Ijerph 18 10024
Ijerph 18 10024
Ijerph 18 10024
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Menstrual Cycle Hormonal Changes and Energy Substrate
Metabolism in Exercising Women: A Perspective
Anthony C. Hackney 1,2
1 Department of Exercise & Sport Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA;
ach@email.unc.edu; Tel.: +1-919-962-0334
2 Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
Abstract: This article discusses the research supporting that the hormonal changes across the men-
strual cycle phases affect a woman’s physiology during exercise, specifically addressing aspects of
energy substrate metabolism and macro-nutrient utilization and oxidation. The overarching aim is to
provide a perspective on what are the limitations of earlier research studies that have concluded such
hormonal changes do not affect energy metabolism. Furthermore, suggestions are made concerning
research approaches in future studies to increase the likelihood of providing evidence-based data
in support of the perspective that menstrual cycle hormonal changes do affect energy metabolism in
exercising women.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 10024. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910024 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 10024 2 of 8
the term “estrogens” is used herein collectively to refer to estrone, estriol, and estradiol-β-
17; the latter being the predominate hormonal form in women [11]). Animal-based evidence
clearly supports the impactful actions of estrogens on metabolism, and some, but not all
human-based research concurs [4–6,11]. To date, due to conflicting findings between human
studies, no consensus in the research community exists on the efficacy, uniformity, and
magnitude (if any) of the effect of estrogen changes throughout the menstrual cycle phases
on substrate metabolism. As a consequence, many scientists in the research community
can essentially be divided into two schools of thought:
• Those who believe menstrual cycle hormonal changes do affect a woman’s metabolism
during exercise, and
• Those who believe the menstrual cycle hormonal changes do not affect a woman’s
metabolism during exercise.
Accordingly, the intent of this commentary article is to address select aspects of this
topic. Especially, it presents those factors that have historically led potentially to the
ambiguity in the research findings on this topic and to argue for the perspective that the
menstrual cycle hormonal changes do affect a woman’s energy metabolism during exercise.
Organizationally this article presents, (a) background evidence of the do affect research
studies supporting menstrual cycle hormonal changes on energy substrate metabolism,
(b) factors in prior do not affect studies confounding and limiting their findings, and (c)
commentary (recommendations) throughout for improving research in this area. For those
readers unfamiliar with the physiology and endocrinology of the menstrual cycle, select
review articles [5,10] are recommended for an overview of these topics.
2. Research Background
2.1. Muscle Glycogen—Glucose
Most studies in women have not detected any difference in energy substrate metabolism
at rest between menstrual cycle phases [12], but stored energy reserves are reported to differ.
Especially, muscle glycogen content (vastus lateralis) at rest is higher in the luteal phase
(LP, high FSSH levels) than in the follicular phase (FP, low FSSH levels) of the menstrual
cycle when dietary carbohydrate intake is standardized [13]. This was speculated to be
an LP induced glycogen sparing effect brought on via an enhanced reliance on fat as an
energy source. However, other researchers noted that resting (free-living) food selection
in physically active women shifts towards greater levels of carbohydrate consumption in
the LP, thereby perhaps leading to increases in glycogen synthesis and storage [14]. In
agreement with this last point, Becket et al. found estrogens increase muscle glycogen
synthase activity in rodent-model research [15].
A number of studies report submaximal steady-state exercise when performed in the
LP versus FP results in differences in muscle glycogen utilization [16–18]. For example,
during a standardized 60-min cycling bout (~70% maximal oxygen uptake [VO2max ] in
both the LP and FP), a muscle glycogen sparing effect was observed in the LP [17]. Again,
this is presumed to be due to increasing fat utilization occurring and as such inducing the
glycogen sparing during the LP. Supportively, Zderic et al. found the rate of appearance
(Ra; from hepatic glycogenolysis) and disappearance (Rd) of glucose were lower in LP
than FP during cycling exercise (at ~90% lactate threshold) [19]. Similarly, Devries et al.
reported glucose Ra and Rd and total glycogen utilization were lower in LP than FP during
endurance exercise (90 min cycling at 65% of VO2max ) [18]. These authors also attributed
their findings to the higher concentration of estrogens in the LP promoting increased muscle
glycogen storage (rest) and sparing during exercise [18,20]. Interestingly, the influences of
the estrogens to affect hepatic glucose output has been detected only at exercise intensities
that are sufficiently elevated to increase the glucose utilization demand above a certain
level [19,21].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 10024 3 of 8
2.3. Lactate
For decades, lactate has been viewed as a mainstay of assessing anaerobiosis in an
exercising individual. Forty years ago, Jurkowski and associates first demonstrated that
peak lactate response to a standardized exercise session was lower in the LP versus FP [28].
The authors attributed this to the Ra of lactate and carbohydrate substrate turnover being
less in LP due to changing FSSH concentrations. These results were confirmed in later
studies by McCracken et al. [24] and Berend et al. [25] involving intensive/exhaustive
exercise. Furthermore, others have reported comparable findings for submaximal exercise
levels occurring near the lactate threshold [26,29,30].
Figure 1. The figure illustrates the direct (____ ) and indirect (—-) effects of estrogens (E2 ) on a variety
of hormones and physiological processes important to exercise energy metabolism; e.g., energy
substrate availability-mobilization, Abbreviations: FFA = free fatty acids, G = glucagon, GH = growth
hormones, I insulin, TG = triglycerides. Symbols: ↑ = increase, ↓ = decrease, ∆ = change. Taken
from [5], used with permission.
3.1. All Women Are Not Alike and as Such, Menstrual Cycles Are Not Alike
Historically, many researchers have assumed that the menstrual cycle in eumenorrheic
women is approximately 28 days long, and always shows the classic FSSH changes (i.e.,
model textbook patterns of responses). As such, if one knows the first day of menstruation,
then using a simple forward counting method, and assumes there is ovulation, and that
the main phases of the cycle (FP, LP) are equally distributed before and after ovulation,
then the cycle phases and hormonal changes can be known approximately. This approach
was used for many years in early menstrual cycle research studies. The problem here lies
with the assumptions made, which can be totally wrong as evidence shows, for example:
• Cycle length varies between women (cycles can be 21 to 35 days, with 2 to 7 days
of menses).
• Cycle length can vary within a woman by up to 8 days.
• Cycle phase length can also vary within women (FP = ±6 days, LP = ±4 days).
• Eumenorrheic women may not always ovulate (e.g., annually with 10–13 cycles a year,
a healthy woman could still see one anovulation during this period of time, and as
such not see hormonal changes) [37–39].
clear, definitive terminology on menstrual cycle status and precise operational definitions of
cycle phases [10]. This last point is extremely relative; i.e., causing difficulty in comparing
study outcomes concerning metabolism (e.g., trying to compare the early FP with the late
FP when FSSH values differ greatly is not valid). Furthermore, because of the variability in
cycle phase length (discussed prior) some studies have not clearly and specifically indicated
the exact point in a menstrual phase when data are collected, creating ambiguous time
points for comparisons.
bioanalytical procedure) [42,45]. Lumping these individuals together dilutes the potential
effects of examining the hormonal changes on the physiological outcome measurements
(e.g., metabolism). Too many studies (past and present), in attempting to have adequate
sample sizes, have kept non-responders in their study sample in an attempt to have ade-
quate statistical power (perhaps being entirely unaware of the fact they have subjects who
could be considered non-responders). In lieu of group responses, individual responses
should be assessed, and the removal of non-responders considered. Some would consider
this “cherry-picking” of the data, but the underlying premise of studying the influence of
menstrual cycle hormonal changes is simply that such changes are necessary if a physiological
response is going to be evoked.
4. Discussion
Obviously, the points raised herein are a one-sided perspective. It is important to
state that not all studies which fall into the do not affect category (school of thought) are
poor scientific research. To take that stand would be a gross misrepresentation of one
of the tenets of the Scientific Method (i.e., not being open to alternative opinions). That
said, over the years there have been a substantial number of these do not affect studies
that have not carefully considered the nuances of female physiology in their menstrual
cycle and hormonal research. Yes, these are peer-review published research, but that does
not make them without limitations (i.e., scientific weaknesses in approach, execution, or
interpretation). As such, these limitations have resulted in part to the ambiguous nature
of the current body of literature on exercise and the menstrual cycle. The do affect studies
cited herein are also not without limitations either. For example, many of the substrate
oxidation studies previously reviewed used respiratory gases to assess carbohydrate and
fat contributions to exercise metabolism, which was questioned by some [46]; although the
method has been validated in this context [47].
Perhaps most importantly, the scientific community and the public at large have
finally started to “listen to women” who are exercisers and athletes and take seriously their
reports that their training and competition performance are affected by the phases of their
menstrual cycle and the resulting hormonal changes [48]. It seems remarkable that it has
taken so long for this to occur and scientists are no longer being tone-deaf to the issue.
As just noted, women athletes feel their competitive performance is affected by their
menstrual cycle phase. This commentary article does not address performance per se,
but this topic is a logical off-shoot of exercise energy substrate metabolism. McNulty
and associates conducted an extensive and thorough review of the available literature
on this topic and concluded the effects on performance were trivial, but perhaps could
nonetheless be important for the elite female athlete [49]. I do not refute their conclusions,
but some of the limitations noted herein as well as those reported by Elliott-Sale et al. on
the methodology utilized in this research area indicate that past poor scientific approaches
in studies hamper how robust the conclusions can be on the performance topic [10].
Finally, in way of summation, it is clear that evidence-based data exist that show the
energy substrate metabolism of exercising women is affected by their menstrual cycle phase
and the associated FSSH hormonal changes. Elevations in estrogens, in particular, across
the cycle seem to promote carbohydrate sparing and increased fat utilization as an energy
source. The complete consequences of this occurrence remain to be seen, but certainly
have implications for the training and dietary practices of exercising women, especially
competitive athletes (see [50] for dietary discussion). Such findings are not universal to all
women and research by some refute the influence of the menstrual cycle phase on female
exercise physiology all together, however, poor application of the Scientific Method calls
one to question these counter perspectives.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, further study is needed on the role of the menstrual cycle on the exercise
physiology of women. There is an important need to ensure this research is of the highest
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 10024 7 of 8
quality and standard, and not to continually repeat the mistakes of the past [10]. To this
end, it is important to develop a new generation of scientists who will pursue this line of
work robustly. Furthermore, in my opinion, we need more of these scientists to be women
as they are vital stakeholders who have been in the minority of research ranks for far
too long.
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