Current Affairs Weekly Content PDF August 2023 4th Week

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Current Affairs Weekly PDF – August – 4th Week (25 – 31)

India’s First Biodiversity village ‘Atlas’ of • This development followed the

Mayem released in Goa Government of India’s corporatization of
Pramod Sawant, Chief Minister (CM) of Goa, the former Ordnance Factory Boards
released the “Mayem Biodiversity Atlas”, India’s (OFBs) in 2021, which were previously
1st Village Atlas during an event held at operating under the Department of
Mahamaya Devalaya Mandap Mayem Mayem Defence Production (DDP), Ministry of
village (Bicholim Town) in North Goa district, Defence (MoD).
Goa.The atlas was prepared based on the
People’s Biodiversity Register (PBR) prepared by DAC Approves Proposals worth R.7,800 cr
the village Biodiversity Management Committee. to Enhance Operational Capabilities of
Indian Armed Forces
NHA launches India’s 1st ABDM Microsite in Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) meeting
Aizawl; Mizoram 1st state to Operationalize chaired by the Union Defence Minister, Rajnath
Microsite Singh, granted Acceptance of Necessity (AoN)
National Health Authority (NHA) launched India’s for capital acquisition proposals worth around Rs
first Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) 7,800 crore, to enhance the operational
microsite in Aizawl, the capital city of Mizoram. capabilities of the Indian Armed Forces. DAC
With this, Mizoram became the 1st state in India to granted AoN for the procurement and installation
operationalise ABDM microsite project.Mizoram of an Electronic Warfare (EW) Suite on Mi-17 V5
has appointed Youth for Action as the Interfacing Military/Transport Helicopters, which will enhance
Agency for implementing the ABDM Microsite in better survivability of Helicopters.
Aizawl. ✓ The EW Suite will be procured from Bharat
Electronics Limited (BEL), under the
MoD Sets Up a 9-Member Committee to Ministry of Defence(MoD),because these
Review and Re-define DRDO will be made under the Buy Indian-IDDM
(Indigenously Designed, Developed, and
Union Minister Rajnath Singh, Ministry of Defence
Manufactured) category.
(MoD) has set up a 9-member committee of
experts to maintain the Defence Research and
Development Organization (DRDO). The NRL and IWAI signs MoU for export of
committee will be headed by Prof. K Vijay Petroleum Cargo via NW 2 & IBPR
Raghavan, former Principal Scientific Advisor, Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), a
Government of India (GoI). Category-I Miniratna Central Public Sector
• The 9-member committee has been Enterprise (CPSE) and Numaligarh Refinery
tasked with the mission to review and Limited (NRL) in Guwahati, Assam made an MoU
redefine the role of various departments to use National Waterways (NW)-2 (Brahmaputra)
within DRDO and submit a report within 3 and Indo Bangladesh Protocol Route (IBPR) for
months. export of petroleum products to Bangladesh and
other south East Asian countries. The petroleum

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products will be transported through the IWAI’s G20 TIMM adopted G20 Trade and
upgraded jetty in Jogighopa in lower Assam. Investment Outcome Document and Chair’s
Philippine Coast Guard’s official visit to The Group of Twenty (G20) Trade and Investment
India: 20-24 August 2023 Minister’s Meeting (TIMM) was held under the
A 5 member delegation of the Philippine Coast India’s G20 Presidency at the Pink City of India i.e.
Guard(PCG) led by Admiral Artemio Manalo Abu, Jaipur in Rajasthan.The meeting was led by Union
Commandant of PCG was on an official tour to Minister Piyush Goyal, Ministry of Commerce and
India from 20th to 24th August 2023. They toured Industry (MoCI).
several ICG facilities including the frontline ✓ The meeting concluded with the
offshore patrol vessel- Indian Coast Guard finalisation and adoption of G20 Trade and
Ship(ICGS) Sujeet. They also visited the Goa Investment Outcome Document and
Shipyard Limited (GSL), one of the leading Chair’s Summary.
shipbuilding companies in India.
✓ ICG and PCG held their first-ever bilateral MoE Announces Launch of Smart India
meeting on a range of maritime issues in Hackathon 2023
Goa. This meeting signifies the dedication Ministry of Education’s (MoE) Innovation Cell in
to strengthening professional bonds by collaboration with the All-India Council of
sharing best practices, conducting joint Technical Education (AICTE) announced the
exercises and enhancing training launch of the 6th edition Smart India Hackathon
collaborations…Click here for more (SIH) 2023.SIH-2023 is supported by the
detail….. participation of 26 Central Ministries, 6 State
Ministries, and 4 Industry partners.
C-DOT’s 40th Foundation Day: ✓ The last date for the submission of
Communication Minister Launched Security problem statements for senior SIH is
systems – TRINETRA September 30, 2023, whereas for Junior
On the occasion of the 40th Foundation day of SIH, it is October 30, 2023.
Centre for Development of Telematics (C-
DOT)(25th August 2023), Devusinh Chauhan, President of India Releases Postage Stamp
Minister of State(MoS), Ministry of in Memory of Dadi Prakashmani
Communication, launched C-DOT’s TRINETRA, an Droupadi Murmu, The President of India, released
indigenously developed cyber threat detection and a postage stamp in memory of Dadi Prakashmani,
resolution system. former chief of Brahma Kumaris, at Rashtrapati
✓ During the event, MoS Devusinh Chauhan Bhavan Cultural Centre in New Delhi, Delhi.The
also inaugurated the C-DOT’s Enterprise stamp was released under the ‘My Stamp’
Security Operation Centre (ESOC) at C- initiative of the Department of Posts, Ministry of
DOT campus New Delhi, Delhi. Communications, to commemorate Dadi
✓ He also inaugurated the technical Prakashmani’s 16th death anniversary. Dadi
conference centered on “Artificial passed away on 25th August 2007.
Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML)”
organised by C-DOT.

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‘UPI Chalega 3.0’: NPCI Launched 3rd Edition Ministry of Jal Shakti Releases Report on 6th
of UPI Safety Awareness Campaign Census on Minor Irrigation Schemes
The National Payments Corporation of India Ministry of Jal Shakti (MoJS), Department of Water
(NPCI) has launched “UPI Chalega 3.0”, the 3rd Resources (WR), River Development, and Ganga
edition of its Unified Payments Interface (UPI) Rejuvenation (DoWR, RD & GR) released the All
Safety Awareness campaign, developed in India (volume-I) and State-wise (Volume-II) report
collaboration with key stakeholders in the on 6th census on Minor Irrigation (MI) schemes.
payment’s ecosystem. The campaign aims to ✓ This report will be useful for planners,
promote the adoption of UPI as a secure, easy, researcher scholars, agricultural and
and instant mode of payment. groundwater scientists, and all concerned
with the development of irrigation and the
India’s First AI School Launched in Kerala agricultural economy of India.
Former President of India Ram Nath Kovind ✓ Uttar Pradesh holds the largest number of
inaugurated India’s first Artificial Intelligence MI schemes in India followed by
(AI) school at Santhigiri Vidyabhavan in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Tamil
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. AI School was Nadu
created by iLearning Engines (ILE) of the United
States of America(USA) in collaboration with Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana Completes
Vedhik eSchool which was managed by a 9 Years of Successful Implementation
committee of veteran professionals including Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), a
former Chief Secretaries, DGPs and Vice National Mission for Financial Inclusion (FI)
Chancellors. completed 9 years of successful
implementation.PMJDY, the biggest financial
MoD Signs to Acquire Five Indigenously Built inclusion initiative in the world, was introduced by
FSS from HSL Worthing 19,000 Crore Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi on 15th
Approved by the Cabinet Committee on Security, August 2014 (Independence Day) and was
The Ministry of Defence has signed a contract with launched on 28th August 2014. FI is a
Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL), Visakhapatnam comprehensive approach aimed at fostering
(Andhra Pradesh) for the acquisition of five economic development and ensuring that financial
indigenously built Fleet Support Ships (FSS) for the services are accessible to all segments of society.
Indian Navy worth 19,000 crore (approximately). ✓ PMJDY aims to ensure access to financial
✓ The FSS will be built with a length of 225 services, namely, basic savings & deposit
metres and a width of 32 metres and will accounts, remittance, credit, insurance,
have a displacement of 44,000 tonnes. and pension in an affordable manner to all
households in India.

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PM Narendra Modi addresses B20 Summit image of the Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (N.T.
India 2023 held in New Delhi R),a former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and
Business 20 (B20) Summit India 2023, an official a legendary Indian actor.President of India
G20 (Group of Twenty) dialogue forum with the Droupadi Murmu released the coin to mark the
global business community, was held in New 100th birth anniversary (centenary Year) of
Delhi, Delhi.Prime Minister (PM) of India, Narendra N.T.Rama Roa at Rashtrapati Bhavan Cultural
Modi, addressed the summit on 27th August 2023. Centre(RBCC) in New Delhi,Delhi. NTR’s
✓ The theme of B20 India 2023 was centenary, the coin also has the inscription 1923-
‘R.A.I.S.E’, an acronym for ‘Responsible, 2023.
Accelerated, Innovative, Sustainable,
Equitable‘. India, New Zealand sign MoU for Open Sky
✓ The B20 India 2023 Communique includes Policy; Boost cooperation in Civil Aviation
54 recommendations and 172 policy On August 29, 2023, a Memorandum of
actions for submission to G20. Understanding (MoU) has been signed between
the Government of India and the Government of
Nitin Gadkari Launched World’s 1st BS 6 New Zealand for an Open Sky Policy, allowing
Stage II ‘Electrified Flex Fuel Vehicle” more flights between various cities in the two
Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister, Ministry of Road countries.This will further boost the bilateral
Transport and Highways(MoRTH) launched the between both nations in civil aviation by
world’s first prototype of BS-VI(Bharat Stage Six) scheduling of new routes, code share services,
Stage II compliant “Electrified Flex Fuel vehicle”, traffic rights and capacity entitlement.
Toyota Innova Hycross.It is a variant of Toyota’s
Innova, developed by Toyota Kirloskar Motor NITI Aayog and UNDP India Signed MoU on
Private Limited(Toyota Kirloskar). Fast Tracking SDGs
✓ This is also India’s first flex-fuel electrified National Institution for Transforming India (NITI)
vehicle that can run in either electric mode Aayog and United Nations Development
or 100% ethanol. Programme (UNDP) India have signed an
✓ This launch is in line with India’s target to Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to speed
increase ethanol blending in petrol by 20% up the efforts to achieve the Sustainable
by 2025-2026. Development Goals(SDGs).
✓ The agreement aims to make a clear plan
President of India Released Rs.100 Coin of cooperation on a range of areas,
Commemorating Late Shri NT Rama Rao including SDG localisation, data-driven
Government of India(GoI) introduced a monitoring, Aspirational Districts and
commemorative Rs.100 silver coin featuring the Blocks programme, and SDG financing.

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Cabinet Approvals on 29th August 2023 Shipyard Limited(KSL) for capacity building and
Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister (PM) collaboration in ship design and building.The MoU
Narendra Modi has approved the following was signed during the bilateral Defence Ministers
proposals on 29th August 2023: meeting between Union Defence Minister Rajnath
✓ Cabinet Committee for Economic Singh and Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Defence
Affairs(CCEA) chaired by Prime Minister Aden Bare Duale in New Delhi, Delhi on August 29,
Narendra Modi approved the price 2023.
reduction of 14.2 kg LPG (Liquefied ✓ During the meet, India and Kenya
petroleum gas) cylinder by Rs.200 per discussed on capacity building and
cylinder for all consumer across the cooperation in defence industry and
country with effective from August equipment. They also discussed on the
30,2023. other regional security issues of mutual
✓ The Ministry of Textiles has approved the interest.
Startup Guidelines for Technical Textiles –
Grant for Research and Entrepreneurship Automotive PLI Scheme Extended by
across Aspiring Innovators in Technical Another Year till FY28
Textiles (GREAT). Union Minister Mahendra Nath Pandey,Ministry of
✓ The Ministry also approved 26 institutes to Heavy Industries(MHI) in ‘Review of Production
upgrade their lab facilities and to train the Linked Incentive-Auto Scheme’ announced the
trainers in the application areas of extension of the deadline of Production Linked
technical textiles.Rs 151.02 Crores has Incentive(PLI) Scheme for Automobile and Auto
been approved for this project. Component Industry by another year.
✓ Union Cabinet adopts Resolution Hailing ✓ The program that was supposed to last for
Soft-Landing of Chandrayaan-3…Click five years, from 2022-23 to 2026-27, will
here for more detail…. be active till 2027-28.
✓ The distribution of the incentives will be on
Goa Shipyard & Kenya Shipyard Ltd Signed a quarterly basis, instead of an annual
MoU for Collaboration in Shipbuilding plan.
The Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) signed a
Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) with Kenya


India, Japan, US, Australia Hold 27th Malabar ✓ Representatives from India: Indian Navy
Naval Exercise off Australian Coast Ship (INS) Sahyadri, INS Kolkata, and P8I
The 27th edition of naval Exercise MALABAR 2023 Maritime Patrol Aircraft.
was held at East Coast of Australia off Sydney, ✓ MALABAR 2023 was conducted in two
between the Indian Navy (IN), United States Navy phases Harbour and Sea. The harbor phase
(USN), Japan Maritime Self Defence Force took place from 11-15 August 2023,
(JMSDF) and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) from followed by the sea phase from 16-21
August 11-21, 2023.The exercise was hosted by August 2023.
RAN and held in Australia for the first time.

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Highlights of PM Narendra Modi visit to SA ✓ He paid tributes at the ‘Tomb of Unknown
for 15th BRICS Summit; BRICS officially Soldier’, a war memorial dedicated to the
expands from 5 to 11 Members Greek soldiers killed during various wars, in
The Prime Minister (PM) of India Narendra Modi Athens, Greece.
visited Johannesburg, South Africa (SA) from ✓ Katerina Sakellaropoulou, President of
August 22-24, 2023 to attend the 3 day annual Greece honoured PM Narendra Modi with
15th BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South The Grand Cross of the Order of Honour.
Africa) Summit 2023 at the invitation of Matamela He became the first Indian PM to receive
Cyril Ramaphosa, President of SA. the honours.
✓ It should be noted that, the SA President ✓ PM Modi highlighted India and Greece’s
Cyril Ramaphosa is the Chair of 15th BRICS plan to double the bilateral trade between
Summit. India and Greece by 2030 and announced
✓ BRICS Business Forum Leaders’ an agreement in the field of agricultural
Dialogue was held in Johannesburg, SA production.
where leaders were briefed on the ✓ India and Greece have decided to
deliberations of the BRICS Business strengthen their bilateral relations into a
Forum. strategic partnership for the benefit of the
✓ PM Narendra Modi attended the 15th people of India and Greece…Click here for
BRICS Summit held under SA’s chairship, more detail…
in Sandton in Johannesburg, Gauteng,
South Africa. Ex BRIGHT STAR-23: Maiden Multilateral
✓ The theme of 15th BRICS summit was Exercise of IAF Held in Egypt
‘BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Indian Air Force (IAF) contingent will be
Accelerated Growth, Sustainable participating in Exercise BRIGHT STAR-23, a
Development and Inclusive biennial multilateral tri-service exercise scheduled
Multilateralism’. to be held at Cairo (West) Air Base, Egypt, from
✓ SA President Cyril Ramaphosa announced August 27 to September 16, 2023, towards
the expansion of BRICS with the inclusion encouraging global defense cooperation with
of 6 new members’ viz. Argentina, Ethiopia, Egypt. This is the first time that IAF is participating
Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and United Arab in Ex Bright Star-23.
Emirates (UAE) as its full time ✓ The IAF contingent will consist of five MiG-
members.The membership will come into 29, two IL-78, two C-130 and two C-17
force from January 1, 2024…Click here for aircraft.
more detail…
Govt of Canada Hosted 7th Assembly of the
Overview of PM Modi Visit to Greece: Modi Global Environment Facility in Canada
Honoured with Grecee’s Grand Cross of the The Government of Canada hosted the 7th
Order of Honour Assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Prime Minister (PM) of India Narendra Modi in Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver,
embarked on a one-day visit to Greece on 25th British Columbia, Canada from 22-26 August
August 2023 at the invitation of Kyriakos 2023. The assembly gathered environmental
Mitsotakis, Prime Minister (PM) of Greece. leaders from 185 countries.Ahmed Hussen,

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Minister of International Development of Canada, ✓ GEF selected 23 civil society organizations
was the chair and co-host of the 7th Assembly of as winners of its Inclusive GEF Assembly
GEF. Challenge Program, and the winning
✓ The assembly discussed environmental projects were announced during the 7th
solutions under the overarching theme of GEF Assembly held at the Vancouver
“Healthy Planet, Healthy People“, which Convention Centre in Vancouver, Canada.
signifies the need to work together in new
ways, within and across countries and 48 African Countries Adopted Kampala
across sectors, to heal the planet. Ministerial Declaration on Migration,
✓ The assembly included the launch of the Environment & Climate Change
Global Biodiversity Framework Fund, a 48 African countries have agreed to adopt the
new source of funding for protecting Kampala Ministerial Declaration on Migration,
species and ecosystems globally. Environment and Climate Change (KDMECC) to
✓ Global Environment Facility (GEF) address climate change and human mobility
launched the new Global Biodiversity challenges in Africa and leverage the opportunities
Framework Fund (GBFF) designed to for sustainable development.
mobilize and accelerate investment for the
conservation and sustainability of wild
species and ecosystems globally.


ICC & Mastercard Signed Global experiences of cardholders by offering exclusive

Partnership for ICC Men’s Cricket World benefits, rewards, and seamless access to
Cup 2023 Marriott International’s loyalty program Marriott
The International Cricket Council (ICC) has signed Bonvoy .The co-branded credit card will run on
a global partnership with Mastercard, a global Diners Club, part of the Discover Global Network.
payment-processing corporation, for the ICC
Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 which is scheduled SEBI Issues Disclosure Norms for FPIs
to be held in India from 5th October 2023 to 19th Holding High Indian Equity AUM
November 2023.The tie-up aims to connect Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
cardholders and cricket enthusiasts to priceless mandated additional disclosures from Foreign
experiences throughout the tournament. Portfolio Investors (FPIs) that have concentrated
holding in a single company or a group firm w.e.f.
HDFC Bank Along with Marriott November 1, 2023.
International Launched India’s First Co- Such FPIs will be required to identify all entities
Branded Hotel Credit Card with any ownership, economic interest and control
Marriott International, one of the world’s largest rights.
hotel chains, in collaboration with HDFC Bank ✓ FPIs with over 50% of Indian equity Assets
launched India’s first co-branded hotel credit card Under Management (AUM) in a single
in the name Marriott Bonvoy HDFC Bank Credit corporate group get 10 days to reduce
Card.The card aims to enhance the travel

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holdings, followed by further ownership RBI Raises Small Value Payment
disclosures. Transaction Limit in Offline Mode to Rs 500
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) increased the upper
RBI approves the Voluntary amalgamation limit for offline transactions to Rs.500 from Rs 200
of Twin Cities Co-operative Urban Bank with w.e.f. August 24, 2023, following its
Kranti Co-operative Urban Bank announcement during the bi-monthly policy review
The Reserve Bank of India(RBI) sanctioned the on August 10, 2023.
Scheme of Voluntary Amalgamation of Hyderabad However, overall limit is retained at Rs.2000 to
(Telangana) based Twin Cities Co-operative Urban contain the risks associated with relaxation of
Bank Limited with Hyderabad (Telangana) based two-factor authentication.
Kranti Co-operative Urban Bank Limited. RBI has ✓ The information for the same was provided
the authority to approve the voluntary by RBI under Section 10 (2) read with
amalgamation of Urban Cooperative Banks Section 18 of the Payment and Settlement
(UCBs) based on its discretion. Systems Act, 2007 (Act 51 of 2007)/PSS
✓ This authority is granted under Sub-Section Act.
(4) of Section 44A read with Section 56 of
the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. IRDAI Approves Amendments to
✓ These sections were modified through an Reinsurance Regulations
amendment introduced by the Banking Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
Regulation (Amendment) Act 2020 (Act of India (IRDAI), during its 123rd Authority Meeting,
No. 39 of 2020). The Amalgamation was approved amendments to Reinsurance
based on comprehensive framework Regulations to enhance the business environment,
notification of RBI released in 2021, named and to attract more reinsurers to set up operations
Master Direction – Amalgamation of Urban in India.
Cooperative Banks, Directions, 2020. ✓ These amendments streamline the existing
regulations for all insurance market
Muthoot Fincorp Launches “Muthoot participants including Indian insurers,
FinCorp ONE”, an All-In-One Financial Indian reinsurers, Foreign Reinsurance
Platform Branches (FRBs), and International
Muthoot Fincorp Limited(MFL), a leading Non- Financial Services Centre(IFSC) Insurance
Banking Finance Company (NBFC) based in Offices (IIOs).
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, launched “Muthoot ✓ The amendments include a reduction of
FinCorp ONE”, an innovative all-in-one digital the minimum capital requirement for FRBs
financial platform.The platform will provide a from Rs 100 Crore to Rs 50 Crore, with the
range of services including Micro, Small & Medium provision to repatriate any excess assigned
Enterprises (MSME) and Gold loans along with capital.
investment products like Digital Gold and Non-
Convertible Debentures(NCDs). IIT Bombay Partners with HSBC to Support
Innovation-led Green Hydrogen Initiatives
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay,
(Mumbai) Maharashtra has partnered with HSBC
to pursue technological advancements towards

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making green hydrogen production more efficient, DBS Bank Partners with Maptrasco to
cost-effective, and scalable. Complete First eBL Transaction Between
✓ This partnership will help boost the Indian India & Singapore
government’s National Green Hydrogen DBS Bank Ltd (formerly known as Development
Mission (NGHM) focused on providing Bank of Singapore Limited) in collaboration with
policy support towards achieving global Maptrasco (Khaitan International Private Limited –
leadership in green hydrogen transition. KIPL), a Singapore-based commodities trader, has
✓ IIT Bombay has received an USD 18.6 completed the first “live” transaction of electronic
million donation from an alumnus to Bills of Lading (eBL) for shipments between
establish a Green Energy and Sustainability Singapore and India.
Research Hub, which will redefine the ✓ The transaction was implemented under
institute’s role in tackling the global the TradeTrust framework, an initiative by
climate crisis. the Infocomm Media Development
Authority (IMDA) and supported by
RBI approves the amalgamation of Akola Enterprise Singapore.
Merchant Co-operative Bank Limited with ✓ This was announced by Gan Kim Yong
Jalgaon Peoples Co-operative Bank Limited Minister for Trade and Industry of
The Reserve Bank of India(RBI) sanctioned the Singapore during the G20 Trade and
Scheme of Voluntary Amalgamation of Akola Investment Ministerial Meeting in Jaipur,
(Maharashtra) based Akola Merchant Co- Rajasthan.
operative Bank Limited with Jalgaon (Maharashtra) ✓ TradeTrust aims to streamline the process
based The Jalgaon Peoples Co-operative Bank of document handling, reduce the reliance
Limited. Both of the banks are Urban Co.operative on physical paperwork, and enhance
Banks(UCB). transparency and security in cross-border
✓ The authority is granted under Sub-Section transactions.
(4) of Section 44A read with Section 56 of
the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Yes Bank Partnered with Zaggle to Launch
Corporate Credit Card
Frontier Markets Joined with Airtel Yes Bank Ltd launched a co-branded Corporate
Payments Bank and Mastercard Partner, Credit Card named ‘YES BANK Zaggle Corporate
Launched ‘She Leads Bharat: Udyam’ Credit Card’ in partnership with Zaggle, a spend
Frontier Markets, a Social Commerce Platform, in management platform, to empower businesses to
collaboration with Airtel Payments Bank and the redefine their corporate payments, expenditure
Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth launched management, and cash flow optimisation.The
an initiative ‘She Leads Bharat: Udyam’ . The card will facilitate businesses to bring in greater
announcement was made at the 1st edition of Asia cost efficiencies by facilitating integration with
Inclusive Growth Forum. This is a first-of-its-kind Zaggle’s ZatiX, a spend management and analytics
initiative that brings together the private platform, allowing corporates to optimise cash
sector,social enterprise, and philanthropy in the outflows.
banking, financial services, and insurance sector.

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LIC tied up with Saraswat Cooperative Bank ‘Infinity Savings Account’ , First-Of-Its-Kind
to sell LIC Products under Bancassurance Fixed Fee-Based Savings Account Launched
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) tied up by Axis Bank
with a Mumbai (Maharashtra) headquartered Axis Bank Limited launched ‘Infinity Savings
Saraswat Cooperative Bank Ltd., India’s largest Account’, a first-of-its-kind fully Digital fixed fee-
urban cooperative bank, to increase the based savings account with no paperwork or
distribution of life insurance products through the branch visits.We can able to open completely in
Bancassurance channel.Citizens and Customers digital through the Video Know Your Customer
of Saraswat Bank can now purchase LIC (KYC) process.This account is designed for
insurance products directly through Saraswat customer who are comfortable using digital
Bank. services and often sign up for subscription-based
✓ LIC, being the premier insurer of India, has services.
insurance products for all segments of ✓ About Axis Bank Limited: MD & CEO –
society, from annuity, Unit-Linked Amitabh Chaudhry , Headquarters –
Insurance Plans (ULIP), and term Mumbai, Maharashtra
insurance to savings plans.
RBI Authorises Bandhan Bank for Disbursing
ADB Signs Agreement with Fourth Partner to Civil Pension
Set up Solar Power Plant in Tamil Nadu Bandhan Bank Ltd has been appointed by the
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) signed an Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to act as an authorized
agreement of worth Rs 1.2 billion (about USD 14.7 bank for pension disbursement for civil pensioners
million) with Fourth Partner Energy (4PEL) Private on behalf of the Central Pension Accounting Office
Limited (Fourth Partner), an Independent Power (CPAO), an entity under the Ministry of
Producer(IPP) to build and operate a solar Finance.Bandhan Bank will soon be integrating
photovoltaic power plant in Tirunelveli, Tamil with the office of the CPAO to operationalise the
Nadu.The 25 Megawatt(MW) power plant will disbursement process.
produce electricity of about 50.7 GigaWatt-
hours(GWh) annually. ADB Approves Rs.3.32 crore for Safe Public
✓ Open Access enables heavy users with a Transport Projects in Hyderabad
connected load exceeding 1 MW to The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has granted
purchase affordable electricity from the Rs.3.32 crore to a team of technology experts
open market. from Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS)
✓ Asian Development Bank (ADB):President Hyderabad (Telangana), Indian Institute of
– Masatsugu Asakawa , Headquarters – Technology (IIT) Bombay (Maharashtra), and IIT
Manila, Philippines. Kharagpur (West Bengal) to develop, test, and
implement passenger safety projects in the public
transport systems of Hyderabad.

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India’s Per Capita Income to Rise 7.5-Times Commerce (ONDC)-focussed venture platform,
by FY47: SBI Research Antler ONDC, to provide resources, an expert
According to SBI Ecowrap, research division of the network, community, and capital to start-up
State Bank of India (SBI), India’s per capita income founders building on ONDC. The platform aims to
will rise 7.5 times by 2047, reaching Rs14.9 lakh increase talent density and enable opportunities
(USD 12,400) annually from the present Rs 2 lakh on ONDC and is also set to democratise e-
(USD 2,500) in FY23.This aligns with the commerce in India. It will also support pre-team
government’s target of transforming India into a and pre-idea founders to build on ONDC.
developed economy by 2047.
✓ State Contributions: Maharashtra, Uttar Highlights of RIL’s 46th AGM 2023; Jio
Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and West AirFiber Launched
Bengal contribute significantly to total tax On August 27, 2023, the 46th Annual General
returns, accounting for nearly half by FY22. Meeting of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) was
held through video-conferencing where Managing
Quinag Exits Manappuram Finance; Sold Director (MD) and Chairman Mukesh Ambani of
Entire Stake for Rs.1,177 Cr RIL made key announcements.RIL’s consolidated
Quinag Acquisition (FPI) Ltd, a foreign fund house, revenues stood at Rs 9,74,864 crore, while
has offloaded its entire stake, 8,37,85,880 shares Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and
amounting to a 9.90% stake, in Manappuram amortization (EBITDA) for FY23 was Rs 1,53,920
Finance Limited, a Kerala based Non-Banking crore.The net profit was Rs 73,670 crore.
Financial Company (NBFC), for Rs 1,177 crore ✓ Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Jio) is all
through an open market transaction.The shares set to launch ‘Jio AirFiber’, a new Fixed
were offloaded at an average price of Rs 140.50 Wireless Access (FWA) internet service for
apiece. homes and offices, on September 19,
Antler Launched India’s First ONDC-Centric ✓ RIL will set up 100 Compressed Biogas
(CBG) plants to convert agri-waste into
Venture Platform Antler ONDC for Indian
gas...Click here for complete detail…
Start-up Founders
Antler India, a Venture Capital (VC) firm launched
India’s first Open Network for Digital


Swachh Vayu Survekshan– 2023; 2 Cities of (IT) hub of Indore, Madhya Pradesh stood first
Madhya Pradesh Among Top 5 among 47 cities in Category 1 cities.The two of the
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) top five positions have been secured by Madhya
released ‘Swachh Vayu Survekshan- 2023’, an Pradesh.
initiative by the Ministry of Environment, Forest ✓ This recognition is a part of the National
and Climate Change (MoEFCC) to rank cities on Mission for Clean Air and takes place
the basis of air quality.The Information Technology annually on the 7th of September,

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observed as the “International Day of ✓ Telugu Actor Allu Arjun won the Best Actor
Clean Air for Blue Skies.” award for the film Pushpa (The Rise Part I).
✓ Alia Bhatt and Kriti Sanon were awarded
Highlights of 69th National Film Award the Best Actress for their performances in
On 24th August 2023, the winners of the 69th (Hindi movie) Gangubai Kathiawadi and
National Film Awards (2023) were announced by Mimi, respectively.…Click here for
the jury panel during the event held at the National complete detail of 69th National Award
Media Centre, New Delhi, Delhi. Anurag Thakur, 2023….
the Union Minister for Information and
Broadcasting, was presented with the list of the Winners of India Smart Cities Awards
winners.69th National Film Awards honoured the Contest 2022
best films of 2021 in Indian cinema. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
✓ The National Film Awards are organized by (MoHUA) has announced the winners of the
the Directorate of Film Festivals(DFF), India Smart Cities Award Contest (ISAC)
under Ministry for Information and organised under the Smart Cities Mission
Broadcasting (MIB). (SCM), MoHUA.Indore topped the National
✓ The awards are categorised into five Smart City Award, followed by Surat and Agra
categories. They are Dadasaheb Phalke in second and third place respectively.
Award(Lifetime Achievement Award), ✓ Madhya Pradesh topped the state
Feature films, Non Features films, Best award, followed by Tamil Nadu in
writing on cinema and Most film friendly second place, and Rajasthan and Uttar
state. Pradesh in third place.
✓ RRR(Rise Roar Revolt), a Telugu film ✓ Chandigarh has awarded best Union
directed by S. S. Rajamouli, has won the Territory award.
most number of awards i.e. 6 at the 69th ✓ The 4th edition of the ISAC was
National Film Awards.The Hindi movie launched in April 2022 during the
‘Gangubai’ Kathiawadi and Sardar Udham ‘Smart Cities-Smart Urbanization’
received five awards each event in Surat, Gujarat…Click here for
✓ Rocketry: The Nambi Effect, directed by R more detail…
Madhavan won the Best Feature Film


Sachin Tendulkar Named as ‘National Icon’ Delhi, in the presence of the

for Election Commission of India Chief Election Commissioner
Former Indian cricketer and Bharat Ratna (CEC), Rajiv Kumar, and
awardee Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar was named as Election Commissioners Shri
the ‘National Icon’ for voter awareness and Anup Chandra Pandey and
education for the Election Commission of India Shri Arun Goel.
(ECI).Sachin and ECI entered into a MoU for a ✓ Indian cricketer Shubman Gill was named
period of 3 years at the event held in New Delhi, as the brand ambassador of Tata Capital

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Limited, a subsidiary financial services the Zimbabwe African
company of Tata Sons Private Limited. National Union – Patriotic
Front (ZANU–PF) political
Justice Prakash Shrivastava Appointed as party.He secured 52.6
the NGT Chairperson percent of the vote against
Appointments Committee his opponent Nelson
of the Cabinet(ACC), headed Chamisa of political party Citizens’ Coalition for
by Prime Minister (PM) Change (CCC) who secured 44 percent votes.He
Narendra Modi, has is known as ‘The Crocodile’ for his ruthlessness.
appointed Justice Prakash
Shrivastava, Former Chief Shriram Finance’s EVC Umesh Revankar
Justice(CJ) of Calcutta High Appointed as FIDC Chairman
Court(HC) as chairperson of the National Green Umesh Revankar was appointed as the chairman
Tribunal(NGT). of the Finance Industry Development Council
✓ He took charge as chairperson of NGT on (FIDC) for a period of 2 years with effect from 23rd
23rd August 2023, succeeding Justice Sheo August 2023. He is currently serving as the
Kumar Singh-I, acting chairperson of Executive Vice Chairman (EVC) of Shriram
NGT(July 2023- August 2023). Finance Limited.
✓ FIDC is a Self-Regulatory Organization
Infosys Ropes in Tennis Icon Rafael Nadal (SRO) cum Representative Body of Asset
as Brand Ambassador for Digital Innovation and Loan Financing of the Non-Banking
Infosys Limited, an Indian Financial Corporation (NBFC) registered
multinational information with the Reserve Bank of India(RBI).
technology (IT) company, has
signed a 3 years partnership Geetika Srivastava Appointed as 1st Woman
with Spanish Tennis Icon Charge d’Affaires in Pakistan
Rafael Nadal appointing him Geetika Srivastava, a 2005 batch Indian Foreign
as the ambassador for its brand and Infosys' Service (IFS) officer was appointed as the first
Digital Innovation. woman Chargé d’Affaires (CDA) at the High
Commission of India in Islamabad, Pakistan. She
Emmerson Mnangagwa Re-Elected as is currently serving as the Joint Secretary at the
President as The Second Term Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and looks after
Emmerson Mnangagwa, President of Zimbabwe, the Indo-Pacific division.She will succeed Dr M
re-elected to the post for the second term of 5 Suresh Kumar, who will be returning to New Delhi.
years(ie., 2023-28) and final term. He belongs to


Iran Unveils “Mohajer-10” New domestically build attack drone (unmanned

domestically Built Attack Drone combat aerial vehicle – UCAV) with enhanced
The Iranian Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces capabilities.The drone was unveiled in the
Logistics unveiled Mohajer-10, the new

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presence of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi at an ✓ ASTRA is designed to be mounted on a
exhibition celebrating Defense Industry Day. fighter aircraft and engages and destroys
Mohajer-10 is the upgraded version of the highly manoeuvring supersonic aerial
“Mohajer-6” and resembles the MQ-9 Reaper targets.
drone of the United States of America (USA).
Indian Navy Successfully Undertook the
India Makes History, Became First Country Maiden Test Drop of SARK
to Soft Land the Spacecraft on Moon’s The Indian Navy successfully undertook the
South Pole maiden test drop of the Search and Rescue Kit
On August 23, 2023, India's Vikram (Valour) (SARK) from the Boeing P-8I long-range patrol
Lander Module (LM) from the Chandrayaan-3 aircraft on 15th August 2023(77th Independence
mission successfully executed a soft landing near Day of India). The Test flight was conducted by the
the moon's South Pole at 70 degrees latitude. This Indian Navy’s INS(Indian Navy Ship) Hansa-based
achievement made India the first country to soft Indian Naval Air Squadrons (INAS) 316 squadron.
land the Spacecraft on Moon’s South Pole. ✓ SARK is an indigenous (Made in India) kit
✓ It was Indian Space Research that can be dropped from aircraft with the
Organisation’s (ISRO) third lunar mission help of parachutes to carry out rescue
which resulted in unprecedented missions in the deep sea.
milestone in space exploration. ✓ It was developed by the Aerial Delivery
Chandrayaan 1 was launched in 2008, and Research and Development
Chandrayaan 2 in 2019. Establishment(ADRDE), a unit of the
✓ With this successful landing, India became Defence Research and Development
the 4th country to soft land on the moon Organisation (DRDO) in Agra, Uttar
after the United States (US) with its Pradesh(UP).
Surveyor1 in 1966; Soviet Union/Russia’s
Luna 9 in 1966, and China with Chang’s 3 NASA & SpaceX Launched International
in 2013. Crew-7 Astronaut Mission to ISS
✓ Namakkal, a district in Tamil Nadu (TN), Space Exploration Technologies Corporation
played a pivotal role in this achievement. (SpaceX) and the National Aeronautics and Space
Its unique soil, similar to the Southern Pole Administration (NASA) successfully launched the
of lunar surface’s ‘Anorthosite‘ (a type of international Crew-7 astronaut mission to the
intrusive igneous rock) type, was supplied International Space Station (ISS).The agency’s
to ISRO for testing purposes. SpaceX Crew-7 mission is the seventh
commercial crew rotation mission for NASA.
LCA Tejas Test-Fires Indigenous ASTRA Air- ✓ The 4 astronauts of the Crew-7 mission
to-Air Missile off Goa Coast lifted off atop a brand-new SpaceX Falcon
On 23rd August 2023, India’s Tejas Light Combat 9 rocket at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
Aircraft (LCA) LSP-7 aircraft successfully test fired (KSC) in Florida, the United States of
the ASTRA indigenous state–of-the-art Beyond America (USA).
Visual Range (BVR) Air-to-Air missile (AAM) off the ✓ The Crew-7 team will ride on the SpaceX
coast of Goa. The missile release was carried out Crew Dragon capsule, Endurance, which is
by Tejas at an altitude of about 20,000 feet(ft). a trained spaceflight, that previously

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completed missions as part of SpaceX’s the first set of indigenously manufactured SCR
Crew-3 and Crew-5 missions to the ISS. catalysts for the 5×800 Mega Watt(MW) Yadadri
Thermal Power Station in Telangana, from the
GRSE Signs MoU with DEMPO Group for company’s Solar Business Division (SBD) unit in
Building Commercial Ships Bengaluru,Karnataka.
The Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers
(GRSE) Ltd, Kolkata, West Bengal has signed a Sports Minister Anurag Thakur Launches
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with National Sports Federations Portal on
V.S.Dempo Holdings Private Limited (Dempo National Sports Day
Group) for building commercial vessels.The On the occasion of National Sports Day 2023
vessels will be built at the 3 shipyards of the (29th August 2023), Union Minister Anurag Singh
Dempo Group, including two in Goa and one in Thakur, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Bhavnagar, Gujarat.It marks the GRSE’s first (MYAS) launched the National Sports
attempt to build commercial vessels. Federations(NSFs) portal during the event
organised at the Jawaharlal Nehru (JLN) Stadium,
BHEL Manufactures First Set of Indigenous New Delhi, Delhi.The portal is in line with the
SCR Catalysts to Limit NOx emission Government of India’s vision for Digital India which
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) has will ensure ease of business and good governance.
manufactured India’s first set of Indigenous ✓ Union Minister Anurag Thakur also
Catalysts for Selective Catalyst Reactors (SCR) launched the 3rd edition of Fit India Quiz
for limiting oxides of nitrogen (NOx).This and other initiatives during the event.
production is in line with the government’s “Make ✓ He also launched the Information booklet
in India” Initiative.Ms. Renuka Gera, Director on Sports Infrastructure Projects
(Industrial Systems & Products), BHEL flagged off sanctioned under the Khelo India Scheme.


State of India’s Birds 2023: 60% of bird past 30 years. The 2023 report is the 2nd iteration
species in India declined over 30 yrs. of the State of India’s Birds report.The report was
According to the report titled “State of India’s produced as a partnership between 13
Birds 2023: Range, Trends and Conservation organisations which includes the Bombay Natural
Status”, out of the 338 bird species studied in History Society(BNHS), the Wildlife Institute of
India, 60% of bird species have declined over the India(WII), and the Zoological Survey of India(ZSI).


FIDE World Chess Cup 2023: Magnus defeating India’s GM Rameshbabu

Carlsen Wins First Chess World Cup Praggnanandhaa in the FIDE Chess World Cup
Norwegian Grandmaster (GM) and World No.1 2023 finals.Praggnanandhaa settled for silver
player Magnus Carlsen won his first International medal.
Chess Federation (FIDE) World Cup title by

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The 10th edition of the FIDE Chess World Cup ✓ Neeraj Chopra finished first followed by
2023 was held from 29th July to 24th August 2023 Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem (87.82m) in the
in Baku, Azerbaijan. second and Jakub Vadlejch (86.67m) of the
✓ Fabiano Caruana of the United States of Czech Republic in the third.
America(USA) defeated Nijat Asabov of ✓ Indian men’s 4x400m relay team
Azerbaijan to secure the 3rd place. comprising Muhammed Anas Yahiya,
Amob Jacob, Muhammed Ajmal and
United World Wrestling Suspends WFI’s Rajesh Ramesh finished fifth in the finals.
Membership ✓ Parul Chaudhary finished 11th in the final
United World Wrestling (UWW), the international of the women’s 3000m steeplechase.
governing body for the sport of amateur wrestling, ✓ Jeswin Aldrin finished 11th in the Men’s
has indefinitely suspended the membership of the long jump finals with a 7.77 m Jump…Click
Wrestling Federation of India(WFI), the governing here for more detail…….
body of wrestling in India with immediate effect
due to lack of elections in the organisation.The F1 Dutch GP: Max Verstappen Wins 11th
elections of WFI were supposed to be held in May Title of 2023 Season
2023 but they were postponed due to a series of Max Verstappen, the Red Bull driver (Dutch-
protests by Indian wrestlers and legal petitions Belgian) won the title at the Formula 1 (FI)
from various state units. Heineken Dutch Grand Prix(GP) held at Circuit
Zandvoort, Amsterdam, the Netherlands from
Kunlavut Vitidsarn Wins Men’s Singles Title 25th to 27th August 2023.
at the BWF World Championships 2023 Spain’s Fernando Alonso(Aston Martin ) won
Kunlavut Vitidsarn of Thailand and An Se-young of second place and France’s Pierre Gasly finished in
South Korea won the men’s singles and Women’s third place for the first time with Alpine.
singles titles respectively in the Badminton World ✓ This also marks Verstappen’s 11th victory
Federation(BWF) World Championships of the 2023 season out of 13 and 46th of
2023.The Total Energies Badminton World his career.
Federation(BWF) World Championships 2023 Position Driver Team
held in Royal Arena, Copenhagen, Denmark from
1 Max Verstappen Red Bull
21st to 27th August 2023.India’s HS Prannoy won
the bronze medal in the men’s singles at the BWF
World Championships 2023. 2 Fernando Alonso Aston Martin

3 Pierre Gasly Alpine

Neeraj Chopra Wins Gold Medal in the
World Athletics Championships 2023
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics gold medallist Neeraj WR Chess Team Wins FIDE World Rapid
Chopra won the gold medal in the World Athletics Team Championship 2023
Championships 2023 in the javelin with an 88.17m WR Chess team won the 1st edition of World
throw. The 19th edition of the World Athletics Chess Federation (FIDE) World Rapid Team
Championships (2023) was held in (Venue – The Championship 2023 held in Dusseldorf, Germany
National Athletics Centre) Budapest, Hungary from 25th to 28th August 2023.Team Freedom
from 19th to 27th August 2023. finished second, while the Indian squad of MGD1

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was third. The team Columbus Energy Kings Of Indian Women’s Hockey Team wins
Chess from Kraków(Poland) won 12,500 Euros as inaugural Women’s Hockey 5s Asia Cup;
the best-performing team with a rating below defeats Thailand 7-2 in Final
2400. Indian Women‘s Hockey Team won the inaugural
Women’s Hockey5s Asia Cup by defeating
Maharashtra signs MoU with Germany’s DFL Thailand (7-2) in the final match. Women’s
to Develop Indian Football Hockey5s Asia Cup 2023, held in Salalah, Oman
The Government of Maharashtra signed a from 25th to 28th August 2023, was the qualifying
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with DFL tournament FIH(Fédération Internationale de
Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH(DFL) to develop the Hockey) Women Hockey 5s World Cup 2024.
football ecosystem in India. The agreement ✓ With this victory, India qualifies for the FIH
focuses on advancing football expertise and Women Hockey 5s World Cup 2024, the
professionalising structures within the state of inaugural edition of FIH Hockey5s World
Maharashtra. DFL operates Bundesliga, a Cup, which is to be held in Muscat, Oman
professional association football league in from 24th to 27th January 2024.


Renowned Indian-American Statistician CR (2001) in the field of science and

Rao Passed Away Engineering.
Renowned Indian-American Statistician and
mathematician Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao Eminent Indian English Poet Jayanta
(CR Rao) passed away at the age of 102 in Buffalo, Mahapatra Passed Away
New York, the United States of America(USA). Jayanta Mahapatra, an Eminent Indian English
C.R. Rao was born on 10 September 1920 in poet and Litterateur, who was the first recipient of
Huvanna Hadagali, Bellary district, Karnataka. Sahitya Akademi award for English poetry(1981),
✓ He was awarded the 2023 International passed away in Cuttack, Odisha. He was born on
Prize in Statistics which is equivalent of the 22nd October 1928 in Cuttack,
Nobel Prize in statistics in April 2023. Odisha.Government of India honoured him with
✓ He was honoured with Padma Padma Shri in 2009 for Literature and
Bhushan(1968 ) and Padma Vibhushan Education.But he returned the award in 2015 to
protest against “rising intolerance in India”.


PS Sreedharan Pillai Released Three New collection of poems). Goa Chief Minister Pramod
Books on Nature, Trees, and GeopoliticsGoa Sawant inaugurated the event in Panaji, Goa.
Governor PS Sreedharan Pillai launched his Sreedharan Pillai has written over 200 books.
recently authored three books namely ‘Heritage ✓ West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose
Trees of Goa’, ‘When Parallel Lines Meet’, and unveiled the book ‘Heritage Trees of Goa’.
‘Ente Priya Kavithakal‘ (‘My Dear Poems’ a

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✓ Additionally, Goa State Minister for books ‘When Parallel Lines Meet’ and
Tourism Rohan Khaunte and the 2021 ‘Ente Priya Kavithakal’ (a collection of
Jnanpith winner and Konkani Novelist poems).
Damodar Mauzo released the other two


August 23 Will be Observed as “National ✓ 29th August 2023 marks the celebration of
Space Day” to Marks Chandrayaan-3’s the 12th National Sports Day(Rashtriya
Success Khel Divas).
Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi declared that ✓ He played a major role in India’s 3 Olympic
23rd August of every year will be observed as gold medals, in 1928(Amsterdam,
“National Space Day” in India to commemorate Netherlands), 1932(Los Angeles,
the soft landing of Chandrayaan 3 on the California, the United States of America-
Moon.The announcement was made while USA) and 1936(Berlin, Germany).
addressing the team of Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) Scientists at the ISRO International Day against Nuclear Tests
Telemetry Tracking & Command Network Mission 2023 – August 29
Control Complex (ISTRAC) in Bengaluru, The United Nations (UN) International Day against
Karnataka. Nuclear Tests is annually observed across the
✓ PM Narendra Modi also announced that globe on 29th August to create awareness about
the spot, where, the moon lander of the harmful effects of nuclear weapon tests or
Chandrayaan-3, landed on the lunar other nuclear explosions.The day also promotes
surface will be known as ‘Shivshakti’ Point. the cessation of nuclear tests as one of the vital
He also announced that the point on the parts of achieving the goal of a nuclear-weapon-
Moon where Chandrayaan-2 crash landed free world.
in 2019 will be called as ‘Tiranga Point‘. ✓ The observance of International Day
against Nuclear Tests commemorates the
National Sports Day 2023 – August 29 closure of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test
The National Sports Day, also known as Rashtriya site in Kazakhstan on 29 August 1991.
Khel Divas, is annually celebrated across India on
29th August to mark the birth anniversary of Major National Small Industry Day 2023 – August
Dhyan Chand, the legendary Indian field hockey 30
player, who is regarded as the greatest field National Small Industry Day is annually observed
hockey player in history.He was popularly known across India on 30th August to celebrate the
as “The Wizard” or “The Magician of hockey” for invaluable contributions made by the small-scale
his skill in ball control. industry to India’s growth.This day also aimed to
✓ He was born on 29th August 1905 in promote small businesses nationwide and offer
Allahabad, British India (Present day job opportunities to unemployed males and
Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh). females for the betterment of their lives.
✓ Small-scale Industries contribute to
income generation both at the individual

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and national levels by providing International Day of the Victims of Enforced
opportunities in the form of both self- Disappearances 2023 – August 30
employment and entrepreneurship. The United Nations (UN)’s International Day of the
Victims of Enforced Disappearances is annually
observed on 30th August across the world, to
commemorate and pay respect to those who have
undergone enforced disappearances.This day also
aims to provide effective access to justice for
victims of enforced disappearance.


UNESCO & Telangana Govt Signed LoI to service details of the personnel will be
Implement UNESCO Recommendation on updated on the portal.
Ethics of AI ✓ The service details include appointment,
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and joining, dismissal, leave management,
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the merit-based online transfer system, annual
Information Technology, Electronics and appraisal report management, salary
Communications (ITE&C) Department, withdrawal and service book management.
Government of Telangana, signed a Letter of Intent
(LoI) to collaborate and make efforts in order to Assam Cabinet Launches MODI Scheme to
implement the UNESCO Recommendation on the Reward the Cleanest District of Assam
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Assam cabinet in its 100th meeting chaired by
✓ The partnership is focused on raising Himanta Biswa Sarma, Chief Minister(CM) of
awareness of ethical AI development and Assam, launched called MODI (Most Outstanding
use, creating capacity, and making District Initiative), to reward the cleanest
contributions to the UNESCO Global district.This Clean district drive will boost solid
Observatory on AI Ethics. waste management and sanitation.
✓ The detailed guidelines of the initiative will
UP Launches Manav Sampada Portal to be issued during the Conference of District
Bring Transparency to Employee Activities commissioners which will be held on 27th
The government of Uttar Pradesh(UP) launched August 2023.
the Manav Sampada portal to ensure transparency ✓ The most outstanding district will be
in the work of all the officers and employees of all awarded Rs 100 crore towards
74 departments in the UP government.Section 5, a infrastructure development and the results
new division will be established within the will be declared by the first week of April
Personnel department to oversee the operations 2024.
and manage the portal.
✓ National Informatics Centre (NIC) will
oversee the security of the portal to ensure
cyber safety.By 1st October 2023, the

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TN CM Stalin Launches Expansion of governed bodies will be handling their financial
Breakfast Scheme for all TN govt School transactions worth Rs 34,000 crore in PRAISA to
Students increase transparency.
Tamil Nadu (TN) Chief Minister (CM), MK Stalin ✓ “Meri Maati Mera Desh“, is a nationwide
inaugurated the expansion of the state and people led “Jan bhagidari” initiative to
governments’ free breakfast scheme to all state- commemorate 75 years of India’s
run primary schools from classes 1 to 5. With this independence.
scheme, TN has now become the first state in
India to provide free breakfast to students in all Delhi Govt Launches Portal to Empower
government schools.The scheme was inaugurated Citizens to Protect Forests, Wildlife
at a government school at Tirukkuvalai in Delhi Environment and Forest Minister Gopal Rai
Nagapattinam district, the birthplace of M launched a portal (
Karunanidhi, former CM of TN and DMK patriarch. to boost the awareness about the protection of
forest and wildlife sanctuary areas in Delhi.Using a
Gujarat CM Launches Online Platform for Geographic Information System (GIS) platform, it
Panchayati Raj Institutions helps to visualize data effectively, and also, users
Chief Minister(CM) of Gujarat, Bhupendra Patel can generate KML (Keyhole Markup Language)
launched a software called the Panchayati Raj files on the portal.
Accounting Information System Automation KML files are a type of XML (eXtensible Markup
(PRAISA), to make online payment compulsory for Language) file format used to display geographic
Panchayati Raj institutions at a state-level ‘Meri data in an Earth browser, such as Google Earth or
Mati Mera Desh‘campaign in Gandhinagar, Google Maps.
Gujarat.Panchayati Raj institutions & local self-

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