Intership Report

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Office /Factory: No.7, 3rd Cross Rd, Vaiyapuri Nagar, Sindhumani Complex,

Karur, Tamil Nadu 639002

Internship report on Karpagam academy of higher education

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of




Under the guidance of


Assistant Professor


(Deemed to be University)

(Established under section 3 of UGC act 1956)


OCTOBER - 2023

This is to certify that the Internship report, entitled “B&S ASSOCIATES”, submitted to Karpagam
Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
the degree of Bachelor of commerce is a record of original and independent study work done by
SUGANTH. A during the period of 1st September 2023 to 16th October 2023 under the guidance of
Mrs. P. SONI PAWAR Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Karpagam Academy of
Higher Education, Coimbatore. This report has not formed the basis for the award of any
degree/Diploma/ Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of any university.

Faculty guide Director/HOD

Mrs. P. Soni Pawar Dr.R.Velmurugan

Viva Voce examination held on:

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I, SUGANTH. A, hereby declare that the Internship report, entitled “B&S ASSOCIATES ”,
submitted to Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Commerce is a record of original and
independent study done by me during the period of 1st September 2023 to 16th October 2023 under the
guidance of Mrs. P. Soni Pawar Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Karpagam Academy
of Higher Education, Coimbatore. This report has not formed the basis for the award of any
degree/Diploma/ Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of any university.




I express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. R. Vasantha Kumar, President,Karpagam Academy of Higher
Education, Coimbatore for his constant encouragement and motivation bestowed on me till my completion of
my Internship.

I express my sincere thanks to Shri. K. Murugaiah, CEO, Karpagam Educational Institutions for
permitting me to take up this Internship and for his continuous encouragement.

I express my grateful thanks to, Dr. K. Ramaswamy, Chancellor, Karpagam Academy of Higher
Education, Coimbatore for his encouragement given throughout the Internship

I acknowledge my heart full thanks to Dr. B. Venkatachalapathy, Vice Chancellor, Karpagam

Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore for offering me to take up this Internship

I owe my sincere my thanks to Dr. S. Ravi, Registrar, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education,
Coimbatore who constituently encouraged me till the completion of my Internship.

I am greatly indebted to Dr. P. Palanivelu, Controller of Examinations, Karpagam

Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore for having providing the Research Opportunities to
conduct this Internship.

I extent my sincere thanks to Dr. N. V. Balaji, Dean Faculty of Arts, Science Commerce and
Management, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore for his constant encouragement.

I express my grateful thanks to, Dr. R.Velmurugan , Head Department of Commerce, Karpagam
Academy of Higher Education for his encouragement given throughout the Project.

I express my gratitude and thanks to, Mrs. P. Soni Pawar, Assistant Professor, Department of
commerce. Karpagam Academy of Higher Education for her valuable guidance, innovative
suggestions, encouragement and support in every step of My Internship.

I am deeply indebted to, Mr. Puurushoth (Head of Accounts Department). for giving me permission
and arranging for the needful help and enabling me to undertake this study in their esteemed and
reputed organization. I also express my sincere thanks to all the staff members of the organization for
giving their valuable suggestions and helping me to complete this study. I always remember their
friendly attitude which was one of the key factors for successfully completed the internship.

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