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Key Information Document This document provides you with key information about this
investment product. It is not marketing material. The information is
required by law to help you understand the nature, risks, costs,
potential gains and losses of this product and to help you compare it
with other products.
JPM USD Ultra-Short Income UCITS ETF - USD (dist)
a share class of JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV – USD Ultra-Short Income UCITS ETF
a sub-fund of JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV
For more information on this product, please refer to or call +(352) 3410 3060
The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) is responsible for supervising the manufacturer, JPMorgan Asset Management
(Europe) S.à.r.l., (a member of JPMorgan Chase & Co.) in relation to this Key Information Document.
The Sub-Fund is authorised in Ireland and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland ("CBI").
What is this product?
Type Sub-Fund, the Investment Manager looks for market sectors and
This product is a UCITS exchange traded fund or "UCITS ETF". It is a individual securities that it believes will assist in delivering the Sub-
sub-fund of JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV, an Irish collective asset- Fund's investment objective by providing stable income and price
management vehicle constituted as an umbrella fund with appreciation.
segregated liability between its sub-funds and authorised by the CBI The Sub-Fund will concentrate its investments in the banking industry
pursuant to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective and, under normal conditions, will invest more than 25% of its Net
Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2011 (as Asset Value in debt securities issued by companies which are in the
amended). banking industry. The Sub-Fund may, however, invest less than 25% of
Objectives, Process and Policies its Net Asset Value in this industry as a temporary defensive measure.
Objective The Sub-Fund aims to provide current income while seeking The Sub-Fund seeks to maintain a duration of one year or less,
to maintain a low volatility of principal. although under certain market conditions, such as in periods of
Share Class Benchmark ICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Bill Index significant volatility in interest rates, the Sub-Fund's duration may be
Investment Policy The Sub-Fund pursues an actively-managed longer than one year. Duration is a measure of the price sensitivity of
investment strategy. a debt security or a portfolio of debt securities to changes in relevant
The Sub-Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by primarily interest rates.
investing in investment grade, U.S. Dollar-denominated, short term As part of its principal investment strategy and for temporary
fixed, variable and floating rate debt securities. defensive purposes, any portion of the Sub-Fund's Net Asset Value
The Sub-Fund will not seek to track the performance of the may be invested in cash and cash equivalents.
benchmark, rather the Sub-Fund will hold a portfolio of actively The Sub-Fund may, for efficient portfolio management purposes, use
selected and managed investments. The benchmark has been financial derivative instruments.
included as a point of reference against which the performance of the The Sub-Fund seeks to assess the impact of ESG factors on the cash
Sub-Fund may be measured. The Sub-Fund will be managed without flows or risk profiles of many issuers in which it may invest, to identify
reference to its benchmark. issuers that it believes will be negatively impacted by such factors
At least 51% of the Sub-Fund's assets are invested in issuers with relative to other issuers. The Investment Manager focuses on key risk
positive environmental and/or social characteristics that follow good factors, including, accounting and tax policies, disclosure and
governance practices, as measured through the Investment investor communications, shareholder rights, remuneration and
Manager's proprietary environmental, social and governance ("ESG") social and environmental factors, seeking to identify such negative
scoring methodology and/or third party data. In addition, for some outliers.
but not necessarily all issuers, the Sub-Fund incorporates a bespoke USD is the base currency of the Sub-Fund.
set of Employee Engagement and Diversity ("EE&D") data inputs, such The Sub-Fund will publicly disclose its complete holdings on a daily
as an issuer's gender breakdown, diversity programmes, ethnicity basis. Details of the Sub-Fund's holdings and full disclosure policy
score and equal pay score into the investment process. The Sub-Fund may be found on
invests at least 51% of those assets that have an EE&D rating in Redemption and Dealing Shares of the Sub-Fund are traded on one or
issuers scoring above a pre-defined threshold in relation to EE&D more stock exchanges. Certain market makers and brokers may
inputs.The Sub-Fund promotes environmental and/or social subscribe and redeem Shares directly with JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland)
characteristics. ICAV, and are referred to as "Authorised Participants". Other investors
The Sub-Fund invests at least 10% of assets excluding cash, money who are not Authorised Participants can purchase and sell Shares
market funds and derivatives for efficient portfolio management, in daily on a recognised stock exchange or over-the-counter.
Sustainable Investments, as defined under SFDR, contributing to Distribution Policy This Share Class will normally pay dividends
environmental or social objectives. monthly.
The Investment Manager evaluates and applies values and norms SFDR Classification Article 8
based screening to implement exclusions. To support this screening, Intended retail investor
the Investment Manager relies on third party provider(s) who identify This product is intended for investors who plan to stay invested for at
an issuer's participation in or the revenue which they derive from least 1 year.
activities that are inconsistent with the values and norms based Q Investors should understand the risks involved, including the risk
screens. This screening includes, for example, identifying issuers that of losing all capital invested and must evaluate the Sub-Fund
are involved in the manufacturing of controversial weapons (such as objective and risks in terms of whether they are consistent with
cluster munitions, depleted uranium ammunition and amour or anti- their own investment goals and risk tolerances. The Sub-Fund is
personnel mines), thermal coal and tobacco among others. The list of not intended as a complete investment plan.
screens applied that may result in exclusions can be found on the Q Typical investors in the Sub-Fund are expected to be investors who
Website ( want to take broad market exposure to short duration debt
The Sub-Fund systematically includes ESG analysis in its investment securities, with positive environmental and/or social
decisions on at least 75% of non-investment grade securities and on characteristics that follow good governance practices, with an
at least 90% of investment grade securities purchased. overlay of ESG integration and values and norms-based screening
The Investment Manager allocates the Sub-Fund's assets among a of its investment universe, and who are looking for potentially
range of market sectors. In buying and selling investments for the higher returns than a money market fund and are prepared to

All data is sourced by J.P. Morgan Asset Management and is correct as at the date of this commentary unless otherwise stated.
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incur a higher level of risk in order to achieve this, including the relevant parts of the Prospectus.
volatility of investments in such debt securities. The Sub-Fund is sub-fund of JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV, an Irish
Term This product does not have a fixed maturity date and may be collective asset-management vehicle with segregated liability between
liquidated in certain circumstances, as further detailed in the sub-funds. JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV consists of separate sub-
Prospectus. funds, each of which issues one or more Share Classes. This
Practical information document is prepared for a specific Share Class. The Prospectus and
Depositary The fund depositary is Brown Brothers Harriman Trustee annual and semi- annual financial reports are prepared for JPMorgan
Services (Ireland) Limited. ETFs (Ireland) ICAV.
Fund's Representative in Switzerland: JPMorgan Asset Management Switching Switching of Shares from one Sub-Fund into Shares in
(Switzerland) LLC, Dreikönigstrasse 37, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland another Sub-Fund is not permitted. Switching of Shares from one
Fund's Paying Agent in Switzerland: J.P. Morgan (Suisse) SA, Rue du Share Class into another Share Class within the same Sub-Fund is
Rhône 35, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland also not permitted to investors trading on stock exchanges but may be
Legal Information JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l. may available to the Authorised Participants. Further information can be
be held liable solely on the basis of any statement contained in this found in the Prospectus.
document that is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent with the
What are the risks and what could I get in return?
Lower risk Higher risk This rates the potential losses from future performance at a low level,
and poor market conditions are very unlikely to impact our capacity to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pay you. The risk of the product may be significantly higher if held for
less than the recommended holding period.
The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 1 year(s). This product does not include any protection from future market
performance so you could lose some or all of your investment. If we
are not able to pay you what is owed, you could lose your entire
The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product investment.
compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product Beside the risks included in the risk indicator, other risks materially
will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we relevant for the product may affect its performance. Please refer to the
are not able to pay you. relevant supplement, available free of charge at
We have classified this product as 2 out of 7, which is a low risk class.
Performance scenarios
The figures shown include all the costs of the product itself, but may not include all the costs that you pay to your advisor or distributor. The
figures do not take into account your personal tax situation, which may also affect how much you get back.
What you will get from this product depends on future market performance. Market developments in the future are uncertain and cannot be
accurately predicted.
The unfavourable, moderate, and favourable scenarios shown are illustrations using the worst, average, and best performance of the product over
the last 10 years. Markets could develop very differently in the future.
The stress scenario shows what you might get back in extreme market circumstances.
Unfavourable: this type of scenario occurred for an investment between 2021 and 2022.
Moderate: this type of scenario occurred for an investment between 2016 and 2017.
Favourable: this type of scenario occurred for an investment between 2022 and 2023.

Recommended holding period 1 year

Example Investment $ 10,000
if you exit after
1 year
Scenarios holding period)
Minimum return There is no minimum guaranteed return. You could lose some or all of your investment.
Stress What you might get back after costs $ 9,350
Average return each year -6.5%
Unfavourable What you might get back after costs $ 9,940
Average return each year -0.6%
Moderate What you might get back after costs $ 10,080
Average return each year 0.8%
Favourable What you might get back after costs $ 10,430
Average return each year 4.3%

What happens if JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à.r.l. is unable to pay out?
JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l. is responsible for the manufacturer of this product has no obligation to pay out since
administration and management of the Sub-Fund and does not hold the product design does not contemplate any such payment being
assets of the Sub-Fund (assets that can be held by a depositary are, in made. However, investors may suffer loss if the Sub-Fund or the
line with applicable regulations, held with a depositary in its custody depositary is unable to pay out. There is no compensation or
network). JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l., as guarantee scheme in place which may offset, all or any of, your loss.
What are the costs?
The person advising on or selling you this product may charge you other costs. If so, this person will provide you with information about these
costs and how they affect your investment.
Costs over time
The tables show the amounts that are taken from your investment to cover different types of costs. These amounts depend on how much you
invest, how long you hold the product. The amounts shown here are illustrations based on an example investment amount and different possible
investment periods.
We have assumed:

JPM USD Ultra-Short Income UCITS ETF - USD (dist) (IE00BDFC6Q91)

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Q in the first year you would get back the amount that you invested (0% annual return). For the other holding periods we have assumed the
product performs as shown in the moderate scenario
Q $ 10,000 is invested.
if you exit after
1 year
Example Investment $ 10,000 holding period)
Total Costs $ 19
Annual cost impact* 0.2%
(*) This illustrates how costs reduce your return each year over the holding period. For example it shows that if you exit at the recommended
holding period your average return per year is projected to be 0.8% before costs and 0.8% after costs.
Composition of costs
Annual cost impact if you exit
One-off costs upon entry or exit after 1 year
Entry costs 0.00% , we do not charge an entry fee. 0 USD
Exit costs 0.00% , we do not charge an exit fee for this product, but the person 0 USD
selling you the product may do so.
Ongoing costs taken each year
Management fees and other 0.18% of the value of your investment per year. 18 USD
administrative or operating This is an estimate based on actual costs over the last year.
Transaction costs 0.01% of the value of your investment per year. This is an estimate of the 1 USD
costs incurred when we buy and sell the underlying investments for the
product. The actual amount will vary depending on how much we buy and
Incidental costs taken under specific conditions
Performance fees There is no performance fee for this product. 0 USD

How long should I hold it and can I take money out early?
Recommended holding period: 1 year(s) time during this period however your return may be negatively
This product is designed for shorter term investments due to its impacted by the volatility of its performance. Redemptions are
volatility profile; you should be prepared to stay invested for at possible on every Dealing Day, with proceeds settled within 2 business
least 1 year. You can redeem your investment without penalty at any days.
How can I complain?
If you have a complaint about the Sub-Fund, you can contact us by You can find more details about how to complain and the
calling +(352) 3410 3060 or by writing to or Management Company's complaint handling policy in the Contact Us
JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l., 6 route de Trèves, L- section of the website at:
2633 Senningerberg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg If you have a complaint about the person who advised you about this
product, or who sold it to you, they will tell you where to complain.
Other relevant information
Further information Further information on the Sub-Fund, including its monitored for legal, security and training purposes. You should also
sustainable characteristics, may be found in the Prospectus, relevant take note that information and data from communications with you
supplement and on A copy of the may be processed by J. P. Morgan Asset Management, acting as a data
Prospectus, relevant supplement and the latest annual and semi- controller, in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Further
annual financial report in English and certain other languages and the information about processing activities of J.P. Morgan Asset
latest Net Asset Value are available free of charge upon request from Management can be found in the EMEA Privacy Policy, which is, by email from available at Additional, or by writing to JPMorgan Asset copies of the EMEA Privacy Policy are available on request.
Management (Europe) S.à r.l, 6 route de Trèves, L-2633 Senningerberg, Cost, performance and risk The cost, performance and risk
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Investors in Switzerland may also obtain calculations included in this key information document follow the
the Prospectus, Key Information Document, Articles of Incorporation methodology prescribed by EU rules. Note that the performance
and the annual and semi-annual financial report free of charge from scenarios calculated above are derived exclusively from the past
the Fund's Representative above. Portfolio disclosure policy of performance of the product or a relevant proxy and that past
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV can be obtained at www. performance is not a guide to future returns. Therefore, your The latest prices of shares can be investment may be at risk and you may not get back the returns
obtained from your broker. illustrated.
Remuneration Policy The Management Company's Remuneration Investors should not base their investment decisions solely upon the
Policy can be found on scenarios shown.
emea-remuneration-policy. This policy includes details of how Performance scenarios You can find previous performance scenarios
remuneration and benefits are calculated, including responsibilities updated on a monthly basis at
and composition of the committee which oversees and controls the asset-management/priips/products/IE00BDFC6Q91.
policy. A copy of this policy can be requested free of charge from the Past performance You can find the past performance over the last 3
Management Company. years on our website at
Tax The Sub-Fund is subject to Irish tax regulations. This may have an management/priips/products/IE00BDFC6Q91.
impact on an investor's personal tax position. For an explanation of some of the terms used in this document,
Privacy Policy You should note that, if you contact J.P. Morgan Asset please visit the glossary on our website at www.
Management by telephone, those lines may be recorded and

JPM USD Ultra-Short Income UCITS ETF - USD (dist) (IE00BDFC6Q91)

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