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Master's degree 2
Automation and Safety • University of Duisburg-Essen • Duisburg 2

Master's degree
Automation and Safety
University of Duisburg-Essen • Duisburg


Degree Master of Science

Teaching language

Languages The language of instruction is half German and half English. This means that approx. 50% of the
courses are taught in German and the other 50% are taught in English. The language of the
examination is the same as the language of instruction in the corresponding lecture.

Full-time / part-time

Programme duration 4 semesters

Beginning Winter and summer semester

Additional information on The semester is scheduled to take place in person. However, there might be digital courses,
beginning, duration and particularly hybrid courses, offering e-learning opportunities.
mode of study
More information: https://www.uni-due.de/iw/en/study/freshmen.php

Application deadline 15 July for the following winter semester

15 January for the following summer semester

Tuition fees per semester in None


Combined Master's degree / No

PhD programme

Joint degree / double degree No


Description/content Complex engineering systems in mechanical or electrical engineering, etc., are developed with
constantly increasing demands on automation technology as well as system reliability and
availability. As a result, modern methods of both automation technology and safety engineering
are gaining in importance.

In the context of "Industry 4.0", issues related to process monitoring, fault detection and diagnosis,
fault-tolerant systems, human factors, functional safety and system reliability are also gaining in
importance both in research and in industrial applications.

The tasks here are beyond the scope of classical control engineering/automation and cover other
areas such as product development, plant design, and risk assessment of machines and plants as
well as distributed systems. Numerous classical engineering areas such as mechatronics,
automation technology and process informatics come together here. The orientation of the
Master's programme is aimed at the complexity of modern technical systems with a high risk
potential, which is analysed and made controllable with suitable methods.

The Master's programme in "Automation and Safety" is offered in the two profile areas or

"Automation and Control Engineering (ACE)"

"SAFE Systems (SaSy)"

The "Automation and Control Engineering" specialisation has a stronger methodological focus in
the area of control methods and is based on the fundamentals of the Bachelor's programme in
"Electrical and Electronic Engineering".

The "SAFE Systems" specialisation combines modern control and automation methods with safety
and reliability engineering methods and has a broader application focus. The programme builds on
the fundamentals of engineering Bachelor's degree programmes in mechanical, electrical, or safety

In addition to a corresponding Bachelor's degree, admission requirements include a background in

the relevant fundamentals of control and automation technology or dynamics, which can also be
made up through requirements (additional courses).

Course Details

Course organisation The ISE programme offers a collection of interesting, internationally-oriented Bachelor's and
Master's degree courses. The structure of the ISE programme is designed in line with the current
education and labour market. ISE sets the objective to impart global engineering skills to graduates
who want to access the international employment market. For this purpose, the curriculum
requires course and exam credits in the fields of engineering and computer science as well as
mathematics and natural sciences.

All Master's degree courses follow the same structure and consist of core subjects, advanced theory
subjects, profile subjects, electives and the Master's thesis. The mandatory core subjects are
obligatory for all students, and they provide in-depth knowledge in the specific discipline. The
students in each profile specialise in a specific area within this discipline. The electives should give
students the possibility of choosing and deepening their own profiles of the degree programme.

A Master's will show that the students have gained the enhanced specialist knowledge, skills and
methods that are required in a professional environment. It will demonstrate that the students
have an overview of specialist disciplines and their contexts, that they have the ability to analyse
engineering problems in their chosen area, and that they have the knowledge and practical ability
to describe and solve problems independently.

A Diploma supplement will Yes

be issued

International elements
Integrated/optional study abroad unit(s)

Description of other The international orientation is realised by:

international elements
lectures offered in German and English language of instruction
(50% of the lectures in German, 50% of the lectures in English)
strong liaison with international partner universities
living and studying in a multicultural environment
Integrated/optional study Students who obtained their degree qualification at a German-speaking institution must provide
abroad unit(s) proof of a stay abroad during the course of their studies. For all other students, a stay abroad is
optional. The stay abroad can be utilised for participation in courses at a partner university and the
associated completion of examinations worth at least 15 credit points, or for the completion of the
final thesis.

Course-specific, integrated Yes

German language courses

Course-specific, integrated Yes

English language courses

Costs / Funding

Tuition fees per semester in None


Semester contribution All students are required to pay a social contribution of about 350 EUR per semester. The social
contribution includes a semester ticket covering public transport in North Rhine-Westphalia,
subsidised meals in the canteen of the university and other services.

Costs of living The cost of living is comparatively low compared to other metropolitan regions. It is recommended
to calculate about 1,000 EUR of personal expenses per month. But of course, this also depends on
your own needs.

Funding opportunities No
within the university

Requirements / Registration

Academic admission Bachelor's degree in an appropriate subject area, with adequate length of studies and with an
requirements average mark of at least 2.5 issued in Germany or a foreign equivalent

Language requirements When enrolling, applicants must prove that they have knowledge of the German and English
language according to the completed level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR).

Application deadline 15 July for the following winter semester

15 January for the following summer semester

Submit application to https://campus.uni-due.de/app_aaa

Accommodation Accommodation is possible in halls of residence of the "Studierendenwerk". Private
accommodation in the region is diverse and affordable.

Support for international

Buddy programme
students and doctoral

General services and support The "Support Center for (International) Engineering Students" (SCIES) acts as a help desk for all
for international students study-related questions in the Faculty of Engineering. The mission of SCIES is to support all
and doctoral candidates students at the Faculty of Engineering and to help them gain the best from their experiences at the
University of Duisburg-Essen. SCIES consults on questions with the studies, helps in administrative
matters, supports students in finding accommodation and provides the first level of support for the
students regarding all questions they might have.

University of Duisburg-Essen
Faculty of Engineering

47057 Duisburg

Tel. +49 2033793776

Course website: https://www.uni-due.de/iw/en/study/m-as.php

 http://www.facebook.com/Ing.Wiss.UDE

 https://www.instagram.com/fiw.ude/

Last update 16.12.2024 17:51:34

International Programmes in Germany - Database

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V.
German Academic Exchange Service
Section K23 – Information on Studying in Germany
Kennedyallee 50
D-53175 Bonn

Consortium for International Higher Education Marketing

The data used for this database was collected and analysed in good faith and with due diligence. The DAAD and the Content5 AG accept no
liability for the correctness of the data contained in the "International Programmes in Germany" and “Language and Short Courses in

The publication is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by contributions of the participating German
institutions of higher education.

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