General Ledger - Motakamel Plus

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Content ....................................................................................................................... 0
General Ledger ......................................................................................................... 1
Chapter One General Ledger Configuration ................................................................ 3
Parameters (General Options) ................................................................................ 5
Validation Date (Accounting Periods) ....................................................................... 16
Accounts Groups ................................................................................................ 20
Cost Centers Groups ........................................................................................... 22
Journal Vouchers Types ....................................................................................... 23
Rules of Procedure Types .................................................................................... 25
Extension Types................................................................................................. 26
Intermediate Accounts ......................................................................................... 27
Guaranty Types ................................................................................................. 38
Alerts .............................................................................................................. 39
Chapter Two General Ledger Inputs .........................................................................41
Chart of accounts ............................................................................................... 43
Cost Centers ..................................................................................................... 50
Cash in Hand .................................................................................................... 53
Cash at Banks ................................................................................................... 56
Opening Balances .............................................................................................. 59
Budget ............................................................................................................. 63
Chapter Three General Ledger Transactions ..............................................................66
Journal vouchers ................................................................................................ 68
Payment Saver Day ............................................................................................ 78
Receipt Day Saver .............................................................................................. 83
Payment Voucher ............................................................................................... 88
Receive Vouchers............................................................................................. 101
Post Dated Cheques ......................................................................................... 113
Due Date Multi-Cheques .................................................................................... 116
Customer Payment Matching ............................................................................... 119
Notes ............................................................................................................ 122
Bank Adjustments ............................................................................................. 125
Marketing Cards ............................................................................................... 129
Chapter Four Posting .......................................................................................... 136
Posting .......................................................................................................... 138
General Ledger – Motakamel Plus V5

General Ledger

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General Ledger – Motakamel Plus V5

The accounting system is one of the most important systems through
which accounting transactions and processes are carried out. After
carrying out the necessary configuration and inputs, various accounting
operations are issued, such as receipt voucher, payment voucher, cash
and banknotes, daily journal entries, checks and other operations. Also,
generate bank guaranties, such as, letter of guarantee, and its extension
and termination.
The user through the accounting system can post the transactions made
on the accounts, review reports and accounting books for operations in
various systems, in addition to the mentioned, the accounts system
inputs are used in other systems such as accounts, funds, banks and
other inputs.

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General Ledger – Motakamel Plus V5

Chapter One
General Ledger

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The configuration is the procedures that are done by the user prior
working on the system. These procedures are important and must be
carried out accurately for the implications of the system screens. These
procedures are the settings options of the accounting system and the
general ledger and the coding of accounting periods and cash, linking
the intermediate accounts and coding groups and types used as groups
and types of accounts Cost centers, daily restrictions etc.. Which are
often done once, at the start of using the system unless used in a
necessary case on some screens as a currency addition, adding a type
of daily records, or linking an intermediary account that has not been

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Parameters (General Options)

Use: The Parameters screen is used for configuring and customizing how the General
Ledger operates. The system administrator should take in account each of these options
have a direct effect on accounts and the financial statements and relevant screens. Thus,
the system administrator must have background information before he selects any option.
Moreover, the system administrative should select any of these options according to the
accounting procedures of the corporation's activities.

General Options Tab

- Auto Repayment: If this option is selected, the system will distribute the amounts that
the customer is paying against debts automatically, whether these debts are for credit
sales invoices and are paid as installments or for any journal entries or any other
document that the system deducts based on age. Unselecting this option displays
options for the user in the receipt voucher screen to select the affected voucher of the
transaction made.
- Allowing Foreign Currencies: If this option is selected, the system allows using
foreign currencies to be set in the Currency Data screen to be used in the system
accounts and transactions with the ability to link account with more than one currency.
However, if the user did not select this option, the system would use only the local
(base) currency.

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- Using Value Added Tax (VAT): If this option is selected, the system displays a field in
the Intermediate (Interface) Account screen. In that field you determine the account
(VAT account) that the system will post the VAT amount in the sales invoices or
inventory to the creditor side, and the VAT amount in purchase to the debtor side. The
balance of this account appeared either debtor or creditor for the benefit the IRS.
- Post to Promotion Account in Sales: If this option is selected, the system enables
the use of free quantities in the Sales Invoices by affecting the sales cost. The system
then differentiates between the cost of the sold goods and the cost of the free quantity
in the Sales Invoice. When this option is selected, new fields appears in the Main
Group Details Screen in the Inventory Management Module to identify the account
number related to costing the quantities allowance; hence, the system posts the Sales
cost independently.
- Allowing Local Amount Entry for Foreign Account: If this option is selected, the
system displays fields and columns for local currency in system screens that the user
can use to enter the exchange rate for the foreign amount manually regardless to the
exchange rate determine the Currency Data screen, talking in account not to exceed
the maximum or minimum rate. The advantage of this option is reducing the displaying
- Show Desc. In Vouchers, Journals and Account Statement: If this option is
selected, the system creates description templates in the general ledger screen once
the new description is created. The advantage of selecting the option is saving user's
time and efforts when he entering any transaction he can press F9 and select the
template description for repeated transition.
- Check Cash Remaining Balance in Payment: This option is used when the company
desires to prevent issuing any cash or cheques payment vouchers, unless there is
available balance of cash in hand or at the bank. So if the company desires so then
the user clicks on the checkbox (✓) of this option. And the consequences of selecting
this option, if the user wants to issue a cash or cheques payment voucher and there is
no balance in fund or bank, an alert massages will appear clarifying that (No Balance
available) and the user will not be able to issue the payment voucher. On the other

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hand, if this option is not selected then the user can issue any payment vouchers even
there is no available balances in the treasury or the bank.
- Allowing Stand by JVs: If this option is selected, the system activates the (Standby)
option in the Journal Vouchers Screen. The advantage of this option is to allow saving
any accounting entry even the unbalanced ones for any reason, for example,
sometimes the user may not be able to complete entering all the different parties of the
journal voucher and multilateral journal vouchers, because the working day is finished
or getting busy finishing any other important and argent work, in this case the user can
save the unbalanced journal entry and then return later to complete entering all the
journal voucher details, noting that through this feature the user can save the entry
only, However, the system will not allow posting any voucher and effect the accounts
unless the journal voucher is balanced and the option (Standby) located in the journal
vouchers screen is unselected.
- Printing Two Forms for Journal Entries: Selecting this option, the system allows
printing the journal vouchers by different forms. Where the user can design the form
desired. For example, the first form will be in a normal form (debit/credit), and the
second form will be as a payment voucher, having a multi-creditor feature (it differs
from the normal payment voucher that it has only one creditor). To do so, the user
selects this option and as a result of selecting this option another field will appear in
the journal vouchers screen named as "Print Second Form" which is used to print the
second form. This feature is used usually in companies that use journal vouchers
instead of payment vouchers when making payments, while not selecting this option
the reports will be only previewed into normal JV form.
- Using Multi-types JVs Documents: This option is used when the company desire to
divide and archiving journal vouchers into different types so that each type of journal
entries will be into a group, such as, allocating one type as salaries journals and
another as advances journals and a third type as general journals and any other types
needed by the company. The system archives the journal entries and assigns
sequence numbers and reports them based on each type, besides enabling the user to
assign a combined cumulative sequence for all types. The advantage of this feature is
to review journal reports, according to type. so if the company wants to use types of

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documents in the journal vouchers screen, the user selects this option, and a
consequences of this selection a screen appears in the General Ledger Configuration
menu named as Journal Vouchers Types, for the purpose of entering the types of
journals that will be used in the journal vouchers screen. Where the user will has to
specify one of those types when entering a journal voucher mandatory. While not
selecting this option then all the journals will be dealt with as one type.
- Allowing Currency Difference JVs: This option is selected in case the system
administrator desires to allow the users to create adjustment journal entries for
currency exchange rates differences, this feature is used to close the differences that
arise in foreign currencies accounts, which are caused by the increase or decrease in
the exchange rate, and once the user selects this option ( ✓) the system allows the
user to enter amounts either in the local debit or creditor per account for the purpose
of adjusting the currency differences in the journal vouchers in which the option
(currency differences) is selected. Knowing that the system will establish automatic
journals when closing the accounts to adjust the currency differences of the foreign
currency accounts if they haven’t been adjusted using journal vouchers.
- Creating Percent Column in Journal voucher Form: This option is used if the user
wants to direct the system to calculate the amount of the credit party in the journal
vouchers automatically, especially in case if there is more than one credit party. When
this option selected so that the signal (✓) appears, a column appears on journal
vouchers screen, for the purpose of the entering the percentage of each account of the
credit party in the journal voucher. The percentage is the percentage of each account
of the total amount of the journal vouchers that has been entered at the upper part of
the screen. If the total amount of the journal voucher is 1.000.000 riyals then the user
entered 10% in the creditor percentage field of the amount in front of the first account
of the credit party the system will automatically calculate the amount of the account
which will be 100.000 riyals appears in the creditor amount field, with the ability to edit
it if desired, and so the percentage of each account of other creditor party accounts will
be entered. The user must note that when using this feature, it does not mean that the
user will have to specify the percentage when entering each journal voucher and the
system will allow the user to enter the creditor amount directly and without determining

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the percentage and therefore the system will allow using this feature whenever
Accounts Options
- Allowing Parent Child: This option is used when the enterprise desires to build the
chart of accounts in a random way in the chart of account screen, where by selecting
this option the user will be able to link a sub-account number to any number of the
main accounts numbers. So if the enterprise wishes to build the chart of accounts in
this way, then the user selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, while
unselecting this option the system will build the chart of account is a sequential manner
so that the main account number will appear as an integral part of the sub-account
number, meaning that if the main account number is (1101) then the first sub-account
that will be linked to it is (110101).
- Generating Sub-Accounts Depending On the Main Account Number: This option
is used when the enterprise desires to build the chart of accounts in a sequential way
automatically, where the system will generate a sub-account number automatically
once the user selects the main account number, meaning that when the user specifies
the main account number, the system will generate an account number that follows the
last sub-account number which is linked to the main account, assuming that the main
account that is selected is (11) and the user has entered sub-account for this main
account and the last sub-account number was (in 1103), then when adding a new
sun-account of this account the system will automatically generated the sub-account
number as (1104).
- Level of Sub Accounts: This option is used when the enterprise desires to specify a
unified level for the sub-accounts which is normally the last level in the chart of
account. If the enterprise wants to select a unified level for the various sub-accounts
that the transactions will be recorded on, then the user selects this option so that the
signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection a field will appear in front of this
option in which the user enters the number of the sub-accounts level, and based on
the entered number the system will not allow the user to establish a sub-account
smaller or larger than the number that have been specified, as well as not allow the
establishment of a main account on the same level that has been specified.

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- Show count of Printed Statement: This option is used when the enterprise desires
the system to show the number of printing times of the accounts statements, where the
number of printing times that appears reflects the number of times the report has been
sent to the printer to be printed. If the enterprise wants this feature, the user selects
this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection, the number
of times the report has been printed will appear on the report.
- Show the Number of Times You Print the Document with Caller ID, User Name:
This option is used when the enterprise desires the system to show the number of
printing times of the document together with the user number and name, where the
number of printing times that appears reflects the number of times the report has been
sent to the printer to be printed in order to monitor printing the document. If the
enterprise wants this feature, the user selects this option so that the signal (✓)
appears, and as a result of this selection, the number of times the report has been
printed will appear on the report as well as the number and name of the user that has
carried out the printing process.
- Use Saver day (payment_ receipt) in System: This option is used when the
enterprise desires to deal with Payment saver day and Receipt saver day. These
screens can be used as draft transactions for payment and receipt vouchers that have
no effects on the accounting and cannot be posted. If the enterprise wants this feature,
the user selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, an as a result of selection
this option the system activates two screens in the general ledger transactions tab.
- Privileges: Once clicking on the Privilege button, a pop-up screen will appear in which
allows the user to choose privilege for the users who will responsible to approve or un-
approve the data entered in the Receive Saver Day And Payment Saver Day Screens
to be transferred to the Payment or Receive Voucher Screens. The user clicks on
Modify icon then selects the user then grant or un-grant the privilege, then click on the
save icon.

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- The No. Of Decimal Places: This option is used to specify the number of decimal
digits after the decimal point of the currency exchange price, the number that will be
entered in this field will be dealt with in all the different exchange price fields in the
system transactions screen and will appear in the various reports.
- Budget: This option is used to determine the willingness of the enterprise on how to
prepare the estimated budget, and through the options available in the system, which
is one of the following options:
• Monthly: This option is used when the enterprise wants to prepare its budget
estimate at the level of each month, and as a result of selecting this option the
system will allow the user to enter the company’s estimated budget for the various
accounts based on the month and then the deviation will be measured and
monitored at the level of each month.
• Annual: This option is used when the enterprise wants to prepare its budget
estimate for the financial year as total, and as a result of selecting this option the
system will allow the user to enter the company’s estimated budget for the various
accounts for the whole fiscal year and then the deviation will be measured and
monitored at the level of each month.

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Transactions Options Tab

Journal Vouchers
- View Cust. Name: This option is used when the enterprise desires to show the
column of the customer name in the journal vouchers screen, and showing the
customer’s name in this column is based on the customer’s account that has been
linked with in the Customer Details Screen. if the enterprise wants to show the
customer’s name column in the journal vouchers screen the user selects this option so
that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of this selection a new column will appear
in the Journal Vouchers Screen to confirm that the transaction is performed on a
specific client.
- Show Vend. Name: This option is used when the enterprise desires to show the
column of the vendor name in the journal vouchers screen, and showing the vendor’s
name in this column is based on the vendor’s account that has been linked with in the
Vendor Details Screen. If the enterprise wants to show the vendor’s name column in
the journal vouchers screen the user selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears,
and as a result of this selection a new column will appear in the Journal Vouchers
Screen to confirm that the transaction is performed on a specific vendor.

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- Use Voucher No. in Details: This option is used when the enterprise desires to
transfer the financial notes to the journal vouchers screen. If the enterprise wants to
import the financial notes to the journal vouchers screen, the user selects this option so
that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of selecting this option the option (Create
JV Note) in the Journal Vouchers Screen. Also some of the columns appear in the
screen, in which the note data will be stated as the number and type of note.
- Use Ref. No. In Details: This option is used when the enterprise desires to enter a
reference number for each account in the journal vouchers screen. If the facility wants
to use this feature, the system administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓)
appears, and as a result of selecting this option a column will appear in the journal
vouchers screen in which the user enters a reference number for each account and it
is used optionally.
- Dealing With the Check Number and the Date of Maturity in the Daily
Restrictions: This option is used when the enterprise desires to record the number
and due date of the check in the Journal Vouchers Screen. If the facility wants to use
this feature specially when using the journal vouchers to record the payments of
customers or the receives from customers instead of the payment and receive
vouchers, the system administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears,
and as a result of selecting this option two fields will appear in the journal vouchers
screen in which the user enters the cheque number and cheque due date.
Vouchers Options
- Show Cust. Name \ Show Vend. Name \ Use Wait Vouchers \ Use Ref. No. In
Details: These options are used if the enterprise wants to use it in the payment and
receive vouchers screens, and is uses and effects are similar to use and effects of the
journal vouchers options that have been explained previously, and the difference is that
the effect of the previous options will be only on the journal vouchers, while the effect
of these options will be on the payment and receive vouchers.
- Use Wait Voucher (Can’t Posting): This option is used when the enterprise desires
to save the unbalance payment or receive vouchers or to save balanced vouchers
which the user haven’t finish yet and don’t want to post for any reason, noting that by
selecting this feature the user will be able to save the vouchers only but cannot post

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those vouchers and affect accounts, unless the vouchers was unsuspended. If the
facility wants to grant the user the privilege to this feature, the system administrator
selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of selecting this
option the (Stand By) option will be activated in the payment and receive vouchers
- Use and Import Saver Day Data to Vouchers: This option is used in case of
selecting the option (Use Saver Day In System), which was explained in the previous
paragraph, and this option is used when the enterprise wants to import the payment
and receive saver day details to the payment and receive vouchers screens, to making
it easier for the user's to issue those vouchers based on the saver day vouchers that
have been entered previously, If the facility wants to grant the user the privilege to this
feature, the system administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and
as a result of selecting this option new fields will appear in the payment and receive
vouchers screens through which the user specifies whether the vouchers data will be
entered manually or will be imported from a saver day voucher.
- Use Voucher No. in Details: This option is used when the enterprise desires to enter
the number of the payment or receive vouchers for each account in the payment or
receive vouchers screens. If the facility wants to use this feature, the system
administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result of
selecting this option a column will appear in the payment or receive vouchers screens
in which the user enters the payment or receive vouchers numbers for each account
and it is used optionally.
Saver Day Settings
- Multi. (Cash - Banks) In Saver Day \Single (Cash - Bank) In Saver Day: These
options are used to determine how to use the treasuries and banks in the payment and
receive saver day. Where the system allows the use of one of the available options,
based on the company policy. if the enterprise wants to select only one treasury or
bank on each day saver the user selects the option (Single Cash \ Single Bank For All
Saver Day Documents) and as a result of selecting this option the system will allow the
user to specify only one treasury or bank in each saver day document and therefore all
the accounts used will affect the specified treasury or the bank. While but if the

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enterprise wants to grant the user the privilege of entering a treasury or a bank for
each account used in the saver day document and more than a treasury or a bank
within a single saver day the user selects the option (multi. Cash\ Multi. Bank for All
Saver Day Documents), knowing that the user will not be able to modify these options
after the use of the payment and receive saver day vouchers even it is a single
- Multi. Collector In Saver Day \Single Collector In Saver Day: These options are
used to determine how to use the collectors in the receive saver day. Where the
system allows the use of one of the available options, based on the company policy. if
the enterprise wants to select only one collector for the receive day saver the user
selects the option (Single collector) and as a result of selecting this option the system
will allow the user to specify only one collector in each receive saver day document
and therefore all the accounts used will affect the specified collector. While but if the
enterprise wants to grant the user the privilege of entering a collector for each account
used in the receive saver day document and more than a collector within a single
saver day the user selects the option (multi. collector), knowing that the user will not
be able to modify these options after the use of the receive saver day.
- View Cust. Name\ View Vend. Name\ Use Ref. No. in Details\ Use Voucher. No. in
Details\ Show Received Name in Saver Day: These options are used if the
enterprise wants to use it in the payment and receive vouchers screens, and is uses
and effects are similar to use and effects of the journal vouchers options that have
been explained previously, and the difference is that the effect of the previous options
will be only on the journal vouchers, while the effect of these options will be on the
payment and receive vouchers.
- Show Recipient Name in Saver Day: This option is used when the enterprise desires
to show the recipient's name of each account in the payment saver day screen. if the
enterprise wants to show the recipient's name in the payment saver day screen, the
system administrator selects this option so that the signal (✓) appears, and as a result
of selecting this option a column will appear in the payment saver day screens in which
the user enters the recipient name foe each account.

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Validation Date (Accounting Periods)

Use: The Validation Date Screen is one of the most important screens of al Motakamel
System Screens which is used at the beginning of starting working on the system for the
first time and for one time only, in order to determine the financial and accounting period
approved in the company and on which the closings depends then determining the financial
position as well as the evaluation of the company business activity during that period ( fiscal
year). It is possible to deal with this screen the way it commensurate with the type and
volume of business activity, and the accounting and financial periods that will be defined in
this screen will be the base to demonstrate the transactions of the financial and accounting
operations, where no transaction or operations can be approved if it occurs outside the
specified financial periods. The system enables the users to creates accounting periods
during the year as wanted, in addition that the system allows specifying the accounting
periods in one year, it also enables the user to specify fiscal year that intersects two
calendar years, in other words the financial period can begin in one year and ends in the
next calendar year, it can also overlap months so that the month starts any date of the
month, such as if the start date is (6) or (11) or (16) or any other day of the month then it
will end in the previous day to the day specified of the following month. For example, if the
monthly period begins on the (6th) then it will end on the (5th) of the following month, and
so on. The fiscal year must be defined, whether the company started working on the system
from the beginning of the calendar year or at any time during the calendar year. The
periods should be defined and identified accurately where the financial period can be
modified only if no transaction has been made in the system. Once a transaction is made,
the validated fiscal year cannot be modified.

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How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- From: In the (From) fields the user enters the starting date of the accounting period in
the fiscal year as follows:
• Date: This field is used to enter the beginning (date) of the accounting period,
where the user enters the full date (day, month and year).
The system allows the overlapping months where a month
could starts on a specific day of the month and ends on the
previous day of the following month, For example, if the period
begins on the (6th) of January then it will end on the (5th)
February of the following month, and so on.
• Month / Year: the month and year appears in these fields automatically once the
data is entered in the previous field, also it is possible to enter the (month) and
(years) directly as the first accounting period in the fiscal year without entering data
in the previous field, in this case the system will consider the (1st of January) the
first day of the month in the period and will appear automatically with the year in
the field (Date).
- To: In the (To) fields the user enters the ending date of the accounting period in the
fiscal year as follows:

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• Date: This field is used to enter the end (date) of the accounting period, where the
user enters the full date (day, month and year).
The end date of the accounting period depends on the first
day date, and if we assume that the first day was on 6th
January, the last day end date of the accounting period will be
on the 5th of January of the following year.
• Month / Year: the month and year appears in these fields automatically once the
data is entered in the previous field, also it is possible to enter the (month) and
(years) directly as without the need of entering data in the previous field, in this
case the system will consider the (31st) as the end day of the month in the period
and will appear automatically with the year in the field (Date).
- The system allows the definition of (13) monthly periods of
the fiscal year in the case of overlapping months in any
case at the beginning of the month, on any day of the
month and ends on the last day of the following month.
- The annual and monthly closings will depend on the periods
specified in these fields.
- Locked: through this option the system administrator will be able to stop any
accounting period on the system, normally it is possible that users can work on the
system as long as the accounting period is active, but sometimes the company desires
to stop working on the system for a specific period for any reason. Where the system
can be locked during the Eid vacation and then unlock back the system, and this
locking is different from the monthly locking, which is explained in the System
Administration. Where locking is to stop users from working on the system during the
period locked, and that is done by ticking the desired period’s checkbox found in the
column that intersect with the month.
The accounting period is locked by clicking on Modify and
then clicking on the save button

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- Closed: the accounting periods appears open from the first period, so if the monthly
closing of the accounting period (month) is done from the system administration a
checkbox sample of that month appears automatically checked (Locked) to indicate
that this month has been closed automatically.
Monthly and annual periods locking have the same
procedures, whether in default periods or when overlapping
months or overlapping years.

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Accounts Groups
Use: The Accounts Group screen is used to classifying the accounts in the Chart of
Accounts screen into groups, where these accounts will be under groups. This is an
optional screen and it is used for the purpose of gathering similar accounts under groups, In
case these accounts haven’t been grouped in the chart of accounts screen. And its
advantage is to divide the different levels of the Chart of Accounts such as (summarized,
general, subsidiary, and analytical), or to divide the Chart of Accounts into accounts groups
based on the activity when the activity of the corporation varies. For example, the user can
create a group for shareholders accounts or accounts groups for customers according to
specific categories such as (VIP customers’ accounts group) and (Normal Customer), and
the advantage of this division feature is for extracting different reports accounts through the
group which it belong to, where they can review account statements and balance based on
accounts group. The groups of account are created through the screen that appears, as in
the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Group Code: In this field the user enters a number for the accounts group that is
- Group Name: In this field the user enters a name for the accounts group that is
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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The user can create accounts groups, either before or after
creating the chart of accounts; and then linking the groups of
accounts with the accounts, either when adding the account or
by editing the accounts that has been entered previously.

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General Ledger – Motakamel Plus V5

Cost Centers Groups

Use: Cost Centers Group screen is used for dividing cost centers into various groups. Thus,
any cost center group may contain a number of cost centers based on the Company
Regulative Structure. Each of these groups may contain different cost centers in the
structure that will be created in the Cost Centers screen in the Input Menu. The user can
create cost centers groups according to organizational and/or functional viewpoints. The
user can combine cost centers into cost center groups then create cost center hierarchies
from these groups by combining the groups according to decision-making area, area of
responsibility, or management area. The advantage of this division is for extracting reports
of cost centers through the group which it belongs to. The cost centers groups are created
through the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Group Code: In this field the user enters a number for the cost center group that is
- Group Name: In this field the user enters a name for the cost center group that is
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
The user can create cost centers groups, either before or after
creating the cost center menu; and then linking the groups of
cost centers with the cost centers, either when adding cost
centers or by editing the cost center hat has been entered

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Journal Vouchers Types

Use: This screen appears as a result of activating the option (Using Multi-type JEs
Documents). Journal Vouchers Types Screen is used for categorizing the journal entries
into different types based on their use, such as (Bank Adjustments Voucher, Commitment
Adjustments Entry, Inventory Adjustments Entry, Accrual Adjustments Entry, Etc.). Each
type of the journal entries can have a separate document sequence number or an
accumulative sequence for all types, as desired. The system will deal with each type
independently by specifying the Journal Voucher Type when adding the voucher to the
system through using the types entered this screen. The advantage of creating types is for
extracting reports of journal entries based on type. The journal vouchers types are created
through the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Doc. Type: In this field the user enters a number for journal vouchers type that is
being created.
- Name: In this field the user enters a name for the journal vouchers type that is being
- Serial No.: This field is used to specify either the user wants to make one sequence
for all types of journal vouchers in the journal vouchers screen or wants to make
special sequence of each type. So when the user enters a specific number in this field
for example number (1) for all the types entered, the system will generate only one
accumulative number for all journal vouchers types, and therefore the system will not

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accept entering two journal vouchers with the same number, while if the user want the
system to generate sequence number for each journal voucher type separately, then
the user will have to enter a different number in this field for each type created.
- (VAT) Corrections: The Establishment needs to correct a detected difference in the
tax return either increased or decreased by issuing a journal voucher in which the user
associates the voucher with the option (tax correction).
- VAT Import Prepayment: the user shall check this option when encoding a journal
entry of VAT import prepayment type. It is the amount paid to the customs when
importing the foreign purchases from other countries. Journal entries or payment
vouchers are used not only to record expenses for those abroad purchases in the
system, these expenses such as (invoice value, shipping, insurance, customs...,) but
also to prove VAT amount paid In those expenses.
- Reverse Prepayment Tax Calculations: the user shall check this option when
encoding a journal entry of VAT reverse charge type, and credit it for the Tax Authority
if required, such as the tax paid by the customer instead of the vendor, or if the
countries agreed to cancel the payment of VAT in customs same as agreed among the
Gulf Cooperation Council.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
The user can make one sequence number for several types,
and at the same time make different sequences for other
journal types.

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Rules of Procedure Types

Use: The Rules of Procedure Types Screen is used for the purpose of entering Letters of
Guarantees procedures types, in case the company deals with those guarantees in their
accounting transactions, where those procedures types entered will be used in the Letters of
Credits Guarantee Screen in the GL's Transactions menu. The letter of credits procedure
types are entered through the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Doc. Type: In this field the user enters a number for the procedure type that is being
- Name: In this field the user enters a name for the procedure type that is being
- Name: In this field the user enters a name for the procedure type that is being entered
using another language.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Extension Types
Use: The Types of Extension Screen is used for the purpose of entering the types of letter
of credits extensions, where those extension types entered will be used in the Letters of
Credits Guarantee Screen in the GL's Transactions menu. The letter of credits extensions
types are entered through the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Doc. Type: In this field the user enters a number for the extension type that is being
- Name: In this field the user enters a name for the extension type that is being entered.
- Name: In this field the user enters a name for the extension type that is being entered
using another language.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Intermediate Accounts
Use: The Intermediate Accounts Screen is used for the purpose of defining some accounts
in system that will be dealt with automatically in the system during the implementation of the
processes involved in all of these accounts. This screen is used only after entering the chart
of accounts in the General Ledger Inputs, as the accounts cannot be specified unless it is in
the chart of accounts, provided that it is associated with the (Intermediate accounts) in the
Chart of Accounts. These accounts will do specific functions in the system automatically,
without direct intervention by the user and that’s why it has been named as intermediate
accounts. For example, the currency difference account, once defined in its specified field,
the system will automatically add any currency differences, that may result from financial
transactions on accounts with foreign currencies due to changes in exchange rates , when
Carrying out the monthly closing. It is not necessarily to define all of those accounts, where
the user only defines the accounts that will be used by the company. The intermediate
accounts are defined through the screen that appears as in the following form definition:

How to use the screen

When first time using the screen the user clicks on the “add” button, while if some of the
accounts have been defined and the user wants to define other accounts, then the user will
click on the “modify”, and the accounts that will be defined in the above screen are as in the

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First, Intermediate Accounts

- Currency differences account: This field is used to specify the (currency differences)
interface account, which is a sub-account in local currency. The system will post the
exchange differences of the foreign currency against the local currency. This difference
is resulting from adjusting the foreign accounts balances against the local currency
using the exchange rate at the time of monthly closing. And in the case a currency
difference appeared during the monthly closing it certainly will result in a difference in
the local balance of those accounts, the system will post this difference to the account
which will be determined in this field.
The local currency of a company is Yemeni YER, and in its chart of account there is
account for Fund in USD dollar with balance of ($1000). During the finical period when this
balance appeared the exchange rate was 1$= 210 YR. That gives the following trial balance
in the local currency:
Account Debit Credit
Fund (USD) 210,000 YR

Now, it’s month end (Closing). The exchange rate on April 30th, we now find that 1 USD =
215 YER. According to the exchange rate changes, the fund account balance appears with
215,000 YER with the loss of 5,000 YER. The system posts this loss to difference to the
intermediate account that is entered in this field. In this case the balance of this (Currency
Difference account) appears after the monthly closing creditor with (5,000) YR.
Note: that with the exchange rate may change during the
financial period more than once and therefore the exchange
differences will be calculated based on the exchange rate in
each transaction.
- The L/C Costing Account: The system deals with this account when purchases are
made by L/Cs or remittances. When the L/C is closed, the system loads this account
with all costs made on the L/C, and then loads each item with its all related costs,
including the bill amount, shipment, insurance, customs, and other expenses, until the
arrival and storage of goods in the warehouses.

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1- Recoding the L/C costing using journal entry or journal voucher:

Account Debit Credit

L/C account Dr. XXX

L/C Fright XXX

L/C Custom XXX

Bank/Fund/Vendor XXX

2- The system calculates and close the L/C Costing automatically to this account
you enter in this field and create the following entry:

Account Debit Credit

L/C Costing XXX

Letter Of Credit XXX

L/C Freight XXX

L/C Custom XXX

3- When the purchase invoice is posted and item are received to the inventory the
system creates the following entry:

Account Debit Credit

Inventory XXX

L/C Costing XXX

- Loss of Goods Account: This field is used to enter the interface account of the Lost
Items account. The system uses this account when there is a difference between the
quantity shown on the purchases invoice and the quantity shown on the import order.
This difference may appear because of shipping errors or due to damages in the goods
or due to any other reason. The system posts the amount of the deficient quantity
automatically to this account, whereas the actual quantity is posted to the warehouses
with a final cost, making it easier for the user to follow up the deficiency.

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1- The system creates the following entry after posting the purchase invoice
supposing that the quantity received to inventory less than that in purchase

Account Debit Credit

Inventory XXX

Lost Item XXX

L/C Costing XXX

2- The system creates the following entry after posting the purchase invoice
supposing that the quantity received to inventory more than that in purchase

Account Debit Credit

Inventory XXX

L/C Costing XXX

Lost Item XXX

Receive Document Account (1)

This field is used to enter the Receivable Notes interface Account which is a (sub-account).
When the user uses the Receipt Voucher Screen, Credit-cheque, using receive voucher,
the system posts the amount to this account and drops it from the bank's account
temporarily without affecting the bank account.
- Receive Document Account (2): This field is used to enter the accrued Receivable
Notes interface Account which is a (sub-account). When you use Receipt Voucher
Screen, due –date cheque, the system posts the amount to this account and drops it
from the customer's account temporarily without effecting on the customer's account.
In 06/06/2016 a post-dated cheque is received from a customer due date 09/09/2016 and
the user issued a Receive Voucher (post-dated cheque), the system creates the following

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Account Debit Credit Date

Note Receivable XXX 06/06/2016

Accounts Receivable XXX 06/06/2016

On 09/09/2016 when the due date cheque amount is delivered by the bank, the system
creates the following entry:

Account Debit Credit Date

Bank Account XXX 09/09/2016

Note Receivable XXX 09/09/2016

XXX 09/09/2016
Customer Account XXX 09/09/2016

In the previous entry it is clear that the system has reversed the intermediate journal
voucher that has been created automatically by the system when issuing the receive
cheque, and at the same time the customer’s and bank’s accounts has been effected.
- Payment Document Account (1): This field is used to enter the Payable Notes
interface Account which is a (sub-account). When issuing Payment Voucher Screen,
Credit-cheque, using credit payment voucher, the system posts the amount to this
account and drops it from the bank's account temporarily without affecting the bank
- Payment Document Account (2): This field is used to enter the accrued Payable
Notes interface Account which is a (sub-account). When you use Payment Voucher
Screen, due –date cheque, the system posts the amount to this account and drops it
from the vendor's account temporarily without effecting on the vendor’s account.

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In 06/06/2016 a post-dated cheque is paid to a vendor due date 09/09/2016 and the user
issued a Payment Voucher (post-dated cheque), the system creates the following entry:

Account Debit Credit Date

Note Payable XXX 06/06/2016

Accounts Payable XXX 06/06/2016

On 09/09/2016 When the due date cheque amount is deducted by the bank, the system
creates the following entry:

Account Debit Credit Date

Bank Account XXX 09/09/2016

Note payable XXX 09/09/2016

Accounts payable XXX 09/09/2016

Vendor Account XXX 09/09/2016

In the previous entry it is clear that the system has reversed the intermediate journal
voucher that has been created automatically by the system when issuing the payment
cheque, and at the same time the vendor’s and bank’s accounts has been effected.
- Salesmen Commission Account: This field is used to specify the salesmen
commission interface account, which is a (sub-account). If the "Post Salesmen
Commissions" option is activated in the GL system, the system will use this account to
record the commissions of the salesman that has been recorded in the sales invoice as
a credit in the salesman account and as a debit in the Salesmen Commissions Account
which will be specified in this field.
- Visa Card Account: This field is used in case the facility uses Visa Card in Sales as a
payment method besides (cash - check - futures), and in this field the user enters the
credit card interface account. The System record the invoice amount to this account,
and when the post-dated the system will record the invoice amount from this account
to the bank account which has issued that VC.

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- Differences Fractures Account: This field is used if the company is using the
purchases system. The system uses this account automatically for the purpose of
closing the amounts differences that may occur whether in local or foreign purchase.
- Stamp Tax Account: This field is used if the option (Using Timber Tax) is selected in
the system options (System Administration), and is used to specify the interface
account for (Stamp Duty Tax), which is a sub-account of the system. The user
specifies this account if the company deals with this kind of taxes, where the system
will deport the tax to account specified in this field.
- Profit Tax Account: This field is used if the option (The Use of Profit Tax) is selected
in the system options (System Administration), and is used to specify the interface
account for (Profit Tax), which is a sub-account of the system. The user specifies this
account if the company deals with this kind of taxes, where the system will deport the
tax to account specified in this field.
- VAT Account (VAT): This field is used if the option (Use Value-Added Tax (VAT)) is
selected in the system options (System Administration), and is used to specify the
interface account for (VAT Tax), which is a sub-account of the system. The user
specifies this account if the company deals with this kind of taxes. where the system
deports the sales tax which is specified by the user in the sales invoice to the credit
side of the account and deports the purchase tax which is specified in the purchases
invoices and stock supply orders to the debit side of the same account, as a result the
balance of this account may be either debtor or creditor in favor of the IRS. If the
company deals with other tax levels then the user specifies the intermediate account of
each type of the following:
• C.S.T Without C Form (VAT 2 account): This field is used if the enterprise deals
with a second level or another type of value-added tax (VAT), and is used to
specify the intermediary account that will be affected by this type of tax, and it is
used the same way as the pervious option (value-added tax (VAT)).
• C.S.T With C Form (VAT 3 account): This field is used if the enterprise deals
with a third level or another type of value-added tax (VAT), and is used to specify
the intermediary account that will be affected by this type of tax, and it is used the
same way as the pervious option (value-added tax (VAT)).

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Hint: The user will configure and set the items that will deal
with more than a tax in the (Items Details Screen) in the
Inventory System Inputs.
• Cash Payments: This field is used in the Hospitals System. It is an intermediate
account impacted by the remaining amount in the medical services invoice if the
invoice type is cash, the payment method is (cash), and the invoice has not fully
been paid. Accordingly, the remaining amount is charged to the patient when
posting the invoice. When the customer pays the invoice, this account shall be
Second: Intermediate Accounts for Inventory Transactions

- Add. Charges Account: This field is used to specify the intermediate account for
(sales additional charges), which is a sub-account that the system will use it if the
option (Not Include Burden) in the Sales Invoice Screen – in The Other Data Tab.
where the system will post the charges of this kind to this account, as an exchange
account for the charges account in the invoice.
- Outcome Interface For Sales Invoice: The use of this account depends on the
activation of the option (Sales Bill After Outcome) in the General Options Screen in the
System Administration and it is used to specify the account (Outcome Interface for
Sales Invoice), which is affected as a debtor when issuing a outgoing stock order of

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the type (Sales Bill after Outcome) and when a sales invoice is issued for the type of
outgoing stock order, it becomes a creditor and is offset by the client’s account.
- Interface For Sales Invoice: The use of this account depends on the activation of the
option (Sales Bill after Outcome) in the General Options Screen in the System
Administration and it is used to specify the account (Interface for Sales Invoice) which
is affected as a creditor when issuing an outgoing stock order of the type (Sales Bill
after Outcome) and when a sales invoice is issued for the type of outgoing stock
orders, it becomes a Debtor and is offset by the client’s account.
- Expenses of Purchases: The user shall use this field to associate the purchase
expenses account. Those expenses recorded in the local purchase invoices as
additional expenses, on the invoice, that are not considered as part of the items’ cost.
It is the account that will be affected by the expense as a debtor when the
Establishment bears the expense.
Third, Intermediate Accounts for Transfers and Exchanges

- Deposits Account: It is an intermediate account impacted by the customers’ deposits

movement who do not have accounts in the Establishment. Those deposits are
deposited for a specified period and then withdrawn.
- Commissions of Customers’ Deposits: It is an intermediate account impacted by the
commissions’ incomes of the customers’ deposits in the Establishment.

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- Commissions of Customers’ Withdrawals: It is an intermediate account impacted by

the commissions’ incomes of the customers’ Withdrawals.
- Transfer commissions: It is an intermediate account impacted by the commissions’
incomes of the Transfer from an account to another, such as transferring from Dollar
account to Riyal account.
- Incoming Transfers: It is an intermediate account impacted by the incoming transfer
amounts. When recording the transfer, the amount of incoming transfer is creditor, and
the branch or agent, from where the transfer is sent, is the debtor. When disbursing
the transfer, this account becomes debtor, and the exchanger becomes creditor if the
transfer is in cash or the customer becomes creditor if the transfer is to the customer
- Incoming Commissions: This intermediate account is used to enter the
Establishment’s income of commissions from the incoming transfers.
- Incoming transfer commissions: This account is used to enter the amount deducted
from the incoming commission as an expense.
- Outgoing transfers: It is an intermediate account impacted by the outgoing transfer
amounts. If the amount is received in cash, this account is creditor, and the Cash in
Hand account is debtor, or the customer account is debtor if the transfer is charged to
the customer. When recording the outgoing transfer to the branch or agent, this
account becomes debtor, and the branch or agent, from where the transfer is sent, is
- Outgoing Commissions: It is an intermediate account to enter the receiving party’s
commission deducted from the outgoing transfers income.
- Expense of Outgoing Commissions: This account is used to enter the amount
deducted from the outgoing commission as an expense.

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- The intermediate accounts are entered by clicking on the
(modify) icon, if the user has entered some of the accounts
- The user cannot delete or modify the account if it is used in
any transaction.
- Searching for accounts in the previous fields is done by
pressing (F9).
- All accounts specified are sub-accounts, where the system
is multi-currency system.
- The data entered is saved by using any of the various save
methods in the system, whether the data is entered for the
first time or when modifying data.

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Guaranty Types
Use: The Guaranty Types Screen is used for the purpose of entering Letters of Guarantee
types in case the company deals with those guarantees in their accounting transactions
such as Constructions And Importing Companies. The user can enter different types of
guarantee letters, such as (tenders guarantee letters or maintenance, advanced payment
guarantees, elementary guarantees, final guarantee, performance guarantee, maintenance
guarantee). The data entered in this screen will be used in the Letters of Guarantee screen
in the GL's Transactions menu. The letter of guarantee types are entered through the
screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Doc. Type: In this field the user enters a number for guarantee letter type that is being
- Name: In this field the user enters a name for the guarantee letter type that is being
- Name: In this field the user enters a name for the guarantee letter type that is being
created using another language.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Use: The Alerts screen is used to determine the enterprise policy in the way of getting
alerts on the, General Ledger System, where the user can manage to get several alert
messages such as (accrual dates of post-dated cheques, whether for payment or receive
cheques. Through this screen the user can configure the necessary settings of the alert
messages, such as period alert massage, where the alert message appears before the
accrual date the cheques, and whether the user wants get those alerts when logging into
the system or when logging out of the system. The alert massages settings are configured
through the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

The settings are configures through the pop up screen that appears once the user clicks the
settings button, as in the following figure:
- Show Alert When Start Up System: This option is used if the system administrator
wants the system to generate an alert message when logging to the system, based on
the configuration.

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- Alarm When Out of the Account Management System: This option is used if the
system administrator wants the system to generate an alert message when logging out
from the system, based on the configuration.
- Accrued Cheques Alert: This field is used for specifying the number of days that the
system administrator wants the alert massage to appear before the accrual date of
- Alert When \ UnAlert: These options are used to determine whether the system
administrator wants to repeat the alert massage or only once a day, if the system
administrator wants to repeat the alert the user selects the option (Alert When).
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Chapter Two
General Ledger

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The data input is considered the main structure of working on the
system and through which the basic data is entered to the system,
which will be used in the General Ledger processes. In addition, most of
the data entered is used in all the systems within the Motakamel Plus
System. An example of these inputs is the Chat of Accounts, Cost
Centers, Funds and Banks, in addition to the opening balances and the
estimated budget.

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Chart of accounts
Use: The Chart of Accounts Screen is used for the purpose entering the chart of accounts
of the enterprise, and this screen is considered to be one of the most import screens of the
system, which working on the system is based on this screen. The system administrator
starts entering the accounts through this screen after preparing necessary configurations
such as preparing the financial period and currencies and accounts groups in the
configurations screens. The chart of accounts is considered to be the main pillar upon which
the accounting data entry process as well as consequent operations during the accounting
period based on that the user can get different and organized output and reports. Therefore
the enterprise owner or the authorized representative must has a clear vision for
restructuring the chart of accounts before starting entering the accounts to the system.
Building the chart of accounts tree must commensurate with the size and activity of the
enterprise, where building the chart of accounts is done in several main levels and a single
sub-level, in the system only the sub-accounts that will be dealt with in the system’s
various screens, while the system will financial impact the main levels automatically. The
chat of accounts will be entered through the screen that appears, as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Parent Code: In this field the user enters the main account (Parent) number of the
account branching from the main account (i.e., for the account described above in item

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(1). The main account has to be entered previously. Otherwise, the main account that
must be entered has to be one of these accounts: Assets – Liabilities – Expenses –
Revenues. In this case, write the number (0) in this field and then write the number (1)
as the main account for the accounts directly branched from the Assets, the number
(2) for the accounts directly branched from the Liabilities, and so on. The account
number to be entered must include its main account number related to it. Another
example, for the Petty Cash account number "111", its main account is the Current
Assets account number "11". Similarly, for the Cash-in-Hand account number
"11101", its main account is the Ready Cash account number "111", and so on.
- Account Code: This field is used to enter the account that the user is entering and
entering the account code is done by two methods:
• The First Method: Enter the account number manually.
• The Second Method: The system generates number automatically if the system
administrator has selected the option (Generation Of Sub-Accounts, Depending On
The Main Account Number) in the Options Screen In General Ledger System
Configurations, and by this method, the system generates the account code
automatically based on the Last accounts serial number branching from the main
account It was entered in the previous field (Parent Code).
- Account Name: This field is used to enter the account name, and will be dealt with
along with the account number in the different system screens
- Account Foreign Name: This field is used to enter the account name in a foreign
- Level: The system will display the level automatically in this field after specifying the
parent account of the entered account. The account will be given a level that follows
the level of the main account. The system prevents user from changing the level
because it places the account in its correct location in the chart of accounts. This level
is taken into consideration when issuing reports. Notice that the system allows the
expansion of the accounts series up to the sixteenth level.

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All Sub-accounts are supposed to be in one Level (the last
level) in order to extract balanced reports, and to prevent
errors the system administrator can specify one level for the
sub-accounts through the use of the option (Level sub-
accounts) in the general ledger system – configuration –
options screen and specifying the number of level in this
assuming that the level determined is No. 5 as sub-accounts
level in the options, it means that the system will prevent
specify the account type as a (sub) only if it is ranked as (5),
and as a result all sub-accounts will be at the same level.
- Account Type: This field is used to specify the type of the account, and whether the
account is a main account or sub-account:
• Main: this option is selected for all levels of chart of accounts except for the last
• Sub: this option is selected for the last level of the chart of accounts, whose
accounts will be dealt with directly in the various transactions of the system.
- Joined Account: This field is used if the user account that is encoded range of
specific accounts linked to desire, is the use of this field is optional purpose is to get
reports about belonging to each group accounts, and are determined group from
among the groups that appear to build on what has been encoded in screen accounts
groups in creating a general ledger.
- Many accounts that belonging to different main accounts
can be linked in one group, for example, the user can link
the accounts of a specific employee (s) such as advances
account and salaries account and other account in one

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- The user can use the accounts group field during entering
the account, and can be used later after creating the chart
of accounts.
- Report: this field is used to specify the appropriate annual report, which will be linked
to its account, where the user can select one of the following options available:
• Balance Sheet: This option is selected for accounts whose nature is balance sheet
such as assets and liabilities accounts, which are accounts that transfers its
balances to the new accounting period as opening balances.
• Profit and loss: This option is selected for accounts whose nature is Profit and
loss such as expenses and revenue, which are accounts that will be closed at the
end of the financial period as profit and loss.
- Joint Account: the user shall use this field, if needed, to associate the account with a
specific task i.e. specifying the account to act as a hand in cash account, bank
account, customer account, intermediate account, or other accounts. Accordingly, these
accounts will be used in the systems and screens specified for them.
- If a main account is associated, this will be reflected on all
accounts branched from it either main or subsidiary.
- Currency: the currency section is used to determine the sub-account currency where
at least one currency should be linked to the account. The system allows the user to
connect more than one currency to each sub-account, while the main accounts will
only take the local currency of the enterprise. Here, the system displays all the
available currency (ies) that have been entered on the Currencies Data screen, and the
user Clicks (√) on the desired currency that the sub account uses from the list.
• Maximum limit: This column is used for sub-accounts. In this column the system
enables the user to specify a maximum limit as an amount for any account of the
chart of account (cash in hand, banks…etc.). Using this limit the system will send a
warning massage if the account balance exceed this limit.
• Minimum Limit: This column is used for sub-accounts. In this column the system
enables specifying the minimum limit of the accounts limit as desired. The minimum

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limit is usually used to face unexpected cases such as keeping an amount for a
petty cash or for any other cases.
Practical Example
- If the user specifies the maximum limit for the employee's advances account as
(200,000 Riyals), so that once the advance or advances of the employee reaches or
exceeds the limit specified, using payment voucher or journal voucher the system will
alert the user of this excess.
- If the user specifies the minimum limit of the fund account for Emergencies as liquidity
needs of (500,000 Riyals), then once the user issue a payment voucher from the fund
and the fund balance is equal or less than the amount specified the system will alert
the user.
- Active: by clicking on this option the user can stop dealing with any currency of the
account currencies.
The system administrator is the only user who can exceed the
maximum and minimum limits.
- Create Chart of Accounts: User can get a default chart of accounts of with main
levels only. If the user wishes to take advantage of this service, then the user clicks on
this button. The system creates chart of accounts with main levels, and the user will
have to input sub-accounts only.
The user can take advantage of this feature only at the
beginning of working on the system and before adding any
other accounts.
- Import from Excel: the user can import chart of accounts from excel file by clicking on
the Import from Excel File button.

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- The user can only take advantage of this feature in the
beginning of working on the system and before entering any
- The advantage of Excel file attached with the system files
as a model of chart of account, and based on the division
of this file the import from Excel process is done.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Accounts that have been added appear on the right part of
the screen.
- the Accounts are entered in this screen for only once, which
is at the beginning of working on the system, and the
system will transfer these accounts when opening a new
financial year to be used in the New financial Year's
transactions with the possibility of adding any accounts at
any time.
- The system does not allow the user to delete main account
if this account has main or sub-accounts associated with.
- The system does not allow the user to delete an account if
this account has a transaction on even the account’s
balance is Zero.
Chart of Accounts Screen Tabs
The Chart of Accounts Screen contains several tabs through which the user can obtain
information and statistical data of transactions made on the account and the balances of
those accounts based on each currency and at the level of each cost centers, in addition to
the know the deviation from the budget, with the ability to printing the Chart of Accounts.
Operations Tab
This tab shows the transactions that has been made on the account during the financial
period automatically, once the user open this tab and after searching and selecting the
account in the accounts tab, all the transactions made on the account will be displayed, as

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well as, the statistics summary of the opening balances and the total of the debtor, creditor
and balance. At the same time the user can review such statistics for the sub-accounts or
any level of the main accounts levels.
Deviations Tab
This tab shows the deviation of the budget automatically; where this tab shows a summary
of statistics of the actual position during the financial period and the estimated budget and
the deviation between the actual and budget, these statistics will be shown of each currency
in the account.
Cost Centers Tab
This tab shows the statistical summary of the account and the currency for each cost
center, where it shows the statistics summary of the opening balance and the total of the
debtor, creditor and balance of each cost center, according to the uses of cost centers in
the system operations.
Report Tab
Through this tab the user can print the chart of accounts, where the user can print the entire
chart of accounts or some of its sections.

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Cost Centers
Use: the cost centers screen is used for adding the various cost centers that the company
needs to obtain their reports and outputs, and based on work in the system if the nature
and size of the activity. Cost centers may be administrative, technical, whether it is projects,
programs, production units or other fields of business. It is required that the people in
charge in the enterprise to be fully familiar with its requirements before entering the cost
centers, so that if the enterprise wishes to holding special books of costs accounts or wants
to evaluate certain activities with its expenses or revenues or both, then the enterprise can
take benefit from using cost centers in the system
The Cost Centers screen can be used also for creating a detailed chart of cost centers,
which contains extensive details in the accounts more than what is available in the Chart of
Accounts, and having a classification of accounts similar to that in the Chart of Accounts. As
an example, the Cost Centers Chart can be created for projects, programs, managements,
departments, production units or sales regions, which the company needs to monitor
through obtaining relevant reports that clarify the financial activities as well as the expenses
and earned revenues performed in each cost center. This process will enable the company
to carry out the required comparative studies and take the necessary decision accordingly.
The cost centers will be entered through the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:

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- Main Center: This field is used to enter the main cost center that is on the top of the
cost center that is being entered, if the main cost center being entered is in the first
level the user enters the number zero (0), but if it was in the same level of other levels
then the cost center is determined among the cost centers that have been encoded
- Cost Center Number: This field is used to enter a cost center which is being entered.
- Center Name: This field is used to enter the name of the cost center by the system’s
default language, where it will be dealt with along with the cost center number in the
system’s different screens.
- Cost Center Foreign Name: This field is used to enter the name of the cost center
using any language of the languages provided in the system other than the default
language that is used in the system.
- Level: the cost center level appears automatically based on the level of the cost center
number that was specified in the (Main Center) field, where the level that appears is
the following level of the main center level.
All Sub-centers are supposed to be in one level (the last
level), in order to extract balanced reports.
- Center Type: This field is used to specify the type of cost center and whether the
center is main or subsidiary centers:
• Main: this option is selected for all levels of cost centers except for the last level.
• Sub: this option is selected for the last level of the cost centers that will be dealt
with directly in the various transactions of the system.
- Group: This field is used in case the user desires to link the cost center entered, with
a specific cost center group. The use of this field is optional and its main purpose is to
get reports about cost centers that belong to a specific cost center group. And the cost
center group is selected among the groups that appear according to what have been
encoded in Cost Centers Groups Screen in the General Ledger – Configuration

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- The user can link many cost centers that belong to different
main centers in one group.
- The user can use the “Group” field during entering the cost
center, or after completing entering of the cost centers
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Cash in Hand
Use: The Cash in Hand Screen is used for the purpose of configuring the company's funds.
This screen should be used after using the Chart of Account Screen and before using
transaction related. The data entered in this screen will be used for depositing/in or
paying/out cash in the system through the Payment and receive vouchers screens and in
other different system screens (GL, Purchase, or Sales). And through this screen the user
links each fund by its account in the chart of accounts, also through this screen the user
sets the sequence number of the receive and payment vouchers issued from the funds, and
whether this sequence is only one sequence for all funds or a special sequence for each
funds documents. The funds details are entered through the screen that appears as in the
following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Cash No.: This field is used to enter the number of the Fund.
- Cash Account: This field is used to link the fund entered with its account in the chart
of accounts. And the account is selected from the list of accounts that appears when
pressing (F9) when the cursor is inside the field. The accounts that appear are the
Sub- accounts that have been entered in the chart of account screen.

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- Cash Name: The fund’s Name appears in this field automatically once the user selects
the account number in the previous Cash Account Field, the fund’s default name that
appeared can be edited by the user to any name desired by the user.
- Serial No.: This field is used to specify the type of sequence desired to be in the
receive and payment vouchers screens, and whether the user wishes to have only one
sequence for all funds or wants to have a separate sequence for each Fund. So if the
user enters the same number in this field for all funds, the system will grant the receive
vouchers - of all funds – only one sequence, and therefore the system will not be able
to issue a receive voucher with the same sequence number, and that’s because there
is only one sequence for all funds, while if the user wants to grant the receive
vouchers of each fund an independent sequence number from other funds, then the
user should enter in this field when entering the funds a different number for each
different fund. In this case the system will generate a different sequence number of
receive vouchers of each fund.
The system enables the user to have one sequence for some
funds and another sequence other different funds, if we
assume that the enterprise has six funds, and the system
administrator wants to have one sequence for the first and
second fund, while the sequence of the second and the third
and fourth funds has a different sequence from the sequence
of the first and second funds, and wants to have a different
sequence for the fifth Fund, and different from the four
previous fund’s sequences and the sequence of the sixth fund
differs from the rest of the funds. In this case the user enters
the number (1) for the first and second funds, when entering
the fund’s details, and enters the number (2) for the third and
fourth funds when entering the fund’s details, and enters the
number (3) for the fifth fund when entering the fund’s details,
and enter the number (4) for the sixth fund when entering the
fund’s details.

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Fund Number Serial Number field

First Fund 1
Second Fund 1
Third Fund 2
Fourth Fund 2
Fifth Fund 3
sixth Fund 4
- Sale Point Cash: This checkbox option is used in case of using the POS system,
selecting this checkbox means that fund is being entered will be as a point of sale
fund, and it will appear in the POS system in order to use it, while the funds in which
this checkbox cell is not selected will not appear in the POS system.
- Type: for the Exchange and Transfer System, the user shall use this option to
configure the type of fund account, whether it is a receipt, a payment, or a purchase
and sale of currencies fund.
- Balances: the balances of the cash in hand account appear at the table below at the
level of each currency.
- Minimum Limit: In this field the minimum limit of the currencies of the Fund's account
appears, according to what has been specified in the Chart Of Accounts Screen, and
this represents the minimum limit of cash that is supposed to be in the fund to cope
with any emergencies occur, so that if the fund balance reached this limit, the system
will alerts the user by generating an alert massage.
- Stopped: the user shall use this option to stop dealing with the cash in hand account if
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Cash at Banks
Use: The Cash at Banks Screen is used for the purpose of configuring the banks the
company deals with. This screen should be used after using the Chart of Account Screen
and before using making any transactions related. The data entered in this screen will be
used for depositing/in or paying/out cash in the system through the Payment and receive
vouchers screens and in other different system screens (GL, Purchase, or Sales). And
through this screen the user links each bank by its account in the chart of accounts, also
through this screen the user sets the sequence number of the receive and payment
vouchers issued from the banks, and whether this sequence is only one sequence for all
banks or a special sequence for each bank documents. The banks details are entered
through the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Bank No.: This field is used to enter the number of the bank.
- Bank Account: This field is used to link the bank entered with its account in the chart
of accounts. And the account is selected from the list of accounts that appears when
pressing (F9) when the cursor is inside the field. The accounts that appear are the
Sub- accounts that have been entered in the chart of account screen.

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- Bank Name: The bank’s Name appears in this field automatically once the user
selects the account number in the previous Bank Account Field, the bank’s default
name that appeared can be edited by the user to any name desired by the user.
- Serial No.: This field is used to specify the type of sequence desired to be in the
receive and payment vouchers screens, and whether the user wishes to have only one
sequence for all banks or wants to have a separate sequence for each bank. So if the
user enters the same number in this field for all banks, the system will grant the
receive vouchers - of all banks – only one sequence, and therefore the system will not
be able to issue a receive voucher with the same sequence number, and that’s
because there is only one sequence for all banks, while if the user wants to grant the
receive vouchers of each bank an independent sequence number from other banks,
then the user should enter in this field when entering the banks a different number for
each different bank. In this case the system will generate a different sequence number
of receive vouchers of each bank.
The system enables the user to have one sequence for some
banks and another sequence other different banks, if we
assume that the enterprise has six banks, and the system
administrator wants to have one sequence for the first and
second banks, while the sequence of the second and third
and fourth banks has a different sequence from the sequence
of the first and second banks, and wants to have a different
sequence for the fifth bank, and different from the four
previous bank’s sequences and the sequence of the sixth
bank differs from the rest of the banks. In this case the user
enters the number (1) for the first and second banks when
entering the bank’s details, and enters the number (2) for the
third and fourth banks when entering the bank’s details, and
enters the number (3) for the fifth bank when entering the
bank’s details, and enter the number (4) for the sixth bank
when entering the bank’s details.

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Bank Number Serial Number field

First Bank 1
Second Bank 1
Third Bank 2
Fourth Bank 2
Fifth Bank 3
sixth Bank 4
- Bank Account Number: the user may use this field to enter the Establishment’s
account at the bank (optional)
- Balances: the balances of the bank account appear at the table below at the level of
each currency.
- Stopped: the user shall use this option to stop dealing with bank if needed.
- Minimum Limit: In this field the minimum limit of the currencies of the bank's account
appears, according to what has been specified in the Chart Of Accounts Screen, and
this represents the minimum limit of cash that is supposed to be in the bank to cope
with any emergencies that may occur, so that if the bank balance reached this limit, the
system will alerts the user by generating an alert massage.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Opening Balances
Use: The Opening Balances screen is used for adding opening balances for sub-accounts
that have balances in the manual accounting records, so that the system at the end of the
fiscal year, will raise the final balances as opening balances to the next fiscal year
automatically. The opening balance is the balance that is brought forward from the end of
one accounting period to the beginning of a new accounting period. The process of adding
opening balances can be made either for accounts only or for accounts and cost centers.
When adding opening balances for accounts only, every account is given the same amount
that it ended with last year or last month. However, when adding opening balances for
accounts and cost centers, the opening balance for every account is added in accordance
with the number of cost centers repeated in this account. This process is made only if the
establishment uses cost centers in its financial procedures. The opening balances will be
added through the use of the screen only for once at the beginning working on the system,
and which appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- From Account \ To Account: These fields are used to specify the account / sub-
accounts which the user wants to add it to the screen, in order to enter its opening
balances, and that’s done by specifying the first account from the list of accounts that
appear when pressing F9 when the cursor is in the (From Account) field and then

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specifying the last account from the list of accounts that appear after pressing F9 when
the cursor is in the field (To Account).
All sub-accounts will appear in the screen if the user did not
specify the account \ accounts in the previous two fields.
- Currency: This field is used to specify the currency of the account, which will be
imported and whose opening balance will be entered.
- From Customer No. \ To Customer No.: these fields are used in order to specify the
customers, which will be imported to the screen and whom opening balances will be
- From Vendor No. \ To Vendor No.: these fields are used in order to specify the
vendors, which will be imported to the screen and whom opening balances will be
- From Center \ To Center: these fields are used to specify cost center \ cost centers
when adding the opening balances based on cost centers, where the opening balance
of the accounts can be entered based on each cost center, and follows that the
opening balance will be distributed by the cost centers, while when based on the
account there will be only ne number.
- The system will repeat the same account for all the cost
centers that will be specified in the previous two fields.
- If the method followed in the enterprise is to compulsory
deal with cost centers, then using the cost centers in the
screen will be compulsory and the rest can be passed.
- Display Order: This field is used to determine the method of displaying the accounts
in the screen, where the accounts can be arranged by one of the following methods:
• By Account Code
• By Account Name
• By Cost Center, Account Code
• By Cost Center, Account Name

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- Importing Accounts to The Screen: the accounts are showed by one of two following
• The First Way: If the data has been selected in all or some of the previous fields,
in this case the accounts will be imported by clicking on the (add) button once.
• The Second Way: If the user didn’t specify the data in the previous fields, in this
case the accounts are imported by double-clicking on the (add) button.
- The opening balance are entered in the level of the sub-account, currency and cost
center, if any, and the opening balances are entered based on the nature of the
account and its balance. Meaning that if the account balance is debit then the amount
will be entered in the (debit) side, whether it is local or foreigner debtor based on the
account currency, the same thing if the account balance credit then amount will be
entered in the (credit) side, whether it is local or foreigner creditor based on the
account currency
- The total debtor and creditor appear at the lower part of the
screen, to ensure of matching or not matching the two
- The local difference between the debtor and creditor
appears in the (difference) field, in order to be monitored.
- The system allows the user to save the unbalanced
opening balances in the debtor and the creditor sides,
initially so that the user can enter balances according to the
circumstances and conditions of the enterprise, and the
system does not allow the closure of the first financial
period unless the balances are balanced in both the debtor
and the creditor sides.
- The balances will be uploaded to the main accounts the button upload.
- Save: the data entered will be saved by any of the data saving methods available.
- It is not required to enter the opening balances before
starting using the system, where the user can use the

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system’s different screens operations in any part of its

sections before the introduction of the opening balances,
but the first financial period will not be closed unless the
user enters all of the opening balances.
- The system allows the user to repeat the process of
entering the opening balances more than once, where the
user can enter balances of some accounts and then enter
the balances of other accounts in another process.
- The accounts, whose opening balances have been entered
already, will not appear when importing the accounts again,
while it can be reviewed by (search).
- The user can edit the opening balances data, whether to
edit the current data or to add or delete in the condition that
the first financial period is not closed.
- Opening Balances can be edited by clicking on (Modify)
after displaying the balances by double-clicking on the
(search) button.

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Use: The Budget screen is an optional screen that is used for adding budget amounts for
the enterprise accounts. Once data has been translated into predictions for financial
outcomes, actual earnings and expenses can be compared against the predictions to
monitor business progress. The entered data in the screen will assist you to organize your
business tasks and achieve your planned financial goals in successfully. You can also set a
single common budget for both the sub cost center and the sub account. The system
creates budget of each sub account to its respective main account. This means that the
main account budget is formed from the total budgets of sub accounts related to it. The
user also can prepare monthly or annual budgeting according to the options selected in the
GL General Options. Assuming that the system administrator at the facility selects the
method of estimating the budget to be for a month then the user will enter the estimates
through the use of the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Account Code: This field is used to select the account in which the user will make a
budget estimate for, and the account is selected from the list of accounts that appears
when pressing the F9 when the cursor is in the field (Account Code) or by the right
mouse button.

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- Currency: This field is used to specify the currency of the account, where the budget
estimates based on the currencies of each account.
- Cost Center Number: This field is used to specify the cost center which the estimated
budget will be for; the use of this field is optional unless the method of dealing with the
cost centers in the enterprise is mandatory.
Methods of Entering the Estimated Budget
The system allows the user several ways and alternatives to enter the estimated budget of
the enterprise. And besides entering the estimated budget of each month manually the user
can also use other distribution methods as follows:
- If the estimated budget is different from one month to another, then the estimates will
be manually entered based on each month.
The local currencies estimates are entered in the (local)
column, while the foreign currencies estimates are entered in
the (foreign) column.
- If the user wishes to repeat a specific amount for all months, the amount should be
entered in the first month, and then by pressing on the (F7) button the system will
repeat the amount for all the months with the ability of modifying the amounts of any
- If the user wishes to enter the total amount for the year as an estimated budget for the
account, then the user enters the total year estimates amount in the (total) field,
whether it is local or foreign currency, then presses on the (F8) button. As a result, the
system will distribute the total amount evenly over the months of the year with the
ability of modifying amounts within the total amount.
- If the user wishes to add percentages to the first month estimates, the user selects the
option (Depend On First Month), or (the F5) and then specifies the percentage that is
wanted to be added to the first month estimates in the percentage column that
intersect with the first month and then clicks on the (Distribute) command button, the
system will add the percentage specified to the first month estimates, and then show it
as estimates for the remaining months of the year. If we assume that the budget
estimates for the first month of one of the accounts was 100,000 Riyals then the user

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selects 10% the system will calculate the estimates of all of the following months, as
110,000 per month.
- If the user wishes to add percentages to the previous month estimates, the user
selects the option (Depend On Prev. Month), or (the F6) and then specifies the
percentage that is wanted to be added to the previous month estimates in the
percentage column that intersect with the first month and then clicks on the
(Distribute). The system will add the percentage to the previous month's estimate and
then show it as estimates for the following month. If we assume that the budget
estimates for the first month of one of the accounts was 100,000 Riyals then the user
selects the percentage of 100%. The system will calculate the second month estimates
as 200,000 Riyals and then will add 100% to these estimates as estimates for the third
month, and based on that the system will calculate the percentage of the third month
estimates as 400,000 Riyals, meaning that it added 100% to the estimates of the
previous month and so added 100% to the previous month's estimates in the
remaining months.

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Chapter Three
General Ledger

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General Ledger transactions are the accounting operations carried out
by users after the initialization and coding of inputs, and these
operations are accounting transactions and non-inventory transactions.
These operations vary between daily journal entries and debit balances,
cash and bank balances, checks accruals, bank reconciliations, debit
and debit notes, letters of guarantee issuance, and other transactions.

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Journal vouchers
Use: The Journal Vouchers Screen is used for recording financial transactions in the
General Ledger. The Journal Entry screen cannot be used for recording entries that has
been entered previously through other Almotakamel+2’s transactions screens (e.g. a
Payment Voucher, Receipt Voucher, Sales Invoices and Purchases). Therefore, it has to be
noted that making any entry in this screen for any transaction that has already been entered
in any other screen will cause the repetition of the transaction. The journal vouchers screen
has been designed for entering the journal entries (adjustment entries) that the system is
not generating automatically such as (Adjusting assets, liabilities, revenues, and
expenditures, also, Reclassification of General Ledger Entries (e.g. redistributing revenue
from one revenue source to another). In addition, that through the journal vouchers screen
the user can do “Balance Sheet Transactions” (e.g. moving money from one cash balance
sheet account to another).
In general, the Journal Voucher screen is used for recording all other accounting entry
transactions that are not related to any official document issued by the company, such as
payment vouchers, receipt vouchers, invoices, warehouse orders, etc.
This screen has many features such as entering periodic journal entries and stand by
entries and currency differences entries, in addition to credit notes and bank reconciliations,
which will be explained when explaining the use of the screen fields. Also through this
screen the user can enter compound journal entries using sub-accounts by different
currencies in a single entry, as well as the use of (cost centers) on both sides (debit and
credit). And these adjustment entries are entered through the use of the screen that
appears, as in the following figure:

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How to use the screen

First, Basic Data
Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Date: the date appears in this field - automatically – which is the actual date of the
journal entry.
- Doc. Type: this field appears as a result of selecting the option (use multiple JVs
documents) and it is used to select the journal voucher document type. The journal
voucher type is specified either by entering the type number directly or by selecting it
from the menu that appears when pressing F9. The purpose of use this field is to
classify the journal vouchers into homogeneous types, so when entering any journal
voucher it will be linked to its type. in order to extract reports and outputs based on
journal voucher type.
- The (Doc. type) field appears as a result of selecting the
option (use multiple JVs documents) in the General Ledger
Configurations- Options Screen.
- If the user wants to add a new type of journal voucher, the
user returns to Journal Vouchers Types Screen.
- Doc. No.: the document number appears in this field - automatically – which is the
sequence number of journal voucher.
The sequence number will appear in the journal voucher
based on the configuration that has been done in the (journal
vouchers types screen) in general ledger configuration, and
based on that configuration the journal vouchers sequence
number will appear, that may be only one sequence for all
journal vouchers types or one sequence number for each
journal voucher type.
- Net Amount: This field is used for the purpose of specifying the total amount that will
be paid or received, and is used as relevant information only and does have any
impact neither on the accounts nor on enrollment. For example, if the enterprise

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agreed with a second party on selling of items to the company’s staff and guaranteed
that the amount will be deducted from the employees’ salaries for the purpose of
repayment of that items, and will deduct an amount for the service fee, and the rest
(Net Amount) will be paid out to the second party. in this case the amount will be
credited to the second party while the net will be stated in this field as information in
order for the user to be guided by when recording the amount for the creditor party.
- Reference: This field is optional and is used to enter the reference for the journal entry
for the purpose of easy reference during the search, where the user can enter in this
field both letters and numbers.
- Amount: This field is used to enter the total amount of the journal voucher in local
The Total amount field is used for the purpose of controlling
the amounts that will be entered into the debtor and creditor
sides of the journal, where the total amount entered should be
equal to the total amount in local currency and which has
been entered in the “Amount Field”.
- Description: this field is used to enter a brief explanation of the journal voucher
- Cheque Number\ Due Date: These fields are used to enter the number and date of
the cheques if the purpose of the journal voucher is to record a bank transaction and
that details are entered as details that can be return to at any time.
Types of Daily Restrictions
In addition to the normal journal vouchers type that can be
used without selecting any option from the right side of the
screen the system enables using these types based on the
journal entry type. These options are made available in
order to simplify the use of the Journal Voucher screen. These types are:
1 Reversible Journal: This option is selected in case the user wants the journal entry to
affect the accounts balances temporarily, where this effect ends on the monthly
closing. In other words, the system will be make a reverse journal for those reversible

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journals on the monthly period closing, which will end the financial impacts on
balances, in addition, the option (Reverse Inverse Voucher) in the Monthly Closing
2 Periodic Journal: This option is selected in case the user wants to create a periodical
journal. The periodic journal voucher is a journal entry which the user needs to issue it
repeatedly as Monthly accrual journals. The user can categorize similar journals as
periodic journals, when issued for the first time. The user can issue new journals from
these periodic journals, by importing the periodic journal’s data, when issuing a new
journal and edit the new journal data if needed. And following this way the user will
save time and effort that it takes to issue a new journal entry from the beginning.
3 Stand by Journal: This option is selected in case the user wants to save and suspend
a journal voucher. If the user wishes to save a journal entry and does not want to post
it for any reason such as to be (unbalanced journal or to be balanced but has no
supporting documents) then the user clicks on this checkbox option. As a result of this
selection the system allows to save the journal on his condition, at the same time it will
not allow the user to post this journal unless this option is unchecked. allowed to
deport him only after the abolition of this limitation, this feature is used for the purpose
of allowing the user to save the unbalanced journal entry for any reason and then
returning to this journal later and complete the procedures of issuance, also this feature
is based on the selection of the option (Allowing Standby JVs) in the general ledger
system- configuration - Options screen.
4 Currency Differences: This option is selected in case the user wants to prove a
currency differences journal entry. If the user wishes to issue such journals then the
user selects this checkbox option during the issuance of such journals. As a result of
this selection the possibility of affecting the local balance if the account currency is
foreign, in other words selecting this option the system allows entering an amount in
the local column (debit \ credit) if it is a foreign currency account. Also this feature is
based on the selection of the option (Allowing Currency Differences JVs) in the general
ledger system- configuration - Options screen.

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The system - automatically - during the monthly closing the
system will automatically adjust the differences of the local
balance for foreign currency account, which are resulting from
the changes in the currency exchange rates and therefore the
user will not need to issue such journals as the system is able
to adjust those differences automatically on the monthly
Second, Detailed Data
The detailed data of the journal vouchers are entered in the lower part of the screen, these
detailed data are the accounts of the journal (debit \ credit) sides, accounts currencies,
amounts of each account as well as specifying the cost centers if necessary, and other data
that appears on the screen:
- A\C Code: This column is used to specify the accounts that will be used in both (debit
\ credit) sides of the journal. The accounts are selected from the list of accounts that
appears when pressing (F9) when the cursor is in this field. Once the user selects the
account the account’s number and name automatically, with the ability of entering the
account number directly.
- Currency: This column is used to specify the account’s currency, which the user
wishes to use in the journal entry. The user selects the currency of the account from
the currencies drop list in the field.
- Exchange Rate: the currency exchange rate appears in this column - automatically –
of the currency that have been selected in the currency field, with the possibility of
editing the exchange rate provided and not exceeding the minimum and maximum
limits of the currency exchange rate, which was specified (currency) in the screen in
the General Ledger Configuration.
- Description: This column is used to enter a statement for the account, and the
description is typed in this field directly.

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The user can use a description of an earlier transaction from
the menu that appears when pressing (F9) when the cursor is
in the description field. In order to use this feature it is
required that the system administrator has selected the option
(Show Desc. In Vouchers, Journals and Accounts Statements)
in the screen in the General Ledger Configuration.
- Local Dr.: This column is used to enter the amount of the debtor account, if it is local
currency However, if the amount is in foreign currency then the amount will appear
automatically once the amount is entered in the foreign amount field.
- Foreign Dr.: This column is used to enter the amount of the debtor account, if it is in
the foreign currency, and once the user enters the amount of the foreign currency the
corresponding amount in the local currency will appear in the (local Debit) column
automatically, and the local debtor amount represents the amount of foreign debtor
multiplied by the exchange rate.
- Local Cr.: This column is used to enter the amount of the creditor account, if it is local
currency However, if the amount is in foreign currency then the amount will appear
automatically once the amount is entered in the foreign amount field.
- Foreign Cr.: This column is used to enter the amount of the creditor account, if it is in
the foreign currency, and once the user enters the amount of the foreign currency the
corresponding amount in the local currency will appear in the (local Credit) column
automatically, and the local credit amount represents the amount of foreign creditor
multiplied by the exchange rate.
The system enables entering compound journals for more
than one account in both (debit\ credit) sides of the journal
where it is required that the total local debtor side is equal to
the local creditor side with the amount entered in the basic
data in the upper part of the screen.

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- Center No: This column is used to specify the cost center that will carry the amount,
whether the account is debtor or creditor, and it is used according to the need of the
enterprise of dealing with the cost centers.
- Customer No: In this column the customer’s number will appear, if the account used
in journal is a customer account, this account is the account which has been linked to
the customer in the Customer Details Screen in the sales system. And in case that
more than one customer is linked with the entered account, then the user selects the
customer number among the customers’ numbers, for the purpose of affecting the
customer’s account by the amount in the journal.
- Customer Name: Once the user specifies the customer number in the previous field,
the customer name appears in this field automatically. This column appears as a result
of selecting the option (View Cust. Name) in the Options Screen in the General Ledger
Configuration, while if that specific option is not selected then only the Customer
Number will appear.
- Vendor No.: In this column the vendor’s number will appear, if the account used in
journal is a vendor account, this account is the account which has been linked to the
vendor in the Vendor Details Screen in the sales system. And in case that more than
one vendor is linked with the entered account, then the user selects the vendor number
among the vendors’ numbers, for the purpose of affecting the vendor’s account by the
amount in the journal.
- Vendor Name: Once the user specifies the vendor number in the previous field, the
vendor name appears in this field automatically. This column appears as a result of
selecting the option (View Vend. Name) in the Options Screen in the General Ledger
Configuration, while if that specific option is not selected then only the vendor Number
will appear.
- Paid: This checkbox option is used in case the amount is recorded in the journal’s
credit side, and is used for the purpose of distributing the creditor amount on several
bills pertaining to the customer that is specified in (Customer No.) column. Once the
user clicks on this field (Paid) the screen of (Customer Matching) appears, where all
the transactions that are record on the customer will be shown in detail with the type of
transaction and document’s number and its amount so that the user selects the

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document which the amount of the journal will be deducted from. This method is used
if the option (auto. Payment) is not selected. Which is in the system options, while in If
the user didn’t selects this option and the user selects the checkbox option (paid) the
system will automatically deduct the amount of the customer’s oldest indebtedness,
therefore the user will not require to carry out the distribution process through the
Customer Matching Screen.
- Total: The total local debit and credit appears, as well as, the difference between the
two sides that appears in the (difference) field, for the purpose of ensuring that the
user has entered the amounts of the debit and credit correctly.
The system will not be allowed to save the transaction unless
the local debit and the local credit side are equal to the total
amount in local currency in the basic data of the journals
upper part of the screen, unless the stand by journals are
used in the system, and in case the enterprise takes
advantage of this feature then the system will not allow
posting the unbalanced journal, unless it will be balanced.
- Posted Vouchers: if this option is showing the sign (✓), then it indicates that the
journal voucher has been posted already.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Show Affected Main Accounts: This option is used when the user wants to display a
report of the journal voucher with sub-accounts that were used in journal, as well as
the displaying the main accounts that have been affected by the transaction.
- Print Check Form: This option is used when the user wants to display the report of
the journal voucher in a special form design by the user, and this option appears as a
result of selection the option (Print Two Forms for Journal Voucher) In the General
Ledger – Configuration- Options Screen. While not using this feature or not selecting
this option then the report will appear by the systems default form.
Third, Other Operations and Features of the Journal Vouchers Screen:
There are some features in the system that the user can get use of when issuing the journal
vouchers that facilitates the use of system these features are:

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- Create New JV From Existing Periodic JV: This checkbox option is used when the
user desires to create a new journal voucher from an earlier journal voucher, and this
feature is one of the important features of the system in this screen, where long journal
entries that are being entered into the system may be repeated from time to time, as
well as frequent journals that are needed to be entered continuously and repeatedly
into the system. Even if it is small journals rather than entering it all over again, the
user can import a previous similar journal’s details into the screen and make some
adjustments - if necessary - in both parties of the journal or in the amounts and then
save that data as a new journal. If the user wishes to do so then the user selects this
option (✓), and as a result of this selection the system will activate the field (Periodic
• Periodic No.: This field appears active if the option (Create New JV From Existing
Periodic JV) is selected, and it is used in order to specify the number of the journal
entry, which the user wishes to import its data to the screen to make a new journal,
and the journal vouchers numbers are selected from the screen that appears when
pressing (F9) and the cursor is inside the field. The user must know that not all
journals will appear in this field, but only the journal vouchers that have been
identified as periodic journal vouchers, and once the user selects the journal
voucher desired the journals data will appear in the screen and then it depends on
the user, either to save the journal as it is as new journal or to do some edits then
save it as new journal voucher.
- Create New Registration of Notice Of Pre-Entrance: This checkbox option is used
when the user desires to create a new journal voucher from credit or debit notes, which
has been entered in the creditor and debtor notes screen, and which have no financial
effects. Through the use of this option the user can converted those notes into journal
vouchers. So, if the user wishes to transfer those notes data to journal vouchers
screen, then the user selects this checkbox option (✓), and as a result of this selection
the system will activate the field (Note Number).
• Note Number: This field appears active if the option (Create New Registration Of
Notice Of Pre-Entrance) is selected, and it is used in order to specify the number
of the creditor or debtor note, which the user wishes to import its data to the screen

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to make a new journal, and the creditor or debtor note numbers are selected from
the screen that appears when pressing (F9) and the cursor is inside the field. And
once the selects the number creditor or debtor note its data appear in the screen.
- Create New Jv From Adjustment Bank: This checkbox option is used when the user
desires to create a new journal voucher from bank reconciliations notes, which has
been entered in the bank reconciliations notes screen, and which have no financial
effects. Through the use of this option the user can converted those notes into journal
vouchers. So, if the user wishes to transfer those notes data to journal vouchers
screen, then the user selects this checkbox option (✓), and as a result of this selection
the system will activate the field (Adj. No).
- Adj. No: This field appears active if the option (Create New JV From Adjustment
Bank) is selected, and it is used in order to specify the number of the bank
reconciliation, which the user wishes to import its data to the screen to make a new
journal, and the banks reconciliations numbers are selected from the screen that
appears when pressing (F9) and the cursor is inside the field. And once the selects the
number bank reconciliations its data appear in the screen.
- In this field only the bank adjustments appears that the user
has selected the option (Import Bank Adjustments In
Journals) in bank reconciliations (adjustment) screen, as
well as setting these adjustments through the use of the
checkbox option (Confirm Bank Adjustment) in bank
adjustment screen.
- The user cannot delete or modify the journal vouchers that
are generated (issued) from the bank adjustment.

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Payment Saver Day

Use: Daily Payment Saver Screen (Payment Journal voucher) is used to create a draft of
payment transactions that does not affect cash or bank. The user can use it to record the
daily payment transactions (expenses) paid from the Fund in (cash) or from the bank
(cheque), in one document and then transfer them to Payment Voucher screen manually or
automatically after proving them. The Payment Day Saver Screen can deal with all different
accounts and currencies in the same journal, and at the time that the system allows linking
a cost center the user can also link vendors and customers.
Using this screen is based on the activation of the option (use Saver Day (Payment-
Receive) in the system) in the General Ledger Options Screen, and based on the
configuration made in that screen, dealing with funds and banks will be determined as one
of two ways, either to be deal with a single fund or single bank in the single payment saver
or to deal with multiple funds or multiple banks. The payment day saver is entered through
the use of the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

First, Basic Data
Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Date: the date appears in this field - automatically – which will be today's date.
- Payment Type: the type of transaction is specified by one of the following options:
• Cash: This checkbox option is selected if the payment is cash from the Fund.

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• Cheque: This checkbox option is selected if the payment is by cheque from bank.
• Cash No. \ Bank No.: This field is used to select the fund number if the payment
is Cash, or to select the bank number if the payment is by cheque through the
- This field is used in case of the use of payment day saver
from a fund or a bank, but if the user deals with multi-
banks and funds then the user will specify the banks and
funds based on each account in the lower part of the
- The method of selecting whether to deal with single (fund
or bank) or to deal with multiple (funds or banks) is from
the General Ledger- Configuration- Options Screen. and it
is not possible to deal with both methods in a single
company, where it should be either to deal with single or
multiple for all transaction.
- Doc. No.: The document number appears in this field automatically, and the number
appears according the document sequence type of the funds and banks.
- Description: This field is used to enter a brief explanation of the transaction made in
the payment saver.
Second, Detailed Data of the Payment Day Saver
The detailed data of the payment day saver is located at the lower part of the screen, which
are the payment saver accounts that will carry the payments, and the detailed data of those
accounts such as currency and cost centers if necessary, and other data that appears in the
- A\C Code: This column is used to specify the accounts on which the payment amounts
will be recorded on, and the accounts are selected from the list of accounts that
appears when pressing the (F9) when the cursor is in this field. Once the user selects
the wanted account the account’s number and name will appear. The user can also
enter the account’s number manually. The account which will be specified in this field
will represent the debtor party when posting the voucher.

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- Currency: This column is used to determine the currency of the account, which the
user wishes to use in the transaction, from the currencies that appear in the drop list at
end of this field.
- Exchange Rate: the exchange rate of the currency that has been specified in
(currency) appears in this column - automatically, with the ability of editing the
exchange rate provided and not to exceed the minimum and maximum exchange rate
limits, which was specified in the (currency) screen in the General Ledger-
- Description: This field is used to enter a brief explanation of the transaction made on
the account, and which will appear in the account statement.
- Local Amount: This column is used to enter the amount that will be paid in case the
payment is made from local currency account. However, if the amount paid is by
foreign currency then the amount will appear automatically when entering the amount
in the foreign amount field, where the local amount represents the amount of foreign
amount multiplied by the exchange rate.
- Foreign Amount: This column is used to enter the payment amount in the case the
payment is in foreign currency, and once the user enters the amount of the foreign
currency the corresponding amount in the local currency will appear in the (local
Amount) column automatically, and the local amount represents the amount of foreign
creditor multiplied by the exchange rate.
- Center No: This column is used to specify the cost center that will carry the amount,
and it is used according to the need of the enterprise of dealing with the cost centers.
- Customer No: In this column the customer’s number will appear, if the account used
in the payment saver is a customer account, this account is the account which has
been linked to the customer in the Customer Details Screen in the sales system. And
in case that more than one customer is linked with the entered account, then the user
selects the customer number among the customers’ numbers, for the purpose of
affecting the customer’s account by the amount in the payment saver.
- Vendor No.: In this column the vendor’s number will appear, if the account used in
the payment saver is a vendor account, this account is the account which has been
linked to the vendor in the Vendor Details Screen in the sales system. And in case that

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more than one vendor is linked with the entered account, then the user selects the
vendor number among the vendors’ numbers, for the purpose of affecting the vendor’s
account by the amount in the payment saver.
- Cash No.: This column appears when the type of transaction is (cash) to specify the
fund’s number that the payment will be from, and this column appears in case the
configuration of the funds and banks in The General Ledger- configuration is (multiple)
so that the amount of each account will be deducted its Fund that may be different
from Funds used in other accounts in the same saver.
- Bank No.: This column appears when the type of transaction is (cheque) to specify
the bank’s number that the cheque will be from, and which the amount will deducted
- Cheque No.: This column appears when the type of transaction is (cheque) to specify
the cheque number used.
- Due Date: This column appears when the type of transaction is (cheque) to specify the
cheque’s due date.
- Received: This field is used to enter the recipient name that will receive the amount of
the cheque.
- Total: This field shows the total amount of payment day saver in local currency.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
- Confirm: the approve button is used for the purpose of reviewing and approving the
payment day saver, and the approval is considered as final approval of a carrying out
the payment through the payment vouchers.
Payment Day Saver cannot be imported into the Payment
Voucher Screen unless it is approved by the Day Saver
Approval button.
The Day Saver Approval button appears active, based on the
privileges granted to the user from the (privilege button) in the
option (Use Saver Day (Payment –Receive) In System) In the
Options General Ledger- Configuration.

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- Un-Post: This button is used in order to cancel the saver approval, and as result of
the cancelation that the day saver will return to how it was before the approval and will
not appear in the payment vouchers screen.
- There is no financial impact of the payment day saver.
- The user can import the payment day saver to the payment
voucher screen and record it as expenses, where the user
can import all the account in the payment day saver in one
payment voucher or several vouchers, and the user cannot
deleted or modify a day saver whose data or part of it has
been imported into a payment voucher.

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Receipt Day Saver

Use: Daily Receipt Saver Screen (Receipt Journal voucher) is used to create a draft of
Receipt transactions that does not affect cash or bank. The user can use it to record the
daily Receipt transactions (revenues) Received in (cash) or from the bank (cheque) and
whether it has been received from a collector, or customer, in one document and then
transfer them to Receipt Voucher screen manually or automatically after proving them. The
Receipt Day Saver Screen can deal with all different accounts and currencies in the same
journal, and at the time that the system allows linking a cost center the user can also link
vendors and customers.
Using this screen is based on the activation of the option (use Saver Day (Payment-
Receipt) in the system) in the General Ledger Options Screen, and based on the
configuration made in that screen, dealing with funds and banks will be determined as one
of two ways, either to be deal with a single fund or single bank in the single receipt saver or
to deal with multiple funds or multiple banks. The Receipt Day Saver is entered through the
use of the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

First, Basic Data
Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
1 Date: the date appears in this field - automatically – which will be today's date.
2 Payment Type: the type of transaction is specified by one of the following options:

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• Cash: This checkbox option is selected if the receipt is cash from the Fund.
• Cheque: This checkbox option is selected if the receipt is by cheque from bank.
3 Cash No.\ Bank No.: This field is used to select the fund number if the receipt is
Cash, or to select the bank number if the receipt is by cheque through the bank.
- This field is used in case of the use of receipt day saver
from a fund or a bank, but if the user deals with multi-
banks and funds then the user will specify the banks and
funds based on each account in the lower part of the
- The method of selecting whether to deal with single (fund
or bank) or to deal with multiple (funds or banks) is from
the General Ledger- Configuration- Options Screen. And it
is not possible to deal with both in a single company, where
it should be either to deal with single or multiple for all
4 Collector No.: This field is used to specify the number of the collector that has
collected the money.
- This field appears if the user selects the option (Single
Collector in Saver Day), meaning that each collector will
open an independent saver. While If the method of using
the collectors is multiple through the option (Multi. Collector
in Saver Day) in this case a collector will be selected for
each account in the lower section of the screen.
- The method of selecting whether to deal with single
(collector) or to deal with multiple (collectors) is from the
General Ledger- Configuration- Options Screen. And it is
not possible to deal with both in a single company, where it
should be either to deal with single or multiple collectors for
all transaction.

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5 Doc. No.: The document number appears in this field automatically, and the number
appears according the document sequence type of the funds and banks.
6 Description: This field is used to enter a brief explanation of the transaction made in
the receipt saver.
Second, Detailed Data
The detailed data of the receipt day saver is located at the lower part of the screen, which
are the receipt saver accounts that will carry the receipt, and the detailed data of those
accounts such as currency and cost centers if necessary, and other data that appears in the
1 A\C Code: This column is used to specify the accounts on which the receipt amounts
will be recorded on, and the accounts are selected from the list of accounts that
appears when pressing the (F9) when the cursor is in this field. Once the user
selects the wanted account the account’s number and name will appear. The user
can also enter the account’s number manually. The account which will be specified in
this field will represent the creditor party when posting the voucher.
2 Currency: This column is used to determine the currency of the account, which the
user wishes to use in the transaction, from the currencies that appear in the drop list
at end of this field.
3 Exchange Rate: The exchange rate of the currency that has been specified in
(currency) appears in this column - automatically, with the ability of editing the
exchange rate provided and not to exceed the minimum and maximum exchange rate
limits, which was specified in the (currency) screen in the General Ledger-
4 Description: This field is used to enter a brief explanation of the transaction made on
the account, and which will appear in the account statement.
5 Local Amount: This column is used to enter the amount that will be received in case
the money received is by local currency. However, if the amount received is by
foreign currency then the amount will appear automatically when entering the amount
in the foreign amount field, where the local amount represents the amount of foreign
amount multiplied by the exchange rate.

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6 Foreign Amount: This column is used to enter the receipt amount in the case the
received amount is in foreign currency, and once the user enters the amount of the
foreign currency the corresponding amount in the local currency will appear in the
(local Amount) column automatically.
7 Center No: This column is used to specify the cost center that will carry the amount,
and it is used according to the need of the enterprise of dealing with the cost centers.
8 Customer No: In this column the customer’s number will appear, if the account used
in the receipt saver is a customer account, this account is the account which has
been linked to the customer in the Customer Details Screen in the sales system. And
in case that more than one customer is linked with the entered account, then the user
selects the customer number among the customers’ numbers, for the purpose of
affecting the customer’s account by the amount in the receipt saver.
9 Vendor No.: In this column the vendor’s number will appear, if the account used in
the receipt saver is a vendor account, this account is the account which has been
linked to the vendor in the Vendor Details Screen in the sales system. And in case
that more than one vendor is linked with the entered account, then the user selects
the vendor number among the vendors’ numbers, for the purpose of affecting the
vendor’s account by the amount in the receipt saver.
10 Cash No.: This column appears when the type of transaction is (cash) to specify the
fund’s number that the received amounts will be to, and this column appears in case
the configuration of the funds and banks in The General Ledger- configuration is
(multiple) so that the amount of each account will be recorded to its Fund that may be
different from Funds used in other accounts in the same saver.
11 Bank No.: This column appears when the type of transaction is (cheque) to specify
the bank’s number that the collected cheque will be to.
12 Cheque No.: This column appears when the type of transaction is (cheque) to
specify the cheque number used.
13 Due Date: This column appears when the type of transaction is (cheque) to specify
the cheque’s due date.
14 Collector Name: This field is used to enter the collector’s name that has carried out
the process of collection, and this column appears if the user has configured the

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system to deal with multiple collectors of the amount of the cheque. ) so that the
amounts of each account will be recorded to a collector that may be different from
collectors used in other accounts in the same saver.
15 Total: This field shows the total amount of receipt day saver in local currency.
16 Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
17 Conform: The approve button is used for the purpose of reviewing and approving the
receipt day saver and the approval is considered as final approval of a carrying out
the receive process through the receipt vouchers.
- Receipt Day Saver cannot be imported into the Receipt
Voucher Screen unless it is approved by the Day Saver
Approval button.
- The Day Saver Approval button appears active, based on
the privileges granted to the user from the (privilege button)
in the option (Use Saver Day (Payment –Receive) In
System) In the Options General Ledger- Configuration.
18 Un-Post: this button is used in order to cancel the saver approval, and as result of
the cancelation that the day saver will return to how it was before the approval and
will not appear in the receipt vouchers screen.
- There is no financial impact of the receipt day saver.
- The user can import the receipt day saver to the receipt
voucher screen and record it as expenses, where the user
can import all the account in the receipt day saver in one
receipt voucher or several vouchers, and the user cannot
deleted or modify a day saver whose data or part of it has
been imported into a receipt voucher.

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Payment Voucher
Use: Payment Voucher screen is used for a monetary (cash & cheque) transaction has
occurred from the company for a variety of purposes, sometimes taking the place of cash in
a transaction, paying for vendor , expenses, Etc. . Payments Vouchers screen can be used
for two types of paying vouchers, Cash and Cheque. The Cash Vouchers are used for
paying cash amounts from the Cash of the company whereas the Cheque Vouchers are
used for paying. Cash amounts by cheques from the bank. Each type will make the Cash
or the Bank balance in debit state with this amount of payment transaction. Moreover, it is
used for determining the accounting effect of vouchers on the records and accounting
Dealing with the banks and funds that are considered to be the creditor party payment
voucher, in the upper section of the screen, where the various data of the banks and funds
is entered. While the lower section of the screen, has been allocated to deal with the sub-
accounts, which will carry the paid amount with ability of dealing with different currencies per
account. Also this screen has many features such as, issuing periodic payment vouchers or
stand by payment vouchers, as well as, using cost centers. In addition, that at the time of
issuing payment vouchers directly, the user can also issue payment vouchers through
Payment Day Saver Vouchers. In other words, the user can import a payment day saver
details to a payment vouchers screen. The (cash \ cheques) payment vouchers are entered
through the use of the screen that appears as in the following Figure:

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How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
First, Basic Data
The basic data represents the creditor party in the payment transaction from fund or bank,
and that data are the fund, bank that the payment will be from, as well as, currency and
more other details, and using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Date: the date appears in this field - automatically – which will be today's date.
- Payment Type: the type of transaction is specified by one of the following options:
• Cash: This checkbox option is selected if the payment is cash from the Fund.
• Cheque: This checkbox option is selected if the payment is by cheque from bank.
- Cash \ Bank No.: This field is used to select the fund number if the payment is Cash,
or to select the bank number if the payment is by cheque through the bank.
- Currency: This field is used to specify the currency of the amount that will paid from
the Fund or bank. The currency is specified from the list of currencies that appear
when clicking on the arrow shown at the end of this field.
If the user selects a foreign currency then two fields will be
activated, one is used to enter the foreign amount and in the
other field the exchange rate appears.
- Exchange Rate: In this filed the exchange rate of the currency specified in the
currency filed will appear, and this field appears only if the currency specified is a
foreign currency.
- Foreign Amount: This field is used to enter the amount that will be paid from the fund
or from the bank, in case the amount that will be paid is by a foreign currency.
- Local Amount: This field is used to enter the amount that will be paid from the fund or
from the bank, in case the amount that will be paid is by the local currency, but if the
payment will be made by a foreign currency, then the amount in local currency will
appear in this field automatically, that represents the foreign amount multiplied by the
Exchange rate.
- Doc. No.: The payment voucher number appears in this field automatically.

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The sequence number of the payment vouchers will appear in
the document number field, based on the configuration made
on the (Cash in Hand) screen and (Cash at Banks) screen in
the General Ledger- Input, where all the payment vouchers
can have only one accumulated sequence, or have a different
sequence number for each fund or bank.
- Cost Center: This column is used to specify the cost center that will carry the amount,
and it is used according to the need of the enterprise of dealing with the cost centers.
- Beneficiary: This field is used to enter the name of the beneficiary, and the beneficiary
is real person whom the amount will be paid for, and it is the name that will appear in
the voucher.
- Reference: This field is optional and is used to enter a reference for the purpose of
easy reference, and the reference can be in both letters and numbers.
- Description: This field is used to enter a brief explanation of the transaction made on
the account, and which will appear in the account statement.
- Recipient: This field is used to enter the name of the person who will receive the
payment amount whether it is Cash or Cheque. The recipient may be the beneficiary
person or the authorized representative of the beneficiary.
- Unique Check: This option is used if the type of voucher is (check), and it is used if
the enterprise will pay the total amount in one check regardless of the number of
accounts in the voucher, and as a result of using this option the following fields will
• Cheque No.: This field is used to enter the cheque number, and it may be
mandatory field if the cheque due date is delayed.
• Due Date: This field is used to enter the cheque due date, and it may be
mandatory field if the cheque due date is delayed. The purpose of entering the
cheque due date is for the user to monitor the implementation of the cheque on the
specified date.
- Multiple Checks: This option is used if the type of voucher is (check), and it is used if
the enterprise will pay the total amount with more than one cheque, whether to issue a

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cheque for each amount of each account separately or to issue a cheque for some
amounts and another cheque for the rest of the remaining amounts. As a result of
selecting this option a couple of columns will appear in the lower part of the screen
(Detailed Data Part) for the cheque number and due date in order to use them for each
Types of Payment Vouchers
The user can take advantage of some of the features included in the screen that facilitates
the use of a screen and these advantages are the following:
1 Periodic Journal: This option is selected in case the user wants to make a periodical
payment voucher. The periodic payment voucher is a journal entry which the user
needs to issue it repeatedly as Monthly accrual payment vouchers. The user can
categorize similar vouchers as periodic vouchers, when issued for the first time. The
user can issue new vouchers from these periodic vouchers, by importing the periodic
voucher’s data, when issuing a new payment voucher and edit the new voucher data
if needed. And following this way the user will save time and effort that it takes to
issue a new payment voucher from the beginning.
2 Suspended Voucher: This option is selected in case the user wants to save and
suspend a payment voucher. If the user wishes to save a payment voucher and does
not want to post it for any reason such as to be (not completed yet or it has no
supporting documents) then the user clicks on this checkbox option. As a result of
this selection the system allows to save the payment voucher, at the same time it will
not allow the user to post this voucher unless this option is unchecked. This feature is
used for the purpose of allowing the user to save the payment voucher for any reason
and then returning to this journal later and complete the procedures of issuance; also
this feature is based on the selection of the option (Allowing Standby JVs) in the
general ledger system- configuration - Options screen.
- The system will not allow pasting the (suspended) payment
voucher. So if this option is selected then the user must
deselect this option after fully completing the details of the
payment voucher in order to be posted.

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- The system does not allow closing the months that has
suspended payment vouchers, unless it has been
completed or adjusted and deselecting the (Suspension
Second, Detailed Data
The detailed data of the payment voucher are the data that represents the debtor party in
the payment transaction from Fund or from bank, and these data are accounts that the
amount will be paid from based on each account, currency and other data, and is used as
- A/C Code: This column is used to specify the accounts on which the payment
amounts will be recorded on, and the accounts are selected from the list of accounts
that appears when pressing the (F9) when the cursor is in this field. Once the user
selects the wanted account the account’s number and name will appear. The user can
also enter the account’s number manually. The account which will be specified in this
field will represent the debtor party when posting the voucher.
The accounts that are dealt with and appear in this field are
- Currency: This column is used to determine the currency of the account, which the
user wishes to use in the transaction, from the currencies that appear in the drop list at
end of this field.
If the user selects a foreign currency two fields will appear,
one of them is used to enter the amount of foreign currency
and the other will display the exchange rate.
- Description: This field is used to enter a brief explanation of the transaction made on
the account, and which will appear in the account statement.
The user can use a description of an earlier transaction, by
choosing any description of an earlier transaction from the
menu that appears when pressing (F9) when the cursor is in

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the description field. In order to use this feature it is required

that the system administrator has selected the option (Show
Desc. In Vouchers, Journals and Accounts Statements) in the
screen in the General Ledger Configuration.
- Exchange Rate: the exchange rate of the currency that has been specified in
(currency) appears in this column - automatically, with the ability of editing the
exchange rate provided and not to exceed the minimum and maximum exchange rate
limits, which was specified in the (currency) screen in the General Ledger-
- Local Amount: This column is used to enter the amount that will be paid in case the
payment is made from local currency account. However, if the amount paid is by
foreign currency then the amount will appear automatically when entering the amount
in the foreign amount field, where the local amount represents the amount of foreign
amount multiplied by the exchange rate.
- Foreign Amount: This column is used to enter the payment amount in the case the
payment is in foreign currency, and once the user enters the amount of the foreign
currency the corresponding amount in the local currency will appear in the (local
Amount) column automatically, and the local amount represents the amount of foreign
creditor multiplied by the exchange rate.
- Center No: This column is used to specify the cost center that will carry the amount,
and it is used according to the need of the enterprise of dealing with the cost centers.
- Customer No: In this column the customer’s number will appear, if the account used
in the voucher is a customer account, this account is the account which has been
linked to the customer in the Customer Details Screen in the sales system. And in
case that more than one customer is linked with the entered account, then the user
selects the customer number among the customers’ numbers, for the purpose of
affecting the customer’s account by the amount in the payment voucher.
- Vendor No.: In this column the vendor’s number will appear, if the account used in
the voucher is a vendor account, this account is the account which has been linked to
the vendor in the Vendor Details Screen in the sales system. And in case that more
than one vendor is linked with the entered account, then the user selects the vendor

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number among the vendors’ numbers, for the purpose of affecting the vendor’s
account by the amount in the payment voucher.
- Check No.: This column is used to enter the check number, and is used in the case of
option (multi-check) is selected, in order to enter the cheques numbers of each
account with the possibility of repeating the check number for more than one account.
- Due Date: This field is used to enter the due date of the cheque entered in the
previous field, and this field can be mandatory field if the cheque entered is a due date
- Total: This field shows the total amount of the local debtor party at the bottom of the
- Remaining: in the field (remaining balance) appears the difference between the total
amount of the debit account \ accounts that appears in the field (Local Amount) and
the local credit amount that has been entered in the field (amount) in the basic data in
the upper part of the screen, to make sure that the amounts entered by the user are
The system will not be allowed to save the voucher, unless
the local credit amount entered in the basic data of the
voucher is equal to the total debit amount\ amounts that
appears in the total amount field.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
The system automatically creates a journal entry of the
payment voucher, so the user will not need to enter a voucher
in the journal vouchers screen and the payment voucher entry
will appear after being posted as follows:
From\ Supplier Account or Any Account of the Expenses
To \ Fund or Bank Account
- Remarks: This field is used to enter any notes or observations on the payment
voucher, if any.

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- Posted Vouchers: if this option is showing the sign (✓), then it indicates that the
journal voucher has been posted already.
- Print: this command button is used after saving the voucher, for the purpose of
previewing and printing the voucher.
- Journal Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing the (Journals) button.
Data Type
The user deals with the detailed data of the payment voucher that represents the debit
accounts in the screen by two methods:
First Method (Manually Entered): the manual input of detailed data in the screen is just as
has been explained and described in the previous voucher.
Second Method (Day Saver): This option is used if the user desires to import the Payment
day saver data into the payment voucher screen, if the enterprise deals the Payment Day
Saver. The user can import the details of one or more payment savers and turn it into
payment vouchers. And the use of this feature is when the system administrator selects the
option (use and import saver day data to vouchers) in the General Ledger- Configuration-
Options Screen.
For the purpose of giving the authorized person to import the payment day saver into the
payment voucher, the payment day saver should be approved by the authorized person.
And as a result of the approval the user can select the wanted day saver from the screen
that shows the approved day savers. The user selects the desired day saver by clicking on
the checkbox of the desired day saver, and once the user clicks the command button
(transfer) day saver data will appear in the voucher’s detailed data, and then the will user
only have to complete the issuance procedures of the voucher.
Bank Vouchers Posting
The cash payments differ from bank payments in some cases, for the cash payment, the
fund will be affected once the voucher is issued, while in the case of cheques the financial
impact on the bank will depend on the due date, due to this necessities, there are additional
options for the method of cheques posting where the user chooses one of them when
issuing a cheque which will commensurate with each case and those options are as follows:

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1 Voucher Date: This option is used if the user wants to affect the bank and the debit
accounts and to establish a journal entry on voucher date regardless of the cheque’s
accrual date.
2 Due Date: This option is used if the user wants to affect the bank and the debit
accounts and to establish a journal entry on the cheque accrual date and not on the
voucher’s date, meaning that the system will retain the payment voucher until the
cheque accrual date then will establish a journal entry and affect the bank and the
debit accounts.
3 Intermediate Payable Note Account – Direct Posting: This option is used if the
user wants to mediate the payable notes, so that the effect of payment voucher on
the bank and on the debit accounts in two stages:
a. First Stage: The system will affect the accounts on the debit and payable notes
accounts by a journal entry as follows:
From\ Expenses Account \Supplier ... Etc.
To \ Payable Notes Account
b. Second Stage: The system will affect the bank accounts on the cheque due
date and cancels the effect on the payable notes accounts. Where the system
on the cheque accrual date will automatically make a journal entry as follows:
From\ Payable Notes Account
To \ Bank Account
4 Intermediate Account – PDC Entry (Enter The Accrual Manually): This option is
used when the user wishes to mediate the notes payable and follow the same
procedures as in the previous option (auto. posting), but the difference between the
two methods is that, in the previous method, the system affects the bank account on
accrual date automatically and without the user intervention, while in this method the
user must select the cheques that have already been deducted from the bank and
selects those cheque through (Payable Checks Screen), and the cheques that will be
selected in that screen, will be considered as implemented by the bank and then the
financial impact will occur on the bank account.

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In order to take advantage of the intermediating of the payable
notes account, the user must enter the (Payable Notes)
account in the Intermediate Accounts Screen in the General
Ledger -Configuration.
Posting Methods
The effect made by the system on the bank account, which is considered the (creditor)
party in the payment voucher that been reviewed in the previous paragraph. And in this
paragraph we will review the methods of affecting (debtor) party in the credit cheques, and
whether the user wishes to affect the debtor party as (Vendor) directly or whether the user
wants to mediate the under accrual expense account (Credit Cheques). The system
provides the user two methods of posting:
- First Method: Mediate Payable Notes Account- Single: This method is used if the
user wants to center only the payable notes account, meaning that the impact on the
bank account will be on the accrual, while the impact on the debtor party will be on the
voucher’s date, and this way requires mediating the payable notes account only, and
fallow the same procedures reviewed in the third and fourth paragraphs of (Bank
Vouchers Posting).
- Second Method: Mediate Accrual Journal: This method is used when the user does
not wish to neither affect the bank account nor the vendor’s account or expenses the
(debit) accounts, and wants to mediate both of Payable Notes And Expenses Under
Accrual (Credit Payment checks), and in this method the financial impact will be on the
bank accounts and on the debit account and an intermediate entry will be established
to monitor the transaction as follows:
• The journal entry will be formed on the voucher’s date as follows:
From\ Payment Credit Cheques (Under Accrual Expenses)
To \ Payable Notes Account
• In the due date the system will form the following journal entries:
First Entry: affect the bank and credit accounts as following journal entry:
From\ Expenses Account \Supplier ... Etc.
To \ Bank Account

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Second Entry: The system will, reverse the interface entry to the debit accounts as
the following journal entry:
From \ Payable Notes Account
To \ Payment Credit Cheques (Under Accrual Expenses)
In order to take advantage of the intermediating of the
Payment Credit Cheques account, the user must enter the
(Under Accrual Expenses) account in the Intermediate
Accounts Screen in the General Ledger -Configuration.
Cheques that have due dates in the years to come, will be
automatically carried over into the new year by the system.
Third, Other Operations and Features of the Payment Vouchers Screen:
There are some features in the system that the user can get use of when issuing payment
vouchers, that facilitates the use of system these features are:
- Create New JV From Existing Periodic JV: This checkbox option is used when the
user desires to create a new payment voucher from an earlier payment voucher, and
this feature is one of the important features of the system in this screen, where long
journal entries that are being entered into the system may be repeated from time to
time, as well as frequent payment vouchers that are needed to be entered continuously
and repeatedly into the system. Even if it is small vouchers rather than entering it all
over again, the user can import a previous similar voucher’s details into the screen and
make some adjustments - if necessary - in the amounts or the accounts of the
voucher and then save that data as a new voucher. If the user wishes to do so then
the user selects this option (✓), and as a result of this selection the system will
activate the field (Periodic No.).
• Periodic No.: This field appears active if the option (Create New JV From Existing
Periodic JV) is selected, and it is used in order to specify the number of the
payment voucher, which the user wishes to import its data to the screen to make a
new voucher, and the payment vouchers numbers are selected from the screen
that appears when pressing (F9) and the cursor is inside the field. The user must

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know that not all vouchers will appear in this field, but only the vouchers that have
been identified as periodic payment vouchers, and once the user selects the
payment voucher desired the voucher’s data will appear in the screen and then it
depends on the user, either to save the payment voucher as it is as new voucher
or to do some edits then save it as new payment voucher.
Multiplicity of Creditor
The Multiple Credit Tab is used when the user desires to use more than one account in the
creditor party with the Fund or Bank. In some cases, when making payments of an amount
the user will need to deduct the amount of the transaction from several accounts. In such
cases the user records the credit amount on more than one account.
- Practical Example: A payment of 100,000 SAR has been made from the Fund for the
employee (X) as a reward:
• The default entry of a payment voucher that has no multiple creditors will be as
From \ Rewards Account 100,000 SAR
To\ Fund Account 100.000 SAR
• Assuming that the employee (X) has an advance of 10,000 SAR and the enterprise
wants to deduct the amount of the advance and make payment of the remaining
amount in cash, in this case the creditor accounts are the Fund and the employee
advance accounts, so the details will be entered in the payment voucher screen as
follows :
▪ The amount of the fund 90,000 riyals (credit).
▪ In the multiplicity creditor tab the user enters the employee's advances account
of 10,000 riyals (credit).
▪ In the table at the lower part of the screen the user enters the rewards account
with the amount of $ 100,000 riyals (debit).
▪ The journal entry appears when posting the voucher as follows:
From \ Rewards Account 100,000 SAR
To\ Fund Account 90.000 SAR
To\ Employee Advances 10.000 SAR

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- Realize that the amount of the Fund and the total accounts
of Multiple Creditor Tab are equal to the total accounts
amounts used in the (debtor table) at the lower part of the
- The user can get reports of the voucher included the
benefits and deductions, through the use of option (View
Deductions) and then (print).

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Receive Vouchers
Use: Receipt Vouchers screen is used for recording various receipt vouchers (cash – bank)
that leads to the addition of cash at any of the company cash-in-hands or in company
accounts at banks. The Receipt Vouchers are the official vouchers that are issued by the
Treasury Secretary or the authorized person on behalf of the enterprise to another party that
may be the company collector. This screen is similar to the Payment Voucher screen
described above. Therefore, the user can apply the similar procedures here in the Receipt
Voucher screen, whether the transaction is received cash or cheque.
In this screen, cash is added for the company, either to the cash or to the banks. Therefore,
the cash account or bank account added at the top of the screen is considered to be debit
account in the transactions to be entered through the receive voucher screen, and the lower
part of the screen has been allocated to deal with the sub-accounts that will be added with
the amount collected with the possibility of dealing in different currencies per account. The
screen has many features such as periodic receipt vouchers and suspended receipt
vouchers, as well as the use of cost centers.
In addition, that at the time of issuing receipt vouchers directly, the user can also issue
receipt vouchers through receipt Day Saver Vouchers. In other words, the user can import a
receipt day saver details to a receipt vouchers screen. The (cash \ cheques) receipt
vouchers are entered through the use of the screen that appears as in the following Figure:

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How to use the screen

Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
First, Basic Data
The basic data represents the debit party in the collection transaction to fund or bank, and
that data are the fund, bank that the collection will be to, as well as, currency and more
other details, and using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Date: the date appears in this field - automatically – which will be today's date.
- Payment Type: the type of transaction is specified by one of the following options:
• Cash: This checkbox option is selected if the collected amount is cash to the Fund.
• Cheque: This checkbox option is selected if the collected amount is by cheque to
- Cash \ Bank No.: This field is used to select the fund number if the collected amount
is Cash, or to select the bank number if the collected amount is by cheque to the bank.
- Currency: This field is used to specify the currency of the amount that will deposited
to the Fund or bank. The currency is specified from the list of currencies that appear
when clicking on the arrow shown at the end of this field.
If the user selects a foreign currency then two fields will be
activated, one is used to enter the foreign amount and in the
other field the exchange rate appears.
- Exchange Rate: In this filed the exchange rate of the currency specified in the
currency filed will appear, and this field appears only if the currency specified is a
foreign currency.
- Foreign Amount: This field is used to enter the amount that will be deposited to the
fund or to the bank, in case the amount that will be deposited is by a foreign currency.
- Local Amount: This field is used to enter the amount that will be deposited to the fund
or to the bank, in case the amount that will be deposited is by the local currency, but if
the received amount will be made in foreign currency, then the amount in local
currency will appear in this field automatically, that represents the foreign amount
multiplied by the Exchange rate.
- Doc. No.: The receipt voucher number appears in this field automatically.

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The sequence number of the receipts vouchers will appear in
the document number field, based on the configuration made
on the (Cash in Hand) screen and (Cash at Banks) screen in
the General Ledger- Input, where all the receipt vouchers can
have only one accumulated sequence, or have a different
sequence number for each fund or bank.
- Cost Center: This column is used to specify the cost center that will carry the amount,
and it is used according to the need of the enterprise of dealing with the cost centers.
- Beneficiary: This field is used to enter the name of the beneficiary, and the beneficiary
is real person whom the collected amount is from, and it is the name that will appear in
the receipt voucher.
- Reference: This field is optional and is used to enter a reference for the purpose of
easy reference, and the reference can be in both letters and numbers.
- Description: This field is used to enter a brief explanation of the transaction made on
the account, and which will appear in the account statement.
- Collector: This field is used to enter the name of the person who collected the receipt
amount whether it is Cash or Cheque. The collector may be the beneficiary person or
the authorized representative of the beneficiary.
- Unique Check: This option is used if the type of voucher is (check), and it is used if
the enterprise receives the total amount in one cheque regardless of the number of
accounts in the voucher, and as a result of using this option the following fields will
• Cheque No.: This field is used to enter the cheque number, and it may be
mandatory field if the cheque due date is delayed.
• Due Date: This field is used to enter the collected cheque due date, and it may be
mandatory field if the cheque is postdated cheque. The purpose of entering the
cheque due date is for the user to monitor the implementation of the cheque on the
specified date.
- Multiple Checks: This option is used if the type of voucher is (check), and it is used if
the enterprise will collect the total amount with more than one cheque, whether a

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cheque is received for each amount of each account separately or receives a cheque
for some amounts and another cheque for the rest of the remaining amounts. As a
result of selecting this option a couple of columns will appear in the lower part of the
screen (Detailed Data Part) for the cheque number and due date in order to use them
for each account.
Types of Receipt Vouchers
The user can take advantage of some of the features included in the screen that facilitates
the use of a screen and these advantages are the following:
1 Periodic Voucher: This option is selected in case the user will get a periodical
receipt voucher. The periodic receipt voucher is a journal entry which the user needs
to issue it repeatedly as Monthly accrual receives vouchers. The user can categorize
similar vouchers as periodic vouchers, when issued for the first time. The user can
issue new vouchers from these periodic vouchers, by importing the periodic voucher’s
data, when issuing a new receipt voucher and edit the new voucher data if needed.
And following this way the user will save time and effort that it takes to issue a new
receipt voucher from the beginning.
2 Suspended Voucher: This option is selected in case the user wants to save and
suspend a receipt voucher. If the user wishes to save a receipt voucher and does not
want to post it for any reason such as to be (not completed yet or it has no
supporting documents) then the user clicks on this checkbox option. As a result of
this selection the system allows to save the receipt voucher, at the same time it will
not allow the user to post this voucher unless this option is unchecked. This feature is
used for the purpose of allowing the user to save the receipt voucher for any reason
and then returning to this voucher later and complete the procedures of issuance;
also this feature is based on the selection of the option (Allowing Standby JVs) in the
general ledger system- configuration - Options screen.
- The system will not allow pasting the (suspended) receipt
voucher. So if this option is selected then the user must
deselect this option after fully completing the details of the
receipt voucher in order to be posted.

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- The system does not allow closing the months that has
suspended receipt vouchers, unless it has been completed
or adjusted and deselecting the (Suspension Option).
Second, Detailed Data
The detailed data of the receipt voucher are the data that represents the credit party in the
receipt transaction to Fund or bank, and these data are accounts that the amount will be
deposited to, based on each account, currency and other data, and is used as follows:
- A/C Code: This column is used to specify the accounts on which the received
amounts will be deposited to, and the accounts are selected from the list of accounts
that appears when pressing the (F9) when the cursor is in this field. Once the user
selects the wanted account the account’s number and name will appear. The user can
also enter the account’s number manually. The account which will be specified in this
field will represent the credit party when posting the voucher.
The accounts that are dealt with and appear in this field are
- Currency: This column is used to determine the currency of the account, which the
user wishes to use in the transaction, from the currencies that appear in the drop list at
end of this field.
If the user selects a foreign currency two fields will appear,
one of them is used to enter the amount of foreign currency
and the other will display the exchange rate.
- Description: This field is used to enter a brief explanation of the transaction made on
the account, and which will appear in the account statement.
The user can use a description of an earlier transaction, by
choosing any description of an earlier transaction from the
menu that appears when pressing (F9) when the cursor is in
the description field. In order to use this feature it is required
that the system administrator has selected the option (Show

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Desc. In Vouchers, Journals and Accounts Statements), in the

screen in the General Ledger Configuration.
- Exchange Rate: the exchange rate of the currency that has been specified in
(currency) appears in this column - automatically, with the ability of editing the
exchange rate provided and not to exceed the minimum and maximum exchange rate
limits, which was specified in the (currency) screen in the General Ledger-
- Local Amount: This column is used to enter the amount received in case the collected
amount is by local currency. However, if the amount received is by foreign currency
then the amount will appear automatically when entering the amount in the foreign
amount field, where the local amount represents the amount of foreign amount
multiplied by the exchange rate.
- Foreign Amount: This column is used to enter the received amount in the case the
received amount is in foreign currency, and once the user enters the amount of the
foreign currency the corresponding amount in the local currency will appear in the
(local Amount) column automatically, and the local amount represents the amount of
foreign creditor multiplied by the exchange rate.
- Center No: This column is used to specify the cost center that will carry the amount,
and it is used according to the need of the enterprise of dealing with the cost centers.
- Customer No: In this column the customer’s number will appear, if the account used
in the voucher is a customer account, this account is the account which has been
linked to the customer in the Customer Details Screen in the sales system. And in
case that more than one customer is linked with the entered account, then the user
selects the customer number among the customers’ numbers, for the purpose of
affecting the customer’s account by the amount in the receipt voucher.
- Vendor No.: In this column the vendor’s number will appear, if the account used in
the voucher is a vendor account, this account is the account which has been linked to
the vendor in the Vendor Details Screen in the sales system. And in case that more
than one vendor is linked with the entered account, then the user selects the vendor
number among the vendors’ numbers, for the purpose of affecting the vendor’s
account by the amount in the receipt voucher.

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- Check No.: This column is used to enter the check number, and is used in the case of
option (multi-check) is selected, in order to enter the cheques numbers of each
account with the possibility of repeating the cheque number for more than one account.
- Due Date: This field is used to enter the due date of the cheque entered in the
previous field, and this field can be mandatory field if the cheque entered is a due date
- Paid: This checkbox option is used in case the amount is recorded in the receipt
voucher is related to a customer. This option is used for the purpose of distributing the
creditor amount on several bills pertaining to the customer that is specified in
(Customer No.) column. Once the user clicks on this field (Paid) the screen of
(Customer Matching) appears, where all the transactions that are record on the
customer will be shown in detail with the type of transaction and document’s number
and its amount so that the user selects the document which the amount of the receipt
voucher will be deducted from. This method is used if the option (Auto. payment) is
not selected. Which is in General Ledger System Options Screen, while in If the user
didn’t selects this option and the user selects the checkbox option (paid) the system
will automatically deduct the amount of the customer’s oldest indebtedness, therefore
the user will not require to carry out the distribution process through the Customer
Matching Screen.
- Total: This field shows the total amount of the local credit party at the bottom of the
- Remaining: In the field (remaining balance) appears the difference between the total
amount of the credit account \ accounts that appears in the field (Local Amount) and
the local debit amount that has been entered in the field (amount) in the basic data in
the upper part of the screen, to make sure that the amounts entered by the user are
The system will not be allowed to save the voucher, unless
the local debit amount entered in the basic data of the
voucher is equal to the total credit amount\ amounts that
appears in the total amount field.

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- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
The system automatically creates a journal entry of the receipt
voucher, so the user will not need to enter a voucher in the
journal vouchers screen and the receipt voucher entry will
appear after being posted as follows:
From\ Fund or Bank Account
To \ Customer Account or Any Account of the
Revenue Accounts
- Remarks: This field is used to enter any notes or observations on the receipt voucher,
if any.
- Posted Vouchers: if this option is showing the sign (✓), then it indicates that the
receipt voucher has been posted already.
- Journals Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal, which
can be reviewed by pressing the (Journals) button.
- Print: this command button is used after saving the voucher, for the purpose of
previewing and printing the voucher.
Data Type
The user deals with the detailed data of the receipt voucher that represents the credit
accounts in the screen by two methods:
First Method (Manually Entered): the manual input of detailed data in the screen is just as
has been explained and described in the previous voucher.
Second Method (Day Saver): This option is used if the user desires to import a receipt day
saver data into the receipt voucher screen, if the enterprise deals the receipt Day Saver.
The user can import the details of one or more receipt savers and turn it into receipt
vouchers. And the use of this feature is when the system administrator selects the option
(use and import saver day data to vouchers) in the General Ledger- Configuration- Options
For the purpose of giving the authorized person to import the receipt day saver into the
receipt voucher, the receipt day saver should be approved by the authorized person. And as
a result of the approval the user can select the wanted day saver from the screen that

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shows the approved day savers. The user selects the desired day saver by clicking on the
checkbox of the desired day saver, and once the user clicks the command button (transfer)
day saver data will appear in the voucher’s detailed data, and then the will user only have
to complete the issuance procedures of the voucher.
Bank Vouchers Posting
The cash receipt differ from bank receipt in some cases, for the cash receipt, the fund will
be affected once the voucher is issued, while in the case of cheques the financial impact on
the bank will depend on the due date, due to this necessities, there are additional options
for the method of cheques posting where the user chooses one of them when receiving a
cheque receipt voucher which will commensurate with each case and those options are as
1 Voucher Date: This option is used if the user wants to affect the bank and the credit
accounts and to establish a journal entry on voucher date regardless of the cheque’s
accrual date.
2 Due Date: This option is used if the user wants to affect the bank and the credit
accounts and to establish a journal entry on the cheque accrual date and not on the
voucher’s date, meaning that the system will retain the receipt voucher until the
cheque accrual date then will establish a journal entry and affect the bank and the
credit accounts.
3 Intermediate Receivable Note Account – Direct Posting: This option is used if the
user wants to mediate the receivable notes, so that the effect of receivable voucher
on the bank and on the credit accounts in two stages:
First Stage: The system will affect the accounts on the credit and receivable
notes accounts by a journal entry as follows:
From\ Receivable Notes Account
To \ Revenue Account \Customer... Etc.
Second Stage: The system will affect the bank accounts on the cheque due date
and cancels the effect on the receivable notes accounts. Where the system on the
cheque accrual date will automatically make a journal entry as follows:
From\ Bank Account
To \ Receivable Notes Account

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4 Intermediate Account – PDC Entry (Enter The Accrual Manually): This option is
used when the user wishes to mediate the Receivable notes and follow the same
procedures as in the previous option (auto. posting), but the difference between the
two methods is that, in the previous method, the system affects the bank account on
accrual date automatically and without the user intervention, while in this method the
user must select the cheques that have already been deposited from the bank and
selects those cheque through (Receivable Checks Screen), and the cheques that will
be selected in that screen, will be considered as implemented by the bank and then
the financial impact will occur on the bank account.
In order to take advantage of the intermediating of the
receivable notes account, the user must enter the (Receive
Notes) account in the Intermediate Accounts Screen in the
General Ledger -Configuration.
Posting Methods: The effect made by the system on the bank account, which is
considered the (debit) party in the receipt voucher that been reviewed in the previous
paragraph. And in this paragraph we will review the methods of affecting (credit) party in the
credit cheques, and whether the user wishes to affect the credit party as (Customer) directly
or whether the user wants to mediate the under accrual expense account (Credit Cheques)
(Cheques Under Collection). The system provides the user two methods of posting:
First Method: Mediate Receivable Notes Account- Single: This method is used if the user
wants to center only the Receivable notes account, meaning that the impact on the bank
account will be on the accrual, while the impact on the credit party will be on the voucher’s
date, and this way requires mediating the Receivable notes account only, and fallow the
same procedures reviewed in the third and fourth paragraphs of (Bank Vouchers Posting).
Second Method: Mediate Accrual Journal: This method is used when the user does not
wish to neither affect the bank account nor the customer’s account or revenue the (credit)
accounts, and wants to mediate both of Receivable Notes And Revenue Under Accrual
(Credit Receivable checks), and in this method the financial impact will be on the bank
accounts and on the credit account and an intermediate entry will be established to monitor
the transaction as follows:

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• The journal entry will be formed on the voucher’s date as follows:

From\ Receivable Notes Account
To \ Receivable Credit Cheques (Under collection cheques)
• In the due date the system will form the following journal entries:
First Entry: affect the bank and credit accounts as following journal entry:
From\ Bank Account
To \ Revenues Accounts \Customer ... Etc.
Second Entry: The system will, reverse the interface entry to the debit accounts as
the following journal entry:
From \ Receivable Credit Cheques (Under collection cheques)
To \ Receivable Notes Account
In order to take advantage of the intermediating of the
Receivables Credit Cheques account, the user must enter the
(Under collection cheques) account in the Intermediate
Accounts Screen in the General Ledger -Configuration.
Cheques that have due dates in the years to come, will be
automatically carried over into the new year by the system.
Third, Other Operations and Features of the Receipt Vouchers Screen:
There are some features in the system that the user can get use of when issuing receipt
vouchers, that facilitates the use of system these features are:
- Create New JV From Existing Periodic JV: This checkbox option is used when the
user desires to create a new receipt voucher from an earlier receipt voucher, and this
feature is one of the important features of the system in this screen, where long receipt
vouchers that are being entered into the system may be repeated from time to time, as
well as frequent receipt vouchers that are needed to be entered continuously and
repeatedly into the system. Even if it is small vouchers rather than entering it all over
again, the user can import the previous similar voucher’s details into the screen and
make some adjustments - if necessary - in the amounts or even accounts of the
voucher and then save that data as a new voucher. If the user wishes to do so then

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the user selects this option (✓), and as a result of this selection the system will
activate the field (Periodic No.).
• Periodic No.: This field appears active if the option (Create New JV From Existing
Periodic JV) is selected, and it is used in order to specify the number of the receipt
voucher, which the user wishes to import its data to the screen to make a new
voucher, and the receipt vouchers numbers are selected from the screen that
appears when pressing (F9) and the cursor is inside the field. The user must know
that not all vouchers will appear in this field, but only the vouchers that have been
identified as periodic receipt vouchers, and once the user selects the receipt
voucher desired the voucher’s data will appear in the screen and then it depends
on the user, either to save the receipt voucher as it is as new voucher or to do
some edits then save it as new receipt voucher.
Multiplicity of Debtor
The Multiple Debit Tab is used when the user desires to use more than one account in the
debtor party with the Fund or Bank. And it is used the same way the Multiple Credit Tab
used in the Payment Vouchers Screen.

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Post Dated Cheques

Use: Post Dated Cheques Screen is used for the purpose of controlling the credit cheques
whether it is (Payment or Receipt) cheques, also used to direct the system to either collect
the cheque or return it, and can be used for extending the cheques accrual dates. This
screen deals with the cheques that issued in the Payment or receipt vouchers as a single
cheque, while the multiple cheques will be controlled from the (Due Date Multiple Checks)
screen. This screen deals with cheque whose posting have been identified as (Manual
accrual), which is the method of mediating the (Payable or Receivable) Notes. For such
cheques the bank will not be affected by the cheque vouchers, only after the user confirms
that the cheque has already been implemented or that the Bank has returned the cheque,
and the process of collection of outstanding cheques from this screen means directing the
system to affect the bank account. And the control over the posted dated cheques is done
through the use of the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

First, Basic Data
Basic data is used for searching for the accrued cheque and import it into the screen, and
the search process is done as follows:
- Date: This field is used for the purpose of importing accrued cheques until this date.
- Voucher Type: the user specifies the type voucher by selecting one of the following

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• Payment: This is checkbox option is selected if the user's desires to import, the
cheque payment vouchers.
• Receipt: This is checkbox option is selected if the user's desires to import, the
cheque receipt vouchers.
- Display All Non-Posted Cheques: This option is used in case the user desires to
import the Non-Posted Cheques, in the other words, that have not affected the banks
- Display All Aging Cheques: This option is used in case the user desires to import the
accrued cheques that have been selected as collected or returned cheques and ready
to be posted.
Second, Detailed Data
The detailed data is used for the purpose of collecting or returning the cheques, or to
extend the accrual period, and working on the detailed data is done after clicking on the
(search) command button as follows:
- Due: This column is used to specify the cheques that have been collected by the
Bank, and the user wants to affect the bank account by those cheques, and the user
selects (✓) the checkbox (Due) that intersect with the desired cheque field, which the
bank has collected, and as a result of this selection, the selected cheques will appear
on the (Post Dated Cheque) screen to be posted and then affect the banks account.
- Unpaid: This column is used to specify the cheques that have been rejected and
returned by the Bank, in the case the bank returns any cheque for any reason, and
returning the cheque it will not impact on the bank account, and the user selects the
option (Unpaid) that intersect with the returned cheque field, the selected cheques will
appear on the screen (Post Unpaid Cheque) be posted and then reverse the journal
entry of the bond.
- Due Date: This column displays the cheques due date, and through this column the
user can extend the cheque’s accrual date by editing the date to the desired date.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Procedures that are made on this screen does not directly
affect the bank account, and the effect on the bank account
will be carried out after the posting the accrued cheques that
have been collected from Post Post-Dated Cheques Screen
or by posting the returned cheques from the (Post Unpaid
Cheques), and the system will not allow posting the accrued
cheques unless the user has carried out the procedure of
accrual or return of cheques from this screen.

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Due Date Multi-Cheques

Use: Due Date Multi-Cheques Screen is used for the purpose of controlling Post Dated
Cheques whether is it Payment or receipt cheques, which is a receipt or payment voucher
that contains several cheques. And as explained in the payment and receipt vouchers
screens, that the user can issue a cheque or several cheques in a single voucher, where
vouchers that contains only one cheque will be controlled from the Post Dates Cheques
Screen, while the vouchers than contains more than one cheque will be controlled from this
screen. This screen is also used to direct the system to either collect the cheque or return
it, and can be used for extending the cheques accrual dates.
This screen deals with cheque whose posting have been identified as (Manual accrual),
which is the method of mediating the (Payable or Receivable) Notes. For such cheques the
bank will not be affected by the cheque vouchers, only after the user confirms that the
cheque has already been implemented or that the Bank has returned the cheque, and the
process of collection of outstanding cheques from this screen means directing the system to
affect the bank account. And the control over the Multiple Post Dated Cheques is done
through the use of the screen that appears as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

First, Basic Data
Basic data is used for searching for the accrued multiple cheques and import it into the
screen, and the search process is done as follows:

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- From Date\ to Date: This field is used for the purpose of importing the accrued
multiple cheques within the period specified.
- Voucher Type: the user specifies the type voucher by selecting one of the following
• Payment: This is checkbox option is selected if the user's desires to import, the
cheque payment vouchers.
• Receipt: This is checkbox option is selected if the user's desires to import, the
cheque receipt vouchers.
- Fill the Data: This option is used in case the user desires to import the accrued
multiple cheques based on the data specified in the fields explained in the preceding
paragraphs using the (Fill the Data) command button.
Second, Detailed Data
The detailed data is used for the purpose of collecting or returning the cheques vouchers, or
to extend the accrual period, and working on the detailed data is done after clicking on the
(search) command button as follows:
- Due: This column is used to specify the cheques that have been collected by the
Bank, and the user wants to affect the bank account by those cheques, and the user
selects (✓) the checkbox (Due) that intersect with the desired cheque field, which the
bank has collected, and as a result of this selection, the selected cheques will appear
on the (Post Dated Cheque) screen to be posted and then affect the banks account.
- Unpaid: This column is used to specify the cheques that have been rejected and
returned by the Bank, in the case the bank returns any cheque for any reason, and
returning the cheque it will not impact on the bank account, and the user selects the
option (Unpaid) that intersect with the returned cheque field, the selected cheques will
appear on the screen (Post Unpaid Cheque) be posted and then reverse the journal
entry of the bond.
- Due Date: This column displays the cheques due date, and through this column the
user can extend the cheque’s accrual date by editing the date to the desired date.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Procedures that are made on this screen does not directly
affect the bank account, and the effect on the bank account
will be carried out after the posting the accrued cheques that
have been collected from Post Post-Dated Cheques Screen
or by posting the returned cheques from the (Post Unpaid

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Customer Payment Matching

Use: Customer Payment Matching Screen is used if the enterprise wants to distribute the
amounts paid by the customer, whether by using receipt vouchers or journal vouchers or as
refunds from sales returns of previous or current year or from opening balance. As the
customer debit is caused by more than a transaction that may be through sales invoices or
journal voucher or other documents. In addition to credit invoices that may be entered under
the installment system of sales invoices. And through this screen the user can distribute the
amount paid by the customer to more than one invoice or more than a document, meaning
that any payment made by the customer can be reduced from any certain indebtedness or
for several debts, and through this payment distribution the enterprise can figure out the
payments of their customers for each debt and for each installment as well as its dates and
find out the outstanding debts.
The use of this screen depends on unselecting the (Auto Payment) option in the General
Ledger – Configuration – Options Screen, if the system administrator selects this option, it
means that the system will automatically distribute the amounts paid by the customer on the
customer’s outstanding debts, according to date of debt, and the user will not be able to
use this screen, but if the (Auto Payment) is not selected, then through the use of this
screen the user will be able to distribute the paid amounts on the outstanding debts of the
this screen is used after the client pays the amount and the amount is proved in his favor,
either the mount paid is approved by a payment voucher or by a journal voucher or by any
other document. The customer’s payments are distributed through the use of the screen
that appears as in the following figure:

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How to use the screen

First, Basic Data
Basic data is used for the purpose of specifying the customer and the customer’s account
and type of voucher by which the amount is paid and the type of debts that the amount will
be deducted, and that data is determined as follows:
- Credit Doc. Type: This field is used to specify the type of document by which the
client has made the payment, and the type of document is selected from the menu that
drops once the user clicks on the arrow at the end of this field, and if we assume that
the customer has made the payment using a receipt voucher then the type of
document will be (Receipt Voucher).
The user can open this screen from the vouchers screens
through which the paid amount is approved to the customer,
whether from the receipt vouchers screen or from journal
vouchers screen. Once the user clicks on the (pay) command
button located in those screens, this screen appears directly
as a short cut for the user to distribute the payments
- Doc. Type: Through this field the user selects the document type based on what have
been selected in the previous filed and whether it is cash or bank cheque.
- Doc. No.: This field is used to enter the number of the document that the user wishes
to distribute its account. The user can also select the document from the list of
documents that appears when pressing (F9) when the cursor is in this field.
- Date: The date appears in this field is automatically, and it represents the date of
voucher, that, has been specified in the (Doc. No.) field.
- Customer number\ customer Account: the customer number and account will appear
in these fields automatically has it have been entered in the voucher.
- Amount: the amount appears in this field is automatically which is the amount of the
document specified in the (Doc. No.) field.
- Customer No: The customer number appears in this field automatically once the user
specifies the document number in the (Doc. No.) field

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- Debit Doc. Type: This field is used to select the debit document, which the user will
distribute the payment on, and assuming that the distribution will be on installments of
sales invoice then the user choose (sales invoice).
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
Second, Detailed Data and Steps of Payment Distribute
Repayments distribution process is done after the user has entered the basic data at upper
part of the screen. After selecting the debit document, which we assume as sales invoice
and specify the date in the (Inst. Date), and once moving the cursor, all the credit sales
invoices of the customer appear until the date specified, in the lower section of the screen.
And then the payment process will start through the steps as follows:
(The data appears in the screen where the document type, amount, customer name, date,
and the installment amount will appear automatically in their allocated fields and the user
deals with the amount paid column).
- First Method, Manual Distribution: This option is used if the user wants to distribute
the paid amount on the accrued installments manually, meaning that the user enters
the amount that will be distributed, in the (Paid Amount) column manually in front of
each installment. This method is used, in cases the distribution of payment is
according to an agreement with the customer or for the purpose to evacuate part of the
several advances of the procurement employees and other cases, with the possibility of
paying less than the required amount of the installment.
- Second Method, Automatic Distribution: This option is used in case the user wants
to direct the system to distribute the amount paid on the due installments automatically,
meaning that the system will automatically distribute the amount on documents that
appear in the table, based on the date of the debt, and the user can intervene after the
automatic distribution is done, where the user can exclude certain documents from the
payment distribution, and make that payment for any other documents. if the user
wishes to exclude one of the documents from the distribution, then the user unchecks
the checkbox option (distribute) that intersect with the document.
The total of distributed payments that appear in the (total) field
at the lower part of the screen, must be equal to the
document amount that appears in the upper part of the

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Use: The Notes Screen is used for the purpose of issuing and editing credit notes and debit
notes or credit and debtors notes together in single operation. The credit and debit notes
are meant to be the letters that are given to the debtors and creditors by the enterprise to
notify them that there will be amounts recorded in their accounts, in exchange for selling
goods or performing a service or transactions adjustments and that their accounts would be
affected by an increase or decrease.
If the financial effect is deducting from the customer's debt or adding balance for a vendor
the user issues a credit note, but if the effect is increasing the debt of a client or reduce a
balance of vendor then the user issues a debit not.
The data entered in this screen is just a notification, and have no financial effect will be
taken on any account due to the issuance of credit or debit notes. This screen is also
considered to facilitate the accounting process where the data entered in this screen can be
transferred to Journal Voucher screen. Debit and credit notes are issued through the use of
the screen that appears, as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

First, Basic Data
The basic data of the debit and credit notice are date, notice number and the financial
details such as account code and currency those fields are used after clicking on the add
command button as follows:

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- Date: the date appears in this field - automatically – (the date of the notice issuance).
- Notice Type: Through these options the user selects the notice that is wanted to be
issued and selects on of the following options:
• Credit: this option is selected in the case of issuing a credit note to inform a
creditor that the enterprise will record the amount in favor of the creditor for the
purchase of goods or performance of the service carried out by the creditor or
correction in the previous financial transactions such as correcting a mistake in
Purchase invoice data and other similar cases, so that the other party will approve
the amount based on issued notice.
• Debit: This option is selected in the case of issuing debit note to inform a debtor
that the enterprise will record an amount of that debtor for the sale of goods or
performance of a service or correction in the previous financial transactions such as
correcting a mistake in Purchase invoice data and other similar cases, so that the
other party will approve the amount based on issued notice.
• Debit and Credit Note: this option is selected when the enterprise wants to inform a
creditor or debtor that the enterprise will record the amount to their benefit (credit)
and other amounts to be charged on them (debit) this process is done under a
single notice.
- Note Number: this field displays the notice sequence number. The system gives each
type of notices an independent different sequence from other types.
- Account Code: This field is used to select the account that the notice will be
forwarded to. The user can enter the account code directly or select is from the list of
account that appears when pressing (F9).
- Currency: This field is used to determine currency of the amount that the notice will be
issuance by, and the currency is determined from the list of currencies that appear
when pressing F9 when the cursor is in this the field.
Second, Detailed Data
The detailed data of the credit and debit notes are the Amount, Description and Link
Amount with Customer or vendor, and for specifying the type of note (debtor \ creditor) and
data are used as follows:

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- Description: This column is used to provide a brief statement for the amount of the
- Amount: This column is used to enter the amount of notice. the user can detail the
amount of notice in more than one record if needed to enter a description for each
amount separately, and if it is a foreign currency then the corresponding amount in
local currency be displayed in this field, based on the exchange rate.
- Notice Type: This column appears in case of specifying the type of note as (Debtor
and Creditor Note) and is used to specify the type of the transaction and whether it is
debtor or creditor type with the possibility of using two types per notice.
- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.

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Bank Adjustments
Use: bank adjustment screen is used for the purpose of issuing and edit bank
reconciliations through which the enterprise will prove the differences that appear between
the enterprise records and the bank statement based on the matching of the bank balance
at the enterprise records (debit) and the balance of the enterprise in the bank's records
(credit). those differences results from the bank that records amounts in favor of the
company, or on the enterprise account, without informing the company, such as bank
expenses and commissions or any other payments, those differences can also arise
because the company has recorded amounts in the bank’s account without informing the
bank. Using this memorandum the system user can automatically adjust those differences
by importing the data from journal vouchers the screen, and reverse those differences using
journal entries. The memorandum of bank reconciliations is issued through the use of the
screen that appears, as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

First, Basic Data
The basic data of the bank reconciliations note is consisted of the bank which the bank
adjustment will be for and the bank account balance in the company records as well as the
company’s account balance recorded at the bank and the currency and many other basic
data such as the number and the date of the note, and it is used as follows:

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- Adj. No.: The bank adjustment memo number appears in this field is automatically.
Where the system generates sequenced numbers for the bank adjustment documents.
- Adj. Date: the date appears in this field - automatically – current day date.
- Bank No.: This field is used to specify the bank number, which the bank adjustment
will be for, in order to address the differences between its balances and the company’s
- Currency: This field is used to specify the currency of the bank, which the adjustment
will be for, in order to adjust the differences between its balances and the company’s
The bank adjustment memorandum is issued for each
currency seperatly, in the event that the Bank has more than
one currency.
- Exchange Rate: The exchange rate appears in this field is automatically, which is
related to the currency that has been specified in previous field.
- Summery System Balance: the balance of the bank appears in this field automatically
by the bank currency that has been specified in the currency field, and it appears as
the balance of the Bank's transactions carried out in the system.
- Local Amount: In this field the bank’s balance appears in local currency.
- Summary Bank Balance: This field is used to enter the company account balance,
which appeared in the bank’s statement by the currency that have been specified in
the currency field.
- Difference Between: the balances difference appears in this field automatically, this
difference is the difference between the bank balance in the system and the balance in
the bank statement, and the balance appears by the currency specified in the currency
- Local Difference: in this field the difference appears by the company’s local currency.
- Description: This field is used to enter a brief explanation of the transaction made.

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Second, Detailed Data

Through the detailed data the user enters the accounts that will be used in the bank
adjustment and will be charged the differences that have risen between the bank balance at
the company and the Bank statement, and whether the transaction is (debit or credit).
- A\C Code: This column is used to specify the account number or accounts that will be
charged by the difference or part of the difference, such as bank commissions account
or bank charges.
- The user enters the rest of the detailed data, such as (currency, amount and other
- Transaction Type: This column is used to determine the type of transaction and
whether it is debit or credit in the following manner:
• Debit: If the balance in the bank’s statement is larger than the balance in the
company statement (balance in system) means that the amount is recorded in the
bank and it is not recorded in the system, then the type of transaction is (debit), in
other words, if the transaction is imported into a journal voucher the bank will be
debit and the accounts entered will be credit.
• Credit: If the balance in the bank’s statement is smaller than the balance in the
company statement (balance in system), means that the amount is recorded in the
system and it is not recorded in the bank, then the type of transaction is (credit), in
other words, if the transaction is imported into a journal voucher the bank will be
credit and the accounts entered will be debit.
- The difference is adjusted so that, the total amount of the accounts in the table will be
equal to the difference on the upper part of the screen, so that the total local amount
will be equal to the total local difference, and the total foreign amount will be equal to
the total forging Difference.
- Use And Import Adjustment Bank in Journal: This checkbox option is selected if the
user wishes to import the bank adjustment into the journal voucher screen as a journal
- Confirm Bank Adjustment: This checkbox option is selected to approve the bank
adjustment, and as a result of this selection the bank adjustment number will appear
on the journal vouchers screen.

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- Save: The data entered is saved by any of the data saving available methods.
The user can’t modify or delete the bank adjustments that
have been imported into the journal vouchers screen.

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Marketing Cards
Use: Marketing cards screen is used in companies carries out the process of marketing
goods for others companies, such as the sale of fruits, vegetables, chicken and other
products. through this screen the process of selling to customers without dealing with items,
where the transaction is proved using a journal voucher in which the quantities are
determined, whether the quantities are received from the vendor or from customers with the
ability to add any accounts to the journal entry such as transportation charges or any other
expenses… etc. And the journal vouchers related to the marketing are issued, through the
use of the screen that appears, as in the following figure:

How to use the screen

First, Basic Data
Using the screen starts after clicking on the Add button as follows:
- Date: The date appears in this field - automatically – the current date of the journal
- Doc. Type: This field will be activated as a result of selecting the option (the use of
the types of documents in the restrictions) and is used to determine the marketing card
document type (Journal Voucher).
- Doc. No.: In this field the marketing card document sequence number appears

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- Reference: This field is optional and is used to enter the reference of the journal
voucher for the purpose of easily refer during the search, and it is possible to use both
letters and numbers in this field.
- Amount: This field is used to enter the total amount of the journal voucher in local
The total amount field is used for the purpose of taking control
over the amounts that will be entered into the debit and credit
sides of the journal, where it should be equal to the total
amount in local currency in this field with all of the debit total
local amount and the credit total local amount.
- Farm: This field is used to enter the farm, which will be marketing their products and it
is an optional field.
- Sales Rep.: This field is used to enter the seller name that the marketing will be for,
and the name entered will be shown as part of the description based on the accounts
in the detailed data.
- Item Name: This field is used to enter the item which will be marketed, and will show
the item as part of the description based on account in the detailed data.
- Vendor No.: This field is used to specify the vendor number that will deliver the
- Income Qty.s: This field is used to enter the quantity of goods received from the
- Damaged Item: This field is used to enter the damaged quantities of items, if any.
- Sold Qty: This field is used to enter the net quantity suitable for the process of
- Net Amount: This field is used to enter the net price amount of the net quantity of
goods that is suitable for the process of marketing, which is the amount will be credited
in favor of the supplier.
- Driver: This field is used to enter the driver's name and it is an optional field.
- Description: This field is used to enter the description of the journal voucher of the
(Marketing Cards).

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- Calculate Creditor Party: This checkbox option is selected in case the user wants to
add the amount in the credit side of the entry. It is known that multiplying the quantity
× price appears in the debit side on the distribution process to monitor the quantities
that have been delivered to customers, but in case the user wants to effect the credit
side then the user will select this option, and as a result of this selection the result of
multiplying the quantity × price will appear in the credit side. This is used when
receiving the goods from the supplier or when goods are returned by the customer.
The user must select this option before entering the accounts
that are related to quantities.
Other Functions of the Marketing Cards
Several options in this screen appears where the user can select one or more of those
options types in order to perform specific functions for the journal entry of the marketing
document, and the user can use those options which are as the following:
- Periodic JV: This checkbox option is selected when the user wishes to make this
marketing card as a periodic card. The Periodic card is a card which the user needs to
issue repeatedly. The user can specify such cards from the screen when the marketing
card is issued. And as a consequences of this specification, the user will be able of
issuing a new card from the card, meaning that the user can take down the card -
card data periodically - when issuing a new card with the ability to modify the new
data card, and in this way provides the user the time and effort that it takes to issue a
new card.
- Stand By (Suspended): This checkbox option is selected when the user wishes to
suspend the marketing card. If the user wishes to save the marketing card and does
not want to post it for any reason, such as to save unbalanced marketing card for
temporary basis or to save journals that are incomplete, And as a consequences of this
selection, the user will be able to save journals in their condition, while will not be
allowed to post them, only after unselecting this journal, this feature is used for the
purpose of allowing the user to save the card and then can return to it and complete
the issuance procedures.

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- The system does not allow posting the card if it is
(Suspended). and if this feature is used then the user must
unselect this option after the completion of entering the
marketing card details so it can be posted
- The system will not allow the closure of the month in which
suspended cards has been issued (Stand By) until the
completion of these cards and unselect the (stand by)
- Create New JV From Existing Periodic JV: This checkbox option is used when the
user desires to create a new marketing card from an earlier marketing card, and this
feature is one of the important features of the system in this screen, where frequent
marketing card that are needed to be entered continuously and repeatedly into the
system. Even if it is small cards rather than entering it all over again, the user can
import a previous similar marketing card’s details into the screen and make some
adjustments - if necessary - in both parties of the marketing card or in the amounts
and then save that data as a new card. If the user wishes to do so then the user
selects this option (✓), and as a result of this selection the system will activate the field
(Periodic No.).
- Periodic No.: This field appears active if the option (Create New JV From Existing
Periodic JV) is selected, and it is used in order to specify the number of the marketing
card, which the user wishes to import its data to the screen to make a marketing card,
and the marketing card numbers are selected from the screen that appears when
pressing (F9) and the cursor is inside the field. The user must know that not all cards
will appear in this field, but only the cards that have been identified as periodic
marketing card, and once the user selects the marketing card desired the card’s data
will appear in the screen and then it depends on the user, either to save the marketing
card as it is as new card or to do some edits then save it as new marketing card.

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Second, Detailed Data

The detailed data of the marketing card are located at lower part of the screen, and it is
used to enter the journal accounts (debit and credit) amounts and currency of each account,
as well as, to identify cost centers if necessary and other data that appears in the screen:
- A/C Code: This column is used to specify the accounts on which the marketing card
amounts will be recorded on, and the accounts are selected from the list of accounts
that appears when pressing the (F9) when the cursor is in this field. Once the user
selects the wanted account the account’s number and name will appear.
- Currency: This column is used to determine the currency of the account, which the
user wishes to use in the transaction, from the currencies that appear in the drop list at
end of this field.
- Exchange Rate: the exchange rate of the currency that has been specified in
(currency) appears in this column - automatically, with the ability of editing the
exchange rate provided and not to exceed the minimum and maximum exchange rate
limits, which was specified in the (currency) screen in the General Ledger-
- Quantity: This column to enter the quantity that will be sold to the customer.
- Price: This column is used to enter the price per item of the quantity.
- Description: The description appears in this column automatically, which is the data
that has been entered in the Seller Name, Item Name in the basic data as well as, the
quantity and price with the ability to edit or delete the description and enter it manually.
- Local Dr.: This column is used to enter the amount of the debtor account, if it is local
currency, which is the quantity × price. The user can also enter the amounts of the
accounts manually that will be used in the journal of the marketing card, and which
related to the sold quantities such as, transportation, loading and unloading charges.
- Foreign Dr: This column is used to enter the amount of the debtor account, if it is in
the foreign currency, with the possibility of entering the amount manually.
- Local Cr: This column is used to enter the amount of the expense of the creditor if it is
local currency. However, if the amount is in foreign currency then the amount will
appear automatically once the amount is entered in the foreign amount field.

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- Foreign Cr: This column is used to enter the amount of the creditor account, if it is in
the foreign currency, and once the user enters the amount of the foreign currency the
corresponding amount in the local currency will appear in the (local Credit) column
automatically, and the local credit amount represents the amount of foreign creditor
multiplied by the exchange rate.
- Center No: This column is used to specify the cost center that will carry the amount,
and it is used according to the need of the enterprise of dealing with the cost centers.
- Customer No: In this column the customer’s number will appear, if the account used
in the marketing card is a customer account, this account is the account which has
been linked to the customer in the Customer Details Screen in the sales system. And
in case that more than one customer is linked with the entered account, then the user
selects the customer number among the customers’ numbers, for the purpose of
affecting the customer’s account by the amount in the voucher.
- Vendor No: In this column the vendor’s number will appear, if the account used in the
voucher is a vendor account, this account is the account which has been linked to the
vendor in the Vendor Details Screen in the sales system. And in case that more than
one vendor is linked with the entered account, then the user selects the vendor number
among the vendors’ numbers, for the purpose of affecting the vendor’s account by the
amount in the voucher.
- Total: This field shows the total amount of the local debtor and creditor, as the
difference between them will appear in the (difference) field, to make sure that the user
has entered the amounts in the debit and credit fields correctly.
The system will not save the process unless the local debit
and credit are equal also equal to the total amount in local
currency in the basic on the upper part of the screen, Unless
the user used the (stand by) feature. and when taking
advantage of this feature the system will not allow posting the
journal unless the debit and credit together with total amount
are equal and the (Stand by) option is unselected.

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- Import from Excel: the user can import chart of accounts from excel file by clicking on
the Import from Excel File button.
- Save: the accounts are saved by any of the data saving methods available.
- Journal Entry: Once the process is saved, the System will generate a journal entry,
which can be reviewed by pressing the (Journals) button.

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Chapter Four

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This section of the system is concerned with migrating (Posting)
processes and affecting the accounts, which is done by the system
administrator or by the user who will be granted the posting
authorization. Through the posting screens, the operations of all
systems will be migrated.

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Use: Different post screens are used for the final post of transactions (journal approval) with
the ability to review the journal on the screen before the posting process. Subsequently,
users are not allowed to modify or delete posted documents.

Posting Method: The system contains various posting screens, where all off the system
operations and transactions will be posted, whether it is accounts transaction, stores
operation, purchases or sales. In these screens a separate tab has been allocated to
control the process of each system. In addition to the accounting system posting tab
(general ledger) there are other tabs for warehouse operations, purchases and sales
systems, and when opening all the posting screens the user observers that all are similar. It
contains a unified fields such as posting date and type of posting and fields to review
documents with the existence of some difference in some screens commensurate with the
data used in those screens. For example cash vouchers and cheque vouchers will contain
special fields for the treasury number or bank’s number and whether the voucher that will
be posted is payment or receipt voucher, due to the similarity of the screens then the
posting method will be explained for one screen.
Posting Methods: There are several methods of posting documents, where the user can
post documents that were issued on a particular day or were issued during a specific period
between two dates or based on document numbers. The user determines the appropriate

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method desired by the system administrator or the authorized user who has the privilege of
posting document by the available methods in the system as follows:
1 Posting Documents Issued On A Particular Date (Day): This option is selected
when the user's desire to post documents issued during a specific day, and under this
selection, the system shows the field date to enter specific date so that the documents
issued on that date will be posted and then click on the posting command bottom of
the screen. Clicking on the post button all the documents related to the screen and
issued on the specified date will be posted, and will financially impact the accounts and
balances used in the vouchers and document posted. Using this method of posting the
user will ensure that no vouchers will be posted other than the ones that have been
issued on a specific date.
2 Posting Documents Issued On specific (Period): This option is selected when the
user's desire to post documents issued with a specific period, and under this selection,
the system shows two fields in order to enter the starting date (From) and the end date
(To) of the desired period, and then click on the posting command bottom of the
screen. Clicking on the post button all the documents related to the screen and issued
within the specified period will be posted, and will financially impact the accounts and
balances used in the vouchers and document posted. Using this method of posting the
user will ensure that no vouchers will be posted other than the ones that have been
issued with the specified period.
3 Posting Specific Documents (Voucher): This option is selected when the user's
desire to post documents, based on the document number. And can be used by
clicking on the option (Display Un-Posted Documents) and as a result of this selection
the system will display the numbers and dates of the vouchers that have not been
posted yet in a partial screen. after that the user can choose the vouchers desired to
be posted and to effect the accounts by clicking on the checkbox option (Post) next to
the date, three clicks until the signal (✓) appears, and this means that the document is
ready for posting document. And then by clicking on the posting command bottom the
system will post the selected documents and will financially effect the accounts and
balances used in the posted vouchers and document.

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The user can also display the vouchers or documents before posting it, by clicking on the
field number or date of the desired document by the right mouse button, so the system will
display the document in the lower part of the screen in order to review or match the voucher
or documents with data.
There are some exceptional choices in posting screens
including the following:
- Posting Payment and Receipt vouchers is done based on
each fund or bank.
- Posting Multi-Bank Payment and Receipt vouchers is done
based on the selection of the option (multiple cheques)
from the same screen.
- Posting journal vouchers is done based on the document
Posting sales invoices is done based on the sequence
method of invoices, in case of selecting the sequence type
according to the payment method or by warehouse or by
cost center.

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