Bachelor's Degree 2: Digital Technology and Management - Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden

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Bachelor's degree 2
Digital Technology and Management • Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
(OTH) • Weiden in der Oberpfalz 2

Bachelor's degree
Digital Technology and Management
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (OTH) • Weiden in
der Oberpfalz


Degree Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Teaching language

Languages Mandatory modules are taught 100% in English.

Language classes (German and possibly other languages as well) are held in the respective
In the sixth and seventh semesters, students may choose up to four electives from a
catalogue of English-taught modules. However, students are free to select some modules
from other study programmes that are held in German.

Full-time / part-time

Mode of study Less than 50% online

Programme duration 7 semesters

Beginning Winter and summer semester

Additional information on Study and examination periods are typically from 1 October to 14 February (winter semester)
beginning, duration and and 15 March to 31 July (summer semester).
mode of study

Application deadline Winter semester application period:

For the winter semester starting 1 October, you can apply from1 May until 15 July.

Summer semester application period:

If you prefer to commence your studies in the summer semester, you can apply for admission from
15 November until 15 January.

Tuition fees per semester in None


Joint degree / double degree No


Description/content Digitalisation, connectivity, big data and AI as well as globalisation have revolutionised the way
companies are run. These megatrends impact not only the product and service offerings of
companies. They are also fundamentally changing how companies develop, procure, produce and
market, and how they earn money as a result. To master this transformation, companies need

who think and act in an interdisciplinary, cross-functional and interfacing way

who have a deep understanding of digital technologies as well as management know-how
who possess language skills and intercultural competencies
who are creative and at the same time strong in implementation
who are able to familiarise themselves with ever new topics while still keeping an eye on
the old

These are exactly the competencies you will acquire in the Digital Technology and Management

Highlights – these are your study benefits!

highly topical subjects (digitalisation, networking, big data, globalisation)

many interdisciplinary subjects, partly in cooperation with partner universities abroad
completely in English or, from the internship on, also in German
innovative teaching methods
extensive practical integration
first research experience
options for choice and specialisation from the first semester onwards
summer and winter schools at home and abroad
top-class lecturers from science and practice
modern laboratories and equipment
small university and close supervision

Course Details

Course organisation Semester one through four:

Fundamentals of Mathematics, Informatics and Scientific Methods

Fundamentals, Components and Applications of Digital Technology(IoT
Technology, Product Management, Sensors for Smart Systems, Communication
Technology, Production Technology)
Management: Fundamentals of Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Business
Processes Management and Digital Marketing and eCommerce
Interdisciplinary Modules: Project Management and Agile Methods, Logistics, Industrial
Languages and Intercultural Skills: English for Academic Purposes, Technical
English, Intercultural Communication
Basic Electives 1-4, such as German (mandatory up to B2), international summer/winter
schools, additional courses on digital technology, personal skills

Semester five through seven:

Innovation and Technology Life Cycle Management
Business Simulation
Ethics in Business and Technology
Entrepreneurial Projects 1+2
Research Project
Specialisation Electives 1-4
Bachelor's Thesis

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A Diploma supplement will Yes
be issued

International elements
Language training provided
Training in intercultural skills
Study trips
Projects with partners in Germany and abroad
International guest lecturers
Courses are led with foreign partners
International comparisons and thematic reference to the international context
Integrated study abroad unit(s)
Content-related regional focus

Integrated study abroad International summer/winter schools at partner universities across the world

Integrated internships An internship with a duration of at least 20 weeks (full-time employment) in a company/institution
preferably in Germany or abroad is integrated in the study programme (in the fifth semester). The
department staff supports the students in finding internships.

Course-specific, integrated Yes

German language courses

Course-specific, integrated Yes

English language courses

Online learning

Pace of course Instructor-led (Specific due dates for lectures/assignments/exams)

Phase(s) of attendance (on- Yes, compulsory


Types of online learning

Access to databases with study material
Chats (with lecturers and other students)
Discussion forums and / or groups
Flipped Classroom
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
Message Boards
Online sessions
Online study material provided by institution
Online tutorials
Video learning (Pre-recorded videos, Vlogs, Video-Podcasts)

Costs / Funding

Tuition fees per semester in None


Semester contribution 52 EUR per semester

Costs of living The cost of living varies from approx. 750 EUR to 800 EUR.

Funding opportunities Yes

within the university

Description of the above- Scholarships are offered. For further information, please visit
mentioned funding und-leben/unterstuetzung-und-foerderung/talentfoerderung-preise-und-stipendien/stipendien-
opportunities within the foerdermodelle/ or contact us via a website form (

Requirements / Registration

Academic admission University entrance qualification (uni-assist VPD)

requirements English language skills at B2 level according to the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (details below)
German level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (details below)

You can apply for a place within the application period in theapplication portal of the OTH Amberg-

Please note: In some years, the application period is extended. Please check our website for last
minute applications.

The general admission requirements can be found here.

Language requirements English language skills at B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages: ALTE (Level 3), UNIcert® II, Cambridge English (First/FCE), TOEFL (min. 72), IELTS (5.0
or better), PTE Academic (min. 59) or TOEIC (min. 785)

German level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (This
is required upon entering the study programme! This means you can apply without proof of A2
level knowledge of German, but you must provide it before the first day of your first semester.)

Why is this required? A special feature of the programme is that non-native German speaking
students will acquire sufficient language skills in German to be able to enter the German labour
market at the beginning of the practical study semester and be able to complete the third study
section partly in German with an appropriate choice of specialisation modules.

Technical equipment and The programme integrates practical applications in our laboratories, state-of-the-art machinery
programmes and equipment (e.g. collaborative robotics, driverless transportation system, VR, etc.) and most
commonly used programming languages and software (e.g. customised SAP ERP system, BI) in as
many courses as possible. An extensive digital library is available. Moodle serves as a learning
platform. Access to all aspects mentioned is free of charge to students.

Application deadline Winter semester application period:

For the winter semester starting 1 October, you can apply from1 May until 15 July.

Summer semester application period:

If you prefer to commence your studies in the summer semester, you can apply for admission from
15 November until 15 January.

Submit application to You can apply for a place within the application period on theapplication portal of the OTH


Possibility of finding part- In Weiden, there are several internationally operating companies that regularly offer internships
time employment and working student activities.

Moreover, a practical phase of at least 20 weeks is an integral part of the programme. Students with
German as a foreign language are expected to (and will have to opportunity to acquire a sufficient
command of the German language) to complete this in a German company. The university has a
large network of partner companies and offers additional support through its career service office.

Accommodation Student dorms are located within walking distance of the campus. The apartments have a small
kitchen unit and a bathroom with a shower. The dorms offer a recreation room and a laundry room.
All of them have special apartments for disabled students and for students with children.

"Fischerberg” student dorm in Weiden(60 places)

Rent: 244 EUR to 259 EUR (including advance payment of running costs), deposit: 380 EUR

“Am Postkeller” student dorm in Weiden(105 places)

Rent: 262 EUR to 265 EUR (including advance payment of running costs), deposit: 470 EUR

Career advisory service For the advisory service, please contact the International Office or the Student and Career Service.

Specific specialist or non-

Welcome event
specialist support for
international students and
Accompanying programme
doctoral candidates
Specialist counselling
Visa matters
Buddy programme
Cultural and linguistic preparation

Bachelor's on Air –
Digital Technology
and Management
In this interactive interview, the head
of the study programme, Julia Heigl,
and the head of the International
Office, Annabelle Wolff, present key
aspects and benefits of the
programme and address questions of
prospective students.


Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule

Amberg-Weiden (OTH)

OTH Amberg-Weiden – Weiden campus

© OTH Amberg-Weiden

Portfolio and departments

The university offers a portfolio of 46 study programmes in four departments (Industrial Engineering and Health, Weiden Business School,
Mechanical Engineering / Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering / Media Production and Media Technology / Computer
Sciences, ), which all reflect current developments in engineering and the economy.

The profile of the campus in Weiden is complemented by programmes in International and Digital Business Management, Medical
Engineering and Industrial Technology Management. Both locations also offer consecutive Master's programmes.

OTH Amberg-Weiden cultivates a unique model of co-operations and partnerships with companies, guaranteeing a direct transfer of
knowledge and experience between teaching and practice, science and the economy.

If you want to apply for admission to a programme at the OTH, either full-time or as part of an exchange programme, make sure that you
choose the right programme and accommodation in Amberg or Weiden, respectively.


OTH Amberg-Weiden offers a broad portfolio of different programmes, focussing on up-to-date technical and economical developments. To
learn more about our programmes, take a look at the website on our study programmes.


The OTH Amberg-Weiden places strong emphasis on service. A staff-to-student ratio of 1:40 ensures excellent conditions for students.
Discussions during lectures, small groups and close contact between students and staff are simply taken for granted. The university's
Student Office, Study and Career Service and International Office are in close contact with applicants and students. They will help
whenever a student needs information, support or guidance regarding studying or doing an internship abroad, especially with respect to
application and admission procedures, scholarships and other funding opportunities.


The OTH is firmly rooted in the region of the Upper Palatinate, working in close collaboration with renowned regional, national and
international businesses, which in turn benefit from the OTH’s expertise and innovative strength. The university has very close
relationships with the 28 member companies of the PartnerCircle, a close network of the most renowned companies in the region.
Together, they systematically promote research and knowledge transfer initiatives between the university and its regional partners.

Key benefits:

Small student groups

No tuition fees
State-of-the-art infrastructure
24/7/365 library
Fast and easy contact with lecturers
Close linking of theory and practice
Top business contacts for optimal career opportunities during and after your studies
Contact with partner universities worldwide
Favourable rental prices and living costs
Unfolding of personal and intellectual potentials
Varied sports/activities

University location
When you need a break from the library and lecture rooms, Weiden and Amberg with their centuries-old history offer plenty of culture,
sports and culinary events. Highlights like old city celebrations, Christmas markets, sporting events, traditional Bavarian festivities, art or
music festivals amongst others will make you feel at home soon and provide a perfect balance between your body and mind. Just see for

Weiden image film

Amberg image film

Contact 8
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (OTH)
Industrial Engineering and Health

Prof Dr Julia Heigl

Hetzenrichter Weg 15
92637 Weiden in der Oberpfalz
Course website:




Last update 02.11.2022 19:50:06

International Programmes in Germany - Database

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V.
German Academic Exchange Service
Section K23 – Information on Studying in Germany
(responsible: Esther Kirk)
Kennedyallee 50
D-53175 Bonn

Consortium for International Higher Education Marketing

The data used for this database was collected and analysed in good faith and with due diligence. The DAAD and the Content5 AG accept no
liability for the correctness of the data contained in the "International Programmes in Germany" and “Language and Short Courses in

The publication is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by contributions of the participating German
institutions of higher education.

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