CCS Cost Reduction
CCS Cost Reduction
CCS Cost Reduction
org/est Perspective
development between 2017 and 2020 suggests that this this purpose.55 Given these biogeophysical and socioeconomic
technology is now entering a new period where large-scale constraints and the uncertain practical potential of afforesta-
commercial deployment will soon be feasible.32 tion/reforestation and BECCS, substantial investigation into
Although CCS can in principle decarbonize a substantial alternatives, such as DACS, is underway in order to satisfy the
portion of the power generation sector, it is unable to mitigate global CDR requirement.37,56 DACS offers some alleviation of
emissions from disperse sources, such as those derived from the land/water burden because it does not require arable land
the transportation and residential sectors. By contrast, or nearly as much water as afforestation/reforestation or
techniques capable of actively removing CO2 from the air BECCS. However, commercial DACS operations are currently
can ameliorate these disperse emissions, and are widely hampered by substantial costs, primarily arising from to the
deployed in deep decarbonization pathways.33−35 These need to regenerate CO2 from strongly binding capture
techniques, collectively referred to as carbon dioxide removal media.50,57−59 The direct air capture company Carbon
(CDR), describe an array of natural and artificial strategies for Engineering recently published a conceptual analysis of its
removing CO2 from ambient air. Currently, the most pilot plant that estimates an overall levelized cost for DACS in
commonly explored CDR strategies for large-scale deployment the range $113−232 per tonne of CO2 captured, with the
include afforestation/reforestation, bioenergy with CCS lower end of this estimate corresponding to designs for which
(BECCS), and direct air capture with sequestration (DACS), low-carbon electricity is available at low cost.60 Although this is
among others.36−41 Briefly, afforestation describes the process a significant improvement upon previous cost estimates for
of planting trees on land where there was not recently forestry, DACS (e.g., $600/tonne of CO2),52,61 it is still more expensive
whereas reforestation describes the planting of trees on than the majority of estimates for conventional point-source
recently deforested land.42−45 BECCS describes the capture CCS technologies (e.g., $36−53/tonneCO2 for coal CCS and
and storage of CO2 produced from the conversion of biomass $48−111/tonneCO2 for natural gas combined cycle CCS).62
or biomass-derived fuels into energy,46−49 and DACS While there are circumstances under which DACS could
encompasses the direct removal and storage of CO2 from become cost-competitive with other decarbonization measures
ambient air via engineered processes.50−53 Although these in the near-term,63,64 most 1.5 and 2 °C IAM scenarios project
techniques are commonly expected to remove >100 Gt of CO2 that fossil CCS will hold a central role in decarbonizing the
cumulatively by the end of the century (Figure 1),4,38,54 their power generation sector in the next few decades.
feasibility for large-scale deployment remains highly uncertain. In these scenarios, decarbonization of the power generation
For BECCS and afforestation/reforestation, this uncertainty is sector is typically only partially achieved with CCS. One
primarily due to concerns over land and freshwater availability fundamental reason is that the capture fractions considered in
at the levels needed for large-scale CDR and the ecological and most designs and IAMs are well below the values of ∼99% and
ethical risks that arise from the dedication of fertile land for ∼99.7% for natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) and
pulverized coal combustion, respectively, that would be needed
to achieve outlet CO2 compositions equal to the ∼410 ppm in
ambient air (commonly referred to as “carbon-zero” or “carbon
neutral” capture fractions). Thus, residual CO2 emissions still
escape fossil fuel-fired units, despite the presence of carbon
capture. Although ∼90% capture is commonly assumed in
designs and models irrespective of plant size or the
composition of the flue gas, it is not necessarily the most
cost-effective capture fraction for these circumstances (Figure
2a).69−72 Recent studies72−75 have demonstrated that pursuing
capture significantly beyond 90% in point-source CCS,
hereafter referred to as deep CCS, may be associated with
only marginal increases in plant capital and operating expense.
In this Perspective, we assess the pursuit of such deeper
capture targets in light of the global carbon budget and
propose that the residual emissions avoided may dramatically
alleviate burdens placed upon CDR techniques. We note that
our discussion hinges upon the assumption that deep CCS
would be implemented only after the successful deployment of
conventional CCS. Our hope is that this article will broadly
motivate scientists and engineers to consider >90% capture in
their investigations of carbon capture materials and process
configurations, and that it will encourage the modeling
community to move beyond the artificial assumption of 90%
in their representations of CCS.
limitations are not governing.83−85 In particular, amine- capture, and thus while it is commonly thought that fossil CCS
appended metal−organic frameworks exhibiting cooperative is at best carbon neutral (∼410 ppm outlet), there is no
adsorption could enable precise control over the adsorption fundamental reason why a deep CCS exhaust cannot be carbon
enthalpies in each stage, which may lead to considerable negative with respect to the inlet air supply (Figure 2c).
energy savings for the overall unit, especially if direct-contact However, even for a ∼ 0 ppm of CO2 deep CCS outlet, the
steam stripping is used for regeneration.86−90 Research into negative emissions achieved inside the plant boundaries (which
these adsorbents is only now emerging, and will benefit from we define as starting at the point of fuel combustion and
the development of new models and technoeconomic analyses ending at the exhaust of the CO2 capture unit) will be small
to establish realistic cost and energy considerations that will compared to the current and anticipated lifecycle emission
guide their development for deep CCS. For additional rates for the coal and natural gas supply chains in the United
discussion of potential sorbent materials and process States (SI Section 7). As such, deep CCS should not be viewed
configurations for deep CCS, see SI Section 3. as a CDR technique, but the pursuit of sub-410 ppm outlet
Given that deep CCS will produce outlet streams with CO2 compositions can still offset a portion of the upstream
concentrations similar to that in ambient air, the deployment emissions and is warranted if the incremental cost can be
of materials and process configurations in deep CCS may kept low. Because the proportion of CO2 in NGCC flue
synergistically inform cost reductions for DACS through streams is smaller than that in coal flue gas, it may be more
technological learning.27,91,92 We anticipate that for suitable suitable to target these sub-410 ppm levels in NGCC
coal and NGCC units, the cost of implementing deep CCS will combustors (SI Section 6). With regards to process design,
be lower than that for DACS for a number of reasons. For the weak mass-transfer driving forces associated with capturing
example, unless wind currents can be harnessed effectively,93 CO2 from sub-410 ppm streams will likely require use of
DACS requires pressurization of the inlet air with the aid of capture media with rapid diffusional kinetics (e.g., certain
large fans operating with low-carbon electricity (Figure 2b). In porous adsorbents).72
the ∼1 MtCO2/yr design from Carbon Engineering, 61 kWh/ BECCS is one proposed strategy where lifecycle negative
tonne CO2 of electricity is needed to support an air velocity of
emissions can theoretically be achieved, and which may
1.4 m/s in a fan with inlet area of 45 000 m2.60 In contrast,
additionally benefit from the pursuit of deeper capture targets.
deep CCS does not require sizable fans, because it draws
The extent of negative emissions achievable in BECCS is
directly from a pressurized flue. Another requirement for direct
intertwined with direct/indirect land use changes and the
air capture plants is that they operate at ambient temperature,
given the impracticality of heating large quantities of ambient carbon footprint of the biomass.99−106 Achieving deeper
air. Therefore, for a temperature-swing process, large amounts capture targets in the BECCS unit could synergistically reduce
of sensible heat would be required to regenerate the sorbents, the amount of biomass that must be processed upstream to
which typically have large heat capacities and/or low thermal achieve a fixed negative emission rate, albeit at some reduction
conductivities. On the other hand, the temperature of a deep in energy efficiency due to the need to overcome the increased
CCS inlet can be controlled with direct contact coolers that are parasitic load.48,107 Consider the direct firing of European
already employed commercially. The above-ambient sorption Miscanthus as a representative energy-dedicated crop. In order
temperatures that could be utilized in deep CCS would require to remove 1 MtCO2 equivalents per year (MtCO2e/yr) on a
less sensible heat relative to DACS and may also enable a stark lifecycle basis, we estimate that achieving a 99.5% capture
reduction in water coadsorption in solids, due to the fraction with deep BECCS requires 3900 fewer hectares of
exponential dependence of relative humidity on temper- arable land relative to 90% capture (a savings of ∼10%),
ature.94,95 without taking into account land use changes that could further
We note that DACS also offers advantages that are otherwise magnify these reductions (see SI Section 4). Additionally, since
inaccessible with deep CCS. For example, direct air capture the freshwater demand for BECCS is expected to be
can ameliorate legacy emissions from unmitigated fossil fuel dominated by losses due to evapotranspiration during biomass
combustion. Additionally, DACS operations are inherently cultivation, the transition from 90% to 99.5% capture could
more flexible in their geographical placement than CCS save more than 15 MtH2O/yr, or ∼10% of the freshwater
technologies, and as such the cost of transporting and storing needed for 90% capture. Although the additional parasitic load
CO2 may be lower for DACS than for CCS operations. incurred in achieving this deeper capture target would decrease
Additionally, direct air capture does not require pretreatment electrical production, this inefficiency is ameliorated in part by
of the incoming air to protect the capture media from toxic the embodied energy saved in consuming less biomass. The
gases (e.g., SOx and NOx), which can be particularly incremental parasitic load associated with deep BECCS is
problematic for coal capture units.96,97 Although these expected to decrease over time with the development of new
economic benefits are unlikely to surmount the intrinsic cost technology, bringing the lifecycle energy efficiency of deep
differential between DACS and deep CCS, there are scenarios BECCS closer to that for conventional BECCS. Co-generation
where the large-scale deployment of DACS may be justified in of bioenergy with a low-carbon fuel, such as natural gas, may
the near-term.63,64,98 An improved understanding of all factors close this efficiency gap without substantially reducing the
influencing deployment of DACS relative to deep CCS is direly lifecycle carbon negativity.108,109 Ultimately, the calculations
needed in conjunction with research into materials and process described here are order-of-magnitude estimates obtained
configurations devoted to each approach. using the average multiplicative factors detailed in SI Section 4,
and are intended to motivate further research into deep
3. THE PROSPECT OF NEGATIVE EMISSIONS BECCS. Detailed investigations of the technoeconomics and
Conservation of mass requires that the CO2 composition of a food−energy−water implications of deep BECCS are needed
DACS outlet be less than the inlet air composition. DACS and in order to more accurately assess the practical potential of this
deep CCS both obey the same thermodynamic limit of 100% concept.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 8524−8534
Environmental Science & Technology Perspective
4. THE POTENTIAL FOR DEEP IMPACT considerations and improved parametrizations of CCS
technoeconomic models to account for deep capture
All of the IAM scenarios featured in the 27th Energy Modeling
Forum required cumulative sequestration of at least 600
As discussed above, although deep CCS can achieve negative
GtCO2 by 2100 to meet 2 °C warming targets, but to the best
emissions inside the plant boundaries, these removals are likely
of our knowledge, none of these scenarios considered capture
to be outweighed by supply chain emissions upstream that are
fractions significantly beyond 90% during peak deployment, or
bounded by extraction, transportation, and processing of the
the period of time during which the maximum number of
fuel. These supply chain emissions include fugitive (uninten-
plants are outfitted with fossil CCS.20,110−118 Indeed, while tional) and vented (intentional) emissions from coal mines,
90% capture is not a strict limit in IAMs, it is frequently natural gas reservoirs, pipelines, railcars, ships, and process
informed by technoeconomic assessments developed for first- equipment.130−135 However, the increment between 90 and
generation CCS designs.70,71 Given the stringent carbon ∼100% capture can be carbon negative if supply chain
budgets of 1.5 °C scenarios, the residual emissions from emissions can be kept small. Even if this increment is not
conventional fossil CCS units could necessitate an accelerated carbon negative, it could still alleviate dependences on some of
transition to renewables or other technologies with lower the least viable CDR strategies projected by current 90%
lifecycle emissions.19,25,119,120 Alternatively, the rapid develop- model scenarios, so long as the residual emissions captured
ment and commercialization of deep CCS may provide a exceed the supply chain emissions (Figure 3). Working with
smoother transition toward renewables and, by minimizing
residual emissions from the fossil-fueled power generation
sector, may obviate a substantial amount of CDR over the
Working with published results from the IAM MESSAGE
GLOBIOM,122 we estimate that replacing existing fossil CCS
units with deep CCS units worldwide could avoid an additional
∼1.8 GtCO2/yr in the 2 °C scenario at peak deployment. In
the 1.5 °C scenario, which projects lower overall deployment
of CCS, the CO2 avoided is reduced to only ∼770 Mt/yr (SI
Section 5). However, if cost reductions over the next ∼40 years
can enable the implementation of deep CCS in existing coal
and NGCC units for which conventional CCS is currently
considered uneconomical, the impact of deep CCS in the 1.5
°C scenario can be significantly augmented. Indeed, if deep
CCS is ultimately recognized as a technique for reducing the
need for CDR, the number of coal and NGCC plants deemed
suitable for CCS may exceed current projections. We
emphasize that deep CCS should not be regarded as a
replacement for CDR, because there are circumstances where
CDR can provide economic, social, and/or environmental
benefits that are otherwise inaccessible with deep
CCS.36,53,123−125 However, in some cases, deep CCS has the
potential to serve as a viable and cost-effective alternative to
replace certain CDR strategies that currently face significant Figure 3. We estimate that deep CCS can avoid ∼1 GtCO2/yr of
technical or economic hurdles. Note that the above analysis residual emissions globally, which translates to 80 Mha of forest (with
represents at best an order-of-magnitude estimate of the a mean carbon uptake of 3.4 tCeq/ha/yr), 2.7 Mha of land for
terrestrial enhanced weathering (assuming a potential of 0.1 GtCeq/
impact of deep CCS in these particular scenarios, and
yr/Mha), 32 Mha of cropland for BECCS with an energy-dedicated
ultimately, the detailed incorporation of deep CCS into IAM crop (assuming a mean carbon uptake of 8.6 t Ceq/ha/yr), or 1000
frameworks will be needed in order to determine the DACS plants (assuming a net CDR rate of 1 MtCO2/yr per
circumstances under which CDR can truly be avoided by plant).56,60,140
deep CCS.126
In an initial evaluation of potential emissions avoided from lower bound emission factors of 12.4 kgCO2e/MWh (derived
retrofitting coal and NGCC fleets with deep CCS, we focused in SI Section 7) and 3.6 gCO2e/MJ for the coal136 and natural
on plants in the United States, which in 2017 generated 14.5% gas137 supply chains, respectively, we find that the incremental
of global combustion CO2 emissions.2 Working with 2018 data carbon intensity for a 100 ppm deep CCS outlet is −1.3
from the Energy Information Administration,127,128 we MtCO2e/yr (coal) and −2.3 MtCO2e/yr (NGCC) for the
identified plants potentially suitable for deep CCS retrofit by plants considered for retrofit in the United States. In
categorizing operational coal and NGCC units by electrical comparison, one of the DACS designs from Carbon Engineer-
production and age. Assuming conservative fuel-based parasitic ing requires 8.81 GJ of natural gas per tonne of CO2
loads of 13% for NGCC and 21% for coal,62 we estimate that a captured,60 and our calculations show that the associated
combined total of 128 MtCO 2 /yr of emissions can supply chain emissions reduce the effective CDR rate from 966
theoretically be avoided. Due to the assumptions made in to 931 ktCO2/yr, again assuming the emission factor of 3.6
this analysis (see SI Section 6), this calculation should be gCO2e/MJ from ref 137.137 Given that the net carbon
regarded as an order-of-magnitude estimate of impact. More intensities of deep CCS and DACS are expected to be highly
accurate assessments can be achieved with plant-specific sensitive to upstream emissions, it will be imperative to reduce
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 8524−8534
Environmental Science & Technology Perspective
synthesis and physical characterization of new materials with potential
applications in sustainable energy and environmental remediation,
ASSOCIATED CONTENT and his 360 publications have received more than 76 000 citations. He
sı Supporting Information
cofounded and directs the start-up company Mosaic Materials, which
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at is developing metal−organic frameworks for low-energy carbon dioxide separations, with particular focus on its direct removal from
Computational details and additional information air.
Corresponding Authors
Jeffrey R. Long − Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering and Department of Chemistry, University of
California, Berkeley, California 94720, United States;
Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, United States;; Email: jrlong@
Simon C. Weston − Corporate Strategic Research,
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company,
Annandale, New Jersey 08801, United States;
0000-0002-7439-5055; Email: simon.c.weston@
Simon Weston is a Senior Research Associate at the Corporate
Strategic Research Laboratories of ExxonMobil Research and
Authors Engineering and dedicated to creating new materials for application
Matthew N. Dods − Department of Chemical and in molecular separations, storage and catalysis. Although originally
Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, trained as an organic chemist, he has a multidisciplinary background
California 94720, United States in coordination chemistry, inorganic chemistry, high throughput
Eugene J. Kim − Department of Chemistry, University of experimentation, informatics, and CO2 capture research. He has led
California, Berkeley, California 94720, United States several research teams bridging industrial and academic work with a
Complete contact information is available at: focus on how scientific fundamentals can lead us to better materials for a given application.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 8524−8534
Environmental Science & Technology
■ Perspective
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Bryan Mignone of ExxonMobil Research and Engineering 689−692.
Company for helpful discussions, and Dr. Katie Meihaus for (17) Rodríguez, R. A.; Becker, S.; Andresen, G. B.; Heide, D.;
editorial assistance. Greiner, M. Transmission Needs across a Fully Renewable European
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