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Information Systems For Managers

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 In any digital system there are threats that need to be recognized and standard
measure need to be taken to overcome threats.
 The threats are becoming more and more vulnerable as time passes.
Concepts and Application
The different type of Security threats to the system of “India Retail Store” in today’s time
may be following:
i) Malware:
 Malicious software or application that pose a threat to the security of
organizations “India Retail Store” may come in many forms.
 One of the most widely prevalent threats is that of viruses which are
software packages that may harm the “India Retail Store” information
technology assets.
 Viruses may typically enter the system through various application of the
internet or through devices such as USB memory sticks and then spread
within the network to many hosts.
 There are millions of viruses that can create harmful impact on computer
 Another form of malware is worm.
 This spreads relentlessly across the networks and chokes them up.
 Third type of malicious content is Trojans or Trojan Horses.
 Trojans reside in the computer and allow malicious software or users from
outside to control and invade the computer and use its resources.
 Spyware is the software that also resides in computer and secretly relays
information about the usage of computer to outside agents.
 A common term used to describe the various kind of malicious software is
 Malware are massive security problems for Chief Information Officers.
 According to analysts’ estimation huge losses are caused worldwide by

ii) Cracking:
 Another security threat for my “India Retail Store” system is cracking and
 The terms like cracking and hacking are often used interchangeably.
 Cracking is the act of breaking into computer illegally.
 This is usually done by expert programmers who find ways to break into
networks by identifying weakness in their security or by uncovering
passwords or some such methods that is not strictly legal.
 The programmers' intention of doing so is often mischief to show how
clever they are at breaking secure systems.
 Sometimes their objective is to steal information, digital resource or
 Hacking also refer to the same act.
iii) Phishing and Identity Theft
 Phishing is the another security concern to the “India Retail Store” System.
 Phishing is done with fake websites and masquerade as real ones.
 Phishing is an attack in which attacker tries to steal individual money, or
individual identity, by getting you to reveal personal information such as
credit card number, bank information, or passwords of websites that
pretend to be legitimate.
 Spear Phishing, whaling, vising and Email Phishing are types of phishing.

iv) Denial of Service Attack:

 Another most security threat is Denial of Service Attack.
 A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is method by which crackers pull down
or slow down the services of website.
 Attack of this type make the website to appear slow and unresponsive to
normal users.
 DoS attacks are typically targeted at famous website such as retail
websites, marketing websites, stock exchange websites and alike.

v) Supply Chain Attacks:

 As an IT head of Retail Store Chain "India Retail Store", this attack should
be analyzed and eliminated on priority base.
 An increasingly popular method is malware distribution.
 In this distribution the criminal mind targets the vendor of software and
then it delivers content to customers or other entities in the supply chain.
 This can be in form of products or updates on the surface that appear to be
 Supply Chain Attacks compromise the distribution system and then enable
criminal minds to enter the supply chain customer network.

In response to the threats being faced by organization, different types of technologies have
been developed.
The different measures against the security threats are as follows:
i) Encryption:
 Encryption is a technology by which a message or data is transformed or
translated into a form that is not easily readable by anyone.
 An encrypted message could be apprehended or stolen by the enemies, but
it would not be easy to decipher its content.
 Encryption allows a message to be coded or scrambled, and also returned
to its original by using keys.

ii) Public Key Cryptography:

 Public Key Cryptography solves the problem of having to send a key
secretly to the receiver of the message.
 The method involves a pair of keys called the public key and the private
 Public and Private keys are created from very large prime number.
 Digital Certificates are also used to authenticate the owners of public key.
 The message is encrypted by public key and decrypted using private key.

iii) Firewall:
 A Firewall technology is a filtering and protection device that is usually a
combination of software and Hardware.
 A firewall will protect “India Retail Store” against malicious crackers and
 Firewall is a packet filtering device that monitors the outgoing and
incoming packets.
 After placing it in perimeter of India Retail Store Network, inside the
router that connects the organizations to the ISP and the internet; it is
possible to write a set of rules in the firewall that check content of packets
and allow or disallow them.

iv) Virtual Private Network (VPN):

 A Virtual Private Network is technology that enables clients or employees
of an organization, who are outside the network, to connect to the India
Retail Store’s network securely.
 A VPN is kind of Tunnel through which customers can connect to the
organization’s network while using public internet.
 This allows secure transaction over internet and keeps procedures safe
against malware, Trojans, masqueraders and intruders.

v) Zero Trust Model:

 Zero Trust Model security is based on a consideration that the network is
already compromised.
 By believing this India Retail Store System cannot trust the network, and
would obviously have to enhance both internal and external securities.
 It includes identifying business critical data, mapping the flow of data,
logical or physical segmentation, and policy and control enforcement
through automation and constant monitoring.

 Above is explained the probable security threats and measures to overcome the threats
for India Retail Store.
2) Introduction:
 E-Governance refers to the use of e-commerce and e-business technologies by
governments and their departments to conduct their own business.
 E-Governance also enables transactions to be conducted across an electronic network
where the basic infrastructure is the same as that of e-business.
 E-Governance is popular and famous concept in most of the countries all over the
 In India, e-governance has gained popularity with the spread of electronic networks
and availability of computing technology within government departments.
 Initially applications were created for department’s internal use – for personnel
management, accounts, project management, and file management among others.
 Later some citizen-facing services were setup that allowed citizens to access
Concepts and Application:
Services offered by e-governance are as follows:
i) Government to Business (G2B)
ii) Government to Citizen (G2C)
iii) Government to Government (G2G)

 Government to Citizen (G2C):

 These services provided convenience to citizens, especially to the poor and needy
section of the society.
 This service helps citizens to fulfill various needs.
 The Bhoomi System in state of Karnataka of India allows farmers to access their
land records through a computerized system.
 The land records provide information on the nature of the land, its ownership, its
location, the crops farmed and loans taken against the land.
 These records are used by farmers to mainly obtain bank loans for farming.
 The Bhoomi System maintains 20 million land records on its database, and the
service is used by almost 8,00,000 farmers annually.
 Another, e-governance G2C example is the eSeva Application in Hyderabad city
of state Andhra Pradesh in India.
 eSeva enables citizens to pay utility bills conveniently.
 It provides a single point at which citizens can pay their electricity bills, water
bills, road taxes and other taxes required by the city.
 eSeva is widely popular as it has provided a convenient alternative to citizens who
earlier had to travel to the different departments to pay their bills.
 Advantages of E-governance:
i) G2C systems in downtrodden areas are very helpful to citizens as they save
their time, effort and money in getting the services they need.
ii) e-Governance application can provide essential tools and mechanism for poor
communities to hold both policy makers and service providers accountable for
a sustained supply of services.
iii) E-Governance application will be a way of putting the poor at the center of
public service delivery and at the same time, giving the poor a voice to tailor
services towards the real needs of the communities.
iv) E-Governance offer opportunities for strengthening the ongoing process of
improving services by focusing on demand-orientation; targeting of the poor,
monitoring and evaluating to provide the voice for poor
v) Lokavani is the public-private partnership program by the district
Administration of Sitapur and the National Informatics center of India
servicing 3.6 million citizens in Sitapur, with 88 percent of the population
living in rural areas and a 38 percent literact rate.
vi) People First Network PFNet provides the rural, dispersed poor access to
various information and resources including legal advice on family law, land
and resource disputes, and distance learning, without them to travel to the
vii) E-Governance applications allows farmers to get the latest updates on loans,
farming, fertilizers and alike to get good productivity. All this is done through
e-governance application.
viii) The digital and online platforms are advantageous as it reaches to every person
at any part of the country.
ix) The initiative to have public networks everywhere in the country, even in rural
areas made poor people access all government’s e-governance application.
Through the access then can have all possible advantage of services and
polices of government.
x) People from downtrodden areas can have advantage of information on their
fingertips which previously was not possible and they have to travel to various
places and although at last they end up without any information.
 So, above is the explanation of e-Governance initiative that helped poor and needy
people in downtrodden areas

3 (a) Introduction:
 There are many ways in which information technology is being used by people to
enrich their lives.
 The idea of smart living in urban areas is that of people collaborating on online or
peer-to-peer communities to improve their living standards.
 One of the main key point of smart cities is that of perceiving and recording various
parameters of the city environment.
 This sensing is done by electronic sensors that are distributed across the city and
provide data to connected networks that store and process this information.
 Concept and Application:
 I will opt smart city model of Ahmedabad.
The reason for choosing these city as model for Mysuru is because of the following reason:
i) Sufficient water supply.
ii) Sufficient Electricity supply.
iii) Sanitation, including solid waste management.
iv) Good transport facilities.
v) Robust IT connectivity and digitalization.
vi) Better governance, especially e-governance and citizen participation.
vii) Sustainable environment.
viii) Safe and secure city, especially for women and children.

 From the Ahmedabad Smart City, I would like to implement v), vi) and viii) feature
i.e. Robust IT connectivity and digitalization, Better governance, especially e-
governance and citizen participation and safe-secure city, especially for women and
children; in Mysuru.

 Robust IT connectivity and Digitalization:

 IT and Digitalization is an integral part of Ahmedabad which made it a Smart
 Sensing of transport system, including movement of individual vehicles, public
transport, density of traffic at physical locations, speeds and range of travel is the
features that are implemented in the city.
 Citizens not following the rules or violating it are charged with the challan
through detecting that citizen from digitalized and interconnected systems.
 Transactions are made digital through UPI, digital wallets, and net banking with
safe and secure protocols.
 Every counters of stores are equipped with QR codes and scanners to accept
digital payments.

 Better governance, especially e-governance and citizen participation:

 Through different e-governance system, the citizens’ interaction with government
developed a lot.
 This helped rural areas to develop their living standards and knowledge.
 Through various application initiated by Government, poor and needy people
started getting legit information about government policies and information
related to different amendments.
 Now people have all records of their land, balance and standard related
information on their fingertips.
 They can easily seek information on their application and update details and
download data.
 After verifying details from PAN, or Aadhaar citizens can save their digital
documents all at one place through Digi locker and use it whenever required.
 The initiative was done by government and in Ahmedabad it was implemented to
a high extent.
 The system sense land use, agricultural activity, soil erosion and construction
 The systems sense the building temperature and illumination, arrival and
departure of people, consumption of energy and water, and use of parking

 Safe and secure city, especially for women and children:

 The city of Ahmedabad is known for the security extensively for women and
 Various initiatives were taken physically and digitally to make city secure for
women and children.
 The initiative includes starting an emergency direct calling line for women,
various digital application to tract location of women by their family members,
and camera tracking to most of routes in the city.
 Also, the cameras are installed on almost every signals to track activities of
 Digitalized BRTS as common transport with women quota is running in the city.
 The tracks and timings of the bus system is tracked by a centralized system.
 So, above I have mentioned the features of Ahmedabad Smart City in reference to
which I consider it as benchmark for making Mysuru as Smart City.

3(b) Introduction:
 The Phrase “Smart Cities” refers to geographical regions that have invested heavily in
ICT infrastructures to facilitate the management of the region both for business and
for the quality of life of its citizens.
 The innovative technology enabled service I will introduce into Mysuru so it can be
called as “Smart City” are as follows:
i) Smart Transportation
ii) Smart Environment
iii) Smart Buildings
Concept and Application:
i) Smart Transportation:
 Traffic congestion has become a serious problem for rapidly growing cities where a
large number of people need to commute on a daily basis and usually rely on their
personal vehicles for doing so.
 Sensing of smart transportation involves collecting of data on traffic parameters in
different ways.
 One of the widely use method is that of using cameras mounted on traffic signals.
 Images from those cameras are viewed by people, usually traffic police, in large
central command centers from where they inform individual policemen of the extent
of traffic at particular junctions and whether any actions need to be taken.
 Policemen on the ground can then re-route traffic to avoid congestion build-up.

ii) Smart Environment:

 The environment challenge of modern cities is that of conserving resources that are
short in supply, such as water, and protecting some resources from pollution – such as
water, air, and land, and also protecting the audible environment from sound
 Monitoring the water-related measurement can be done through satellite images that
gives an indication of the spread of lakes and streams, flows in rivers and canals arid
the depth of water bodies.
 When waste water is released from urban areas in to the local lakes and reservoirs,
this too is measured and accounted for.
 Pollution control is enabled by monitoring the air quality at different points in the city
and aggregating this data to arrive at a comprehensive picture.

iii) Smart Buildings:

 Smart building can be made by implementing various technologies that can have
reduced energy consumption.
 Smart building will be equipped with sensors to collect data on and control lighting,
heating, ventilation, personnel movement, and occupation within the building.
 It has facilities for energy generation like Solar, Wind and Electrical energy in the
basement and on the rooftop.
 The Building has sensor for parking, indicating occupancy levels of parking.

 The above mentioned technologies I would like to integrate in Mysuru to
make it smart city.

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