Classroom Management For Effective Teaching

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Classroom Management for Effective Teaching

Article · December 2015


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Ritu Chandra
Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University


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International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2015

Classroom Management for Effective Teaching

Ritu Chandra

Teachers play a major role for effective class conduction. It is the responsibility of the teacher to make his /her class interesting
so that students are keen to attend and participate in the class. Some of the teachers keep complaining about the class which they
teach. The problem is normally related to student’s behaviour and discipline. Such students miss out on learning. They usually
bunk or are irregular to class. They don’t even bother to be present for the class. So many students today just don’t value their
education. If we suspend such students for bunking class they don’t seem to care at all. Sitting at home doesn’t change their
attitude. Maybe a fresh look at the approach to Classroom management is required. But why we as a teacher are losing our grip
with the classes? This paper focuses on the problems, reasons and suggestions for effective class management.
Keywords: classroom management, Discipline, With-it-ness, ripple effect

Plato has rightly said promote the development of student social skills and self-
“Do not train students to learning by force and harshness, but regulation; and use appropriate interventions to assist
direct them to it by what amuses their mind, so that you may students who have behavior problems.
be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of Jacob Kounin also believed that if students were engaged in
the genius of each.” their lessons, they would be less likely to misbehave. Other
Teaching is not controlling, but rather working with the theorists who believed this as well were Glasser, Curwin, and
students to learn, grow, and succeed together. By having Medler. If lessons are precise and completed at a steady
strong student-teacher relationships with students, the continuous pace, students will have little time to misbehave
classroom will be a place for each member to express their or to get into conflicts. When students are engaged, they are
feelings and work together. Academic success depends on concentrating on the lesson and focus on learning, and it
these close relationships and guidance that teachers and prevents problems. It is important for the students to be part of
students have with one another. the decision-making processes. If students are having fun,
they will be engaged. When they are engaged in a lesson, they
Classroom management aims at establishing student self- will not think about misbehaving, and will be focused on the
control through a process of promoting positive student task.
achievement and behavior. Thus, academic achievement,
teacher efficacy, and teacher and student behavior are directly According to Spencer Kagan, students should play an active
linked with the concept of classroom management. role in setting classroom rules. By allowing the students to
help create the rules, the students are participating in
Educators have always rated discipline as one of the most classroom community building. Everyone is working
serious obstacles to promoting effective teaching. Proper together and is able to clearly understand the rules .
Classroom management leads to class control and conducive
teaching learning environment. Canter believed that parents need to be informed from day
one about behavior and both positive and negative
According to Evertson and Weinstein (2006) consequences should be shared with parents and guardians.
Classroom management has two distinct purposes: Parents should know how their children are behaving in class,
“It not only seeks to establish and sustain an orderly whether it is good or bad. By keeping in touch with letters and
environment so students can engage in meaningful academic notes, emails, or phone calls, parents will feel as if they are
learning, it also aims to enhance student social and moral important to their child’s success in the classroom. If parents
growth” (p. 4). do not feel important to their children’s education, or
welcome in the classroom, the students will suffer.There
Classroom management is a multi-faceted activity and
must be a good teacher-parent relationship so that everyone is
extends beyond the traditional behavior management
on the same page to support the student’s needs. If there is no
techniques recommended to deal with students with
support at home, the student will struggle in the classroom.
disruptive behavior. Teachers should develop caring,
supportive relationships with and among students; organize
and implement instruction in ways that optimize students’ II. PROBLEMS OF CLASSROOM
access to learning; they may use group management methods Indiscipline is a problem normally faced by teachers which
that encourage student engagement with academic tasks; creates a hindrance in teaching process. Due to indiscipline

Assistant Professor, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lko-Dewa Road

International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2015

situation students arrive late for class, are not punctual for the VI. MODEL CLASSROOM
classes or simply bunk classes as the class is not very
The Canters believed that teachers should teach and model
interesting or rather as a teacher we are unable to create
classroom behaviors. By doing so, students are able to
interest in the class .This may be a result of lack of lesson
visually see what is expected and what is not allowed in the
planning .At times effective management of time is also
classroom. This is important so that students fully understand
overlooked. Non verbal cues like body language and
what it looks like to participate in positive behavior
communication skills also play a major role in making the
management. Students will learn to be responsible managers
class effective.
of their behavior by seeing others do what is expected.
Problems of Classroom Management can be overcome by
When students misbehave, it is important to sit down with the
being prepared for class, motivating the students, providing a
student and counsel. By having close student-teacher
comfortable learning environment, building students’ self
relationships, we will be able to get to the cause of the
esteem, being creative and imaginative in daily lessons. A
behavior and help the student come up with alternatives to
teacher should not carry personal problems to the class by
prevent the unwanted behavior from occurring in the future.
being impulsive. There must be Willingness of the teacher to
accept responsibility for classroom control and Long-term, B.F. Skinner gave Behavior Modification theory and
solution-oriented approaches to problems. believed that behavior is shaped through systematic
reinforcement and punishment has limited effects. Likewise
William Glasser contributed Choice Theory which
III. TECHNIQUES FOR BETTER emphasizes human behavior is purposeful (Charles
CLASSROOM CONTROL 2011).Students are responsible for their own behavior. The
Teacher needs to Focus attention on entire class and must not basic needs of students must be met. Jacob Kounin
talk over student chatter. At times Silence can be effective. emphasised on Lesson Management to prevent misbehavior.
Students should know what is going to happen in the class and Rudolph Dreikurs proclaimed human needs & democratic
monitored to check progress. Teacher should move around classrooms He believed that students have a need for
the room so students have to pay attention more readily and belonging. Believed that misbehavior occurs when needs are
give students non-verbal cues. Lessons should be planned to not metand moreover democratic classrooms support
ensure that the period is filled with learning activities. effective learning. Lee & Marlene Canter focused on
Teacher should have a knack to memorize student names as Assertive Discipline, Students have the right to learn in a
quickly as possible. It enhances class control and confidence calm, organized classroom and teachers have the right to
of the teacher. Few techniques are mentioned below; teach in a classroom free of interruption and misbehavior.
Assertive teachers model classroom expectations clearly,
IV. WITH-IT-NESS confidently and consistently. Alfie Kohn Learning
Communities believes that traditional instruction is
With-it-ness refers to a teacher’s awareness of what is going ineffective and meaningful learning takes place when
on in the classroom behaviors before they get out of line, students have choice, feel respected, feel like a part of
keeping learners on tasks. Many problems occur during something, and can construct their own learning.
transitions. Theorist Jacob Kounin stressed the importance of
“with-it-ness,” which is the idea that the teacher knows what VII. CONCLUSION
is going on in their classroom at all times. They understand
the importance of having a close eye on students. Teachers The Role of a Teacher is not to grade a student and to control
who have “with-it-ness” are able to spot areas where but the main role of the teacher is to help every student reach
misbehavior may arise, when students are upset, and are able the highest possible level of achievement. The long-term goal
correct problem behaviors before they cause major distress to of any classroom management program is self-management.
the classroom. These teachers are able to manage their The procedures typically involve the use o of PBS f positive
classrooms at all times and prevent problems from occurring reinforcement, negative reinforcement and time to time
or expanding. In a community of learners, it is the duty of the interventions. Effective classroom management must be
teacher to make sure everything runs smoothly for students aligned with instructional goals and activities. Brophy
by being able to spot problems. (2006) noted that when teachers identify what good student
behavior looks like; they can work backwards from desired
outcomes to determine which management systems will be
V. RIPPLE EFFECT most effective. Arriving in class and being in one’s seat on
Jacob Kounin created the idea of the “ripple effect.” The idea time, being prepared for a lesson, paying attention,
is that if one student sustains positive or negative volunteering information and responding to questions lead to
consequences, the rest of the class will see what is taking effective class control. Accepted behaviors may vary for
place and a ripple effect will occur.. From experience, when different classroom and unique strategies may be adopted for
one student misbehaves others will join in as well. On the different contexts and environments that emerge in
other hand, a student receiving a reward will motivate others. classrooms.
Managing students’ behavior in positive ways is the key to
success. Students learn from others around them, and by
believing in the ripple effect, we will be able to manage

International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2015

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