Revision - Model Answer
Revision - Model Answer
Revision - Model Answer
1 She likes making installations / murals using old chairs and lights.
3 He painted a portrait / landscape of his friend sitting under a tree and surrounded
with lots of flowers.
5 She painted a huge collage / mural that covered the whole wall in her garden.
5 Most of the boys like car racing, a few like teddy bears.
1 These tiny paintbrushes are too small / not big enough (big) for us to paint the mural.
2 I can’t cut this cardboard, it’s too thick / not thin enough (thick).
3 It’s too dark / not light enough (dark) in here to paint, I can’t see what I’m doing!
4 Can you help me? I’m not tall enough / too short (tall) to hang this mobile from the ceiling.
5 I’d like to buy that camera, but it’s too expensive (expensive) for me.
3 (Enough / Most) of the pictures in this book are black and white, about 90%.
4 I can’t see the cat in this picture, (it’s too / it isn’t too) small.
5 There’s only (a little / a few) red paint left, but we still have lots of blue.
6 I don’t think I’ll put my painting in the competition. ( It’s good enough /
It isn’t good enough).
5 Write a cinquain poem. Use the five points below to help you.
1 Choose one of these words: collage / portrait / maps.
Collage Portrait
3 Write three verbs (with –ing) that connect with your word.
Cutting, pasting, hanging / painting, colouring, drawing
5 Write one word that is similar to the first word you chose.
Memory / Illustration
2 Quiet, soft
5 Wet
Now write your own poem of five lines. Choose ONE of these, or use
your own idea:
1 The Sun
2 Shiny, bright
5 Hot
Best Sculpture
Dad stopped and gazed at the wall. “Now, I like this sculpture most of all.
I like the pale colour and the shape”. It’s great.”
“It’s just a boring, plastic box,” said Shane.
“No way is this art. ”Dad shook his head.
“It’s an installation, Shane. Sometimes art is better when it’s simple.
Shane shook his head. “It’s nothing
Just then a security guard squeezed in front of them. “Excuse me,” she said.
“I just need to turn on a few lights so people can see a bit better.”
The guard leaned over and pressed the plastic box.
The lights in the room came on.
“What was that you were saying, Dad?” said Shane with a
3 The security guard turned on the alarm / lights / music in the room.
3 At the end, Shane realized that the plastic box was ………