WDF 2021

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Roll No. ......................

Total Pages : 2

BCA/D-21 1202

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

Note : Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from

each unit. Question No. 1 is compulsory. All questions
carry equal marks.

Compulsory Question

1. Explain :
(a) Web server and search engines.
(b) Web hosting techniques.
(c) Frames in HTML.
(d) Text formatting.


2. What do you mean by internet? Explain the features of


3. Differentiate :
(a) Web Browser and HTTP.
(b) Web server and URL.

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4. What do you mean by home page and write the steps for
developing a website ?

5. Explain :
(a) Domain name and ISP.
(b) Explain page layout feature in HTML.


6. (a) Introduce HTML. Explain its program structure.

(b) What do you mean by link tag and explain the type of
linking in HTML.

7. Explain :
(a) Ordered and unordered line tags.
(b) Image and Link Tag.


8. Differentiate :
(a) Ordered and unordered list.
(b) Check box and radio buttons.

9. Explain form in HTML.

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