Pimco Global Bond Fund

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Prepared on: 13/09/2023

This Product Highlights Sheet is an important document.

• It highlights the key terms and risks of this investment product and complements the Singapore
• It is important to read the Singapore Prospectus before deciding whether to purchase units in
the product. If you do not have a copy, please contact us to ask for one.
• You should not invest in the product if you do not understand it or are not comfortable with the
accompanying risks.
• If you wish to purchase the product, you will need to make an application in the manner set out
in the Singapore Prospectus.
(the "Fund"), a sub-fund of PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series plc (the "Company")
Product Type Open-ended investment company Launch Date 28/01/1998
Manager PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland) Custodian State Street Custodial
Limited Services (Ireland) Limited 2
Trustee Not applicable Dealing Frequency Every Dealing Day which is
a Singapore Business Day
Capital No Expense Ratio for Institutional: 0.49%


Guaranteed FY ended H Institutional: 0.66%
31/12/2022 Investor: 0.84%
Administrative: 0.99%
E and M Retail: 1.39%
W Class: 0.39%
• The Fund is only suitable f or investors who: Ref er to
o are looking to maximise total return through a combination of both income and "Investment
capital growth; Objectives and
o are looking f or a diversif ied exposure to global f ixed income markets and are Policies" of the
willing to accept the risks and volatility associated with investing in such Supplement for
markets; and f urther inf ormation
o have an investment horizon over the medium to long term. on product
An investment in the Fund should not constitute a substantial proportion of an suitability.
investment portf olio.
• You are investing in a sub -f und of an umbrella type open-ended investment Ref er to
company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Ireland, authorised by "Investment
the Central Bank of Ireland as a UCITS. Objectives and
• The investment objective of the Fund is to seek to maximise total return, consistent Policies" and
with preservation of capital and prudent investment management. "Dividends and
• Dividends paid in respect of any income class Shares will be declared quarterly, Distribution" of the
annually, or monthly, depending on the Share classes. The current dividend policy Supplement for
is to pay to holders of Income Shares Net Income and/or capital (where applicable) f urther inf ormation
of the Fund, if any. Income II Shares distribute Net Income and/or capital of the on f eatures of the
Fund and seek to provide an enhanced yield. Income A Shares distribute Net product.
Income on an annual basis. Net Income allocated to Accumulation Shares will not
be distributed but will be reinvested. Where Shares distribute capital, this may
reduce NAV.
Investment Strategy
Summary Table Ref er to
Primary Investments Average Portfolio Credit Quality Distribution "Investment
Duration Frequency Objectives and
U.S. and non-U.S. +/- 3 years of its B to Aaa (except Quarterly Policies" of the
intermediate Fixed index MBS); max 10% Supplement for
Income Instruments below Baa f urther inf ormation
1 The Singapore Prospectus is available f rom the Singapore Representative during its normal business
hours. Alternatively, please go to an appointed distributor or www.pimco.com f or more inf ormation.
2 Acting as Depositary.

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• The Fund invests at least two-thirds of its assets in a diversif ied portf olio of Fixed on the investment
Income Instruments denominated in major world currencies. strategy.
• The Fund invests primarily in investment grade Fixed Income Instruments, but may
invest up to 10% of its total assets in Fixed Income Instruments that are rated lower
than Baa by Moody’s or lower than BBB by S&P or equivalently rated by Fitch, but
rated at least B by Moody’s or S&P or equivalently rated by Fitch (or, if unrated,
determined by the Investment Adviso r to be of comparable quality) with the
exception of MBS f or which there is no minimum credit rating requirement. Although
there is no minimum credit rating requirement f or MBS, below investment grade
MBS will be taken into account when calculating the af o rementioned 10% limit in
below investment grade securities. The Fund may invest without limit in securities
of issuers that are economically tied to countries with developing, or emerging
market economies.
• As part of its investment strategy, the Fund seeks to invest in a diverse, actively
managed portf olio of global f ixed-income securities. The investment strategy seeks
to deploy the Investment Advisor’s total return investment process and philosophy.
• The Fund may hold both non-USD denominated Fixed Income Instruments and non-
USD denominated currency positions. Non-USD currency exposure is limited to


20% of total assets.
• The Fund may use derivative instruments such as f utures, options and swap
agreements and may also enter into currency f orward contracts. S uch derivative
instruments may be used (i) f or hedging purposes and/or (ii) f or investment
purposes and/or (iii) ef f icient portf olio management.
• The Fund is considered to be actively managed in ref erence to the Index, which the
Fund uses f or duration measurement, calculating its global exposure (using relative
VaR methodology) and perf ormance comparison purposes. However, the Index is
not used to def ine the portf olio composition of the Fund or as a perf ormance target.
Parties Involved
• The Manager is PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland) Limited. "Management and
• The Investment Advisor is Pacif ic Investment Management Company LLC. Administration" of
• The Sub-Investment Advisors are PIMCO Europe Ltd., PIMCO Asia Pte Ltd, PIMCO the Irish
Europe GmbH and PIMCO Asia Limited. Prospectus and
• The Depositary is State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited. paragraph 28 of the
Prospectus for
f urther inf ormation
on the role and
responsibilities of
these entities and
what happens if
they become
The value of Shares of the Fund can go down as well as up and an investor Risk Factors" of the
may not get back the amount invested. These risk factors may cause you to Irish Prospectus
lose some or all of your investment: and "Risk Factors
and Use of
Derivatives" of the
Prospectus for
f urther inf ormation
on risks of the
Market and Credit Risks
• The Fund is subject to credit risk as it could lose money if the issuer or guarantor
of a Fixed Income Security in which it invests, or counterparty to a derivatives
contract, is unable or unwilling to meet its f inancial obligations.

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• The Fund is subject to currency risk as changes in exchange rates between
currencies or the conversion f rom one currency to another may cause the value of
the Fund’s investments to diminish or increase.
• The Fund is subject to interest rate risk as the value of Fixed Income Securities
held by the Fund is likely to decrease if nominal interest rates rise.
Liquidity Risks
• The Fund is exposed to liquidity risk where it invests in derivative instruments
which are dif f icult to purchase or sell. If a derivative transaction is particularly large
or if the relevant market is illiquid, it may not be possible to initiate a transaction or
liquidate a position at an advantageous time or price. The Fund is not listed in
Singapore and you can redeem only on Dealing Days. There is no secondary
market in Singapore f or the Fund.
Product-Specific Risks
• The Fund's use of derivative instruments is subject to the derivatives risks
described in the Irish Prospectus, such as liquidity risk, interest rate risk,
market risk, credit risk and management risk. Derivatives will typically be used
as a substitute f or taking a position in the underlying asset
• The Fund is subject to global investment risk as securities of certain


international jurisdictions may experience more rapid and extreme changes in value.
• The Fund may be subject to high yield risk such as greater levels of interest
rate, credit and liquidity risks than Funds that do not invest in such securities.
• The Fund is subject to emerging markets risk as it invests in securities of issuers
based in developing economies which may present market, credit, currency,
liquidity, legal, political and other risks dif f erent f rom, and potentially greater than,
the risks of investing in developed f oreign countries.
• The Fund may be subject to Euro-related risks as it may have investment
exposure to Europe and the Eurozone, and in light of the sovereign debt crisis in
Europe there is the possible risk of a destabilising ef f ect on all Eurozone economies
if a country exits f rom the Euro or if the Euro ceases to exist as a single currency.
• Dividends are payable out of capital for some share classes, as a result capital
will be eroded.
• The Fund may be subject to risks from directly investing in Fixed Income
Instruments traded on CIBM. The Fund may be exposed to liquidity risks,
settlement risks, def ault of counterparties and market volatility associated with
The Management Fees and other f ees payable by the Income II Class may be Charges" of the
charged to the capital of the Income II Class. Thus, on redemptions of holdings, Singapore
shareholders may not receive back the f ull amount invested due to capital reduction. Prospectus and
Approved distributors may charge other f ees depending on the services they provide "Fees and
to you. You should check with the approved distributors whether any taxes and/or Expenses" of the
additional commissions or other f ees are charged by them. Irish Prospectus for
Payable directly by you f urther inf ormation
• You will need to pay the f ollowing f ees and charges as a percentage of your gross on f ees and
investment amount: charges.
Preliminary Charge Currently 5%; Maximum of 5%
Redemption Charge None
Exchange Charge Maximum of 1% f or H Institutional, E and M Retail Classes ;
none f or Institutional, Investor, Administrative and W Classes
Payable by the Fund f rom invested proceeds:
• The Fund will pay the f ollowing f ees and charges to the Manager and other parties:
Class Management Fee Service Fee Trail Fee Unified Fee
Institutional 0.49% p.a. - - 0.49% p.a.
H Institutional 0.66% p.a. - - 0.66% p.a.
Investor 0.49% p.a. 0.35% p.a. 3 - 0.84% p.a.
Administrative 0.49% p.a. - 0.50% p.a. 3 0.99% p.a.
E 1.39% p.a. - - 1.39% p.a.
M Retail 1.39% p.a. - - 1.39% p.a.

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W 0.39% p.a. - - 0.39% p.a.
Management Fee Breakdown 3
Institutional, H Institutional, E, Investor, M Retail and W Classes
(a) Retained by Manager 40% to 100%
(b) Paid by Manager to f inancial adviser or distributor (trailer f ee) 0% to 60%
Investor and Administrative Classes
(a) Retained by Manager 100%
(b) Paid by Manager to f inancial adviser or distributor (trailer f ee) 0%
The f ees payable to the Manager shall not exceed 2.50% per annum of the NAV.
The f ees and expenses of the Investment Advisor, the Administrator and Depositary,
shall be paid by the Manager f rom the Management Fee.
3 The f ee range applicable to each relevant Share Class may change f rom time to

time without prior notice. Your f inancial adviser is required to disclose to you the
amount of any applicable f ees (including a trailer f ee or the above noted Service Fee
or Trail Fee) that it receives f rom the Manager.
The prices of Shares will be published two Singapore Business Days af ter the "Redemption of


relevant Dealing Day in Reuters and Bloomberg (subject to the respective publisher's Shares" and
discretion) and are also posted on the Singapore Representative's websit e at "Obtaining Price
www.pimco.com. Information" of the
AND COSTS IN DOING SO? Prospectus for
• You can redeem your Shares and exit f rom this investment on any Dealing Day f urther inf ormation
by submitting to the Singapore Representative (or its approved distributors) a on valuation and
written redemption request in accordance with the procedures as set out in the exiting f rom the
Singapore Prospectus. product.
• No cancellation period is available and you cannot cancel your subscription into
the Fund.
• Redemption requests must be received by the Singapore Representative or its
approved distributors with suf f icient lead time prior to the Dealing Deadline on a
Dealing Day which is also a Singapore Business Day, f or order processing and
placing to be ef f ected on that Dealing Day. Singapore investors redeeming
through approved distributors should request f rom the relevant approved
distributors details of the relevant lead time required f or order processing and
• Shares are priced on a f orward pricing basis and your redemption proceeds will
be based on the NAV per Share as at the relevant Dealing Day multiplied by the
number of Shares redeemed, less any charge. There is currently no redemption
charge. An example is as f ollows:
Number of Shares X Redemption = Redemption
to be redeemed price proceeds
1,000 Shares X US$1.10 = US$1,100
• When redeeming through the Singapore Representative, you will receive
redemption proceeds within 4 Business Days (or such other period as the
authorities may require) f rom the relevant Dealing Day. Approved distributors will
also receive redemption proceeds within such period and when redeeming
through approved distributors, you should request details of the period within
which the redemption proceeds will be paid .
• You may contact the Singapore Representative at 8 Marina View, #30-01 Asia
Square Tower 1, Singapore 018960, tel. no. +65 6491 8008 or www.pimco.com.

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Business Day : means any day on which banks are open f or business in Dublin, Ireland or such other
days as may be specif ied by the Company, with the approval of the Depositary.
CIBM : means China Inter-Bank Bond Market.
Dealing Day : means any day on which banks are open f or business in the United States or such
other days as may be specif ied by the Directors with the approval of the Depositary
provided there shall be one Dealing Day per f ortnight and all Shareholders will be
notif ied in advance. Notwithstanding the f oregoing, it will not be a Dealing Day f or the
Fund where either as a result of public holidays or market/stock exchange closures in
any jurisdiction, it makes it dif ficult (i) to administer the Fund or (ii) value a portion of
the Fund’s assets. For f urther details on proposed Fund closures throughout the year,
Shareholders and prospective investors should contact the approved distributor or
Singapore Representative or consult the Funds Holiday Calendar (a copy of which is
also available f rom the approved distributor or Singapore Representative).
Dealing : means generally bef ore 5:00 p.m. (Singapore time) on each Dealing Day.
Fixed Income : includes Fixed Income Securities and derivative instruments including but not limited
Instruments to f utures, options and swap agreements (which may be listed or over-the-counter)


that are issued in connection with, synthesise, or are linked or ref erenced to such Fixed
Income Securities.
Fixed Income : includes the f ollowing instruments:
Securities (a) securities issued or guaranteed by Member States and non-Member States, their
sub-divisions, agencies or instrumentalities;
(b) corporate debt securities and corporate commercial paper;
(c) mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities which are transf erable
securities that are collateralised by receivables or other assets;
(d) inf lation-indexed bonds issued both by governments and corporations;
(e) event-linked bonds issued by both governments and corporations;
(f ) securities of international agencies or supranational entities;
(g) debt securities whose interest is, in the opinion of bond counsel f or the issuer at
the time of issuance, exempt f rom U.S. f ederal income tax (municipal bonds);
(h) f reely transf erable and unleveraged structured no tes, including securitised loan
(i) f reely transf erable and unleveraged hybrid securities which are derivatives that
combine a traditional stock or bond with an option or f orward contract;
(j) loan participations and loan assignments which constitute money market
Fixed Income Securities may have f ixed, variable, or f loating rates of interest, and may
vary inversely with respect to a ref erence rate.
Index : means Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index.
Irish : means the Irish prospectus of the Company.
MBS : means mortgage-backed securities.
NAV : means the net asset value of the Fund.
Net Income : means the net investment income of the Fund (which consists of interest and
dividends, less expenses).
Shares : means shares in the Fund.
Singapore : means a Business Day (excluding Saturday) on which commercial banks in Singapore
Business Day are open f or business.
Singapore : means PIMCO Asia Pte Ltd.
Supplement : means the supplement to the Irish Prospectus relating to the Fund.
UCITS : means an undertaking f or collective investment in transf erable securities.

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