Occultist v3 2021

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You are an Occultist, a seeker of forbidden
knowledge and scholar of esoteric subjects.
Your desire to understand and manipulate
dangerous forces, such as fate and magic, make
you a social pariah. Nonetheless, you are
willing to risk ostracism and potential
catastrophe in order to wield incredible powers
that were never meant for mortals.

Key Attribute: Intelligence

Hit Points: 1d3+3(plus Con bonus

if any) per level up to
9th level, then 1

Armour: Light

Weapons: Club, Dagger, Light Forbidden Knowledge (1st level)

Crossbow, Sling, As an Occultist, you specialize in studying
Spear, Shortsword,
esoteric and forbidden subjects. For that reason,
you have advantage in one of the following
skills: Apothecary, Arcane Lore, or Divine
Skills: Apothecary, Arcane
Lore, and Divine Lore
plus 3 of the
In addition, you start your adventure knowing
following: Deception,
the following esoteric languages: Aberrant
Detection, Gather
Terror and Demonic. Attempting to
Information, General
communicate in these languages requires a
Lore, Persuasion,
DDM check and raises the user’s DDM count
Sailing, Stealth,
by one. (p. 83, LFG Deluxe Ed.)
Wilderness Lore.

Natural Magic (1st level)

Through the magical manipulation of natural
processes, you are able to temporarily imbue
objects with minor effects and unusual
properties (GM discretion). Examples of
appropriate effects are those found in the
following Low Fantasy Gaming resources:

 Any item under the Minor Charms

OCCULTIST ATTACK BONUS Table (p. 75, LFG Companion Book):
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
 The following items under the
Bonus 0 1 2 2 3 4
Trinkets and Curios Table (p. 255,
Level 7 8 9 10 11 12 LFG Deluxe Ed.): 3, 19, 27, 32, 34,
Bonus 5 5 6 7 8 8 56, 57, 59, 66, 77, and 84.

Players are not limited solely to these options Unique Feature (3rd, 6th, 9th &
and may devise their own (subject to GM 12th level)
discretion). See pages 16, 44.

You begin an adventure with one use of this

New Skills (4th level & 8th level)
ability per level. You may regain expended uses
At 4th and 8th level
by taking short or long rests. Items created
through Natural Magic lose their unique
properties after a number of hours equal to you Mastery of Madness (5th level)
Int modifier, and are subject to DDM checks. At 5th level, your frequent encounters with
forbidden knowledge have allowed you to build
(p. 83, LFG Deluxe Ed.)
a powerful cognitive state. You have advantage
on all rolls related to resisting madness and its
Dark Fortune (2nd level) effects, including Will checks that determine its
At 2nd level, your frequent dabbling in remission. Furthermore, your character can
forbidden lore has allowed you to develop a never become incapacitated by madness.
form of precognition. At the start of an (P.164-165, LFG Deluxe Ed.). Finally, your
adventure, you may predict a number of events allies receive a +2 modifier on all their rolls
related to resisting madness and its effects,
equal to your Int modifier that will possibly
including Will checks that determine its
occur to yourself or an ally. You may provide
an alternative outcome to these predicted
events, and if they occur, the outcome of the
event will change based on your modification
(DM discretion). An example is provided
 Dark Fortune (First Use)
o Prediction: An ally will be hit
by an attack that ends their life.
o Modification: the attack
instead reduces them to one hit
o Result: Your ally avoids a
killing blow.

 Dark Fortune (Second Use)

o Prediction: An ally will fail a
Will check.
o Modification: An ally gains a
second chance to reroll a fail
Will save.
o Result: Your ally may succeed
at the previously failed roll.
Each instance of Dark Fortune that occurs as
predicted raises the Occultist’s DDM count by
one and requires a DDM check. (p. 83, LFG
Deluxe Ed.) Predicted events are not guaranteed
to occur, and you cannot make the same
prediction more than once per adventure.

Magnum Opus (7th level) Secret Society (10th level)
At 7th level, your devotion to an area of At 10th level, you gain enough experience and
forbidden knowledge has made you an expert in notoriety to start a secret organization of occult
that subject. The skill you selected under practitioners. As leader of the organization, you
Forbidden Knowledge receives an additional may set rules governing the acceptance of new
+2 modifier on all rolls. members, create rites of initiation, develop a
creed, and direct your subjects to research
In addition, you may endeavour for 1d4 weeks esoteric and forbidden knowledge.
to create your magnum opus in the form of one
permanent magical item (subject to GM
discretion). Follow the rules governing
permanent magical items as found on pgs. 266
– 272 of LFG Deluxe Ed. Only one magnum
opus can be created per campaign.


A special thank you to:

Stephen Grodzicki, creator of LFG, for

reading over my drafts and providing
invaluable suggestions.

All images used in this document have been

released into the public domain.
I would love to hear your questions and
feedback! You may contact me at:

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