Muscle strength variations and rate of fatigue in various phases of the
menstrual cycle in young adult females of Jammu
Sadaf Ashraf, Nabeela Yousuf, Sabah Nisar, Ranjana Gupta, Mrityunjay Gupta
Department of Physiology, Government Medical College, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Correspondence to: Sabah Nisar, E-mail: saba.nisar114@gmail.com
Background: Phasic hormonal changes during menstrual cycle affect the exercise performance. Earlier studies
about the changes in muscle strength and rate of fatigue during different phases of the menstrual cycle have been
inconclusive. Aims and Objectives: The aims of this study were to study the muscle strength variations and rate of fatigue
during various phases of the menstrual cycle in young adult females. Materials and Methods: A prospective study was
conducted on 120 eumenorrheic female volunteers in the age group of 18–25 years female from GMC, Jammu. Handgrip
dynamometer and Mosso’s Ergograph were used, respectively, to assess muscle strength and muscle fatigue. Recording of
the test parameters was done in three phases of the menstrual cycle: Early follicular phase (Phase 1), late follicular phase
(Phase 2), and mid luteal phase (Phase 3). Results: Muscle strength was significantly higher in Phase 2 (Late Follicular
phase) than in Phase 1 (Early Follicular Phase) and Phase 3 (Mid Luteal Phase). The subjects showed less fatigability and
higher work done during the late follicular phase (Phase 2) compared to mid luteal phase (Phase 3) and early follicular
phase (Phase 1). Conclusion: Muscle functions are better in late follicular phase compared to mid-luteal or early follicular
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Online 2023. © 2023 Sabah Nisar, et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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Ashraf et al. Muscle strength and rate of fatigue in various phases of the menstrual cycle
can, at different times, have either a performance enhancing Rate of muscle fatigue was calculated from the record
or a performance reducing effect.[5-7] obtained on Mosso’s Ergograph.
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Ashraf et al. Muscle strength and rate of fatigue in various phases of the menstrual cycle
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflicts of Interest: None declared.
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