Lassoued, N., Sassi, H., & Attia, M. B. R. (2016) .

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Accepted Manuscript

Title: The Impact Of State And Foreign Ownership On

Banking Risk: Evidence From The Mena Countries

Author: Naima Lassoued Houda Sassi Mouna Ben Rjeb Attia

PII: S0275-5319(15)30020-9
Reference: RIBAF 395

To appear in: Research in International Business and Finance

Received date: 31-1-2015

Revised date: 19-5-2015
Accepted date: 8-9-2015

Please cite this article as: Lassoued, N., Sassi, H., Attia, M.B.R.,The Impact
Of State And Foreign Ownership On Banking Risk: Evidence From The
Mena Countries, Research in International Business and Finance (2015),

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This paper investigates the impact of foreign and state ownership on banking risk. Panel data
regression analysis is applied to a sample of 171 commercial banks from the MENA region

during the 2006-2012 period. Two-stage least-squares analysis is conducted. Our results show

that State ownership encourages banks to take more risks while foreign ownership reduces
risk-taking. In addition, state-owned banks tend to increase capital adequacy ratio to hedge
against high level of risk. Our finding also indicates that all categories of shareholders take a

prudent attitude that influences risk reduction after the 2008 crisis.

1. Introduction
Banking risk is a major concern for policy makers since the banking system is a prerequisite

for the proper functioning of the financial system as a whole and the stability of the entire
economy in general. Excess risk-taking by banks may lead to financial crises and the collapse
of the financial system. According to agency theory, risk taking is largely affected by
ownership structure. In fact, controlling shareholders have incentives and power to affect
corporate decisions in order to maximize profit by increasing risk-taking (Shleifer and

Vishny, 1986) and they can compensate for losses by diversifying their portfolios.
Previous studies reached a consensus that ownership concentration is the main factor behind

risk-taking differences between banks, but they failed to agree on the manner with which
ownership concentration affects banking risk. For instance, Saunders et al. (1990), Laeven

and Levine (2009) and Haw et al. (2010) showed that concentrated ownership is associated

with greater risk. However, Burkart et al. (1997) and Iannotta et al. (2007) show that
ownership concentration is associated with lower risk.

Theoretically, there is a conflict between agency managers and shareholders. On the one
hand, managers are reluctant to undertake risky decisions because they may lose their titles
(Jensen and Meckling, 1976). On the other hand, shareholders prefer increasing bank risk
after collecting funds of depositors and bondholders to maximize their expected profit (Galais
and Masulis, 1976). Ownership concentration seems to solve this conflict since majority
holders have strong incentives to monitor managers, and even replace them in case of poor
performance (Franks et al, 2001). Therefore, risk-taking is expected to be more prominent in
firms with concentrated ownership than in firms with a dispersed ownership structure.
However, when majority holders do not own diversified portfolios, they will not have the

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incentive to increase banking risk. Thereby, controlling shareholders do not have the same
motivations, objectives, means and effectiveness of control. It would be appropriate to study
the identity of the controlling shareholder.
While a large body of literature has examined the impact of ownership structure on banking
risk for US banks and for financial institutions in Europe and in large emerging markets

(Brazil, China,..), empirical evidence on the MENA countries is scarce. This paper attempts to

fill this gap, by assessing the impact of ownership structure on banking risk in the MENA
countries. More specifically, we examine whether foreign ownership and state ownership

affect risk-taking of banks.
Our study was initially motivated by the scarcity of studies on bank risk and ownership

structure in MENA countries although the region presents itself as a favorable field of
research for many reasons. First, banking sector plays an important role in financing MENA
economies1. The majority of studies have analyzed the role of banking sector at a

macroeconomic level. They pointed to the substantial role of banks in financing economies
since they control most financial flows and own most financial assets (e.g. Creane et al. 2004;
Ben Naceur et al., 2007; Ben Naceur and Omran, 2011 and Rejichi, and Aloui, 2012). Second
and according to Ayadi et al., (2011), ownership structure is very important in developing
countries where protection of shareholders’ rights is weak like in the MENA countries.

Another motivation is the important reforms initiated in the region under the auspice of the

International Monetary Fund (IMF). Indeed, after the adoption of financial repression policies
during many decades, most of MENA countries governments have undertaken a

comprehensive financial reform agenda, concentrated on banking reforms2. They privatized


many state banks, gave commercial banks more freedom to expand their activities and
alleviated entry barriers for foreign investors. Accordingly, within a short period of time,
foreign participation became considerably present in the banking sector in many countries3.

These latest developments in terms of privatization and foreign entry highlighted the need to
examine their effect on bank risk in the MENA region, which is a main concern in
policymakers’ agendas.
Our empirical analysis uses a sample of 171 commercial banks from 13 MENA countries over
the period 2006-2012. After controlling for endogeneity and simultaneity between owner’s
identity and risk-taking, we found that state ownership is positively related to risk-taking

Banking assets account for 130% of GDP (Rocha et al. 2011).
Involvement of these countries in these structural reforms varies from one country to another.
According to Farazi et al. (2013) state banks accounted for 33 % of total assets in 2008 and foreign banks
increased from 18 percent of total bank assets in 2001 to 20% in 2008.

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while foreign ownership is negatively related to risk-taking. These results imply a divergence
in the interests of different types of shareholders. Our results are robust to a series of tests
which took into account the different proxies for risk-taking.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of the
banking systems in the MENA countries. Section 3summarizes some relevant illustrative

theoretical contributions. Section 4 focuses on data and methodology. The empirical results

are presented in section 5. The final section concludes.
2. Highlights of the banking sector

Although the MENA countries exhibit several similarities because of social and geographical
proximities, they present several disparities at the level of the economic and institutional

environments, including the banking systems.
Table 1 presents some banking sector indicators (average) between 2006 and 2011. First, the

number of commercial banks varies substantially from one country to another. Bahrain has a
large number of commercial banks compared to others (110) followed by UAE4, Turkey,
Lebanon, and Egypt (between 40 and 50). Algeria, Tunisia and Jordan have about 20 banks
and the rest less than 20 banks.
Concerning the concentration of the banking sector (the share of the 3 largest banks’ assets to
the total banking sector’s assets), the Jordanian banking sector is the most concentrated.

Indeed, the three largest banks own more than 90% of the total banking asset. The three

largest banks in Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait control more than 80% of the banking assets. The
Tunisian banking sector is the less concentrated (42%).

Bank deposits to GDP ratio is an indicator of resources available to the banking system to its

lending activities. As shown in Table 1, there is a wide cross-country variation, with Saudi
Arabia displaying the least ratio (22.97%) and Lebanon displaying the highest (206%).
The ratio of bank credit to dank deposits indicates the extent to which banks intermediate

savings into private sector credits. According to Ben Naceur et al. (2011) a high credit-to
deposit ratio reports high intermediation efficiency but a ratio higher than one suggests that
private sector’s lending is financed with non-deposit sources and this can result in funding
instability. For the countries in our sample, this is valid for Saudi Arabia, UAE, Morocco,
Tunisia and Qatar, while Algeria and Oman exhibit the lowest levels of intermediation

United ArabEmirates

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Return on assets (ROA) varies substantially across countries but is positive in all countries,
with strong performance for the banks in Qatar, Oman, Turkey and Saudi Arabia (more than
2%). However, the Tunisian banking sector shows the lowest ROA.
Insert Table 1 about here
Moving on to ownership structure, many banking systems are dominated by public

ownership. For instance, the Saudi banking sector consists primarily of 12 domestic banks, 11

of which have major government shareholding while there is only one privately-owned bank.
Turning to foreign participation, there are four joint venture banks where major foreign

institutions hold significant stakes (around 40%).
Algeria’s banking system is also characterized by a largely state banking sector. Most banks

are public; those with private status are all foreigner owned. Public banks cover
approximately 90% of the assets of the banking industry.

Other countries present a mixed ownership structure. Indeed, at the end of 2012, the Tunisian
banking sector consists of 21 banks, divided into 7 state-owned banks, 8 foreign banks, 3
private domestically-owned banks and 4 mixed owned5. Similarly, in Morocco, there are 7
primarily foreigner owned banks, 6 state-owned and 6 private domestic banks from a total of
19 commercial banks.
In Qatar6, there are branches of 7 foreign banks from a total of 17 banks. Ownership structure

of the Qatari banking sector at the end of 2007 indicates a dominance of domestic owners.

Indeed, the private domestic segment amasses 75% of total ownership, and public and quasi-
public ownership is around 21%.Foreign participation is more important in the UAE banking

sector. In fact there are 28 foreign banks and 23 domestic banks by the end of 20117

In other countries, government ownership is very limited like the Turkish banking sector
where the government owns 3 banks and there are 17 foreigner banks.
The banking sector in Oman consists of 16 commercial banks, divided into 7 local

commercial banks and 9 foreign banks. All commercial banks are privately owned. The
government is present in few banks with minority stakes by the end of 20138.
Regarding Lebanon, Jordan and Bahrain, there was no presence of state ownership. However,
bank ownership is shared between private, foreign and domestic owners. For instance, there

Central Bank of Tunisia «Rapport Annuel sur la Supervision Bancaire 2012 » September 2014
Qatar Central Bank « Financial Stability Review » 2009
Central Bank of The United Arab Emirates “ Annual report” 2011
Central Bank of Oman, «Annual report 2013» June 2014

Page 4 of 25
are 30 Lebanese banks and 14 foreign banks9. In Jordan, there were 16 Jordanian banks and
ten foreign banks by the end of 201310.
3. Literature revue and hypothesis development
3.1. Literature revue
Agency theory assumed that the first source of conflict between manager and shareholders

comes from their different perception of risk. Shareholders with a diversified portfolio seem

to take more risk for a higher expected profit but managers are risk averse in view of saving
their position and personal benefits, and keeping their acquired human capital (Galai and

Masulis, 1976; Jensen and Meckling, 1976)
Moreover, controlling shareholders enjoy significant shared control benefits; they have strong

incentives to monitor managers, to collect information (Shleifer and Vishny, 1986, Grossman
and Hart, 1980) and thereby to increase firm's profit by undertaking risky projects.

Concerning banking industry, many studies argue that agency conflicts that arise in banks are
more complex than other firms because of the uniqueness of these organizations (eg.
Ciancanelli and Reyes, 2001; Andres and Vallelado, 2008). Indeed, the bank has incentives to
take even more risks by relying on depositors for their funding and by the presence of the
central bank as a last resort lender. In addition, the complexity of banking businesses induces
high information asymmetry that complicates the monitoring of managers’ decision.

Moreover, excessive risk-taking by banks can lead to serious consequences to the broader

economy due to their unique positions in financial intermediation and payment system. For
these reasons, banks are subject to more intense regulation. Andres and Vallelado (2008)

argue that banking regulation seems to be an additional mechanism of corporate governance


that may reduce the effectiveness of other mechanisms including ownership concentration,
especially when regulation imposes bank ownership restrictions.
In addition, the objective of the regulator is to limit systemic risk, which is opposed to that of

shareholders. This conflict of objectives creates a new agency problem.

Empirically, Saunders et al. (1990) are the first to examine the impact of banks’ ownership
structure on their risk-taking in the United States. They demonstrate that managerial stock
ownership positively affects risk taking and that banks controlled by shareholders take more
risk than their counterpart controlled by managers.
Following Saunders et al. (1990) a series of studies was purposed to test the effect of
ownership concentration on risk-taking. For instance, Garcia-Marco and Robles-Fernandez

Association of Banks in Lebanon «Annual report 2012»
Central Bank of Jordan “ Annual report2013”

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(2008) found that ownership concentration in Spanish banks affected negatively risk-taking
level. However, Haw et al. (2010) studying a sample of listed commercial banks in East Asia
and Western Europe, found evidence indicating that banks with concentrated ownership
exhibited higher risk measured by return volatility and insolvency risk.
These mixed results about the sign of such a relationship involve taking into account the

identity of shareholders. Indeed attitude towards risk depends on the portfolio of these

shareholders and their objective. Risk taking will be more prominent when controlling
shareholders have opportunities to diversify their portfolio and inversely.

Accordingly, empirical studies have investigated several types of owners. For example, Barry,
et al. (2011) highlight that higher equity stakes of either individuals/families or banking

institutions was associated with a decrease in risk taking in European banks but institutional
investors and non-financial companies seem to impose the riskiest strategies.

Other studies focused on managerial ownership like Chun et al. (2010) who found that
managerial ownership alone does not affect risk levels of Korean banks but increases risk in
Japanese banks.
The effect of state ownership has been examined in many economies like Argentina (Berger
et al., 2005) Europe (Iannotta et al., 2007) and Asia (Cornett, et al. 2010). These studies
conclude that state-owned banks exhibit more risk than private banks.

Laeven (1999) examined a panel of Asian banks before the Asian crisis of 1997. He found

that family-owned banks and company-owned banks are more risky whereas foreigners-
owned banks took little risk relatively to other banks.

All the above mentioned studies have focused on developed markets (US and Europe) or

Asian markets; however emerging markets (especially the MENA region) have not received
enough attention. The few studies that focused on this region examined a single market. For
example, Bouaziz and Bouri (2012) focused on Tunisian quoted banks. They found that

ownership concentration increases credit risk. However, state ownership and foreign
ownership decrease credit risk. In addition, state ownership and institutional ownership are
positively associated with liquidity risk.
Al-Tamimi and Jellali (2013) highlighted that ownership concentration of UAE conventional
national banks is negatively associated with bank risk-taking. Private ownership of UAE
national banks is negatively associated with bank risk-taking, yet government ownership is
positively associated with bank risk-taking.
In this respect, our study follows this line of research. We focus on the impact of foreign and
state ownership on risk taking in a set of MENA region countries.

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3.2. hypothesis development
Given the importance of government and foreign owners in MENA countries, we examine the
relationships between bank risk-taking and these forms of ownership.
• The impact of State ownership on bank risk-taking
Theoretically, government ownership is assessed from two different points of view.

According to the first, state ownership is expected to preserve banks’ financial soundness and

enhance good governance. Moreover, in less developed countries, state ownership of firms is
needed to revive both financial and economic development and eventually foster growth.

Through its participation in banks, the government achieves its social and political objectives.
In the case of state-owned banks, the government finances projects that create more jobs

especially when its projects could not get private financing (La Porta, et al., 2002).
According to the second point of view, state ownership is considered a source of inefficiency

due to government bureaucracy and lack of capital market monitoring. Indeed, managers are
not sufficiently controlled compared to their counterparts in private firms. Thus, they deploy
less effort than their private counterparts or divert resources for personal benefits (Lang and
So, 2002). Political objectives may also alter the functioning of state banks since government
finances, via this kind of banks, inefficient projects for political reasons (to win votes in
elections) or sometimes as power abuse (via bribes) (Shleifer and Vishny, 1986).Indeed,

Bonin et al.(2005) argue that government-owned banks are inefficient and considered as a

burden for the banking sector.

State ownership induces more aggressive risk-taking behavior in many ways. First, state-

owned banks enjoy government protection. Indeed, bankers may take more risk as losses and

excess costs, which are invariably covered by the government (Demirgüç-Kunt and
Detragiache, 2002). In addition, the government can protect banks by either implicit or
explicit financial and regulatory support (Faccio, Masulis, & McConnell, 2006). Second,

lending policy of state-owned banks may pursue social than financial objectives. For example,
they finance unprofitable projects because it has social objectives like those undertaken by
state-owned enterprises (Dong et al., 2014). Third, state-owned banks are essentially
controlled by politicians, who may follow their own goals rather than social ones. They can
transfer resources to their supporters (Shleifer and Vishny, 1986 and Iannota et al., 2013). The
two last arguments suggest that state-owned banks might be seen as vehicles for raising
capital to finance projects with high social and political returns, but possibly with high-risk
and low-profit financial returns. Fourth, “soft” budget constraints in state-owned banks create

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an excessive risk taking and the misallocation of resources (Sheshinski and Lopez-Calva,
Empirically, state ownership, found in the most of previous studies, is associated with greater
risk taking. For instance, Angkinand and Wihlborg (2010) examine a sample of banking
system of 32 countries from 1997 to 2003. They found evidence indicating that a large state

ownership in the banking system was associated with greater risk-taking as measured by non-

performing loans, whereas foreign ownership was not associated with risk but with higher
risk-taking as measured by Z-score.

Furthermore, Berger et al., (2005) highlight that state-owned banks accumulated high non-
performing loan ratios in Argentinean banks in 1990s.

Iannota, Giacomo and Sironi (2007) examined 181 large banks in 15 European countries.
They found that public sector banks were characterized by poorer loan quality and higher

insolvency risk than other types of banks.
Cornett et al. (2010) examined banks of 16 Asian countries during the period 1989-2004 and
found that state-owned banks had greater credit risk compared to privately-owned banks prior
to 2001. This indicator deteriorated after the 4-year period, after the beginning of the Asian
financial crisis for state-owned banks and privately-owned banks. However, state-owned
banks caught up with privately-owned banks in the post-crisis period of 2001-2004.

Iannota, Giacomo and Sironi (2013) used a sample of 210 large Western European banks to

examine the effect of government ownership on risk-taking. They found that government-
owned banks (GOBs) have lower default risk but higher operating risk than private banks,

indicating the presence of governmental protection that induces higher risk-taking. Moreover,

operating risk and governmental protection tend to increase in election years. These results
are consistent with the idea that governments use their bank participation to pursue political

Against the above findings and on the prominent role of state banks in most MENA countries,
it is expected that state ownership stimulates banking risk.
Hypothesis 1: State ownership is positively related to bank risk-taking.
• The impact of Foreign ownership on bank risk-taking
Foreign shareholding in banks brings benefits at micro and macro levels. In terms of
individual characteristics of banks, the entry of foreign banks in developing countries
improves human capital, skills and may lead to more diverse products, better use of up-to-date
technologies, and knowledge transfer. In this regard, Levine (1996) argues that foreign
participation enhances financial services and allows for an easier access to international

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financial markets. At country level, foreign presence may enhance competition in the host
country (Claessens and Ohara, 2013). In addition, it puts pressure on governments to
accelerate domestic reform by improving regulation and supervision, and increasing
transparency, (Levine, 1996). Empirically, studies have shown that greater foreign presence is
associated with lower overall costs of financial intermediation (Claessens, et. al 2001), better

economic performance of borrowers (Martinez Peria and Mody, 2004) and well performance

in developing economies (Sufian, 2009). Wu, Jeon, & Luca (2010) argue that foreign
participation enhances GDP growth because of more productive and efficient allocation of

capital and labor.
Regarding its impact on risk-taking, foreign ownership is perceived as a stimulator for risk-

taking for several reasons. First, foreign owners may show higher preference for risk
compared to domestic owners as they can better diversify risk. Second, foreign banks are

more efficient and take more risk compared to their domestic counterparts. Indeed, they have
better access to the capital market and are better able to serve the international clientele that is
not easily served by domestic banks (Berger et al., 2005). In addition, in developing countries,
they may have a comparative advantage in technology access, in collecting, evaluating and
analyzing quantitative information on financial statements, and be less exposed to political
pressure. However, foreign banks may also suffer from distance problems, and big banks are

disadvantaged in terms of quality analysis of 'soft' information (Stein, 2002).


Many studies have focused on this issue and their findings are inconsistent. For instance,
Laeven (1999) found that foreigner-owned banks take more risk than state-owned, company-

owned and family-owned banks in Asian markets. Crystal et al (2002) show that foreigner-

owned banks are more prudent than domestic banks in emerging markets.
Mian (2003) found that private domestic banks maintain riskier portfolios compared to
foreign banks as the former have more assets like loans rather than liquid assets such as cash

and government securities. Yeyati and Micco (2007) found that foreign banks, in a sample of
Latin American banks, are associated with higher risk (measured by the Z-score) than
domestic banks.
Rokhimand and Susantoa (2011) used a sample of 115 commercial banks from Indonesia to
investigate the effect of the increase of foreign ownership on performance, competition and
short-term risk in the Indonesian banking industry. They found that increasing foreign
ownership reduces profitability, increases competition and risk.
Hypothesis 2: Foreign ownership is positively related to bank risk-taking.
4. Data, variables and methodology

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4.1. Data
Financial data and ownership structure for banks are taken from the Bankscope database. In
order to have a homogeneous sample, we included only commercial banks. Central,
cooperative and offshore banks are excluded. We used a sample consisting of unbalanced
panel of annual report data from 2002 to 2012 for a set of commercial banks operating in 13

MENA countries: Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco,

Oman, Qatar, Tunisia, Turkey and United Arab Emirates.
We use the method of Boyd et al., (1993) to measure banking risk (Z score). We compute

standard deviation of earnings over a moving window of 4 years. By using data from years
2002 to 2012, we are able to compute standard deviation of earnings for the 6-year period

from 2006 to 2012. Thus, the study period is reduced from 2002-2012 to 2006-2012.Then, we
apply two selection criteria. First, we exclude banks with missing data for more than 4 years.

This criterion allows us to calculate precisely the standard deviations of some variables that
define risk indicators. Next, we delete banks in which the main shareholder has changed
because change may alter the effect of ownership structure on risk.
We ended up with an unbalanced panel of 171 banks that correspond to 1,197 banks-year
observations distributed in the 2006-2012 period.
4.2. Measurement of Variables

- Risk variables

The dependent variable in this study is banking risk. In the basic model, we use the Z score
which is commonly used in the literature. Next, we compute three other measures of banking

risk for each bank to test the robustness of our findings.


• Z-Score: It is often considered as a measure of firm stability or distance to default

(Boyd et al., 1993). We compute a Z score for bank i at year t as follows:

With CAR the capital asset ratio.

• Earnings Volatility (SD_ROA) is the measure of risk that consists of the standard
deviation of the return on assets (Return on assets is the ratio of pre-tax profits to total
assets) computed over a moving window of 4 years. By using data from the years
2002 to 2012, we were able to compute earnings volatility for the 7-year period from
2006 to 2012.

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• The ratio of loan loss provisions to total assets (LLP) is adopted by Iannota et al.
(2007) and which reflects the asset quality of banks. A higher value of LLP implies
the worst asset quality.
• The capital adequacy ratio (CAP) proposed by Shehzad et al. (2010), defined as the
ratio of equity to total assets. A higher value of CAP implies lower banking risk.

Banks typically increase their risk-taking by borrowing to acquire more assets, with

the goal of raising their return on equity.
- Ownership structure variables

The independent variables in this study are ownership structure. We create two ownership
variables, which represent for each bank in our sample the proportion of equity held by State

(STAT_OWN) and foreigners (FOREIGN_OWN).
- Control variables

We consider two types of control variables; bank characteristics and country level variables.
• SIZE is measured as the natural logarithm of the bank’s total assets. We expect that
bank size and risk would be negatively related.
• FIX_ASS: fixed asset to total asset ratio controls the effect of operating leverage. This
ratio is expected to be positively related to banking risk.

EFFEC: bank efficiency is provided by the cost to income ratio. Banks with lower
managerial efficiency have higher risk because less efficient banks are likely to take

more risk to generate profits (Boyd et al., 2006).

• LOAN_DEP: Loan to deposit assesses the extent to which customer deposits finance

customer loans. This ratio reflects bank’s liquidity.


• DIVE: we construct a revenue diversification index, based on a breakdown of net

operating revenue into net interest income (Int_Inc) and non-interest income

(Non_Int_Inc) (Deng et al. 2013 and Stiroh and Rumble, 2006),

Int_Inc Non_Int_Inc
DIVE = 1 − [( )2 + ( )2 ]
Int_Inc+ Non_Int_Inc Int_Inc+ Non_Int_Inc
At country level, we control for GDP growth, inflation rates, and deposit insurance coverage.
• GDP_GR: GDP Growth is measured as the real GDP growth rate (Angkinand and
Wihlborg, 2010).
• INF: Inflation rate measured by the growth of the consumer price index. According to
Angkinand and Wihlborg (2010) inflation rate will determine how banks behave and

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will hence affect both their assets and liabilities. We expect that inflation rate will
have a positive effect on banking risk.
• DEP_INS: Deposit insurance is a dummy variable that takes either 1 or 0 indicating
whether the country has explicit deposit insurance or not (yes=1; no=0). Deposit
insurance can limit the risk of bank runs. Many studies found that an explicit deposit

insurance system is associated with a decline in bank risk-taking incentives (Gropp

and Vesala, 2001). However, insured deposit may create a moral hazard problem
caused by the limited liability of a bank’s shareholders and the reduced incentives of

insured depositors to evaluate the riskiness of the banks they deal with. Thus, bank
managers may be encouraged to take more risk in order to generate higher profits, and

insurance will cover a large part of the bank’s debts in case of non-payment
(Angkinand and Wihlborg, 2010).

4.3. Methodology
In order to examine whether ownership structure affects risk-taking of banks in MENA
countries, we estimate the following pooled regression model using the following general

The regression model is employed separately for the two variables of ownership structure

(STAT_OWN, and FOREIGN_OWN, where i denotes banks, t time period and j country.
Previous studies (e.g., Demsetz and Lehn, 1985; Gugler and Weigland, 2003) underline that

ownership is endogenous because it is influenced by the bank’s risk level. In such a case, OLS

estimators, for instance, would be inadequate. To deal with this potential problem, we use an
instrumental variable that is highly correlated with ownership structure but uncorrelated with
error term.

In this study, we consider regulatory quality. In fact many studies indicate that a country’s
institutional environment is exogenous and closely related to ownership structure (e.g., La
Porta et al., 1999) and might be considered as an external governance influence that acts at the
banking industry level (Ciancanelli and Reyes; 2001). Against these arguments, we use the
regulatory part of The Worldwide Governance Indicator developed by Kaufmann et al.,
(2010) which refers to the capacity of the government to effectively formulate and implement
sound policies. The first index is Government Effectiveness (GE) that captures perceptions of
the quality of public services, the quality of civil services and degree of its independence from

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political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility
of the government's commitment to such policies. The second is Regulatory Quality (RQ)
which captures perceptions of the ability of the government to formulate and implement
sound policies and regulations that allow for and promote private sector development.
After the choice of the instrument variables, we estimate our regression by using the two-

stage-least squares (2SLS) regression. To control for endogeneity, we perform a Hausman test

against the corresponding OLS estimates to show whether ownership variables are
endogenous. Because we have two exogenous instruments for each endogenous ownership

variable, we use the Sargan test to check the validity of our instrumental variables.
5. The results

5.1. Descriptive statistics
Table 2 reports the descriptive statistics for the whole sample of 171 banks and table 3

presents means of variables by country. Banks in MENA countries have on average a Z-score
of 59.026, with banks in Morocco reaching on average the highest score(96.418) followed by
Qatar (90.947). The lowest score is for Algeria (43.216), Saudi Arabia (46.089) and Kuwait
(46.252). The highest value of SD_ROA and CAP are also obtained by Morocco. The lowest
value of CAP is obtained by UAE and those of SD_ROA and LLP by Lebanon.
Regarding ownership structure, state and foreign ownership vary from 0 to 100%. On

average, states own 14.49%. The highest state ownership is scored by Algerian banks (40%)

and the lowest by Lebanon and Jordan.

Foreign ownership is on average 33.33%. The highest foreign ownership in banks is found for

Egypt followed by Turkey and Algeria. Foreign participation is very little in Saudi Arabia,

and Qatar.
Insert Table 2 about here
Insert Table 3 about here

5.2. The Baseline models

Table 4 reports the results of the baseline regressions examining the relationship between risk-
taking and ownership structure. In each panel, we run a regression with the ownership
First, the Hausman test of endogeneity validates that the instrumental variables’ estimation of
the coefficient on ownership structure are larger than the ordinary least square which may

Results of the first stage are not reported for brevity reasons.

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underestimate the true effect of ownership on risk-taking. Moreover, the Sargan test does not
reject the hypothesis that the excluded instruments are uncorrelated with error term and
confirms the assumption of the validity of instruments.
In model 1, the results indicate that STAT_OWN is positively associated with Z_SCORE.
This association is statistically significant at the 5% level. This result supports hypothesis H1,

which posits that governments in MENA countries encourage banks to take more risk.

Therefore, managers might take decision to finance government enterprises or to undertake
social projects dictated by political interests (Iannotta et al. 2007). Indeed, Farazi et al.(2013)

find that state banks, in MENA bank, finance the government and the public sector more than
private banks. Our results corroborate those of previous studies (Berger et al., 2005; Iannota

et al., 2007; Angkinand and Wihlborg, 2010).
Insert Table 4 about here

In model 2, we found that the coefficient for FOREIGN_OWN loads negatively at the 5%
level, indicating that foreign participation reduced risk-taking. This finding rejects our
Hypothesis H2. One possible explanation to foreign owners’ aversion to risk is that they may
face distance problems, which limit accessibility to information and deepen unfamiliarity with
the MENA markets. Moreover, managers of these banks may have the opportunity to generate
private benefits in the absence of efficient monitoring. Indeed, many previous studies found

the same result in different markets. For instance, Crystal et al (2002) show that foreign banks

are more prudent than domestic banks in emerging markets. In addition, Mian (2003) found
that private domestic banks maintain riskier portfolios compared to foreign 12banks.

Among the control variables, SIZE coefficients are negative and significant in models 1 and

2, whichsuggests that large banks can diversify their risk because they have more
opportunities to pursue a wider variety of loans and other activities (Sullivan and Spong,
2007). The fixed assets coefficient (FIXE) is significantly positive in model 1 which is

confirmed by Mandelker and Rhee (1984) who argued that operating leverage, like financial
leverage, increases banking risk.The diversification coefficient is negative and significant at
the 5% level.
5.1. Effect of ownership structure on risk before and after the financial crisis
In this sub-section, we try to examine whether the behavior of main shareholders was
influenced by the financial crisis of 2008. To investigate this issue, we separately rerun the
models before and after 2008. The results are reported in Table 5.

Page 14 of 25
Insert Table 5 about here
Ours results before 2008 show that STAT_OWN (model 1) is statistically significant (at the
5% level) and have a positive coefficient. After the crisis, the coefficient became negative.
This finding indicates that attitude to risk changed and became prudent. Our result
corroborates those of Kowalewski and Rybinski (2011) who found that during the recent

financial crisis of 2008, government-owned banks were seen as an important factor in

stabilizing the credit level in CEE.
The coefficient of FOREIGN_OWN fails to gain significance (models2). After 2008, our

results indicate that the coefficients of ownership indicators are all negative and significant at
the 5% level (models 3 and 4). The important point here is that shareholders, whatever their

nature, take a prudent attitude through influencing risk reduction after the crisis.
For the control variables, ROA has a positive significant effect on Z_score (at the 1% level in

model3) suggesting that performing banks take more risk.
The SIZE coefficient is negative and significant at the 1% level in models 2 and 3. The fixed
asset (FIXE) positively affects risk-taking just after the crisis at the 5% level (models 3 and
Asset diversification decreases the negative effects on risk in model 1.The coefficient of loan
to deposit ratio LOAN_DEPO is negative and significant (at the 5% level in model 1 and at

the 10% level in model 3), suggesting that the important level of loans compared to deposits

decreases banking risk. The coefficient of DEPO_INS is negative and significant at the 10%
level in model3. Finally, inflation coefficient is negative but only significant in model 3.

5.3. Robustness checks


Table 6 presents additional tests to ensure the robustness of our results. We rely on three
different measures to capture banking risk: earnings volatility (SD_ROA), the ratio of loan
loss provisions to total assets (LLP) and the capital adequacy ratio (CAP).

Insert Table 6 about here

Columns 1 and 2 report the results for the regressions of earnings volatility. FOREIGN_OWN
in model 2 is statistically significant (at the 10% level) and has a positive coefficient, while
that of STAT_OWN fails to gain significance (model 1). Regarding control variables, SIZE
has a negative effect on earnings volatility in two models. The coefficient of loan to deposit
ratio LOAN_DEPO is negative and significant (at the 5% level in model 1 and 2), suggesting
that banks with important level of loans compared to deposits take less risk. Finally, inflation

Page 15 of 25
coefficient is positive but only marginally significant (at the 10% level in two models),
suggesting that increased level of inflation increases risk exposition.
Columns 3 and 4 report the results for the regressions of asset quality measured by loss loan
provision. In model 3, the coefficient of STAT_OWN is positive and statistically significant
at the 1% level. In addition, the coefficient of FOREIGN_OWN (model 4) is negative and

significant (at the 10% level) indicating that state- owned banks degrade asset quality by

granting risky loans. In contrast, foreign ownership seems to improve asset quality. These
findings can be attributed to corporate governance quality. Indeed, Jia (2009) argue that

government-owned banks are less monitored and have worse corporate governance compared
to other banks. For the control variables, ROA has a negative significant effect on LLP (at the

1%level) in two models suggesting that performing banks restrict their LLP. The fixed asset
(FIXE) positively affects LLP in model 4 at the 1% level. Efficiency coefficient (EFFIC) is

negative and significant (at the 1% level in two models), indicating that banks with lower
managerial efficiency are exposed to more banking risk (Shehzad et al. 2010). Finally,
diversification exhibits negative effects on LLP in model4.
Columns 5 and 6 detail the results for regressions of capital adequacy. In model 5, the
coefficient of STAT_OWN is positive and statistically significant at the 5% level. The
coefficient of FOREIGN_OWN (model 6) is both negative and significant (at the 5% level).

According to previous results that found a positive effect of STAT_OWN on risk, these banks

seem to keep higher capital adequacy ratio because of the prudence principle (Cheng et al.,
2013). However, foreign owners do not need to keep a high capital adequacy ratio level

because exposition of their banks to risk is limited.


As for the control variables, ROA has a negative significant effect on CAP (at 1%) in two
models suggesting that performing banks reduce their capital adequacy ratio. SIZE coefficient
is negative and significant at the 1% level in model6. The fixed asset (FIXE) negatively

affects CAP in models 5 and 6 at respectively the 5% and 1% levels. Efficiency coefficient
(EFFIC) is negative and significant at the 1% level in model6 indicating that banks with lower
managerial efficiency keep a high level of CAP. Coefficient of diversification is negative and
statistically significant (at the 10% level in model 5 and at the 1% level in model 6). Finally,
the coefficient of DEPO_INS is positive and significant at the 1% level in two models.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we used a unique database of 171banks from 13 MENA countries to examine
the impact of ownership structure on risk-taking. Our choice is driven by the importance of
risk for bank regulators who wish to keep a reasonable level of risk in order to avoid financial

Page 16 of 25
crises (Deng et al., 2013). Owners’ influence on risk has been shown in many studies
examining different markets. However, this issue has not received the same attention in the
MENA markets. In this study, we examined two types of owners: the state and foreigners. In
fact, MENA banks have experienced in the last two decades a change in their ownership
structure caused by privatization of many state-owned banks which brought about the decline

of state ownership and the emergence of foreign owners.

In a pooled panel regression that controls for bank and country level variables associated with
risk-taking together with endogeneity issues, we provide evidence that state ownership is

positively related to risk-taking while foreign ownership is negatively related to bank risk-
taking. These results are consistent with a series of measures of risk-taking including earning

volatility, loss loan provision ratio and capital adequacy ratio. Moreover, we found that the
relationship between state ownership and risk taking is positive before 2008, whereas after

2008 ownership effects on risk is negative whatever the owner.
Our findings may be useful for policy makers. Such results highlight again the need to first
accelerate banks privatization process in the MENA countries. Second, loosening barriers to
foreign investment may lead to a significant decrease in bank risk-taking, which is an
important driver of a country’s economic stability.
In conclusion, our study highlighted that ownership structure is one corporate governance

mechanism that affects bank risk-taking in emerging markets. Further research could provide

additional insights by examining the role of governance mechanism related to board of

director and financial disclosure in banking risk.

Page 17 of 25
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Table 1 Banking Sector Figures in MENA countries. 2006-2011


Number of Bank Bank Bank credit to Bank return


Commercial concentration deposit to bank deposits on assets

Banks a GDP
Algeria 20 75.273% 42.175% 30.85% 1.169%
Bahrain 110 81.911% 66.280% 90.26% 0.945%

Egypt 40 57.716% 71.189% 53.06% 0.758%

Jordan 23 91.807% 97.226% 83.11% 1.373%
Kuwait 16 81.769% 57.103% 82.39% 1.789%
Lebanon 46 49.371% 206.219% 78.37% 0.912%
Morocco 15 71.139% 80.892% 115.48% 1.287%
Oman 16 74.091% 30.542% 32.26% 2.166%
Qatar 17 85.049% 45.580% 174.06% 2.776%
SaudiArabia 12 54.224% 22.970% 102.85% 2.428%
Tunisia 21 42.417% 47.340% 120.99% 0.535%
Turkey 49 47.696% 42.996% 77.70% 2.666%
UAE 52 53.900% 61.120% 107.44% 1.862%
Source: Global Financial Development GFDD (2013)

Page 21 of 25
World Bank. Bank Regulation and Supervision Database (2012)

Table 2 Descriptive statistics

Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Z_SCORE 0.02 591.25 59.026 67.2894
SD_ROA 0 0.14 0.0066 0.0110

LLP -0.03 0.1 0.0061 0.0089

CAP 0.41 130.19 9.9095 7.7768
STAT_OWN 0 1 0.1449 0.2893
FOREIGN_OW 0 1 0.333 0.3831

ROA -0.1 0.13 0.0153 0.0155
SIZE 5.76 11.04 9.6659 0.7705

FIX_ASS 0 0.21 0.0152 0.0170
EFFIC -8.61 140.91 46.0172 18.090
DIVE 0.0070 0.5 0.4083 0.0840
LOAN_DEP 0.01 5.43 0.6986 0.4068

Table 3 Average by country

ALGERIA 43.216 0.006 0.007 10.591 0.400 0.401 0.017 20.2
SAUDiARABI 46.089 0.009 0.004 7.828 0.114 0.026 0.022 23.9
BAHRAIN 68.598 0.009 0.005 8.069 0.152 0.375 0.019 22.2
EGYPT 56.776 0.009 0.008 14.227 0.207 0.516 0.009 22.1
UAE 52.435 0.008 0.007 6.935 0.273 0.202 0.021 23.0
JORDAN 57.315 0.004 0.004 7.277 0.044 0.205 0.015 21.4

KUWAIT 46.252 0.010 0.006 11.587 0.065 0.181 0.012 23.4

LEBANON 77.744 0.003 0.001 12.448 0.000 0.239 0.010 21.6
MOROCCO 96.418 0.011 0.006 15.421 0.151 0.247 0.010 23.2

OMAN 51.484 0.006 0.002 7.024 0.054 0.173 0.021 22.6

QATAR 90.947 0.004 0.002 6.984 0.144 0.050 0.022 23.0

TUNISIA 56.102 0.010 0.012 8.410 0.141 0.384 0.008 21.2

TURKEY 48.735 0.005 0.007 8.053 0.164 0.469 0.017 22.8

Table 4 Impact of ownership structure on banking risk


(1) (2)
STAT_OWN 0.762
ROA 1.304 0.189
(0.870) (0.574)
SIZE -0.124 -0.022
(-2.551)** (-2.180)**
FIXED 4.889 0.774
(1.691)* (1.563)
EFFIC -0.003 -0.0004
(-1.480) (-1.334)

Page 22 of 25
DIVE 0.094 -0.020
(0.865) (-0.857)
LOAN_DEPO 0.034 0.004
(0.406) (0.218)
DEPO_INS -0.043 -0.065
(-0.128) (-0.925)
GDP_GR 0.064 0.005
(0.651) (0.275)

INF -0.004 -0.0008

(-1.309) (-1.168)
_cons 4.046 0.836
(1.159) (3.660)***

P-value 0.000 0.000
R square 0.152 0.244
Sargan-test 1.064 0.897

Hausman-test 16.46* 18.44**
*** Significant in 1 percent level
** Significant in 5 percent level;

* Significant in 10 percent level

Table 5 Impact of ownership structure on banking risk before and after the crisis
[0,2-3]Before 2008 [0,4-5]After 2008
(1) (2) (3) (4)
STAT_OWN 3.0688 -0.3033
(1.978)** (-2.084)**
FOREIGN_ -0.0336 -0.0487

OWN (-0.485) (-1.963)**

ROA -0.1909 0.042 0.9466 0.107

(-0.409) (0.089) (3.709)*** (0.154)

SIZE 0.0065 -0.127 -0.0148 -0.012
(0.480) (-2.960)*** (-2.881)*** (-0.188)

FIXE -0.3002 0.840 0.4585 3.186

(-0.375) (1.193) (2.402)** (2.214)**

EFFIC -0.0001 0.001 -0.0002 0.001

(-0.252) (0.663) (-1.022) (1.491)
DIVE -0.0615 0.013 -0.0013 0.026
(-2.184)** (0.453) (-0.060) (0.566)

LOAN_DEP -0.0692 -0.032 -0.0111 0.001

O (-2.018)** (-0.643) (-1.649)* (0.024)
DEPO_INS -0.0183 0.060 -0.0334 -0.186
(-0.212) (0.413) (-1.771)* (-1.315)
GDP_GR -0.0821 -0.016 -0.0109 0.023
(-0.472) (-0.549) (-0.561) (0.692)
INF -0.0017 -0.001 -0.0017 -0.001
(-0.729) (-0.813) (-2.915)*** (-0.904)
_cons 0.1555 0.380 0.0155 0.779
(1.480) (1.791)* (0.383) (1.812)*
R square 0.1808 0.1430 0.2891 0.2231
Sargan test 0.288 0.314 0.88 1.314
Hausman test 22.34** 13.65 16.72* 40.64***

Page 23 of 25
*** Significant in 1 percent level
** Significant in 5 percent level
* Significant in 10 percent level

Table 6 Robustness Tests

[0,2-3]SD_ROA [0,4-5]LLP [0,6-7]CAP
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
STAT_O 0.034 0.155 21.427


0.640 (2.574)*** (02.150)**
FOREIGN -0.106 -0.0798 -37.542

(-1.835)* (-1.666)* (-2.228)**
ROA -0.056 -0.072 -0.522 -0.556 -160.618 -60.849
(-1.194) (-1.456) (- (- (- (-

9.656)*** 16.699)*** 6.375)*** 4.849)***
SIZE -0.005 -0.005 -0.001 0.0047 -0.035 -1.788
(- (- (-0.531) (0.176) (-0.033) (-

2.943)*** 3.472)*** 4.575)***
FIXED -0.059 0.021 0.059 0.174 -74.370 -51.827
(-0.960) (0.289) (0.830) (3.106)*** (-1.930)** (-
EFFIC 0.0001 0.0006 -0.0003 -0.0003 -0.027 -0.050
(0.69) (1.386) (- (- (-1.149) (-
7.047)*** 10.226)*** 4.152)***
DIVE -0.003 -0.004 0.003 -0.005 -3.352 -2.537

(-0.863) (-1.080) (0.644) (- (-1.684)* (-

4.325)*** 2.796)***

LOAN_DE -0.006 -0.006 0.002 0.001 1.689 1.191

(-2.404)** (-2.479)** (0.735) (0.364) (1.133) (1.587)

DEPO_AS -0.006 -0.005 -0.016 -0.007 17.102 19.624


(-0.601) (-0.487) (-1.404) (-0.924) (2.955)*** (7.343)***

GDP_GR -0.005 -0.004 -0.005 -0.001 -0.539 0.480
(-1.588) (-1.493) (-1.301) (-0.556) (-0.288) (0.634)
INF 0.0002 0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0001 0.007 0.016

(1.820)* (1.843)* (-1.158) (-1.429) (0.122) (0.607)

cons 0.122 0.159 0.040 0.165 -6.132 41.879
(2.816)** (4.661) (0.785) (5.478)*** (-0.228) (4.826)***
F 4.54*** 3.83*** 1.55*** 3.76*** 4.44*** 16.25***
R 0.219 0.0138 0.1222 0.2043 0.1272 0.139
Sargan 2.699 1.723 1.468 2.4873 0.152 0.4712
Hausman 17.78* 28.36*** 20.01** 46.35*** 12.96 16.4*
*** Significant in 1 percent level, ** Significant in 5 percent level

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