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Current Affairs Weekly PDF – October 2023 – 3rd Week
(18 – 24)


MoEF&CC launches Green Credit Program Her Excellency Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan,
& Ecomark Scheme President of the United Republic of
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Tanzania’s State Visit to India, October 8-
Change (MoEF&CC) launched 2 new initiatives, 10, 2023
Green Credit Program (GCP) and the Ecomark President Samia Suluhu Hassan of Tanzania
Scheme to encourage sustainable practices visited India from October 8-10, 2023. She was
rooted in tradition and conservation and promote accompanied by a high-level delegation including
the ideas of ‘LiFE’ – ‘Lifestyle for Environment’ the Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African
movement. Cooperation Hon. January Makamba (MP).
✓ The MoEF&CC have made a set of rules ✓ The two countries inked six agreements
called “Green Credit Rules, 2023” in providing for cooperation in the digital
exercise of the powers conferred by domain, culture, sports, maritime
section 3, section 6 and section 25 of the industries and white shipping information
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of sharing.
1986). ✓ The Reserve Bank of India has allowed
✓ The scheme under the Ecomark authorized banks to open Special Rupee
Certification Rules, 2023, enables labelling Vostro Accounts (SRVA) for correspondent
of products with minimal environmental banks of Tanzania to facilitate transactions
impact, and encouraging consumers and in local currencies (i.e., Indian Rupee and
manufacturers to choose eco-friendly Tanzanian Shilling).
options. ✓ Tanzania’s President Hassan Granted
Honorary Doctorate by JNU, the First
NSDC & Coca-Cola India Partners to Launch Woman to Receive This Honour…click here
Super Power Retailer Program for more detail…
National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC),
based in New Delhi, Delhi, and operating under the East Coast Sagar Kavach 02-23: Coastal
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Security Exercise Held in AP, TN &
(MSDE), partnered with Coca-Cola India to launch Puducherry
the Super Power Retailer Program under the Skill East Coast Sagar Kavach 02-23, a two-day
India Mission. comprehensive Coastal Security Exercise was
✓ This will empower the retailer community conducted in Andhra Pradesh(AP), Tamil
in the states of Odisha and Uttar Pradesh Nadu(TN) and Puducherry(PY) from 11-12
(UP). The program is being piloted in October 2023 to assess the efficacy and
Odisha. robustness of the coastal security system in
responds to unconventional threats from the sea.
The exercise was executed under Vice Admiral

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Rajesh Pendharkar, Flag Officer Commanding-in- 47(last) Argentina 42.3
Chief (FOC-in-C), Eastern Naval Command(ENC),
He is also the Commander-in-Chief, Coastal MoD Signs Contract with Cochin Shipyard
Defence (East). for the Upgradation of INS Beas
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has signed a
Union MNRE Minister RK Singh launches contract with Cochin Shipyard Limited
Dashboard for Data on Adoption and (CSL)(Kochi, Kerala) for mid-life upgrade and re-
Forecasts of EVs powering of the advanced guided missile frigate
Union Minister Raj Kumar (RK) Singh for Ministry of Indian Naval Ship (INS) Beas (F37) at a cost of Rs
New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), and Ministry 313.42 crore. INS Beas is the first Brahmaputra
of Power launched a new Electric Vehicle (EV)- Class Frigate to be re-powered from steam to
Ready India Dashboard (evreadyindia.org) from diesel propulsion.
New Delhi, Delhi. It has been developed by policy
and industry experts at think-tank OMI Foundation Highlights of 9th G20 Parliamentary
based in New Delhi, Delhi. Speakers’ Summit hosted by Parliament of
✓ EV-Ready India Dashboard is the only India
dashboard in India that compiles sales
The 9th Group20 (G20) Parliamentary Speakers’
data across all all (34) Vahan states and
Summit (P20) was held at the India International
Union Territories and Telangana.
Convention and Expo Centre(IICC) – Yashobhoomi
at Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi from 13th to 14th
Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index
October 2023.This was the first P20 summit
2023: India ranked 45th out of 47; Netherland
hosted by India in cooperation with the Inter-
Parliamentary Union (IPU).
According to the 15th annual Mercer CFA Institute
✓ The theme of the forum was ‘Parliaments
Global Pension Index (MCGPI 2023), India is
for One Earth, One Family, One Future’.The
ranked 45th out of 47countries. The overall index
theme was inspired from the ancient
value of India increased from 44.5 in 2022 to 45.9
Indian philosophy of ‘Vasudhaiva
in 2023. India was ranked 41st out of 44 in 2022.
Kutumbakam’ which means ‘The World is
• The 2023 Index is topped by the
one Family’.
Netherlands with overall index value of
85.0, followed by Iceland (83.5) and
IICA and NICF signed MoU to Synergise
Denmark (81.3).
Professional Capabilities
• Singapore is ranked 7th out of 47 in the
The Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) and
MCGPI 2023 and retained
its top spot among
National Institute of Communication Finance
asian countries. (NICF) have signed a MoU to promote the
Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2023: exchange of knowledge and resource between
these institutions for conducting research, training
Rank Country Index Value
capacity building and advocacy. The collaboration
1 Netherlands 85
also aims to develop the skills and knowledge of
2 Iceland 83.5 Indian Posts and Telecom Accounts and Finance
3 Denmark 81.3 Service (IP&TAFS) officers.
45 India 45.9

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WOAH Approves India’s Self-Declaration of
Freedom from HPAI BIS Approves India’s First-ever Indigenous
The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) AC & DC Combined Charging Connector
has approved India’s self-declaration of freedom Standard for LEVs
from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the National
commonly known as bird flu, in certain poultry Standard Body of India, has approved IS17017
compartments (approved farms) in Maharashtra, (Part 2 / Sec 7): 2023, India’s first-ever
Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh. indigenously developed Alternating Current (AC)
✓ AI is a highly contagious viral disease and Direct Current (DC) Combined Charging
impacting domestic and wild birds. It can connector standard for Light Electric Vehicles
occasionally infect mammals, including (LEVs).
humans. ✓ It is also the world’s 1st charging standard
✓ In India, it was first detected in the state of that combines AC and DC charging for
Maharashtra in February 2006. India small EVs, such as electric scooters,
follows a "Detect and cull" policy, as motorcycles, three-wheelers, and
outlined in the National Action Plan for quadricycles, and is designed and
Prevention, Control, and Containment of engineered in India.
Avian Influenza (revised - 2021), to manage ✓ The new standard is based on Ather
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). Energy’s charging connector.

Education Minster Launched NCERT’s Web Amendment to Aircraft Rules, 1937: Validity
Portal “Apna Chandrayaan’ for Students of Pilot License increased from 5 to 10 yrs
Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, the Ministry The Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) notified the
of Education(MoE), launched a web portal ‘Apna amendment of the Aircraft Rules, 1937, which will
Chandrayaan’ for school students in New Delhi, be called as “Aircraft (First Amendment) Rules,
Delhi. The web portal was developed by the 2023”. Under this amendment, following the
National Council of Educational Research and revision of Rule 39C, the validity of the Airline
Training (NCERT). He also launched 10 special Transport Pilot License (ATPL) and Commercial
modules offering a comprehensive perspective on Pilot License (CPL) holders has been increased
the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) from 5 years to 10 years
Chandrayaan-3 mission for students. ✓ The Amendment to Aircraft Rules, 1937
✓ The portal features activity-based support introduces key changes under Rule 66,
material such as interactive quizzes, addressing concerns related to the display
puzzles for school students in of “false lights” in the vicinity of an
Foundational, Preparatory, Middle, and aerodrome.…Click here for more detail…
Secondary level on Mission Chandrayaan-

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DOLR & NRSC Signed MoU to Monitor WDC- PM Narendra Modi Launched India's 1st
PMKSY 2.0 Regional Rapid Transit System in UP
The Department of Land Resources (DOLR) and Prime Minister (PM), Narendra Modi inaugurated the
the National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC) have 17 Kilometer (Km) priority section of the Delhi-
signed an MoU to monitor Watershed Ghaziabad-Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System
Development Component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi (RRTS) Corridor at Sahibabad RapidX Station in
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh (UP).
Sinchayee Yojana (WDC-PMKSY 2.0) using geo-
✓ He also flagged off the ‘Namo Bharat’ RapidX
spatial applications. The event also witnessed the
train, connecting Sahibabad to Duhai Depot
launch of mobile application DRISHTI 2.0 and (UP), which marks India's first RRTS.
web-portal SRISHTI 2.0 for WDC-PMKSY 2.0. Additionally, 2 stretches of the east-west
corridor of Bengaluru Metro were dedicated to
Cabinet Approvals on 18 Oct 2023 the public.
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra
Modi has approved the following proposals on 18
October, 2023
✓ Cabinet Approves Phase-II of GEC for 13 GW
Renewable Energy Project in Ladakh
✓ Cabinet approves MSP for Rabi Crops for
Marketing Season 2024-25
✓ 11.07 Lakh Railway Employees to Receive Rs
1968.87 Crores in PLB
✓ Cabinet approves release of an additional
instalment of DA and DR due from 01.07.2023

IBM & MeitY Signed 3 MoUs to Advance AI,

Semiconductor & Quantum Innovation in
IBM(International Business Machines Corporation)
signed 3 Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with 3 PM Modi Launched 511 Pramod Mahajan
entities under the Ministry of Electronics and
Grameen Kaushalya Vikas Kendras in
Information Technology (MeitY) to advance and
accelerate innovation in Artificial intelligence (AI), Maharashtra
Semiconductor, and quantum technology in India. Prime Minister(PM) Narendra Modi virtually launched
✓ IBM and IndiaAI – Digital India Corporation the 511 Pramod Mahajan Grameen Kaushalya Vikas
collaborate to establish a world-class national Kendras (PMGKVKs) established across 34 rural
AI Innovation Platform (AIIP) for India. districts of Maharashtra through video conferencing.
✓ IBM is set to become India Semiconductor ✓ The PMGKVKs will conduct skill development
Mission's (ISM) knowledge partner for a training programs across various sectors to
semiconductor research center. provide employment opportunities to rural
✓ IBM and the Centre for Development of youth.
Advanced Computing (C-DAC) are set to work ✓ Each Kendra will train about 100 youngsters in
together to advance India’s National Quantum at least two vocational courses. The training
Mission. will be provided by empanelled industry
partners and agencies under the National Skill
Development Council (NSDC).

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Indian Navy conducts Security Exercise (GMIS) 2023 held form October 17 to 19, 2023 at the
'Prasthan' in AP’s Kakinada MMRDA Grounds in Mumbai.
During the event, the Prime Minister unveiled “Amrit
The Security Exercise Prasthan 2023 was carried out
by Commodore Rajneesh Sharma Naval Officer-in- Kaal Vision 2047—blueprint for Indian Maritime blue
Charge (NOIC), under the aegis of Eastern Naval
✓ GMIS sees Rs 10 Lakh Crore Investments and
Command, Indian Navy (IN) in Kakinada, Andhra
360 MoUs, Featuring 34 Deals Valued at Rs
Pradesh (AP).
3.24 Lakh Crore
IN to host Mega Military Wargame ‘Milan’ in Feb
✓ PM Modi inaugurates 21 projects worth Rs
✓ IN is all set to host nine-day mega naval 18,800 crore at GMIS 2023
✓ JNPA signs ₹20,000 crore MoU with DP World
exercise namely 'Milan' from February 19 to
for Vadhvan Port development
27, 2024 in the Arabian Sea.
✓ It's India's largest-ever military wargame, It is a ✓ TCI Group Honored as Maritime Excellence
Achiever at GMIS 2023 by Ministry of Ports,
biennial multilateral naval exercise which was
Shipping & Waterways
initiated by the Indian Navy in 1995.
✓ NMPA Inks Seven MoUs Worth Rs 8,347 Crore
Click here to read full News…
"Ghar-Ghar KCC Abhiyaan": An Initiative to
Ensure Kisan Credit Card Access for Fish
Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
Inaugurated 1st Indian Military Heritage
The Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of
Festival 2023 in New Delhi
Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying (MoFAH&D)
On 21st October 2023, Union Minister Rajnath Singh,
conducted a National level meeting on ‘Ghar-Ghar
Ministry of Defence(MoD), inaugurated the first edition
Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Abhiyaan’, which means
of Indian Military Heritage Festival (2023)at the
‘Door to Door KCC Campaign’ for fisheries on 19th
Manekshaw Centre in New Delhi, Delhi.
October 2023 in New Delhi, Delhi.
✓ Union Defence Minister Rajnath
Singh launched the Project Udbhav to
GMIS 2023: PM Modi Inaugurates the 3rd promote the indigenous discourse through the
Edition and Unveils 'Amrit Kaal Vision 2047 integration of ancient strategic acumen into the
Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the military domain. Project Udbhav is a joint
3rd edition of the Global Maritime India Summit collaboration of Indian Army (IA) and USI.


FAO’s 1st Global Estimation of Impact of disasters on agricultural production focused on

Disasters on Agriculture: USD 3.8 Trillion crops and livestock.
Worth Crops & Livestock Lost Over 30 years ✓ As per the report, the Global aggregated
The United Nations Food and Agriculture losses for the past 30 years (1991-2021)
Organization (FAO) released a report titled ‘The due to disasters events amounts to USD
Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food 3.8 trillion, corresponding to about USD
Security 2023-Avoiding and reducing losses 123 billion per year.
through investment in resilience‘ which is ✓ The report has been prepared and jointly
the first–ever global estimation of the impact of produced by the Statistics Division (ESS)
and the Office of Emergencies and
Resilience (OER) of FAO.

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4th G20 FMCBG Meeting Held in Marrakech, (Welsh) Brigade on behalf of Commander Field
Morocco, October 12-13, 2023 Army of UK Army.
The fourth and last gathering of G20 Finance
Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) MENA Climate Week 2023: Saudi Arabia
during India’s presidency occurred in Marrakech, Hosts Climate Event ahead of COP28 in
Morocco, from October 12 to 13, 2023. This Dubai
meeting coincided with the Annual Meetings of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Climate
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Week 2023, took place from 8-12 October in
Bank Group (WBG). Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is the 2nd of four Regional
✓ G20 FMCBGs adopt Communiqué at Climate Weeks held in 2023 and the event hosted
fourth and final G20 FMCBG meeting under by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Indian G20 Presidency. MENA Climate Week is particularly significant as it
✓ G20 FMCBG Communique Embraces G20 precedes COP28, the UN Climate Change
Independent Expert Group (IEG) Report on Conference scheduled to take place in Dubai on
Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) November 2023.
Strengthening. ✓ It is organized by key international
✓ FMCBG adopted a roadmap proposed in organizations, including the United Nations
the Synthesis Paper, designating it as the Framework Convention on Climate Change
G20 Roadmap on Crypto Assets. (UNFCCC), the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), the
3/5 Gorkha Rifles of Indian Army wins Gold United Nations Environment Programme
in Cambrian Patrol 2023 Military Exercise in (UNEP), and the World Bank.
UK ✓ India, Saudi Arabia sign MoU in the fields of
The 3/5 Gorkha Rifles (Frontier Force) team Electrical Interconnections, Green and
clinched a gold medal for the Indian Army (IA) at Clean Hydrogen and Supply Chains.
the Cambrian Patrol Competition 2023, an ✓ The Public Investment Fund (PIF) of Saudi
International Military Exercise organzied in Wales, Arabia and the Saudi Electricity Company
United Kingdom (UK) from October 6, 2023 to (SEC) announced the launch of the Electric
October 15, 2023. Cambrian Patrol 2023 Military Vehicle Infrastructure Company…click
Exercise was hosted by Headquarters 160th here for more detail….


ADB Approved USD 181 Million Loan to Project was created with an aim to provide basic
Improve Services in Peri-Urban Areas of infrastructure in these growth centres.
Ahmedabad ✓ Ahmedabad Peri-urban Livability
Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a Improvement Project is funded by Asian
loan worth USD 181 million to build quality Development Bank(ADB).
infrastructure and services in the peri-urban areas
of Ahmedabad, Gujarat to control urban sprawl.
Ahmedabad Peri-urban Livability Improvement

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Sberbank Becomes First Russian Bank to 9th annual Google for India 2023: Google
Register with SEBI as FPI Partners with FACE to Take Down Illegal
Russian State-owned Sberbank has become the Loan Apps from Play Store in India
first Russian bank to register with the Securities Google has partnered with the Fintech
and Exchange Board of India(SEBI) as a foreign Association for Consumer Empowerment (FACE)
portfolio investor (FPI) for a Category I FPI license. to take down illegal digital lending apps on Play
Foreign portfolio investment (FPI) involves an Store in India.
investor purchasing foreign financial assets to Highlights of 9th annual Google for India event:
access equities, bonds, derivatives, mutual funds, i.During the event, Alphabet Inc. announced plans
and guaranteed investment certificates among to manufacture Pixel 8 smartphones in India with
others. sales starting in 2024.
ii.Google is partnered with Open Network for
APIPL Partners NPCI to launch EMIs on Digital Commerce (ONDC) to enable customers to
RuPay Credit Cards book metro tickets directly through the Google
Amazon Pay India Private Limited (APIPL) in Maps app
partnership with National Payments Corporation
of India (NPCI) has introduced the option of
Equated Monthly Instalment(EMI) on RuPay
credit cards in Amazon Pay.

RBI Starts Wholesale Digital Rupee Pilot in

Call Money Market
On October 17, 2023, the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) initiated a pilot program for the wholesale
segment namely ‘Digital Rupee-Wholesale (e₹-
W)’ of its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in
the interbank call money market.
e-rupee call money pilot is the second test of
wholesale CBDC, after the government securities
market in November 2022.
HDFC ERGO General Insurance launches
IRDAI Mandates Insurance Cover For Optima Secure
Employees In Employer's Vehicle HDFC ERGO General Insurance launched
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Optima Secure, a health insurance policy that
Authority of India (IRDAI) has mandated all general offers four times the coverage at no extra cost. The
insurers with motor insurance business to provide policy covers medical expenses incurred within
an inbuilt feature in the Third Party policy (TP) to India and comes with an optional global health
cover to employees travelling in an employer's cover.
vehicle (including paid driver, if applicable) under Health insurance is a financial arrangement that
IMT. 29 of the Indian Motor Tariff 2002. provides coverage for medical expenses and
healthcare services.

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DFC Offers USD 30 Million to Dalmia NBBP Launches B2B Services, Partners with
Polypro Industries to Set up Greenfield Axis Bank
Recycling Facility in Nashik NPCI Bharat BillPay Limited(NBBP) has partnered
The United States(U.S.) International with Axis Bank to launch its services under the
Development Finance Corporation (DFC) has Business-to-Business (B2B) category to provide
offered an External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) businesses value-added services like flexible
loan of USD 30 million to the Dalmia invoice presentation, complaint management,
Polypro Industries Private Ltd to fund the Management Information System(MIS), etc.
establishment of greenfield recycling facility in ✓ Axis Bank became the first BOU enabling
Nashik, Maharashtra. B2B payments. NBBP’s B2B Category
Payments went live for the first time on e
HDFC Bank Launches ‘XpressWay’ Digital MyJio app for Arzooo, a B2B Retail Tech
Banking Platform for Banking Products and platform, with Axis Bank as the Biller
Operating Unit (BOU).
HDFC Bank has developed 'XpressWay,' a digital
banking platform that offers a range of financial EIB Delegates Examined Agra, Kanpur and
products and services, providing customers with a Lucknow Metro Construction
fast and convenient banking experience. A three-member delegation from the European
✓ XpressWay provides a variety of services Investment Bank (EIB) examined Metro rail works
such as Xpress Personal Loans, Xpress in Agra, Kanpur and Lucknow which is being
Business Loans, Xpress Car Loans, Xpress constructed under Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail
Home Loans, Xpress Loan on Cards, Corporation(UPMRC).
Xpress Credit Card, and Xpress Savings ✓ The European Investment Bank (EIB) is
Accounts. providing EUR 450 million for Agra Metro
✓ XpressWay is a part of HDFC Rail Project.
Bank's 'NOW,' a brand that covers the ✓ The total estimated cost of Kanpur Metro
bank's digital products and services. Rail Project is EUR 1354 million EIB will
contribute about EUR 650 million.
✓ The total value of Lucknow Metro Rail
Project is EUR 914 million; EIB is
contributing EUR 450 million.


Bharti Group to Acquire AXA’s 49% Stake in ✓ Through this acquisition, BLVPL will own
Bharti AXA Life Insurance 100% stake in the Bharti AXA Life
Bharti Group, through its holding company Bharti Insurance.
Life Ventures Private Limited (BLVPL) has entered ✓ The transaction is expected to be
into a binding agreement with its Joint Venture(JV) completed by December 2023, subject to
partner AXA to acquire its 49% of stake in Bharti regulatory approvals.
AXA Life Insurance.

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IOCL to Invest Rs.1,660.15 Crore in Indian FICCI Economic Outlook Survey Predicts
Oil NTPC Green Energy Pvt Ltd Median GDP Growth Rate of 6.3% for FY23-
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), a state- 24
owned Maharatna company, is set to invest Rs According to Economic Outlook Survey released
1,660.15 crore as equity in Indian Oil NTPC Green by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce &
Energy Pvt Ltd for setting up renewable power Industry (FICCI), India’s annual median Gross
plants.IndianOil NTPC Green Energy Pvt Ltd is a domestic product (GDP) growth rate for the
joint venture (JV) company with a 50:50 share financial year 2023-24 (FY2023-24) is projected at
between IOCL and NTPC Green Energy Ltd, (a 6.3% with a minimum and maximum growth
wholly-owned subsidiary of NTPC Limited) formed estimate of 6% and 6.6%, respectively.
in June 2023. ✓ The median forecast for Consumer Price
Index (CPI)-based inflation in 2023-24 is
5.5%, with a minimum and maximum
range of 5.3% and 5.7%, respectively.
✓ CPI inflation rate will remain above the
Reserve Bank of India(RBI)'s target level of
4±2 for Q3 & Q4 of FY 23-24.


Forbes’ India’s 100 Richest 2023: Mukesh RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das Receives
Ambani Top the List with USD 92 Billion Award for A+ ranking in Global Finance’s
Mukesh Ambani, the Chairman and Managing Central Banker Report Cards 2023
Director of Reliance Industries Ltd. topped the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta
Forbes India’s 100 Richest 2023 List with USD 92 Das was awarded the “Best Central Bank Award
Billion. Mukesh Ambani regains the ‘Richest 2023” for being ranked ‘A+’ in the Global Finance
Indian’ title after he slipped to second spot in Central Banker Report Cards 2023 during the 30th
2022. annual World’s Best Banks Awards ceremony held
✓ With a net worth of USD 68 Billion, Gautam at Marakesh, Morocco.
Adani of Adani Enterprises slipped to the ✓ Thomas J. Jordan, the Governor of Swiss
second rank from the first in 2022 and Shiv National Bank (SNB) and Nguyen Thi Hong,
Nadar of HCL Technologies ranked 3rd the Governor of State Bank of
with a net worth of USD 29.3 Billion. Vietnam(SBV) were also rated A+ in
✓ Savitri Jindal of the O.P. Jindal Group is Central Banker Report Cards 2023.
India’s richest woman with a net worth of
USD 24 billion. American Actor Michael Douglas to Receive
✓ NTPC Limited, formerly known as National Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement Award:
Thermal Power Corporation ranked 261st
54th IFFI at Goa
out of the top 700 companies in the Forbes
American actor and producer Michael Douglas will
“World’s Best Employers 2023” list and it
be honoured with the Satyajit Ray Lifetime
is the only Indian Public Sector
Achievement Award at the 54th International Film
Undertaking (PSU) featured in the list.
Festival of India(IFFI) to be held in Goa from 20th

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to 28th November, 2023.The announcement was Iranian woman, was arrested for allegedly violating
made by Union Minister Anurag Singh Thakur, Iran’s mandatory hijab (headscarf ) law in
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB). He September 2022. She died 3 days after arrest.
has received several awards including 2 Academy
Awards(Oscars) and a Primetime Emmy Award.

MSDE Dharmendra Pradhan Launched India

Skills 2023-24 & Felicitates World Skills
2022 Winners
Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, Ministry of
Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE)
launched the IndiaSkills 2023-24, India’s most
significant National Skill Competition program. He
also felicitated the winners of the 46th WorldSkills
Competition (WSC 2022 Special Edition –
WSC2022SE), which was held between 7th
September and 26th November 2022 across 15
✓ India secured 11th position in the Cirium's Monthly Report: Bengaluru’s KIA
WSC2022SE.In 2019, India held the 13th
tops as World's Most Punctual Airport
According to 'The On-Time Performance Monthly
✓ WSC2022SE was the official replacement
Reports - Airports for September 2023’
for WorldSkills Shanghai 2022, cancelled
published by aviation analytics firm Cirium,
in May 2022 due to the COVID-19
Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) in
Bengaluru (Karnataka) has secured the top
✓ China secured the 1st position followed by
position as the world's most punctual Airport for
South Korea in the 2nd and Chinese Taipei
the past 3 consecutive months(July, August, and
in the 3rd position in the WorldSkills 2022
September 2023).
Special Edition…Click here for more
Gujarat’s Dhordo featured among UNWTO's
Best Tourism Villages 2023; MP’s Madla
Mahsa Amini & Iranian women protest
selected for Upgrade Programme
movement Won the 2023 Sakharov Prize
On October 19, 2023, the Dhordo village in Kutch
of European Parliament
district of Gujarat, India named in the 3rd edition of
On October 19, 2023, Roberta Metsola, President
Best Tourism Villages 2023 list released by the
of European Parliament named Jina Mahsa Amini
United Nations World Tourism Organization
and Iranian women protest movement as the
(UNWTO). While, Madla village from Madhya
winners of Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought
Pradesh's Panna district has been picked for the
2023 (Sakharov Prize), the European Union’s (EU)
UNWTO’s Best Tourism Villages Upgrade
top human rights prize.
About Jina Amini:
✓ The announcement was made during the
i.Jina Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old Kurdish
UNWTO General Assembly in Samarkand,

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Uzbekistan. the Best Tourism Villages by 8th WIF: ICAI Receives ISAR Honours 2023
UNWTO was launched in 2021 is part of from UNCTAD; TN’s Guidance wins UN
the UNWTO Tourism for Rural Promotion Award
Development Programme which fosters The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
development and inclusion in rural areas, (ICAI) has been awarded the ISAR Honours 2023,
combat depopulation, advance innovation 6th edition of ISAR Honours, by the United Nations
and value chain integration through tourism Conference on Trade and Development
and sustainable practices. (UNCTAD) working group on International
Click Here for full list of Best Tourism Villages by Standards for Accounting and Reporting (ISAR).
UNWTO 2023 TN’s Guidance wins UN Promotion Award
✓ Guidance the Investment Promotion
Army Commanders’ Conference 2023: Agency (IPA under the Department of
Udhampur Military Station Bags 'Best Green Industries, Investment Promotion and
Military Station' Award Commerce, Government of Tamil Nadu
Udhampur Military Station in the Indian Union (TN), was honored with the 2023 United
Territory (UT) of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) bagged Nations (UN) Promotion Award for
the 'Best Green Military Station' award. The Excellence in Scaling Up Energy Transition
award recognises the station’s environmental Investments
efforts and highlights the commitment of the ✓ The awards were presented during the
Indian Army to strive for excellence. 8th World Investment Forum (WIF) held
✓ During the award ceremony, the Dehradun from October 16-20, 2023 in Abu Dhabi,
Military Station (Uttarakhand) was United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the theme
acknowledge for securing the title of the 'Investing in Sustainable Development'.
“Second Best.” The Bikaner Military
Station (Rajasthan) was honoured with the CJI Chandrachud receives Harvard Law
“Best Transformative Station” trophy. School’s ‘2022 Award for Global
Nobel Laureate Narges Mohammadi The Chief Justice of India(CJI) Dhananjay
Conferred with Mother Teresa Memorial Yeshwant(DY) Chandrachud has been felicitated
Award for Social Justice 2023 with the ‘2022 Center on the Legal
Narges Mohammadi, Iranian women’s rights Profession(CLP) Award for Global Leadership’
campaigner, and the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize by The Harvard Law School Center of Harvard
Laureate, will be conferred with the Harmony University, Massachusetts, United States of
Foundation’s Mother Teresa Memorial Award for America(USA).
Social Justice 2023. ✓ He was announced as the recipient of the
About Narges Mohammadi: award in December 2022.
i.She from Iran is a woman Human Rights ✓ He was awarded in recognition of his
Defender (HRD), and Deputy Director and lifetime service to the legal profession in
spokesperson of the Defenders of Human Rights India and around the world.
Centre (DHRC) in Iran.

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Daniel Noboa Becomes Youngest President MEA Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi

Elect of Ecuador Appointed Permanent Representative of
Daniel Noboa, a 35-year- India to UN in Geneva
old businessman and a Arindam Bagchi, Additional
member of National Secretary [External
Democratic Action, won Publicity(XP)] and
the 2023 General Election Spokesperson of the
of Ecuador defeating Luisa Ministry of External Affairs
González of the Citizen (MEA) has been appointed
Revolution Movement.With this victory, Daniel the next
Noboa becomes the Youngest ever President elect Ambassador/Permanent Representative of India
of Ecuador. to the United Nations (UN) and other international
✓ Daniel Noboa is taking over as President organisations in Geneva, Switzerland. Arindam
after Guillermo Lasso and will continue in Bagchi is set to take over the post from Indra Mani
this role until May 2025, which is when the Pandey, the incumbent Indian envoy to the UN in
current term ends. Geneva.
✓ About Ecuador: Capital– Quito ,Currency–
United States Dollar (US Dollar) Justice Siddharth Mridul Appointed Chief
Justice of Manipur High Court
Christopher Luxon Elected as the 42nd PM Delhi High Court judge Siddharth Mridul was
of New Zealand appointed Chief Justice (CJ) of Manipur High Court
Christopher Luxon has been by the union government based on the
elected as the 42nd Prime recommendation of the Supreme Court Collegium
Minister(PM) of New in July 2023.Justice Siddharth Mridul is set to
Zealand. He belongs to (and replace Justice Muralidharan who has been
the leader of) central-right serving as the Acting Chief Justice(ACJ) of the
National Party of New Manipur High Court since February 2023.
Zealand.He will succeed Labour Party’s Chris
Hipkins who was appointed the 41st PM of New President Appoints Raghubar Das as
Zealand in January 2023. Governor of Odisha & Indra Sena Reddy
Nallu as Governor of Tripura
Mohammed Shami Appointed as Brand Droupadi Murmu, President
Ambassador of Puma India of India, has appointed
Puma India has roped in Indian right-arm fast former Chief Minister(CM) of
bowler fast bowler Mohammed Shami Ahmed as Jharkhand, Raghubar Das(68
its brand ambassador.As part of this partnership, years old), as the 26th
Shami will promote Puma’s shoes, clothing, and Governor of Odisha and
accessories through various activities and Telangana Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader
campaigns. Indra Sena Reddy Nallu(73) as 20th Governor of

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Tripura with effect from the date they assume interim MD & CEO of KMB until December
charge. 31, 2023.
✓ Raghubar Das will succeed Ganeshi Lal
who has been serving as the Governor of Sanjay Kumar Jain appointed as CMD of
Odisha since 2018. IRCTC
✓ Indra Sena Reddy Nallu will succeed Sanjay Kumar Jain has been appointed as the
Satyadeo Narain Arya who has been Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of the
serving as the Governor of Tripura since Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation
2021. (IRCTC).
✓ The post was vacant since January 2021
Ashok Vaswani Appointed as New MD & after the retirement of
CEO of Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited Mahendra Pratap Maal.
The Reserve Bank of India ✓ From June 2023, Seema Kumar who is the
(RBI) has approved the Additional Member (Tourism & Catering) is
appointment of Ashok acting as CMD (Additional Charge).
Vaswani as the next
Managing Director (MD) HP Appoints Former Apple Executive
and Chief Executive Officer Ipsita Dasgupta as SVP & MD for India
(CEO) of Kotak Mahindra HP Inc. (known as Hewlett-Packard Company),
Bank Limited (KMB) for a period of 3 years. The has appointed former Apple executive
appointment is with effect from the date of taking Ipsita Dasgupta as senior vice president(SVP)
charge, which shall not be later than January 1, and Managing Director (MD) of HP’s India market.
2024. She will take over the new position with effect
✓ Ashok Vaswani will succeed Dipak Gupta, from 30th October 2023 succeeding Gurpreet
the Joint MD of KMB, who is serving as the Singh Brar, who has been serving as the Interim
MD since November 2022.


CCI approves merger of IDFC Ltd with IDFC Kotak Mahindra Bank Gets RBI Nod for
FIRST Bank Acquisition of Sonata Finance
Competition Commission of India (CCI) has Kotak Mahindra Bank (KMB) got approval from the
approved the Scheme of Amalgamation of IDFC Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to acquire 100% of the
Limited(IDFCL) with IDFC FIRST Bank.The issued and paid up capital in Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
approval was granted under the Green Channel based Sonata Finance Private Limited (SFPL) for Rs
537 crore.
Route, which is a fast-track route for mergers and
Sonata Finance, established in 2006, is a Microfinance
acquisitions that are unlikely to have any adverse
company registered as Non-Banking Finance
impact on competition.IDFCL is a development
Company(NBFC)-Microfinance institutions(MFI) (Non-
finance institution(DFI) and the parent company of Deposit taking).

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NASA’s Psyche Spacecraft was Launched to 164 meters and displacement of over 7500
Study Metal Asteroid ‘Psyche’ Tons.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) has launched a Psyche Spacecraft to an MeitY Launches Indigenous Portable DC
interplanetary transfer orbit by using SpaceX Charger to Boost Electric Vehicle Adoption
Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex 39a On October 20, 2023, S Krishnan, Secretary of the
(LC-39a) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Florida, United States of America (USA). This is (MeitY), launched the indigenous(Made in India)
technology of “2KW DC Portable Charger” designed
NASA’s first mission to study an asteroid that has
to meet the new safety standard IEC 60950-11.
more metal than rock or ice.
It was developed by the Centre of Excellence (CoE) at
✓ After escaping Earth’s gravity, Psyche Indian Institute Of Technology(IIT) Madras Research
Spacecraft will use solar electric Park in Chennai, Tamil Nadu (TN) in collaboration with
propulsion to accomplish its six-year Flowtrik Technologies. It is funded by MeitY.
journey to the asteroid called ‘Psyche’
which is orbiting the Sun between Mars ISRO Launches the Gaganyaan Mission Test
and Jupiter. On 21st October 2023, Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched
Yard 12706 (Imphal): Third Stealth Gaganyaan’s first flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-
Destroyer of Project 15B delivered to the 1 (TV-D1) from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in
Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh(AP).
Indian Navy
✓ Test Vehicle Demonstration 1(TV-D1) is a low
Yard 12706 (Imphal), the third Stealth Destroyer
cost liquid propelled single stage rocket which
of Project 15B Class Guided Missile Destroyer build at
is developed specifically for test missions.
the Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL) was
✓ TV-D1 uses a modified VIKAS(VIKram Ambalal
delivered to the Indian Navy(IN). The ship was
Sarabhai) engine with CM and CES mounted at
designed by the Indian Navy’s Warship Design
its fore end.
Bureau (WDB).
IAF Test Fired Long Ranged BrahMos Missile
✓ Imphal, constructed using Indigenous Steel
Indian Air Force (IAF) successfully tested the air
DMR 249A, is one of the largest Destroyers
launch version of BrahMos supersonic cruise missile.
constructed in India, with an overall length of



Overview of 141st Session of the IOC held in October 15-17, 2023, in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Mumbai; 5 Additional Sports added in 2028 The IOC's Executive Board met during the
Summer Olympics session.The 141st session of IOC was inaugurated
The 141st Session of the International Olympic by the Prime Minister (PM) of India Narendra Modi.
Committee (IOC) was hosted by India from

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✓ This is the 2nd IOC Session hosted by India members with Olympic Orders
after 40 years. India hosted the 86th IOC acknowledging their
session in New Delhi, Delhi in 1983. outstanding contribution to sport and
✓ IOC has suspended the Russian Olympic Olympism…click here for more detail…
Committee (ROC) for violating the Olympic
charter after it incorporated sports bodies Red Bull’s Max Verstappen Wins 50th F1 in
from 4 territories annexed from Ukraine as US Grand Prix 2023
its member. Max Verstappen, the Belgian-Dutch driver of Red Bull
✓ It approved the proposal of Los Angeles won the Formula 1 (F1) United States Grand Prix 2023
2028 Organising Committee of Olympics held at the Circuit of The Americas in Austin, Texas,
and Paralympic Games for the inclusion of The United States of America(USA) from 20- 22
5 additional sports including Cricket (T20- October 2023.
Twenty20), Softball/Baseball, flag football, ✓ This marks Max Verstappen’s 50th career win
lacrosse (sixes) and squash. in the F1 and he joins Lewis Hamilton(103),
✓ IOC awarded the following four Michael Schumacher(91)(Germany),
Sebastian Vettel(53) )(Germany) and Alain
personalities or IOC
Prost (51)(France) in the 50-win club.


Padma Vibhushan Awardee & 11th CEC of continents and over more than three decades, to
India MS Gill Passed Away resolve international conflicts.
Padma Vibhushan Awardee and the 11th Chief
Election Commissioner (CEC) of India, Dr. Oscar & Emmy-Nominated American
Manohar Singh Gill (MS Gill), passed away in New Actress Piper Laurie Passed Away
Delhi, Delhi at the age of 87. He was born on June American actress Piper Laurie passed away in Los
14, 1936, in undivided Punjab. MS Gill was a 1958 Angeles(LA), the United States of America(USA).
batch of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) She was born “Rosetta Jacobs” in 1932 at
officer of Punjab cadre. Michigan, USA. She was nominated 9 times for an
✓ MS Gill was awarded the Padma Emmy and 3 times for an Academy Award(Oscar).
Vibhushan in 2000 for his exceptional and ✓ She got her first Oscar nomination in 1961
distinguished services as a civil servant. for the movie "The Hustler". Later she was
nominated for two more movies namely
Martti Ahtisaari, Former Finnish President & "Carrie," (1976) and "Children of a Lesser
Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Passed Away God" (1986).
Nobel Peace Laureate, Martti Ahtisaari, who
served as the 10th President of Finland (1994 to Nobel winning American Poet Louise Glück
2000), passed away at the age of 86 in Helsinki, Passed Away
Finland. He was born on 23 June 1937, Viipuri Louise Elisabeth Glück, an acclaimed Jewish-
(now Vyborg, Russia), Finland.In 2008, American poet & essayist and Nobel laureate
Martti Ahtisaari was awarded the Nobel Peace (Literature 2020), passed away at the age of 80 in
Prize for his important efforts, on several Cambridge, Massachusetts, the United States of

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America (USA). She was born on 22 April 1943 in Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Siddhar Peedam in
New York, USA. Kancheepuram district (Tamil Nadu (TN)) passed away
at the age of 82 in Melmaruvathur, TN. He was born on
3 March 1941 in Melmaruvathur village.
Padma Shri Awardee and Spiritual Leader
He was conferred with Padma Shri in 2019 for his
Bangaru Adigalar Passed Away spiritual services to the society.
Padma Shri Awardee Arul Thiru Bangaru Adigalar, a
Spiritual Leader and the founder of


BlueKraft Digital Foundation launches book Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri
on PM Modi's radio show 'Mann ki Baat' Launched Ashok Tandon’s New Book “The
BlueKraft Digital Foundation has launched a book Reverse Swing”
on Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi’s monthly Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri, Ministry of
radio programme Mann ki Baat. The book has been Petroleum and Natural Gas(MoPNG) launched a book
titled ‘Igniting Collective Goodness: Mann Ki Baat titled “The Reverse Swing: Colonialism to
@ 100’. Cooperation” authored by Ashok Kumar Tandon, a
✓ The book is published by Westland veteran journalist and political commentator.
The book, published by Prabhat Prakashan, features
Publications Limited.
stories on the relationship between India and the
✓ This is the third book of Westland
United Kingdom (UK), India's colonial past and its
Publications in the series, which captures resurgence and the current journey through the
the journey of Mann ki Baat. Amrit Kaal.


World White Cane Day 2023 - October 15 World Students Day 2023- October 15
World White Cane Day, also known as White Cane World Students Day is annually observed on
Safety Day, is annually observed across the globe 15tOctober to commemorate the birth anniversary
on 15th October to promote accessibility and of the 11th President of India (from 2002 to 2007)
inclusion for people with disabilities and to and the Missile Man of India Dr. A P J (Avul Pakir
increase public awareness of the rules of conduct Jainulabdeen) Abdul Kalam.15 October 2023
for the visually impaired people. The white cane is marks the 92nd birth anniversary of Dr. APJ Abdul
a critical mobility tool for blind people that has Kalam. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was born on 15
been used for centuries. October 1931 in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu.
✓ World White Cane Day is observed in India ✓ He also served as the Chief Project
by the Department of Empowerment of Coordinator of the Pokhran-II nuclear test
Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) under in 1998.
the Ministry of Social Justice and ✓ He played a major role as in the
Empowerment (MoSJE). development of India’s first indigenous
Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III).

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✓ He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in ✓ The theme of World Trauma Day 2023 is
1981 for Civil Service, the Padma ‘Embracing Resilience, Overcoming
Vibhushan in 1990, and Bharat Ratna in Trauma’s Impact’.
1997 for Science and Engineering. ✓ World Trauma Day is a part of Bone and
Joint Action Week which is annually
World Food Day 2023 - October 16 observed from October 12 to October 20.
The United Nations (UN) World Food Day (WFD) is
annually observed across the globe on 16 October 39th Raising Day of NSG - 16th October 2023
to highlight the millions of people worldwide who National Security Guard (NSG) annually celebrate
cannot afford a healthy diet and the need for its Raising Day on 16th October to mark the
regular access to nutritious food. The day 16 establishment of NSG (also known as Black Cats)
October also commemorates the establishment on 16th October 1984. 16th October 2023 marks
of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the observance of 39th Raising Day of NSG.NSG It
the UN in 1945. is a Federal Contingency Deployment Force for
✓ The 2023 theme of WFD is, ‘Water is Life, combating terrorist activities in any part of India.
Water is Food. Leave No One Behind.’ ✓ It operates under the Ministry of Home
Affairs(MHA) with the motto 'Sarvatra,
International Day for the Eradication of Sarvottam, Suraksha'.
Poverty 2023- October 17
United Nations (UN) International Day for the National Solidarity Day 2023- October 20
Eradication of Poverty, also known as End Poverty National Solidarity Day is annually observed
Day, is annually observed across the globe on 17 across India on 20 October to honour, respect,
October to raise awareness about the global issue and promote the bravery and strength of the Indian
of poverty and how it is a violation of human rights armed forces.
and human dignity.This day also aims to honour The day is dedicated to mark the national integrity
the victims of extreme poverty, violence, and displayed by India during the 1962 conflict with
hunger, and to promote understanding and China(Indo-China War)
dialogue between people living in poverty and the ✓ The day is also plays tribute to all the brave
wider society. souls who lost their lives during the Sino-
✓ The theme of International Day for the Indian War which started on 20th October
Eradication of Poverty 2023 is, “Decent 1962 and ended on 21 November 1962.
Work and Social Protection: Putting Dignity ✓ 20 October 2023 marks
in Practice for All”. the 61st anniversary of the India-China
World Trauma Day 2023 – October 17 ✓ In 1966, a committee was set up under the
World Trauma Day is annually observed across leadership of then Prime Minister Indira
the globe on October 17 to raise awareness about Gandhi to honour the martyrs of the war
trauma and educate people on ways to address and to promote a sense of patriotism and
traumatic incidents and deaths. 17th October solidarity among the citizens.The
2023 marks 13th World Trauma Day. committee decided to designate October
20 as National Solidarity Day.

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World Osteoporosis Day 2023 - October 20 China in 1959 at Hot Springs in Aksai
World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) is a global Chin, Ladakh.
awareness campaign annually observed across ✓ In January 1960, a resolution was passed
the globe on 20 October to highlight the at the Annual Conference of Inspectors
importance of Osteoporosis and to raise global General of Police of States and Union
awareness of the prevention, diagnosis, and Territories, recognising October 21st of
treatment of Osteoporosis and related every as the Police Commemoration Day.
musculoskeletal diseases. ✓ 21st October of every year since 1960 is
✓ The theme of 2023 WOD Campaign is being observed as Police Commemoration
‘Build Better Bones’. Day”. The day is also observed as Police
✓ The first-ever WOD was observed on 20 Martyr's Day.
October 1996.
Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders
International Chefs Day 2023 - October 20 Prevention Day 2023 – October 21
International Chefs Day is annually observed Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders(IDD)
across the globe on October 20 to celebrate the Prevention Day or World Iodine Deficiency Day is
Culinary arts and to educate the people about the annually observed across the globe on 21st
significance of culinary professionals (Chefs). October to create awareness about the
✓ The day also aims to educate kids around importance of Iodine, an essential micro-
the world about the importance of healthy nutrient.
eating. IDD Prevention in India:
✓ The day is observed by the World ✓ The National Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Association of Chefs’ Societies Control Programme (NIDDCP) is a
(Worldchefs). government initiative launched in 1992 to
✓ 20th October 2023 marks the 20th address the widespread issue of iodine
International Chefs Day. deficiency in India.
The day was founded in 2004 by Bill Gallagher, ✓ The National Iodine Deficiency Disorders
the then-president of the WorldChefs. The first Control Programme (NIDDCP) aspires to
International Chefs Day was observed on 20th achieve a prevalence of iodine deficiency
October 2004. disorders (IDDs) below 5% in India.
✓ iAdditionally, the programme aims to
Police Commemoration Day 2023- October ensure that every household in the country
21 consumes adequately iodized salt
Police Commemoration Day (Police Martyrs containing 15 parts per million (ppm) of
Day) is annually observed across India on 21 iodine.
October to reflect, pay homage to, and appreciate
the incredible dedication of Indian police martyrs. International Stuttering Awareness Day
✓ The day commemorates the sacrifices of 2023- October 22
10 brave Central Reserve Police Force International Stuttering Awareness Day, also
(CRPF) policemen, who sacrificed their known as International Stammering Awareness
lives while defending our borders with Day (ISAD), is annually observed across the globe
on 22 October to raise awareness about

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Stuttering, a speech disorder that affects millions ✓ The day also aims to promote the action to
of people (about 1% of the population) across the eliminate the use of lead in paint.
globe. ✓ This is an initiative of the Global Alliance to
Symbol: Since 2009, the Sea-Green Ribbon has Eliminate Lead Paint (Lead Paint
been used as a stuttering awareness ribbon for Alliance), jointly led by the United Nations
ISAD, The first ISAD was observed on 22 October Environment Programme (UNEP) and the
1998. World Health Organization (WHO).
✓ In 1997, ISAD was first proposed by ✓ In 2023, the ILPPW was observed from
Michael Sugarman, the co-founder of the 22nd to 28th October 2023. This marks
National Stuttering Project (NSP) during the 11th observance of ILPPW.
the closing ceremony of the International
Fluency Association (IFA) in San World Snow Leopard Day 2023- October 23
Francisco, California, the United States of World Snow Leopard Day, also known as
America (USA). International Snow Leopard Day, is annually
observed across the globe on 23 October to raise
International Lead Poisoning Prevention awareness about the conservation and protection
Week 2023- October 22 to 28 of Snow Leopard, one of the world’s most elusive
International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week and endangered big cats, and their natural habitat.
(ILPPW) is annually observed across the globe on The first-ever International Snow Leopard Day
the last full week of October to raise awareness was observed on 23 October 2014.
about the harmful effects of lead poisoning(lead


Kati Bihu Celebrated Across Assam – 18th Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah Launched an

October 2023 Emblem to Mark Golden Jubilee of
Kati Bihu, also known as Kongali bihu, is the Renaming State
annual Assamese festival celebrated on the first The Chief Minister(CM) of Karnataka,
day of the Kati Month in the Assamese calendar, Siddaramaiah, unveiled an emblem of Karnataka
usually coincides with the mid-October. Kati Bihu Sambrama-50 in a programme organised by the
is celebrated during the time of relocation of the Department of Kannada in Bengaluru,
rice sapling which is observed with great Karnataka.The launch of emblem marks the
enthusiasm and fervor. The 2023 Kati Bihu was golden jubilee of the renaming of Mysore State as
celebrated on 18th October 2023.The name Kati Karnataka in on 1st November, 1973.
Bihu comes from the Assamese word "kati", which ✓ To mark 50 years of renaming the
means "to cut." government of Karnataka decided to hold
year-long celebrations from 1st November
2023 to 1st November 2024.

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Arunachal Pradesh Cabinet Approves movie is directed by Anurag Rajan Bhusari
Establishment of STPF for Tiger Reserves starring Rahul Chopda as Nitin Gadkari.
The Arunachal Pradesh(AR) Cabinet under the
chairmanship of Chief Minister(CM) Pema Kasaragod Becomes 1st District in India to
Khandu approved the constitution of the Special Declare Official Tree, Flower, Bird, Species
Tiger Protection Force (STPF) in three Tiger The Kasaragod district of Kerala became the first
Reserves of AR namely, Namdapha, Pakke, and district in India to officially designate its official
Kamlang. tree, flower, bird and species showcasing its rich
Special Tiger Protection Force (STPF): biodiversity and natural heritage.
STPF is a specialized force tailored to the needs of ✓ The district's official tree is 'Kanjiram'
tiger reserves, comprising one company of 112 (Strychnos nux-vomica Linn), named after
personnel each for 3 tiger reserves. Each company 'kasara', meaning wormwood, which is the
is subdivided into 3 platoons and 18 sections. origin of the district's name.
'Periya Polathali' (Malabar river lily), was
MeitY Inaugurated UP’s 1st RPA Lab under declared as its official flower.
FutureSkill PRIME Project in NIELIT 'Vellavayaran Kadal Paranthu' (White-
Gorakhpur bellied sea eagle, Haliaeetus leucogaster)
On 16th October 2023, S Krishnan, Secretary of is declared as the district's bird.
the Ministry of Electronics and Information "Palappoovan Aamma”, also known as
Technology (MeitY), inaugurated the Robotic Beeman Aamma (Cantor's Giant Softshell
Process Automation (RPA) Lab in National Turtle), was declared the district's
Institute of Electronics and Information creature.
Technology (NIELIT), Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh
(UP). Uttarakhand CM launches
✓ This is the First-of-its-kind lab in UP was Nandagaura Yojana Portal for Girls
built under the Future Skill PRIME Project On October 22, 2023, the Chief Minister of
funded by MeitY to bridge the gap between Uttarakhand, Pushkar Singh Dhami, launched the
Industry and Academia. Nandagaura Yojana Portal, an online facility to be
✓ The lab was inaugurated during the 26th annually available to about 50 thousand girls who
All India Director’s Meet of NIELIT. are permanent residents of Uttarakhand.
The CM also inaugurated the online portals of
‘Gadkari’: A Marathi Biopic of Union Nanda Gaura Yojana (NGY), a scheme to
Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari improve the gender ratio; and
The Marathi film titled 'Gadkari', the biopic of Mukhyamantri Mahalakshmi Kit Yojana (MMKY)
Union Minister Nitin Jairam Gadkari, Ministry of aimed at providing nutrition and extra care to the
Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH), is set to mother and the girl child after delivery on the
release in Cinemas on 27 October 2023. The occasion.

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