PHD Paper 2 Revised Published
PHD Paper 2 Revised Published
PHD Paper 2 Revised Published
Prof. Dr. M. Nour El-Din. 1, Dr. Noha Donia2, Dr. H. El-Gammal3, and Eng.
Hesham Elshazely4
Irrigation and Hydraulic Department, Ain Shams University
Institute of Environmental Studies and Researches
National Water Research Center
Ministry of Water Resources& Irrigation
Many models have been developed during the last decades to facilitate the
decision making process in water resource planning and management. Many of
these models are no longer in use because of a variety of reasons. A DSS model
has been developed by delft hydraulics in 1998 for Water Quality Management.
The system incorporates three sub-models for water balance, waste loads
calculation and water quality simulation. The DSS instrument was applied to the
Nile Delta region but after that it became obsolete because of technical and
administrative reasons. This paper highlights the modifications that have been
carried out on this old version. The Mahmoudia canal command area suffers
from inequity of water distribution at the branch canals,
unavailability/insufficiency of irrigation water, deterioration of water quality,
and supplementary irrigation by reuse saline drainage water, which is highly
polluted by nutrients, pesticides, heavy metals, and organic loads. Therefore the
updated model has been applied in Mahmoudia watershed area in the western of
Nile delta for enabling the decision makers to reallocate the irrigation and
drainage water based on socioeconomic and environmental aspects in different
Two scenarios have been carried out for 2017 water strategy namely
environmentally allocated drainage water reuse and irrigation improvement
interventions at tertiary and quaternary levels. The reallocated drainage water
reuse has resulted in improving water distribution, irrigation water quality,
evapotranspiration and accordingly crops yields by 10% in the southern western
areas of the watershed. The optimistic scenario of irrigation improvement has
resulted in increasing evapotranspiration and crops yield at the tail reaches by
15%, while the drainage water salinity has increased by 20.3%.
by 40% and 23% respectively. There is also an increase in organic pollution
concentrations of maximizing drainage water reuse scenario at the exit of
Mahmoudia watershed in Edko and Omum drains by 12% and 36%
respectively. The cost a benefit analysis of 2050 water strategy scenarios
including the costs of economic and environmental damages recommend
applying the intermediate drainage water reuse as a strategic option for
integrated water management in Mahmoudia watershed.
1. Introduction
New methods for addressing water resources problems are being developed and
implemented using advanced computer facilities for data management and
analysis. Among these newly evolved methods are the Decision Support
Systems (DSS).
Despite the large number of the available models, only a few are currently in
use while the rest are either not used at all or not used effectively. The reasons
of not using the models effectively are using old versions of programming
languages that had certain limitations, complexity of the models with non user-
friendly interface, rigidity to accommodate new changes in the system; and the
unavailability of source codes because these models was developed outside
Therefore, restoring, enhancing and updating these models are often
economically attractive when the cost is compared with that of developing new
• Update the Decision support System for Nile Delta in Egypt in order to
restore and put it again on the track
• Model application, calibration, and validation at Mahmoudia canal
command area
• Assess the required water allocation scenarios for the current and future
water strategies
• Analyzing the model results
• siware (developed by the Dutch Staring Centre) computes the flows and
water balance;
• wlm (Waste Load Model) calculates the loads form municipal, industrial
and agriculture sources;
• delwaq (Delft Water Quality Model) simulates water quality processes
and computes concentrations of pollutants;
The SIWARE model consists of four main modules (Figure 1), each one with
special functions (Roest, 1998):
through accounting for the day - night discrepancy between supply in
the canals and the water uptake by farmers.
• REUSE module to compute required reuse of drainage water from the
drainage system and estimate the resulting salinity of the (mixed)
irrigation water. In addition to the actual consumptive use of water by
crops, the soil salinity and drainage losses. The module computes also
the unofficial reuse of drainage water by farmers. REUSE also accounts
for municipal drainage water and computes the transport of the
generated losses to the coastal lakes.
Water supply
to the W
watershed DUTY
Area served
Cropping Agricultur
pattern al
Irrigation Water
schedule Demand
supply per
main canals
The western Nile Delta has been schematized into 87 calculation units in
Branch system
REUSE Irrigation
SIWARE model (Figure
canals 2). In Target
each calculation
Hydrological unit, different characteristics are
as croplevels Drainage-
type, hydrological losses
conditions and soil characteristics.
Soil salinity
Figure 2: schematization of the western Nile Delta into calculation units
The WLM provides the input for the DELWAQ water quality model. The
including more than 100 substances and more than 1,000 processes. The
substances enter the modeled area as boundary concentrations or as dry waste
1.3.1 Climate
The climate in the Mahmodia area is generally cool in winter and moderately
hot in summer. There is significant rainfall only during the winter season
reaching an average of 200 mm per year near the coast and only 175 mm per
year in the south of the Mahmodia command area. The ETo values in west delta
are relatively high with respect to similar values in neighboring regions. This
may be due to the high wind speed that characterizes Mahmoudia watershed. In
general, the trend of the average ET act values given by the Water Watch 2009
shows a decrease in the ET in the west of Mahmodia watershed (Henk Pelgrum,
waterways). The results of a remote sensing study carried out in 2008-2009 by
Water Watch were used in the data analysis and input data for Simulation of
Water Management in the Arab Republic of Egypt SIWARE sub model. The
cultivated areas of the main crops (rice, cotton, and Maize) in summer represent
32%, 20%, and 32% of the agricultural area in Mahmoudia respectively. In
winter, Wheat and Berseem cultivated areas represent 47% and 40% of the
agricultural area in Mahmoudia respectively.
escapers, and widening of cross sections due to improper maintenance and de-
weeding methods.
The lengths of drainage network in Mahmodia watershed is about 700 km.
subsurface drainage networks are implemented in 180,000 feddan, which is
about 75% of the drainage area. The Mahmoudia canal command area suffers
from inequity of water distribution at the branch canals,
unavailability/insufficiency of irrigation water, deterioration of water quality,
and supplementary irrigation by drainage water reuse, which is highly polluted
by nutrients, pesticides, heavy metals, and organic loads.
2. Approach and Methodology
2.3 Data used for the analysis
The data used for the analysis includes discharge and water quality data of the
main, branch canals, and main drains by different sectors within Ministry of
Water Resources and Irrigation in Egypt. The monitoring locations include 14
locations for discharges and 40 locations for water quality ( Water Management
Research Institute, 2008)
Modelled and measured discharge at Mahmoudyia canal af-
ter supply from Khandak canal
10 SIWARE Modelled
Q million m3/day
6 Measured
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
Total simulated discharge of the branch canals and the main drains agree quite
well with observations for 2007. The same is true for the salinity expressed as
chloride and the salt load.
The calibrated model has also been applied on the period from 2008 till 2010 to
cover a substantial range of variation in water supply to the Western Nile Delta.
Total simulated discharge and average salinity for this period show a fair
agreement with observations for the complete period.
DELWAQ model has also been calibrated and the simulation results of BOD5
in 2007 were compared with the field observations in this base year. The
simulated BOD5 concentrations agree fairly well with reported measured
values by the Ministry of Water Resources & Irrigation in 2007 with a standard
error of 9.7% as shown in figure 5.
Figure 5: Modeled and Measured BOD5 in Edko drain at the exit of
Mahmoudia watershed
10 Modelled BOD5
5 Measured BOD5
07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07
a n - an - eb - eb - ar- p r- p r- ay - ay - u n - u n - Ju l- u g - u g - ep - ep - ct- o v - o v - ec- ec-
3. Designation of Scenarios
Conveyance losses include any branch, tertiary and quaternary canal
spills (operational or accidental) and evaporation that might result from
management as well as losses resulting from the physical configuration
or condition of the irrigation system, which represent 22% of losses
Distribution and tail escape losses which represent 4% of losses
Field application losses including deep percolation or surface runoff,
which represent 74% of losses
Unfortunately the IIP improvement works have been limited to minimizing
conveyance losses through mesqa improvement works. Therefore the
implemented mesqa improvement works in 131,000 feddan within Mahmoudia
command area from 2000 to 2004 has not resulted in a concrete water saving.
The results of the monitoring and evaluation program of IIP showed that the
southern parts of Abo Hommos district suffered from water shortage in El-Zini,
Sidi Azab, and Mahlet Keil branch canals. It was estimated that the reduction of
excess canal water released to the drains would lead to increase the salinity
concentration of the drainage water after IIP (National Policy For Drainage
Water Reuse, 1998). This approach must be dealt with caution because other
factors are not taken in the consideration. However, this approach leads to
conclude that no water saving has achieved in Zawiet Naeim canal command
area because the salinity level in Abo Hommos drain has not increased after
completion of mesqa improvement works in 2005 as shown in figure 6. While
the northern parts of Abo Hommes district has likely shown water saving in
Nasr Allah canal of 5% because the salinity level has increased by 10%
Figure 6: Drainage water salinity in Abo Hommos district before and after
Mesqa irrigation improvement
03 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7
n- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
Ja ay S ep J an ay S ep J an ay S ep J an ay S ep J an ay S ep
3.1.2 Reallocation of the current drainage reuse
The area irrigated by drainage water in Mahmoudia watershed is about 40,000
feddan. The Behira irrigation districts reported that the quantity of reused
drainage water is about 400million m 3/year, 45% of which is unofficial reuse
( Integrated Irrigation Improvement and Management, 2010) . The drainage
water reuse from Edko drain represents only 25% of the total used drainage
water in Mahmoudia watershed, although it has less salinity and pollution loads
than Omum drain in the west of Mahmoudia watershed. Therefore, this scenario
assumes increasing the drainage water reuse from Edko to 50% of the total used
drainage water.
decrease of the yield of the sensitive crops especially vegetables, soil
salinization, less water flow to the coastal lakes, and more health hazards
associated with drainage water reuse.
which WUI reach 1.4 and 1.32 instead of 1.2 before reallocation as shown in
figure 8. WUI is the measured volume of water supplied to a defined area
divided by the crop-specific water demand arising from that area (ET or
Evapotranspiration). Accordingly, the evapotranspiration and yield has
improved by 10% in the southern western areas of the watershed. The
optimistic scenario of irrigation improvement has resulted in increasing
evapotranspiration and crop yield at the tail reaches by 15%, while the drainage
water salinity in Edko drain has increased by 20.3%. Reallocating the current
drainage water reuse has improved the WUI in the downstream areas better than
the IIP. To maintain adequate water supply for agricultural in 2050 water
strategy, drainage water reuse has to be increased to reach 1.1 BCM/yr in
Mahmoudia watershed by maximizing the mixing from main drains or from
secondary drains by intermediate drainage reuse. The consequences of this
scenario will be economical and environmental damages.
Water Use Index for agriculture in Mahmoudyia districts in the different scenarios
2.00 Reference case
IIP Optimistic
Realocation of drainage water
1.40 reuse
1.20 Maximizing drainage water reuse
in 2050
Mahmoudyia Abo Hommes Kafr El-Dawar El-Raml
salinity in Edko drain will exceed 3.5 dS/m (1920 mg/L) in the reallocation of
drainage ware reuse scenario assuming no water saving results from irrigation
improvement works and drainage water reuse will be maximized by 100% from
Edko drain as shown in figure 9. The modeling results of the other biological
and microbiological water quality parameters show that there is a slight
difference between the designated scenarios.
Maximizing drainage water reuse has resulted in the maximum pollution loads
to the northern lakes because the main drain discharges are mixed with
irrigation canal water to supply the agricultural water demands instead of
dilution of the organic loads carried from the upstream locations at Edko and
Omum drains.
EC dS/cm
10 1
0 0
Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17
Reference case Mesqa and marwa improvement 2017
Mesqa improvement only 2017 Reallocation of drainage waterreuse
During summer season, the salinity of Edko drainage water at the exit of
Mahmodia watershed increases in the intermediate reuse more than the
maximum reuse scenario. The lowest salinity concentration of drainage
water will be in the desalination scenario, where no maximizing of
drainage water will occur.
During winter season, the pumping stations of the intermediate reuse
will operate for small periods and accordingly more drainage water will
flow from the branch drains to the main drains and the salinity
concentrations in Edko drain will be the lowest. The mixing stations
from main drains will operate for longer periods in the maximum
drainage water reuse scenario and accordingly the salinity levels of this
scenario will be the maximum as shown in figure 10.
The salinity of drainage water at the exit of Mahmoudia watershed has
increased in the intermediate reuse scenario and the maximum reuse
from main drains scenario by 40% and 23% respectively.
There is also an increase in pollution loads of maximizing drainage
water reuse scenario at the exit of Mahmoudia watershed in Edko and
Omum drains by 12% and 36% respectively.
Figure 10: Edko drainage water salinity at the exit of Mahmoudia watershed in
2050 strategy
Edko Drainage water salinity at the exit of Mahmoudia watershed in
2050 strategy scenarios
Maximum reuse scenario
3 2050 scenario-desalination
EC dS/m
1 Intermediate reuse
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 l -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5
n b ar ar pr ay ay n n Ju ug ug p ct ct ov ec ec
Fe M M A M M Ju Ju A A Se O O N D D
Decrease of some main crops yield (maize, rice, Berseem) by 25%, and
Bean, onion, and pepper by 50% due to the high salinity of irrigation
water (>3dS/m) in case of maximizing drainage water reuse from main
Health hazards to the farmers using drainage water in irrigation and also
to the population due to proximity to irrigation schemes. Disability
Adjusted Life Year DALY method developed by WHO was used to
estimate health hazards damage cost for farmers and the population in
the proximity of irrigation schemes.
Drinking water pollution causes diarrhoeal deaths and DALY cases
amounts to be about 0.38% according to ( World Health Organization,
Fishery loss due to the decrease of drainage water flowing to Edko and
Mariut lakes.
The total cost of annual health and economic damage resulting from
maximizing drainage water reuse from main drains is about 34 million US$,
while it decreases to 16.634 million US$ for intermediate drainage reuse
from the secondary drains because the intermediate drainage water reuse
will result in less salinity (<2dS/m), less health hazards, and accordingly
less environmental and economic impacts.
The required infrastructure for intermediate reuse scenario are 48 pumping
stations, each pumping station includes three units of 0.50m 3/sec. In addition to
constructing delivery pipelines of length 148km and 48 drain water weirs
downstream the pumping sites to capture drain water and store night-time drain
flows. The installation costs will be about 8.2million US$.
5. Conclusion
The decision support system (DSS) developed by Delft Hydraulics in 1998 has
been updated and some visual basic and executable files have been modified .
The modified model was calibrated, validated, and applied to 2017 and 2050
water strategies options. Three scenarios for 2017 strategy were designated
namely, allocating the current drainage reuse, assuming water saving of 5% and
10% due to irrigation improvement projects. The allocated drainage water
scenario results in enhancement of evapotranspiration and the yields at the tail
reaches irrigated from Omum drain by 10%. While the optimistic irrigation
improvement scenario results in increasing the evapotranspiration and the
yields at the tail reaches irrigated by drainage water by 15% but the average
drainage water salinity in Edko drain will increase by 20% compared to the
reference case and reach 2.66 dS/m (1704mg/L) but there will be no effects on
the flushing and fishery production in Lake Edko.
Three other scenarios were modeled and analyzed for 2050 water strategy
namely, maximizing drainage water reuse from main drains, intermediate
drainage water reuse and desalination option. The results of the model show
that the salinity of drainage water at the exit of Mahmoudia watershed has
increased in the intermediate reuse scenario and the maximum reuse from main
drains scenario by 40% and 23% respectively.
Maximizing drainage water reuse has resulted in reducing the drainage inflow
to Lake Edko and Lake Mriut by 30% and 10% respectively. The salinity of
drainage water at the exit of Mahmoudia watershed has increased in the
intermediate reuse scenario and the maximum reuse from main drains scenario
by 40% and 23% respectively. There is also an increase in organic pollution
concentrations of maximizing drainage water reuse scenario at the exit of
Mahmoudia watershed in Edko and Omum drains by 12% and 36%
respectively. The decrease of drainage water inflow to Lake Edko will not
affect the fishery yield because the lake will still be flushed. However, the
decrease of drainage inflow to Lake Mariut will result in more deterioration of
the Lake ecosystem and less fish production.
The cost benefit analysis which took into consideration the costs of
environmental and economical degradation of each scenario shows that the
intermediate drainage water reuse is the most suitable environmental and
economical option to be adopted in 2050 water strategy.
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(DRI,1998). National Policy For Drainage Water Reuse. Cairo: US Agency
for International Development-APRP - Water Policy Reform Activity.
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Cairo: Integrated Irrigation Improvement and Management Project.
Henk Pelgrum, W. B. (2009). Remote Sensing Study for the Impact Monitoring
of the IntegratedIrrigation Improvement andManagement Project. Wagenigen,
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for Mahmoudia Canal. Cairo: Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.
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Users Ownership and Involvement in IWRM.
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Delft: Delft Hydraulics.
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UNDP-Egypt. (2005). Egyptian Governorates Human Development Reports-
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World Health Organization. (2009). Global health risks: mortality and burden
of disease attributable to selected major risks. Geneva, Switzerland: World
Health Organization.
تطوير نموذج لدعم إتخاذ القرار فى التخصيص الفعال والمتوافق بيئيا للمياه بزمام ترعة المحمودية
أ.د.محمد نور الدين ,1د .نهى دنيا ,2د .حسين الجمال, 3م.هشام الشاذلى
كلية الهندسة جامعة عين شمس
معهد الدراسات والبحوث البيئية
المركز القومى لبحوث المياه
وزارة الموارد المائية والرى
تم تطوير نماذج رياضية عديدة فى العقود األخvvيرة لتسvvهيل عمليvvة دعم إتخvvاذ القvvرار فى تخطيvvط وإدارة
المياه .وقد تقادمت كثير من هذه النماذج ولم تعد تسvvتخدم نتيجvvة ألسvvباب تقنيvvة وإداريvvة .ومن أمثلvvة ذلvvك
نموذج دعم إتخاذ القرار إلدارة نوعية المياه الذى صممه معهد دلفت للهيvدروليكا فى عvام .1998وقvد تم
تطبيق هذا النموذج فى منطقة الدلتا إلدارة نوعية المياه .وتلقى هذه الورقة البحثية الضوء على التعvvديالت
التى تم إجراؤها فى هذا البحث على النسvخة القديمvة من هvذا النمvوذج .ونظvرا ألن حvوض تقسvيم الميvاه
لترعة المحمودية بغرب الدلتا يعانى من سوء عدالة توزيع المياه على مستوى الترع الفرعية وعدم كفايvvة
مياه الرى وتدهور نوعية المياه واالستخدام التكميلى لميvاه الصvرف الvزراعى فى الvرى رغم أنهvا عاليvة
الملوحة وملوثة بمتبقيات المبيدات والمغذيات واألحمال العضوية والمعادن الثقيلة .لذلك تم تعديل وتطبيق
النمvvوذج المعvvدل لتمكين متخvvذى القvvرار من تطvvبيق سvvيناريوهات مختلفvvة إلعvvادة تخصvvيص ميvvاه الvvرى
والصرف الزراعى فى حوض تقسيم المياه لترعة المحمودية بناء على النواحى االقتصvvادية واالجتماعيvvة
تم وضع وتحليل سيناريوهين إلسvتراتيجية المائيvvة الحاليvvة 2017يقضvى السvيناريو األول بإعvvادة توزيvvع
إستخدام مياه الصرف الزراعى الحالى على أسس بيئية والسيناريو الثانى يvدرس أثvر تطvبيق مشvروعات
تطوير الرى على مستوى كل من المساقى والمراوى .أدى السvvيناريو األول إلى تحسvvين معامvvل إسvvتخدام
المياه فى الزراعة وكذلك نوعيvة ميvاه الvرى ومعvدالت البخvر نتح وانتاجيvة المحاصvيل بنسvبة %10فى
المناطق الجنوبية الغربية من حوض تقسيم المياه بينما أدى السيناريو المتفائvvل لمشvvروعات تطvvوير الvvرى
الى زيvvادة البخvvر نتح وإنتاجيvvة المحاصvvيل فى نهايvvات الvvترع بنسvvبة %15وعلى الجvvانب االخvvر زادت
ملوحة مياه الصرف عند مخرج الحوض بنسبة .%20,3
كvvذلك تم وضvvع وتحليvvل ثالثvvة سvvيناريوهات أخvvرى لإلسvvتراتيجية المائيvvة المسvvتقبلية 2050لتvvدبير
اإلحتياجvvات المتزايvvدة لميvvاه الشvvرب لمدينvvة االسvvكندرية الvvتى سvvوف تتزايvvد بنسvvبة %60عvvام .2050
السيناريو األول هو تعظيم إستخدام مياه الصرف الvvزراعى بالخلvvط من المصvvارف الرئيسvvية والسvvيناريو
الثانى هو تعظيم إستخدام مياه الصرف الvزراعى من المصvارف الفرعيvvة (الخلvط الوسvيط) والثvvالث هvvو
تحلية مياه البحر .ولقد أظهرت نتائج النموذج أن السيناريوهان األول والثانى سوف يؤديان إلى تقليل مياه
الصرف الزراعى إلى كل من بحvvيرة إدكvvو وبحvvيرة مريvvوط بنسvvبة %30و %10على الvvترتيب .وكvvذلك
زادت ملوحة مياه الصرف الvزراعى فى مخvرج حvوض تقسvيم الميvvاه بنسvبة %23و %40فى كvvل من
السvvيناريوهين األول والثvvانى على الvvترتيب .كvvذلك أظهvvرت نتvvائج النمvvوذج زيvvادة فى تركvvيزات التلvvوث
العضوى فى كل من مصرفى إدكو والعموم عند مخvvرج حvvوض تقسvvيم الميvvاه بنسvvبة %12و %36على
أظهر تحليل التكلفة والعائد للسيناريوهات الثالثة الخاصة باإلستراتيجية المائيvvة 2050شvvامال أخvvذ تكلفvvة
التدهور البيئى فى اإلعتبار أن سيناريو تعظيم إسvتخدام ميvاه الصvرف الvزراعى من المصvارف الفرعيvة
عن طريق الخلط الوسيط هو األكثر جدوى إقتصاديا للتطبيق كبديل إسvvتراتيجى لإلدارة المتكاملvvة للميvvاه
فى حوض تقسيم المياه.