Information Systems For Managers
Information Systems For Managers
Information Systems For Managers
In any digital system there are threats that need to be recognized and standard
measure need to be taken to overcome threats.
The threats are becoming more and more vulnerable as time passes.
Concepts and Application
The different type of Security threats to the system of “India Retail Store” in today’s time
may be following:
i) Malware:
Malicious software or application that pose a threat to the security of
organizations “India Retail Store” may come in many forms.
One of the most widely prevalent threats is that of viruses which are
software packages that may harm the “India Retail Store” information
technology assets.
Viruses may typically enter the system through various application of the
internet or through devices such as USB memory sticks and then spread
within the network to many hosts.
There are millions of viruses that can create harmful impact on computer
Another form of malware is worm.
This spreads relentlessly across the networks and chokes them up.
Third type of malicious content is Trojans or Trojan Horses.
Trojans reside in the computer and allow malicious software or users from
outside to control and invade the computer and use its resources.
Spyware is the software that also resides in computer and secretly relays
information about the usage of computer to outside agents.
A common term used to describe the various kind of malicious software is
Malware are massive security problems for Chief Information Officers.
According to analysts’ estimation huge losses are caused worldwide by
ii) Cracking:
Another security threat for my “India Retail Store” system is cracking and
The terms like cracking and hacking are often used interchangeably.
Cracking is the act of breaking into computer illegally.
This is usually done by expert programmers who find ways to break into
networks by identifying weakness in their security or by uncovering
passwords or some such methods that is not strictly legal.
The programmers' intention of doing so is often mischief to show how
clever they are at breaking secure systems.
Sometimes their objective is to steal information, digital resource or
Hacking also refer to the same act.
iii) Phishing and Identity Theft
Phishing is the another security concern to the “India Retail Store” System.
Phishing is done with fake websites and masquerade as real ones.
Phishing is an attack in which attacker tries to steal individual money, or
individual identity, by getting you to reveal personal information such as
credit card number, bank information, or passwords of websites that
pretend to be legitimate.
Spear Phishing, whaling, vising and Email Phishing are types of phishing.
In response to the threats being faced by organization, different types of technologies have
been developed.
The different measures against the security threats are as follows:
i) Encryption:
Encryption is a technology by which a message or data is transformed or
translated into a form that is not easily readable by anyone.
An encrypted message could be apprehended or stolen by the enemies, but
it would not be easy to decipher its content.
Encryption allows a message to be coded or scrambled, and also returned
to its original by using keys.
iii) Firewall:
A Firewall technology is a filtering and protection device that is usually a
combination of software and Hardware.
A firewall will protect “India Retail Store” against malicious crackers and
Firewall is a packet filtering device that monitors the outgoing and
incoming packets.
After placing it in perimeter of India Retail Store Network, inside the
router that connects the organizations to the ISP and the internet; it is
possible to write a set of rules in the firewall that check content of packets
and allow or disallow them.
Above is explained the probable security threats and measures to overcome the threats
for India Retail Store.
2) Introduction:
E-Governance refers to the use of e-commerce and e-business technologies by
governments and their departments to conduct their own business.
E-Governance also enables transactions to be conducted across an electronic network
where the basic infrastructure is the same as that of e-business.
E-Governance is popular and famous concept in most of the countries all over the
In India, e-governance has gained popularity with the spread of electronic networks
and availability of computing technology within government departments.
Initially applications were created for department’s internal use – for personnel
management, accounts, project management, and file management among others.
Later some citizen-facing services were setup that allowed citizens to access
Concepts and Application:
Services offered by e-governance are as follows:
i) Government to Business (G2B)
ii) Government to Citizen (G2C)
iii) Government to Government (G2G)
3 (a) Introduction:
There are many ways in which information technology is being used by people to
enrich their lives.
The idea of smart living in urban areas is that of people collaborating on online or
peer-to-peer communities to improve their living standards.
One of the main key point of smart cities is that of perceiving and recording various
parameters of the city environment.
This sensing is done by electronic sensors that are distributed across the city and
provide data to connected networks that store and process this information.
Concept and Application:
I will opt smart city model of Ahmedabad.
The reason for choosing these city as model for Mysuru is because of the following reason:
i) Sufficient water supply.
ii) Sufficient Electricity supply.
iii) Sanitation, including solid waste management.
iv) Good transport facilities.
v) Robust IT connectivity and digitalization.
vi) Better governance, especially e-governance and citizen participation.
vii) Sustainable environment.
viii) Safe and secure city, especially for women and children.
From the Ahmedabad Smart City, I would like to implement v), vi) and viii) feature
i.e. Robust IT connectivity and digitalization, Better governance, especially e-
governance and citizen participation and safe-secure city, especially for women and
children; in Mysuru.
3(b) Introduction:
The Phrase “Smart Cities” refers to geographical regions that have invested heavily in
ICT infrastructures to facilitate the management of the region both for business and
for the quality of life of its citizens.
The innovative technology enabled service I will introduce into Mysuru so it can be
called as “Smart City” are as follows:
i) Smart Transportation
ii) Smart Environment
iii) Smart Buildings
Concept and Application:
i) Smart Transportation:
Traffic congestion has become a serious problem for rapidly growing cities where a
large number of people need to commute on a daily basis and usually rely on their
personal vehicles for doing so.
Sensing of smart transportation involves collecting of data on traffic parameters in
different ways.
One of the widely use method is that of using cameras mounted on traffic signals.
Images from those cameras are viewed by people, usually traffic police, in large
central command centers from where they inform individual policemen of the extent
of traffic at particular junctions and whether any actions need to be taken.
Policemen on the ground can then re-route traffic to avoid congestion build-up.
The above mentioned technologies I would like to integrate in Mysuru to
make it smart city.