Dungeoneers Handbook
Dungeoneers Handbook
Dungeoneers Handbook
Playtesters burningwheel@burningwheel.com
Dave “The Most Interesting Man” Turner,
Chr is A llingham, Joss Hansmann, MH
McFerren, Merrill “Cisneros” Sterritt, Evan
Silberman, Rob Brennan, Adam Koebel,
M ich ae l P re s cot t, Pau l B e a k l e y, M i ke
Torchbearer uses the ITC Souvenir, Comic
Rozycki, Jules Cordry, Michael Atlin, Eric
and Longbow BB fonts throughout. It was
Nolan, Terry Daly, Padraig Bracken, Simon
produced on a Macintosh iMac Retina 5K,
Cr u i s e, D erek G r ay, T i m G rot h, Ju de
27-inch, 2017 using Adobe Creative Suite
Hornborg, Stephen Shapiro, Sean Winslow,
Andrew Gillis, Linnea Zulch, Janna Avon,
So there’s naught for you but to make your own way. There’s a certain
freedom to it, but it’s a hard life. Cash flows out of your hands as easily
as the blood from your wounds.
But at least it’s your life.
And if you’re lucky, smart and stubborn, you might come out on top.
There’s a lot of lost loot out there for the finding. And salvage law is
mercifully generous. You find it, it’s yours to spend, sell or keep.
The Adventurer
Your adventurer is made up of many facets. Let’s take a look at them.
You can refer to Karolina’s character sheet on the next page for examples
as you read along.
You have to have a name. Your folks probably named you Dwezil or
Egberta, but you should take a new, strong-sounding name to start
your new career. Something like Beren of Carcaroth, Dralic the Tall or
Fimble the Nimble. Maybe not Fimble.
Are you a dwarf, elf, halfling or human? Each stock has its own traditions,
benefits and drawbacks. In the core rules, your stock is integral to your
Your character’s class determines your starting skill set and level benefits.
There are six classes: burglar, magician, outcast, ranger, theurge and
How old is your character? Humans have
the shortest lifespans and often start the
life young. Dwarves, elves and halflings
are all long-lived folks. Even if they start
young for their culture, they’re usually
quite old.
Where is your hometown? Each settlement teaches you a practical thing
or two, but it usually leaves a mark.
How do you dress? In the life, we each wear something distinctive so as
to add to our reputations. Otherwise, you’re just another filthy, scarred
face in the crowd.
Everyone’s got parents—or had them. Your folks are from your
hometown. They’ll put you up when you’re in town.
Some of us are lucky enough to have a mentor to show us the ropes in
the life. Your mentor is a 7th level character who will train you when
they can.
Some of us even have a friend we can rely on in times of need. A friend
will help out when they can.
P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
F: ❍❍❍❍❍❍❍❍
F: ❍❍❍❍❍
P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
Belief Spend one point to add 1D, tap Nature
F: ❍❍❍❍❍ F: ❍❍❍❍❍
Uphold your belief in your actions and earn a fate point or use a wise. You may spend up to
P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
2 P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
three points to add up to 3D per roll. F: ❍❍❍❍❍ H Persuader F: ❍❍❍❍❍ W
I am the bulwark that stands P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
between my friends and harm.
F: ❍❍❍❍❍
P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
F: ❍❍❍❍❍
F: ❍❍❍❍❍
P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
F: ❍❍❍❍❍
Creed Condition Recovery
Endure a moral test driven by your creed and earn a persona point x Fresh
P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
F: ❍❍❍❍❍ W Scavenger
P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
F: ❍❍❍❍❍ H
+1D all tests until other condition.
Opens at 3rd level P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍ P: ❍❍❍❍❍❍
Hungry and Thirsty Criminal F: ❍❍❍❍❍ H Scholar F: ❍❍❍❍❍ W
Advancement requires: Passed tests equal to the skill rating and failed tests equal to one
less than the rating. Learning a new skill requires: tests equal to untaxed Nature rating.
Trait name Trait level Beneficial uses Checks
practice, learn or advance.
Heart of 1 +1D per session
2 +1D twice per session
3 +1s on suc/tie roll
All appropriate tests
❍❍❏ Dead
May not test, help or use wises.
Field Dressing-Wise
1 +1D per session ❍ Earning Checks ❍ Pass | ❍ Fail | ❍ Fate | ❍ Persona ❍ Pass | ❍ Fail | ❍ Fate | ❍ Persona
2 +1D twice per session ❍❍ ❍❍❏ 1: -1D to your ind. or versus test
3 +1s on suc/tie roll All appropriate tests
2: +2D to opponent’s versus test Dwarf-Wise
1 +1D per session ❍ 2: Break versus test tie in ❍ Pass | ❍ Fail | ❍ Fate | ❍ Persona ❍ Pass | ❍ Fail | ❍ Fate | ❍ Persona
2 +1D twice per session ❍❍ ❍❍❏ opponent’s favor
3 +1s on suc/tie roll All appropriate tests I Am Wise: Grant +1D to a test made by your friend or ally that is related to your wise. You can give this
Spending Checks aid in place of help which insulates you from conditions on this test, but not twists.
1 +1D per session ❍
1: One test or conflict during Deeper Understanding: Spend a fate point and reroll any single failed die on a test related to your wise.
2 +1D twice per session ❍❍ ❍❍❏
3 +1s on suc/tie roll camp phase Of Course!: Spend a persona point and reroll all failed dice on a test related to your wise.
All appropriate tests
1: Recover when entering town Evolving Wises: Use a wise in four different ways (I Am Wise passed test, I Am Wise failed test, spend fate,
© 2020 Luke Crane, Thor Olavsrud. Permission granted to make copies for personal use. www.TorchbearerRPG.com spend persona) and you can change the wise, or mark a Beginner’s Luck or skill advancement test.
Most folks in the life have made an enemy or two. Enemies will vex you,
but they’re usually good for a laugh or two.
The thing is, they inevitably appear when you are close to your goal,
either right behind you or one step ahead. In fact, enemies are always
one level higher than you.
Your level indicates how much you’ve invested in the life. As you invest,
you gain perks and benefits.
This life is grim and perilous. How do you see your place in it? What is
personal to you? What is your perspective on danger, treasure or your
role among your companions?
If you fight for what you believe, you get rewarded.
3 2nd Pouch
Carried Spear (Pres Rations [3]) ❍ Dropped | ❍ Lost 6
Belt items: belt, pack 1 or carried
Carried (shield) 1. Bundled pack items must be
kept in a purse or pouch.
Small Sack Small Sack 9
2 3 3
Memory Palace
5 22 20
6 31 30 +1 Precedence
7 41 42
8 52 56
9 64 72
10 78 98
Your creed is a philosophy or ethos born from a group, religion, faction
or organization. If your belief is about you, your creed is about a bigger
idea in which you are invested.
Embody your creed through a crisis and be rewarded. Your creed
unlocks at level 3 or during your first respite. For now, just get your head
on straight.
Your character won’t survive out there if you don’t make clear, simple
goals for them. Explore those ruins, find that lost treasure. Help your
friends, keep them safe. Rescue the prince, extort him for all he’s worth.
Accomplish your goal and get rewarded.
Our instincts keep us alive. They’re quirks or habits that we’ve adopted
to help us get by.
If your instinct is triggered, you get a free throw of the dice. If your
instinct helps your group, you get rewarded.
Traits are qualities burned into us by our birth, upbringing, culture and
experiences: Quick-Witted, Extravagant or Tall.
Traits can help, but they can also hinder. They have three levels and are
used to augment ability and skill rolls.
Fight for your belief, accomplish your goal, help out with your instinct
and you’ll earn rewards.
There are two kinds of rewards: fate points and persona points. You
earn them by doing different things and spend them for different effects.
What condition are you in? Are you fresh from town, full of vigor? Or are
you injured and sick, ready to crawl back to your hole?
There are eight conditions: fresh, hungry and thirsty, angry, afraid,
exhausted, injured, sick and dead. Each condition—except fresh—
imposes a deleterious effect on you, another nail in your coffin.
You have two sets of abilities: Raw abilities are what you use to get by
when you’re out in the wild dark; town abilities are, unsurprisingly, what
you need to get by in town.
Raw Abilities
P Will, Health, Nature and Might are your character’s core abilities.
Will is your mental strength: It’s rated from 1 to 6. You use it to
recover from being angry and afraid and to resist mental assault.
It is also the basis for social skills like Persuader and Manipulator.
Health is your physical strength: It’s rated from 1 to 6. You use it
to perform mundane tasks like running and holding the door shut
against the goblins while your friends escape. It’s also the basis for
many skills like Fighter and Sailor.
Nature is your center: It’s the inescapable fact of who you are.
It consists of a rating from 0 to 7 and three descriptors. The
descriptors indicate what you can do with your Nature. Anything
that can be applied to one of those descriptors can be tackled with
Nature—but Nature is volatile. It limits how quickly you learn, and
should it ever fall to 0 or remain too long at 7, you lose your taste
for the life and quit.
Taxed Nature: Nature is the only ability that can be temporarily
reduced as you use it. This is represented by a current/maximum
rating on the character sheet.
Might rates your inner power: Might describes where you stand
in the natural (or unnatural) order of things. People of your ilk—
warriors, wizards, etc.—are rated at 3. Might can be improved
through magic, level benefits and powerful artifacts. The scale goes
from 1 to 8, so there’s plenty of bigger, badder critters out there
looking to make your life miserable. Might is never rolled.
Town Abilities
P You have three town abilities: Circles, Resources and Precedence.
Circles represents your ability to find people: Connections and
contacts fall into your Circles. This ability is rated from 1 to 10.
Resources represents wealth and access: Some say that
Resources is what this game is all about. Without Resources, you
live in an alley and eat rats. With Resources you buy gear, hire help
and live like a king. This ability is rated from 0 to 10 and loot can
be piled on top of that for a temporary lift. But watch out for tax.
Your Resources ability can be permanently reduced by a failed roll.
Precedence is your social standing: Just as there is a natural order
to beasts, dragons and spirits, there is an order to the social fabric of
the world. Precedence is the equivalent to Might in town and other
social situations. It can be improved through magic, level benefits
and powerful artifacts. The scale goes from 0 to 7, from nobody to
mortal king and Immortal queen. This ability is never rolled.
Your skills are your mainstay. Whether you’re any good at what you do
is dependent on your skill rating.
Skills are rated from 1 to 6 and are broad areas of training: A fighter
knows how to use most weapons; an arcanist can understand magic; a
manipulator is good at intimidating and lying.
Beginner’s Luck
P You can learn any skill during your adventures. Once you start
learning, you engage with Beginner’s Luck before you formally
learn the skill.
P The skill list has a column listed as BL. Each skill has a W or H
next to it. This indicates that if you don’t have the skill, you roll
your Will or Health as per the Beginner’s Luck rule in the Abilities
chapter of this book.
Push yourself hard enough and you can improve your abilities and skills.
To advance a skill or ability by one, you need to pass a number of times
equal to the current rating and fail a number of times equal to one less
than the current rating. As soon as you do that, your skill or ability
increases by one.
All of us possess an area of expertise, something we know more about
than anyone else. We call these collections of facts and pedantry “wises.”
So if we stumble onto a goblin, we would say, “I’m goblin-wise; I’ll talk
to her.”
You use wises most often to correct someone else’s faulty assumptions
or lack of information. Other times you use them to dredge up obscure
facts to help yourself.
They’re not rated like abilities, skills and traits, but like traits they’re used
to augment ability and skill rolls.
P Wises determine what languages you speak in addition to your
native tongue. If you are Dwarf-wise, you speak Dwarvish. If you
are Dragon-wise, you speak Dragon Tongue.
Level Requirements
To advance in level, you must spend the rewards you’ve earned by
playing your belief, creed, goal and instinct.
Level Benefits
Each time you spend the required rewards to gain a level (and then
return to town), you select one of two benefits. These benefits grant
small perks or increase power or range of ability.
You live a life on the road, on the run. You carry your life on your back.
Your inventory lists your most important items: weapons, loot, magic,
food, water and gear.
Arcane Spells
Magicians list the arcane incantations they carry in their scrolls, spell
books and libraries. Spell books and scrolls travel with the magician
(both of which occupy precious inventory space).
Theurges channel divine power through relics. A relic is a physical item
that you carry as part of your inventory.
Keys to the
T orchbearer consists of five books: Middarmark, the Cartographer’s
Companion, the Lore Master’s Manual, the Scholar’s Guide and the
Dungeoneer’s Handbook.
Middarmark is our official setting book. It is not required to play the
game, but it sure is lovely—and an amazing take on Norse folklore.
The Cartographer’s Companion contains a series of our adventures.
The Lore Master’s Manual contains a collection of advanced and
optional rules. It is not required to play the game.
The Scholar’s Guide contains the rules for setting the difficulty of a test,
running conflicts and handing out rewards (both physical and spiritual)
as well as a collection of monsters and other denizens. You can read
either the Scholar’s Guide or this book first, but you’ll want to keep the
other handy for reference.
And the Dungeoneer’s Handbook, that’s this book, which we shall talk
about in great detail.
Structure of this Book
This book is broken down into four main sections: Born to Lose, An
Adventurer’s Essential Guide to Life on the Road, The Skein of Destiny
and Reference.
Born to Lose
The Born to Lose section describes what a character consists of and
how to make them, as well as this brief overview of the game.
The Reference section contains lists of spells, invocations and items.
Once you know the rules for each system, you’ll refer to this section for
specialized results.
This is a roleplaying game. Roleplaying games are peculiar and unique.
They require a lot of imagination and investment from the players, but
this creative input is also what makes roleplaying games great. We get
to wrap our imaginations around a variety of interesting situations and
explore them together.
Each player takes on a role in this game—the players have their
characters, the game master has antagonists and supporting characters.
In play, you decide what your character is doing and who they are talking
to. It’s sort of like acting out a part in a play or movie, except there’s no
script. Between scenes, we roll dice and make a few notes rather than
sitting in our trailers or waiting offstage.
Keys to the Kingdom
When you play your character, decide on a voice and an attitude for
them. Create a unique mannerism that embodies your character. Use
the voice and mannerism to describe your character’s actions in the
First Person
Describe your character’s actions using I, my, me or mine: “I head up to
the inn to meet Dralic.” Don’t be shy. Torchbearer works best when you
see the world through your character’s eyes.
Most of the time, you’re in control of what your character does and
doesn’t do. You get to describe what your character’s good at, what their
quirks are and what they’re not so good at.
Every so often, you’re going to lose control of your character for a
moment. When you attempt to do something and fail your test, the
game master takes over and describes something that went wrong.
The game master can tell everyone about something your character did
that was misguided or even bad. Or the game master can describe an
unforeseen effect that your actions caused. They get to stick it to you for
a moment. It’s painful, but new problems add to the fun of the game.
Success and failure for rolls are described in detail in the Overcoming
Obstacles chapter in the Scholar’s Guide.
Unplanned Stories
When we start a session of play for Torchbearer, no one knows exactly
how it’s going to end, neither the players nor the game master. We know
we’ll be using our characters and that the game master will present us
with an adventure. That’s the beginning. From there, the story will twist
and turn based on the outcomes of the rolls in the game. Once the
adventure has been completed (or failed), we stop and look back at the
session. Only then can we see the story we’ve created.
Be Polite, Be Generous
As you’re playing your character, be polite and respectful to everyone
else at the table. If your character is angry, you should not use that as
an excuse to be angry or mean to the other players. Make sure that
everyone gets a chance to speak; make sure that everyone gets a chance
to be in the spotlight.
When someone has the dice and is about to roll, the rest of the table
must be quiet and attentive. It’s that player’s turn to add to the story.
Before rolling, they describe what their character is doing. Everyone
stops, listens and supports the player.
Table Chatter
When you play this game, you do not spend the entire session “in
character.” You have moments of characterization interspersed
with listening to the other players, rolling dice, referencing rules and
discussing options with other players.
Table chatter is our term for giving the other players advice about the
game. Advice doesn’t come from your character; it comes from you!
Table chatter is important to this game. You should give each other
advice and talk about the best strategies. However:
4 Be polite and respectful.
4 Do not boss another player around.
4 If another player doesn’t want your advice, let them choose
their own course.
4 Never interrupt another player’s performance with your table
chatter. Always listen first, then discuss.
4 Make suggestions, but don’t lobby. There’s a difference
between contributing by tossing out an idea and arguing for a
certain path.
Keys to the Kingdom
Listen, Explore, Decide, Describe
Torchbearer has an intuitive underlying structure to game play at the
table: listen, explore, decide, describe!
The game master opens the ceremonies by describing to the players
their current predicament. Listen carefully to what they say.
As the game master describes the adventure environment to you,
explore it by asking questions:
4 Can I hear anything unusual?
4 Are there any distinctive markings?
4 Is one area more worn or trod upon than the rest?
4 What does it smell like?
4 What can I see when I look in this direction?
The game master’s answers will provide more details about the scope of
the problems you must face.
Once you have enough information, decide who
will take action to overcome this obstacle. It is
good practice for you to discuss your options
with your fellow players before taking action.
Torchbearer quickly grinds your characters
down if you’re not careful.
Describe to Live
Once you have a plan, you describe your
character’s actions in response to the game
master’s narration. Tell the game master what
your character does, touches, manipulates,
If you’re clever, you’ ll fra me your
descriptions around your character’s
strengths. Any other player who wishes to
help should describe how their character
supports your character’s action.
Explain how you use your gear and surroundings to overcome any
obstacles. Think creatively! Use the abilities and skills on your sheet as
inspiration, but always talk in terms of action and not in terms of skills.
Yes: “I peer from behind the boulder to get a view into the
gnoll camp.”
Keys to the Kingdom
First Sessions First
P In your very first session, you’ll create your characters and then
play for a bit.
P During a session, the players use their characters to tackle an
adventure presented by the game master. A typical session of play
consists of the prologue, one or more adventure phases and a camp
phase or town phase.
Campaign Play
A strong arc of play lasts for 10 to 12 sessions of two to four hours
each. Enough time to level a few times and see your character grow and
change. That’s our recommendation, but you can play fewer or more
sessions if you want.
A single short adventure, for example, lasts one or two sessions. A more
typical outing requires three or four sessions to fully explore. In 10 or 12
sessions, you’ll have a few adventures under your belt, and you’ll start to
see how the whole game clicks together.
A 4, 5 or 6 result on a die is a success. Or for our custom dice: axe and
sun. After the dice are rolled, count up all your successes.
A 1, 2 or 3 result is a wyrm.
When you roll dice, you need successes in order to pass the tests set
before you in the game.
Obstacles are integral to the game. They are descriptive—a steep climb,
a rusty lock, a stubborn bill collector—but they’re also described as a
number, usually from 1 to 10. The number attached to the obstacle tells
you how many successes you need to roll to pass the test.
If A rusty lock is an Obstacle 4 test, I have to roll four
successes on my criminal skill to pass the test and open
the lock.
Keys to the Kingdom
Twist or Condition
If you do not roll enough successes to meet your obstacle, the game
master introduces a twist (a new obstacle) or gives you a condition in
exchange for getting what you want.
+1D, +2D
+1D, +2D, etc., indicates you add the indicated number of dice to your
ability or skill before you roll the dice. If you see a notation for just “2D”
that means two dice.
-1D, -2D
-1D, -2D, etc., means you subtract the indicated number of dice from
your ability or skill before you roll the dice.
+1s, +2s
The +1s or +2s notation indicates that a number of bonus successes are
applied to passed or tied rolls—never to failed rolls.
+1s means that if you’ve passed or tied the roll, add another
success to your total.
-1s, -2s
If you see a notation for a -1s or -2s, subtract the indicated number of
successes after you roll, pass or fail.
-2s indicates that after you roll, subtract two successes
and then determine if you passed or failed the roll.
Help is a potent mechanism in Torchbearer. If you have the same skill
or ability that another player has been called to test, you can assist your
mate in the endeavor. Your help is worth +1D to the roll. And when you
do help, hand them one of your dice. It’s the law of the land.
Reroll 6
Some rules in the game allow you to reroll a die that comes up a 6.
When using these rules, leave the die that rolled a 6 on the table so it can
be counted. Pick up a new die and roll it for your bonus roll.
If you have a penalty that subtracts successes on a roll, finish rerolling all
of your dice before applying the penalty and counting your successes.
2d6, 3d6
If you see a listing for 1d6, 2d6 or 3d6, the lowercase d indicates you roll
that many dice and add the results together.
Margin of Success
As you read on, you’ll see the term “margin of success.” For example:
Reduc e you r oppon e nt’ s dis position by you r ma rgi n of
Margin of success is a game term that means “count each extra success
over what you needed to pass the test and use that number.”
If you needed three successes but rolled five, you have a
margin of success of two.
Margin of Failure
Margin of failure is the opposite of margin of success. It means that you
count the number of successes by which you failed the test and use that
If you needed three successes and you rolled none, you
have a margin of failure of three.
The Grind
As you adventure, your character will suffer from the inequities of the
world. They’ll become hungry and thirsty, angry, afraid, exhausted,
injured or sick. And if you don’t help them cure these conditions, they’ll
perish. We call this reality and the system that represents it “The Grind.”
Other Terms
There are a handful of other terms used in the game—rewards, factors
and conflicts, for example—but we’ll present those in the appropriate
Some terms may be introduced before being fully explained in order to
make a rule complete. Don’t worry. Keep reading. All will be explained.
ou have run out of options and so it is time to make your own
fortune in this damned world. And if that means delving into ruins
and slaying a dragon or two, so be it.
So gather ‘round. There’s got to be a few other unfortunates who would
throw their lot in with yours. Maybe together you strike it rich.
Creating an Adventurer
To create an adventurer, you’ll take the following steps:
4 Choose class 4 Answer Circles questions
4 Note human upbringing 4 Note Resources
4 Choose your hometown 4 Choose gear
4 Choose your social graces 4 Choose weapon
4 Choose your specialty 4 Choose armor
4 Choose wises 4 Roll for spells or relics
4 Answer Nature questions
When making characters as a group, the game master leads you through
the choices and reads aloud from the rules for Class, Human Upbringing,
Home, Social Graces, Nature, Circles, Resources, Weapons and Armor.
Torchbearer Classes
Stock Halfling
Class Burglar
Stock Human
Class Magician
Armor None
Stock Dwarf
Class Outcast
Fighter 4, Dungeoneer 3,
Skills Armorer 2, Sapper 2, Orator 2,
Scout 2
Armor Any
Gather ‘Round
Stock Elf
Class Ranger
Stock Human
Class Theurge
Armor Shield
Stock Human
Class Warrior
Fighter 4, Hunter 3,
Skills Commander 2, Mentor 2, Rider 2
Weapon Any
Armor Any
For the Specialty, Wises and Gear selections, the game master turns the
lists over to you so you can quickly make your selections. For magician
spells and theurge relics, the players roll and the game master consults
the relevant tables.
Once you complete these steps, choose a name for your character and
write their belief and instinct. When the game master has described your
current predicament, write your goal.
P Halflings simply aren’t adventurers. It’s just not done. I mean,
how can one eat second breakfast during an adventure? However,
should the unthinkable happen, halfling adventurers make excellent
burglars. They’re oft underestimated by their companions, but they
possess deep wells of patience and endurance.
P Magicians have tapped into a special part of themselves called
the memory palace. This part of their mind allows them to capture
and store magical spells and release them upon command. This art
is called arcanism, and it is a dangerous road to travel.
P These are dwarves who could not tolerate the rigid life in the
holds and halls of their ancestors. Tough and resourceful, outcasts
can grow into mighty heroes or greed-mad tyrants.
P The elves spend ages wandering the dreamlands, pondering the
greater mysteries of life. Rangers are those few elves who awake
from their slumber and find themselves unable to return to sleep.
Gather ‘Round
Forced to wander wakeful, rangers manifest the spell songs of their
people, growing more and more powerful until they either create
their own Elfhome or forsake the dream forever.
P Theurges are possessed by a shard of Immortal power. This
possession allows them to invoke powers beyond the capabilities of
other mortals, but such power carries with it terrible consequences.
P Mercenaries, soldiers, defenders, marauders—warriors have
been a part of civilization since its birth. Warriors are comfortable
in armor and handy with every type of weapon. They can grow into
great commanders or cunning combatants.
Character Optimization
During character creation, you can concentrate all choices into a few
skills and start with two or three rated at 4. This is a valid strategy. It
might be easier to learn the game playing this way.
If you’re comfortable with the system, you can spread your points around
and start with many low abilities. You’ll have more opportunity to help
newer players, and it’ll be a more challenging experience for you.
Human Upbringing
If you’re playing a human stock character, choose one of the following
skills and give it a rating of 3 or, if you already possess the skill, increase
its rating by one to a maximum of 4:
4 Criminal 4 Pathfinder
4 Laborer 4 Peasant
4 Haggler 4 Survivalist
Elfhome (elves only)
Skills: Healer, Mentor, Pathfinder
Traits: Calm, Quiet
Dwarven Halls
Skills: Armorer, Laborer, Stonemason
Traits: Cunning, Fiery
Religious Bastion
Skills: Cartographer, Scholar, Theologian
Traits: Defender, Scarred
Bustling Metropolis
Skills: Haggler, Sailor, Steward
Traits: Extravagant, Jaded
Wizard’s Tower
Skills: Alchemist, Lore Master, Scholar
Traits: Skeptical, Thoughtful
Remote Village
Skills: Carpenter, Peasant, Weaver
Traits: Early Riser, Rough Hands
Busy Crossroads
Skills: Cook, Haggler, Rider
Traits: Foolhardy, Quick-Witted
Gather ‘Round
What’s Your Specialty?
Each player chooses a unique specialty for their character—no two can
have the same specialty. Give the skill a rating of 2 (if you already have
the chosen skill, increase its rating by one up to a maximum of 4):
4 Cartographer 4 Pathfinder
4 Cook 4 Persuader
4 Criminal 4 Orator
4 Dungeoneer 4 Rider
4 Haggler 4 Sapper
4 Healer 4 Scavenger
4 Hunter 4 Scout
4 Manipulator 4 Survivalist
Underline your specialty skill on your character sheet.
Specific Location Wises
P You can be wise about terrain features and adventure locations—
Ironwold-wise, Temple of Black Skulls-wise, etc. Note the terrain
feature or adventure location and add “-wise” to it.
Inappropriate Wises
P Wises that are too general and inappropriate are disallowed.
A n g e r - w i s e , i n j u r e d - w i s e , s i c k- w i s e , h u n g e r - w i s e ,
Adventure-wise, Undead-wise, Town-wise, Camp-wise, Fight-
wise, Roleplaying Game-wise, GM-wise, Plot-wise, etc.
P Wises determine what languages you speak in addition to your
native tongue. If you are Dwarf-wise, you speak Dwarvish. If you
are Dragon-wise, you speak Dragon Tongue.
Gather ‘Round
Nature is a special ability with three descriptors attached to it. These
descriptors determine how your Nature is used in play.
Base Nature
P All characters have a base Nature of 3. Answer the three
questions appropriate to your character’s stock to determine your
starting Nature score and possibly some wises and traits.
P Would you plunge ever deeper into the bones of the earth looking
for treasures untold? Or do you fear what you would uncover should
you dig too deep?
4 If you dig ever deeper, increase your Nature by one.
4 If you fear what lies beneath, increase your Born of Earth and
Stone trait to level 2.
P When evil stalks the world, do you confront it? Or do you retreat
to the hidden places of the elves and allow time to defeat your
4 If you confront evil, increase your First Born trait to level 2.
4 If you retreat and hide, increase your Nature by one.
P Do you yearn to follow the gulls to the sea and journey west
beyond all knowledge? Or are you prepared to live a life of struggle
and grief?
4 If you yearn to journey west, increase your Nature by one.
4 If you are prepared to live a life of struggle, you may replace
your home trait with Fiery, Curious or Restless. If you have one
of these traits already, increase it by one.
Gather ‘Round
Halfling Nature Questions
P Do you make the most out of every meal, slathering it with butter,
lavishing it with syrup, worshipping it with wine? Or do you tighten
your belt, shoo away guests and make fast the locks at night?
4 If you make the most out of each meal, increase your Nature
by one.
4 If you tighten your belt with a grim face, replace your Merry-
making descriptor with Hoarding.
P Do you sneak into dragons’ lairs just to see what all the fuss is
about? Or do you prefer to announce your intentions and have a
frank conversation about your concerns?
4 If you sneak into dragons’ lairs, increase your Nature by one.
4 If you announce your intentions to have a frank discussion,
replace your Sneaking Nature descriptor with Demanding.
P When the elves and dwarves voice their concerns, do you demand
to be heard as an equal? Or do you bow your head and listen to the
wisdom of your elders?
4 If you demand your rights, increase Nature by one.
4 If you listen to the wisdom of the elder ones, take a second
wise: Elf-wise, Dwarf-wise or Politics-wise.
P Would you flee from the hordes of goblins, beasts and monsters
who prey on civilization? Or will you plunge into their midst,
questing for glory?
4 If you would flee and hide inside the walls of tall citadels,
increase your Nature by one.
4 If you do not fear those who prey on civilization, you may
replace your home trait with Loner, Foolhardy or Defender. If
you have one of these traits already, increase it by one.
Gather ‘Round
Did you have a mentor or did you make your own way
in this rough life?
4 If you have a mentor, add +1 Circles. Your mentor is a 7th level
adventurer of the same class. Note your mentor’s name on
your character sheet. Magicians must select a mentor.
4 If you made your own way in life, you start with a pouch of gold
coins worth 2D of treasure (belt 1). Put it in your inventory.
Starting Resources
Though you may have been wealthy, well-accoutred or wholesome once,
now you have fallen on hard times. Your pockets are empty, much like
your stomach. All you own you carry on your back. Adventurers start with
Resources 0, unless otherwise noted.
Gather ‘Round
Starting Equipment Choices
Item Inventory Slots
Pouch belt 1 or pack 1 (holds pack 1 item)
Quiver worn/torso 1 or belt 2
Rations, fresh pack 1 (for two portions)
Rations, preserved pack 1 (for three portions)
Rope worn/torso 1 or pack 2
Sack, large carried 2 or pack 1 (empty)
Sacks, small carried 1 or pack 1 (for two empty sacks)
Sacramental worn/hands 1, worn/neck or pack 1 per invocation
Satchel worn/torso 1
Shoes worn/feet
Spell materials worn/hands 1, worn/neck or pack 1 per spell
Stakes and mallet pack 1 (for three stakes and the mallet)
Thieves’ tools pack 1
Tinderbox pack 1
Torches carried 1 or pack 1 (for four)
Spell book pack 2
Water skin/bottle/jug 1 per draught
Waterskin/wineskin belt 1 or pack 1 (holds one draught)
Wine skin/bottle/jug 1 per draught
Wolfsbane pack 1
See the Gear chapter in the Reference section for details on these items.
4 Outcasts may wield any weapon except great swords. Start
with one weapon of your choice. Outcasts have the option
to choose a shield as an additional, second weapon.
4 Rangers may wield swords, spears, bows and daggers. Choose
one of these options to start.
4 Theurges may wield any one type of weapon except bows and
crossbows. Choose one weapon to start with. Theurges also
have the option to choose a shield as an additional, second
4 Warriors may wield any weapon. Start with one weapon of
your choice. Warriors have the option to choose a shield as an
additional, second weapon.
Starting Armor
Burglar, outcast, ranger and warrior characters begin the game wearing
leather armor.
4 Outcasts and warriors may take a helmet if they did not choose
a shield as your additional weapon.
4 Magicians and theurges do not start with armor, but a theurge
may take a shield as noted above.
Gather ‘Round
2d6 Magic School and Starting Spell Library
2-3 Necromancy
Dæmonic Stupefaction
Supernal Vision
Wisdom of the Sages
4 Divination
Aetherial Premonition
Wayfinder’s Friend
Supernal Vision
5 Abjuration
Wayfinder’s Friend
Wizard’s Ægis
Word of Binding
6 Conjuration
Aetheric Appendage
Dæmonic Stupefaction
Wyrd Lights
7 Transmutation
Lightness of Being
Word of Binding
8 Illusion
Arcane Semblance
Celestial Music
Wyrd Lights
9 Enchantment
Celestial Music
Dæmonic Stupefaction
Thread of Friendship
10 Evocation
Lightness of Being
Mystic Porter
11-12 Choose your master’s school
Starting Relics (Theurge)
A theurge is a conduit for divine power. While they have access to the
full might of the Immortals, tapping it in an unbridled manner could kill
them. Relics help them channel that power.
Theurges start with two minor relics. Roll on the table to determine
which relics the theurge possesses and which invocation they power.
Gather ‘Round
So Here We Are…
It’s time we paused a moment and looked around the table.
Introduce Yourself
The game master collects the character sheets and briefly reviews them
(checking for any glaring errors). They then describe each character’s
stock, class and, perhaps, offer a pithy comment about each character.
Each player responds with a brief introduction or remark in character.
The game master then inquires: How did you get into this mess? Here
are some possibilities:
4 Your parents died, and this was all they left you.
4 Your home was destroyed, and you were driven out.
4 You stole this gear from your friend, parents or enemy.
4 You sold everything to pay for this gear because you think
you’re going to strike it rich.
4 Your enemy ruined your life and smeared your name.
4 Your mentor charged you with a sacred task.
Party Leader
The game master and the rest of the group decide who discovered the
clue or rumor that lead to this adventure and what they heard to entice
them to risk their lives. That character will be the party leader for this
Do I Know You?
Do other members of the group know each other or are they all strangers
gathered for this score? Decide for yourselves now.
P Your character’s belief is their personal philosophy, motivation or
personal motto. It’s a code that they hold dear to their heart.
P Invent a belief for your character and write it on your character
sheet in the indicated area. If you invoke that belief in play—if it
guides your actions and gets your character into trouble—then you
earn a reward at the end of the session.
P If your belief creates a crisis of conscience during play and you
betray your own belief (through dramatic play), you earn another
type of reward.
Karolina’s belief: “I am the bulwark that stands between my
friends and harm.”
D ra l i c ’ s b e l i e f: “ I a m th e l e a d e r o f th i s g r o u p o f
B e r e n ’ s b e li e f: “Th e r e ’ s na u g ht fo r m e b ut b lood a n d
treasure, spent and earned.”
P While there is a spot waiting for your inevitable creed, first level
characters do not enter this world with lofty ideals. You will gain a
creed should you reach third level or make it to your first respite.
Until then, try to learn enough about the horrors of this world to
stay alive.
Gather ‘Round
P Instincts are conditional statements of action. “Always do this” or
“Never do that” or “If that happens, do this.”
P Instincts allow your character to take a free action when they’re
Dralic’s instinct is “Always keep the light lit.” If Dralic is
plunged into darkness, he gets a free test to try to make
some light.
B e r e n ’ s i n sti n ct i s “ N e v e r tr u st D ra l i c ’ s d e c i s i o n s
underground.” When dralic makes a decision to go left, beren
gets a free turn to scout ahead and make sure his friend
isn’t leading them to certain death.
P Goals are, well, goals. They are objectives framed as active
statements: I will… I must… I won’t….
P They are immediate—something you could feasibly accomplish
this session. They’re not long-term dreams.
Karolina’s goal is: “I will Find out what happened to Jora.”
P “I will be king one day,” is a bad goal. And don’t write dumb goals
like “I will light a torch.” There’s no reward for accomplishing dumb
or bad goals.
Your character starts at level 1. Note your level and benefit for your class
on the back of your character sheet.
Burglar Level 1
P Burglars are useful jacks-of-all-trades. They may wield any
weapon except crossbows, great swords, halberds and polearms.
They may wear leather armor, wear helmets and use shields.
Magician Level 1
P Magicians have the ability to cast arcane spells. They possess
a special ability called the memory palace. Their memory palace
starts with a capacity of 1. Magicians begin the game with three
first circle spells. They may wield daggers or staves as weapons, and
they may not wear armor of any type or use shields.
Outcast Level 1
P Outcasts may wield any weapon except great swords. They may
wear any armor, wear a helmet and use shields. Outcasts grant +1
to camp event rolls in dungeons and dwarven-made structures.
Ranger Level 1
P Rangers may wield bows, swords, spears and daggers, wear
leather and chain armor and wear helmets. Rangers grant +1 to
camp events rolls in the wilderness.
Theurge Level 1
P Theurges channel divine might through relics and their own
bodies. They have a capacity for divine punishment called Urðr.
Their Urðr starts at 1, and they begin the game with two minor
relics. They may wield any one type of weapon except bows or
crossbows. They may not wear armor at first level, but they may
use shields.
Warrior Level 1
P Warriors may wield any weapon and wear any armor, wear
helmets and use shields. When in camp, warriors may keep watch
and lead the effort to prevent a disaster for free provided they have
no conditions (except fresh).
Gather ‘Round
Starting Rewards
Your character does not begin the game with any fate points or persona
points. If you want them, you have to earn them.
Give your character an appropriate name if you haven’t already.
What distinctive item of clothing does your character wear?
Beren’s raiment is his sky blue hood which he brought with
him from the strange priests who raised him.
Choose an age for your character from the appropriate stock.
4 Dwarf: 30-51
4 Elf: 60-101
4 Halfling: 26-31
4 Human: 14-21
Check off the fresh condition! It’s the last time you’ll feel this good for
a long while.
An Adventurer’s
Essential Guide
to Life on the Road
What We
Fight For
W e spend our blood to earn our coin and cloak ourselves in glory.
Some fight for a cause, some for a dream, some for hope. Others
fight for annihilation. But whatever our reasons, we each believe in
This chapter illustrates how to write your belief, creed, goal and instinct,
how to play them and how to change them.
Your belief is your personal philosophy, your motivation or even your
personal motto. It’s a code that you hold dear to your heart.
Beliefs are most often written about the adventuring life, getting rich and
interacting with your companions.
Writing Beliefs
You get to decide what your character believes. You get to tell everyone
at the table what you’re interested in and what you want to explore in
the game. What inner spark has driven you to seek this life of adventure?
Beliefs can be about your philosophy, your obligations, your loyalties,
your personal code or your outlook on the world.
Think about what drives your character. What is your character’s higher
purpose? Try to distill that higher purpose into a slogan or statement of
Beliefs should be written in the first person or written specifically about
I am the bulwark that stands between my friends and harm.
I will Keep our spirits high, so good things will happen to us.
Playing Beliefs
Your belief is a powerful tool. It tells everyone at the table what your
character is about, and it acts as a helpful reminder for you. It’s a short,
simple guide for the direction of your character. If you’re lost in play, if
you don’t know what to do in a situation, read over your belief. Think
about what the character would do in this situation with that belief.
Find a way to connect your belief to the situation the game master
has presented. Be creative, be subtle, but don’t hold back. It is up to
you to demonstrate what your character believes and what they’ll do
to accomplish their goals. And it is your actions that will create an
engaging story.
Karolina’s belief: “I am the bulwark that stands between
my friends and harm.” When She volunteers to be conflict
captain when the group is ambushed by hobgoblins. She
stands up for her belief.
What We Fight For
Dralic’s belief: “I am the leader of these adventurers.” when
Dralic attempts to play leader in the caverns underneath
the Minotaur’s Kingdom, but He unwittingly leads the group
into a terrible fight with a manticore. he played his belief.
B e r e n ’ s b e li e f: “Th e r e ’ s na u g ht fo r m e b ut b lood a n d
treasure, spent and earned.” when Beren finds the young
prince he’s been contracted to retrieve, he also finds him
with three servants. Thus Beren negotiates with the captive
prince for extra pay for the servants before releasing him.
He acted on his belief.
Fulfilling Beliefs
Sometimes, you reach a point with a belief where you feel it’s not
important anymore. It doesn’t mean quite so much, or the character has
changed or moved on.
This is a very nebulous point. It’s dependent on all sorts of vague, hand-
wavy things that happen in the course of your own game, so it’s hard to
describe. But once you experience it, you’ll know the moment precisely:
“Hey, my character doesn’t believe that anymore!”
If this happens, it’s a good sign! You’re playing the game. You can
change your belief and watch your character develop and grow.
Changing Beliefs
P You may change a belief at the beginning or end of a session.
Think about how your character changed. Contemplate your new
world view for a moment. Write a belief to reflect that new outlook.
You can base it on your old one or develop a completely new one.
Tell everyone that you’ve changed your belief.
Challenging Beliefs
In play, it is your responsibility to invoke your belief. While it’s the game
master’s job to present obstacles that challenge beliefs, it’s also up to
you to stand up and fight for what your character believes. If the game
master presents a challenge and you fail to take the plunge, the onus is
on you, not the game master.
For even deeper, richer play, tie in other characters and their beliefs.
Karolina’s belief is that she must protect her friends from
harm. The game maste r Targeting be ren in combat is an
opportunity for her to stand up for what she believes.
Your creed is a statement about your place in the grander scheme.
Rather than being about you specifically, it is about a group, faction or
even concept. Your creed points you toward bigger ideas, rather than
survival, enrichment or power.
People of true worth stand up for justice no matter what.
True heroes seek glory and fame, so they may sit at Sigtyr’s
right hand in the halls of the immortals.
Slavery is abhorrent; All are born free and shall remain so.
The world must burn for the crimes against the Jotnar.
Earning a Creed
First level characters do not begin the game with a creed. How could
they? They barely know how to put one foot in front of the other—
and their chance of survival down below is quite minimal. To have a
creed, one must have shed some blood and tears, and one must have
perspective on the greater struggles gripping this damned world.
You adopt a creed for your character upon reaching level 3 or when
entering your first respite, whichever comes first.
Writing Creeds
Use your creed to make grand, sweeping statements. Rather than
focusing on yourself or your own personal benefit, infuse your creed
with ideals that, should they be enacted, will affect a group of people or
even change the course of history.
If you find yourself writing too much of a first person statement, try to
flip the statement around so that you’re speaking of a concept or group,
rather than yourself.
What We Fight For
Mortal Crisis
You will earn rewards for playing your creed when invoking it causes
you to come into conflict with your belief, goal, instinct or larger truth
or power in the setting. It is not a reward that comes often, but when it
does it is a powerful moment.
Changing Creeds
You may change your creed during a respite or after a supernatural or
cosmic encounter that shakes the character to their core. It may not be
changed session to session.
At the beginning of each session, write a goal for your character. A goal
is some action or deed you need to accomplish in that session.
A goal should be appropriate to the adventure and your character. And
a goal must be something you can reasonably accomplish this session.
You might not get there, but it’s got to be possible if you try.
Writing Goals
A goal includes a statement about your character, an action and a target.
Really good goals include a condition on top of those.
4 A goal includes one of the following imperatives: I will, I will
not, I must, I must not.
4 A goal includes an action like these: find, stop, return, rebuild,
demonstrate, protect, feed.
4 A goal is not an immediate or simple action. “I’m going to
make a pie!” is not an appropriate goal for this game. Neither
is a goal a far-off wish. Goals like “I will bring peace to the
land!” are unsuitable for play.
4 A goal is something you hope to accomplish in your next foray
into the wild and dark. It is based on the scenario presented by
the game master.
I’ll determine what happened to the lost child.
I must drive out the evil that has overtaken this place.
Write your goal at the start of the session after the prologue. If you’re
starting a new adventure, write your goal after you’ve taken the job or
started on your journey.
Playing Goals
In play, your game master is going to use your goal as a guideline for
what you’re interested in accomplishing during this session. Once they
know what you want to achieve, they’re going to throw obstacles in your
way. Your character is defined not by what shining gem you ultimately
capture, but by what obstacles you overcome to get it.
Accomplishing Goals
You accomplish your goal when you fulfill the criteria you’ve written
down for it during play. If there’s a question, the other players and the
game master can decide as a group if it was completed or not.
You get one goal per session. If you don’t accomplish it by the end of
the session, you should change your goal at the start of the next one.
Rewrite it to make sure you can accomplish it in the next session. Don’t
sit on an unaccomplishable goal.
Accomplishing your goal gets you rewarded. Rewards are good! You
can use them to help you accomplish your next goal, fight for what you
believe and, most important, level up.
Challenging Goals
A goal is no fun unless it’s challenged. By challenging goals, we test the
mettle of the character and the luck of the player.
One of the game master’s primary roles is to challenge the players’ goals
and make them work to earn their rewards. This aim requires creativity,
quick thinking and a bit of stubbornness—all natural roles for the game
What We Fight For
New Goals
At the end of the session, you’ll review your goal. If you’ve accomplished
it, change it at the start of the next session.
I’ve found it helpful to wait until the beginning of the next
session to erase my current goal. Keeping it until then helps
me remember what happened last session.
This new goal should be based on the events and loose ends of the
previous session or on the new adventure presented by the game master.
Changing Goals
When you need to change a goal, you do so at the beginning of a session.
You may not change your goal midway through a session.
Instincts are different from beliefs and goals. Your character’s instinct
represents a gut reaction or ingrained training. It’s something done
naturally, without thought.
Triggering Instincts
When you trigger your instinct, you get a free roll to accomplish it. This
instinct roll does not advance the grind.
Acting on Instinct
P When acting on instinct, you can muster wises, traits and rewards
for your effort. You can only accept help from someone who is
also acting on instinct at the same moment or who has a Nature
descriptor that directly applies to what you’re doing. Others may aid
you with a wise, however.
Good Instincts
If your instinct triggers and your action has a measurable benefit for your
friends, you earn a reward at the end of the session.
If your instinct is triggered and causes trouble, you earn no reward.
Writing Instincts
Consider a signature action, statement or reaction of your character. If
we were reading about your character in a comic book, we’d expect you
to do this thing when you got into trouble.
Instincts must be specific, with three parts: a trigger, an action you take
and a specific place or time.
Instincts are often best expressed as always or if/then statements.
Always prepare a good meal when we return to camp.
Bad Instincts
P “Always win” and “When in trouble, always escape” and “Never
do the wrong thing” are not instincts as we define them. They’re
wishes. If you want your wishes to come true, you’ll have to find a
forgiving djinn.
Using Instincts
It’s up to you to invoke your instinct. When the game master offers a
situation that you think triggers your instinct, describe why you think it
applies. If the group agrees, you can take an action without advancing
the grind, spending a check in camp or incurring lifestyle cost in town.
Challenging Instincts
Instincts are very powerful, and there is a terrific incentive to use them.
Therefore the game master should build situations that trigger instincts—
but get the characters deeper into trouble.
Harguld and cisneros are in a bad way. They’ve just lost
a brawl with some hobgoblins and are making a hasty exit
from the room. Howeve r, they can ’t help but notice the
vainglorious hobgoblin chieftain is wearing a gold medallion
around his neck and has a scroll case tucked into his belt.
What We Fight For
Since they are a pair of quintessential murder hobos, their
players— Dro and Merrill— inq uire innocently, “as we’ re
getting pushed out of the room, can we rob the chieftain?”
New Instincts
Your adventurer will likely grow and change throughout play. For
example, if you have the instinct “Always run and hide when afraid,”
you may find that you don’t want to run and hide anymore. You’re brave
now! Well, change your instinct. Erase the old one and write a new one
on your character sheet. You can change an instinct at the beginning of
the session or at the end, not during the session.
Imperfect Solutions
It is hard to write the perfect belief, goal, instinct or creed. Rather than
belaboring, workshopping, drafting and rewriting, we invite you to throw
down an imperfect solution and see how it feels in play.
If you are able to act in service of it and earn a reward for playing it,
you’re on the right track. If not, adjust the statement at the start of the
next session and see how that feels. Repeat until you get it right and you
start to connect your beliefs, goals, instinct and creed with the action.
T his chapter describes your character’s abilities: Will, Health,
Resources, Circles, Precedence and Might. It also contains the rules
for unskilled tests which rely on your raw abilities.
Will represents how mentally resilient and adaptable your adventurer is.
It is rated from 1 to 6.
You test Will when trying to resist being convinced of something or to
overcome the mental trials of life on the road, like anger and illness.
4 You test Will to recover from anger (Ob 2), fear (Ob 3) and
sickness (Ob 3).
4 Use Will to break ties in tests requiring mental strength or insight.
Health represents your adventurer’s physical strength and fortitude. It is
rated from 1 to 6.
Test Health when running a long distance, holding open a portcullis
while friends escape, swimming a fast-moving river, balancing on a
tightrope and so on—any physical test that doesn’t fall under Nature
or a skill.
4 Test Health to recover from exhaustion (Ob 3) and injury (Ob 4).
4 Use Health to break ties in tests requiring physical exertion.
Heroic Abilities
Certain level benefits can increase an ability’s maximum rating from 6 to
7. Other level benefits can reduce the target number of an ability from 4
to 3. Both are extremely potent options for high level characters.
Beginner’s Luck
If you don’t have an appropriate skill for a test, you may roll your Will
or Health at a penalty. On the character sheet, skills are listed with a W
or H on the right of the advancement bubbles to indicate which ability is
rolled for Beginner’s Luck.
The Resources ability represents the material and financial resources
you can muster in town. Resources ratings range from 0 to 10.
4 Test Resources to find or purchase stuff: acquire food, lodging,
a weapon or extra equipment.
4 For obstacles, see the price lists in the Gear chapter of this
book and the Town chapter of the Scholar’s Guide.
Hometown Advantage
You receive a +1D advantage when using Resources in your hometown.
Taxing Resources
If you fail a Resources test, your game master can use the standard twist
or condition rules for failure or use a special condition for Resources
tests called tax.
Tax reduces the Resources rating by the margin of failure. All tests
toward advancing Resources are lost. However, as per the standard twist
or condition rules, the character gets what they were after in addition to
having their Resources taxed. No other conditions or twists are applied
if Resources is reduced.
After tax, Resources may be advanced as per the standard rules.
Beren produces a gold tooth worth 2D to pay his bills. It’s
an Ob 5 test, and he fails by two successes. He is protected
from tax due to spending his treasure on the roll.
Resources 0
If Resources is depleted to 0, you may not make Resources tests or
receive help unless you use cash or treasure dice. You can’t even use
persona points to bolster the roll until you spend sweet treasure on it. If
you pass one Resources test while at 0, your Resources advances to 1.
Circles represents how well-connected and sociable you are. It is rated
from 1 to 10.
When in town, test Circles to find other characters who might help:
guides, apprentices, porters, guards, instructors and other adventurers
who will trade information.
Circles Factors
Hire Personnel Hire Personnel
; Porter (1) ; Laborer (1)
; Sentry (2) ; Blacksmith, carpenter, weaver, etc. (2)
; Guide (3) ; Mason, armorer, goldsmith, etc. (3)
; Apothecary, scholar, cartographer (4)
; Magician (5)
Position + Level + Attitude
; Adventurer (1) ; Lower level (0) ; Willing to listen (0)
; Townsfolk (2) ; Same level (1) ; Willing to help for a price (1)
; Government official ; Higher level (2) ; Loyal to your cause (2)
or ruling class (3)
Circles Success
If successful, you find who you’re looking for. Name the new character
and write their name in the Allies section of your character sheet. You
have a +1D bonus to Circles to find this character in the future.
Instead of finding who you were looking for, you find an enemy. It can be
an old foe or someone new who’s opposed to the character’s aims. Add
the character to the Enemy section on your character sheet if they’re not
already there.
4 Your enemy gains +3s to disposition to any drive off, convince
or convince crowd conflicts in which they oppose you.
The inimical character does not have to be an outright enemy. They can
pretend to work with you, feed you information full of lies and half-truths
or even attempt to extort or blackmail you. That’s half the fun of having
an enemy!
As characters gain levels, they gain reputations from their deeds. At
level 3, you gain a reputation that grants +1D to your Circles in your
Precedence measures your social standing and influence. The scale runs
from 0 to 7.
When arguing or negotiating in town or other civilized settings, compare
your Precedence to that of your interlocutor. If your Precedence is lower,
the disparity may prevent you from engaging with them as you might
prefer. However, if your Precedence is greater, you’ll gain a bonus. If the
opponent’s Precedence is greater, they’ll gain a bonus over you.
4 Your adventurer’s Precedence starts at 0, but will increase to
1 at level 6.
Should their Precedence increase, use the following rubric:
4 You may convince people whose Precedence is equal to or less
than yours.
4 You may haggle with people whose Precedence up to one
greater than yours.
4 You may convince a crowd whose members have Precedence
up to two steps higher than yours.
4 You may trick or riddle with any one, regardless of Precedence.
Without the proper level of Precedence, you simply won’t be heard.
Might serves as a measure of your heroic stature. Compare your Might
to that of a creature or foe you’re battling. If your Might is greater, you’ll
gain a bonus. If their Might is greater, they’ll gain a bonus over you.
4 Adventurers start with Might 3.
Like Precedence, Might also affects what types of conflicts you can
successfully engage in with creatures:
4 You may capture creatures equal to or less than your Might.
4 You may attack and kill creatures whose Might is one greater
than yours on the scale.
4 You may drive off creatures whose Might is up to two steps
greater than yours.
4 You may flee from any creature.
ature represents your stock’s inner strengths. It is rated from 0 to 7
and possesses three descriptors that define the strengths of each
These descriptors determine the situations in which you can use your
Nature without penalty. When you use your Nature in situations outside
of the descriptors for your stock, you risk losing a bit of it.
4 Dwarven Nature has: Delving, Crafting and Avenging
Grudges. Alternately, dwarves can also gain the Negotiating
4 Elven Nature has: Singing, Remembering and Hiding.
Alternately, elves can also gain the Enchanting descriptor.
4 Halfling Nature has: Sneaking, Riddling and Merrymaking.
Alternately, halflings can also gain the Hoarding descriptor.
4 Human Nature has: Boasting, Demanding and Running.
You never want your character’s Nature to rise too high or fall too low.
It’s important to strike a balance. If Nature drops too low, your character
is strongly affected and becomes unlike other people of this stock,
perhaps too thoughtful or too fixated on ideals. Whatever’s happened,
you become an outsider.
If your Nature rises too high, your character becomes too much a part of
their culture and quits the life, retires and fades away.
Within and Without
Nature is an all-purpose tool that you can rely on during an adventure,
acting with your Nature or acting outside of it.
Relying on Nature
If one of your skills has been reduced to zero due to injury or sickness,
but your Nature has not, you may test Nature in place of the reduced skill.
Channeling Nature
Your character can channel their inner strength to perform a heroic act.
By spending a persona point, you may add their current Nature rating
dice to their Will, Health, Nature or skill rating dice for one test.
Paul’s burglar, Tarvas, must sneak past a group of kobolds
in a cavern. It’s a life or death situation, so Paul channels
Tarvas’ Natu re 5 i nto th e test. H e adds five dice to his
Scout 4, and rolls nine dice total for the test.
Persona points are described in the Fate chapter of the Scholar’s Guide
and the What We Fight For chapter of this book.
Taxing Nature
Your rating can be temporarily reduced when you use Nature for tests
outside of your Nature descriptors.
4 If you test Nature in a situation not covered by your descriptors
and fail the roll, reduce your current rating by the margin of
failure (to a minimum rating of 0).
4 If you channel your Nature for a test not covered by your
descriptors, your Nature is taxed by one if successful, or by the
margin of failure if failed.
Recovering Nature
Taxed Nature can be recovered in four ways:
4 During a respite, each character’s Nature is restored to its
maximum rating.
4 If you deliver a prologue and you don’t have any conditions, you
may recover one point of taxed Nature.
4 If you missed a session of an ongoing game, upon your return
you may opt to recover one point of taxed Nature.
4 When leaving town and making a lifestyle test, if you pass the
test and have no conditions (like angry or sick), you recover one
point of taxed Nature.
Sammas arrives at the respite with his nature whittled down
to 1/2. while it’s not much, the respite allows him to reset it
to 2/2.
Conserving Nature
Instead of waiting to recover taxed Nature, you can choose to reduce
your maximum Nature rating by one and restore your current rating to
the new maximum. We call this process conserving your Nature.
Chris’s theurge’s nature is currently at 2/5. He opts to take
the hit and reduces his theurge’s maximum to 4. His current
nature is restored to the new maximum: 4/4.
You can conserve your Nature in this manner at any point, even right
before a test. Voluntarily conserving your Nature before its current rating
hits 0 does not count as tax and does not change one of your traits.
Advancing Nature
Nature can be advanced through passed and failed tests like any other
ability. Use your maximum Nature rating to determine how many tests
you need for advancement.
If your maximum rating is reduced for any reason, you lose all pass/fail
tests logged toward advancing the rating.
Advancement is described in detail in the Skein of Destiny section of
this book.
Nature 7
You can advance your character’s Nature to 7 using the standard pass
and fail rules for advancement (discussed in the Advancement chapter
of the Skein of Destiny section). If Nature advances to 7 and remains at
that rating at the end of your current session, the character has become
too rooted in the life of their people to adventure and retires. Dwarves
return to their mountain fastnesses, elves journey west. Humans and
halflings tend to seek out a place of contentment and quiet.
Halflings have the Merrymaking Nature descriptor. They love to throw
parties, host dinners and celebrate—particularly with good food
and drink. Merrymaking is not the Cook skill; it’s a party. This is an
important distinction to make when out in the wild.
Using the Merrymaking descriptor, halflings can help their friends
overcome the angry and afraid conditions by dancing with them,
composing songs with them, surprising them with gifts or even pranking
them. Note that this effect is not recovery. It’s closer to what a healer
does, so it can be done out of recovery order.
Also, a party of one is hardly a party at all. Merrymaking is for groups,
not individuals. The obstacle for entertaining a group should be higher
than the standard individual recovery obstacles. We usually use the
standard recovery obstacles with a +1 Ob penalty for the group.
Avenging Grudges
A grudge is a written declaration of revenge against a person, creature
or force of nature. If a dwarf writes a goal about such revenge, any tasks
undertaken toward that goal should be considered within the dwarf’s
Nature. Without a written goal, a grievance isn’t serious enough to count
as a grudge.
Singing and Remembering
Singing and Remembering are two oft-overlooked aspects of elven
Nature. However, these aspects are very potent if applied creatively.
Singing is not mundane music; it is a magical ability. It can be used to
overcome anger or fear and to enchant the unwary with wonderment,
befuddling their wits.
Remembering allows elves to recall ages past in a scholarly manner, but
it also grants them access to a well of grief—memories of tragedy from
other ages that can fuel their wrath and passion in the present.
By far, the most practical use of Remembering is to recall the details of
an area when navigating without a map or when helping cartographers
draw one. However, don’t let the elves make up too much remembered
nonsense. When they want to recall something that hasn’t happened in
your game, make sure it fits with your setting. If it does, write it down.
Now it’s a fact. Reincorporate it later in another adventure, and you’ll
enrich your world. If the elf player reaches to incorporate every possibility
into their Nature, be firm and say no.
s the saying goes, a skilled adventurer is a lucky adventurer. This
chapter describes the basics for your character’s skills.
Each skill in Torchbearer consists of a description, its associated
Beginner’s Luck ability (Will or Health), a suggestion for useful supplies
or gear, a list of factors or other applications and a handful of other skills
that are commonly used to help that skill.
Be Skilled
Skills in Torchbearer encompass a technique or profession, something
you could practice and improve over time and that could be used to find
work or really kill at parties.
Skills include disciplines like Fighter, Theologian, Lore Master and more.
Skill Ratings
Skills are rated from 1 to 6. The rating indicates how many dice you roll
when testing that skill.
Heroic Skills
P Certain level benefits can increase the maximum rating of a skill
from 6 to 7. Other level benefits can reduce the target number of
a skill roll from 4 to 3. Both are extremely potent options for high-
level characters.
The game master chooses skill factors that are relevant to the task
described by the acting player. Each factor is listed with a number. If a
factor’s category is listed with a “+”, you add the relevant factor from the
list to your total to find your obstacle for the test.
Ban is an alchemist. He wants to brew an elixir for his friend
vantus to dispel his exhaustion. The factors are Exhausted
(3) plus counts as recovery (1): An Ob 4 alchemist test.
For more, see the Factors of Success chapter of the Scholar’s Guide.
Suggested Help
Players can help each other with the same skill being tested. Each skill is
listed with one or two other skills that are closely related. Use those skills
when offering and accepting help for a test.
Inadequate Tools
P Having the right tools for the job is important to surviving your
forays into the wild. If your game master deems the tools inadequate
for a task, increase the difficulty of the test by one step.
P An armorer might be able to bang out some dents in your
breastplate while in the field, but they’ll need a forge to create a
new set of armor. Similarly, a scholar can write scrolls and translate
rune markings, but they’ll need to search out a library if they want
to do serious research and so on.
Unskilled Tools
P If you lack a skill, you do not possess the tools for it. If you’re
unskilled in Armorer, you don’t have what you need in your pack.
If you have a companion with the skill, then you can borrow their
tools for the task. If you don’t have tools for a skill test, increase the
difficulty of the test by one.
Supplies are expendable items that grant a +1D bonus to a specific skill
for one roll. Most skills are listed with suggested supplies. You may only
expend one increment of supplies per test.
Equipment like 10-foot poles, thieves’ tools and iron spikes are
considered gear. They grant a +1D bonus to skill tests so long as you
have the gear in your inventory. You may only use one piece of gear per
roll unless otherwise noted.
Learning a New Skill
Your character can learn new skills in the course of the game. In fact,
your character can attempt any skill they don’t have using the Beginner’s
Luck rule described in the Abilities chapter.
Once you use Beginner’s Luck, note the skill you attempted to use on
your skill list. Don’t put a rating next to it; put an X instead. Check off
one of the pass or fail bubbles—it doesn’t matter which. You need to
keep a record of how many times you tried to use that skill, so fill in an
additional bubble each time you try to use it.
My character, Beren, doesn’t have the Rider skill. During the
adventure, we find a herd of wild horses. I want Beren to
tame one of the horses. I test Beren’s health but roll half
the dice due to the Beginner’s Luck rule. I mark an X in place
of the rating and log a test. Pass or fail doesn’t matter
when learning new skills, just the number of tests.
Once your character has attempted to use that skill a number of times
equal to their maximum Nature rating, they learn the skill at a rating of
2. Erase the X and all the check marks toward learning it. Write 2 as
the rating. They can now test the skill and advance it according to the
standard rules.
In other words, if my Nature is 5, I need to try the skill five
times using Beginner’s Luck. After that, I start Rider at
rating 2.
Skill List
You’ll find the complete list of skills in the Skill List chapter of the
Reference section.
wise represents special, esoteric knowledge about a particular,
narrow subject.
Varg can call upon Skirmish-wise when his crew is contesting
ground, but it’s not useful when alone.
Wises are different from abilities, skills and traits. They have no rating.
Either you’re wise about something or you’re not.
4 A wise is never tested on its own. It’s always used to supplement
your own roll or that of another player.
4 A character can have up to four wises.
4 A wise can be used once per test for one of three effects: I
Am Wise, Deeper Understanding and Of
4 You may use multiple wises per test, but
only for different effects. You may not use
the same effect more than once per roll.
Wise Effects
I Am Wise
To use I Am Wise, simply advise your friend: Look over their shoulder,
point out their mistakes or illuminate facts of the matter previously
unknown to them.
4 Grant +1D to any test related to your wise that is made by your
friend or ally. We call this die “aid” to differentiate it from help.
4 You can grant this aid in place of help (and thus insulate
yourself from conditions, but not twists).
4 You cannot help and use I Am Wise for the same test.
4 I Am Wise may provide aid to another who is acting on instinct
or invoking a Nature descriptor.
Deeper Understanding
Spend a fate point to reroll any single failed die on a roll related to
your wise. When using Deeper Understanding, you exclaim, “Ah hah!”
and indicate that you understand everything now. You may use Deeper
Understanding in conjunction with other reward expenditures.
You may not reroll a die that’s already been rerolled. If you roll a 6,
spend a fate point for luck, reroll and still fail, you may not use Deeper
Understanding to reroll that wyrm.
Of Course!
Spend a persona point to reroll all failed dice on a test related to your
wise. When using Of Course! declare, “Of course!” and note that you
were wrong initially but now you have it all correct. You may use Of
Course! in conjunction with other reward expenditures. Use this option
before spending a fate point for luck to reroll 6s.
Gaining Wisdom
Each time you use your wise, mark how it was used on your character
sheet: I Am Wise to aid passed a test, I Am Wise to aid a failed test,
Deeper Understanding and Of Course!. Once you’ve done all four, you
may choose one of the following perks:
4 Change the wise to a new one of your choice.
4 Take a Beginner’s Luck test toward opening a new skill.
4 Take a skill advancement test (pass or fail) related to the wise.
If you choose not to change the wise, the wise remains. You don’t lose
it in exchange for the test.
Once you’ve chosen your perk, reset your marks and try it again.
If you have a specific people-wise like orc-wise or kobold-wise, you
know enough about these creatures to communicate with them. You
can engage with them in arguments, riddles, speeches and other
If you are not able to communicate with a creature, you cannot have
those sorts of discussions. Actions and conflicts of that type are locked
off until you develop a method of communication (like the Wisdom of
the Sages spell, for example).
Keeping a Language
If your wise changes, but you want to keep the language it conferred,
write the language alongside your character’s level benefit for their
current level. If not, you forget it. Without immersion, it just fades away.
New Wises
Your character will receive new wises during their respites in town. See
the Respite chapter in the Scholar’s Guide for more details. You can
have a maximum of four wises at once.
very character has quirks or ticks imposed by parents, upbringing
and life experiences. We call those bits of history and old scars
traits. In Torchbearer, your traits both help you and hinder you.
Trait Levels
There are three grades for each trait:
4 Level 1 traits grant +1D to one roll per session.
4 Level 2 traits grant +1D to two rolls per session.
4 Level 3 traits grant +1s to each tied or passed test associated
with the trait.
Trait Refresh
Level 1 and Level 2 traits have limited uses per session. They refresh
after the prologue has been delivered at the start of a new session.
There’s a phenomenon with traits that we call reaching. It’s a situation
when a trait clearly doesn’t fit, but a player is working really hard to
convince the group that it’ll work. This behavior is not creative. It’s just
short of begging, and it’s certainly always bull.
If you feel a player is reaching, tell them so. Give them a moment to
readjust. If they don’t have anything better to add, then move on. The
trait doesn’t apply.
Earning Checks
4 Suffering a -1D penalty to your roll earns you 1 check.
4 Granting +2D to your opponent’s roll earns you 2 checks.
4 Breaking a tie in your opponent’s favor earns you 2 checks.
Mark your checks next to your traits to keep track of them as you earn
Spending Checks
There are two instances when you spend checks: in camp, and as you
enter town.
Camp Checks
P |Checks may be spent in the camp phase to make tests to recover,
reequip and rest. You may also spend a check to initiate a conflict
with a fellow adventurer.
4 1 check equals one test (or conflict) in camp.
Town Checks
P |Checks can be used at the beginning of the town phase for
recovering from conditions—before making the roll for town events.
Otherwise, you do not spend checks to test in town.
4 1 check equals one recovery test when entering town.
Sharing Checks
If you have extra checks in camp or when entering town, you may pass
them to your fellows at any time during the phase.
Class Traits
Each class has a trait associated with it. The trait may be changed or
modified through play (usually during a respite).
If the trait is lost or changed beyond recognition, the character retires
and becomes either townsfolk or a reclusive opponent of the remaining
VANTAS experiences some grim visions during his adventures.
When his nature bottoms out at 0/4, the Game master alters
his class trait—Touched by the gods —to Touched by dark
Gods to reflect his experiences.
Why Use Traits Against Yourself?
Using traits against yourself is a key aspect of Torchbearer. It’s about
roleplaying. It’s about making bad decisions for questionable characters.
Our characters are imperfect at best—and that makes them appealing.
All of the great heroes have flaws: pride, hubris, fury and even
incompetence. Using traits against yourself allows you to demonstrate
your character’s quirks and foibles. It makes them vulnerable and,
counterintuitively, it makes them more likeable.
Torchbearer isn’t about passing every test and winning every contest. It’s
about how your character changes and grows throughout the struggle.
Trait List
You’ll find the complete list of traits in the Trait List chapter of the
Reference section of this book.
W e leave town with full packs and full bellies, thinking that we’ve
all the tools we need to get the job done. But then the plan takes
longer than expected, food runs out, gear breaks—and we wish we
packed that one extra item.
Each piece of gear or loot is listed with an inventory requirement: how
many slots it requires and where it can be packed or worn. There are
four types of items: carried items, worn items, pack items and pocket
4 Carried items are held in one or both hands.
. Wield is a special designation for weapons that indicates how
many hands are required to use the weapon in combat.
. Carried 4 indicates that you need two or more people to lift
the item in question. Hefting these items on your own requires
a Laborer test. Best lift with your legs.
. Carried items can be packed away, but might have different
inventory requirements. Consult the item description.
4 Worn items may be placed around the neck, on the head,
hands, torso, legs or feet.
. Worn items will be listed with their applicable locations and
any inventory slot requirements. Items without a listed slot
number occupy the entire location: worn/head, for example.
. Worn items can be packed away, but might have different
inventory requirements. Consult the item description.
4 Pack items are stuffed into backpacks, pouches, sacks, satchels
and even the belt. The pack designation is our default inventory
increment. Nearly any item can be packed, though some take
more space in the pack than they do when worn or carried.
. Most pack items can be carried. The Laborer skill provides
guidelines, but absent specific guidance from the rules please
use your best judgement.
4 An item listed as “belt 1” can be attached to your belt.
4 Pocket items are small items like a key or a single gem that can
be slipped into a pocket or sleeve.
Multi-Slot Items
When carrying an item, write it in the appropriate space on your
inventory list. Some items, like a spell book, require more than one slot
to carry. If so, write the item into multiple slots.
A bottle is listed as “carried 1 or pack 2” in the inventory list.
It requires two slots in sack, satchel or backpack, but only
one hand to carry. drink up!
Bundled Items
Some items are small enough that multiples fit into a single slot.
For example, four torches may be bundled into pack 1.
As these items get used and depleted, their space requirement does not.
An item always requires at least one slot in inventory. Bundled items
cannot be placed on a belt.
Worn Items
Clothing, armor, jewelry and other wearable items are worn in the
locations listed in their inventory requirements.
Leather armor requires one torso slot, but Plate armor
requires two torso slots.
Adventurers make use of a variety of containers to make their inventory
more efficient and compact.
4 There are two overall types: liquid containers like waterskins
and bottles, and dry containers like sacks and satchels.
4 Containers are each listed with their inventory capacity.
Backpacks and Satchels
You may carry a backpack or a satchel in which to stow your gear.
4 A backpack takes up two “worn” slots on your torso and
contains six inventory slots.
. Wearing a backpack counts as a factor in Fighter and
Dungeoneer tests.
4 A satchel takes up one worn slot on your torso and contains
three inventory slots.
Due to a quirk of our inventory system, we consider a belt a container.
Adventurers are forever hooking things and tying things onto these
sturdy accoutrements.
4 Your belt can hold three pack 1 or carried 1 items like a
weapon, waterskin or pouch.
. Belt weapons: daggers, hand axes, maces and swords. Slings
are carried in a pouch with their ammunition. Bows and
crossbows require quivers for their ammunition, which can be
worn on the belt.
. You cannot attach bundled pack items like rations, coins or
torches to your belt. You must store them in a container like a
pouch or bottle.
Weapons like swords, daggers, hand axes, maces and the like may be
hung from the belt.
4 In order to use a weapon for combat, you must have the
requisite hands free to wield it.
. If you don’t have a free hand, you drop what you’re holding in
order to take up a weapon unless you state otherwise.
Two-Handed Weapons
Two-handed weapons can be carried in a single hand, but may not be
slung on the belt or torso. They require two hands to wield in combat.
What’s in your pocket? Everyone has a pocket—in their pantaloons,
their sleeves, their jackets or even their boots.
4 Your pocket can hold one trinket-sized item like a key, a
precious gem, a set of dice or a locket from your love.
If you stuff more stuff into your pocket—and who wouldn’t, honestly—
the game master can steal an item from your pocket as part of a twist
or on a roll of 1 on a 1d6 when you fish something out of your sweaty
lint-storage chamber.
Your character might collect items they need to stash. Put ‘em in their
cache. Their cache lives in a long-term camp or a location in town with
which they have an agreement. The cache is not carried.
4 A standard cache has 12 inventory slots.
4 If you want to move items from it, you must visit the location
and pack out what you can.
4 If this camp is lost to a disaster or something similar, your
cache is lost as well.
Camp Cache
In camp, you must build some sort of storage. It doesn’t have to be
fancy: a hanging net, a hole or a space beneath a pile of stones will do.
If you hope to see your precious baubles again, we recommend mapping
where you left them. But don’t take our advice. What do we know?
4 Creating a cache in camp costs a check.
Town Cache
In town, you can cache your junk with your parents or friends, provided
they have a home in the settlement. If you cannot access the town
containing your cache, you cannot access your cache!
Skill Gear
The inventory system is for carrying expendable supplies, extra items,
treasure, weapons and armor. We assume that you’re carrying another
40 pounds of junk in addition to your adventuring gear.
Space is so limited because the inventory system does not list every
item your character is carrying. Omitted are all of the tools and special
bits required to make use of your skills: pots for cooking, a shovel for
digging, paper for writing. Since you’re assumed to have these items so
you can use your skills, don’t worry about listing them on your character
sheet; list only the extra, important stuff.
You have the bare minimum tools needed for your skills in your pack—
paper, ink, pots, pans, etc. However, this doesn’t mean you can build
a ship or pull an anvil out of your sock. To fully utilize the skill (for high
obstacle tests) you need to be in town or a similar location.
Inadequate Tools
P If a character lacks adequate tools for a job, treat this as a factor
in the test.
If your backpack or satchel is missing, you lack adequate
tools for you r skills until you recover it. If you r cruel
game master damages your skill tools through a twist,
you lack adequate tools until you repair or rebuy them. if
you’re attempting delicate or elaborate work in camp that
req ui res a workshop, laboratory or fou ndry, you have
inadequate tools.
Carrying More
You can carry more than your inventory slots allow. To do so, use the
factors described in the Laborer skill. If you pass your test, you haul
what needs hauling. If you fail, the game master may apply a twist or a
agic in the world of Torchbearer consists of drawing forth mystical
substance from the aetherial plane and shaping it with the caster’s
will. The spells themselves are slippery, almost living things that must
be wrestled into submission and caged within the prison of the caster’s
When casting, an arcanist uses a series of words and gestures to release
the spell in question. Once cast, the spell bursts forth and may not be
used again until the caster has time to study the formula and trap the
spell once more in their mind.
Memory Palace
Memorizing a spell is like tying a tenuous knot composed of arcane
formulae—a knot that can be unraveled at need with the correct
combination of weird objects, eldritch gestures and esoteric chants.
Magicians spend years seeking to expand and unhinge their minds that
they may become capable of containing ever more complex incantations
of their caliginous science.
Apprentices are taught to construct a memory palace—an aetherial
matrix within their minds—to contain these formulae. The memory
palace is a container like a backpack or satchel, but it contains spells
rather than physical objects. An apprentice’s memory palace is quite
limited, with only one slot of available space. As magicians increase in
level, they have the option to add more slots to their memory palace.
Spell Inventory Slots
Spells require a number of slots in the memory palace equal to their
circle: A first circle spell requires one slot, while a third circle spell re-
quires three.
Memorizing Spells
Refilling your memory palace requires uninterrupted time in camp or
town to review the formulae in your spell book. To memorize spells,
select the spells you wish to memorize.
4 Make a Lore Master test with an obstacle equal to the sum of
the circles of spells you wish to memorize; add +1 Ob for each
spell in your memory palace.
4 Memorizing spells costs a check in camp.
4 In town, memorization is free if you book a room at a flophouse,
inn or hotel or if you stay with a relationship.
. Otherwise, memorization counts as personal business (and
increases lifestyle cost by +1).
I n ca m p, Lu ke dec i des that h i s mag ic ia n, Sa m mas, wi ll
memorize Celestial Music (first Circle) and Rhyme of Opening
(second Circle). During a previous camp, Sammas memorized
Wisdom of the Sages but never cast it, so it remains in
his Memory Palace. Adding the two new spells to Sammas’
Memory Palace requires an Ob 4 Lore Master test.
Luke fails this roll (of course). Thor decides that while he
manages to cram the spells into his head, Sammas’ exertions
make him exhausted.
Temerarious Discharge
The magician unbinds all spells stored in the memory palace, seeking to
channel the energies through the body and (hopefully) harmlessly into
the aether. To do so without ill effect, the magician must pass a Will test
with an obstacle equal to the sum of the circles discharged.
4 Temerarious discharge does not require a turn or cost a check.
4 Casting a spell without purpose (with intent to simply bleed it
off) triggers a temerarious discharge.
Sammas needs to memorize the Sign of Abrogation (third
Circle) to break a spell on one of his companions. He has
three spell slots in his memory palace, but they’re currently
filled with Celestial Music (first Circle) and Somnific Trance
(second circle). Sammas’ player, Luke, elects to discharge
the spells. The spells’ Circles sum to 3, so Luke must pass
an Ob 3 Will test to safely discharge the spells and make
room for the Sign of Abrogation.
See the Twists chapter of the Scholar’s Guide for more ideas.
Spell Libraries
All arcanists keep a library of tomes with the details of their observations
and magical experimentation, as well as the spells they know and have
developed. These libraries are massive and
impossible to carry on adventures without an
army of porters or pack animals.
Moreover, these libraries are dangerous if
they fall into the wrong hands: An enemy or
rival with access to your library gains +1D and
+1s to any Arcanist versus tests against you.
Due to this risk, arcanists keep their libraries
hidden, either in their hometowns or their
home base if they’ve established one. Mentors typically safeguard the
libraries of young arcanists until their apprentices are ready to establish
their own bases.
4 Your personal library contains copies of the three spells with
which you began your career and any others you later add.
4 When you visit your library, you add new spells from your spell
books. No test is required. This does not consume the spell
from your spell book.
4 You may copy scrolls into your library. This consumes the scroll.
Loner Libraries
Some magicians have no mentors. These dangerous singletons keep
their libraries hidden in inaccessible places. Place the concealed location
of the hidden loner library on your campaign map. The magician must
journey to this location to add spells to it or swap spells into their
traveling kit.
Spell Books
To make their magical knowledge more portable, arcanists create spell
books that act as containers for spells, allowing them to memorize spells
when they rest.
4 Each spell book has five folios for spells.
4 Magicians may only memorize spells that are in the spell books
in their inventory.
4 Characters may carry more than one spell book if they wish, so
long as they have free space in their inventory.
Spell Size
Each spell requires a number of folios in a spell book equal to its circle.
A second circle spell like Somnific Trance requires two
folios in your spell book.
4 Copying spells from library to spell book counts as personal
business in town.
4 Each spell in the spell list includes an obstacle for scribing
that spell.
4 When scribing multiple spells at once, the base obstacle is equal
to the highest obstacle spell; add +1 Ob for each additional spell.
4 You may copy scrolls into your spell book. The scroll is
consumed in the process.
Casting Spells
To cast a spell, the arcanist must have the spell memorized, have the
ability to speak and have the ability to gesture freely with a single, empty
When arcanists cast a spell, it is removed from the memory palace until
they have the opportunity to replenish it during the camp or town phase
(see Memorizing Spells below).
There are four different ways to cast spells:
4 Some spells have a fixed obstacle listed in their description. To
cast the spell, test Arcanist to meet that number.
4 Most spells have factors like skills. When casting, choose the
factors used and total up the obstacle for your Arcanist skill as
described in the Factors of Success chapter in the Scholar’s
4 Casting some spells triggers a versus test with the Arcanist skill
pitted against the ability or skill of your opponent as indicated
in the description.
4 Some spells engage a “skill swap.” For these, use your Arcanist
skill in place of another skill.
Materials and Focuses
Each spell in the spell list describes the components used to aid in
casting: either materials or a focus. Materials or a focus are not required
to cast a spell, but they do aid the arcanist if available.
4 Materials grant +1D to cast a spell once and are then consumed.
4 A focus grants +1D to cast a spell and can be reused, so long
as the magician has the focus in hand or worn while casting.
4 You may use both materials and a focus to cast a spell.
Casting Time
Each spell lists the time required to cast it.
4 Some spells do not take a turn to cast. When casting them, do
not advance the grind.
4 Some spells require one or two turns to cast. When casting
these, advance the grind by the appropriate amount.
Spell Interrupt
P Spells must be cast uninterrupted. If the magician or their helpers
are disturbed—given a condition or forced to test or swept up in a
disruptive twist—the spell misfires and is lost. The magician and all
helpers must pass a Will test with an obstacle equal to the sum of
the spell circles in their memory palace. If they fail the test, abide by
the rules for temerarious discharge.
The Exception
P Spells like Swarm, which allow the magician to use Arcanist in
place of another skill (like Fighter) during a conflict may be helped
by the replaced skill (e.g., Fighter) without increasing the casting
time. Other characters may use Arcanist to help only if they have
equipped the same spell that round.
Spells in Conflicts
There are a handful of spells that are rather useful if you become em-
broiled in a conflict.
4 Swarm, Wizard’s Ægis, Flames of the Shroud and other
skill swap spells must be selected when players are choosing
weapons for the round (before actions are selected).
4 Spells like Somnific Trance that knock down a swath of
opponents are cast once a conflict is declared but before you
generate disposition.
4 Spells that do not cost a turn to cast (listed as “Casting Time:
Free”) may be cast between rounds while selecting weapons.
These spells may not directly affect the opposing side. Only
one such spell may be cast by a magician each round.
4 Spells that cost a turn to cast may not be used during a conflict.
4 Spells cannot be disarmed by the Maneuver action.
4 Spell effects cannot be absorbed by mundane armor.
Scrolls are single-use spells for magicians.
4 Each scroll holds a single spell.
4 Casting from a scroll requires the same rolls and casting time
as casting from memory. You may use materials and focuses
with scrolls as well.
4 Scrolls take up one slot in inventory, whether in the pack or
in the hand.
4 Magicians may cast from scrolls without having memorized the
spell, having it in their library or spell book or even having the
memory palace capacity to store it.
4 Upon use, a scroll is consumed by aetherial flames.
Scribing Scrolls
To scribe a scroll, you must meet the following conditions:
4 You must have the spell memorized.
4 You must test your Scholar skill against the obstacle to scribe a
scroll listed with each spell in the spell list.
4 Creating a scroll in camp costs one check; in town it counts as
personal business (+1 lifestyle cost).
Any character with the Scholar skill is assumed to carry the necessary
tools to create new scrolls.
Learning New Spells
Arcanists may learn new spells from their mentors, friends, scrolls and
the spell books or libraries of other arcanists.
Magical Mentorship
P When in the same settlement as their student, a magician’s
mentor may choose to teach their them a new spell. Doing so
bypasses the need for the Lore Master test to learn the spell.
P A magician’s mentor will provide their pupil with a scroll with a
new spell on it upon the magician achieving 3rd, 5th and 7th levels.
Game master’s choice. A mentor will only give their student a spell
they are capable of casting.
P If the mentor has access to their pupil’s library, they will also add
it there. If not, the magician will have to copy the scroll into their
spell book and then into their library when they have the chance.
Magical Friend
P A friend or hired instructor may
also teach you a new spell, bypassing
the need to make a separate Lore
Master test to learn the spell.
Spell List
For the complete spell list, please explore the fruitful gardens of the
Reference section.
he people rarely refer to gods, except perhaps in relation to the
Old Ones, the most ancient of Immortals, who no longer attend
to Creation. Instead, they make obeisance to the Lords, mortals who
attained immortality through the greatness of their deeds and the
worship of others.
The Young Lords, those who have ascended in recent memory, often
retain their individuality and personality. For instance, one hero might
be worshipped as Sigrun the Defender, the Lady of Battles who inspires
soldiers to stand between civilization and the ravening hordes of chaos.
But in the fullness of time, memory of the deeds and even names of
these Young Lords fades. They shed their individuality and personality
to become one with the primal forces they champion.
Within a few generations, the worship of Sigrun may fade as
she becomes one with the Lords of Battle.
We all call out to the Immortals in our times of need, now and again,
but theurges have a special gift. They are blessed (or perhaps cursed)
with the gift of being heard by the Immortals and the ancient spirits of
the land.
Invocation Rituals
A theurge or shaman can perform an invocation at any juncture,
provided they meet all other conditions (invocation time, ability to speak,
etc). They can perform the same invocation multiple times in a single
phase, or even perform a second circle invocation while still at first level.
Performing Invocations
Invocations are performed with the Ritualist skill. In order to invoke divine
might, the theurge must be able to speak. There are four different ways
to perform invocations. Each invocation describes how you invoke it.
4 Some invocations have a fixed obstacle. To perform the
invocation, test Ritualist at that Ob.
4 Many invocations have factors like skills. When performing this
type, choose what factors you’re using and total up the obstacle
for your Ritualist skill as described in the Factors of Success
chapter in the Scholar’s Guide.
4 Performing some invocations triggers a versus test—roll the
Ritualist skill against the ability or skill of your opponent as
indicated in the description.
4 Some invocations engage in a skill swap. For these, use your
Ritualist skill in place of the indicated skill.
Invocations in Conflicts
Some invocations are meant to be used in conflicts.
4 Skill swap invocations must be selected like weapons either
before a conflict begins or between rounds.
4 Invocations that may affect or prevent a conflict must be per-
formed once conflict is declared but before rolling for disposition.
4 Invocations cannot be disarmed by the Maneuver action.
4 Invocation effects cannot be absorbed by mundane armor.
Invocation Time
Each invocation lists the time required to perform its ritual without a
relic—one, two or three turns. They also include a second number for
the invocation time required with a relic.
4 Invocations listed as 0 invocation time do not take a turn to
perform. When performing them, do not advance the grind.
4 When performing invocations that require one, two or three
turns, advance the grind by the appropriate amount.
Invocation Interrupt
P Invocations must be performed uninterrupted. If the theurge or
their helpers are disturbed—given a condition or forced to test or
swept up in a disruptive twist—the invocation dissipates but add the
burden to the theurge’s current total.
Helping Invocation Rituals
Theurges may receive help from other characters with the Ritualist skill
when performing invocations. However, coordinating the power of the
Immortals is no simple task.
4 When two or more ritualists perform an invocation together,
the time required increases by one turn.
. Invocations that require zero turns to perform, cost one with
help. Invocations that require one turn, require two with help.
The Exception
P Invocations which allow the theurge to use Ritualist in place of
another skill (like Fighter) during a conflict may be helped by the
replaced skill (e.g., Fighter) without increasing the invoking time.
Ritual Wises
P Using wises to aid an invocation does not increase the ritual time.
Ritual Burden
P Only the person leading a ritual accrues burden. Helpers do not.
Many invocations describe components that may be used to aid in
performing it: These are called sacramentals. Sacramentals are not
required to perform an invocation, but they do aid the ritualist if available.
4 Having the proper sacramental for an invocation grants +1D
to perform it.
Sacramentals can be purchased, gathered or created using an appropriate
skill. Sacramentals are expended after each use (though relics are not).
Immortal Burden
Invoking divine, mystical power disturbs the natural order and creates
spiritual impurities—knots in the Skein of Destiny. We call this impure
state the Immortal burden. Performing invocations adds to your burden.
4 Immortal burden starts at 0.
4 When performing an invocation, increase your burden by the
amount listed for it.
. Use the number before the slash if you do not have a relic for
this invocation, and the number after it if you possess the relic.
For example, the immortal burden for the blessing of the
lord of labor is 2/1. performing the invocation with its relic,
a small pair of toy oxen, the burden is 1.
Burden of Creed
P If an invocation is offensive or counter to your creed, increase the
burden for invoking it by one.
Each theurge discovers within themselves a capacity to suffer the touch
of the divine. This touch is not lightly born as it can kill an incautious
mortal, but this is the theurge’s burden to bear. We call the theurge’s
capacity to carry their divine burden Urðr (pronounced: urd).
4 If your burden is equal to or less than your Urðr, you may
continue to accrue burden through invocations without
4 If your burden exceeds your Urðr, you feel the weight of your
burden and exhibit stigmata.
Greater capacity for Urðr can be accrued as your character gains levels.
Exceeding Your Urðr
You may perform invocations while in excess of your Urðr. Use the
Weight of the Burden rules above. Since you are already in excess of
your capacity, you must test Health against your total current burden
upon completing the invocation.
If a theurge should exceed their Urðr limit, they are given a sign of their
divine plight by their Immortal patron: They suffer stigmata. They speak
in tongues, bleed from the ears, go blind, etc. until they pray or rest.
Consult the table below for your current total burden (not just your
excess). The game master chooses the stigma from the appropriate list.
Stigmata Scale
Burden Stigmata
1-2 Strange marks appear beneath the skin, speaks in a language
heretofore unknown, shakes uncontrollably, etc.
3-4 Bleeds from the eyes or ears, speaks in tongues, speaks to
beasts, limb becomes rigid, etc.
5-6 Can only speak in bestial howls, wounds appear bleeding
on body, divine sigils writhe visibly beneath the skin, eyes
blinded, ears deafened, etc.
7-8 Body changes color (blue, green, red, gold), suffers delirium and
levitates, demands to be known by another, ancient name, etc.
9-10 Falls comatose, plants sprout from body, small animals
emerge from the mouth, glows with a blinding light, etc.
11+ Death
Stigmata Effects
Stigma bears with it all that is implied by the description. It is unpleasant
and quite possibly could interfere with the normal life of an adventurer.
For example, shaking uncontrollably will inhibit fine work
li ke pic king a loc k an d speaking in bestial howls cou ld
prevent you from performing invocations.
Relics channel the divine gift to useful effect, and divert the force of the
touch of an Immortal patron.
Some relics are tied to specific invocations, others give access to
invocations in the sphere of an Immortal and the greatest of all tap into
the very words of creation.
Minor Relics
Minor relics are tied to particular invocations. Each invocation is listed
with its associated minor relic.
Named Relics
Named relics are tied to a set of invocations linked to an Immortal or
great spirit, like the Crown of Sigtyr.
The Crown of Sigtyr: A circlet of beaten gold and jewels
fitted around a silver band that belonged to Sigtyr, hero-
king of the Gotts and founder of their kingdom in Gottland.
Inventory: Worn/Head
Great Relics
Great relics are tied to an entire circle of invocations, allowing access
to all invocations in the circle. They tend to be large items, imbued with
millennia of significance and power.
Starting Relics
Theurges begin the game at level 1 with two minor relics, rolled for
randomly in character creation.
Creating Relics
Some relic items are unique—crowns and corpses of Immortals, for
example. Other relic items can be manufactured by the industrious—the
wooden oxen and their yoke or a banner with the Immortal’s image or
rune, for example. Use the proper crafting skill obstacle for the relic’s
creation. Success indicates the theurge or shaman has a new means to
divert the wrath of the Immortals from their bodies.
Burden can be alleviated in camp or town by meditation, cleansing and
sacrifice. Test Theologian with an obstacle equal to your current burden.
4 When at rest in an uncorrupted place, you may make a
Theologian test with an obstacle equal to your current burden.
4 Attempting purification at an uncorrupted shrine or temple
grants +1D to the Theologian test.
4 Purification cannot be attempted during the adventure phase.
4 You cannot help another clear Immortal burden. You’re on
your own spiritual journey here.
4 The test to clear burden costs a check in camp and adds one to
your lifestyle cost in town.
Successful Purification
P If successful, reduce your burden by 1 plus the margin of success.
Unsuccessful Purification
P A failed Theologian test indicates a twist or condition. In the
event of a condition, the current burden is reduced by one.
P A twist indicates that you have earned the ire of your Immortal
patron. Your burden remains until you properly purify yourself and
untangle your destiny.
Invocation Advantage
Many invocations grant additional dice for specific skill tests. If the
recipient lacks the skill in question, they cannot benefit from the
invocation advantage.
Magicians without the fighter skill cannot benefit from
vali’s slaughter prayer until they learn the skill by other
Invocations List
The Immortals of Law decree that you shall find the list of invocations
in the Reference section of this book. What follows is an example
invocation to aid you in making sense of these divine tenets.
Example Invocation
Blessing of the Lord of Labor
The Immortals reach up through the earth and fill the recipient with the
strength of the ox.
This invocation grants +2D advantage to the theurge or an ally within their
reach for Laborer tests when digging, mining and moving earth.
Relic: A pair of wooden toy oxen fitted with a yoke [pack 1]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 2) Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
The Skein of Destiny
A bilities and skills improve during the course of play. On the
character sheet, each skill and ability has a series of bubbles to the
right of it. One row is listed P; the other is listed F. These stand for pass
and fail, respectively.
An ability or skill advances when you pass a number of tests equal to its
current rating and fail a number of tests equal to one less than its rating.
if My character’s Carpenter skill is 3, I need to log three passed
tests and two failed tests to advance it to carpenter 4.
When you’ve met the requirements, the ability or skill increases from
its current rating to the next highest—from 1 to 2, 3 to 4 or whatever’s
appropriate. Advancement happens as soon as the test requirements are
fulfilled—after a roll against an obstacle, after a test in a conflict or after
earning a test from practice.
4 Abilities and skills cannot be advanced beyond 6 unless
otherwise noted.
4 Resources and Circles can be advanced up to rating 10.
Advancing R ating 0
To advance your Circles or Resources from 0 to 1, you need one passed
test using reputation, hometown advantage, cash, loot or treasure dice.
You can only receive help dice once you have some other means.
Advancing R ating 1
Rating 1 abilities and skills only require one passed test to advance.
If I have Fighter 1, I need to pass one test to advance it to
Fighter 2. It’s harder than it looks.
Advancing Nature
Nature advances using the requirements for its maximum rating, not its
current taxed rating.
If my maximum Nature rating is 5, I need five passed tests and
four failed tests to advance.
If you advance Nature when it’s taxed, increase the maximum rating and
the current rating by one each.
If my Nature is 5 but taxed to 3, I still need five passed and
four failed tests to advance. If I do earn those tests and
advance the ability, my ratings increase to Nature 6 maximum
and Nature 4 current.
Obstacle 0 Tests
An obstacle 0 test does not count toward advancement. That means in
a conflict you want to track versus tests for advancement, not tests like
independent Attacks or Feints.
No Converting Tests
Tests may not be converted from passed to failed or vice versa.
If you have 10 passed tests and 1 failed test, you still need to
fill the failed requirement. You need to push your character
harder and try more difficult and daring acts or perhaps
use your traits against yourself.
Dragged Down
P If an ability or skill’s rating is reduced, its tests for advancement at
the current rating are lost.
P Ratings can be reduced by taxing Nature, taxing Resources, a
failed Healer test to treat injury or sickness, gritting your teeth from
injury or sweating out sickness. Also, if you conserve your Nature,
you lose the tests logged toward advancing your current Nature.
Series Tests
Occasionally in play, we have situations
in which you test the same ability
repeatedly—Fighter in a conflict, Circles
in town or Resources in the market, for
4 Any time you roll an ability or
skill multiple times to determine
an outcome, you earn only one
test for advancement.
Disposition Roll
The disposition roll of a conflict does not count toward advancement
since it has no success or failure.
Versus Groups
When making a versus test against a group and some opponents pass
and some fail against the adventurer, the player logs only one test for
advancement and may choose which type, pass or fail.
ealth, skill and luck are good, but they are never enough. As your
adventurer grows more experienced in the life, they unlock their
inner strength, granting them greater stature and influence.
We represent this increase in power through the levels system. Each
character class has 10 levels. Each level grants a special benefit. To
increase your level, you spend the rewards you’ve earned.
When you expend fate or persona points, move them from the Current
Total column to the Total Spent column on your character sheet. Check
your total spent against the requirements for the next level. All classes
have the same requirements:
Once you’ve spent the required amounts and return to town, you level up!
For each level after the first, choose one of the two benefits listed for
your character’s class. Once selected, that benefit is locked in for the life
of the character.
A warrior reaching level 2 chooses between the brawler
and skirmisher benefits.
Level 2
Soft Step: When concealed in or sneaking through underbrush or
scrub, opponents suffer a -1s penalty to detect you.
Abstemious: At any point you choose, you may tighten your belt
and push off your hunger or thirst. Remove the hungry and thirsty
condition, but check off the angry condition.
Level 3
Second Breakfast: You may eat an extra ration of food now to
hedge against hunger later. This extra ration essentially counts as
armor against one future hungry and thirsty condition. Note this
counts only when eating food, not drinking water, wine or whatever.
If you leave town fresh, you automatically begin the adventure phase
with a second breakfast in your belly.
Mathom: When given a gift of gratitude, you may demonstrate
sincere thanks to the giver and automatically recover from one of the
following conditions: hungry and thirsty, angry, afraid or exhausted.
No test or check is required, and recovery happens regardless of
recovery order. This benefit can be used once per person you know.
Gifts must be given in sincerity.
Level 4
Plucky: When angry, you may use your Hidden Depths trait to your
Oft-Overlooked: Halflings are often overlooked by the other peoples
of the world. If your group is captured, you will be left behind. If your
companions are targeted, you will always be picked last. This goes
for finding work, too!
Level 5
Vest Pockets: You’ve learned how to stow a lot in a little space. Take
three additional torso inventory slots. These special slots can hold
only pack 1 items like potions, jewelry and daggers. What have you
got in your pockets?
Clever: Add +1 to your team’s disposition when you are embroiled in
conflicts involving riddles, fleeing or sneaking. You do not have to
lead the conflict to gain this benefit.
Level 6
Companion: One of your friends hears of your exploits and defies
the conservative conventions of the Shire to come join you in the
life on the road—or journeys out to convince you to come to your
senses and come home. Your companion will stick by you and help
you with your default class skills (Cook, Criminal, Fighter, Hunter,
Scout and Scavenger). Add +1D to your roll when your companion
helps. To gain their help in a conflict, you must assign them a point
of disposition. Your companion also has three available inventory
slots and requires a portion of food and water in camp.
Helpful: When acting in service of your goal, you grant +2D when
you help instead of the standard +1D.
Level 7
It Could Be Worse: You may make one test per session as if you
have no conditions (barring dead). This test does not cost a turn or a
check. You may be helped by your companion (as in the L6 benefit)
or other halflings but no others.
Shoulder the Burden: You are a boon to your friends. During the
adventure phase, if one of your friends suffers a condition, you may
take that condition on yourself so that they are spared. If you already
suffer from this condition, you cannot take it on for your friend.
Level 8
Supreme Confidence: Use your level instead of your Will or Nature
rating as the base for disposition for conflicts involving riddling,
sneaking and fleeing.
Friend of the Powerful: Halflings have a knack for charming the
powerful. Upon meeting a neutral or allied potentate, if you put on
charming or respectful airs, you may note the NPC as a friend on
your character sheet. No roll or test is required. This may be done in
any phase and does not cost a turn or a check.
Level 9
Heroic Ability: Choose Will, Scout or Cook. The chosen ability or
skill becomes “heroic.” When rolling, 3-6 indicates a success (rather
than the standard 4-6).
Transformed: Change one Nature descriptor to Cooking, Eating
or Adventuring. You may use this benefit to replace a lost Nature
Level 10
Stalwart: When helping another character and they fail the test, you
may invoke this benefit. Instead of the standard failure procedure,
the result becomes a twist dictating that you step in and make the
test yourself. No other twist or condition is given until after you have
made your test. Your friend cannot help, but your success or failure
counts for both of you. You may use this benefit once per session.
Humble Home: You return home to find you have inherited a fine
home from a long-forgotten distant relative. The home is located
in your hometown and is equivalent to an inn. This turn of events
makes you somewhat of a respectable person. Increase Precedence
by 1. In addition, increase your hometown Resources bonus and
your reputation Circles bonus to +2D.
Level 2
Gifted: You are suffused with raw magical energy. In a time of crisis,
once per session, you may use the Arcanist skill in place of any
skill or ability. However, failure brings an additional twist on top of
the standard result assigned by the game master. The game master
chooses from the magical twists list or invents their own. The result
leaves a permanent effect.
Needful Things: With a gesture of your hand, you can momentarily
turn scraps and debris into tools or useful items for use in a single
skill test. This test costs a turn or check. After the test, the scraps
return to their original state. Test Arcanist with the following factors:
Material + Complexity + Craft
; Wood, bone or fiber (1) ; Simple (0) ; Raw or natural (0)
; Metal, glass (3) ; Mechanical (1) ; Manufactured or refined (1)
Level 3
Receive a scroll containing a new spell from your mentor. The game
master chooses a spell that the magician is capable of casting.
Sorcerer: Add one spell slot to your memory palace.
Bind Familiar: Your familiar emerges from the corner of your vision
and adopts you as its own. You are bound together by fate. Your famil-
iar will act to guide and protect you and can understand simple com-
mands and intentions, but it does not fully understand your language
and thus may interpret your commands to suit its personality. To gain
their help in a conflict, you must assign them a point of disposition.
4 Your familiar begins as a Might 1, Nature 2 animal with three
appropriate Nature descriptors.
4 At level 4, your familiar becomes Might 2, Nature 3.
4 At level 6, it becomes Might 3, Nature 4.
4 At level 8, it becomes Might 4, Nature 5.
4 At level 10, it becomes Might 4, Nature 6.
Familiar Descriptors
Owl Ambushing, Flying, Listening
Magpie Mocking, Flying, Imitating
Snake Slithering, Striking, Hiding
Fox Tricking, Learning, Stalking
Cat Pouncing, Stalking, Climbing
Dog Guarding, Working, Running
The Fylgjur list in the Destined to Die chapter of Middarmark provides a
more extensive list of other possible familiars.
Level 4
Mage Light: Once per phase, you may summon to your hand a pure
light, equivalent to a candle. The light may be transferred to a staff or
crystal. At 5th level, the illumination provided by this benefit increases
to the equivalent of a torch. At 6th level, it increases to the equivalent
of a lantern. At each level thereafter, it provides light and dim light to
one additional character. Conjuring the mage light requires an Ob 3
Arcanist test and it does not cost a turn. The light cannot be doused
by wind or weather. The magician can kindle or extinguish it at will,
but it cannot be ignited if the magician is angry or afraid and will
blink out if those conditions are earned while it is active.
Inhuman Endurance: Ignore exhausted, injured or sick for one
turn per session. If you pass the test or win the conflict for which
you ignored the condition, the condition dissipates. Otherwise, it
reemerges in addition to the twist or condition results from the failure.
Level 5
Receive a scroll containing a new spell from your mentor. The game
master chooses a spell that the magician is capable of casting.
Adept: Add one spell slot to your memory palace.
Apprentice: You have acquired an apprentice to aid you in your
tasks. Your apprentice will stick by you and offers help on Arcanist,
Lore Master, Scholar and Alchemist tests, as well as Will and Health
tests, but not Beginner’s Luck tests (because what can an apprentice
teach a master?). Add +1D to your roll when your apprentice helps.
To gain their help in a conflict, you must assign them a point of
disposition. Your apprentice also has three inventory slots available
and requires a portion of food and water in camp.
Level 6
Magister: If helping another magician with arcana, enchanting, lore
or scholarship, you provide +2D when you help instead of +1D.
Unbridled Power: When casting spells like Swarm, Balefire or
Hammer of Heaven, you are granted +1s. However, such power
cannot be easily contained. If you fail the test to cast or fail a versus
test, you are temporarily afflicted with one of the following:
4 Skin or hair changes color for the remainder of the phase.
4 Eyes crackle with energy. Receive a shock every time you
touch something for 1d6 turns.
4 Your shadow goes on walkabout.
4 Milk curdles and fresh rations rot in your presence.
Level 7
Receive one final scroll containing a new spell from your mentor.
The game master chooses a spell that the magician is capable of casting.
Magus: Add one spell slot to your memory palace.
True Nature Unfolds: Increase your Might by one.
Level 8
Master: Increase your rating cap for Arcanist, Lore Master, Alchemist
or Scholar from 6 to 7. You may advance the chosen skill to rating 7
with six passed tests and five failed tests.
Transformed: Change one Nature descriptor to Creating, Destroying
or Preserving. You may use this benefit to replace a lost Nature
Level 9
Wizard: Add one spell slot to your memory palace.
Heroic Ability: Choose Arcanist, Lore Master, Alchemist, Enchanter,
Scholar or Will. The chosen skill or ability becomes “heroic.” When
rolling, 3-6 indicates a success (rather than the standard 4-6).
Level 10
Ageless: Suffused with aetherial magic, you age imperceptibly and
for all intents will never die from old age. In addition, the magic
sustains you through trials that would fell another being. You
accumulate conditions and their effects but cannot die from the
grind. Poisons have no bite upon your dweomer-decayed form and
may be consumed with impunity.
The Lawbreaker: You may instill life into inanimate matter, be
it once living or forever dead. Choose a target to animate and
test Arcanist. Meeting the obstacle animates it with one Nature
descriptor. Spend margin of success to animate additional creations
(up to a maximum equal to your Will) or to add additional Nature
descriptors. Once animated, the creation will follow your orders,
though each of its actions costs a turn.
Animate Ob M N Descriptors (Pick one)
Clothing 3 1 2 Choking, Covering, Protecting
Tool 3 1 2 Fixing, Hammering, Cutting
Corpse (Aptrgangr) 4 2 2 Consuming, Pursuing
Weapon 4 2 2 Stabbing, Cutting, Lunging
Cart 5 2 3 Hauling, Carrying, Barricading
Skiff 5 2 3 Boating, Carrying, Floating
Tomb Guardian 5 2 3 Pursuing, Slaying the Living
Skeletal Honor Guard 6 3 3 Pursuing, Slaying the Living
Construct 8 4 5 Guarding, Smashing
A magician desires to animate a broom to sweep the floors.
The obstacle is 3 for this simple task. If the magician wished
the broom to fetch water, this increases the obstacle to 4.
Level 2
Hauberk: When wearing chain armor, you reduce the chance that
your armor is damaged when hit (from the usual 1-3 to 1-2 to remain
undamaged). In addition, your chain armor will protect against
weapons that bypass the protection of chain armor.
Shrewd: Dwarves are shrewd hagglers. You may make the Haggler
test during the town phase without raising your lifestyle cost. You
also ignore Precedence requirements when haggling!
Level 3
Hardy Stock: You come from hardy stock. Add
+1D to recover from the sick condition or to
any tests to resist poison or drugs.
Miner: When below ground, you are granted
+1D to your Nature when using your Delving
descriptor to detect deadfalls, pits, unstable
tunnels, collapsing features, bad air, seams,
rock quality, sloping passages and Dwarf-made
Level 4
Greed: You may invoke greed when you earn the angry condition
and have a belief, goal or instinct about an object or person. Greed
grants a free test or conflict to purchase, steal, bargain or murder for
the item or person in question (but you cannot be helped unless your
companions have Greed or an appropriate instinct). If you acquire
the object in question (or murder the person), you receive a free test
to recover from angry or afraid in the next camp or town phase.
Stubborn: You’re always last out of a fight. If your hit points are
depleted to zero but one of your teammates is still in the fight, instead
reduce your hit points to 1 and deduct the remainder of the damage
from another character of your choice. If there is another character
with this benefit, to see who goes out break the tie using this rubric:
higher level, higher Fighter skill, higher Nature, higher Might. If you’re
the same in all respects, you have a doppelgänger. Beware.
Level 5
Cousin: Your cousin forsakes your clan to come join you or ventures
from the clan hold to try to convince you to return home. Your
cousin remains at your side and helps you with your default class
skills (Fighter, Dungeoneer, Armorer, Laborer, Orator and Scout).
Add +1D to your roll when your cousin helps. To gain their help in
a conflict, you must assign them a point of disposition. Your cousin
also has three available inventory slots and requires a portion of food
and water in camp.
Tinker: You have a knack for dwarven craft. Reduce by one the
factors for Building and Mending and Truthtelling in the Peasant
skill and the Repairing factors in the Armorer skill. Minimum
obstacle is 1.
Level 6
Great Endurance: Hunger and thirst have
little effect on you. You do not suffer the
-1 disposition penalty for the hungry
and thirsty condition. In addition, you
cannot be made exhausted as the result
of a failed test or through the grind.
You can be given the condition by an
invocation, spell or curse.
Secret Destiny: In your next haul of loot, you find a dwarven or elven
artifact of rare beauty and strength that was destined for your hands.
4 An incomparable weapon that grants +1D to Fighter in addition
to the weapon’s standard abilities and grants a wise related to a
people, creature or monster.
4 An unbreakable chain hauberk that is damaged only on a roll
of a 1 and causes no weariness penalty (and can be repaired
if broken).
4 A priceless jewel that grants +1s to Haggler, +1s to disposition
for convince conflicts about treasure and is worth 15D of cash
if traded at the market. The gem is worn/neck or worn/hand 1.
Level 7
Troll Slayer: Increase your Might by one when fighting troll type
opponents. Combine this bonus with other bonuses from spells,
invocations and magic weapons.
War Captain: When acting as a hero in an ambush, skirmish or
battle, and leading from the front, you double your hero bonus
to +2s for Attack actions.
Level 8
Make Light of Heavy Burdens: Increase your rating cap for Health
from 6 to 7. You may advance Health to rating 7 with six passed and
five failed tests.
Strength: Use your level instead of your Will or Health rating as the
base for disposition for kill, capture and drive off conflicts.
Level 9
Heroic Ability: Choose Fighter, Health, Orator or Armorer. The
chosen skill or ability becomes “heroic.” When rolling, 3-6 indicates
a success (rather than the standard 4-6).
Transformed: Change one Nature descriptor to Hoarding, Boasting or
Ruling. You may use this benefit to replace a lost Nature descriptor.
Level 10
Made of Sterner Stuff: Increase your Might by one.
The Madness Within: When using greed (as in the level 4 benefit),
all tests count as if they are within your Nature. Also, you may take a
second free test to satisfy your greed.
R anger Level Benefits
Level 1
Ranger: Rangers may wield bows, swords, spears and daggers, wear
leather and chain armor and wear helmets. Rangers grant +1 to
camp event rolls in the wilderness.
Level 2
Born Under Silver Stars: Elves were born before the sun, thus they
learn to orient themselves by the moon and stars: You are granted
+1D to Pathfinder, Navigator and Sailor tests.
Essence of the Earth: Elves are woven from supple strands of the
Skein of Destiny. They are granted +1D to recover from exhaustion.
Level 3
Remember the Ancient Forms: You may use your Remembering
Nature when repairing or rebuilding an item or structure. The test must
relate to your parents’ or mentor’s skill or the skills of your hometown.
Song of Soothing: You may use your Singing or Enchanting Nature
to perform ancient spells of healing. Use the Healer factors.
Level 4
Fearless: Some elves know no fear. When the game master assigns
you the afraid condition, you do not mark it. However, if you earn
afraid through the grind, you suffer the effects of the condition as
per the standard rules.
Athelas: You have been taught powerful wards against disease and
poison. You do not need to spend a check in camp or add to your
lifestyle cost in town to make a test to recover from sickness.
Level 5
Burning Bright: Reveal thine terrifying true inner spirit. Once per
session, use Singing or Enchanting Nature to instill fear in your
opponents. To set the obstacle, total the Might of the creatures the
ranger wishes to target up to a total value equal to Might plus one.
If the ranger passes the test, their targets are made afraid and must
retreat or cower before them. If they wish to affect a conflict, use this
benefit before rolling for disposition. Burning Bright does not cost a
turn to perform.
Master of Dreams: You may use your Singing or Enchanting Nature
to weave a soothing somnific strain and put all who hear it into a
deep slumber. To set the obstacle, total the Might of the creatures
the ranger wishes to target. They can target a total value equal
to twice their Might—but cannot affect any target whose Might is
greater than their own. Success indicates the victims fall into a deep
sleep to be awakened only after some hours of rest or if shaken
violently. This benefit requires one turn to perform and may not be
done while fighting or in other chaotic circumstances. It must be
performed quietly or from a secret place from which the victim can
hear the soft strains of the song.
Level 6
Prescience: The past becomes the future. Once per phase in a kill,
capture, drive off or battle conflict, you may swap out one of your
unrevealed actions for a different action. You may do so at any point
in the round before the opponent has revealed their opposing action.
Grief: The toll of an immortal life manifests itself as a deep well of
grief within the elf. Use your level as the base disposition (instead
of your Will or Health rating) when engaged in conflicts involving
tragedy, loss or grief. In addition, if you write a belief or goal
regarding tragedy, loss or grief, all tests in service of assuaging your
grieving heart are considered to be within your Nature—even if your
broken heart pushes you beyond the bounds of reason.
Level 7
Elven Steed: You are adopted by a loyal elven steed with Nature 7
and the descriptors of Galloping, Guiding and Defending.
4 She has the weapons: Sleek form: +1D Maneuver in kill,
capture, drive off, flee and pursue conflicts; and Sharp hooves:
+1s Attack in drive off conflicts.
4 She is trained for war and riding as per the Rider rules.
4 She is Might 4, but she also has a special quality that increases
her rider’s Might by 1 in kill, capture, drive off and flee/pursue
conflicts if her rider’s Might is equal to or greater than hers.
4 When in the wild, you may summon your steed with an Ob 3
Singing Nature test. This test costs a turn.
Shrug It Off: Pain means little to you. You may remove the injured
condition once per adventure. No roll is necessary. You can do this
any time before you seek help from a healer. However, once you get
help from a healer for an injury, you must abide by the regular rules
for that injury.
Level 8
Sons and Daughters of Arda: Increase your Might by one. Increase
your Might by an additional one when using grief (the level 6 benefit).
Transformed: Change one Nature descriptor to Avenging, Perceiving
or Judging. You may use this level benefit to replace a lost Nature
Level 9
Heroic Ability: Choose Scout, Nature, Health or Survivalist. The
chosen skill or ability becomes “heroic.” When rolling this skill or
ability, 3-6 indicates a success (rather than the standard 4-6).
Voice of Ages: Speak with the chthonic spirits of rock, tree, stream
and field. You may ask a spirit’s name and provenance; you may
ask what it contains or once held; and you may ask it to perform
a service—guide your path, open the way, provide water, hinder
opponents, etc. Test your Will versus the spirit’s Nature:
4 Stone — Nature 3 4 Pond — Nature 6
4 Tree — Nature 4 4 Hill — Nature 7
4 Stream or cave — Nature 5 4 River — Nature 8
Level 10
Maze of Mists and Shadows: You know a powerful spell song that
weaves a fence of mists and shadows around a patch of land, forest
or even a city. Casting this spell song requires an Ob 4 Nature test
during the town phase. You see all who enter the maze of mists and
shadows. Once alerted to the presence of an interloper, you may
grant them permission to pass through the mists without incident
or you may force them to test: To pass through the concealed area,
a creature or character must succeed at a Nature test against an
obstacle equal to your max Nature rating. Failure indicates they’ve
been led astray—or can enter but with the exhausted or afraid
condition (your choice). Characters or creatures with a Might greater
than yours may pass through the Maze of Mists and Shadows against
your will without being affected by it. This forced entry breaks the
Dream Vision: Summoning the pure spirit of your true nature, you
can see impossible distances, hidden auras, truth behind lies or even
project a vision into the mind of another. Test your Will against the
Immortal Vision Factors In Dreams Factors
; See impossible distances (2) ; Remembering an event
; See an aura (3) experienced by another (2)
; Detect truth and lies (4) ; Recovering from all conditions (4)
; See a future event (5) ; Retrieving a lost object (4)
; Breaking a curse (5)
Level 2
Militant: You may use one additional weapon type (any except bows
or crossbows), and you can wear helmets and use any type of armor.
Vow to the Lords of Justice: The Immortals of Law and Justice have
cursed you with a sight that penetrates the heart. Once per phase,
you may make a Will test versus a target’s Nature. If successful, the
game master reveals one of the following: creed, a trait or the last evil
deed committed by the target. This test does not cost a turn.
Level 3
The Immortals bestow upon you a minor relic
tied to an invocation whose circle is equal to
your Urðr (game master’s choice).
Acolyte: Increase your Urðr by one.
Vow to the Lords of Healing and Fire: By
laying hands on the sick or exhausted, you
grant the unfortunate soul a free recovery
test for the sick or exhausted conditions.
The power can be used once per camp
or town phase. Conditions must be
alleviated according to the recovery rules.
Level 4
Vow to the Lords of Light and Darkness: With a supplication to the
Lords of Light and Dark, you cause your weapon to glow with a holy
dweomer. The glow provides light equivalent to a torch and lasts for
three turns. At 6th level this benefit acts as a lantern for the phase.
You may extinguish the light when you so desire, but it will also fail if
your faith, resolve or vows waiver. You may use this benefit once per
adventure phase.
Feared in Hell: If made afraid, you may make an Ob 3 Will test to
channel your fear into anger. If successful, change the afraid condition
to angry. This test does not cost a turn and may be done in any
phase once per session (and you may only make this attempt once
per condition). You may not engage this benefit if already angry. If
a spirit, demon or undead creature witnesses your transformation,
they must pass an Ob 3 Nature test or flee from your presence.
Level 5
The Immortals bestow upon you a minor relic tied to an invocation
whose circle is equal to your Urðr (game master’s choice).
Exorcist: Increase your Urðr by one.
Immortal Incarnation: Your Immortal patrons grant you a mount
and companion of immense power. Choose an appropriate form:
warhorse, reindeer, great wolf or great boar. Your mount has a
Nature 6 and Might 4. The creature’s Nature/Might will increase to
7/5 at 8th level.
Incarnation Rules
4 The creature will aid you in tests related to its Nature descriptors.
4 The mount is considered trained for war and riding. When
traveling, riding the creature reduces its toll by one.
4 Should you ever be left for dead, or otherwise incapacitated,
the creature will return you to your home.
4 To gain its help in a conflict, you must grant your Immortal
incarnation a point of disposition.
4 It can carry four inventory slots if outfitted with a harness.
4 It does not require food from you.
4 It will not travel into places it doesn’t belong: dungeons,
oceans, deserts, etc. Though it will await your return at the
entrance or on the shore.
Level 6
Righteous Fury: When angry and contesting with the forces of
darkness and chaos, you are granted +1s to Attack and Feint in
conflicts. In addition, your anger acts as inspiration for others. When
you are made angry, any characters who are in your presence and
afraid (or who would be made afraid by the same test) may test to
recover immediately. This does not cost a turn and may be done in
any phase, but must abide by the standard recovery order rules.
Increate: The imprimatur of the Immortals resonates through you.
Increase your Precedence by 1. Add +1 to camp events rolls in ruins
and near town. And add +1 to town events rolls for settlements
allied with you and subtract -1 for those opposed to you. Allied and
opposed towns include:
4 Towns in which you hold a holy office in good standing at a
well regarded temple
4 Towns in which your parent, friend or mentor in high ranking
position at a temple, guild or in leadership.
4 Towns in which a cult has formed around you.
4 Towns opposed to you include those who denounce your
temple or cult or from which you have been banned or exiled.
Level 7
The Immortals bestow upon you a named relic tied to an invocation
whose circle is equal to your Urðr (game master’s choice).
Grand Master: Increase your Urðr by one.
Demonslayer: Increase your Might by one when contesting with
spirit, demon or undead type creatures.
Level 8
Immortal Armor: Absorb one point of damage from spells,
invocations, demons, spirits and undead (even when not targeted
directly). In addition, demons, spirits and the undead suffer -1s to all
actions directed against you. You may combine this benefit with
other bonuses conferred by spells, invocations and magical armor.
Vow to the Lady of Battle: Increase your rating cap for Fighter,
Commander, Ritualist or Theologian from 6 to 7. You may advance
the chosen skill to rating 7 with six passed tests and five failed tests.
Level 9
Heroic Ability: Choose Commander, Fighter, Ritualist or
Theologian. The chosen skill becomes “heroic.” When rolling this
skill, 3-6 indicates a success (rather than the standard 4-6).
Transformed: Change a Nature descriptor to one of the following:
Questing, Judging or Slaying. You may use this benefit to replace
a lost Nature descriptor.
Level 10
Cult: Your deeds rise to the level of legend. A cult forms around your
living, holy works. Increase your Precedence by one. Found a temple
to your cult in a settlement of your choice and add it as a location to
that town. Roll on the guild table to determine its founding members.
The temple acts as a home for you and your followers. When you
visit your temple, you may recruit 2d6 cultists to accompany you.
You may also use your Circles ability to add members to your cult.
Take a +1D Circles bonus when using the ability within your cult.
Cult members will undertake independent action for you or follow
you, carrying your entire inventory. Cultists must be fed. Cultists
come with gear appropriate to their guild or, if found with Circles,
as appropriate to their class or station. In combat, cultists act as
minions. If they are assigned hit points, you may use the Boss Monster
rule for yourself (see the Denizens chapter of the Scholar’s Guide).
Holy Avenger: Your weapon becomes imbued with your power and
fury. Name your weapon and, so long as you wield it, it grants +1D
to all Fighter and Orator tests and increases your Might by one.
So long as you carry the holy avenger, you cannot be made afraid.
Upon your death, if the weapon is interred with you (and left for a
suitable period), it retains its magic. It can only be wielded by a group
you designate—requiring a certain Nature descriptor, trait, belief or
creed of your choice. If grasped by any other, the holy avenger burns
their hand, injuring them and forcing them to drop the weapon.
Warrior Level Benefits
Level 1
Warrior: Warriors may wield any weapon and wear any armor, wear
helmets and use shields. When in camp, warriors may keep watch
and lead the effort to prevent a disaster for free provided they have
no conditions (except fresh).
Level 2
Brawler: When you are unarmed in a fight, you do not suffer the -1D
penalty to all actions. If disarmed in an ongoing kill, capture or drive
off conflict, you automatically switch to your bare hands and do not
count as disarmed. Bare hands do not provide a bonus to any actions.
Skirmisher: When you’re wearing leather armor, roll an additional
die to deflect a blow. If either die comes up a success for the armor
type, you absorb one point of damage.
Level 3
Cool Headed: Your veins are ice. When the game master assigns
the angry condition, you do not mark it. However, if you earn the
condition through the grind, you still become angry and suffer its
effects as per the standard rules.
Endurance: You’ve suffered much hardship and it has given you a
certain toughness. Endurance grants +1D to recover from injury.
Level 4
Stubborn: You’re always last out of a fight. If your hit points are
depleted to zero but one of your teammates is still in the fight, instead
reduce your hit points to 1 and deduct the remainder of the damage
from another character of your choice. If there is another character
with this benefit, to see who goes out break the tie using this rubric:
higher level, higher Fighter skill, higher Nature, higher Might. If you’re
the same in all respects, you have a doppelgänger. Beware.
Duelist: When using a sword, between rounds you may reassign the
action type (Attack, Defend, Feint or Maneuver) it benefits. Also,
a shield, dagger or hand axe carried in your off hand grants +1D
to Defend against hand-to-hand weapons in addition to your main
weapon’s quality for this conflict action.
Level 5
Squire: A hopeful young warrior-in-training swears their service to
you. Your squire stands by you and help you with Fighter, Hunter,
Commander, Rider and Mentor tests. Add +1D to your roll when
your squire helps. To gain their help in a conflict, you must assign
them a point of disposition. Your squire also has three available
inventory slots and requires a portion of food and water in camp.
Agile: In fights and battles, your help grants +2D instead of the
standard +1D.
Level 6
Shrug It Off: You have suffered many slings and arrows and are
numb to the mortal coil. Once per adventure, you may remove the
injured condition. No roll is necessary. You can do this any time
before you seek help from a healer. However, once you get help
from a healer, you must abide by the standard rules for that injury.
War Captain: When acting as a hero in an ambush, skirmish or
battle, and leading from the front, you double your hero bonus to
+2s for Attack actions.
Level 7
Focus: Your steely focus is legendary. Choose one action type:
Attack, Defend, Feint or Maneuver. For kill, drive off, ambush,
skirmish and battle conflicts, you gain +1s to that action type. The
focus benefit combines with other bonuses from weapons, spells,
invocations, armor, etc.
Expert: Increase your rating cap for Fighter, Commander or
Strategist from 6 to 7. Choose two. You may advance these ratings
to 7 with six passed tests and five failed tests.
Level 8
Giant Slayer: Increase your Might by one when you are the conflict
captain. Combine this bonus with other bonuses from spells,
invocations and magical items.
Veteran: Your experience makes you a wily opponent. Use your level
instead of your Will or Health rating as your base disposition for kill,
capture and drive off conflicts.
Level 9
Heroic Ability: Choose Fighter, Health, Commander or Survivalist.
The chosen ability or skill becomes “heroic.” When rolling the heroic
ability or skill, a 3-6 indicates success (rather than the standard 4-6).
Transformed: Change one Nature descriptor to Fighting, Drinking or
Looting. You may use this benefit to replace a lost Nature descriptor.
Level 10
Presence: When you’re in a kill, drive off or battle conflict, your side
gets +2 to disposition in addition to whatever is rolled. You do not
need to lead the conflict.
Fame and Glory: Tales of your deeds resound throughout the lands.
Increase your Precedence by 1. Your Circles becomes heroic when
looking for warriors and persons of quality to add to your retinue
(when rolling, 3-6 indicates success rather than the standard 4-6). In
addition, 2d3×10 soldiers flock to your banner, eager to act as your
honor guard and share in your glory. Their ranks swell during each
respite. Roll 1d6. On a 4-6, 10 more soldiers join your cause.
T o best express the life that adventurers lead in the world of
Torchbearer, we created six characters to represent our classes:
Karolina, Beren, Taika, Gerald, Varg and Ulrik. You’ll see them
represented in illustrations throughout our books. This chapter gives you
a bit of backstory for each, plus their level 1 stats and abilities. If you’re
looking to quickly dive into Torchbearer, your best bet is to allow your
players to pick an iconic, copy them to character sheets and jump into
the Dread Crypt of Skogenby found in the Scholar’s Guide.
Karolina is an orphaned human warrior of 19. She wears a bearskin
cloak that was a gift from her mentor, Gudrun, a 7th-level warrior. She
might have fallen in with a band of ne’er-do-wells, but Karolina still
cares for them and uses her martial skill to protect them. Karolina is a
hunter and ensures her friends stay fed when they’re out in the wilds.
Beren of Carcaroth is a dwarf outcast of 51 years young. He was outcast
with his parents when they broke an oath. Now, he’s convinced that
treasure and its pursuit is the only thing that still matters in his life,
though he’s developed a soft spot for Karolina, who he tries to protect
Iconic Characters
despite the fact she’s as tough as he is. Beren is very proud of his sky
blue hood. He is keen at sniffing out lies and intimidating those seeking
to prey on his friends.
Taika is an elf ranger of 73 years old. She’s run away from her people,
who she thinks spend too much time focused on what was rather than
embracing the world that is. Even so, she wears a green tunic that
reminds her of home. While considered fiery and impulsive among the
elves, Taika often urges her companions to consider all the possibilities
before settling on a course of action. Her sharp eyes help her spy out
ambushes and spot traps before her friends can blunder into them.
Gerald is a halfling burglar. He’s out to see the world and sees no harm
in taking from the rich and self-satisfied to provide himself with a bit
of comfort in these trying times. He’s an excellent cook and source of
cheer to his friends when things seem overwhelming. Gerald is never
without his fluffy, bright red scarf.
Varg is a human magician of 21. He’s not much of a combatant himself,
but he has a sound mind for tactics and coordinating his comrades in
a scrape. There’s little Varg would shy from doing if it increased his
knowledge and power, and he’s the vengeful sort. If someone crosses
him, he won’t rest until they’ve gotten theirs. Varg specializes in
cartography, ensuring that he always knows where he and his friends
are—or at least he can figure it out… eventually. Varg is never seen
without his purple cloak covered in arcane sigils.
Finally, there’s Ulrik, a human theurge. Ulrik grew up hard as a street
urchin. The Immortals and spirits whisper to him constantly, and his
strangeness didn’t win him many friends, even among the beggars
and criminals. His moral compass may be a little lacking, but Ulrik is a
healer who makes sure his friends stay in fighting trim. After growing up
wearing rags, Ulrik has come to adore fine clothes, especially the golden
pantaloons he robbed from a drunken merchant before fleeing town for
his first adventure.
K arolina
Stock Human Class Warrior
Age 19 Level 1
Nature 3 Resources 0
Will 4 Circles 4
Health 4 Might 3
Satchel Slots
Iconic Characters
Beren of Carcaroth
Stock Dwarf Class Outcast
Age 51 Level 1
Nature 5 Resources 0
Will 3 Circles 3
Health 5 Might 3
Backpack Slots
BP 3 Rope BP 4 (Rope)
Iconic Characters
Stock Elf Class Ranger
Age 73 Level 1
Nature 4 Resources 0
Will 4 Circles 4
Health 4 Might 3
Head — Neck —
Satchel Slots
Sa 3 Large sack
Iconic Characters
Stock Halfling Class Burglar
Age 30 Level 1
Nature 6 Resources 0
Will 5 Circles 4
Health 3 Might 3
Hand — Hand —
Backpack Slots
BP 3 Rope BP 4 (Rope)
Iconic Characters
Stock Human Class Magician
Nature 4 Resources 0
Will 5 Circles 4
Health 3 Might 3
Head — Neck —
Backpack Slots
Iconic Characters
Nature Answers
Quietly prepare, listen to the
wisdom of the elder ones, flee
and hide
Stock Human Class Theurge
Nature 5 Resources 0
Will 3 Circles 4
Health 5 Might 3
Wises Trap-wise
Backpack Slots
Iconic Characters
ear. There’s never enough when you need it. Without it, you’re lost.
This chapter provides rules for gear including cost, inventory and
special modifiers.
Basic Gear List
Item Cost Inventory Slots
Hammer Ob 2 carried 1 or pack 1
Iron spikes Ob 1 pack 1 for six spikes
Mirror Ob 4 carried 1 or pack 1
Pole, 10 foot Ob 1 carried 2
Rope Ob 2 worn/torso 1 or pack 2
Thieves’ tools Ob 4 pack 1
Tinderbox Ob 1 pack 1
Rations, fresh Ob 1 pack 1, for two portions
Rations, preserved Ob 2 pack 1, for three portions
Water free skin/bottle/jug 1
Wine Ob 1 skin/bottle/jug 1
Candles Ob 1 carried 1 or pack 1 for four candles
Lantern Ob 3 carried 1 or pack 2
Torches Ob 2 carried 1 or pack 1 for four torches
Holy water flasks Ob 3 carried 1 or pack 1 for three flasks
Sacramentals Ob 1+ worn/hand, worn/neck or pack 1
Spell book Ob 4 pack 2
Spell materials Ob 1+ worn/hand, worn/neck or pack 1
Stakes and mallet Ob 2 pack 1 for three stakes and the mallet
Wolfsbane Ob 2 pack 1
Writing Kit Ob 3 —
Battle axe Ob 3 carried 1; wielded 2
Bow Ob 3 quiver 1 (in quiver) or carried 1; wielded 2
Crossbow Ob 4 carried 2 and belt 1; wielded 2
Dagger Ob 1 carried 1 or belt 1; wielded 1
Flail Ob 2 carried 1; wielded 1
Great sword Ob 3 carried 1; wielded 2
Halberd Ob 3 carried 1; wielded 2
Hand axe Ob 1 belt 1, pack 2, carried 1; wielded 1
Mace Ob 2 carried 1, belt 1; wielded 1
Polearm Ob 3 carried 1; wielded 2
Shield Ob 1 carried 1 or worn/torso 1; wielded 1
Sling Ob 1 pouch 1; wielded 1
Spear Ob 1 carried 1; wielded 1
Staff Ob 1 carried 1; wielded 2
Sword Ob 3 carried 1, belt 1; wielded 1
Warhammer Ob 3 carried 1; wielded 2
The cost for each item is the Resources obstacle to purchase it in the
market in town.
In general, all gear is available in all towns, but the game master can limit
specific items. For example, plate armor and crossbows might be limited
to bigger, richer settlements.
Gear Descriptions
Armor obeys the following general rules:
4 A rmor absorbs one point of damage.
4 Armor benefits kill, capture and drive off conflicts only.
4 Armor absorbs damage only when you are directly targeted—
when you are leading an action in a conflict and the other side
does damage to you.
4 Armor cannot absorb damage after it is damaged.
Chain armor
P Chain armor absorbs one point of damage.
P After absorbing a point of damage, roll 1d6: on a 1-3, the armor
is damaged and provides no further benefit. On a 4-6, the armor
is intact.
P Maces and warhammers bypass chain armor’s protection, but
if you’re hit with one you must still check for damage. Damaged
armor may be repaired.
P Helmets absorb one point of damage.
P Once you use your helmet to absorb damage,
it is lost, damaged or destroyed at the game
master’s discretion. You can repair helmets
with the Armorer skill (and find them with
Leather armor
P Leather isn’t as reliable as chain and plate, but it’s more durable.
When you take damage, roll 1d6. On a 4-6, your leather armor
absorbs one point of damage. On a 1-3, it does not absorb damage.
You can only make this roll once per fight, but the armor is not
damaged or destroyed by absorbing hits.
P Spears, bolts and arrows bypass leather armor’s protection.
Plate armor
P Plate armor absorbs one point of damage.
P After absorbing damage, roll 1d6: On a 1-2, the armor is
damaged. On a 3-6, the armor is still usable. Against maces or
warhammers, plate is damaged on a 1-3 (and undamaged on a 4-6).
Damaged armor may be repaired.
Your character wears an outfit of your choosing. The most prominent
aspects of their outfits are described by their raiment.
4 Basic clothing and raiment use no inventory slots.
4 You return from adventures filthy and ragged, but maintaining
basic clothing and raiment is considered part of your lifestyle cost.
4 Raiment has only sentimental value to its owner, not resale or
trade value.
P A belt is standard gear for all adventurers, but should one wear
out, get stolen or be lost in a life-saving procedure, replacements
are available.
P Belts have three slots for pack 1 items, but they cannot be used to
carry bundled items like torches, candles, spikes, etc.
P A cloak grants +1D to Survivalist or Health tests related to staying
warm or keeping dry, including recovery tests.
P Fine clothes are required for dealing with nobility or guild masters
in town. Unsoiled finery grants its wearer +1 Precedence.
P Shoes are great for walking across gravel and glass.
Containers are used to hold other items, like torches, food or water.
P A backpack contains six slots. Wearing a backpack counts as a
factor in Fighter and Dungeoneer tests.
P A bottle holds two draughts of water or wine.
P A jug holds three draughts of water or wine.
Pouch, belt
P A pouch contains one slot for pack items. It can be worn on the
belt or tossed in your pack.
P A quiver holds your bow along with your arrows. Quivers can also
hold bolts, but not a crossbow.
Sack, large
P A large sack contains six inventory slots but requires two hands to
carry. If empty, it takes up one slot in your pack or hand.
Sack, small
P A small sack contains two inventory slots. Small sacks come in
pairs and two sacks can be packed into one slot.
P Don’t be confused by the inventory sheet. You don’t get free
sacks. You must pack them empty in your pack and then carry
them home full. If you don’t pack them, you don’t have them.
P A satchel contains three inventory slots
and is worn over the shoulder. Wearing
two satchels is the equivalent of wearing a
backpack and imposes the same penalties.
P Your waterskin holds one draught of water
or wine.
Flasks of oil
P Lanterns use flasks of oil as fuel. Cost and inventory is for two
flasks of oil. A flask of oil will fuel a lantern for three turns. See the
Lantern entry.
P Garlic acts as supplies for cooking.
Grappling hook
P A grappling hook (when used with rope) grants +1D to
Dungeoneer tests involving climbing.
P A hammer is used to drive iron spikes into hard surfaces, among
other uses.
Iron spikes
P Iron spikes grant +1D to tests involving wedging doors open or
closed, climbing, anchoring ropes or prying things loose. Cost and
inventory is for six spikes. When used, roll 1d6-1 for the number of
spikes lost, bent, broken or stuck in the process.
P A mirror is useful for reflecting, signaling or even peeking around
a corner. It also grants +1s to successful Maneuver actions in a
conflict against a monster with a gaze weapon.
Pole, 10’
P A pole can be used as gear for detecting traps, climbing,
measuring distances or rigging sails or tents. It can be used as
supplies for building shelter.
P Rope comes in 50-foot coils. It is incredibly useful and can be
used in situations involving climbing, linking your group together
for a hike in the fog, tying down unruly captives and even starting
Thieves’ tools
P Thieves’ tools grant +1D to Criminal tests to pick locks and to
Sapper tests to disarm traps.
P A tinderbox allows your character to light a fire without making a
test under normal conditions. It also grants +1D to Survivalist tests
to start a fire in bad conditions.
Rations, fresh
P Fresh rations are good eatin’. Cost and inventory is for enough
food for two meals. A portion of fresh rations can also easily be
stretched by a cook to provide meals for the whole crew.
Rations, preserved
P Pickled, salted, brined, dried or smoked, preserved rations can be
an acquired taste. Cost and inventory is for enough food for three
P One draught of water alleviates the hungry and thirsty condition.
Requires a container like a skin, bottle or jug.
P When drunk, one draught of wine either eliminates the hungry
and thirsty condition or grants +1D to recover from angry or afraid.
Requires a container like a skin, bottle or jug.
Light Sources
The light rules are detailed in the Grind chapter of the Scholar’s Guide.
P A candle provides light for one character for four turns. Cost and
inventory is for four candles.
P A lantern provides light for three characters for three turns.
Lanterns require oil for fuel. The oil must be acquired or purchased
separately. See the entry for flasks of oil.
P A torch provides light for two characters for two turns. Cost and
inventory is for four torches. In a pinch, a torch can also be used as
a weapon.
Magical and Religious Equipment
Holy water
P Holy water can be used as a weapon against the undead—it
grants +1s to Attack and Feint actions in kill, capture and drive
off conflicts. Each Attack or Feint consumes one vial. Cost and
inventory is for three carefully packed vials of holy water.
P Each invocation requires specific sacramentals. Proper
sacramentals grant +1D to perform that particular invocation. They
are expended when used and must be bought per invocation. Cost
is equivalent to the circle of the invocation.
Spell book
P A spell book contains five folios for spells. Spells require a
number of folios equal to their circle. Spell books allow magicians
to memorize a limited selection of spells while on the road.
Spell materials
P Spell casting can be augmented with materials. Each spell has
specific materials which grant +1D to cast that particular spell. They
are expended when used. Cost is equivalent to the circle of the spell.
P A sprig of wolfsbane grants +1D to tests involving driving off
lycanthropes. It must be inflicted on the offending creature
somehow, as it does not provide passive protection.
Writing kit
P Characters who begin with the Scholar skill possess a writing
kit as part of their overall gear. Blank scrolls are considered part
of your Scholar skill equipment and don’t have to be purchased
separately. This entry exists should you lose that kit and need to
repurchase it. Written scrolls are pack 1.
Weapons are described in terms of how they affect your actions in kill,
capture and drive off conflicts. Each is listed with the bonus or penalty
for Attack, Defend, Feint and Maneuver conflict actions. Conflict actions
are defined in the Conflict chapter of the Scholar’s Guide.
4 Outside of a conflict, a weapon counts as gear for Fighter tests
and grants +1D. Other notes or special abilities are listed with
each weapon.
Battle axe
P A battle axe is a deadly two-handed weapon that grants +1s to
Attack but suffers -1D to Defend.
P Bows grants +2D to Maneuver and once per conflict you may
count Attack against Attack as a versus test, not independent. Also,
bows bypass the protection of leather armor.
P Bows cannot be used once the wielder is engaged in hand-to-
hand combat with an opponent.
P Purchasing a bow includes a quiver and arrows. When not
wielded or carried, a bow is kept in its quiver. While we don’t track
ammunition in Torchbearer, it does occupy an inventory slot (in the
quiver), and it can be lost through a twist.
P A crossbow grants +1s to Attack, +1D to Maneuver and an
additional +1D to Attack against Defend. Crossbows bypass the
protection of leather armor.
P A crossbow cannot be used once the wielder is engaged in hand-
to-hand combat except as an improvised weapon.
P Crossbows are carried 2 and wielded 2. In addition, they require
a belt slot for their quiver of ammunition. While we don’t track
ammunition in Torchbearer, it does occupy an inventory slot (in the
quiver), and it can be lost through a twist.
Weapon A D F M Special Inventory
Battle axe +1s -1D — — — carried 1; wielded 2
Bow — — — +2D Versus Attack once per conflict. carried 1, quiver 1 (in
Bypasses leather armor. quiver); wielded 2
Crossbow +1s* — — +1D *+1D bonus to Attack carried 2 and belt 1;
against Defend actions. wielded 2
Bypasses leather armor.
Dagger — — — — Successful Maneuver counts carried 1, belt 1, worn 1
as disarm against spear-type (neck or torso); wielded 1
and missile weapons.
Flail +1s -1s +1D -1s — carried 1; wielded 1
Great sword — — — +1D Prevents your opponent from carried 1; wielded 2
receiving help to Attack or
Defend on this action.
Halberd +1D — -1D +1D — carried 1; wielded 2
Hand axe — — — — May be thrown once per carried 1, pack 2, belt 1;
fight to change Attack to wielded 1
Mace — — — — Bypasses chain. Increases carried 1 or belt 1;
chance of damage to plate. wielded 1
Polearm * +1D* * * *+1D against swords, maces carried 1; wielded 2
and axes.
Shield — +2D — — Can be used to absorb one carried 1 or worn/torso 1;
point of damage once. Is wielded 1
then destroyed.
Sling — — — +2D Bonus does not count pouch 1; wielded 1
against bows or crossbows.
Spear — † — +1D Can be thrown. Bypasses carried 1; wielded 1
leather armor. †+1D to
Defend in narrow corridors.
Staff — +1D — — Grants +1D to hiking and carried 1; wielded 2
Sword — — — — Grants +1D to any action. carried 1 or belt 1; wielded 1
Bonus sticks to that action
for the remainder of the
Warhammer +1D -1D — — Bypasses chain. Increases carried 1; wielded 2
chance of damage to plate.
P A successful Maneuver with a dagger counts as disarm against
an opponent wielding a spear, polearm, halberd, sling, bow or
crossbow. You get in close and force them to use another tactic.
You may spend your Maneuver margin of success on other effects.
P The fearsome flail grants +1s to Attack and +1D to Feint but
suffers a -1s penalty to Defend and Maneuver actions.
Great Sword
P This massive weapon is used more like a polearm than a sword: It
grants +1D to Maneuver and prevents an opponent from benefiting
from help when Attacking or Defending against its wielder.
P The halberd is a heavy polearm, good for carving up enemies or
keeping them at bay. That said, they’re a bit clumsy. It grants +1D
to Attack and Maneuver but suffers a -1D penalty to Feint actions.
Hand axe
P A hand axe may be used as a melee weapon. It grants no bonus
and suffers no penalty.
P However, a hand axe may be thrown on any action once per
fight. Throwing a hand axe turns an independent test into a versus
test except against an opponent wielding a bow, crossbow or sling.
After you throw your hand axe, you count as disarmed until you
equip another weapon between rounds.
P The mace crushes chain armor, bypassing its protection. Maces
also increase the likelihood that plate armor is damaged.
P The polearm is the weapon of choice for peasants everywhere. It
grants +1D to Defend and +1D to all actions against swords, maces
and axes. These bonuses stack!
P A shield grants +2D to the Defend action. In order to use a shield,
you must equip it as you would any other weapon between rounds
in a fight.
P You can also use your shield to absorb one point of damage once.
If used to absorb damage, the shield is destroyed.
P Shields are cumbersome. Lugging one around can cause
weariness and increase the obstacle to recover from exhaustion.
P With room to swing, a sling allows you to propel rocks with
velocity and accuracy. A sling grants +2D to Maneuver except
against an opponent wielding a bow or crossbow.
P You keep your sling in a pouch along with small rocks for
ammunition. In Torchbearer, we don’t track ammunition, but it
occupies an inventory slot and can be lost through a twist.
P A spear grants +1D to Maneuver. In narrow corridors or tight
confines, a spear also grants +1D to Defend. Spears bypass leather
armor’s protection.
P In open quarters, a spear can be thrown. Throwing a spear turns
an independent Attack action into a versus Attack except against
an opponent wielding a bow, crossbow or sling. After you throw
your spear, you count as disarmed until you equip another weapon
between rounds.
P A staff grants +1D to Defend. It also grants +1D to tests involving
hiking or climbing when carried.
P A sword grants +1D to one action type (Attack, Defend, Feint or
Maneuver). Once chosen, the bonus sticks to that action type for
the remainder of the conflict.
P A warhammer grants +1D to Attack but suffers -1D to
Defend. The warhammers also bypasses the protection of
chain armor and increases the likelihood that plate armor
is damaged.
Skill List
Alchemists are learned souls who use hermetic knowledge to create tinctures,
balms, acids, transmutations and incendiaries.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Lore Master, Laborer
Supplies: Herbs, roots, blood, bones
Gear: Formulæ
Impose Condition + Duration
; Afraid (1) ; One test (0)
; Angry (2) ; Effect lasts until recovered (1)
; Exhausted (3)
; Sick (4)
Remove Condition + Duration of Relief
; Afraid (1) ; One test (0)
; Angry (2) ; Elixir/salve counts as successful recovery (1)
; Exhausted (3)
Process + Duration of Effect
; Purify with fire (1) ; One test (0)
; Distill liquid or make dye (2) ; One turn (1)
; Magnetize or crystallize (3) ; Phase (3)
Substance + Charges + Effect
; Flash powder, smoke ; One test (0) ; +1D to skill test (1)
pot or firework (1) ; Charges equal to skill ; +1s weapon (choose
; Incendiary (2) rating (1) action type) (2)
; Explosive (3) ; +1 Might (3)
Arcanists command the elements and shape raw aether. Combined with a
magician’s training, this skill allows one to manipulate mystical energies. Use
Arcanist to cast spells and to perform actions in certain conflicts.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Lore Master
Supplies: Each spell is listed with its specific spell materials
; Rules for casting spells are found in the Arcana chapter. The obstacles for
individual spells are found in their respective entries in the Spells chapter.
Armorers forge armor and weapons for adventurers, knights and other
soldiers. Use this skill to craft new weapons and repair damaged armor.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Smith, Laborer
Supplies: Steel rivets, leather straps, metal plates
Hand-to-Hand Polearms Missiles
; Dagger or hand axe (1) ; Spear or lance (1) ; Sling (1)
; Mace or battle a xe (2) ; Halberd or polearm (2) ; Bow (2)
; Flail, sword or warhammer (3) ; Great sword (3) ; Crossbow (3)
Crafting Repairing
; Shield or leather armor (1) ; Helmet (1)
; Helmet (2) ; Chain armor (2)
; Chain armor (3) ; Plate armor (3)
; Plate armor (4)
Carpenters make useful items out of wood, like chairs, doors, cabinets, ladders,
joints, pulleys, levers and even boats.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Alchemist, Laborer
Supplies: Lumber, nails, glue, rope
Woodworking Boats
; Cup, bowl or board (1) ; Raft (2)
; Pulley, ladder, ramp or furniture (2) ; Skiff with 6 sack capacity (3)
; Small structure like a shack (3) ; Faering with 8 sack capacity (4)
; Small house, bridge (4)
; Long house (5)
Cartographers create and interpret maps. This skill is essential to adventurers,
explorers and caravan masters. Cartographer is used to navigate safely through
known areas without needless danger or wasted time.
During the game, log the locations and features you have visited while
exploring. Then test Cartographer to synthesize these notes into an accurate
map. So long as you possess the map, have light to read it and you’re “on the
map,” you can travel to a location without needing to test, provided no other
obstacles have emerged since your last trip.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Scholar, Pathfinder
Supplies: Ink, paper, parchment, cloth, charcoal
Area + Information
; Small area (a few rooms or ; Area personally surveyed (1)
a few terrain features) (1) ; Information transmitted by notes (2)
; Moderate-sized area (half a level ; Information transmitted by word
or a few days travel) (2) of mouth (3)
; Large area (dungeon level or
a region of countryside) (3)
Commanders understand how to organize, supply and command a force of
soldiers for battle. Mercenary captains and conquerors utilize this skill to lead
forces in warfare. The skill is used in ambush, battle and skirmish conflicts
described in the Lore Master’s Manual, as well to give direct orders to a unit
of soldiers.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Steward, Orator
Supplies: Ammunition, carts and wagons
Unit Experience + Order
; Veteran elite unit (1) ; March in good order (0)
; Experienced unit (2) ; Engage a superior foe (1)
; Trained unit (3) ; Stand ground under fire
; Inexperienced untrained unit (4) or fall back (2)
; Prevent troops from pillage
or rout (3)
Like magicians, cooks can dispel hunger with a little kitchen magic, even when
you’re out in the wild, far from home. They can make bread from a handful
of grains or stew from a brace of coneys and wild taters. Essentially, a cook
can stretch a single portion of rations to feed the whole group. Thus, every
adventuring party needs a cook. Cook is used to prepare meals or preserve
food, both from a wide range of ingredients.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Alchemist, Laborer
Supplies: Salt, garlic, spices, etc.
Ingredients + Amount of Meals
; Fresh food or fish (1) ; For one (0)
; Preserved food or game (2) ; Small group (1)
; Forage (3) ; Large group (2)
; Moldering sacks of grain or
other rotten food (4)
Amount of Food to Be Preserved
; Preserve 1 fresh ration or game (1) ; Preserve 8 fresh rations or game (4)
; Preserve 2 fresh rations or game (2) ; Preserve 16 fresh rations or game (5)
; Preserve 4 fresh rations or game (3) ; Preserve 32 fresh rations or game (6)
Criminals are experts in questionable enterprises like smuggling, counterfeiting,
picking pockets or picking locks. This skill is used to commit various crimes
and detect crimes being committed.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Scout, Scholar
Supplies: Lockpicks, silken handkerchiefs, paint
Lock Picking Counterfeiting
; Simple lock (1) ; Coin clipping (1)
; Decent lock or rusted simple lock (2) ; Simple die stamp (2)
; Rusted decent lock (3) ; Complex die stamp (3)
; Complex lock (4) ; Counterfeit coins (4)
; Rusted complex lock (5) ; Simple printed material (5)
; Masterwork lock (6) ; Complex printed material (6)
Escaping Bonds Crime vs Crime
; Leather restraints (1) ; Make a versus test between
; Rope restraints (2) Criminal and Criminal.
; Metal restraints (3)
Dungeoneers are experts at exploring caves, dungeons and the ruins of
lost civilizations—getting themselves and their companions out alive. The
Dungeoneer skill is used to traverse dangerous underground environments
and to detect hazards therein.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Sapper, Survivalist
Supplies: Rope, spikes, candles, chalk, twine
Terrain + Adventurers
; Steep slopes (1) ; One person (0)
; Vertical pitches (2) ; Two people (1)
; Narrow squeezes (3) ; Small group (2)
; Water-filled chambers (4)
; Water-filled chambers with a swift current (5)
Environmental Detail
; Bad/good air (1)
; Slope (2)
; Direction (3)
Fighters are trained to use weapons to slay people, beasts and monsters.
This is the skill of knights, soldiers, bandits, reavers, monster hunters and
adventurers. In kill, capture and drive off conflicts, the Fighter skill is used for
Attack and Feint actions.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Hunter
Supplies: Torches, lanterns, tables, bottles, stones, doors
; For simple altercations or brawls, use Fighter in versus tests against another
character’s Fighter skill (or Beginner’s Luck Health).
Hagglers live to make bargains and score the best deals at the market. The
Haggler skill is used to negotiate with other characters and to gain rolls on the
Market Haggling Events table in town.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Manipulator
Gear: Abacus, scales
Bargaining in the Market
; Busy crossroads (2)
; Religious Bastion, remote village, dwarven halls (3)
; Bustling metropolis, wizard’s tower (4)
; Elfhome (5)
Midwives, sergeants, and physickers all know the importance of the healing
arts. The Healer skill is used to keep adventurers whole and healthy by treating
wounds and illnesses and to create poultices to aid recovery. Poultices grant
+1D to recovery tests when applied in camp or town.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Survivalist, Alchemist
Supplies: Medicinal herbs, minerals, bandages
Treating Mixing Poultices for…
; Bruises or bumps (2) ; Exhausted (1)
; Sword cuts or broken bones (3) ; Afraid (2)
; Illness or burns (4) ; Injured (3)
; Virulent disease (5) ; Sick (4)
; Poison (6) ; Angry (5)
Nobles, their hunters and, of course, poachers use this skill to lure, stalk, trap
and slay beasts for food in forested preserves and in the wild. The Hunter skill
is used to examine the nature of beasts as well as to stalk, trap or capture prey.
For bringing down a beast, make a versus test using Hunter versus the beast’s
Nature, or use a kill or capture conflict. Use the Hunter skill for Feint and
Defend in capture conflicts.
Hunters may read the aspects of a creature’s Nature. Make a versus test
between Hunter and the creature’s Nature. Success indicates that they may
discover a descriptor, weapon or their Might. Otherwise, use the factors below.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Survivalist, Laborer
Gear: Bows, javelins, boar spears, dogs, horses, birds of prey
; Hunter vs Nature tests to ambush your prey
Bestial Habits + Rarity
; Trails (1) ; Common animal (1)
; Food or prey (2) ; Rare or shy beast (2)
; Weapons or nests (3) ; Exotic or magical creature (3)
Trap + Prey
; Snares and nets (1) ; Small animals and monsters (1)
; Pit (2) ; Human-size animals and monsters (2)
; Deadfall (3) ; Large animals and monsters (3)
; Massive animals and monsters (4)
; Giant animals and monsters (5)
Laborers are the bulk of the workforce in villages, towns and cities. They
gather wood for the carpenters, stone for the masons and metal for the smiths.
They dig ditches, carry loads and generally just do what they are told (until
they get rum brave and riot). But when you hit the big score in a dungeon,
laborers are who you need. The Laborer skill is used to perform manual labor,
to carry more than you should, and to help trade and craft skills like Alchemist,
Armorer, Carpenter, Cook, Hunter, Peasant, Sailor, Sapper, Stonemason and
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Peasant
Supplies: Rope, pulleys, shims, blocks
Activity How Much Can You Carry?
; Gathering wood or tying on an extra ; Hands full [carried 2] (0)
pack 1 item (1) ; +1 carried inventory slot (+1 per)
; Hauling water, cutting or digging (2)
; Mucking out stables, burning
charcoal or breaking rocks (3)
; Pulling a cart, cutting salt blocks
or mining ore (4)
Items to Be Hauled
; Candlesticks, dinnerware or lamps (1) ; Glass panes or mirrors (6)
; Chests or boxes (2) ; Thrones (7)
; Rugs, tapestries or bodies (3) ; Arches or large statues (8)
; Armoires or wardrobes (4) ; Quasqueton’s wall paneling (9)
; Pianos, paintings or small statues (5) ; Columns (10)
Lore Master
Lore masters are the keepers of arcane knowledge and deep mysteries. The
Lore Master skill is used to understand the workings of magician spells, recall
forgotten lore and read auras (in combination with the Supernal Vision spell).
Magicians use this skill to memorize spells and place them in their memory
palaces. The obstacles for memorization are described with each spell. In
riddle conflicts, use Lore Master to Defend and Maneuver. Lastly, it is used in
abjure and bind conflicts against spirits and demons (as described in the Lore
Master’s Manual).
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Arcanist, Theologian
Gear: Tome of ancient lore, book of folklore, cyclopedia of beasts, codex of
angels, libram of demons, grimoire of games
Ephemera Supernal Vision
; Fairy or folk tales (1) ; Reading a spell’s aura (1)
; Curses (2) ; Reading an invocation’s aura (2)
; Enchanted places, magical phenomena (3) ; Reading a potion or scroll’s aura (3)
; Magical or arcane symbols (4) ; Reading magical weapons or
armor’s aura (4)
Manipulators use lies, half-truths, ugly truths, soothing platitudes, seduction
and intimidation to get what they want. The Manipulator skill is used to
intimidate, defuse, bluff or trick someone and to Feint and Maneuver in riddle,
convince crowd and convince conflicts.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Haggler, Persuader
Supplies: Wine, drugs, coin, disguises
Intimidate or Trick Grift or Bluff
; Manipulator vs Manipulator ; Manipulator vs Persuader, Haggler
(or BL Will) or Manipulator (or BL Will)
Mentors know how to teach. Using this skill, a mentor can offer their students
advancement tests or teach them new spells. In order to teach, a mentor must
have the skill they’re teaching at a higher rating than their student (or the spell
being taught, of course).
When teaching skills, a passed Mentor test allows the instructor to offer a pass
or fail for advancement for the skill being taught. It’s their choice. This process
can also be used to grant a student a test toward a skill they’re learning.
When teaching spells, a successful test puts a new spell in the student’s
memory palace.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Persuader
Gear: Instruction manuals, diagrams, equipment
; The obstacle for instruction is the student’s current Nature rating.
Orators make speeches to sway crowds. The Orator skill is used to convince
a crowd, wrest control of a crowd from another speaker and to Attack and
Defend in convince crowd conflicts.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Manipulator
Supplies: Pre-written speeches, parables, myths
Swaying Opinion
; To sway a crowd, use Orator versus Orator or crowd’s Beginner’s Luck Will
if they are unskilled. Use the lowest Will rating or the highest Orator rating.
Pathfinders make and mark paths through the wilderness (use the Cartographer
and Dungeoneer skills to find your way underground). The Pathfinder skill is
used to make a journey overland and to Feint and Maneuver in outdoor flee
and pursue conflicts.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Scout, Cartographer
Gear: Maps, sunstones, travelogues, diaries
Destination + Route Conditions
; Nearby (1) ; Well-traveled (1)
; Short journey (2) ; Infrequently used (2)
; Long journey (3) ; Overgrown or washed out (3)
; Remote or isolated (4) ; Blazing a new trail (4)
Peasants are the backbone of society. These people grow the food and
crops that enable civilization to exist. Use the Peasant skill to build or mend,
undertake farm work and complain.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Laborer
Gear: Draft animals, baskets, sacks, your lazy son
Work + Season
; Herding or tending (1) ; Summer (0)
; Ditch digging, planting or harvesting (2) ; Autumn (1)
; Calving or foaling (3) ; Spring (2)
; Winter (3)
Building and Mending Complaining About…
; Socks or clothing (1) ; Taxes or roleplaying games (1)
; Fences or tools (2) ; Spouses or weather (2)
; Wheels or axles (3) ; Priests (3)
; Huts or sheds (4) ; Strange neighbors (4)
; Friendships (5) ; Complaining (5)
Persuade your friends to act on your behalf. Explain to them why it’s in their
best interest. The Persuader skill is used to assuage someone’s doubts, to enlist
them to your side and to Attack and Defend in convince conflicts.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Manipulator
Supplies: Wine, coin, gifts
; Persuader vs Persuader or Manipulator (or Beginner’s Luck Will)
Knights, horse archers and goblin wolf-riders are trained to control their
mounts in chaotic situations. Use the Rider skill to train mounts and to make
use of them during conflicts. Also, while mounted, use Rider to Attack and
Feint in pursue and flee conflicts.
To urge a mount into combat, use the Mounted Combat factors listed and test
Rider when equipping weapons. Success indicates you may benefit from your
mount. Failure indicates you must use your own abilities, and you count as
unarmed for the first round.
A properly trained and controlled mount grants the benefits of its Nature,
Might and weapons to its rider. In kill, capture, drive off, pursue and flee
conflicts, you may use your mount’s Might and weapons instead of your own.
To fully train a beast to ride or for war, requires a number of camp or town
phases equal to their Nature rating.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Peasant
Supplies: Food, treats, pets
Gear: Rope, reins, muzzles
Nature + Use
; Obstacle equal to beast’s Nature ; Domestication (1)
; Riding (2)
; War (3)
Trained for + Conflict
; War (1) ; Flee or pursue (0)
; Riding (2) ; Capture (1)
; Untrained or domesticated (3) ; Kill or drive off (2)
Ritualists use prayers and chants to draw upon the power of the Immortal
Lords and other primal forces to impose their will upon the world. It is the
domain of theurges, shamans and other creatures who know the secrets of
beseeching the Immortal Lords.
The Ritualist skill is used to officiate ceremonies, to perform invocations and
to Defend and Maneuver in banish conflicts.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Theologian
Supplies: Ritual supplies are called sacramentals. Each invocation is listed
with its specific sacramentals.
Ritual Invocations
; Wedding (1) ; Rules for performing invocations are found
; Coming of age ceremony (2) in the Ritual chapter. The obstacles are listed
; Funeral (3) with each invocation in the Invocations
; Consecration (4) chapter of the Reference section.
Sailors use wisdom, practice and hard-won experience to navigate coasts and
waterways. Use this skill to safely pilot a vessel along waterways. To use this
skill, one must have a craft or be part of a crew on someone else’s craft.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Survivalist, Laborer
Supplies: Tar, rope, lumber
Gear: Maps, charts, sunstones
Craft Type + Location
; Skeid or karve (1) ; Known waters (0)
; Raft or skiff (2) ; Charted waters (1)
; Knarr (3) ; Uncharted waters (3)
; Drakar or cog (4)
+ Season + Weather
; Summer (0) ; Calm, brisk or blustery (1)
; Spring (1) ; Winds, rain or fog (2)
; Fall (2) ; Storms (3)
; Winter (3) ; Ragnarok (4)
Sappers are experts in the unpredictable dynamics of digging and defending
in the dark tunnels below. Use the Sapper skill to dig tunnels, collapse them
and set traps for the unwary.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Alchemist, Laborer
Supplies: Sulphur, lumber, grease
Tunnel Type + Length + Material
; Crawl-way (1) ; Short (1) ; Earth (0)
; Shaft (2) ; Long (2) ; Clay (1)
; Tunnel (3) ; Stone (2)
; Sand (3)
Setting Traps Disarming Traps
; Pit (1) + Material factor above ; Tripwire or open pit (1)
; Tripwire alarm (2) ; False floor (2)
; Deadfall (3) ; Pressure plate (3)
; Spear or crossbow mechanism (4) ; Complex, multipart mechanism (4)
; Gas or smoke mechanism (5) ; Explosive (5)
; Explosives (6) ; Sigils or runes (6)
Scavengers scrounge up useful bits and materials. They can also forage for
sustenance no matter where they are in the wild. Use this skill to find what you
need when there’s no market in sight.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Scout
Gear: 10-foot poles, dowsing rods, lodestones
Material/Item + Location + Rarity
; Cast-off material or supplies (1) ; Near town (0) ; Common item (0)
; Tools or gear (2) ; Dungeon (1) ; Unusual item (1)
; Weapons (3) ; Ruins (2) ; Rare item (2)
; Loot [roll on Loot Table 1] (4) ; Wilderness (3)
Terrain + Forage Amount
; Forests or fields (1) ; One portion of forage (0)
; Ruins (2) ; Two portions of forage (1)
; Near town (3) ; Three portions of forage (2)
; Dungeons (4)
; Blasted wasteland (5)
Scholars specialize in writing accounts of events for historical records as well
as plumbing the depths of libraries and archives for their secrets. Use the
Scholar skill to write, read, research a subject and to scribe spell scrolls and
spell books.
Note that to read a text, the scholar must know the language, whether it is
their native tongue, a language they have learned through a wise or temporary
knowledge through a spell or item.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Lore Master, Steward
Supplies: Ink, quills, brushes
Reading Writing
; Journals or letters (1) ; Copying weird inscriptions (1)
; Weird inscriptions (2) ; Writing instructions or directions (2)
; Histories (3) ; Composing essays or letters (3)
; Playtest docs (4) ; Memoirs or personal treatises (4)
Scrolls and Spell Books
; Each individual spell is listed with its scribing obstacle
; If scribing multiple spells at once, use the highest circle spell as the base
obstacle and add 1 per additional spell
Researching a Subject Researching an Area
; Common misconceptions (1) ; Geography (1)
; Superficial knowledge of subject (2) ; Recent history (2)
; Expertise about particular aspect (3) ; Famous lineages or heraldry (3)
; Comprehensive understanding (4) ; Ancient history (4)
; Complete understanding of subject (5) ; Obscure history or obscure lineages (5)
Scouts are adept at spotting and tracking monsters on the prowl, sneaking
behind enemy lines, trailing targets and finding hidden things. Use the Scout
skill to detect traps, find hidden things or people, to hide yourself and to Attack
and Feint in flee and pursue conflicts.
Do not use Scout to find trails or navigate subterranean environments. Use the
Pathfinder and D
ungeoneer skills to overcome those obstacles, respectively.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Pathfinder, Hunter
Gear: 10-foot pole
Supplies: Chalk dust, candles
Sneaking or Spotting
; Scout versus Scout or Nature (or Beginner’s Luck Will)
Size of Target + Location of Target
; Large (cave mouth, house) (1) ; Location known (1)
; Moderate (person, secret door) (2) ; Location roughly known (2)
; Small (helmet, hammer) (3) ; Location guessed (3)
; Tiny (needle) (4)
Spotting Triggers
; Obvious trap (e.g., a lock inside a stone demon’s maw
with a hinged jaw and gleaming serrated teeth) (2)
; Concealed trap (e.g., a tripwire or pit) (3)
; Subtle trap (e.g., a pressure plate) (4)
; Devious trap (e.g., a chamber filled with
odorless poisonous gas) (5)
Stewards manage estates, businesses, towns, baronies and even kingdoms.
This skill is used by judges, stewards, guild masters, merchants, sempstress,
abbots and powerful nobles to administer domains or oversee organizations.
Use this skill to write laws, account for taxes, rents and tithes, allocate funds
for projects and file reports. The difficulty increases with the complexity of
each settlement type.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Scholar, Theologian
Supplies: Accounting ledgers, census rolls
Maintaining… + Settlement Type
; Books or logs (1) ; Base (0)
; Rents or tithes (2) ; Steading or shire (1)
; Manifests or budgets (3) ; Remote village or wizard’s tower (2)
; Works and projects [grants +1 ; Borderland fortress or religious bastion (3)
to Town Events Table] (4) ; Busy crossroads, walled town (4)
; Organizing fetes and balls (5) ; Dilapidated port (5)
; Bustling metropolis (6)
Writing Law + Settlement Type
; Sumptuary Laws (1) ; Steading (0)
; Religious Laws (2) ; Remote village (1)
; Criminal Laws (3) ; Borderland fortress or wizard’s tower (2)
; Civil Laws (4) ; Busy crossroads, dilapidated port (3)
; Walled town or religious bastion (4)
; Bustling metropolis (5)
One might say that stonemasons are the foundation of society. Use this skill to
cut stone and use it to make structures like walls, bridges, arches and buildings.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Laborer
Gear: Gloves, scaffolding, pry bar, hammer, spikes
Complexity + Size
; Simple structure like a wall (1) ; Small like a bench (1)
; Moderately complex like a column (2) ; Moderately-sized like a wall (2)
; Complex like an arch (3) ; Large like a foundation or a house (3)
; Reinforced like fortifications (4)
; Age (1) ; Sturdiness or quality (2) ; Maker (3)
Competent survivalists know how to make their environment work for them.
They are adept at making shelters, finding water, building fires and jury-rigging
tools. Survivalists also know how to read the weather and judge when it will
be safe to travel.
The Survivalist skill is used to make camp, furnish camp with amenities, make
emergency tools and wait out the weather.
To wait out bad weather without wasting your supplies, make a Survivalist
test. If passed, your crew hunkers down and waits it out. The weather passes
on the next turn.
Beginner’s Luck: Health Help: Peasant
Supplies: Poles, tarpaulins, gut, twine, stakes, dowsing rods
Terrain type + Adventurers + Camp Amenities*
; Near town (0) ; Small group (0) ; Shelter (1)
; Ruins (1) ; Large group (1) ; Water source (1)
; Wilderness or caves (2) ; Caravan or small ; Concealment (1)
; Dungeons (3) company (2) [*Amenities are optional;
; Blasted wasteland (4) you can select multiple]
Action Waiting Out Weather
; Locate emergency shelter or a potable ; Rain showers or fog (2)
water source (1) ; Snow or blustery winds (3)
; Start a fire in bad conditions (2) ; Storm or gale (4)
; Emergency tool-making (3) ; Blizzard or thundersnow (5)
; Jury-rigging a boat (4) ; Apocalyptic weather (6)
Theologians are masters of doctrine and of the secrets of the Immortal Lords.
They know the cosmology of the heavens and the hells, the ranks of the saints
and demons and even their hidden names. Use the Theologian skill to recall
doctrines and hidden names, pray at shrines and temples and to purify your
Immortal burden. The skill is also used in banish and bind conflicts found in
the Lore Master’s Manual.
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Scholar, Ritualist
Supplies: Spirit candles, holy water, gold dust
Entity Type +Action
; Young Immortal (1) ; Offer gratitude (1)
; Spirits (2) ; Beg favor (2)
; Old Immortal (3) ; Propitiate (3)
; Ancient Immortal (4)
; Jotunn (5)
Doctrine Cosmological Knowledge
; Common doctrine (1) ; Near Reaches [Aether, Faerie, Dry Lands] (2)
; Obscure doctrine (2) ; Middle Reaches [Astral Ocean, City of Pearl,
; Foreign doctrine (3) Terminus, Citadel of Law] (3)
; Secret doctrine (4) ; Far Reaches [Heavens, Hells, the Abyss] (4)
Weavers manufacture useful textiles by hand and on the loom. Use the Weaver
skill to manufacture fabric and create cloaks, aprons, blankets, sheets and
Beginner’s Luck: Will Help: Laborer, Peasant
Supplies: Fur, yarn, wool, dye
Type + Style
; Nets (1) ; Plain (0) [1D tapestry sale price]
; Baskets, small sacks or hats (2) ; Ornamental (1) [3D tapestry sale price]
; Cloaks, pockets, blankets, large ; Fashionable (2) [6D tapestry sale price]
sacks, sails or bedding (3) ; Stunning (3) [12D tapestry sale price]
; Clothing or large basket (4)
; Tapestries (5) [requires loom]
Trait List
T he following section describes each trait. The entries offer
suggestions on how to use the trait, both to benefit your character
and get them into trouble.
Most folks are content to live a quiet life at home, but some fools actually
crave the excitement of a rollicking adventure. They live to travel to
strange places and experience new things. It can be hard to grind an
adventurous spirit down—they’re always ready to see what’s over the
next hill—but sometimes they jump into a situation without looking.
Some turn bitter in their travels and grow to feel all their efforts are for
nothing. This bitterness may protect them from the many and varied
disappointments of life as an adventurer, but it also burdens them. They
have trouble taking the optimistic course.
The bold rush to action without a thought for their own safety. Daring
stratagems and reckless abandon are hallmarks of the bold. Forethought
and caution are not for these souls.
Born of Earth and Stone
Dwarves were shaped by their maker from the bones of the earth, and
they share many qualities with earth and stone. Dwarves are steadfast
and sturdy in all things, with a special feel for metal and stone, but they
can also be stubborn and unyielding.
The brave never hesitate to step into the unknown, but they are
susceptible to wild tales of far-off places and dangerous adventures.
Calm souls are difficult to anger and easily shrug off any emotion that
does manage to burden their heart. However, they risk becoming too
sedate and perhaps missing a threat.
The cunning are adept at deceit and at plotting traps. They are often
arrogant and underestimate their opponents.
Curious sorts are always eager to learn and are on the lookout for the
new or the mysterious. But there are many tales of those whose curiosity
led them and their friends to an abrupt and violent end.
Monsters and villains are a fact of life in the wide world. Many are the
townsfolk who have been called upon to defend their homes without
training, support or even proper equipment. These people know the
value and cost of defending one’s home. Of course, when forced to
choose, these defenders often put their home above other concerns.
Early Riser
Early risers are up first in the morning. Awake before the sun, they’re
clear-headed and sharp while everyone is bleary-eyed and sleepy. Of
course, they must be early to bed to be so early to rise.
Some folks have expensive tastes and spend profligately. They’re experts
at grand gestures but sometimes find it difficult to show restraint when
Extroverts love meeting people or introducing themselves to strangers.
However, they often lead public or semipublic lives and are easy to track
down, even when they don’t want to be found.
Fearless fighters hold their ground in the face of unimaginable danger.
However, they often put valor before discretion even in delicate matters.
Fiery souls know how to stir up a crowd, but they are quick to anger.
First Born
Elves were the first to awake to the world and wandered beneath the
stars long before the coming of dwarves or men. The trees and the stars
recognize them as kin, and they are often possessed of special insight
that comes from their memories of the dawn of the world. But their long
lives can often move them to ponder consequences too deeply.
There are some folks who are always going where they shouldn’t and
doing what they mustn’t—sticking their heads in holes or reading strange,
eldritch texts. Remarkably, some manage to skirt the consequences of
their actions. But that may be because few people write stories about
dead foolhardy adventurers.
Generous souls always seem to have something to give to others, even
if it means going without themselves.
Heart of Battle
Warriors are creatures of action, able to
throw their bodies into harm’s way with
skill and valor in pursuit of their goals.
But often warriors too readily resort to
violence when another way might serve
them better.
Hidden Depths
On the surface, halflings may appear to
be a naive and unassuming people, but
they have hidden depths of will and character. They bear up remarkably
well against pain, fatigue and despair that would cause other peoples to
break. Sometimes the hidden depths refers to their stomachs needing to
be filled with cheese and beer.
Some are known throughout the land for their upstanding character and
peerless integrity. But those who stand tallest are ripe for the greatest
fall. Honor does not ensure survival.
The adventuring life hardens some and makes them callous. This
disposition protects them from the folly of youthful ideals and heroism,
but it also makes them dismissive of new ideas.
Loners have trouble working well with others. They’re at their best when
no one knows what they’re up to. Sometimes, of course, they get in over
their heads and could really use a helping hand.
Hard to believe, but there are those among us who have no sense of
direction. They’re useless at orienteering, but conversely their wandering
treks make them difficult to track down.
Quick-witted adventurers act on instinct, without need for thought
or consideration. While this attribute is clearly useful, it can lead to
difficulties when patience and planning are required.
Some people are quiet in everything they do—the way they speak, the
way they work and the way they walk. Some sink so far into quietude
that they have difficulty coming out of their shells.
Rough Hands
A hard life of toil toughens the hands. Such hands mark them as working
folk, which can cause them to disdain those who pursue softer arts.
Survivors of terrible wars are often scarred by their experiences. They’re
tough and not easily flustered by injury or fear, but they are also maimed
or traumatized by their experiences.
Sharp-eyed adventurers are always welcome in a party. They make
good scouts or hunters, but sometimes, after staring at the brush for
days on end, they can get a little jumpy.
Skeptical souls are always watching for lies and deceit—a good quality—
but they can go too far when the skeptic thinks even the truthful are
It’s always good to keep a slim build to fit through tight squeezes, but it’s
easy for the thin to get tossed around in a fight.
Steady Hands
Criminals, smiths and other craftsmen who create fine or delicate work
are often known for their steady hands. These sorts can become fearful
of damaging these wondrous instruments.
Stoic souls never complain about the hardships of life on the road. They
accept them and soldier on. However, this same quality can make them
emotionally remote and difficult to reach in matters of empathy, love
and compassion.
Some folks are unusually straight and
tall. It’s a notable attribute that grants
a longer reach, but it can be trouble
when snaking one’s way through
narrow tunnels in a dungeon.
Thoughtful adventurers will ponder all options and all possible courses
of action before making a decision. This is very useful when there’s time
to plan or ponder but useless in times of haste.
Wizard’s Sight
Magicians see more than other mortals. Whether it’s the telltale signs
of a spirit or demon or the flicker of a lie in a person’s aura, magicians
can see the flow of magic and the misty borders of the Otherworld. But
they must also take care, for that which is seen with the Wizard’s Sight
cannot be unseen.
First Circle Spells
Aetheric Appendage
The caster extrudes writhing tentacles of aether from the fingers of one hand,
using them to manipulate the material world at a distance.
To mundane observers, it appears the objects are moving through the air on
their own. Observers able to perceive the Otherworld can see the translucent,
vaguely luminescent tentacles extending from the caster’s fingers. For one
turn, this spell allows the caster to make appropriate skill or ability tests at
range. It can be used to lift, carry and manipulate objects at a distance, as
long as the caster can see the object they’re manipulating (a spell like Eye of
the Overworld can be used to extend the caster’s sight). If contested, test the
appendages Nature 2 against those who would oppose them.
Materials: A dried cephalopod
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Fixed (Arcanist Ob 2) Casting Time: Free
Duration: One turn
Aetherial Premonition
The caster sets an aetherial alarm in the Otherworld to provide warning
against approaching danger.
This spell wards a camp, house or the like. It creates the sound of a ringing
bell in the event of trouble. Cast this spell as you enter camp (before rolling
for camp events) and the spell grants +1 to the camp events roll. The watch in
camp are granted +1D to tests to avert disaster.
Focus: A silver bell [carried 1 or worn/neck]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Factors Casting Time: Free
Duration: One phase
Camp Type + Area
; Dangerous (1) ; Near town (0)
; Unsafe (2) ; Natural caves (1)
; Typical (3) ; Wilderness or dungeons (2)
; Ancient ruins or squatting in town (3)
Arcane Semblance
By casting this spell the magician makes the subject’s flesh as malleable as clay,
such that it may be shaped and formed according to their whim. Magicians
with this spell can make themselves and others appear as someone they are
not but no one in particular.
This spell creates a disguise that allows the subjects to move freely through
places they would not otherwise be allowed. The new form must be humanoid
and cannot make the subject taller or shorter by more than two feet. Seeming
weight, clothing and carried items may be altered. Of course, suspicious guards
may still question their reasons for passing through.
Materials: A bit of clay
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (one turn to a phase)
Appearance + Breadth + Duration
; Similar weight and appearance (1) ; Self (0) ; One turn (0)
; Dissimilar weight and appearance (2) ; Two people (1) ; Two turns (2)
; Different stock (3) ; Small group (2) ; Phase (3)
Celestial Music
With a series of minute finger gestures, the caster channels the Music of
the Spheres, creating the rumble of thunder or haunting orchestral music.
Celestial Music captivates the unwary mind, forcing those affected to seek the
source of the bewitching sound.
This spell distracts and attracts its victims. Creatures who hear its unearthly
sounds are drawn to investigate. The caster may target victims within sight
and lead them to an area just out of sight. The caster may not move during
this process.
Creatures captivated by the sounds will seek out their source and listen until
the spell ends or until an unaffected creature speaks to them in a voice louder
than a whisper.
Victims led into a perilous locale make a Nature or Health test to avoid
any mishaps intended by the magician. Being lead into danger breaks the
enchantment, whether or not the victim passes or fails the test to avoid it.
Focus: A tuning fork or a crystal goblet [pack 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Versus test Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
The spell causes a versus test between the target’s Will or Nature and the
magician’s Arcanist skill. If the target’s Might is greater than the caster’s, the
magician suffers -1s per point of difference. Victims who lose the versus test
are drawn to the noise for one turn. Additional successes increase the duration
of the distraction or increase the distance the victims travel—from one area or
room, to two or three rooms or areas from the caster.
Dæmonic Stupefaction
The magician summons bewitching spirits to fly into the mouths of their
victims, so they find it nearly impossible to speak or to think clearly.
For one turn, the victim suffers a penalty to tests that require language: -1D to
tests, and increase the dice penalty by the margin of success. The caster must
target a specific language.
Materials: A collection of teeth or a draught of alcoholic spirits
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Factors Casting Time: Free
Duration: Variable (see below)
Dæmonic Stupefaction
Language Obscured + Breadth + Duration
; Arcane or ritual language (1) ; One person (0) ; One turn (0)
; Dead or archaic language (2) ; Small group (1) ; Conflict (1)
; Contemporary language (3) ; Two groups (2) ; Phase (2)
; Large crowd (3)
The magician hooks threads of aether to a bit of scrap and weaves simple tools
into being.
With a fragment of appropriate material, the caster can create appropriate
tools or supplies for skills. Dweomercraft can be used to solve material
problems, like the lack of rope or a sail, or it can be used to create tools for
a skill test. It can also be used to conjure expendable materials and supplies,
which grant +1D to an appropriate test.
Focus: Dogwood stick shuttle [carried 1 or pack 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
Creating Tools + Duration
; Needle, lever or oar (1) ; Phase (0)
; Hook, spade or tongs (2) ; Adventure (1)
; Calipers, pulley or loom (3) ; Permanent (2)
; Alchemical, ritualistic or sorcerous (4)
Conjuring Supplies + Amount
; Craft skill supplies (1) ; One use (0)
; Scholarly supplies (2) ; Two uses (2)
; Spell materials (3) ; Three uses (4)
Fo r e x a m p l e , th e c a ste r
cou ld c reate a n eedle an d
thread from a sliver of bone
and a bit of wool or gut or
create a raft from a pile of
scrap wood.
Lightness of Being
Speaking a single, sibilant syllable, the magician infuses their being with the
lightness of spirit.
Through concentration, the caster can cause the recipient to rise slowly from
the ground or to descend gently from a great height. Success allows the targets
to bypass a test involving climbing or descending from a great height. If cast on
the unwilling, the spell causes them to float gently upward and then descend
back to the ground in the span of a turn. If the recipient is yanked or pulled (or
stabbed), the spell breaks and they descend to earth.
Materials: A seed pod from a maple or ash tree
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 1 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Factors Casting Time: Free
Duration: One turn
Breadth + Recipient
; Caster (1) ; Willing (0)
; Other person (2) ; Unwilling (2)
; Small group (3)
Mystic Porter
With a series of intricate, arcane gestures, the caster shapes a faintly
luminescent disc of aether to carry their burdens.
This spell creates an aetheric disc that floats at waist height. The caster can
control its ponderous movements out to a distance of two paces. The disk
provides 8-12 additional inventory slots.
Focus: A trug woven from strips of beech bark [carried 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 1 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
Amount + Duration +Origin
; 8 inventory slots (1) ; Four turns (0) ; Self (0)
; 10 inventory slots (2) ; Phase (1) ; Other (1)
; 12 inventory slots (3) ; Session (2)
; Adventure (3)
Supernal Vision
Entering a trance, the magician shifts their vision to the Otherworld, attuning
to the magical auras of enchanted items, creatures or places within their
presence. While in this state, their eyes are covered with a milky whiteness.
While in this state, the caster may use the Lore Master skill to study magical
auras and determine their purpose. Additionally, while under the effects of this
spell, the caster gains +1D to Arcanist tests but suffers -1D to all tests requiring
physical action. The caster may end this spell at any time.
In addition, the caster is able to see spirits in the Otherworld. However, those
spirits are also able to see the caster’s eyes and might choose to investigate…
Focus: A blindfold of pure white silk covering the eyes [worn/head]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 1 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Factors Casting Time: Free
Duration: Variable (see below)
; One turn (2) ; Phase (4)
; Two turns (3) ; Session (5)
The magician pulls a swarm of enraged aetherial hornets across the Shroud of
Worlds to harry and harass.
Use Arcanist to Attack in place of the required skill or ability during a kill,
capture or drive off conflict. This includes rolling for or helping with the
disposition roll. In addition, Swarm possesses the qualities described below
at no further cost.
Materials: A flowering blossom [worn/head or neck or carried 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Skill swap Casting Time: Free
Duration: One conflict
No casting roll is necessary before the conflict.
Powered by Rage Aetherial
; +1D to Attack if the caster has ; Mundane armor has no effect on Swarm.
the angry condition. Only magical armor and spells or
invocations provide protection.
Thread of Friendship
With fingers like hooks, the magician reaches into the Skein of Destiny and
plucks one thread, turning an enemy into a friend.
This spell must be spoken to the victim in a normal voice. Passing the test
converts the victim into a friend for the duration of the spell, with all the
benefits that entails.
This spell does not affect undead or creatures Might of 6 or greater.
4 A creature must have the capacity for language to be targeted by
this spell. While it’s not necessary to speak the same language as
the target, making your wishes known could be difficult if you don’t.
If your new friend does not understand you, they will still seek to
help you if they can.
4 Success temporarily makes the target equivalent to a Town Friend
or Adventuring Friend as appropriate.
4 They retain their own beliefs and values, so you will have to use
Persuader to get your new friend to do something against those
beliefs or values.
Materials: A drop of pure honey smeared on the caster’s lips
Focus: Strands of thread with the victim’s name whispered over them and
woven into a ring worn by the caster [worn/hands]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Versus test Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
This spell causes a versus test between the target’s Will or Nature and the
caster’s Arcanist skill. The caster suffers a -1s penalty for each rank by which
the target’s Might exceeds their own.
Record the margin of success when the spell is cast. At the beginning of each
following phase, the victim rolls its Will or Nature. They are granted +1D for
each rank by which their Might exceeds that of the caster, and +1D per phase
after the first. The obstacle is equal to the margin of success when the spell was
originally cast. Success frees the victim from the spell.
Wayfinder’s Friend
The magician summons guidance from the spirits of land and sea.
If the magician is lost in the wilderness, successfully casting the Wayfinder’s
Friend will grant them a revelation as to their current location in relation to
their desired destination. The spirits of the air, sun and moon will emerge and
To have the spirits guide them to a destination, the magician may use the
Arcanist skill in place of Pathfinder or Sailor (for navigational tests only). This
spell doesn’t work underground.
Focus: A sunstone [pack 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Factors, Skill swap Casting Time: Free
Duration: One turn
Weather + Terrain
; Overcast (1) ; Roads or rivers (0)
; Light snow or rain (2) ; Fields or streams (1)
; Squall (3) ; Forests or hills (2)
; Storm (4) ; Mountains or broken terrain (3)
; For overland journeys, use the appropriate factors for Pathfinder
; For sea journeys, use the appropriate factors for Sailor
Wisdom of the Sages
Intoning their true names, the magician summons long-dead sages from
beyond the Shroud of Worlds to whisper the translation of spoken or written
Possessed by ghosts, the caster may read, speak or comprehend a foreign or
alien tongue. No Scholar test required.
Materials: A scrip inscribed with the true name of a sage
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
Language + Duration
; Similar to known language (1) ; One turn (0)
; Unknown language (2) ; Phase (1)
; Archaic or dead language (3) ; Session (2)
; Arcane or divine language (4)
Wizard’s Ægis
The magician summons a luminescent shield of aether bearing their sigil.
Use the Arcanist skill to Defend in place of the required skill or ability during
a kill, capture or drive off conflict. This includes rolling for or helping with the
disposition roll. In addition, Wizard’s Ægis possesses the qualities described
below at no further cost.
Focus: A chrysoprase ring or pendant [worn/hand or neck]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 1 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Skill swap Casting Time: Free
Duration: One conflict
No casting roll necessary before the conflict.
Indestructible Arcane Surge
; +2s to Defend ; If your Defend action is successful, the opposing
team suffers -1D to its next action
Word of Binding
With a sharp syllable uttered by the magician, invisible webs of aether, stronger
than iron, bind portals and chests shut.
This spell takes existing binding materials and makes them supernaturally
strong. Bonds, a door, a chest or a gate held by the Word of Binding cannot be
opened by mundane means.
Once bound, only the expiration of the spell, the destruction of the object or
the Rhyme of Opening or Sign of Abrogation spells can break the spell.
Focus: Iron links in a chain [worn/neck, pack 1 or carried 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 1 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Fixed (Arcanist Ob 3) Casting Time: Free
Duration: One phase plus one phase per margin of success
Wyrd Lights
With whispered words, the magician calls forth dancing flames from the
aetherial plane.
The magician summons a number of lights that dance and whirl about the
head. Each wisp provides light equivalent to a candle and is unaffected by wind
and weather. They can even give light when submerged in water.
With a thought, the caster may send the lights down corridors or around
corners, giving the appearance of a party of adventurers carrying candles.
The caster may also command each light to hover in a different place or follow
a different person. The magician may choose to end the spell at any time.
Materials: A pinch of brimstone blown from the fingertips [pocket]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
Number + Duration
; One light (1) ; Two turns (0)
; Two lights (2) ; Three turns (1)
; Three lights (3) ; Four turns (2)
; Four lights (4) ; Phase (3)
Second Circle Spells
Destiny of Heroes
Channeling raw power into the Skein of Destiny and strumming the taut
strings like a harp, the magician infuses allies with heroic power.
This spell increases the Might of the recipients by one for one turn.
Focus: The finger bone of a saint [pocket or worn/neck]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Factors Casting Time: Free
Duration: One turn
Type of Conflict + Breadth
; Drive off (1) ; Self (1)
; Kill (2) ; Other (2)
; Capture (3) ; Small group (3)
Eye of Omens
With words of power, the caster attains sight beyond sight that reveals the
past, the future, a creature’s essence and even the truth behind a creature’s
Using the Eye of Omens, the magician can sense the presence of the past and
the future, read a person’s traits or read the thoughts of another. Declare your
intended effect when casting. The effect lasts for one turn.
Materials: The preserved eye of a raven
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: One turn
Sense True Nature Read Thoughts
; Dead or of another plane (1) ; Level 3 traits (1) ; Intent (to deceive,
; Possessed (2) ; Nature descriptors (2) to help, to kill,
; Recent event (3) ; Level 2 traits (3) etc.) (1)
; Event in the distant past (4) ; Level 1 traits (4) ; Instinct (2)
; The future (5) ; Belief or creed (3)
Eyes of the Bat
This sorcery grants the ability to navigate in darkness like a bat.
This spell gives one character the ability to “see” like a bat in complete darkness
for one phase. Characters cannot read or determine color without light.
Focus: A perfectly pitched tuning fork [carried 1 or pack 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Fixed (Arcanist Ob 3) Casting Time: Free
Duration: One phase
Numinous Sigil
Mixing blood and aether into ink, the magician inscribes an Otherworldly
matrix to hold a spell.
This spell allows the caster to inscribe a matrix that holds a spell in a fashion
similar to a scroll. Once created, the caster must then successfully cast a spell
which they wish the sigil to contain and choose a trigger (generally when the
sigil is read, touched, destroyed or disfigured). The character who activates
the sigil need not be a magician, nor does the character need to voluntarily
activate the sigil.
Materials: A drop of the caster’s blood and a fresh quill
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (until triggered)
Material Inscribed + Spell Circle + Visibility
; Wood (1) ; 1st Circle (1) ; Visible (0)
; Stone, glass or metal (2) ; 2nd Circle (2) ; Invisible (1)
; Living flesh (3) ; 3rd Circle (3)
; 4th Circle (4)
; 5th Circle (5)
Phantasmal Vision
Phantasmal Vision allows the magician to conjure forth mirages and phantasms
to beguile and befuddle their enemies.
The caster creates an illusion that is utterly convincing to the viewer. Victims
who fail the versus test are fooled by the illusion and act accordingly. The
spell lasts one turn and cannot do actual harm to the victims. The caster may
summon illusions of creatures equal to or less than their Might. They may
create spell effects for anything that would fit in their memory palace, whether
they know it or not.
Focus: A metallic sphere [carried 1 or pack 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 4 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Versus test Casting Time: Free
Duration: One turn
This spell causes a versus test between the targets’ Will (or Nature for monsters)
and the caster’s Arcanist skill. Each target should roll separately. The caster
rolls once. When comparing results against a target, the caster suffers -1s to
their result for each rank by which the target’s Might exceeds that of the caster.
Rhyme of Opening
With a whispered word and a gentle knock, knots loosen, bonds burst and
gates unlock.
This spell causes doors, locks and knots to fall open and portcullises and the
lids of chests to rise at the magician’s command.
Focus: A broken chain link [carried 1 or worn/neck]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Instantaneous
Materials to be Opened + Provenance
; Ropes or stuck doors (1) ; Mundane (0)
; Chains, locked doors or locked chests (2) ; Magical (1)
; Steel bands, portcullises or iron gates (3) ; Elven (2)
; Dwarven (3)
Somnific Trance
Piercing the Shroud of Worlds with a crooked finger, the magician draws forth
a faintly luminescent vapor of aether that causes any who breathe it to fall into
a deep, unnatural slumber.
This spell puts its victims into a troubled sleep. They frequently moan or cry
out in terror but will awake only if prodded or kicked. Otherwise, they languidly
rouse themselves at the start of the next phase. When awakened, victims must
pass an Ob 3 Will (or Nature) test. Failure indicates either that they are groggy
and may not act for a turn or they gain the afraid condition.
When a conflict is imminent, a magician must cast Somnific Trance before
their opponents roll for disposition. Those who succumb do not participate
in the conflict.
This spell affects five points of Might plus one per margin of success. Successes
that do not equal the Might of a creature have no effect. This spell does not
affect undead, spirits or automatons or any creature of Might 6 or greater.
Materials: Pollen of the papaver blossom [pack 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 4 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Versus test Casting Time: Free
Duration: Variable (until roused or one phase)
This spell causes a versus test between the targets’ Will or Nature and the
caster’s Arcanist skill. Each target should roll separately. The caster rolls only
once. When comparing results against a target, the caster suffers -1s to their
result for each rank by which the target’s Might exceeds that of the caster.
Shroud of Shadows
With a subtle gesture, the caster calls forth darkness to smother the light.
This spell dims lights, creating shadows and darkness—and the opportunity
for dastardly knife work.
Target a specific light source when casting the spell. The light source is dimmed
according to the spell intensity for the duration, providing only dim light or no
light at all. If fuel remains, the source will reignite once the duration expires.
Focus: A grave shroud, wrapped about the shoulders [worn/torso 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
Light Source + Intensity + Duration
; Candle (1) ; Dim light (0) ; One turn (0)
; Torch (2) ; Darkness (1) ; Phase (1)
; Lamp (3) ; Adventure (2)
; Bonfire or blaze (4)
; Moonlight (5)
; Twilight or sunrise (6)
; Daylight (7)
Water Lung
With a gesture, the caster grants the ability to breathe underwater.
Those under the effect of this spell may breathe underwater for the spell’s
duration. This eliminates the chance of drowning and thus makes navigating
underwater obstacles more a matter of darkness and currents than certain
death; you may reduce water-related Dungeoneer factors by one.
Materials: A hollow reed [carried 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 2
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
Breadth + Duration
; One person (1) ; One turn (0)
; Two people (2) ; Two turns (1)
; Small group (3) ; Phase (2)
; Large group (4)
Wizard’s Bane
With a twist of the wrist, the magician creates a small snarl in the Skein of
Destiny, erasing the memory of a moment.
The target permanently forgets the past few moments (roughly the duration of
a short conversation).
When successfully used against a magician who recently memorized their
spells, Wizard’s Bane triggers an involuntary temerarious discharge.
Materials: A tuft of gray hair
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Versus test Casting Time: Free
Duration: Permanent
This spell causes a versus test between the magician’s Arcanist skill and the
target’s Will or Nature. When comparing results against a target, the caster
suffers -1s to their result for each rank by which the target’s Might exceeds that
of the caster.
Third Circle Spells
Apotropaic Circle
By will and gesture the magician erects a shield against spell and spirit.
This spell creates a magical circle centered on the caster. The circle reduces
the effects of spells cast into it and bars spirits, demons and undead from
entry. When targeting those within it with spells or magical effects, apply a -1s
modifier to the effect, increased by one per the margin of success of the spell.
Spirits, demons and undead of Might equal to or greater than the caster’s must
pass a versus test against the caster’s Arcanist skill to physically interact with
anyone protected by the circle. Creatures of lesser Might may not cross it.
An Apotropaic Circle presents a featureless barrier to the Eye of the Overworld
spell; the Eye cannot see through the barrier and will be disrupted if it attempts
to pass through it.
The circle protects a number of characters equal to half the caster’s level
(rounded up). The magician may extend the protection to additional people
using margin of success (instead of applying it to reducing spell effects).
In order to benefit from the circle’s protection, the magician and all those
protected within must take care not to break the circle. Therefore, those within
suffer a -1D penalty to all tests.
Materials: A mixture of salt and iron filings strewn in a circle
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Fixed (Arcanist Ob 3) Casting Time: One turn
Duration: One turn
The magician gleans the residues of anger and hate from the Skein of Destiny
and ignites them into an incandescent ball of aetheric energy, which they then
hurl at their enemies.
This spell increases the magician’s Might by one and grants +3s to the Attack
action. In addition, Balefire possesses the qualities Powered by Rage and
If Balefire reduces an opposing team below zero hit points, the excess damage
is applied to the caster’s team as the fire rages out of control.
Balefire sets alight all flammable material it touches: hair, clothing, flesh,
scrolls, books, paper, oil, wood, etc. Such material will be consumed in one
turn after impact if not doused by water, sand or other means. Of course, for
paper and books, the cure is as bad as the disease…
Wooden doors, structures and buildings hit with Balefire will scorch, weaken
or be consumed at the end of the following turn unless the fire is doused.
To cast Balefire in a kill or drive off conflict, the caster must select the spell as
their weapon for the round, and must be assigned the Attack action and must
play it on action 3. They may not help others during this round as they charge
their eldritch power. If the caster is part of a team of two, the other member
may take two consecutive actions during the round. The spell may not be used
if the caster is alone. If the magician remains in the conflict while casting, they
roll their Arcanist skill for the Attack action with Balefire as their weapon.
Materials: A ball of bat guano and a pinch of sulfur
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Skill swap Casting Time: Special*
Duration: Instantaneous
Powered by Rage Explosive
; If angry, the magician is granted +1D ; Balefire bypasses the protection of
to cast Balefire. mundane armor, shields and helmets.
*If you cast Balefire in kill and drive off conflicts see the Effects description
above. Outside of conflict, Balefire requires one turn to cast.
Beast Cloak
Whispering their own secret name in the language of spirits, the magician
pulls a cloak of aether about themselves and assumes a new form.
This spell transforms the magician into a falcon, mouse, cat or eel (choose
one when the spell is learned; if you have the Middarmark Gazetteer, they
transform into their fylgja). When transformed, the magician replaces their
Nature descriptors with the beast’s and gains a level 1 trait. The magician
keeps their own mental faculties and skills, but may only perform skills of
which their new form is capable.
Falcon: Seeing, Flying, Hunting. Trait: Agile (in flight).
Mouse: Hiding, Foraging, Climbing. Trait: Meek.
Cat: Pouncing, Stalking, Climbing. Trait: Sensual.
Eel: Burrowing, Escaping, Swimming. Trait: Slippery.
Focus: A cloak made from the skins of your chosen beast [worn/torso 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 2 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Fixed (Arcanist Ob 3) Casting Time: Free
Duration: Variable (one turn plus margin of success)
Conference of Birds
Chanting an endless, rhythmic phrase, the magician summons a conference of
ætherial birds who grasp them in their talons and lift them airborne.
This spell grants the power of flight to one character for one phase. Flying
characters may overcome obstacles involving ascent or descent of great
heights without a test. In addition, they are granted +2D to Maneuver actions
and +1s to successful Feint actions in capture and pursue or flee conflicts.
Focus: A cloak made of the feathers of a living eagle [worn/torso 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Fixed (Arcanist Ob 4) Casting Time: One turn
Duration: One phase
Devilish Laughter
The magician offers to tell the greatest joke ever heard. Speaking an
incantation between teeth locked in a toothy smile, the caster causes victims
to be seized with horrible, uncontrollable laughter.
This spell affects troll and folk type creatures who can hear the caster. All
targets who fail to resist rapidly descend into uncontrollable, wheezing
guffaws, replete with streaming tears and bulging eyes. The horrible laughter
incapacitates the targets for one turn, plus one turn per margin of success. For
each turn spent laughing after the first, the victim suffers one condition as per
the grind. Be careful; you can laugh yourself to death.
Materials: The tongue of a hyena or mockingbird held between the teeth
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Versus test Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (one turn plus margin of success)
This spell causes a versus test between the targets’ Will or Nature and the
caster’s Arcanist skill. Each target should roll separately. The caster rolls once.
When comparing results against a target, the caster suffers -1s to their result
for each rank by which the target’s Might exceeds that of the caster.
Empyreal Messenger
The magician summons a wizened, grizzled raven with glossy feathers and
knowing eyes to bear a message to a distant place.
The raven will carry a written message in its claw, or will memorize and repeat
a spoken message. Spoken messages can be no more than a sentence in
length. The raven delivers messages to nearby destinations in a timely manner
according to the distance traveled.
Materials: A mouse or gobbet of flesh
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
Recipient + Message + Distance
; Parent or adventurer (1) ; Written (0) ; Nearby [next phase] (1)
; Enemy or friend (2) ; Spoken (1) ; Settlement [next town phase] (2)
; Mentor (3) ; Distant land [next respite] (3)
; Acquaintance (4) ; Far off metropolis [next respite] (4)
Eye of the Overworld
This spell summons a great, floating luminous eye to fly before you and spy
out the way.
Roughly the size of a human head, the eye obeys telepathic commands and
allows the magician to see through it.
By default, the eye is visible and sheds dim light. The caster may choose
to make the eye invisible when casting, though it can be seen by spells like
Supernal Vision or invocations like Vision of the Lords of Chaos and Law.
The magician can project the eye into an area adjacent to their current
location. It travels at the speed of thought but cannot pass through walls or
other solid objects. It can, however, squeeze through gaps of at least one inch
in diameter.
That said, the eye is fragile. A handful of salt, an enchanted weapon or an
attacking spell or invocation will disrupt it and end the spell.
Focus: Spectacles with rose quartz lenses [worn/head]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
Vision + Visibility + Duration
; Mundane (1) ; Visible eye (0) ; One turn (1)
; See in dim light (2) ; Invisible eye (1) ; Two turns (2)
; See in darkness (3) ; Phase (3)
; See with Supernal Vision (4)
Incandescent Beacon
The magician conjures a heatless flame to light the darkness.
This spell creates a light equivalent to a lantern that lasts for the remainder of
the session. The spell may be cast on an area, in which case it is immobile, or
it may be cast on an object, in which case it moves with that object. The light
can be covered but not extinguished. However, a Shroud of Shadows spell can
cancel it, if used properly.
Materials: A sachet of magnesium powder [pack 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Fixed (Arcanist Ob 3) Casting Time: Free
Duration: One session
Lightning Step
This spell energizes the magician and their companions with an electric jolt
that hastens their movements.
Characters subject to this spell may take two tests per turn rather than one.
A conflict counts as a single test for this purpose. Lightning Step grants +2D
to Maneuver actions in kill, capture, drive off, and flee and pursue conflicts.
Materials: A tincture of cinnabar applied to the hands and feet
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Factors Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
Breadth + Duration
; Self (1) ; One turn (2)
; Other (2) ; Two turns (3)
; Small group (4) ; Three turns (4)
Sign of Abrogation
Make the authoritative Sign of Abrogation to dispel offending magics.
This spell destroys or cancels a spell that has already been cast.
Materials: A handful of coarse salt
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Fixed obstacle (see below) Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Instantaneous
The obstacle to cast Sign of Abrogation is equal to 1+ the circle of the spell or
invocation to be dispelled.
Sorcerous Suggestion
With a sibilant intonation, the sorcerous suggestion slithers into the mind of the
magician’s victim.
The caster may use Arcanist in place of the Manipulator skill for one turn,
including for help and disposition during conflicts. In addition, Sorcerous
Suggestion grants access to three weapons for convince and trick conflicts.
Materials: A comb of honey [pack 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 3
Casting: Skill swap Casting Time: Free
Duration: One turn
No casting roll necessary before the conflict.
Subtle Fueled by Fear
; +1D Attack, +1s against Defend ; +1D Feint if the caster suffers from the
afraid condition.
; Once per convince, negotiate or convince crowd conflict, you may convert
one independent interaction into a versus test.
Speaking reversed words while walking backwards in a Gemini pattern, the
magician conjures true horrors: duplicates of themselves.
Successfully casting this spell conjures one or more mirror images of the
caster. Each simulacrum increases by one the magician’s hit points in a kill,
drive off or capture conflict.
Margin of success adds additional simulacra and thus an additional hit point.
Simulacra are knocked out of a fight before any other targets —even if another
character is targeted—and cannot be regained by any means.
Bonus disposition from simulacra does not count as part of the team’s
disposition for the purpose of determining a compromise.
Focus: A mirror [carried 1 or pack 1]
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Fixed (Arcanist Ob 4) Casting Time: Free
Duration: One phase
The magician plucks at a thread in the Skein of Destiny, delicately sending a
whisper of power along its length to set it thrumming. So long as the power
lasts, even those who do not wish to hear what the magician says will listen
and consider.
Increase your Precedence by 1 for one conflict. The effect lasts for the duration
of one conflict. Cast this spell when equipping weapons for a conflict.
Materials: the feather of a white crow
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Factors Casting Time: Free
Duration: One conflict
Type of Conflict + Breadth
; Haggle (1) ; Self (1)
; Convince (2) ; Other (2)
; Trick or Riddle (3) ; Group (3)
; Convince Crowd (4)
With a gesture and a whispered word, the magician draws a web of aether
around a victim’s lips and tongue forbidding them from speaking a word about
a certain subject.
Those subject to the Tangletongue curse are forbidden to speak or otherwise
communicate about a particular topic selected by the magician. If they attempt
to speak, write or gesture about that topic, their tongue leaps into their throat
and suffocates them until they stop trying or they fall unconscious.
This spell does not affect undead or creatures of Might 6 or greater.
Materials: A belonging important to the victim
To Scribe: Scholar Ob 3 To Learn: Lore Master Ob 4
Casting: Versus test Casting Time: One turn
Duration: Variable (see below)
This spell causes a versus test between magician’s Arcanist and the target’s
Will (or Nature for monsters). The caster suffers -1s for each rank by which the
target’s Might exceeds theirs.
Record the margin of success when the spell is cast. At the beginning of each
following phase, the victim rolls its Will or Nature. They are granted +1D for
each rank by which their Might exceeds that of the caster, and +1D per phase
after the first. The obstacle is equal to the margin of success when the spell was
originally cast. Success frees the victim from the spell.
T he invocations presented in this chapter fuel the theurge tradition.
They speak to those who yearn for order and civilization, as
opposed to those who seek chaos and destruction.
Bone Knitter
The theurge quietly intones the secret words of the Lords of Creation who ease
pain and cause wounds to knit.
This invocation grants +1D advantage to the theurge or an ally within their
reach for Healer tests to treat broken bones and deep cuts.
Relic: A set of bone knitting needles [worn/head or pack 1]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Breath of the Burning Lord
Exhaling the breath of life upon their allies, the Immortals suffuse them with
sustaining warmth.
The effect of this invocation covers the entire adventuring party. While under
the effects, the theurge and their allies may ignore factors involving cold and
chill and are granted +1D to Health tests to recover from exhausted, injured
and sick. The invocation also grants targets +1D to Health tests during
journeys. In addition, monsters using cold-based weapons suffer -1D to Attack
against characters under the effect of this invocation.
Relic: A burning coal in a silver censer [carried 1]
Sacramental: A bit of blubber or fine incense
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 2) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Forge Rites
Whispering the secret names of Fire awakens the spirit of the forge.
This invocation grants +2D advantage to the theurge or an ally within their
reach for Armorer tests to forge weapons and armor.
Relic: A ruby inscribed with the name of Lord Fire [pocket]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Gift of Hospitality
Spill a libation of mead to the ancestors and spirits of hearth and home, and
the Immortals will bless the hearth fire.
This invocation grants +2D advantage to the theurge or an ally within their
reach for Cook tests when serving friends, family and guests. Strangers must
first be made friends or granted hospitality or the blessing will not take hold.
Relic: A drinking horn made of a 100-year-old ox [pack 1]
Sacramental: Freshly baked bread
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Hallraiser’s Call
To call the ancestors to your workshop, sound a ram’s horn and place rune-
stones at the four corners.
This invocation grants one recipient the Crafting Nature descriptor for one
turn when making wooden furniture and structures.
Relic: A ram’s horn found on the highest mountain pass [pack 1]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Hearth Rune
With an imperious gesture, Hlin Hearthmistress possesses the theurge. Her
all-seeing eyes neither shirker nor kernel of wheat can escape.
This invocation grants +2D advantage to the theurge or an ally within their
reach for Steward tests when running a household.
Relic: A ring of runed keys [pocket]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Inspiring Aura
With a shout, the Lady of Valor speaks and steels the heart.
This invocation grants +1D advantage to the theurge or an ally within their
reach for Will tests to resist fear and terror or recover from the afraid condition.
Relic: Mantle embroidered with the Lady of Valor [worn/head]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Merciful Balm
Hyresti, Lord of Mercy fills the blessed with an inner light that drives out spirits
of disease and plague.
This invocation grants +1D advantage to the theurge or an ally within their
reach for Healer tests to treat fevers and illness.
Relic: A pearl [pocket]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Mudra of Fate
Speaking in a reverent tone, make the sign of Fate with one hand and recite the
Litany of Fate while laying the other hand upon the forehead of the recipient of
the prayer. The recipients of this invocation seem to shine with an inner light,
for they have been kissed by Destiny.
This invocation grants +1D advantage to the theurge or an ally within their
reach for tests unrelated to their Nature descriptors. Fate is fickle and thus
the effect will dissipate if the recipient attempts a test within their Nature
Relic: A spindle or distaff marked with the rune of Fate[pack 1]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Plow Blessing
Mixing blood and milk in a bowl and giving each of the oxen a drink, the vigor
of the Lord of Sowing infuses the plow team for the work to come.
This invocation calms domesticated animals and makes them easy in their
traces (removing any fear they carry). Thereafter, when hitched to the plow,
they will help the theurge and their allies with +2D advantage to Peasant tests
for plowing and sowing.
Relic: A sacred bowl [pack 1]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 2) Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Reaper’s Round
The theurge begins a joyful, sing-song chant that is then taken up by each
field-hand in turn, gladdening the spirit and helping tired bodies labor long.
This invocation grants all who take up the chant the Reaping Nature descriptor
for one turn when reaping or harvesting in the autumn.
Relic: A blessed sickle [pack 1]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Shipwright’s Chant
By spilling a drop of your blood, the spirits of your ancestors bless the timbers
and tools.
This invocation grants +2D advantage to the theurge and all who take up the
chant for Carpenter and Shipwright tests for making boats and ships.
Relic: A pouch of pure sea salt [pack 1]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Sigtyr’s Arresting Speech
The signs of the Lord of Victory written upon the brow inspire all those who
witness them.
This invocation grants +1D advantage for Oratory tests to the one marked with
the signs of the Lord of Victory when they inspire their followers.
Relic: A silver replica of Sigtyr’s scepter [worn/neck]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 2/1
Benediction of the Lords of Creation
The soothing warmth of the Lords of Creation suffuses the aching bodies of
the tired and worn down.
This invocation alleviates the exhausted condition for one or more characters.
Relic: A vial of perfume [pocket or worn/neck]
Ritual: Factors Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: Instantaneous Immortal Burden: 3/2
; Alleviate your own exhaustion (2)
; Alleviate the exhaustion of another (3)
; Alleviate exhaustion from two people (4)
; Alleviate exhaustion from a small group (5)
; Alleviate exhaustion from a large group (6)
Catholicon of the Lord of Plagues
The Lord of Plagues can be beseeched to spare a chosen few from its
pestilential grasp.
This invocation alleviates the sick condition of one or more characters.
Relic: The skull of Saint Barnabås [carried 1 or pack 1]
Sacramental: A paste made of pure saffron
Ritual: Factors Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: Instantaneous Immortal Burden: 3/2
; Cure thyself (4)
; Cure the sickness of another character (5)
; Cure the sickness of two characters (6)
; Cure the sickness of a small group or adventuring party (7)
Cloak of the Lords of Forges
The Lord of Forges throws his cloak over the shoulders of the devout and
shields them from the heat of the infernal fire.
Those under the effect of this invocation are unharmed by the effects of heat
and fire.
Relic: A pair of heavy leather gloves inscribed with the sigils of the Lords of
Forges [pack 1 or worn/hands 2]
Fury of the Lords of Life and Death
The Lords of Life and Death channel their white-hot fury at the perversion
of their order. They tear aside the Veil of Reality to force the undead to
comprehend the mockery that is their existence.
This invocation causes any undead who can see the theurge to flee their
presence. Targets of this invocation must have somewhere to flee from the one
who terrorizes them. If backed into a corner or attacked as they flee, they turn
and violently attack the theurge.
The effect of this invocation lasts for two turns: the victims flee and then slink
back to their old haunt to regroup. This invocation affects only creatures of
the undead type.
Relic: Vestments of the Lords of Life and Death [worn/torso 2]
Sacramental: Holy water
Invocation: Versus test Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: Two turns Immortal Burden: 3/2
Make a versus test between your Ritualist skill and the Nature of each target.
Roll Ritualist once. When comparing results against a target, the theurge
suffers -1s to their result for each rank by which the target’s Might exceeds
successes. However, Ulrik’s three successes beat the rolls
of both Tomb Guardians. The Tomb Guardians flee before the
divine fury channeled through Ulrik, but the Barrow Wight
remains unmoved.
Interlocution of the Lords of Law
When the Lords of Law manifest in a theurge’s being, demons and other spirits
in their presence are incapable of uttering untruths. The Lords compel them
to answer.
Spirits and demons under the effect of this invocation must pause whatever
they are doing and answer three questions posed by the theurge. They cannot
lie, though they can seek to mislead with the truth if the questioner does not
pose their questions carefully. If the spirit does not know the answer to the
question, it will truthfully respond that it does not know. The theurge may pose
three questions. Examples:
What is your True Name? What is the easiest path by which
my companions and I can safely reach the Tower of Seven
Dreams? Who bound you to assassinate the king?
Prayer to the Lords of Silence
The Lords of Silence cloak their friends in obscurity. Nearby creatures cannot
hear what Silence obscures.
The invocation creates an eerie, absolute silence in an area of the theurge’s
choosing. No spells may be cast or invocations performed in these areas. In
addition, creatures and guardians in neighboring areas cannot hear noise and
ruckus in areas cloaked by this spell. They will not investigate loud noises, but
other phenomena—light, explosions, blood, etc.—might evoke some curiosity.
Relic: Ganglot’s tooth [worn/neck or pocket]
Ritual: Factors Invocation Time: 2/1
Duration: Variable (see below) Immortal Burden: 3/2
Breadth + Duration
; One room or equivalent (2) ; One turn (0)
; Two rooms or equivalent (3) ; Two turns (1)
; Three rooms or equivalent (4) ; Phase (2)
Supplication to the Burning Lord
The Burning Lord settles into the hand as a terrible globe of white, heatless fire.
The Supplication to the Burning Lord summons a ball of heatless fire to the
hand of the theurge. The theurge may hold the ball in their hand or they may
pass it to another person or place it on an object. The ball of fire emits light
for a number of characters equal to the Might of the theurge, and dim light for
the same number. The light lasts for a phase. The theurge may choose to end
the invocation at any time.
Relic: Amulet of the Eye of the Burning Lord [worn/neck]
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 3) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: Phase Immortal Burden: 3/2
Wrath of the Lords of Law
The Lords of Law do not countenance spirits from beyond the Shroud of
Worlds who would meddle with the world of flesh. Demons and other spirits
fall back before their wrath.
This invocation causes any spirit or demon who can see the theurge to flee
their presence. Targets of this invocation must have somewhere to flee from
the one who terrorizes them. If backed into a corner or attacked as they flee,
they turn and violently attack the theurge. This invocation affects only spirits,
demons and celestial creatures.
The effect of this invocation lasts for two turns: the victims flee and then slink
back to their old haunt to regroup.
Relic: Crown of the Lords of Law [worn/head]
Sacramental: Holy water
Invocation: Versus test Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: Two turns Immortal Burden: 3/2
Make a versus test between your Ritualist skill and the target’s Nature. When
comparing results against a target, the theurge suffers -1s to their result for
each rank by which the target’s Might exceeds theirs.
Apotheosis of the Lords of Law
The power of the Lords of Law erupts in a pillar of luminous flame from the
fragile mortal form of the invoker, causing spirits and demons to cower.
This invocation imbues the recipient heroic power, increasing their Might by
one for one spiritual conflict.
Relic: The Scepter of Rule [carried 1, belt 1, wielded 1]
Sacramental: A horn of strong drink raised with a panegyric to an Immortal of Law
Ritual: Factors Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 4/3
Type of Conflict + Breadth
; Banish (2) ; Self (0)
; Abjure (3) ; Other (1)
; Bind (4) ; Small group (3)
Byrnie of the Disir
The Lords of Fate smile upon those who bear the mark of Destiny upon them,
sparing a thread they would otherwise cut.
This invocation envelops the invoker with spiritual armor. The Byrnie of the
Disir absorbs one point of damage when the recipient is directly targeted in a
kill, capture, drive off, banish, abjure or bind conflict. After absorbing a point
of damage, roll 1d6: on a 1-3, the Byrnie of the Disir shatters and provides no
further benefit. On a 4-6, the Byrnie of the Disir is intact.
Relic: A tattoo of the rune of Fate, inked with blood drawn from a stone.
Sacramental: Thread plucked from a funeral shroud.
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 4) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One conflict Immortal Burden: 4/3
Exaltation of the Lords of Battle
With a shout that rings across the field of gore, the theurge beseeches the
Lords of Battle to pour their Immortal might into their fragile mortal form.
The Lords of Battle imbue the theurge and their allies with heroic power,
increasing Might by one for one conflict.
Relic: The weapon of a hero or Immortal [inventory as weapon]
Sacramental: A horn of strong drink raised to the Immortals of Battle.
Ritual: Factors Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 4/3
Type of Conflict + Breadth
; Drive off (1) ; Self (0)
; Kill (2) ; Another (1)
; Skirmish (3) ; Small group (3)
; Battle (4)
The thousand-thousand voices of the Lords of Life and Death erupt from the
theurge’s throat as one with a crack of thunder. The terrible sound shears away
the power that animates the undead and immolates them in a pillar of blue
flame that leaves only a pile of salt.
This invocation immolates undead within range of the theurge’s voice. If
successfully performed, the targets are instantly destroyed where they stand.
This invocation affects only creatures of the undead type.
Relic: Amulet of Sol the Daystar [worn/neck or carried 1]
Sacramental: Holy water
Ritual: Variable (see below) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: Instantaneous Immortal Burden: 4/3
To set the obstacle, total the Might of the creatures the theurge wishes to
target. They can target a total value of twice their own Might—but cannot
affect an individual undead creature whose Might is higher than their own.
Ulrik has might 3. He’s facing a barrow wight (m5) and three
tomb guardians (M2). If he performs extirpation, he cannot
affect the wight, as its might is higher than his. However, he
can affect six points worth the Tomb guardians—equal to
double Ulrik’s might 3. His obstacle to extirpate all three
of those tomb guardians would be 6. That’s a tall task, even
for a powerful theurge. So, ulrik could go for the big swing
or opt to attempt to destroy just one or two of the foul
creations at Ob 2 or 4, respectively.
Sanction of the Lady of Valor
Miskunna blesses the theurge’s weapon with her spiritual might, making it
glow with divine light.
Weapons sanctified by Miskunna are effectively magical for the duration of
the invocation, allowing them to harm spirits and demons, even while in the
physical realm. These weapons ignore monster special rules like a Disturbed
Spirit’s Discorporate or a Vindvættir’s Elemental Air. Weapons that are already
magical gain +1D to Attack and Feint actions against spirits and demons.
Relic: The sword of the Lady of Valor [carried 1, belt 1; wielded 1]
Sacramental: Sandalwood incense
Ritual: Fixed (Ob 3 +1 per additional weapon) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 4/3
Twist of the Skein of Fate
The Norns smile upon the theurge and intertwine their thread of destiny with
that of another.
This invocation allows the theurge to use Ritualist in place of Circles for one
test when trying to find someone.
Relic: Urd’s Distaff [carried 1]
Sacramental: Pure lamb’s wool
Ritual: Skill swap Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One turn Immortal Burden: 4/3
Fourth Circle Theurge Invocations
Benison of Hlin Hearthmistress
The clouds part and light shines from the heavens as the Hearthmistress lays
her hand upon a settlement and eases its ills.
This invocation eases a disaster that has befallen a settlement. Rains snuff
raging fires, rage and frustration drain out of rioters, warring factions lay down
their arms, fields sprout, orchards bloom, and so forth. Ameliorate one current
town events disaster or one ongoing -1 penalty to town events as the result of
a past disaster.
Relic: Hlin Hearthmisstress’s Ring of Keys [belt 1]
Sacramental: Sheaves of the first grains of the harvest
Ritual: Factors Invocation Time: 3/2
Duration: Instantaneous Immortal Burden: 5/4
Settlement type
; Steading (1) ; Busy crossroads or walled town (4)
; Borderland fortress or wizard’s tower (2) ; Dilapidated port (5)
; Remote village, religious bastion or shire (3) ; Bustling metropolis (6)
Celestial Ship of the Lord of Winds
The Lord of Winds and Sailors heeds the beseeching hand of the theurge,
sending forth his celestial ship from the Shining Realm.
This invocation summons Skidbladnir, Njor’s drakar, from the Shining
Realm. The mighty warship is crewed by wind spirits who need neither rest
nor sustenance. So long as the destination is known (the characters have an
accurate map or have been to the location before), the ship will unfailingly sail
toward its destination, no Sailor test required. If the characters do not have a
map or know the destination, a Sailor test is still necessary to navigate, but
use the Skeid or Karve (2) factor for craft size, even though Skidbladnir is
enormous. Additionally, use calm, brisk or blustery weather regardless of the
actual weather.
Relic: Njor’s Wallet (a satchel that unfolds into the ship) [worn/torso 1]
Sacramental: Incense made from fir resin and juniper berries
Ritual: Fixed (Ritualist Ob 5) Invocation Time: 1/0
Duration: One journey Immortal Burden: 5/4
N ot all conflicts are martial, and not all weapons are made of steel
and wood. This chapter provides weapons for all of the various
conflicts outside of fighting.
Weapon A D F M Special
Camouflage — — +1D — Blinds and camouflage
Lures — — — +1D Must be made for specific beast
Nets or Traps +1s — — — Might 4 or lower
Blackmail — — — — +1D to one action type
Deception — — +1s — —
Evidence +1s — — — You must have evidence!
Finery — — — — +1 Precedence
Intimidation — — — +1s —
Promises — +1D — — —
Other Weapons
Weapon A D F M Special
Elevated Position +1s — — — You must be elevated
Playing to Mood — — +1s — Note if crowd is hungry and
thirsty, angry, afraid, etc.
Uniform of — +1D — — You must have finery or a
Authority proper disguise
Caltrops or Oil — — +1s — Expended when dropped
Locals — — — — +1D to one action type
Maps — — — — +1D to disposition roll
Right Tools +1s — — — You must have proper equipment
Answers — +2s — — You must have the answer
Material clue — — — +2D You must have a material clue
Riddle +1D, +1s — — — You must tell a riddle
Truth +1D — — — You must tell the truth
Distraction — — — +1D —
Prop — — +1D — You must have a convincing prop
Capture Weapons
Capture conflicts use the standard array of weapons and improvised
weapons, but you need more than just a blade and guts to bring down
dangerous beasts. In this section we detail three types of weapons you
can use when on the hunt: camouflage, lures, nets and traps.
Setting up blinds on your hunting grounds or using camouflage can help
deceive your quarry. These tactics grant +1D to Feint.
Using lures—calls or scents—a hunter can confuse their quarry and
position them where they wants them. Lures grant +1D to Maneuver.
Making lures is a test for Hunter. The obstacle is equal to the creature’s
Might and the Alchemist skill may provide help.
Nets or Traps
An effective hunter comes prepared with implements to entangle or
slow down his quarry. However, nets, traps and lines must be built to the
size of the animal. They grant +1s to Attack.
Use Hunter to create nets and traps with the following factors:
Type of Animal Order of Might
; Prey (1) ; Might 1-2 (0)
; Predator (2) ; Might 3 (1)
; Might 4 (2)
Other Weapons
Convince Weapons
Choose your persuasive weapon wisely. Note that repeating an
argument drops your current weapon and incurs the -1D unarmed
penalty to your current action. If you repeat the same points over and
over, you’re weakening your side.
This weapon grants +1D to one action type of your choice in the
conflict. You may assign the bonus die at any point during the conflict.
Once chosen, the bonus die sticks to that action for the remainder of
the conflict.
You must have leverage on your opponent to use blackmail—or a very
credible lie about that leverage.
Lying or prevaricating in an argument grants +1s to Feint. This bonus
applies to real lies about real facts, not to fanciful prattling.
Evidence grants +1s to Attack. If the character has pre-e stablished
evidence to support their side, they can display it and explain it through
their Attack actions to gain the benefit.
Clean, unsoiled, fashionable finery grants its wearer +1 Precedence.
Intimidating roleplay—real threats, not just bluster—grants +1s to
Maneuver. The intimidation or lie must be played out to gain the benefit.
Making promises to your interlocutor grants you +1D to Defend. The
promises aren’t binding unless they come back to haunt you in the
Convince Crowd Weapons
Here are weapons to use when you’re speaking to a crowd: elevated
position, mood, repetition and a good uniform or outfit.
Elevated Position
An elevated position for your address grants +1s to Attack. Make sure
your entire audience can see you.
Uniform of Authority
A uniform or outfit lends gravity to your argument and grants +1D to
Defend. It will help deflect any of your audience’s doubts.
If you’re a local, or you’ve hired a local guide, you have an advantage to
moving quickly through the environment.
This weapon grants +1D to one action type of your choice in the
conflict. You may assign the bonus die at any point during the conflict.
Once chosen, the bonus die sticks to that action for the remainder of
the conflict.
If you have an accurate map of the area, you are granted +1D to your
disposition roll.
Other Weapons
Right Tools
If there’s terrain to cross and you have the right tools to cross it—a rope
and grappling hook for a wall, a boat or raft for a river or a spell for a
rapid descent—you are granted +1s to Attack.
Riddle Weapons
If asked a riddle and you know the answer or if being tricked but you
know the truth, you may equip this weapon and gain +2s to Defend.
Material Clue
If you have a clue as to what the answer to the riddle is or evidence that
you’re being tricked, you gain +2D to Maneuver. The material clue isn’t
a notion, but a person, object or terrain feature that points to the truth.
If you can produce an actual riddle during the conflict you gain +1D and
+1s to Attack on that action—it doesn’t matter if the other players know
the answer in that moment! If they want to benefit from that knowledge,
they must equip the Answers weapon and use it to regain any damage
done by your quick wits!
Trick Weapons
Telling your victim the truth while you’re trying to trick them grants +1D
to Attack. Using this weapon does require that you cease your lies for a
moment and tell the truth.
Distracting your target with an explosion or even just a smooth partner
grants +1D to Maneuver in trick conflicts.
Tricks are often elaborate ruses. Incorporating a physical prop that
builds on the ruse grants +1D to Feint. You must have the prop ready to
go prior to initiating the conflict.
Convince Armor
P Rank or a position over another person absorbs 1 pt of damage
on a roll of 4-6 once per convince conflict.
P A higher Precedence absorbs 1 pt of damage per hit in convince
conflicts, but roll 1d6 after each hit. The effect is lost on a 1-3 result.
Other Weapons
Convince Crowd Armor
Title or Office
P A position of power absorbs 1 pt of damage per hit in convince
crowd conflicts, but roll 1d6 after each hit. The effect is lost on a
1-3 result.
Pursue Armor
P A good pair of shoes absorbs 1 pt of damage on a roll of 4-6 once
per pursue conflict.
Flee Armor
P The cover of darkness absorbs 1 pt of damage per hit in flee
conflicts, but roll 1d6 after each hit. The effect is lost on a 1-3 result.
Index of
+1D, +2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
+1s, +2s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
-1D, -2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
-1s, -2s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2d6, 3d6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Apotheosis of the Lords of Law . 224
Apotropaic Circle. . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Arcana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Arcane Semblance. . . . . . . . . . . 184
A Arcane Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Arcanist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Abilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Armor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Armorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Absolution of the Lord of Endings.223 Armor Inventory Slots . . . . . . . . . 40
Accomplishing Goals. . . . . . . . . . 54 The Aura of Authority . . . . . . . . . 63
Acting on Instinct. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Acting Outside Your Nature . . . . . 66 Avenging Grudges. . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Acting Within Your Nature. . . . . . 66
Act, Test, Result . . . . . . . . . . . 20 B
Advancement. . . . . . . . . 12, 108 Backpacks and Satchels. . . . 85, 152
Advancement in Series Tests. . . 110 Bad Instincts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Advancing Nature . . . . . . 69, 109 Balefire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Advancing Rating 0 . . . . . . . . 108 Balm of the Lords of Serenity. . . 214
Advancing Rating 1 . . . . . . . . 108 Base Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Adventure, Camp and Town . . . 20 Basic Gear List . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Adventure Phase Procedures . 250 Battle axe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
The Adventurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Beginner’s Luck . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Adventurous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Beginner’s Luck . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Aetherial Premonition . . . . . 97, 184 Beginner’s Luck Using Health. . . . 59
Aetheric Appendage . . . . . . . . . 183 Beginner’s Luck Using Will. . . . . . 58
Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 47 Beginners Roll Half . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Alchemist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Belief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 44, 49
Allies and Additional Enemies. . . . 13 Belief, Creed, Goal and Instinct. . . 44
Belt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86, 151
Anatomy of an Adventurer. . . 6
Index of Headings
Benediction of the Camp, Town and PvP . . . . . . . . . 80
Lords of Creation. . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Candles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Benison of Hlin Hearthmistress . 230 Capture Weapons . . . . . . . . . 234
Be Polite, Be Generous . . . . . . . . 18 Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Beren of Carcaroth . . . . 132, 136 Carrying More . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Be Skilled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Cartographer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Bitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Casting from Your Spell Book. . . .93
Blackmail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Casting Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Blessing of the Ancestors. . . . . . 230 Casting Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Blessing of the Lord of Labor.106, 209 Catholicon of the Lord of Plagues. 216
Blessing of the Lord of Winds. . . 224 Celestial Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Blocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Celestial Ship of the
Blood Vow to the Lord of Winds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Lords of Creation. . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Chain armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Boasting and Demanding. . . . . . . 71 Challenging Beliefs . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Bold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Challenging Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Bone Knitter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Challenging Instincts . . . . . . . . . . 56
Born of Earth and Stone . . . . . . 178 Changing Beliefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Born to Lose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Changing Creeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Bottles and Waterskins. . . . . 85, 152 Changing Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Bow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Channeling Nature . . . . . . . . . . 67
Brave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Channeling Outside Your Nature. . 67
Breath of the Burning Lord. . . . . 210 Channeling Within Your Nature . . 67
Bundled Items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Chant of the Lords of Valor . . . . 216
Burden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Character Optimization . . . . . . . . 29
Burden of Creed. . . . . . . . . . . . 101 The Character Sheet . . . . . . . . 21
Burglar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Chariot of the Lord of Labor. . . . 225
Burglar Level 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Checks Against Traits. . . . . . . . . . 80
Burglar Level Benefits . . . . . . 113 Choose Adventuring Gear . . . . . . 38
Bustling Metropolis. . . . . . . . . . . 30 Choose Your Class. . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Busy Crossroads. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Choose Your Weapon . . . . . . . . . 39
But not too Skilled. . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Byrnie of the Disir. . . . . . . . . . . 225 Circles and Relationships. . . . . . . 36
Circles Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
C Circles Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Circles Twist—The Enmity Clause. 61
Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Calm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Caltrops or Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Class Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Camouflage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Classes, Torchbearer . . . . . . . . 26
Campaign Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Clean the Slate . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Camp Cache. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Cloak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Camp Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Cloak of the Lords of Forges. . . . 217
Camp Phase Procedures . . . . 252 Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Commander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Do you have parents? . . . . . . . . . 36
Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Dragged Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Conference of Birds. . . . . . . . . . 202 Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Conflict and Series Dropped Obstacles. . . . . . . . . . 237
Advancement Exception. . . . . 110 Dungeoneer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Conflict Procedures . . . . . . . . 254 Dwarf Nature Questions. . . . . . . 33
Conserving Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Dwarven Crafting Nature . . . . . . 74
Containers . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 152 Dwarven Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Dweomercraft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Convince Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Convince Crowd Armor . . . . . . 239 E
Convince Crowd Weapons . . . 236 Early Riser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Convince Weapons . . . . . . . . 235 Earning a Creed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Cook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Earning and Spending Checks . . . 13
Creating an Adventurer . . . . . . 25 Earning Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Creating Relics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Creed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 44, 52 Elevated Position. . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Criminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Elfhome (elves only). . . . . . . . . . . 30
Crossbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Elf Nature Questions. . . . . . . . . . 34
Cunning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Embodiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Curious. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Empyreal Messenger . . . . . . . . . 203
Current Nature Taxed to 0 . . . . . . 68 Enemies to Friends,
Current Nature vs Friends to Enemies. . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Maximum Nature Rating . . . . . . . 68 Enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
D Evidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Dæmonic Stupefaction. . . . . . . . 185 Evocation of the
Dagger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Lords of Battle. . . . . . . . . . 217, 226
Darkness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 Example Arcane Spell . . . . . . . 97
Deception. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Example Great Relics . . . . . . . . 104
Decide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Example Invocation . . . . . . . . 106
Deeper Understanding. . . . . . . . . 77 Example Minor Relics. . . . . . . . 103
Defender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Example Named Relics. . . . . . . 103
Describe to Live. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Example Precedence Scheme. . . . 63
Destiny of Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Exceeding Your Urðr. . . . . . . . . 102
Devilish Laughter. . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Explore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Dice and Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Extirpation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Did you have a mentor? . . . . . . . 37 Extravagant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Disposition Roll. . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Extrovert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Distraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Eye of Omens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Distraction Free Environment. . . 90 Eye of the Overworld. . . . . . . . . 204
Do I Know You?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Eyes of the Bat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Do you have friends? . . . . . . . . . 36
Index of Headings
Great Sword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
F The Greater the Order,
Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 the More You Hurt. . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Fate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Grind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Fearless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Guidance of the
Fellow Player Support. . . . . . . . . 54 Lord of Paths and Ways. . . . . . . 219
Fiery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Fighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Finery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151, 235
Haggler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
First Born. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Halberd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
First Person. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Halfling Nature Questions. . . . . . 35
First Sessions First . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Hallraiser’s Call. . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
The First Step in Learning. . . . . . 59 Hammer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Flail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Hand axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Flames of the Shroud. . . . . . . . . 194 Have you made an enemy? . . . . . 37
Flasks of oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Healer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Flee Armor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Hearth Rune. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Foolhardy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Heart of Battle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Forge Rites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Heir to the Pauper’s Throne . . . . 47
Foundation of the Lords of Law . 227 Helmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Fresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Friend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Helping Invocation Rituals. . . . . 100
Fulfilling Beliefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Helping with Nature. . . . . . . . . . . 65
Fury of the Helping with Spells . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Lords of Life and Death. . . . . . . 218 Heroic Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Heroic Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
G Hidden Depths . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Gaining Wisdom . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Holy water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Game Master’s Prerogative . . . . . 73 Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Garlic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Hometown Advantage. . . . . . . . . 60
Gather ‘Round. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Honorable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 148 Horn of the Valkyrja . . . . . . . . . 231
Gear Descriptions . . . . . . . . . 150 How Are You Wise?. . . . . . . . . . . 31
Generous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Human Nature Questions. . . . . . 35
Gerald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 140 Human Upbringing . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Gift of Hospitality . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 45, 53
Good Instincts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Grace of the Lords of Plenty. . . . 219
Grappling hook . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Great Relics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
I Am Wise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 32
Iconic Characters. . . . . . . . 132 Language-Wise . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Immortal Burden . . . . . . . . . . 100 Lantern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Immortal Patron . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Learning a New Skill . . . . . . . . 75
Imperfect Solutions . . . . . . . . . 57 Learning Magic From the
Improvised Capture Weapon . . . 234 Written Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Improvised Convince Crowd Learning New Spells . . . . . . . . 96
Weapon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Leather armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Improvised Convince Weapon . . 235 Level Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Improvised Flee Weapons. . . . . . 237 Level Investment Requirements. . 112
Inadequate Tools. . . . . . . . . . 74, 88 Level Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . 13
Inappropriate Wises . . . . . . . . . . 32 Levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Incandescent Beacon. . . . . . . . . 204 Library to Spell Books. . . . . . . . . 92
Incarnation Nature Descriptors . 126 Lightness of Being. . . . . . . . . . . 187
Incarnation Rules . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Lightning Step. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Inspiring Aura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Light Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Instinct. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 45, 55 Listen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Interlocution of the Lords of Law. 220 Listen, Explore, Decide, Describe 19
Intimidation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Locals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Introduce Yourself. . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Location, Item and Space . . . . . 83
Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 83 Loner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Invocation Advantage . . . . . . . 105 Loner Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Invocation Interrupt . . . . . . . . . . 99 Loom of the Disir. . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Invocation Rituals . . . . . . . . . . 98 Lore Master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Invocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Lures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Invocations. . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Invocations in Conflicts . . . . . . . . 99
Invocations List . . . . . . . . . . . 106 M
Mace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Invocation Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Magical and Religious Equipment. 155
Invocation to the Immortal Waters.220
Magical Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Invoking Without Relics . . . . . 104
Magical Mentorship. . . . . . . . . . . 96
Iron spikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Magician. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Index of Headings
Margin of Success . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Outcast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Material Clue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Outcast Level 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Materials and Focuses . . . . . . . . . 94 Outcast Level Benefits . . . . . . 119
Maximum Nature Reduced to 0. . . 68
Memorizing Spells. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 P-Q
Memory Palace . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Parents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mentor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 168 Party Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Merciful Balm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Passing the Spotlight. . . . . . . . . . 18
Merrymaking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Pathfinder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Might . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Peasant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
The Might Scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Minor Relics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Performing Invocations . . . . . . 99
Mirror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Persuader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Mortal Crisis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Phantasmal Vision. . . . . . . . . . . 196
Mudra of Fate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Plate armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Multi-Slot Items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Playing Beliefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Mystic Porter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Playing Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Playing to the Mood of the Crowd.236
N Playtesters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 47 Plow Blessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Named Relics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Pocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 65 Pole, 10’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Nature 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Polearm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Nature Descriptors by Stock . . . . 33 Pouch, belt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Necessary Tools for Skills. . . . . . . 73 Prayer to the Lords of Silence. . . 221
Nets or Traps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Precedence . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 238
New Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Promises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
New Instincts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Prop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
New Wises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Protection from Tax . . . . . . . . . . 60
No Converting Tests . . . . . . . . 109 Purification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Numinous Sigil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Pursue Armor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Pursue or Flee Weapons . . . . . 236
O Quick-Witted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Quiet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Obstacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Obstacle 0 Tests . . . . . . . . . . 109 Quiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Of Course! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Once Per Phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 R
Once Per Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Raiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 47
Orator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Ranger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Other Conflict Armor . . . . . . . 238 Ranger Level 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Other Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ranger Level Benefits . . . . . . 122
Rations, fresh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Other Weapons. . . . . . . 232
Rations, preserved . . . . . . . . . . 154
Raw Abilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Scrolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Reaching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Series Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Reading This Book . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Set the Stage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Reaper’s Round. . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Sharing Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Recovering Nature . . . . . . . . . . 69 Sharp-Eyed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Relics . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 42, 103 Shipwright’s Chant . . . . . . . . . . 213
Religious Bastion . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Shoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151, 239
Relying on Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Shroud of Shadows . . . . . . . . . . 198
Remote Village. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Sign of Abrogation. . . . . . . . . . . 205
Reputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Sigrun’s Voice of Thunder . . . . . 213
Reroll 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Sigtyr’s Arresting Speech. . . . . . 214
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Simulacrum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Resources 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Singing and Remembering. . . . . . 71
Rhyme of Opening . . . . . . . . . . 196 The Skein of Destiny. . . . . . . . . . 16
Riddle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Skeptical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Riddle Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Skill Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Rider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Skill List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Right Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Skill List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Skill Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Ritual Burden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 72
Ritualist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Skills Over Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Ritual Wises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Skinny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Roleplaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Sling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Rolls and Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 So Here We Are… . . . . . . . . . . 43
Rope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Somnific Trance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Rough Hands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180 Sorcerous Suggestion. . . . . . . . . 206
S Spear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Special Nature Rules . . . . . . . . 70
Sack, large, small . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Specific Group Wises. . . . . . . . . . 32
Sacks within Sacks (within Sacks). 86 Specific Location Wises. . . . . . . . 32
Sacramentals . . . . . . . . . 100, 155 Specific Monster Wises. . . . . . . . 32
Sailor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Specific Thing Wises. . . . . . . . . . 32
Sanction of the Lady of Valor. . . 228 Specific Town Wises . . . . . . . . . . 31
Sanctuary of the Vår Maiden . . . 228 Spell book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Sapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Spell Book and Relics. . . . . . . . . 39
Satchel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Spell Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Scapegoat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Spell Interrupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Scarred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Spell Inventory Slots. . . . . . . . . . . 90
Scavenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Spell Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Scholar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Spell List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Scout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Spell materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Scribing Scrolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Index of Headings
Spells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143, 183
First Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Table Chatter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Second Circle . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Taika . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 138
Third Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Tall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Spells in Conflicts . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Taxing Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Spell Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Taxing Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Spending Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Temerarious Discharge. . . . . . . . . 91
Spring of the Eternal . . . . . . . . . 221
Theologian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Theurge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Stakes and mallet . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Theurge Level 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Starting Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Theurge Invocations
Starting Enemy Rules . . . . . . . . . 37
First Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Starting Equipment Choices. . . . . 38
Fourth Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Starting Friend Rules . . . . . . . . . 37
Second Circle . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Starting Relics. . . . . . . . . . . 42, 104
Third Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Starting Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Theurge Level Benefits . . . . . . 125
Starting Rewards. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Thieves’ tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Starting Spell Books (Magician). . .40
Thoughtful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Starting Weapon Choices. . . . . . . 40
Thread of Friendship. . . . . . . . . 189
Steady Hands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Ties and Advancement . . . . . . 111
Steward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Tinderbox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Stigmata . . . . . . . . . . . . 102, 102
Title or Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Stigmata Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Stigmata Scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Tools, Supplies and Gear . . . . . 73
Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Too Tough To Handle . . . . . . . . 64
Stoic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Torchbearer Classes . . . . . . . . . 26
Stonemason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Torches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Structure of this Book . . . . . . . 16
Touched by the Gods. . . . . . . . . 182
Successes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Town Abilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Successful Purification . . . . . . . 105
Town Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Suggested Failure Results . . . . . . 91
Town Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Suggested Help . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Town Phase Procedures . . . . . 253
Supernal Vision. . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Trait Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Supplication to the Burning Lord.222
Trait List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Survivalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Trait List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Swarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Trait Refresh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Sword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Traits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Traits From Nature. . . . . . . . . . . 33
Treasure and Cash. . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Trick or Riddle Armor . . . . . . . . 239
Trick Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
What We Fight For . . . . . . . 49
Triggering Instincts . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Where Is Your Home? . . . . . . . . . 29
Truth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Who May Speak to Whom. . . . . . 62
Twist of the Skein of Fate. . . . . . 229
Why Use Traits Against Yourself? 82
Twist or Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Two-Handed Weapons. . . . . . . . . 87
Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Warhammer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Warrior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Warrior Level 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Warrior Level Benefits . . . . . . 129
Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Water Lung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Waterskin/wineskin. . . . . . . . . . 152
Wayfinder’s Friend. . . . . . . . . . . 190
Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 156
Wear and Tear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Weaver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Weight of the Burden . . . . . . . 101
What Are Your Social Graces? . . . 30
What’s Your Specialty?. . . . . . . . . 31
Skill Reference
Skill BL Tools Help Supplies
Alchemist W Y Laborer, Lore Master Herbs, roots, blood, bones
Arcanist W § Lore Master Spell materials
Armorer H Y Smith, Laborer Steel rivets, leather straps, metal plates
Carpenter H Y Alchemist, Laborer Lumber, nails, glue, rope
Cartographer W Y Scholar, Pathfinder Ink, paper, parchment, cloth, charcoal
Commander W N Steward, Orator Ammunition, carts and wagons
Cook W Y Alchemist, Laborer Salt, garlic, spices, etc.
Criminal H (Y) Scout, Scholar Lockpicks, silken handkerchiefs, paint
Dungeoneer H Y Sapper, Survivalist Rope, spikes, candles, chalk, twine
Fighter H § Hunter Torches, lanterns, tables, bottles, stones, doors
Haggler W N Manipulator Abacus, scales
Healer W Y Alchemist, Survivalist Medicinal herbs, minerals, bandages
Hunter H Y Survivalist, Laborer See Hunter’s gear entry
Laborer H Y Peasant Rope, pulleys, shims, blocks
Lore Master W N Arcanist, Theologian See Lore Master’s gear entry
Manipulator W N Haggler, Persuader Wine, drugs, coin, disguises
Mentor W N Persuader See Mentor’s gear entry
Orator W N Manipulator Pre-written speeches, parables, myths
Pathfinder H N Scout, Cartographer See Pathfinder’s gear entry
Peasant H Y Laborer See Peasant’s gear entry
Persuader W N Manipulator Wine, coin, gifts
Rider H § Peasant Food, treats, pets
Ritualist W § Theologian Sacramentals
Sailor H § Laborer Tar, rope, lumber
Sapper H Y Alchemist, Laborer Sulphur, lumber, grease
Scavenger H N Scout See Scavenger’s gear entry
Scholar W (Y) Lore Master, Steward Ink, quills, brushes
Scout W N Pathfinder, Hunter Chalk dust, candles
Steward W (Y) Scholar, Theologian Accounting ledgers, census rolls
Stonemason H Y Laborer See Stonemason’s gear entry
Survivalist H Y Peasant Poles, tarpaulins, gut, twine, stakes
Y: Requires tools to perform skill. (Y): Requires tools for some tests.
N: Does not require tools to perform skill.
§: Special requirements like a spell book, relic, animal or ship.
Adventure Phase Procedures
Ask Questions, Discuss, Repeat Decide
K The players discuss their options K The group decides on a course of action
K They ask the game master questions about K If the players are divided between options,
the situation (or the rules) the party leader makes the call
MListen Act
Describe to Live
K Each player describes the actions of their character
K Players may not cite skills, abilities or conflicts
Good Idea
K Do not roll if the game master
deems this action a Good Idea
Camp Phase Procedures
Strategize Assign and spend checks
Assess the group’s: K A test or conflict costs 1 check
Make camp K Conditions K Or use an instinct for free
K Flop down in a safe spot or K Supply of food & water K Checks can be shared
survey for a good location K Supply of light sources K Players cannot test twice in a row
(in adventure phase) K Spells and Immortal burden
K One player must have at K Damaged armor
least one check
K Set watch or decide not to
K Decide to keep a dark
camp or not
K Game master sets camp
danger level
K Roll for camp events
K If disaster, all checks
K Purify burden
K Or break camp and return to
K Memorize spells
adventure phase
K Repair armor
K Reset the grind to turn 1 when
K Scavenge for supplies
returning to the adventure phase
K Cast spells or perform invocations
K Mix alchemical solutions
K Add amenities to your camp site
Town Phase Procedures
Strategize Accommodate
Assess the group’s: K Street (±0 ls)
K Conditions K Stables (+1 ls)
K Loot & Resources K Flophouse (+1 ls)
K Equipment K Inn (+2 ls)
K Home (±0 ls)
K Hotel (+3 ls)
Head to Town
K Arrive at gates
adventure phase
K Otherwise, enter town and
resolve town event
K Advance level if appropriate
K Divide loot
MTown Market
purchase items
point of tax
Conflict Procedures
Generate Disposition
K Players roll skill indicated by conflict
K Players add successes to the indicated rating
K Subtract -1s if team member is hungry and thirsty
Declare K Subtract -1s if team member exhausted
K The game master declares a conflict engaged
K The game master selects the conflict type Assign Hit Points
based on the player description K Conflict captain divides disposition into hit
K The players elect a conflict captain points for participants
0 Hit Points
K If a character’s HP is 0, they
MDescribe Choose
Round 2, etc.
Describe to live
K Players describe their own actions as Weapons
well as how their character is helping K Game master declares weapons
or aiding their companions K Players declare weapons
K Resolve interactions—independent or versus—
Conflict Actions
according to interplay of actions
K Use the obstacles, interactions
and margin of success rules for Rounds
each action type K Repeat the reveal and resolve procedures for
actions two and three of the current round
Conflict Round Example
Luke, mcferren, Jared and Thor explore the Dread Crypt of
Skogen by with Dro as the game master. Lu ke plays Beren,
mcferren plays Karolina, Jared plays Gerald and Thor plays
Varg. What follows is an example of a single combat round.
Beren activated the tomb guardians when he attempted to
steal the torcs from around their necks. His reaction to their
animation was to bash them to dust, thus dro declared a kill
Dro describes the tomb guardians lurching from their biers
and calculates their dispo according to their listing: 4 plus 1
per helper. Mcferren describes karolina quickly organizing a
counterattack; Luke and Jared describe their help while Thor
works in Skirmish-wise for varg. They roll fighter 4 +3D. They
get four successes and add them to Karolina’s health 4.
tomb guardians Adventurers
Captain: — Captain: Karolina
Might 2 | Disposition 7 Might 3 | Disposition 8
Hit Points Hit Points
TG 1: 2, TG 2: 2, TG 3: 2, TG 4: 1 Kar: 2, Ber: 2, Ger: 2, Var: 2
Round 1
Weapons Dispo Weapons
1: Battle axe K: Shield
2: Spear B: Hand Axe
3: Spear
7 8 G: Sling
4: Sword V: Wizard’s Aegis
Action 1
Attack vs Maneuver
TG 1 3D 5D Gerald
Tg 2’s Help +1D +1D Beren’s help
Tg 3’s Help +1D +1D Karolina’s help
Tg 4’s Help +1D +1D Varg’s aid
Nature 3 +3D help Health 3, +2D Sling,
Dro: The one Jared:
+2D help, +1D Aid
with the axe Gerald whips
clumsily 1,3,4,4,4,2=3s 5,3,2,3,6,1,2,1=2s a stone at
swings down his head and
+1s battle axe A disastrous roll!
on gerald falls back.
while the Deals 2 points No maneuver effects Luke:
others point I protect him
of damage Leather rolls 3 (Fail).
their blades with my shield.
out at the No maneuver Gerald takes 2 PTs Mcferren:
rest of you. shield’s up,
effects of damage and is
Me too!
knocked out. Thor: Varg
shouts “fall
Dispo 7 Dispo 6
back! Slowly!”.
Action 2
Tg 1’s Help +1D +1D Karolina’s help
Tg 3’s Help +1D +1D Varg’s aid
Tg 4’s Help +1D — GERALD’S OUT
Nature 3, +1D FIGHTER 4,
Dro: As Luke: Attack!
gerald falls, SPEAR, +3D help +2D help we make holes
They form in Teeth!
2,3,6,6,6,3,4=4s 5,4,4,6,2,3=4s
into a block, Mcferren:
spears TIE BROKEN: +1 MIGHT I smash their
bristling. blades aside
They try to with my shield.
force you EFFECT. :( DAMAGE Thor: Varg
back against places his
TG 2 suffers Beren unaffected
the wall, hands on their
away from 1 pt of damage shoulders,
the halfling. keeping them
Dispo 6 Dispo 6
in position.
Action 3
Attack vs Defend
TG 3 3D 4D Varg
Tg 2’s Help +1D +1D Karolina’s help
Tg 1’s Help +1D +1D Beren’s help
Tg 4’s Help +1D — GERALD’S OUT
Nature 3 +3D help arcanist 4,
Dro: One Thor:
had its jaw +2D help I conjure
knocked off the aegis
1,2,3,4,6,5=3s 3,4,5,2,3,4=3s
by Beren’s axe, to protect
but it does +1 Might, +2s ægis Karolina as
not deter she pulls
No damage done varg restores
their undead Gerald back
advance! Gerald’s Hit points onto his feet
The ancient Mcferren:
— Gerald regroups
spears lance I lock my shield
out to pierce and is back in! to varg’s
the flesh! magic shield.
Dispo 6 Dispo 8
Luke: I hack at
their weapons.
Dro sums u p rou nd 1 for the grou p: “There was a Jared:
desperate moment as they forced you back and nearly
dragged off Gerald, but you fought THEM OFF and
managed to hold your ranks. Announce your weapons
and then select your actions FOR ROUND 2. I’m using
sword, axe and spear!
Round 2
Weapons Dispo Weapons
1: Battle axe K: SPEAR
2: Spear B: Hand Axe
3: Spear
6 8 G: Sling
4: Sword V: Wizard’s Aegis