Awaken The - Buy - Instinct NG

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An Unusual Approach To Messaging That Warms People Up To Love You And
Open Their Resources To You - Even Before An Offer Is Made.

Emmanuel Abolo
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To you.

To the opening of your minds,

And the redefining of your possibilities

I had just joined a Network Marketing company as a teenager and
the first product I could afford to sell was a gas regulator

I took it to a considerably well-to-do family who after agreeing to

get it asked that I install it

It took me an hour to install it for them, but I finally figured it out

and it was working, after which I got paid

Then the man said to me:

“Now you know how hard it is to make money”

That statement stung me deep in my soul and maybe because he

was well-to-do and I was a teenager, my young mind was
convinced that if it is not hard, you won’t make money from it
And that was where my struggle began,

From Network marketing to book sales, to running a printing firm,

to ecommerce, to running a clothing brand to teaching financial
intelligence to young adults, to teaching marketing and sales to
running an agency…

I had to force my way through the minds of people to buy my

offers, being needy and desperate for a yes many times

And I did not enjoy it at all.

I always had this anticipated fear of rejection in my heart that

either made me to not take any action, or to sabotage my action
taking by making it obvious I was needy

It was a constant losing game (even if I won sometimes) which

led to highs and lows in business…
Good months when I felt lucky, and lots of bad months when I
was afraid

And what I’ve come to learn is, IF YOU NEVER FIND A WAY TO

Which is why I wrote this book:

To help coaches, consultants, course creators, agency owners or

experts break free from having to beg for sales, but whisper into
the hearts of prospects in a way that makes them strongly inclined
to buy with joy.

This ideas in this book are not quite the regular advice you will
see in marketing books, courses or programs and it is deliberately

Because just like you, I spent 90% of all I made to “invest in

myself” by buying courses, books and coaching, but only ended
up more manipulative and pressurizing when selling.
The tactics always had new clothing on it, but it had the same
effect and I knew this was not what I wanted which is why I will
not be rehashing what you already know.

You must however know that if you’re the type that is easily
offended and hold “standards” that make you selfish too dear, this
book will not help you

I will puncture your ego and your need to be liked and loved by
everyone over being raw and real with yourself with the ideas I
share here

Okay, let’s dive in.

First off, here’s

What No One Says About High Ticket

The whole fuzz of being a coach, course creator, expert etc.

usually centres around the fact that people pay more for expertise
than they do for commodities

And while there was a lot of encouragement on social media to

“sell your brain”, I happened to have figured this truth out when in
Network Marketing

So by the time I wanted to transition to the High Ticket space,

there was a lot of trainings on High Ticket Sales and what nots,
but unlike for the 10% of people whose testimonials get
published, I found it difficult attracting and closing High Ticket
It took me 17 months after learning High Ticket Sales from two
mentors before I could close a $6,000 sale

And it was not because I had bad mentors or I was a bad student
who did not implement.

On the contrary, I watched the videos every day for a month at

some point, cold called people every day, and while in different
programs, I prospected every day.

In fact, I created 2 courses, one for my Nigerian market and one

for my international audience on how to close high ticket sales.

I’m basically saying: I KNEW ALL THE RULES so I should not

have struggled.

But I struggled because despite knowing all the rules, I repelled

“high ticket clients”
When by persistency, i got my first $6000 sale, I ruined the
relationship because energetically, I was not the kind of person
they should be working with

I use the word “energetically” because the client/expert

relationship is really one of energy

And to prove that to you, when my contract with them was done,
even though my brilliant expertise took them to more than double
their monthly sales, they said they wouldn’t want to openly
associate with me incase anything happens in the future and they
are called to question, despite the fact that they were pleased with
my work

Basically, they let me in, but not fully (they set boundaries). That
is what we call friend zones in relationships – I like you, but I can’t
allow you have access to an exclusive relationship with me.
If clients treat you this way, you not only cannot help them at your
fullest, because their boundaries will limit you; and you will also
grow slowly which is why you need to do things differently.

High ticket clients have a high self-worth i.e. the amount they
are paying is because they esteem themselves that much

They are not necessarily looking for someone with their solution,
they are looking for someone who gives them the feeling that their
self-worth will increase

So they will pay huge sums of money to get that feeling

Low ticket clients on the other hand have low self-worth.

They do not attach what they want to their internal state of being,
so they see offers as commodities, and bail out every time they
see what they consider as a huge price tag, because they feel
they don’t deserve it
The higher their self-worth, the better the quality of client they will
be and the more money you can charge and make

The image above shows a simple chart of client quality to

High ticket clients who set boundaries for you feel they have a
high self-worth while you do have a low self-worth. That was my

A common misconception with attracting high self-worth clients is

that unlike low self-worth clients, they don't buy based on
emotions, but make logical decisions because they are buying
expensive offers

If that were true, every knowledgeable expert out there would be

having $10,000 clients daily because most of our waking lives is
governed by our logic.

But here’s the truth with what we call “logical thinking”:

Neuroscientists have proved that when we think thoughts, our

brain makes chemicals, and sends those chemicals to the body
and the body responds by creating a feeling
Then the brain notices that the body has a feeling, so it generates
another thought matched exactly to that feeling, which produces
more of the same chemical messages that create feelings in the

So it’s a thought - feelings cycle

So you think the way you were just feeling and feel the way
you were just thinking.

So, if you think High ticket clients make logical decisions, those
decisions are actually based on how they feel.

Therefore, to attract them, make them buy, make them have

no boundaries for you, you have to arouse certain feelings in

If you don’t know how to arouse those feelings in them you will
remain stuck trying to logically convince them as to why you’re the
one to be hired

It’s energetically draining to be in that position

The Greatest Addiction Of Man

It’s not cocaine, it’s not meth nor is it any substance

It’s an addiction common to every man from the moment they can
name things.

It’s an addiction that they kill for and die for.

Let me juggle your memory a bit,

You remember the story of this woman?

Don’t judge her. She is like everyone of us, she probably just had
a bigger need than the rest of us
It’s the manifestation of that addiction; an addiction to fulfil desires
we’ve always had and desires we have hence we enjoy it when
we buy things

In her case, when she couldn’t buy it, she had to act like she
bought it because she wants to raise money to buy it

This is the greatest addiction of man: BUYING

And the biggest lie marketing coaching programs have sold us is

that people have resistance to buying and we have to “be smart”
to get them to buy hence the sneaky tactics

Well, that’s one lie, there’s another

Let’s take a clue from two industries. The first is e-learning

When the e-learning space came to limelight, everyone was
predicting how it would be worth 3 billion dollars by 2025, it looked
like the next big things

The big dogs were making webinars about it and then coaches
began rising in their numbers, some people were doing well until
the numbers began drastically reducing

Every niche became populated with several coaches for the same
offer and there was a massive hatred for the coaching industry
and a lot of coaches began to struggle with sales

The second industry is the hard drugs industry.

Unlike the e-learning space, this space is worth billions of dollars

and despite all the law enforcement against this industry, it keeps
This is the same with the pornographic industry, the xanax
industry (drugs for sleeping), the pharmaceuticals industry, the
liposuction industry and quite a number

They never experience a down year no matter how much people

publicly condemn these spaces

This brings about the question: What do people really buy? I.e. if
buying is such an addiction, what do people really buy

Do they buy offers with “a lot of bonuses, heavy promises to make

money, lose weight or find the dream girl” or offers sold with a
certain copy template that has generated 8 figures in sales

Or is there something they buy that no one is talking about

I found the research that reveals what millions of American

households buy (which quite frankly is one of the most spending
cultures in the world and hence could reveal a lot about human
buying behavior)

From the research, consumer spending has typically been divided

into two broad categories:

The first is called discretionary spending, and the second is called

non-discretionary spending.

Discretionary spending simply refers to non-essential expenses

like decorating, recreation, and travel. Items we consider as
nonessential or optional. Things you can live without.

Non-discretionary spending refers to consumer spending on

necessary goods and services.

This includes housing, health care, food, clothing and

It was said that the vast majority of Americans would dedicate
well over 60% of their spending to non-discretionary spending
which is spending on necessary goods.

And according to the 2020 US Bureau of Labour Statistics report

on consumer expenditures, which references data from 2018, the
top expense among American consumers in either category is

Rent and mortgage accounts for roughly 32.8% of all consumer


That is, 60% of all expenses go to necessary items, and out of

that 60%, 32.8% goes to rent and mortgage.

Now here’s the point:

When it comes to rent and mortgages, people don't get to decide
if they should pay or not pay, because it's necessary for their

That is the first lesson in human buying behaviour. People will

pay for anything when their survival depends on it.

I'm sure you can relate to buying things that you did not have a
budget for, but you needed it to survive.

Now let's delve into discretionary or non-essential spending for a


The top categories of discretionary spending, coming in at 5.6% in

2018, were dining out and entertainment. Dining out includes
spending at restaurants, convenience stores, vending machines
and more.
From the look of things above, people are spending on their
emotional cravings.

It's why industries like cannabis, plastic surgery, pornography is

worth billions of dollars.

Point in case: people spend money on their cravings.

This shows that buying is not a logical decision.

Because we find money to spend on things we need for

survival or to satisfy our emotional cravings.

So to awaken the “buy” instinct in prospects, you have to be seen

as an emergency for their survival or you have to be craved after

Better still, if you are seen as more important than emergencies

and cravings in their lives.
If the e-learning space successfully modelled this, everyone in it
would have been very rich and some people are. But the way
marketing is done by the experts and coaches in this space gives
off a completely different energy from someone to be seen as an
emergency or a craving

Just look to your Facebook feed, in 20 posts, how many make

you feel like you feel when you’re horny and want to have sex or
when you’re starving and want to grab a bite. I bet it’s almost

And your marketing is probably like that too, if you had any decent
marketing training from 99% of the marketing and sales
books/coaching programs out there today

Let this be the book that makes you change completely.

Why ‘Sales Scripts’ Don’t Work As
Effectively As They Used To
“You need a sales script if you’re just starting out and need to
close sales because you need to know what to say when
prospects throw an objection at you”

Ah well, there is nothing wrong with that statement and there is

nothing wrong with using a sales script.

If you were not reading this book and was never going to get to a
point where you do very little selling, yet close a lot easier, then
you could struggle with sales scripts for years till you change your
offer or your business entirely. A lot of people end up doing that.

You see it a lot, and very rarely will you find a marketer follow the
same sales process for 10 years. They either delegate it to
someone else (who cares more about their commission than they
care about the business), call it a waste of their time and start
doing something else like running a software company.

What they don’t admit is, no matter how good you become with
those sales scripts, it’s hard to enjoy. I’m guessing its why we’ve
not had a billion dollar online coaching or expert business yet:
because most of the processes are not 100% effective and I’ll tell
you why shortly

I joined 4 high ticket sales programs and created sales scripts


But I found it hard to close a sale for 17 months because there

was a lot of things that didn’t quite sit well with me and it made it
hard for me to close a sale until I changed my mindset

When I started closing sales, the difference was clear, the calls
were more enjoyable, the money was too. Plus I did not have to
use a script. I remember a prospect before she became a client
saying “where’s this presentation at?”. She just felt compelled to
buy without a script.

One of the most outstanding testimonials I got from a client who

stopped relying on sales scripts when she started working with
me was that her calls went from lasting 1 hour 30 mins to 15-30
mins and she was closing 66% of booked calls as opposed to
closing 10% prior. The game had changed.

Here’s where scripts fall short and this is all scripts no matter
when it got invented:

Earlier in the previous chapter I mentioned that buying is an

addiction for people which means there’s an instinct in people that
wants to buy.

That instinct can be triggered by emergencies or cravings, and it

can also be killed by a sense of security, comfort, satisfaction,
displeasure or indifference.
When the mind is in a familiar environment, it feels like “I’ve dealt
with this before” and so it relaxes and takes control. That makes it
impossible for a buying decision to be made at that moment which
is what happens when you use a script created by another
person, the prospect’s subconscious can sense the misalignment
in your usage, and someone else might have used a version of it
with them so their mind sees it as familiar.

And familiarity breeds contempt.

Also, the scripts are predictable, and predictability is the

death of conversions

You never want to be a position where prospects feel like “oh, I

know what he’s doing there” or “I know what she’s up to, but let
me play along”
It’s an easy position for them to come out of, i call it fickle
emotions. They may buy, but not because you were really in
control. Because if you really try to be in control using those
scripts, you’ll have to apply pressure and today’s buyers are very
sceptical of high pressure sales, especially for high ticket.

If they buy as a result of fickle emotions, it’s unstable, so they

could easily get buyers’ remorse or buy and not implement fully,
set boundaries for you and so on

It’s like a one night stand with a drunk girl at the bar, she would
not suddenly choose to follow every dictate of yours that you
would expect from a wife or spend the rest of her life with you
because of a one night stand.

She was drunk, she didn’t care, she was horny and you probably
weren’t that great, just like a lot of guys. So, we're done, forget
about it.
Reminds me of this scene from Quantico where Alex says to
Ryan as he tries to act like they were just meeting for the first
time. She says to him, we had sex in your car 6 hours ago. It
sounded like she did not care

This is how prospects can feel when selling only generates fickle
emotions in them and it’s why when they become clients they get
don’t renew or stay long with us. Some don’t even utilize what is
offered, they pay and ghost.

No coach or expert would want that.

relying on sales scripts that create them is leaving a lot of money
on the table.

Your goal should be to create long lasting emotions in

people that last months and years, making them easily buy
and commit.

Now, let’s see if the same thing applies to copywriting

The Greatest Copywriter in History
Hinted On This Black Box Of Copy

I was running 3 businesses after school when I was still at my

parents’. I was so broke, my goal back then was to make $80 per
month in profit

I had been looking up copywriting from YouTube and found a

book I was interested in (it was about $14).

I bought the book and then re wrote by hand the copy he used to
sell me the book
Few days after that, a copywriter wrote a copy to sell me his
copywriting services.

The copy was actually good that I took a pen and a sheet of paper
and re wrote by hand his copy instead of hiring him

I couldn’t place it back then, but there was something about the
copy that made me buy and the copy that made me…well, copy

From that time on, I had bought hundreds of internet marketing

offers, some because I was constantly marketed at, some
because I had the money, and some because I was just curious

To me, the copies I saw waspretty much a hit, miss or maybe and
these guys were considered the best marketers in the world
Not until I found a copywriter who literally made me buy every
offer he put out, which were minimum 6 times more than the price
of an average marketer’s offer

This was when I realized that there was a difference between

good copy I have seen from all over the world and this guy’s copy

It was something.

I bought all he sold except for the one I was so certain I will never
need because it is not my field.

After 2 years of following him, I got the opportunity to understudy


And that was when I realized that all the things I had learnt about
copy were not the whole truth or the truth lacking power
There was a black box, and in searching the greatest copywriters
to ever live, I notice they all hinted at this black box

For example, one of the best copywriters in history Eugene

Schwartz wrote about the levels of market sophistication in 1965
and I will mention these levels so you see what the marketing
world has been doing for decades.


The first level of sophistication has to do with using a direct claim

such as

“Lose Fat, join the Lean in 6 weeks coaching program now”.

This will work if you are the first ever to market your offer in this
market, you have no competitors or objections to your message,
and this market needs a solution badly

If you are not the first to market, then your prospects are at the
second level of sophistication, then you would want to
“out-promise” the existing solutions out there with something like:

“Get Lean in 6 Weeks or Receive $200 In Compensation”

It’s at this stage, marketers throw in big promises, guarantees and

so on. But like Eugene said:

“Toward the end, the process disintegrates. The successful

claim is overworked; enlargement piles upon enlargement.
New competitors enter the field - each trying to promise
more. Headlines double and triple in size. Words begin to
lose their meaning - “whiter than-whites” appear. The
prospect becomes confused- then sceptical. Believability is
shattered; claims are automatically discounted 50% by their
readers. More promise is poured in to compensate. The
government begins to investigate. And the sales curve
begins to turn down-down-down.”


The third stage of sophistication emerges when your market has

heard all the claims and have probably tried a couple and began
to accept their problems as unsolvable. Here they become difficult
prospects to convince with new claims

At this point, you have to introduce a new mechanism for solving

the same old problem

In the case of the fat problem, it could be:

“The amazing scientific discovery that melts up to 37 pounds

without giving up the foods you love”
If they’ve had to give up foods they love before now, then they
would most certainly have a rekindled interest


The fourth stage of sophistication is just like the second. If your

competitors have made similar claims to you in the third stage,
then you might want to elaborate on yours and make your own
mechanism bigger, better, easier, quicker etc.

But just like the second stage of sophistication, the promises

wear out and the market for that solution literally dies

This is exactly why every market out there suffers a death

blow somehow and entrepreneurs dry out in sales or have to
go through hurdles of nurturing just to get customers

Unfortunately, these 4 stages:

1. Die out eventually and so does your sales

2. Are energetically draining because yu have to keep testing
and changing just to get buyers eventually forcing you to
become desperate and prospects hate desperation in

It repels them like flies to fire

3. Because you are mostly predictable to the buyer, you

never have high conversions long enough, except you are
more famous than others in your market or you’re the first
to use that tactic.

This is why people keep saying a medium like webinars or emails

or Facebook Ads is dead.

They die out because the way they are used is predictable by
So, for you to make it easy for people to buy, you need to be
unpredictable, use a form of messaging that doesn’t die out
and totally have zero desperation.

And that’s why I invented the venom-like messaging

Venom-Like Messaging

In the jungle when animals hunt, they learn to run, catch and
outpower their prey to be fed. It’s a lot of struggle

But snakes with venom do it differently; they inject their venom

into the prey, the prey may run but it eventually dies by that
venom and the snake has it’s meal. So easy.

This is why I called this form of messaging the venom-like

Sales expert, Jeffrey Gitomer don’t like to be sold, but they love to
buy. They are growing increasingly weary of copy, sales calls,
irresistible offers, cheeky webinars etc.

They want to make the decisions themselves.

And since we know that if we leave people to make the decisions

themselves, they will wrongly judge what we have to offer and
make wrong decisions, I found a way to influence their buying
decision, such that they think it’s their decision, but it’s ours all
This is what the Venom-like messaging is all about.

Using this form of messaging will ensure you are never

predictable, and you make your market make decisions you want
them to make without them knowing it was your idea.

If you would like to read more about this venom-like messaging

and how to apply it to your coaching or expert business, there is a
link below you should click

Application of the venom-like messaging transcends channels;

you could use it on webinars; sales copies, it could be weaved it
into your sales calls, your social media content, etc.

Click the link below to see how the venom like messaging works
and how you can use it.

Here’s the link: LINK.

Click here to build your own venom like messaging

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