Lab 1 - Installing Windows Server 2019
Lab 1 - Installing Windows Server 2019
Lab 1 - Installing Windows Server 2019
7. Place a check next to I accept the license terms and click Next.
8. Select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).
Note that the storage devices within your computer are displayed. Highlight any
partitions under the storage device that you would like to install Windows Server 2019
on (e.g., Drive 0) and click Delete in turn until no more partitions exist under your
storage device. Finally, highlight the storage device and click Next to install Windows
Server 2019 on it.
9. After the installation has completed, click Restart now, if necessary.
10. When the Customize settings window appears, supply the password CT209Hm$ in the
Password and Reenter password text boxes and click Finish.
11. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del. At the login screen, supply the password CT209Hm$ for
Administrator and press Enter to log into the system.
The machine will set up the properties of the administrator account.
Notice that the Server Manager dashboard automatically appears. Your Windows Server
2019 installation is now complete.
network interface automatically via a DHCP server or ICMPv6. Record this
configuration and click Close.
c. In the Ethernet Status window, click Properties.
d. In the Ethernet Properties window, highlight Internet Protocol Version 4
(TCP/IPv4) and click Properties. If your network environment requires
manual IPv4 configuration, select Use the following IP address and supply
the correct information. Next, select Use the following DNS server
addresses and supply the correct DNS server information. Click OK when
e. In the Ethernet Properties window, highlight Internet Protocol Version 6
(TCP/IPv6) and click Properties. If your network environment requires
manual IPv6 configuration, select Use the following IPv6 address and
supply the correct information. Next, select Use the following DNS server
addresses and supply the correct DNS server information. Click OK when
f. Click OK to close the Ethernet Properties window, and click Close to close
the Ethernet Status window. Finally, close the Network Connections window
6. In the Server Manager Properties window, click the hyperlink next to Computer
a. At the System Properties window, click Change. Note that your computer
received a generated computer name and is part of a workgroup called
b. In the Computer name box, type a new computer name of SVR-DC1, wher
X is a number that is uniquely assigned to you by your instructor, and click
c. Click OK at the Computer Name/Domain Changes window, and click Close
in the System Properties window.
d. Click Restart Now to restart your Windows Server 2019 server.
7. After your server has rebooted, log into the system as Administrator using the
password CT209Hm$. After a few moments, Server Manager will open.
8. Within Server Manager, navigate to Local Server and note the hyperlink next to
Product ID. Depending on the installation media that you used to install your server
and the nature of your organization’s network environment, you may see that your
Windows Server 2019 system is activated. If it is not activated, click the Not
activated hyperlink and follow the prompts to supply the correct product key and
license information for your environment. When finished, close the Settings
window and Server Manager.
9. Click the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar.
a. Click OK at the Internet Explorer 11 window.
b. Enter the URL and follow the prompts to
download and install the latest version of the Chrome Web browser.
10. Right-click the Start menu and select Shut down or sign out, and click Shut down.
Click Continue to shut down your system.
EXERCISE 3: Installing Active Directory Domain Services Role
1. Click Dashboard in left pane of Server Manager, then click Add Roles and Features,
and the Click Next
2. In Select Installation Type Windows, select “Role-based of feature-based
3. Click Next to accept the default local server. The Select Server Roles page appears
EXERCISE 4: Promoting a Domain Controller
1. On SVR-DC1, in Server Manager, click the AD DS link in the left pane. The AD
DS home page appears, with a warning message stating that configuration is
required for AD DS
2. Click the More link. The All Servers Task Details window appears
3. Click the Promote this server to a domain controller link. The Active Directory
Domain Services Configuration Wizard appears, displaying the Deployment
Configuration page.
(Or simply click on Exclamation next to Manage and choose Promote this server
to a domain controller)
4. In Deployment Configuration window, select Add a new forest, and in the Root
domain name text box, type the domain name assigned to the student and click
6. In the Password and Confirm Password text boxes, type CT209Hm$ and click Next.
The DNS Options page appears
7. Follow the wizard to finish AD DS configuration
14. Type Exit and press Enter.
15. Type Net User Administrator * and press Enter.
16. Type in the password of user administrator and then confirm the password.
17. Type the following command (to change the computer name) and press Enter:
Netdom renamecomputer %computername% /newname:DC3
18. Type Y and press Enter.
19. Type Shutdown /R /T 0 and press Enter. This will reboot the machine. After the
reboot, log back into the system.
20. Type PowerShell and press Enter.
21. At the PowerShell prompt, type Add-WindowsFeature DNS and press Enter. This
will add DNS to the server.
22. At the PowerShell prompt, type Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services
-IncludeManagementTools and press Enter.
23. At the PowerShell prompt, type Import-Module ADDSDeployment.
24. Configure DNS
Set-DnsClientServerAddress –InterfaceIndex 2 -ServerAddresses
25. Promote the server to a domain controller in an existing domain
Install-ADDSDomainController -InstallDns -Credential (Get-Credential
A\Administrator) -DomainName A.lab -SafeModeAdministratorPassword (ConvertTo-
SecureString -AsPlainText "" -Force) –NoGlobalCatalog $false
26. You will be prompted to enter again the password for the domain administrator.
Input the password of the domain administrator
27. Type Y and press Enter.
28. After restarting, running sconfig on the server core to verify that Windows Server
core has joined the domain on the first DC.
29. Verifying that the Windows 2016 core server now is a domain controller
Nltest /dclist:<domain>
Or using the tool ADUC on the Enterprise Desktop DC.