1 s2.0 S130307012200021X Main
1 s2.0 S130307012200021X Main
1 s2.0 S130307012200021X Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The paper aims to analyze the effect of bank risk appetite on banks' default probabilities during the year
Received 3 August 2022 of COVID-19 in 12 countries while controlling for bank-specific and country-specific effects over time. A
Received in revised form System Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM) model of default probabilities is estimated over the
28 August 2022
periods 2010e2021. This study confirms the ‘risk-mitigation view’, in which banks with higher ESG
Accepted 28 August 2022
Available online 6 September 2022
scores are more prudent in lending and have better relationship management, reducing the probability
of bank default. Underperforming banks tend to have a higher portion of risky loans in their credit
portfolio and therefore demonstrating a higher default propensity. Bank risk appetite, ESG, asset quality,
JEL classification:
economic growth, and currency depreciation appear to be material drivers for bank risk. We find that a
G10 lower risk appetite ratio (corresponding to higher risk appetite) is associated with higher estimated
G21 default probability during the COVID-19 outbreak, identified through interaction with a single time
G32 dummy for 2020 (the break-out year of the pandemic).
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/
Bank risk appetite
1303-0701/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
P.-L. Lee, C.-T. Lye and C. Lee Central Bank Review 22 (2022) 109e117
P.-L. Lee, C.-T. Lye and C. Lee Central Bank Review 22 (2022) 109e117
of the bank assets are estimated. Then, the distance-to-default for significance of the ESG variable indicating that ESG governance is
each bank is computed. Lastly, the distance-to-default is scaled to effective in curbing excessive risk-taking by banks. In addition to
determine the expected default probabilities of a bank. One-year- that, Tobin's Q ratios, and capital and share price all decline with
ahead default probabilities data is readily available from the banks' ESG scores. Several empirical research link bank profitability
Bloomberg database and is used in a recent study (see Chiaramonte with ESG (Gangi et al., 2019; Nizam et al., 2019).
et al., 2021). Many empirics, however, focus only one aspect of ESG on bank
Consistent with García et al. (2022), default probabilities over risks, such as environmental friendliness (Gang et al., 2019) and
the next year sourced from Bloomberg are employed as the shareholder friendliness (Anginer et al., 2018). But, Chiaramonte
dependent variable to measure a bank's insolvency risk. et al. (2021) examine the effect of ESG composite scores, its pil-
lars, and sub-components on bank stability. ESG is only significant
3.2. Risk appetite and bank default likelihood in affecting bank stability when the variable interacted with the
financial crisis dummy (Chiaramonte et al., 2021).
Financial institutions vary in their business models and assume Consistent with the ‘risk mitigation view’ (Bouslah et al., 2018;
risks in granting loans, advances, and financing to consumers and Chiaramonte et al., 2021), we conjecture a negative relationship
businesses, trading, processing, and managing wealth. A better- between ESG scores and the default likelihood as higher ESG is
governed bank undertakes risks within its risk capacity and risk associated with greater market trust towards banks. Banks with
limit. Risk appetite refers to the amount of risk that a company is higher ESG scores tend to have lower overall risk, due to more
willing to take on in pursuit of earnings growth and business ob- prudent lending and investment and sustainable business prac-
jectives. Having a risk appetite statement and framework allows tices. In this paper, the composite ESG scores retrieved from the
regulators, stakeholders, and rating agencies to articulate a bank's Bloomberg database are based on a wide array of sustainability
risk profile (Gontarek, 2016). topics, which include a diversity of the workforce, consumption of
Typical RAS encompasses three risk areas, namely operational, resources, and governance structure.
market, and credit risk. The risks can be measured qualitatively or H2. ESG scores are negatively associated with default likelihood
quantitatively by various ratios and through stress testing. Risk
appetite is relevant to many corporate decisions, including mergers 3.4. Profitability and bank default likelihood
and acquisitions, compensation plans, product development, and
capital planning. Banks revise their risk appetite regularly to reflect A bank with lower earnings tends to provide advances and
changes in share prices, regulation and credit policies (Gontarek, financing to riskier borrowers to raise the profit margin. Prior
2016). research agrees on a negative relationship between banks’ earnings
Banks with lower risk appetite ratios which generate insuffi- and credit risk (Swamy, 2012; Kjosevski et al., 2019).
cient earnings to cover potential losses, seek to expand their According to the mismanagement theory, loan quality reflects
lending activities more rapidly and may experience larger risk management quality. When a bank is poorly managed and ineffi-
exposure. On the contrary, banks with a positive risk appetite ratio, cient, they tend to have poorer profitability and is more likely to
are more conservative and cautious in granting loans, advances, have higher default risk. The mismanagement theory was
and financing to customers. A lower risk appetite ratio may infer confirmed in Vithessonthi (2016). Schulte and Winckler (2019),
banks engaging in risky lending practices, such as having lax using a large dataset of banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs),
lending criteria and procedures to approve loans more rapidly than report a negative ROA-NPL ratio nexus for both banks and MFIs. By
other competing banks. employing the ARDL model on non-performing loans, the coeffi-
Following this line of reasoning, riskier lending leads to large cient on ROA on NPLs is two-fold larger for NPLs to corporations
risk exposure and thus results in a higher bank default likelihood. than for households (Kjosevski et al., 2019). Results in Kjosevski
Also, bank risk appetite is interacted with the Covid-19 year et al. (2019) lend support to Louzis et al. (2010) that profitable
dummy to test the differential impacts of time effect and risk banks tend to exclude risky loans in their loan portfolios. A loss-
appetite on default risk. It is hypothesized that a lower risk appetite making bank is inclined to be more aggressive in risk-taking to
ratio contributes to a higher default probability. compensate for the bank's underperformance.
H1. Bank risk appetite is negatively associated with default Profit level has a positive and significant influence on bank risk-
likelihood taking when the latter is measured by the risk assets-to-total assets
ratio, but the relationship turned negative when bank risk is
measured by non-performing loans ratios in Delis and Kouretas
3.3. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
(2011). Likewise, in a recent study, ROE is reported as positive in
impacting bank insolvency (Oino, 2021).
There are two competing views of ESG. Under the ‘risk mitiga-
We predict an unprofitable bank proxied by a lower ROE reacts
tion view’, corporate social responsibility (CSR) that is captured by
more to moral hazard incentives by providing risky loan advances,
ESG scores is viewed positively as it creates moral capital and
deteriorating bank solvency consequently.
goodwill among company stakeholders. In contrast, the over-
investment theory views CSR negatively as more CSR activities H3. ROE is negatively associated with default likelihood
imply managerial entrenchment or agency problems. Managers
over-invest in CSR for their benefits and reputation, rather than for 3.5. Impairment charges and bank default likelihood
stakeholder interest (Chiaramonte et al., 2021).
In analysing default risk, Switzer et al. (2018) focus on the in- High uncollectible and problematic loans raise the probability of
ternal corporate governance mechanism and document a signifi- default among banks. Based on extant literature, this paper expects
cant positive relation between governance and solvency. Using a a negative connection between impairment loss and default like-
sample of European banks, high ESG performance is found to lihood. Higher loan impairment charges infer the loan quality has
significantly explain bank risk proxied by z-scores, CDS spread, and deteriorated. Banks increase their impairment losses in anticipa-
non-performing loan ratios (Di Tommaso and Thornton, 2020). Di tion of a greater amount of non-performing loans in the future. This
Tommaso and Thornton (2020) advance the statistical reduces current profit and drives bank default. Loan impairment
P.-L. Lee, C.-T. Lye and C. Lee Central Bank Review 22 (2022) 109e117
serves as a proxy for loan quality and poorer loan quality is found to 3.8. Inflation and bank default likelihood
link with greater bank default risk (Teixeira et al., 2020). Consistent
with previous studies (Lee et al., 2014; Teixeira et al., 2020), a Kjosevski et al. (2019) find a positive and significant nexus be-
positive relationship is expected between poor asset quality and tween changes in consumer prices and financial distress for banks
default likelihood. The quality of credit portfolios is gauged by the in 106 countries, but the relationship turned negative for sample
ratio between impaired loan charges and net revenue in this paper. MFIs. Inflation is significantly and positively correlated to non-
performing loans level in Serbian Banks (Otasevic, 2013), but the
H4. Loan impairment charges-to-net revenue ratio is positively
coefficient of inflation is negatively correlated to NPLs in Macedo-
associated with default likelihood
nian banks (Kjosevski et al., 2019). Negatively significant inflation
on NPLs on household borrowers is shown in Kjosevski et al. (2019).
In examining 567 public banks across the US and Europe, inflation
3.6. Economic growth and bank default likelihood
is statistically significant in raising bank default risk measured in
asset prices (Texeira et al., 2020). Nonetheless, when bank default is
A country with better economic performance measured in GDP
gauged by an alternative proxy -z scores, the coefficient sign of
growth is associated with lower insolvency risks in prior works
€hler, 2015). inflation turned negative and significant.
(Kjosevski et al., 2019; Baselga-Pascual et al., 2015; Ko
Prolonged inflation is bad for bank stability in the long run. We
Sluggish country growth is associated with higher bank risk
conjecture a positive correlation between inflation rate and credit
captured by higher non-performing loan ratios and lower average
risk. The hypothesis can be specified as follows:
z-scores1for banks (Schulte and Winkler, 2019). In a recent study,
GDP growth turned insignificant in modelling insolvency when the H7. Inflation is positively associated with default likelihood
latter is captured by NPL for the sample of microfinance institutions
(MFIs) (Schulte and Winckler, 2019).
3.9. Dividend policy
Higher GDP growth is statistically significant in reducing bank
distress levels measured by the capital-to-total assets ratio among
There are two opposing views of dividend policy on financial
Romanian banks (Vodov a, 2019). Recent literature confirms the
distress. While the signalling role of dividend suggests a stronger
inverse relationship between growth rate and bank risk (Teixeira
dividend payment reflects a lower bank risk, wealth distribution
et al., 2020).
indicates higher dividend pay-out is linked to greater default risk.
Different from most studies, Ashraf et al. (2017) explains a
Under the information content or signalling hypothesis, man-
positive coefficient on GDP growth because countries experiencing
agers send signals about the firm's quality and earnings growth
rapid growth and high inflation engage in a high level of speculative
through increased dividends. There is an opposite relation between
lending funded by short-term debt, triggering higher chances of
dividend pay-out ratios and default risk. Banks tend to smooth
bank default. Similarly, Delis and Kouretas (2011) show economic
dividend payments and only resort to dividend reduction as a last
growth has positive and significant explanatory power in bank risk-
resort (Haq and Heaney, 2012). Tripathy et al. (2021) lend support
taking. This study expects a negative correlation between real GDP
to the information content hypothesis by proving dividend pay-out
growth and a bank's default likelihood.
has a positive influence on future financial health. Likewise, Pathan
H5. Economic growth is negatively associated with default et al. (2021) affirm that banks with a greater proportion of long-
likelihood. term shareholdings use dividend payments to curb managerial
Different from the information content hypothesis, the pro-
3.7. Exchange rates and bank default likelihood ponents of the wealth redistribution view advocate that dividend
payment reduces retained profits and increase a company's reli-
A decrease in real effective exchange rate infers a decline in ance on external financing, placing a greater risk on existing
domestic currency. Currency depreciation reduces the net value of debtholders. Onali (2009) supports the wealth redistribution hy-
imported-oriented corporations. These corporate borrowers may pothesis. They find banks with larger pay-outs are incentivized to
borrow more to finance larger liabilities denominated in foreign take more risk, and thus face escalated default risk.
currencies. If the corporate borrowers fail to reconcile their debt Kroen (2022), in analysing dividend pay-out restrictions
obligations to lenders, banks will face higher default risk due to the imposed in the COVID-19 period, advance that higher dividend pay-
high amount of bad debt written off. Higher exchange rate risk is outs are associated with more aggressive and risky lending.
found to increase non-performing loans for sample banks and MFIs Moreover, Chen et al. (2019) state that firms with worsening credit
in 106 countries (Kjosevski et al., 2019). health tend to pay a dividend from unrealized earnings because
This study hypothesizes a negative change in nominal effective once financial distress is made known to the public, dividend
exchange rate (NEER) raises bank distress. Due to domestic cur- declaration is prohibited. By employing propensity score matching,
rency depreciation relative to foreign currencies, banks with higher Chen et al. (2019) infer wealth is transferred from debtholders to
external debt that is not perfectly hedged experience a decline in its equity-holders by showing a linkage between larger dividend pay-
net worth, leading to a higher default probability. Negative change outs and higher subsequent default likelihood. Firms entering the
in NEER diminishes firm-level investment (see Garralda and Sousa, debt restructuring process following dividend declaration are evi-
2017). Non-repayment of corporate borrowers further curtail the denced in Chen et al. (2019).
equity position of a bank. During the global financial crisis of 2007e2009, banks and
finance companies continue to pay dividends despite suffering high
H6. A negative change in nominal effective exchange rate is
net losses. Excessive dividends are associated with greater default
associated with a higher default likelihood
likelihood. Dividend payment increases bank fragility as evidenced
in Acharya et al. (2017). Dividends make it harder for firms to build
A higher z score indicates a lower insolvency risk and a higher bank stability. It
up a capital buffer, leading to greater credit risk (Acharya et al.,
is computed as: [ROAþ(Equity/Total assets)/s(ROA)]. It is commonly used for un- 2011; Kanas, 2013).
listed banks when market valuation is unavailable. In line with the information content hypothesis, this study
P.-L. Lee, C.-T. Lye and C. Lee Central Bank Review 22 (2022) 109e117
posits banks with higher dividend pay-out have higher earnings Following Citigroup (2017), the risk appetite ratio for each bank
growth and are thus less likely to default. over the years is measured based on the following formula:
H8. Dividend pay-out is negatively associated with default
Risk appetite ratio¼ (Revenue-operating expenses-expected loss)/
unexpected loss x 100 (1)
4. Sample, variable measurement, and methodology Although both expected losses (covered by loan loss reserves)
and unexpected losses (covered by regulatory capital) are
This section briefly explains the measurement of variables of commonly used (see FASB, 2016; BCBS, 2017), risk appetite ratio is
interest, describes the data and sample selection process and biased if the unexpected loss is calculated imprecisely. Baviera
elaborates the empirical strategy. (2022) finds the regulatory capital calculated using the internal-
ratings based (IRB) approach is under-estimated and suggests an
4.1. Sample description and selection incremental capital charge to be added to the regulatory capital
This research intends to include all publicly traded banks in 15 In this study, loan loss reserves and regulatory capital (total risk-
RCEP members, but public banks’ data are not available for three based capital) are used as proxies for expected losses and unex-
countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, and Cambodia, pected losses, respectively. A higher unexpected loss indicates a
since banks in Brunei and Myanmar are privately owned. Apart lower risk appetite ratio since more risk-weighted capital need to
from that, the sole publicly traded bank in Cambodia, Acleda Bank set aside by the bank to cover riskier loans or larger credit exposure.
has no data on one-year default probabilities, and hence was A higher risk appetite ratio exceeding one is desirable.
excluded. Major Vietnamese banks reported their Tier 1 and Tier 2 Put differently, a positive and higher risk appetite ratio means
capital from 2019 onwards, and hence risk appetite ratios are un- the net core earnings including reserve for loan losses (the
available for earlier years. numerator) exceed the regulatory capital (the denominator) of a
After all, the final sample consists of 202 domestic listed banks bank. A higher risk appetite ratio implies lower risk-taking with
in the remaining 12 RCEP countries including Malaysia (10), greater revenue generating ability to cover potential losses. When a
Indonesia (16), Singapore (3), South Korea (8), China (37), Australia bank's reserve for loan losses and operating expenses are more
(6), Japan (84), New Zealand (1), Thailand (8), Vietnam (18), the than its net revenue, it results in a negative risk appetite ratio. This
Philippines (10), Laos (1). Data employed are annual observations also implies a higher bank risk-taking behaviour due to higher
over 11 years, ranging from 2010 to 2021. provisioning and worsen asset quality.
The list of banks was identified from AsianBanks.net and
Bloomberg. All data on the dependent variable, 1-year default
probabilities, and independent variables were retrieved from the 4.3. Research method
Bloomberg database.
Nonetheless, the total risk-based capital that is needed to 4.3.1. Dynamic panel data model
compute the focal variable, risk appetite ratio was missing for most To determine the factors affecting bank default probability, the
of the Japanese banks in the Bloomberg. Therefore, we hand- system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approach
collected capital adequacy information from the ‘disclosure items (Arellano and Bover, 1995; Blundell and Bond, 1998) is employed to
regarding the composition of equity capital’ on the individual Jap- control for the country's unobserved heterogeneity and simulta-
anese banks' websites. Many Japanese banks keep regulatory cap- neity bias. Country dummies cannot be used due to the dynamic
ital data up to 10 years on the web. nature of the data. By employing System GMM, the regressions in
levels are estimated together with the regressions in differences.
4.2. Variable measurement Specifically, in system GMM, variables in levels are instrumented
with lags of their differences, and differenced variables are
4.2.1. Dependent variable: default probabilities instrumented with lags in levels.
Bloomberg's one-year-ahead probability of bank defaulting is This paper uses Stata software to estimate the xtabond2 written
employed as dependent variable consistent with Dunham and by Roodman (2009). Standard errors for the two-step system GMM
Garcia (2021) and Sclip et al. (2021). The Bloomberg's DRSK mod- are corrected by implementing Windmeijer's procedure using the
ule uses historical default rates to forecast real-world default like- xtabond2 program. Aside from that, orthogonal deviation rather
lihood. Additionally, Merton's methodology is used to derive than first-differencing is specified in system GMM to preserve the
distance-to-default measure. sample size. Different from first-differencing, the orthogonal de-
viation method deducts the mean of all the available future ob-
4.2.2. Focal independent variable: risk appetite servations from the current observation (Roodman, 2009).
Risk appetite is commonly expressed in value-at-risk (the sum To ensure the consistency of GMM estimates, two specification
of expected loss and unexpected loss), amount of debt outstanding, tests are used to examine the over-identification of all the in-
and capital amount. A bank's loan loss distribution can be split into struments, which are the Sargan test and the Hansen test. Although
expected loss and unexpected loss. While expected losses refer to the Xtabond2 program reports both Sargan and Hansen test sta-
average losses resulting from operation covered by loan loss re- tistics, the former is non-robust to serial correlation and hetero-
serves, unexpected losses is above-average losses that should be skedasticity. Therefore, for the two-step variant, the Hansen-J
covered by total risk-based capital determined by Basel. statistic is reported. The failure to reject the null hypothesis of the
Following the Basel II Pillar 3 report of Deutsche Bank (Malaysia) Hansen test suggests the instruments are jointly valid. For the
Berhad (2019), this study uses expected losses resulting from credit Arellano-Bond serial correlation test, one should fail to reject the
risk and operational risk within a year estimated by banks based on null of no first-order serial correlation (AR1) but should not reject
their loss history and external benchmarks. Expected loss calcula- the null of zero second-order autocorrelation in the error term of
tions are incorporated in the allowance for credit losses which can the difference (AR2). The differenced residuals should be serially
be found in the explanatory notes of financial statements. independent.
P.-L. Lee, C.-T. Lye and C. Lee Central Bank Review 22 (2022) 109e117
4.3.2. Model specification ranging from 4.85 to 62.64 points out of 100 points. It shows that
To investigate the factors of default probability, the dynamic compliance with the ESG standards is large among the sample
Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approach is adopted to countries including developed equity markets and emerging and
control for the unobserved heterogeneity and simultaneity bias. frontier markets in our sample.
System GMM will be used to estimate the regressions in levels Besides, the range of loan impairment charges (LIC) is large, with
together with the regressions in differences. Specifically, in system maximum value 174.95% and minimum value of 45.09%. A posi-
GMM, variables in levels are instrumented with lags of their dif- tive impairment loan charges indicate banks put aside more money
ferences, and differenced variables are instrumented with lags in for impaired loans to cover the expected losses. A negative
levels. A COVID-19 time dummy is added to account for the COVID- impairment loan charges indicates a reversal of loan write-off.
19 outbreak in 2020. Further, risk appetite is interacted with the It is interesting to note that the dividend pay-out in banks
time dummy to test the effect of risk appetite on bank risk during within countries is so huge, with a minimum percentage of 0% to a
the COVID-19 period. The regressand and time dummy are treated maximum pay-out of 2950%. It is also noteworthy to mention that
as endogenous, while the remaining regressors are treated as the within variance outweighs the between variance for indicating
weakly exogenous. Specifically, to model bank default likelihood a fluctuation in local currency values against a basket of major
(Pijt), the empirical specification in dynamic GMM can be written currencies over time is more than changes in the nominal effective
as: exchange rate between the sample economies. The ranges of time
series variable such as CPI, NEER, and RGDPGR is big due to the
Pi;j;t ¼ b0 þ b1 Pi;j;t1 þ b2 RISKAPPi;j;t þ b3 LICi;j;t þ b4 ESGi;j;t sample countries encompassing developed, developing, and fron-
þ b5 ROEi;j;t þ b6 DIVi;j;t þ b7 RGDPGRi;t þ b8 CPIi;t þ b9 NEERi;t tier markets.
Table 3 presents the pairwise correlation between variables. All
þ b10 COVID19t þ b11 COVID 19 t RISKAPPi;j;t þ εi;j;t þ mi regressors have a pairwise correlation of less than 0.5. Also, the
(2) variance inflation factor is well below 5 and tolerance values more
than 0.1, rejecting high multicollinearity between independent
where subscripts of i, j, and t denote the country, banking firm, and variables. As expected, lower economic performance and change in
year respectively; mi ¼ unobserved fixed effect that does not change the nominal effective exchange rate are associated with higher
over time for individual banking firms; εit ¼ error term that is bank default chances..
assumed to be normally distributed with mean 0 and variance s2 ; In addition to that, a higher ratio of loan impairment charges to
P ¼ default probabilities (%); RISKAPP ¼ risk appetite ratio (%); net revenue worsens the credit health of a bank. Confirming our
LIC ¼ loan impairment charges-to-net revenue ratio (%); expectation, banks with higher earnings and performing better in
ESG ¼ Environment, Social and Governance scores; ROE ¼ return- ESG have lower credit risk. The pairwise corelation between risk
on-equity ratio (%); DIV ¼ dividend pay-out ratio (%); appetite and default probability is negative, suggesting waning risk
RGDPGR ¼ growth rate in real gross domestic product (%); appetite (thus lower earnings before tax relative to potential losses)
CPI ¼ consumer price index (%), NEER ¼ change in nominal effec- is associated with a higher bank default likelihood. A bank's distress
tive exchange rate (%) (see Table 1). level increases when it does not pass the risk appetite ratio test
(with risk appetite ratio lower than 1).
5. Discussion of results Table 4 shows the estimated parameters of interest on bank
default. Models 1 and 2 show the estimated coefficients produced
Table 2 summarizes descriptive statistics for all the variables. by a two-step System GMM estimator without and with Wind-
The average default probability of the sample banks is 0.10%. meijer bias-corrected standard errors. The lagged default proba-
The range of risk appetite ratio is large, with the minimum and bility (P i,j,t-1) is significant, implying dynamic GMM estimator is
maximum values equal to 121 and 111%, respectively. A negative appropriate to be used. Besides that, autoregressive coefficient is
and lower risk appetite ratio implies more bank risk taking below 1, showing the absence of the weak instrument problem
behaviour. When a bank has higher provisioning due to riskier (Blundell and Bond, 1998).
lending, it will reduce the bank's earnings power (the numerator) The negative coefficient on lagged default indicates banks with
and result in a negative risk appetite ratio. The overall variance of higher default risk will be forced to undergo debt restructuring or
risk appetite is 131%, of which the between variance accounts for to increase their capital, therefore become more solvent. For
71% (9.65512/11.46872) of the variation in risk appetite for 12 instance, many banks in Japan underwent business integration or
sample countries. The degree of bank risk appetite within a country consolidation to streamline their operations. As a results, their in-
and across countries is large. come improved and default risk fell.
The variances for risk appetite and ESG dominate the total Overall, both Sargan and Hansen's tests substantiate the validity
variance. The discrepancies in ESG between countries are large, of the instruments used in the regression. In addition to that, the
Table 1
Variable definition
P.-L. Lee, C.-T. Lye and C. Lee Central Bank Review 22 (2022) 109e117
Table 2
Descriptive statistics.
Notes: P ¼ default probabilities (%); RISKAPP ¼ risk appetite ratio (%); LIC ¼ loan impairment charges-to-net revenue ratio (%); ESG ¼ Environment, Social and Governance
scores; ROE ¼ return-on-equity ratio (%); DIV ¼ dividend pay-out ratio (%); RGDPGR ¼ growth rate in real gross domestic product (%); CPI ¼ consumer price index (%),
NEER ¼ change in nominal effective exchange rate (%).
Table 3
Pearson pairwise correlation.
P 1.00
RISKAPP 0.08*** 1.00
LIC 0.08*** 0.08*** 1.00
ESG 0.12*** 0.30*** 0.31*** 1.00
ROE 0.08*** 0.38*** 0.00 0.26*** 1.00
DIV 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.23*** 0.06*** 1.00
RGDPGR 0.09*** 0.19*** 0.25*** 0.15*** 0.55*** 0.04* 1.00
CPI 0.01 0.28*** 0.20*** 0.19*** 0.49*** 0.02 0.47*** 1.00
NEER 0.02 0.01 0.09*** 0.06** 0.06** 0.03 0.03 0.05** 1.00
Notes: P ¼ default probabilities (%); RISKAPP ¼ risk appetite ratio (%); LIC ¼ loan impairment charges-to-net revenue ratio (%); ESG ¼ Environment, Social and Governance
scores; ROE ¼ return-on-equity ratio (%); DIV ¼ dividend pay-out ratio (%); RGDPGR ¼ growth rate in real gross domestic product (%); CPI ¼ consumer price index (%),
NEER ¼ change in nominal effective exchange rate (%).
Arellano-Bond serial correlation test suggests no second-order Conforming to the risk mitigation hypothesis, financial in-
autocorrelation (AR2), suggesting the aptness of the instruments stitutions that performed better in ESG tend to face lower bank risk
used in the model. Instruments are collapsed to circumvent the due to greater market trust and more prudent banking activities.
instrument proliferation problem. The significant and negative coefficient on ESG is consistent with
A higher risk appetite ratio indicates lower bank risk taking, prior studies (Bouslah et al., 2018; Chiaramonte et al., 2021). The
with the bank's pre-tax net earnings (the numerator) more than its finding implies sustainable practices are paramount for bank
potential losses proxied by the bank's regulatory capital (the de- stability.
nominator). We hypothesize a negative relationship between risk Moreover, banks with poor earnings as measured by a lower
appetite ratio and default probability. Nonetheless, risk appetite ROE are more likely to default. The findings are in congruence with
ratio has an unexpected positive coefficient though it is significant. Swamy (2012) and Kjosevski et al. (2019). The findings are consis-
One possible explanation is, banks are more cautious in lending and tent with mismanagement theory, banks with poorer earnings may
have under-utilized risk limits. This can potentially undermine be under greater pressure to achieve desired profitability level, and
their earning potential. is more likely to assume a higher risk of loans and investments,
Further, bank risk appetite is interacted with the COVID-19 time negatively affecting the quality of credit portfolios and conse-
dummy to test the differential impacts of time effect and risk quently raising default risk.
appetite on the probabilities of bank default. In times of Covid-19, Contrary to the hypothesized direction, dividend pay-out is
banks have higher provisioning due to riskier lending and poor positively significant at a 1% level in impacting bank risk. The re-
asset quality. Higher reserve for loan losses and operating expenses sults, however, support the wealth redistribution hypothesis.
eat up banks’ earnings and result in a negative risk appetite ratio. As Declaring higher dividend to equity-holders before the announce-
predicted, a decline in bank risk appetite ratio amid greater un- ment of financial distress transfer wealth from debtholders to
certainty and ascending impaired loans during the COVID-19 common stockholders, placing the former at greater risk. The
period eventually leads to higher bank default rates. The COVID- positive coefficient on a dividend may suggest excessive dividend
19 year dummy, however loses significance when standard errors leads to financial distress level. Also, it lends support to Chen et al.
are corrected using a robust variance estimator produced by the (2019) who finds firms in Israeli paid dividends from unrealized
two-step GMM estimation. earnings before debt restructuring took place.
The significant association between poor asset quality proxied Bank's default risk will be impacted by business cycles. It can be
by a positive coefficient on impairment losses (LIC) and default observed from the negative coefficient of growth rate on real GDP.
likelihood in this study is reconcilable to Lee et al. (2014) and Sluggish economic growth increase banks' default probabilities at a
Teixeira et al. (2020). When banks grant credit to riskier sectors, 5% conventional significance level, corroborating Baselga-Pascual
they take greater impairment loss which raises the default proba- € hler (2015), and Kjosevski et al. (2019).
et al. (2015), Ko
bilities. Increasing loan impairment losses hamper a bank's earn- The CPI is significant at 5% but the direction is not of predicted.
ings and worsen its credit health. Nevertheless, the positive and significant coefficient on inflation is
P.-L. Lee, C.-T. Lye and C. Lee Central Bank Review 22 (2022) 109e117
Table 4
Determinants of bank default likelihood based on the two-step System GMM estimator.
(1) (2)
Notes: subscripts of i, j, and t denote country, banking firm and year respectively. The dependent variable is default probabilities (P). P i,j,t-
1 ¼ lagged default probabilities; RISKAPP ¼ risk appetite ratio (%); LIC ¼ loan impairment charges-to-net revenue ratio (%);
ESG ¼ Environment, Social and Governance scores; ROE ¼ return-on-equity ratio (%); DIV ¼ dividend pay-out ratio (%); RGDPGR ¼ growth
rate in real gross domestic product (%); CPI ¼ consumer price index (%), NEER ¼ change in nominal effective exchange rate (%). Standard
errors are in the parentheses.
in tandem with Otasevi c (2013), Kjosevski et al. (2019), and Teixeira 6. Conclusion
et al. (2020). Higher inflation is reported to shrink a bank's default
likelihood. It may be attributable to the higher interest rate charged Amid toughening regulations, a low-interest-rate environment,
on the lending fund as a result of inflationary pressures. When the challenges brought on by the coronavirus, and intense
government revises policy rates, it raises the net interest margin for competition within the finance and services industry, traditional
a bank. Texeira et al. (2020) also confirm a positive association banks engage in more risk-taking activities and investment through
between the consumer price index and bank risk when the latter is partnering or venturing into finance technologies, developing new
gauged by the asset prices. products and services to meet corporate goals. This research ana-
In line with Kjosevski et al. (2019), an inverse relationship be- lyses the drivers of bank default likelihood with emphasis on bank
tween NEER and default risk affirms that home currency depreci- risk appetite while controlling for bank-level and macroeconomic
ation escalates banks’ default risk. Corporate borrowers face greater indicators in the regressions.
financial difficulties in meeting loan obligations, increasing bank Banks and financial institutions have been developing risk
instability and fragility. Domestic currency depreciation makes management frameworks accelerated by the global financial crisis
corporate investment to shrink when the corporate borrowers have in 2007/08. Nonetheless, the embeddedness of risk into business
large foreign currency debt (Garralda and Sousa, 2017). Business decisions and the maturity of risk development is still debatable,
borrowers which borrow foreign currency are less able to repay particularly in emerging ASEAN markets. Bank risk appetite is still
bank loan. Moreover, when banks have heavy short-term interna- evolving and remains a sophisticated topic.
tional borrowing, exchange rate depreciation further reduces their This paper employs a credit risk appetite ratio in examining
equity position, resulting in greater default likelihood. banks' default likelihood and finds that a lower risk appetite ratio
(thus more bank risk-taking) is linked with escalated default
probabilities of banks and financial institutions in 12 economies in
P.-L. Lee, C.-T. Lye and C. Lee Central Bank Review 22 (2022) 109e117
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