2020 Update
Current Address:
Date of Birth: March 14, 1946 656 Del Oro Ct
Place of Birth: Pune, India Campbell, CA 95008
Citizenship: USA Phone:
Home: 408-963-6203
Cell: 415-624-4358
Educational History
Academic Awards
1962 Jagannath Shankarshet Sanskrit Scholarship (for highest points in Sanskrit in the
Secondary School Certificate Examination, State of Maharashtra, India)
1964 Lokamanya Tilak Sanskrit Scholarship (First Year B.A., Poona University,
Pune, India)
1965 First Prize for an essay on the Philosophy of Śaṅkara, Socratic Association,
Fergusson College, Pune, India
1966 Ganesh Anant Godbole Sanskrit Prize (Final Year B.A., Poona University,
Pune, India)
1966 Vasudeo Govind Apte Sanskrit Scholarship (Final Year B.A., Poona University,
Pune, India)
1966 Ganesh Vitthal Joshi Sanskrit Scholarship (Final Year B.A., Poona University,
Pune, India)
1966 Dhondo Vishwanath Nigudkar Sanskrit Scholarship (Final Year B.A., Poona
University, Pune, India)
1966 Principal R.D. Karmarkar Sanskrit Prize (Final Year B.A., Poona University,
Pune, India)
1987 Honored (July 4th) at the New Jersey Convention of the Brihan Maharashtra
Mandal for the development of software for the Devanagari script for Marathi
1996-7 1995 Marathi book Saṃskr̥ta āṇi Prākr̥ta: Vyavahāra, Niyamana, āṇi
Śāstracarcā (“Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages: Usage, Control, and
Linguistic Theory”) was celebrated in Nasik, India, with Dr. V.M. Gogate
Award (Rs. 2000) for “Best Historical Writing” in Marathi. The same
book received an award (Rs. 10, 000) from the government of the State of
Maharashtra, India, in December 1997 for the best documented research
publication in Marathi, and also an award (Rs. 1500) for being the best
Marathi publication relating to linguistics from the Marathi Research
Association, Pune, India.
History of Employment
2008, Feb Astor Visiting Lecturer, Oriental Institute, Oxford University, U.K.
1985- 2018 Professor of Sanskrit and Linguistics, Department of Asian Languages and
Cultures and Department of Linguistics, University of Michigan, Ann
1979-81 Director, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Academic Memberships
1974, Summer. U.S. Department of Education. Travel to India and Research Expenses.
“Exploring Unpublished Sources on Sanskrit Phonetics.”
1976, Summer. Rackham Faculty Research Grant. Travel to India and Research
Expenses. “Continuing Search for Unpublished Manuscripts on Sanskrit
1981. August. Travel Grant from the Smithsonian Institution, to attend the First
International Seminar on Pāṇini, University of Poona, Pune, India.
1995-96. International Institute, UM, $7000; OVPR, $1500; Rackham, $1000; and
University of Lausanne, $7500: to organize an International Conference
on "Aryan and Non-Aryan in South Asia: Evidence, Interpretation, and
2002. $2500 grant by the UM, Vice President for Research, toward the project:
Recitational Variations of the Shaunakiya Atharvaveda
(Chair) 1975. James Stanton Bare. Phonetics and Pholonology in Pāṇini: The System of
Features Implicit in the Aṣṭādhyāyī. (Linguistics, UM)
(Chair) 1976. Allen Merkrebs. The Concept of Adr̥ṣṭa in the Vaiśeṣika Philosophy.
(Linguistics, UM)
(Member) 1977. John Anthony Grima, Jr. Categories of Zero Nominal Reference and
Clausal Structure in Thai. (Linguistics, UM).
(Member) 1978. Theodora Helene Bofman. The Poetics of the Ramakien. (Linguistics,
(Member) 1978. Richard Davis Saran. Conquest and Colonization: Rajputs and Vasis
in Middle Period Marwar. (History, UM)
(Member) 1981. Robert John Bickner. A Linguistic Study of a Thai Literary Classic.
(Linguistics, UM)
(Member) 1981. Thomas John Hudak. The Indigenization of Pali Meters in Thai.
(Linguistics, UM)
(Member) 1981. Mary Sabina Zurbuchen. The Shadow Theater of Bali: Explorations in
Language and Text. (Linguistics, UM)
(Member) 1982. Anita Lee Harrison Caplan. Pilgrims and Priests as Links between a
Sacred Center and the Hindu Culture Region. (Geography, UM)
(Member) 1983. Rufa'i Omar Madaki. A Linguistic and Pragmatic Analysis of Hausa-
English Code-Switching. (Linguistics, UM)
(Member) 1983. Nancy Joan Smith-Hefner. Language and Social Identity: Speaking
Javanese in Tengger. (Linguistics, UM)
(Member) 1984. Peter Granda. Property Rights and Land Control in Tamil Nadu.
(History, UM).
(Member) 1987. Hala Mohamed Talaat. The Verb Phrase in Egyptian Arabic.
(Linguistics, UM)
(Member) 1987. Clair W. Huntington, Jr. Akutobhayā and Early Indian Mādhyamika.
(Buddhist Studies, UM)
(Member) 1988. Elena L. Bashir. Topics in Kalasha Syntax: An Areal and Typological
Perspective. (Linguistics, UM)
(Member) 1992. Bonnie Pacala Brereton. The Phra Malai Legend in Thai Buddhist
Literature. (Asian Languages and Cultures: Buddhist Studies, UM)
(Member) 1992. Gen Isoe. The Japanese Particles 'Wa' and 'Ga': A Quantitative Study
of a Text. (Linguistics, UM)
(Member) 1994. Jonathan Silk. The Origins and Early History of the Mahāratnakūṭa
Tradition of Mahāyāna Buddhism with a Study of the Ratnarāśisūtra and Related
Materials. (Buddhist Studies, UM)
(Member) 1995. Richard Cohen. Setting the Three Jewels: The Complex Culture of
Buddhism at the Ajanta Caves. (Buddhist Studies, UM)
(Member) 1996. Gary J. Hausman. Siddhars, Alchemy and the Abyss of Tradition.
(Anthropology, UM)
(Member) 1997. Reiko Ohnuma. Dehadāna: The 'Gift of the Body' in Indian Buddhist
Narrative Literature. (Buddhist Studies, UM)
(Member) 2001. Zeff Bjerken. Tibet's Golden Ages and Dark Ages: Conflicting Images
of Tibet's Past in Buddhism and Bon Histories. (Buddhist Studies, UM)
(Member) 2014. Jeremy Saul. Gods for the Modern Era: The Rise of Miracle Shrines in
Northwestern India. (South Asian Studies)
(Chair) 2016. Hyoung Ham. Buddhist Critiques of the Veda and Vedic Sacrifice
(Buddhist Studies).
(Member) 2017. Harjeet Grewal. Beyond Religious Identity: Reading the Janamsākhī
Outside of Framed-Sikhism. (Sikh Studies)
Articles in Marathi
5. “Saṃskr̥ta kāvyācī prayojane va hetū,” (“Causal Factors and Purposes of the Sanskrit
Poetry”). In two pts. Navabhārata, Vai, Maharashtra, India,1965.
7. “Adhyātma āṇi vijñāna,” (“Science and Spirituality”), in Adhyātma āṇi vijñāna, ed.
by Vilas Khole, Pune, 1984.
Marathi Poems
1. Nirāśecyā kāḷokhāt, “In the Darkness of Despair,” Navā Kāḷ, Divali Special Volume,
Bombay, 1963, p. 80. Also see: 1983. Transl: “In the Darkness of Dis-Pair.”
Meliglossa, edited by E.N. Rando and D.J. Napoli, Edmonton, pp. 148-150.
2. Ropa lāvile marāṭhiyece, “The plant of Marathi,” Ekatā, vol. 42, p. 31, March 1989,
4. Ādhunik Sītāyan, “Life of a Modern Sītā,” in Ekatā, Toronto, 1991, Vol. 52, p. 50.
Article in Hindi
Articles in Sanskrit
4. Jayatu sainikaḥ jayatu kr̥ṣakaḥ, “Victory to the Soldiers and Farmers (A slogan of Lal
Bahadur Shastri),” Amr̥talatā, Pardi, Gujarat, Vol. 3, 1966.
Sanskrit Poems
1. Aho akaruṇāḥ khalu īśvarāḥ, “Oh, How Cruel Are the Gods,” Saṃskr̥tapratibhā, Vol.
5, No. 2, Delhi, 1965, p. 105.
10. Hiraṇyapāṇir vidathe rātu śarma, “May the Golden-Handed God Bestow Blessings
Upon Us,” a poem in Vedic Sanskrit, Bhāratavāṇī, Pune, 1968.
[A]--------------. 1975e. “A Note on tr̥ca.” Indo-Iranian Journal, Vol. 17, pp. 249-250.
[A]--------------. 1976b. “On the R̥k-Prātiśākhya 13.5-6.” Indian Linguistics, Vol. 37,
pp. 171-181.
[B, ED]-----------. (and P.E. Hook) eds. 1979. Aryan and Non-Aryan in India. Michigan
Papers on South and Southeast Asia, 14. 1978-79. Ann Arbor: University of
[A]--------------. 1981c. “Pāṇini and the Vedic Evidence: A Peep into the “Past.””
Vaidika Saṃśodhana Maṇḍaḷa, Golden Jubilee Volume, pp. 52-65. Pune.
[A]--------------. 1981d. “Revisiting Pa:Nini 7.3.73.” Indian Linguistics, Vol. 42, Nos.
1-4, pp. 58-64.
[B, ED]-----------. 1987d. Editor, with Elena Bashir and Peter E. Hook. Select Papers
from SALA-7 (South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable Conference, held in
Ann Arbor, May 17-19, 1985). Bloomington: Indiana University Linguistics
[B, ED]-----------. 1991c. Pāṇini and the Veda. Edited by Madhav M. Deshpande.
Leiden: E.J. Brill.
[B, ED]-----------. 1991j. Pāṇinian Studies, Professor S.D. Joshi Felicitation Volume.
Edited by Madhav M. Deshpande and Saroja Bhate. Michigan Papers on South
and Southeast Asia, No. 37. Ann Arbor: Center for South and Southeast Asian
Studies, University of Michigan.
[A]-------------. 1991n. “Response to Mark Hale.” In Sense and Syntax in Vedic, Panels
of the VIIth World Sanskrit Conference, edited by Joel P. Brereton and Stephanie
W. Jamison, pp. 18-21. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
[A]--------------. 1994e. “s\Sk›t ¡ai% πak›t - waizk v samaijk s\b\<” (in Marathi: “Sanskrit
and Prakrit: Sociolinguistic Relations”). In Marāṭhī Abhyās Pariṣad Patrikā:
Bhāṣā āṇi jīvan, Vol. 12, No. 4. Pune, India.
Series: Indian Philology and South Asian Studies, Vol. I. Pp. 67-84. Berlin:
Walter de Gruyter.
[A]--------------. 1995d. “Preface.” To Dr. Satya Pal Agarwal’s The Social Message of
the Gītā. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
[B]--------------. 1995d. In Marathi: s\Sk›t ¡ai% πak›t waza - Vyvhar, inymn, ¡ai% xaS†ccå
(“Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages: Usage, Regulation, and Theories.”). Pune,
India: Shubhada Sarasvat Prakashan.
[A]--------------. 1997. “Who Inspired Pāṇini: Reconstructing the Hindu and Buddhist
Counter-Claims.” In Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 117, Number
3, July-September 1997, pp. 444 - 465
[A]--------------. 1997. “Pāṇini and the Distinctive Features.” In Bulletin of the Deccan
College Post-Graduate & Research Institute, Vols. 54-55, pp. 87-98.
[B, Ed.] -----. 1999. Aryans and Non-Aryans in South Asia: Evidence, Interpretation,
and Ideology. Harvard Oriental Series, Opera Minora, Vol. 3. Cambridge:
Harvard University, Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies.
[A]----------. 2000. “The Role of Linguistics in Indian Society and Education.” In History
of the Language Sciences. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
[A]----------. 2002. "Professor R.N. Dandekar: March 17, 1909 - December 11, 2001."
Obituary. Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies, Feb 2002.
[A]----------. 2002-3. "Ārṣa versus Anārṣa in Pāṇini and Allied Literature,” pp. 189-194.
Bulletin of the Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute, Professor
Ashok R. Kelkar Felicitation Volume, Volumes 62-63.
[A]----------. 2004. Bhāṣā "Language", Chapter 22, in The Hindu World, edited by
Sushil Mittal and Gene Thursby, pp. 505-530. 2004. New York: Routledge.
[A]----------. 2005. “s\Sk›t ¡ai% πak›t - waizk ¡ai% samaijk s\b\<” (In Marathi: "Sanskrit &
Prakrit: Sociolinguistic Relations,” in samaijk wazaiv…an : k!a ¡ai% ¡Wyas
("Sociolinguistics : Scope and Research"), edited by Jayashree Patankar, pp. 31-
43. Nasik, India: Sasandarbha Prakashan.
[A]----------. 2005. "Vedic Aryans, Non-Vedic Aryans, and Non-Aryans: Judging the
Linguistic Evidence of the Veda," pp. 62-83. In The Aryan Debate, edited by
Thomas R. Trautmann, Oxford University Press. 2005. Delhi.
[A]----------. 2006. "Aryan Origins: Brief History of Linguistic Arguments," pp. 98-156.
In India: Historical Beginnings and the Concept of the Aryan, edited by Romila
Thapar. Delhi: National Book Trust.
[A]----------. 2007. "Pune: l'essor d'un centre éducatif dans le Maharashtra des débuts
de l'époque moderne," [Pune: An Emerging Center of Education in Early Modern
Maharashtra]," pp. 1206-1225, in the volume Lieux de savoir: Espaces et
communautés, edited by Christian Jacob. Paris: Albin Michel.
[A]----------. 2009. "The Arctic Home in the Vedas: Religion, Politics, and the Colonial
Context," in Political Hinduism: The Religious Imagination in Public Spheres,
edited by Vinay Lal. Pp. 33-57. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
[A]----------. 2010. "Kṣatriyas in the Kali Age? Gāgābhaṭṭa and His Opponents," in
Indo-Iranian Journal 53, pp. 95-120.
[A]----------. 2010. "Pañca Gauḍa and Pañca Draviḍa: The Contested Boundaries of a
Pre-Modern Classification," in Anantaṃ Śāstram, Indological and Linguistic
Studies in Honour of Bertil Tikkanen, edited by Klaus Karttunen, pp. 29-58.
Helsinki: Finish Oriental Society.
[A]----------. 2011. "Will the Winner please stand up: Conflicting Narratives of a 17th
Century Philosophical Debate from Karnataka," pp. 366-380. In Knowing India:
Colonial and Modern Constructions of the Past. Essays in Honor of Thomas R.
Trautmann, ed. by Cynthia Talbot. New Delhi: Yoda Press.
[A]----------. 2012. “Vedas and Their Śākhās: Contested Relationships,” pp. 341-362. In
Devadattīyam: Johannes Bronkhorst Felicitation Volume, edited by François
Voegeli et al. Bern: Peter Lang.
[B, ED]----------. 2012. Indian Grammars, Philology and History: Papers of the 12th
World Sanskrit Conference [Helsinki], Vol. 4, edited by George Cardona and
Madhav M. Deshpande. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
[A]----------. 2013. “Sanskrit Traditions during the Rule of the Peshwas: Role,
Maintenance, and Transition,” pp. 68-80. In Grammatica et Verba: Glamor and
Verve: Studies in South Asian, historical, and Indo-European linguistics in honor
of Hans Henrich Hock on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday, edited by
Shu-Fen Chen and Benjamin Slade. Ann Arbor, New York: Beech Stave Press.
[A]----------. 2014. “The Yājuṣa Hautra Dispute in Early Modern Maharashtra,” pp. 13-
26. In Sanskrit Studies, Volume 3, edited by Shashiprabha Kumar. New Delhi:
Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
[A]----------. 2016. “Appayya Dīkṣita and the Lineage of Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita. In Journal of
Indian Philosophy, published online: July 10, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10781-014-9254-
Payne. Institute of Buddhist Studies and BDK America, Inc., Moraga, California
2016, pp. 145-161.
[A]----------. 2016. “Vedicizing a post-Vedic text: the case of the Gaṇeśa Atharvaśīrṣa,”
in Vedic Śākhās: Past, Present, and Future, Proceedings of the Fifth International
Vedic Workshop, edited by Jan E. M. Houben, Julieta Rotaru and Michael Witzel,
pp. 777-790. Harvard Oriental Series, Opera Minora 9. Cambridge: Department
of South Asian Studies, Harvard University.
1994, April “Sanskrit Poetry and Poetics” for Society for the Promotion of
Ann Arbor, MI Indian Culture and Music among the Youth, University of
1995 February “Pāṇini and the Veda: Complex Relationships.” Lecture delivered
New York at the Columbia University, New York
1995 April “The Changing Conception of India.” Lecture for the Indian-
Ann Arbor, MI American Students' Association, University of Michigan.
February 1996 “Change and Continuity in the Vedic Oral Traditions" at the South
Austin, Texas Asia Seminar, University of Texas, Austin.
March 1997 “Who Inspired Pāṇini? Reconstructing the Hindu and Buddhist
Berkeley, CA Counter-Claims.” Department of South Asian Studies, University
of California, Berkeley.
- 36 -
October-Nov 1999 "Vedas and Their Śākhās: Contested Relationships", at the 2nd
Kyoto, Japan International Seminar on Vedic Studies, Kyoto University.
December 1999 "Language and Society in India". All Languages Association, S.P.
Pune, India College, Pune.
December 1999 Read the Sanskrit poem Pr̥thivyāḥ Premagītam at a Sanskrit Poety
Pune, India Reading, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune
March 2000 "Mīmāṃsā and the Linguistic Usage of the Mlecchas as an Aid to
Ann Arbor, MI Vedic Interpretation". At the seminar on "India and Its Wider
World", Institute for the Humanities, University of Michigan
June 2001 "The Mahābhārata and the Bhagavadgītā: Epics of Ancient India"
Troy, Michigan Troy Public Library, Troy, Michigan
March 2002 "Ārṣa versus Anārṣa in Pāṇini and the Related Literature."
Stanford, CA International Workshop on Pāṇini, Department of Linguistics,
Stanford University.
March 2002 "Ārṣa versus Anārṣa in Pāṇini and the Related Literature."
Stanford, CA Workshop on Pāṇini, Stanford University.
November 2002 "Aryan Origins Debate in the 19th Century Maharashtra." South
Madison, Wisconsin Asia Conference.
May 2005 "Arctic Home in the Vedas: Religion, Politics and the Colonial
Los Angeles, CA Context", presented at a conference on Political Hinduism, at
October 5-6, 2007. "Will the Winner please stand up: Conflicting Narratives of a 17th
Ann Arbor Century Philosophical Debate from Karnataka," presented at a
conference: Conceptualizing South Asia's Past at Michigan,
Conference in honor of Professor Thomas Trautmann.
February 25, 2008 "Aryans and/or Non-Aryans: History and Identity in Colonial
Oxford, UK Maharashtra," delivered as Astor Visiting Lecturer at the Faculty
of Oriental Studies, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
December 18 & 19, "Vedic Recitations as Early Linguistic Analysis," and "Vedic
2008, Pune, India Context of Pāṇini's Grammar." Ashtekar Lectures, delivered at the
Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages, University of Pune,
Pune, India.
March 14, 2009 "Appayya Dīkṣita and the Lineage of Bhaṭṭojī Dīkṣita: History of
Albuquerque, NM Interactions", presented at the annual meeting of the American
Oriental Society, at Albuquerque, NM.
September 1-5, 2009 "Dispute Over Kāyasthas: Gāgābhaṭṭa and his Opponents,"
Kyoto, Japan presented at the 14th World Sanskrit Conference, Kyoto, Japan.
- 40 -
Dec. 16-17, 2010 Chair and Discussant for Professor James Clackson's (Cambridge,
Pune, India UK) Lectures on, "Indo-European Language Family in Time and
Space" and "Indo-European Morphology and Syntax", at the
Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages, University of Pune.
April 28, 2010 "Indian Linguistics and Pāṇini", Braj and Yamuna Kachru
Urbana, Illinois Distinguished Lecture in the Linguistics Science, University of
Illinois, Urbana
May 19, 2013 “Origin and Development of Sanskrit and its current relevance,”
Newark, NJ Ananda Bhaskar Foundation Lecture, Marathi Vishva Hall, NJ.
May 31, 2013 “From Bhaṭṭoji to Nāgeśa: Transformations within the Lineage,”
Oxford, UK May 31, 2013. At a conference on “Discipline, Sect, Lineage and
Community: Scholar Intellectuals in India, c. 1500-1800,” St.
Antony’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
June 4, 2013 “Past and Future of Sanskrit Studies,” The School of Oriental and
London, UK African Studies, University of London, London, UK.
- 41 -
June 14, 2013 “Sanskrit Language: A Historical and Linguistic Approach,” at the
Pune, India Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, organized by the Pāṇini
June 19, 2013 “The Vedic Context of Pāṇini’s Grammar,” at Deccan College
Pune, India
June 22, 2013 “Language Teaching in the USA and the Status of Marathi among
Pune, India Indian Immigrants,” organized by Marathi Language Association,
Fergusson College, Pune.
June 25, 2013 “Modern Approaches to the Study of Sanskrit,” at the Center for
Mumbai, India Indian Language Technology, Indian Institute of Technology,
June 21, 2014 Marathi Bhasha Abhyas Parishad [Marathi Language Study
Pune, India Association], Pune, on “Marathi as a re-Sanskritized Prakrit
June 28, 2014 Deccan College, Pune, on “Mīmāṃsā on the Linguistic Usage of
Pune, India the Mlecchas as an aid to Vedic Interpretation.”
March 13, 2015 Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Pune,
Pune, India on “Milindapañha-Aṭṭhakathā of Burmese Thaton Mingun
Sayadaw alias U Nārada Mahāthera.”
December 5-7, 2016 “Re-viewing the Tradition: Language, Grammar and History,”
Paris, France Conference: Enjeux de la philology indienne / Issues in Indian
Philology, Collège de France.
January 20, 2018 “Sanskrit Studies in the USA,” at Anandashrama and Pāṇini
Pune, India Pratishthan, inaugural speech at the opening of a session in
memory of Late Vaman Shastri Bhagavat
January 24, 2018 “Reviewing the Sanskrit Grammatical Tradition,” Keynote address
Pune, India at the International Seminar in memory of Late Vaman Shastri
Bhagavat, held at the Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapith
February 2, 2018 “Aryan Origins: Conceptions from the 19th Century Maharashtra,”
Pune, India at the Deccan College, Department of Linguistics.
May 31, 2018 “Awareness of the Context of the Mahābhārata in the Gītābhāṣya
Oxford, UK of Śaṅkara,” Distinguished Ford Lecture, Oxford Centre for Hindu
Studies, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
October 16, 2018 “The How and Why of Sanskrit Poetry: Musings through Sanskrit
Stanford, CA Poetics,” Comparative Literature Program, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA
October 26, 2018 “The Significance of the Mahābhārata Narrative in the Gītābhāṣya
Berkeley, CA of Śaṅkara,” Department of South Asian Studies, University of
California, Berkeley, CA
November 30, 2018 26th Gonda Lecture: “From Pāṇini to Patañjali and beyond:
Amsterdam, Netherlands Development of religious motifs in Sanskrit grammar.”
May 19, 2019 Chief Guest, Vārṣika Utsava, Annual Day, Samskrita Bharati,
San Ramon, CA Tri-Valley Kendram
April 25, 2020 Inaugural Speech and Poetry Reading, Kavi Sangama, Kavi
Ramtek, Nagpur, Kulaguru Kalidasa Sanskrit University, India
May 15, 2020 Arjunālā Gītā kitī Umagalī? [Arjuna’s comprehension of the
Bhagavadgītā], FaceBook Live Lecture, arranged by Samvidya
Samskritic Adhyayan Samstha [Samvidya Institute of Cultural
Studies], Pune, India.