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Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

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A study of structural, morphological, optical and humidity sensing

properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 powders synthesized by combustion method
Anamitra Chattopadhyay, Biswajyoti Mohanty, Jhasaketan Nayak *
Oxide semiconductor Laboratory, Department of Physics, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826004, India


Keywords: Calcium Copper Titanate (CCTO) powder was synthesized via a low-cost facile combustion method at various
CCTO powder calcination temperatures and times. The structural properties of the prepared CCTO powder were investigated
Crystal Structure from an X-ray diffraction (XRD) study, which confirmed the formation of the cubic phase with space group Im3.
Further, Rietveld refinement of the XRD data was performed for the detailed structural analysis of the samples.
Humidity sensor
The surface morphology of the CCTO powder was studied by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy
(FESEM), which showed an increase in particle size with an increase in the calcination temperature. The optical
properties of the powders were examined by UV–vis Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) and Photo­
luminescence Spectroscopy. The optical bandgap values, estimated from Tauc’s plot, increase with the increase
in calcination temperature due to the elimination of structural defects or localized states inside the bandgap. The
porous single-phase CCTO ceramic was subjected to a homemade experimental set-up combined with an LCR
meter to investigate its room temperature humidity sensing characteristics in capacitive mode at various oper­
ating frequencies. At 100 Hz, the obtained humidity response curve for the CCTO-based sensor showed a 560 %
increment in capacitance as the Relative Humidity (RH) changed from 40 % to 90 %.

1. Introduction the TiO6 octahedral tilt. Interestingly, the tilt/rotations of the octahedra
do not affect the connectivity of corner cations. However, various
Over the last few decades, inorganic perovskite nanostructured ma­ fundamental physical properties of perovskite titanates (ACu3Ti4O12)
terials have received substantial research attention due to their depend on this octahedral tilt distortion.
impressive utilization in diverse fields [1–5]. Many cubic perovskite Some of the important characteristics of CCTO are its temperature-
structured compounds with the chemical formula ABO3 are found in the independent high dielectric permittivity (~105 for single crystal and
environment. The coordination numbers for the B and A cations are six 104 for bulk) over a wide range of temperatures (100–400 K), high
and twelve, respectively, although significant deviation from the ideal melting point, high chemical and mechanical stability [9]. These prop­
structure and stoichiometry can be frequently observed [6]. A common erties make CCTO an eligible candidate for various technological ap­
orthorhombic distortion is noticed in ideal perovskite, where the octa­ plications such as antenna, switches, microwave devices, capacitors, and
hedral structure of BO6 tilted to create square planar coordination for sensors [10–13]. The polycrystalline porous nanostructure makes it
three-quarters of the A cations. This structure is commonly known as eligible to fabricate reliable and affordable sensors. To date, several
ACu3M4O12. CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) is such a body-centered cubic synthesis processes of CCTO have been reported. High purity CCTO has
perovskite structured material that belongs to the centrosymmetric Im3 been synthesized by the solid-state method, sol-gel synthesis method,
space group (No. 204) [7]. Mismatch of atomic sizes and the nature of wet-chemistry method, sonochemical method, and chemical precipita­
the A cation causes an octahedral tilt distortion in the CCTO structure. tion method [14–19]. These conventional synthesis methods generally
This tilting of TiO6 octahedron derives a complex perovskite structure require a high temperature and long reaction time for the formation of
where three-quarters of the A site is occupied by Jahn-Teller Cu2+ single-phase CCTO crystals. Therefore, this work has investigated the
cation. The remaining sites are occupied by calcium atoms [8]. In CCTO, properties of the CCTO nanopowder, synthesized via combustion
the Ti–O–Ti angles are reduced to 141º from the ideal angle of 180 º by method that requires a shorter reaction time and yields greater

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: nayakj@iitism.ac.in (J. Nayak).

Received 3 August 2021; Received in revised form 28 July 2022; Accepted 5 August 2022
Available online 7 August 2022
2352-4928/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Table 1 their variation with calcination temperature have also been studied. The
Synthesis parameters for CCTO powders. crystalline CCTO powders were pressed into cylindrical pellets and
Sample Calcination Calcination sintered at 1000 ºC and 1100 ºC for 4 h in the atmosphere separately. A
temperature (◦ C) Time (h) detailed study has been done on the microstructure and the variation of
S1 600 0.5 microstructure with sintering conditions of the pellets. In addition, the
S2 700 0.5 porous CCTO pellet has been employed for the humidity sensing mea­
S3 800 0.5 surements, and the sensing mechanism has also been discussed in detail.
S4 600 2
S5 700 2
S6 800 2
2. Experimental

Pure CCTO powders were synthesized by a wet-chemistry method

known as the combustion method. Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate (Ca
(NO)3, 4H2O) (≥99 %), Titanium (IV) isopropoxide (Ti[OCH(CH3)2]4)
(≥97 %), Copper (II) nitrate hemi-pentahydrate (Cu(NO)3, 2.5H2O) (98
%), Acetylacetone, Citric acid (≥99.5 %) and Ammonium hydroxide
(≥99 %) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich India and were used
without further purification.
In the synthesis process, 1.92 g of citric acid was first dissolved in
100 ml of deionized water. Then, 0.01 mol of titanium (IV) isopropoxide
and 0.01 mol of acetylacetone were mixed under constant stirring for
5 min using a magnetic stirrer. This titanium solution was added to the
aqueous citric acid solution. In the next step, 1.74 g of copper (II) nitrate
hemi-pentahydrate and 0.59 g of calcium nitrate tetrahydrate were
added to 20 ml of deionized water and were poured dropwise into the
titanium-citric acid solution under constant stirring. This resulted in a
light green solution. The addition of a few drops of ammonium hy­
droxide to control the rate of hydrolysis via pH adjustment made this
solution bluish green. This bluish green solution was heat-treated at
80 ◦ C for several hours until the water evaporated completely and
formed a highly viscous blue gel. Subsequently, the gel was calcined at
450 ◦ C for 15 min to burn out the organic component, resulting in
porous black powder. This black powder was named precursor S0.
Precursor S0 was first ground into a fine powder and divided into 6
parts, and each part was separately calcined at different temperatures
and times. The calcination temperature was 600–800 ◦ C, and the time
was 30 min to 2 h. The synthesis parameters for CCTO powders are
shown in Table 1.
The crystallinity and the phase of the prepared powders were
examined by Xpert Pro MPD X-ray diffractometer equipped with Cu-Kα
radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å). The 2θ range was from 20◦ to 80◦ with a
scanning rate of 0.02◦ min− 1. Detailed structural analysis was per­
formed by Rietveld refinement using Fullproof software. Morphology of
powders was studied by Supra 55 (Carl Zeiss, Germany) field emission
scanning electron microscope (FESEM) set at 5 kV. The UV-Vis DRS
spectra in the 200–800 nm range were recorded by Agilent Cary 5000
spectrophotometer. Hitachi F 2500 FL spectrophotometer, equipped
with a xenon lamp, was used to study the Photoluminescence spectra.
For humidity sensing measurements, the porous CCTO powder was
pressed into an 11 mm diameter pellet using a hydraulic press under the
pressure of 5 tons. The humidity sensing measurements were done by a
homemade set-up using an aquarium pump, humidity clock, and two air-
Fig. 1. XRD pattern for (a) precursor (S0), CCTO powder calcined at 600 ºC for tight plastic boxes, as mentioned by Sahoo et al. [23].
30 min (S1), 2 h (S4), and (b) CCTO powder calcined at 700 ºC for 30 min (S2),
2 h (S5) and at 800 ºC for 30 min (S3), 2 h (S6) respectively.
3. Results and discussions

crystallinity. Recently few works have been published on humidity

3.1. Structural analyzation
sensing characteristics of CaCu3Ti4O12 thin films [20–22]. However, the
humidity response of porous CCTO powder synthesized by the com­
XRD patterns of S0 (precursor), S1, and S4, as shown in Fig. 1(a),
bustion method has not been investigated yet. Furthermore, a detailed
contains two intense peaks at 35.7º and 38.9º corresponding to (− 111)
study of structure, temperature-dependent morphology, and optical
and (111) planes of monoclinic CuO (Tenorite). Standard JCPDS data
properties are also important for its application in advanced technology.
(JCPDS No- 00–001–1117) has been plotted for reference. Fig. 1(b)
In this work, CCTO powders have been synthesized by varying the
shows the evolution of the XRD pattern for CCTO powder calcined at
calcination temperature (600 ºC - 800 ºC) and calcination time (30 min -
700–800 ◦ C for 30 min (S2-S3) and 2 h (S5-S6) respectively. The main
2 h), respectively. This report also investigates the change in the crystal
diffraction peaks for the powder calcined at 600 ◦ C (S1 and S4) are for
structure, morphology, and, porosity with the variation in synthesis
CuO (Tenorite). As the calcination temperature increases to 700 ◦ C the
parameters. Furthermore, the optical behavior of the nanopowders and
principal diffraction peaks are attributable to CCTO. The X-ray

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 2. Rietveld refinement for CCTO powder calcined at 700 ºC for (a) 30 min (S2), (b) 2 h (S5), and at 800 ºC for (c) 30 min (S3), and (d) 2 h (S6) respectively.

Table 2
Rietveld parameters for CCTO powders.
Sample S2 S3 S5 S6

Crystal system; BCC; Im-3 BCC; Im-3 BCC; Im-3 BCC; Im-3
space group (No.204) (No.204) (No.204) (No.204)
Lattice 7.39126 7.39214 7.3922 7.39264
a =b =c
Background linearly interpolated between linearly interpolated between linearly interpolated between linearly interpolated between
background selected points background selected points background selected points background selected points
Density (g/cm3) 5.049 5.048 5.051 5.051
Angle (in 90 90 90 90
V (Å3) 403.790 403.809 403.941 404.016
Rp 5.87 5.95 5.33 6.45
Rwp 7.64 7.61 7.61 8.25
Re 6.30 6.03 6.12 6.41
S=Rwp/Re 1.21 1.26 1.24 1.28

diffraction peak positions at 29.5 º, 34.2 º, 38.4 º, 42.3 º, 45.9 º, 49.2 º, nanopowders. The XRD patterns for S0, S1 and, S4 exhibit copper oxide
61.4 º and 72.2 º match well with that of the standard JCPDS file 01–075- peaks and, S2-S3 contain three TiO2 (rutile) peaks. This denotes that the
2188. This corresponds to the body-centered cubic perovskite structure titanium isopropoxide and copper nitrates formed oxides in the first step
of CCTO. The presence of CuO is no longer apparent here. However, of the heat treatment and, thereafter, CCTO in crystalline form resulted
under 30 min heat treatment, samples (S2 and S3) show three diffraction from polyesterification reaction between copper oxide and other crys­
peaks at 27.50 º, 36.04 º, and 54.23º, which arise due to the presence of talline or amorphous metal phases.
rutile TiO2 as an impurity. But for the samples calcined at 700–800 ◦ C Crystal structures of the prepared CCTO powders have also been
for 2 h (S5 and S6), the principal diffraction peaks are only due to CCTO. examined by Rietveld refinement. The Rietveld refinement has been
Any other detectable impurity phase is not observed here within the performed by Fullproof software, and, the pictorial representation of the
limits of the instruments. As calcination temperature rises, the intensity crystal structure has been shown by using VESTA software. Fig. 2(a-d)
of the XRD peaks increases, indicating higher crystallinity of CCTO shows the experimental, calculated, difference between expt. and cal.

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 3. Cubic perovskite crystal structure for CCTO powder calcined at 700 ºC for 2 h (S5) using VESTA software.

diffraction peaks for Rietveld refinement. Rietveld refinement was not granularity of the CCTO powder. The distribution of particle diameters
performed for S1, and S4 powders as CCTO phase formation occurs after is shown in Fig. 5(a)-(f), and the mean lateral dimensions of the particles
700 ℃ (confirmed by the XRD data). The percentages of rutile TiO2 of all the powder samples (S1-S6) are given in Table 3.
present in S2 and S3 are 12.63 % and 7.44 % respectively as estimated
from Rietveld refinement: however, this percentage in S5 and S6 are 3.3. UV–vis reflectance spectra
insignificant. The analytical function pseudo-Voigt (pV) was used for
experimental profile fitting as it considers both strain broadening and As shown in Fig. 6(a), the UV-Vis diffused reflectance spectra (DRS)
particle size individually [24]. The related refinement parameters for of S1 is similar to that of S4 and showed 55 % reflectance at around
the CCTO powders (S2, S3, S5, S6) after stimulation are shown in Table 2 800 nm. A broad reflectance peak at about 615 nm is observed for S2-S3
and are in good agreement with previous literatures [25–27]. Fig. 3 is and S5-S6, and at around 800 nm, the samples showed 62–70 %
the pictorial representation of the CCTO (S5) crystal structure. The reflectance. From this UV–vis DRS data, Urbach energy can be deter­
approximate bond lengths between Ca-O, Cu-O and Ti-O are 2.6353 Å, mined, which provides information about the crystallinity of the mate­
1.9452 Å, and 1.9667 Å respectively, while the respective bond angles rial [29]. Urbach energy can be estimated by the following equation
between O-Ti-O and Ti-O-Ti are 90.7835 º and 140.071º as estimated
from the crystal structure using VESTA software. This reduction of hν
α = α0 exp (1)
Ti-O-Ti angle to 140.071º from the ideal angle of 180 º is due to the TiO6 Eu
octahedral tilt distortion. Here, α0 is a constant, α is the absorption coefficient, Eu is the Urbach
energy of the material, and hν is the photon energy. DRS spectracan be
converted to the Kubelka-Munk function [30] using the following
3.2. Morphology equation

As shown in Fig. 4(a) and (d), powders calcined at 600 ◦ C (S1 and S4) (1 − R)2
F(R∞ ) = (2)
contain irregular-shaped particles and flakes with large size distribu­ 2R
tions. As the calcination temperature increases to 700 ◦ C for S2 and S5 Replacing absorption coefficient (α), by Kubelka-Munk function [
(Fig. 4(b) and (e)), further agglomerations of particles occur. When the F(R∞ )], Eq. (1) becomes,
calcination temperature is increased to 800 ◦ C for S3 and S6 (Fig. 4(c)
and (f)), a series of connected CCTO crystallites with sharp boundaries F(R∞ ) = α0 exp

are formed. These particles possess relatively larger diameters compared Eu
to low-temperature calcined powders. When the temperature rose, pri­

mary particles continued to aggregate, and as the agglomeration came to ⟹lnF(R∞ ) = lnα0 + (4)
an end, isolated particles began to develop quickly. The thermally pro­
moted crystals growth during calcination results in nanoparticles with If we plot lnF(R∞ ) along the y-axis, and photon energy hν along the
larger sizes [28]. A change in morphology due to a change in calcination x-axis, as shown in Fig. 6(b), then the slope of the graph will provide us
time of the powders can also be observed. For 2 h heat treatment, the the Urbach energy Eu . Therefore, the estimated values of Urbach energy
formation of distinct, large particles (S5) occurred at a calcination for S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 are 1639 meV, 469 meV, 456 meV,
temperature of 700 ◦ C. Similarly, looking at the images of S3 and S6, it 1515 meV, 460 meV, and 460 meV. It is observed that the Urbach en­
can be concluded that an increase in the calcination time improves the ergy decreases with increasing the calcination temperature and

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 4. FESEM images for CCTO powder (a) S1 (b) S2 (c) S3 (d) S4 (e) S5 and (f) S6 respectively.

synthesis time of the materials. The lower the value of Urbach energy, the optical bandgap of the material can be estimated. The value of n
the higher will be the crystallinity. Hence, CCTO samples achieve depends upon the nature of transition i.e., n = 2 for indirect allowed
crystallinity with increasing synthesis temperature and time, as also transition and n = ½ for direct allowed transition. Similar to the report
observed by the XRD pattern. by Clark et al. [32] both n = 2 and ½ values exhibit good linear fit in the
Optical band gap Eg of the powders have been determined by using Tauc plot. Hence, we get band gap energy in between 1.9 and 2.3 eV (for
the following equation direct transition Fig. 7(a)) and 1.3–2.1 eV (for indirect transition Fig. 7
(b)). Table 4 summarizes the direct and indirect bandgap values of the
αhν = ∁(hν − Eg)n (4)
CCTO samples (S1-S6). The insignificant difference between the direct
Here, α is the absorption coefficient of the material, h is the Planck and indirect band gap transitions represents the conductive nature of the
constant, ν is the frequency of the and photon, ∁ is a constant denoting powder [33]. Therefore, the UV-DRS data depicts that the CCTO powder
the band edge parameter. possesses two bandgaps of different nature and both are in the visible
As absorption coefficient α is proportional to Kubelka-Munk function region. The bandgap increases with increasing calcination temperature.
F(R∞ ) then expression (4) can be changed as follows This increment of optical band gap with increasing temperature is
associated with the elimination of structural defects or localized states
[hνF(R∞ )]1/n = ∁(hν − Eg) (5) inside the bandgap [34]. The reduction of oxygen vacancies in the
This expression is known as Tauc’s equation [31]. By extrapolating BO6 − octahedra is the possible reason for this reduction in intermediate
the linear portion of the [hνF(R∞ )] 1/n Vs E graph to the energy (E) axis, energy states. A rise in calcination temperature causes distortion in the

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 5. Distribution of lateral dimensions of the particles obtained from FESEM image of the prepared CCTO powders S1-S6.

observed throughout the photon energy range for low temperature

Table 3 (600 ◦ C) calcined powder. This is due to a higher number of secondary
Lateral diameters of CCTO particles obtained from FESEM image analysis. phases, as can be confirmed by XRD analysis. Therefore, it is concluded
Sample Diameter Mean that the structural rearrangement is a function of calcination tempera­
Range (nm) Diameter (nm) ture. Different values of the band gaps can be assigned to the ordered
S1 30–130 61 and disordered phases of CCTO powders.
S2 25–180 68
S3 80–300 154
S4 40–160 85 3.4. X-ray photoelectron spectra
S5 60–260 110
S6 80–340 166 Fig. 8(a)-(c) depict the O 1 s core-level XPS spectrum of the CCTO
powders calcined at 600 ℃ − 800 ℃ for 2 h (S4-S6). The O 1s spectra of
TiO6 octahedra group. The change in lattice or local atomic structure is all the three CCTO samples exhibit a broad asymmetric peak, indicating
also confirmed by XRD analysis. The higher bandgap value for the CCTO the existence of multiple oxygen species in the near-surface region.
powder calcined at 700–800 ◦ C indicates an ordered structure of CCTO Using the Gaussian fit function, these asymmetric peaks were decon­
with no such intermediate energy states. A higher absorption value is voluted into three distinct peaks with respective positions ~ 528.3 eV,
529.5 eV, and 530.3 eV and are designated as Oa, Ob, and Oc,

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 6. (a) UV–vis diffused reflectance spectra in the range 200–800 nm and (b)
Urbach energy of CCTO powder (S1-S6).
Fig. 7. Tauc’s plot for CCTO powder S1-S6 for (a) direct band gap and (b)
indirect band gap respectively.
respectively. The peak with the low binding energy (Oa) corresponds to
the oxygen in the CCTO lattice. The peak of the highest binding energy
(Oc) is associated with the loosely bound oxygen on the CCTO surface
Table 4
and is attributed to H2O and OH groups integrated into the materials
Optical bandgap values of the CCTO samples (S1-S6) as estimated from Tauc’s
[35]. Finally, the peak with medium binding energy (Ob) is attributed to plot.
the number of oxygen ions present in the oxygen deficit region and ul­
Sample Direct bandgap Indirect bandgap
timately provides information about the oxygen vacancy concentration (eV) (eV)
[36]. The area of Ob/Oa was estimated to be 1.11, 0.94 and 0.96 for S4,
S1 1.96 1.30
S5 and S6 respectively. Therefore, this finding indicates that an overall
S2 2.31 1.97
decrease in oxygen vacancy is observed as the calcination temperature S3 2.26 1.96
increases from 600 ℃ to 800 ℃ i.e., as the CCTO powder transforms S4 2.01 1.97
from disorder phase to ordered phase. S5 2.31 2.10
S6 2.35 1.97

3.5. Photoluminescence
all the samples, S2 shows the maximum PL intensity. The PL intensity is
a function of the heat treatment conditions [37,38]. PL emission peak
Fig. 9(a) shows the photoluminescence spectra of the synthesized
intensity can be lowered due to the disordered lattice structure of CCTO,
CCTO powders. Four prominent PL peaks were observed in the spectra
indicating that high temperature causes a reduction in disorder or de­
under 488 nm excitation wavelength. The emission peaks were detected
fects in the material. The disordered materials (S2 and S4) are initially
in the range of 550 nm̶ 800 nm for all the CCTO samples. The peaks
composed of polymeric precursors and metal oxides, which show some
were spotted at 590 nm (2.1 eV), 697 nm (1.7 eV), 722 nm (1.7 eV), and
PL intensity. As the temperature increased, the organic matter and metal
746 nm (1.6 eV) on the emission spectrum. A similar trend is observed in
oxides were eliminated from the material, and PL intensity increased.
the PL spectra for all the samples calcined for 30 min and 2 h. The CCTO
The charge transfer mechanism occurring between the titanium, cal­
powder calcined at 700 ºC (S2 and S5) shows higher PL intensity than
cium, and copper ions and structure organization levels are the likely
the powders calcined at 600 ºC and 800 ºC (S1, S3, and S4, S6). Among

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 8. High-resolution XPS spectra of the O1s region for the CCTO powder (a) S4, (b) S5, and (c) S6, respectively.

reasons for this change in peak intensity. However, it is also important to material. The N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms for the CCTO samples
note that the electronic levels in the crystalline bandgap are introduced (S2-S3, S5-S6) are depicted in Fig. 10. The hysteresis loops of the curves
by disordered structure, evidencing a charge transfer between the two are attributed to a type IV isotherm which indicates the mesoporous
centers of TiO5 and TiO6. In this case, two octahedra are formed, one nature of the substance. Table 5 lists the average pore diameter, pore
with TiO6 complex and the other with TiO5 complex. This TiO5 octa­ volume, and BET surface areas of the CCTO samples. The interaction
hedra possesses one oxygen vacancy. The coexistence of the two octa­ between the sensing material and water molecules is more prominent in
hedral structures (TiO6 and TiO5) compensates for the oxygen vacancy CCTO materials with larger pores and greater surface area [40]. The
by the positive charge of two holes [39]. This indicates that disordered capacitance of the ceramic changes significantly as a result of this
CCTO structure formation can introduce energy levels in the forbidden interaction, producing a high sensing response.
bandgap and eventually decreases the optical bandgap. This was also
observed in the Tau’s plot (Fig. 7) by UV–vis DRS data of CCTO. The
highest PL intensity is recorded for the CCTO powder that is not fully 3.7. Morphology of the sintered CCTO pellets
disordered (600 ºC) and not highly crystalline (800 ºC). When the
structure is fully crystalline, only the TiO6 complex exists, and the PL Sintering of CCTO pellets at high temperatures is a method that in­
intensity diminishes. Before the crystallization is achieved fully, the volves heating the CCTO electroceramic at different temperatures below
structure is a mixture of octahedra TiOx (x = 5 and 6) intercalated by Cu its melting point for various applications. Fig. 9(a)-(d) show the FESEM
and Ca atoms. As the heat treatment time increases, the more frequently images of S5 and S6 pellets, each sintered at 1000 ºC and 1100 ºC for 4 h,
the conformation of TiO6 occurs, and the structure gets more crystal­ respectively. The remarkable change in microstructure with sintering
lized. This is also proved by XRD data analysis. The comparison of PL temperature can clearly be observed. The obtained surface morphology
peak intensity for various samples are shown in Fig. 9(b). of the sintered pellets can be classified into two groups: Group A_
bimodal distribution of grain sizes and Group B_ large and non-uniform
grain sizes. As shown in Fig. 9(a) and (c), the surface morphologies of the
3.6. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area S5 pellet exhibit bimodal distribution of grains. The smaller ones with a
mean diameter of 197 nm are surrounding the larger ones. For the S5
The porosity and surface areas of the CCTO powders synthesized via pellet sintered at 1000 ºC and 1100 ºC, the mean diameters of the grains
combustion method at various calcination times and temperatures were are 1170 nm and 1677 nm, respectively. As the sintering temperature
investigated by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method. For ceramic increases from 1000 ºC to 1100 ºC, the number of small grains starts
particles, the specific surface area is a crucial microstructural charac­ decreasing, and also the diameter of the large particles starts increasing.
teristic that depends on the porosity and geometrical shape of the This implies that the smaller grains get swallowed by larger ones. Here,

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 9. (a) Photoluminescence spectra for CCTO powder S1-S6 and (b) comparison between the intensities of the four PL peaks for the six CCTO samples.

the larger grains are of angular shape while the smaller grains are 560 %, 525 %, 185 %, and 92 % at 100 Hz, 120 Hz, 1 kHz, and 10 kHz,
preferentially of spheroidal shape. These CCTO pellets are very porous respectively.
as larger grain sizes need a higher sintering time to be densified. Simi­ The response of the CCTO pellet to atmospheric humidity mainly
larly, S6 pellet surface morphology analysis shows that grain size in­ depends on the physical and chemical adsorption of water molecules. At
creases with increasing the sintering temperature from 1000 ºC to low RH, a small amount of water molecules are chemisorbed onto the
1100 ºC. The grain sizes are 738 nm and 1190 nm for Fig. 9(b) and (d), CCTO surface. As RH increases, the surface hydroxyl layer gets
respectively. The sintering process causes materials from separate par­ completed, and physisorption of water molecule comes into play [42,
ticles in the neighborhood to diffuse into each other. The driving force 43]. At high RH, physisorbed water molecules get dissociate and forms
here is the reduction of the surface energies of the particles. This H3O+. A proton is released in this process and is accepted by neighboring
decrease in energy is achieved by the process of atomic diffusion [41]. molecules while releasing another proton and so on (Grotthuss’s chain
This process transports matter from grain inside into the pores between reaction) [43]. These protons have a free movement similar to bulk
the pore surfaces leading to densification of the body. This will even­ liquid water along with the physisorbed water molecules. A schematic
tually result in a low amount of pore volume inside the pellets. diagram showing this water adsorption mechanism is shown in Fig. 10
(b). Furthermore, when an electric field is applied, these protons accu­
mulate at the grain boundaries, and space charge polarization occurs.
3.8. Humidity response of S5 pellet
This increases the overall capacitance of the CCTO pellet. Adsorbed
water molecules get polarized at a low frequency when placed in an
Fig. 10(a) shows the humidity response curve of the S5 pellet sin­
external electric field. Nevertheless, as the frequency increases, the
tered at 1100 ºC for 4 h. The key points of the curve are a) At low relative
electric field direction changes very rapidly and, polarization speed
humidity (RH), the capacitance is almost constant like an ideal capacitor
cannot catch up with it. This leads to a small frequency-independent
b) Capacitance and the increment of capacitance both increase with an
capacitance in the higher frequency region.
increase in RH, indicating greater humidity response in high relative
humidity regime and c) capacitance decreases with an increase in fre­
4. Conclusion
quency. At a higher frequency, the capacitance of S5 is almost constant,
and a slight increase is observed when the RH value is nearly 90 %. As
Single-phase CCTO powder was successfully synthesized at 700 ºC
RH changes from 40 % to 90 %, capacitance changes approximately by

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 10. N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms of CCTO powders (a) S2, (b) S3, (c) S5, and (d) S6 prepared via combustion method. (Inset: The BJH pore size dis­
tribution of the samples).

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 11. FESEM image for CCTO pellets (a) S5, (b) S6 sintered at 1000 ºC for 4 h and (c) S5, (d) S6 sintered at 1100 ºC for 4 h respectively.

A. Chattopadhyay et al. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104196

Fig. 12. (a) Humidity sensing characteristics of CCTO (S5) pellet sintered at 1100 ºC for 4 h and (b) schematic diagram for humidity sensing mechanism.

Declaration of Competing Interest

Table 5
Specific surface area, pore diameter, and pore volume of the samples synthesized
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
at various calcination times and temperatures.
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Sample BET surface BJH average Pore volume the work reported in this paper.
area (m2/g) pore diameter (Å) (cm3/g)

S2 11.8034 122.258 0.004438 Data availability

S3 7.3918 129.609 0.002572
S5 8.9767 127.722 0.003041
S6 6.6408 102.273 0.002375 No data was used for the research described in the article.

via combustion method as confirmed by XRD. The average particle size
from the FESEM study ranges from 60 nm to − 160 nm. An increase in We would like to thank the Department of Physics and Central
the calcination temperature leads to an increase in particle size. The Research Facility IIT(ISM) Dhanbad for the measurement facilities. Also,
optical band gap values, as estimated from the UV–vis DRS study were we would like to thank TIFR Mumbai, India for the XRD facility.
found as (1.9–2.3 eV) and (1.3–2.1 eV) for direct and indirect transitions
respectively. The optical band gap value in both cases increases with the References
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