10.1016@0017 93108090214 8
10.1016@0017 93108090214 8
10.1016@0017 93108090214 8
Q Pergamon Pm Ltd. 1980. Printed in Great Britain
series [l] ; the nonorthogonal eigenfunctions were expanded e = F(q) atT = 0, y~iI tf I q2, (Id)
in terms of the eigenfunctions of an auxilliary orthogonal e-e,, as{-+ x:, (le)
system [2,3]. An expansion similar to that used in references
[2,3] was applied [4] to solve the problems with axial where the coefhcients H, and W, do not vanish simul-
conduction in the upstream and downstream regions of the taneously and the boundary condition (le) is as a consequence
origin. The Gramm-Schmidt orthonormahzation procedure of the requirement that for large 5 the temperature distri-
was used to construct orthogonal functions from the non- bution reduces to that of fully developed temperature profile,
orthogonal eigenfunctions [ 11,121; the same technique was B,,. Various other quantities are defined as
also applied to solve related problems involving internal
energy sources [13, 141. A two-sided Laplace transform yf_l)=l-bEHO),
j=xory; &. _,
technique was used to represent the temperature field in the
1400 Shorter Communications
0 for slab,
1 for cylinder
To solve the above problems we consider the eigenvalue where the summation index M of equation (4b) is replaced by
problem appropriate for the case in which the axial con- n in order to distinguish it from the eventual inversion-
duction is neglected formula summation-index m. The term J, is a known
quantity because G(n) is a specified function.
in n1 < n < VZ, When equations (6a), (6b) and (5d) are introducted into
equation (5a) we find
+(IL,,G)=- for c > 0, @a)
dl ’
J 91
The term J, is evaluated by integrating it by parts twice and
utilizing the eigenvalue problem (2) and the boundary 8,=P, fort=O, Pb)
conditions (lb) and (1~). 8, -+ 8,, fort + X, (9c)
To evaluate the term J,, the function e(n, 5) is replaced by its The system (9) provides a set of uncoupled, second-degree
equivalent inversion formula (4b) ; We obtain ordinary differential equations for the transforms 8,,,, m = 1,
2, 3, Once the transforms B are determined from the
J,= f- ~“Wm~~)W,~~)d~ d”, solution of this system, the temperature distribution S(& n) is
n= LWA I immediately obtained by the inversion formula (4b).
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