Unit 10.assignment 2 Guidance

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Assignment 2 Guidance

Task 1 – Design Plan (P5)

1. Produce a set of Users’ requirements by using User Story template:
As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >
2. Review accessibility standards and guidelines and their possible impact on design
and aesthetics. Consideration should be given to the end-user needs in the form of
a contextual user profile.
3. Produce Use case diagrams to describe users’ behaviour on the system
4. Produce wireframes for each proposed page considering layout techniques,
templates, dimensions and colour schemes to match User Stories
5. You will design an appropriate site map for the development and justify the type of
structure adopted.

Task 2 – Implementation (P6 – M4)

6. Implement and produce technical documentation describing, in technical language,
how all of the features of the system were created, (appropriate use of annotated
screen shots and sample source code (HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript/PHP) should
be used). Produce screenshots of the webpages as displayed in the browser (in
color), including all source code, suitably commented to be provided as appendices
(HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript/PHP). Critically evaluate your work analyzing any
technical qualities and challenges.
7. The website should include at least following pages:
 A Landing page
 A Login page
 A Register page
 A Profile page
 A My Cart Page
8. The website should have at least following features:
 Registering a new User
 Login with email and password
 Perform CRUD actions (Create / Read / Update / Delete) with PHP and
9. Compare your website to your original designs and draw conclusions.

Task 3 – Testing (P7 – M5)

10. Produce a test plan (QA) and procedures displaying thorough testing of the design.
The test plan should test the functional and non-functional requirements, browser
compatibility, platform testing, script testing and valid code. The test plan must
reference appropriate screen shots.

Task 4 – Presentation (P6)
11. You will present the website to the Lecturer so you can receive his/her feedbacks,
verifications and validations

Report Structure
Chapter 1 – Design Plan
1.1 Users’ Requirements
1.2 Review accessibility standards and guidelines
1.3 Use cases diagram
1.4 Wireframes
1.5 Sitemap

Chapter 2 – Implementation
2.1 Source code Samples of the Website
2.2 Screenshots of Final website with explanation
2.3 Compare the website to the original designs and draw conclusions

Chapter 3 – Testing
3.1 Test cases

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