa Jayeola
The allure of forbidden love is captivating wrapped around her chest, another grace-
and intoxicating, weaving its enchantment fully adorning her waist, cascading down
editor’s choice
until complete immersion is inevitable. to her knees. With an exposed flat stomach,
Such was the fate of Oyin as she stealth- her waist was embellished with vibrant
ily ventured out of her home in the dead strings of colourful beads. Simple braided
of night, her heart racing and her mind hair elegantly framed her face, reaching
pounding. the base of her neck, further accentuating
her exquisite features. Her destination was
Oyin, whose full name was Oyinkansola,
the Osun River, the primary water source
hailed from a lineage of Adeola, the es-
for the entire village.
teemed village blacksmith, and Abike, a
skilled basket weaver. Renowned for her As Oyin’s heart pounded, a radiant smile
captivating dance skills and striking beau- illuminated her face, reminiscing about his
ty, she possessed a slender waist, shape- words from earlier that day, “Meet me by
ly hips, and a captivating dark complex- the riverside tonight at sunset.” She fer-
ion. Her attire consisted of an Aso-Oke vently hoped he was still waiting, rather
than having departed. She inwardly cursed remained uninterested until she noticed
her brother, whose late-night wakefulness him. His aloofness from the crowd caught
had delayed her and jeopardized their ren- her attention, and she couldn’t help but
dezvous. notice that his gaze towards her was pure
and devoid of lust, a refreshing departure
Upon reaching the riverside, her heart flut-
from the stares she had encountered that
tered with delight upon setting her eyes
day. Initiating a conversation with him
on his sturdy back. Akinjobi, her beloved,
marked the beginning of their deepening
stood there. He was the son of Bayo, a for-
bond. Upon discovering their connection,
midable warrior in the village who had
her parents warned her to distance herself,
succumbed to madness during a conflict
but these admonishments only fueled her
with a neighbouring village, allegedly due
affection for him.
to the opposing village’s herbalist
To evade her parents’ watchful eyes and
Akinjobi had come into the world short-
the prying gazes of the village, he softly
ly after his father’s descent into madness,
instructed her during their encounter in
growing up without a conventional pater-
the marketplace earlier that day to rendez-
nal figure. This unfortunate circumstance
vous with him at the riverside. The mere
bestowed upon him a stigma within the
thought filled her heart with exhilaration,
village. Nonetheless, Akinjobi’s unwaver-
solidifying her realization that she loved
ing determination and strength propelled
him. Upon sighting him by the riverside,
him to become a renowned warrior. De-
she rushed towards him, her hurried foot-
spite this, most individuals avoided him
steps causing him to turn towards her just
due to his father’s condition, believing that
as she leapt into his embrace. In the moonlit
the herbalist’s curse would inevitably be-
glow, they stood entwined as if attempting
fall him as well.
to merge their souls. They began to sway
However, Oyin refused to distance her- gently to an invisible rhythm, a rhythm
self from him. On the contrary, she cher- that only they could hear—the rhythm of
ished him even more, admiring his valour their love.
and tenacity in pursuing his aspirations
“I missed you,” she softly spoke.
despite the village’s judgment. Their re-
lationship had commenced several nights “As did I,” he replied.
prior during the village gathering, follow-
They then found solace by the riverside,
ing Oyin’s captivating dance performance
accompanied by one another throughout
in celebration of her coming-of-age cere-
the night, their forbidden love ensnaring
mony, symbolizing her readiness for mar-
them deeper and deeper within its intri-
cate web.
Numerous young men within the village
sought Oyin’s hand in marriage, yet she
Joshua Laryea
editor’s choice
Today, East Ridge High’s senior and ju- or triple if they lost.
nior students are about to engage in a
Myself and two other boys were the only
football showdown. They have been pre-
ones who hadn’t contributed to the bet
paring for this event since the start of the
money. I understand why a lot of them
term, and it is their last match as students
paid the money; this is how teenage boys
of the school. The juniors’ best players will
amuse themselves, spending their parents’
graduate soon, but the stakes for this game
hard-earned money in a vain effort to ap-
are higher than ever—the year twos, un-
pear cool in front of each other. This time,
officially acting on behalf of the juniors,
I was dragged into it, no matter how much
challenged the seniors with a bet. The year
I tried to stay on the sidelines. Jacob, a
twos collected fifty cedis from their class-
friend, asked me for some cash so he could
mates and they wanted the seniors to win
pay his part of the contribution. He was
one of the ‘representatives’, so he had to “I heard the seniors have scored oo” one of
chip in more than everyone else. Normally, the students happily informed her friend.
I wouldn’t have given him anything even “How did you know? Have you been to
if he begged me, but this shameless guy the park?” I asked grabbing her by the
blackmailed me with information he had shoulder, my eyelids stretched as wide as
overheard from my conversation with the they could. She, however, answered ‘no’,
math teacher. With that, I finally agreed to rudely sliding my hand off her shoulder,
loan him what he needed - plus some extra saying “I just heard it around”. I didn’t
for interest. know whether to believe it or not. The pre-
fects soon came, and we started our walk
The big day had finally arrived, and I had
to the grounds. I was feeling restless, a ball
to go watch the game to determine if I’d
of nerves knotted in my mind. I prayed
get my money back or remain in debt. I’d
what the girl said was false. I was tempt-
never before been so devoted to a football
ed to run, but I couldn’t be the prefects’
club. Beads of sweat started building on
scapegoat; not during their last days. I had
my forehead as I switched from my uni-
only heard stories, but I prefer that to it be-
form into ordinary clothing. Though the
ing my story.
field was over half an hour away on foot,
this moment, under such pressure, it didn’t On any other day, I would have taken plea-
matter. I must be there. My father would sure in hearing the hawkers shout their
be infuriated to learn that I gambled with slogans like “Yes! Pure water” or “Plantain
the funds instead of giving them to Sir chips!” and watching the children chas-
Isaac as he’d requested. He would also be ing each other with glee. The melodious
mad if he found out I put off repayment by sound of moving cars in the distance and
fabricating financial difficulties and using the loud conversations between shopkeep-
my good conduct and excellent grades as ers full of laughter and political debates
proof. would have soothed me. But today it all
merged together into an unbearable ca-
The path to the field was mostly shaded by
cophony. Even the birds in the sky taking
the trees on the side of the street. The stu-
flight for home before dusk only served to
dents had gathered at the gate and were
remind me that I wouldn’t be able to rest
waiting to be escorted to the field. The
until I saw how the game turned out. If Ja-
headmaster allowed the match to happen
cob hadn’t been around on this fateful day,
because the seniors had pleaded unremit-
I would already be dozing off into a peace-
tingly and were done with their exams.
ful afternoon nap.
The only condition was that the outgoing
sports prefects had to make sure the stu- If only he had been forthcoming and open,
dents didn’t go anywhere but the field and I could have found a way out. We met on
back. I joined the students as we waited for the first day of school, and miraculously
the sports prefects to come back. became shared a bunk bed. He quickly be-
Suhaibu Safiyanu
editor’s choice
aunt and it was reported that she loved me I watched in awe as I stood a safe distance
so much that people began to address me up the embankment, arms tightly clasped
as her son when she was a teen),” Abdul on my chest, teeth clattering involuntarily,
cut in, “we are going to Ramin Tsamiya to and white smoke exuding from my mouth
wash our bodies before the prayer time.” and nostrils as if I were smoking an invis-
He added excitedly. ible cigarette. I was envious of my friends
who gave the impression that they were
“Are you for real? How many are you?” I
enjoying every drop of water they threw
asked, my face brimming with excitement.
at each other.
“We are five. The rest are out there waiting
Kabiru, who was already at the stream
for us.” Answered Habu.
when we arrived, stood there beside his
“All right. Let us go, but be careful lest plastic bucket, and watching in awe too.
Umma hears and spoils everything!” I He then removed his clothes and walked
warned while melting away. nonchalantly to the stream, holding a small
bowl for scooping up water.
“Dan Safiya,” began Habu after all but I
had stripped off at the grass-covered bank Standing on the edge of the stream, he
of Ramin Tsamiya stream, “throw water at bent over, filled the bucket with cold wa-
me and I’ll throw at you.” ter, spun around, took a few decisive steps
behind me and, in a flash, emptied the con-
That was one unique way to take a bite of
tents of the bucket on my head, wetting my
the cold water.
clothes and all.
“I don’t think I can swim, I am catching a
“You coward! Catch me if you can!” Kabi-
cold. You can play with Abdul, the swim-
ru laughed before rushing into the stream
mer.” I suggested, pointing at the latter.
and splashing water all over his body be-
Abdul accepted, and they stepped into the fore anyone could.
water as if they had been asked to dip blis-
I stood there frozen. Shivering. I regret
tered feet into a bowl of iodine.
that had I stayed to sweep our compound,
I would not have accompanied my play-
They began with flinging at each other as mates on such an early morning trip to
many drops of water as one finger could the stream, and Kabiru would not have
carry, then two fingers and soon one palm. poured cold water on my body.
In a short while, each was splashing wa- A cruel, wounded expression was in my
ter on the other with two hands. The initial eyes. I felt a hot throbbing in my chest. In-
shock gave way to an exhilarating experi- stinctively, with a taste of panic, I reached
ence. down, afraid that my toes would be miss-
ing; but they were there - benumbed.
A Creative Non-Fiction by Chinenye Favour, Nigeria
Reviewer: Lebogang Faith Samson, Botswana
It’s still hard to acknowledge that cer- Over time, fake smiles here and there
tain aspects of life are beyond us to disguise the pain, and for a second, one
change. It’s not within our powers to gets inured to it, and once in a while,
dictate or command death. After all, a snowball of emotions rolls your way,
it’s a rite of passage, an undeniable fact.
and the heart starts cracking again.
Chinenye Favour, a creative writ-er Chinenye draws our attention to this
from Nigeria, titled her piece “An Irony family who lost their anchor, and it’s
of Your Body,” reflecting on the theme: not easy for the family members, even
“A New Dawn.” When the storm hits, amid neighbours’ consola-tions. Death
we strive to breathe through it. still stands proud, but they are hope-
ful for a new dawn. At some point, the
As we witness the persona in this Cre-
storm has to subside, hence new adjust-
ative Non-Fiction, she struggled with
coming to terms with the passing on of
her mother. Death is never a friendly The writer uses nameless characters.
visitor to our homestead. It leaves one The mood is very sombre, therefore a
perplexed and paralysed emo-tional- melancholic tone throughout. I must
ly. We do not get used to it no matter applaud Chinenye on this well-written
how much it frequently knocks on our story as it sets out the theme very well;
doors. An Irony of your Body contem- moreover, readers can re-late to all that
plates the distress one undergoes after the persona has narrated.
losing their loved ones, although time
heals; well, one gets used to the idea of
the absent member, but the mark is for-
ever permanent.
Ojogbane’s story begins with impres- man like there was no tomorrow.” De-
sive imagery of a true healing sunrise, spite the pain, she still sat on the rough-
a therapeutic dose that bandages yes- ly hewn rock, which implies life’s im-
terday’s wounds and prepares men to perfections, hoping to see the risen sun
journey into the present day. The nar- again.
rator lays before the readers a rising
The narrative leaves the reader with an
sun, which, as it emerges slowly above
impression that despite the unpleasant-
the confluence of the Niger and Benue
ness of life, despite the shadows over
Rivers, its rays seem to dance atop the
us, shadows that frighten the hope of
water before Baye, the protagonist. She
ever realising the good that life un-
seems to have gone there for therapy, to
folds before us, it is by no means a call
forget a long-gone lover.
to quit; to stop seeking and hoping for
Even though she had lived in Lokoja be- the best to come our way. The lines,
fore, she never knew her environment “…waiting for the day the sun would
so well. Perhaps, she was so blind-ed by rise again, and she could continue this
love, that none took her focus from her dance of the blind…” depict how much
man, Yebo. It is only now that the imag- strength she draws from the rising of
ery of the rising sun before her removes the sun, the amount of hope she sus-
the scales from her eyes, sitting on a tains, the will to bury her past and long
hewn rock. She sheds tears for the time for a rebound with life, even when it is
lost in loving insensi-tively, as depicted less promising.
in the expression, “She had loved one
A Poem by Francis Mkwapatira, Malawi
Reviewer: Akuei M. Adol, South Sudan
In the quiet emergence of dawn, weary of empathy, inviting the au-dience to con-
souls find the strength to embrace new be- template the challenges the weary soul
ginnings, remind-ing us that hope illumi- faces as it emerges into the new day, res-
nates our path even in the darkest hours. onat-ing with the struggles and weariness
This sentiment is brilliantly re-vealed in within us all. Moreover, the poem’s brevi-
Francis Mkwapatira’s poem “At Dawn,” ty intensifies its im-pact, immersing read-
which embarks on a journey through the ers in its meaning.
liminal space between night and day.
The poet’s language is figurative and
Through vivid imagery and profound straightforward, weaving a tapestry of
symbolism, the poet explores the themes emotions ranging from quiet contempla-
of transition and weariness, painting a pic- tion to subtle hope. The poem’s mood is
ture of the sun as a weary soul emerging reflective, its tone contemplative, urging
“over seas and rifts.” The piece delves into readers to confront their own burn-outs
the universal human experience of encoun- and emerge, like the sun at dawn, into a
tering a new day after enduring the dark- new day filled with possibilities.
ness of the night, capturing the essence of
In a nutshell, the poem is a thoughtful
resilience and hope.
meditation on the cyclical nature of life, of-
However, structured as a haiku, the poem fering solace to those burdened by weari-
adheres to the traditional form of three ness. It speaks to the enduring strength of
lines, lending it an aura of ancient wisdom. the human spirit, reminding us that even
Through carefully chosen words, Francis in our most tired moments, we can find
shades a lucid snapshot of the struggle in- the courage to embrace the dawn of a new
herent in every new beginning. be-ginning. Mkwapatira’s work is a testa-
ment to the power of poetry to capture the
In addition, Mkwapatira employs the met-
complexities of human emotion, making
aphor of the sun as a weary soul, infusing
it a timeless piece that will resonate with
the verse with a deep emotional resonance.
readers across generations.
This metaphor conveys an insightful sense