BNWL7-SCI TB C06 QR11 Laboratory-Activities

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Parts of a Compound Microscope

The word microscope comes from the Greek words mikros, meaning “small,” and skopein,
meaning “to see.” The function of the microscope is to magnify very small objects so that they
can be seen and examined. One of the most commonly used type of microscope is the compound
microscope. A compound microscope has two sets of lenses: the eyepiece or ocular lens at the top
end of the body tube and the objective lenses at the lower end of the revolving nosepiece.
The compound microscope is a fragile and expensive instrument; hence, it should be handled
with care. In this activity, you will be familiarized with the parts of a compound microscope and their
functions. More importantly, you will learn how to handle the microscope properly.

Objectives MATERIALS
1. State the function of each part of a compound microscope alcohol or xylene
2. Handle the microscope properly and carefully prepared slide of any
3. Properly focus a specimen under the microscope compound microscope
4. Compute the total magnification of a specimen lens paper or cotton
5. Observe proper care of the microscope

1. Identify the parts of the microscope and list down their functions
in table 12-1.
2. In using the microscope, observe the following:
a. Carry the microscope with both hands. Grasp the arm with
one hand and support the base with the other hand.
b. Gently place the microscope on the laboratory table, with its
arm facing you.
c. Clean the lenses with lens paper or cotton swab for a clear
view of your specimen. You may need to moisten the lens
paper with alcohol or xylene to remove grease or oil, which
can blur the image of the specimen. (Caution: Xylene is
d. Examine the eyepiece or ocular lens and take note of the
number followed by ×. This refers to the magnification of
the eyepiece, which tells how many times it can magnify the
specimen. For example, 5× means the eyepiece can magnify
an object five times its original size.

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e. Look for the objective lenses. There may be three or four of them. Notice that each objective
has a number followed by ×. Each objective magnifies the object by the factor marked
on the particular lens. For example, a scanner objective, which is usually the shortest, has
5×, a low-power objective (LPO) has 10×, a high-power objective (HPO) has 40×, and an
oil-immersion objective (OIO) has 100×. Objective lenses should be used in the following
order: scanner, low, high, and oil-immersion.
If you multiply the magnification of the ocular lens by the magnification of the
objective lens, you will get the total magnification of the specimen under the microscope.
For example, if you are using the LPO with 10×, multiply this with the magnification
number of the ocular lens, which is 5×, and you get a total magnification of 50×. With this
information, fill in table 12-2.
f. Turn the coarse adjustment knob to raise the body tube away from the stage. In some
microscopes, the body tube is fixed and the coarse adjustment knob is used to lower or
raise the stage.
g. Rotate the revolving nosepiece and select the objective lens with the lowest magnification.
Continue rotating until the objective lens sets into place.
h. Place a prepared slide on the stage and secure it with the stage clips. If your microscope
uses a mirror for illumination, position the mirror at an angle that allows it to catch and
reflect a sufficient amount of light. If it has a built-in light source, switch it on.
i. Adjust the iris diaphragm located under the stage of the microscope to control the amount
of light that passes through the specimen and the lens, thus making the microscope’s field
of view bright.
j. In focusing the specimen, use the objective lens with the lowest magnification first. This
may be a scanner or an LPO. Turn the coarse adjustment knob until the specimen comes
into focus. To use the HPO, rotate the revolving nosepiece until the HPO sets into place.
Focus the specimen using the fine adjustment knob. Do not use the coarse adjustment
knob in focusing specimens under HPO or OIO to avoid damaging the specimen and the
objective lenses.
k. The OIO is used for very small organisms, such as bacteria. To use it, locate first the specimen
to be observed using the scanner, then the LPO, then the HPO. Place a drop of cedarwood
oil on the coverslip at the center of the viewing area. Rotate the nosepiece until the OIO
is in contact with the oil. Only use the fine adjustment knob in focusing your specimen.
After examining your specimen, lower the stage before removing the slide. Be sure to wipe
off the oil from the coverslip and the OIO lens with a lens paper or cotton swab dipped in
l. After using the microscope, lower the stage and set the revolving nosepiece to its shortest
objective. Return it to its storage box or cabinet. Do not forget to carefully hold it by its arm
and support the base with your palm.

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Parts of a Compound Microscope
Data and Results
Table 12-1. Parts of a Compound Microscope and Their Fuctions

Part of a compound microscope Function

Eyepiece or ocular lens

Draw tube

Body tube

Coarse adjustment knob

Fine adjustment knob

Revolving nosepiece

Objective lenses


Stage clips


Iris diaphragm

Mirror or light source



Table 12-2. Computation of Total Magnification

Ocular lens Objective lens Total magnification

10× 100×

10× 40×

10× 100×

10× 50×

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Analysis and Interpretation
1. How should you carry a microscope?

2. What are the two possible sources of light for a microscope?

3. What is the iris diaphragm for? What happens when it is adjusted?

4. When do you use the coarse adjustment knob? the fine adjustment knob?

5. What are the essential parts of the microscope for you to see a specimen?

6. How do you compute the total magnification of a specimen viewed under a microscope?

7. What should you use to clean the lenses of a microscope?


1. Why are microscopes important in science?

2. If the microscope had not been invented, what would be some of the possible setbacks this
would have brought to humanity?

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Focusing Specimens
under the Compound Microscope
Sample specimens to be examined under the microscope are generally prepared in two ways:
prepared slides or wet mounts. Prepared or permanent slides can last for a long time. They are
purchased from biological supply stores, or may be made by teachers. Wet mounts, on the other
hand, are temporary, usually lasting for one laboratory period.
In this experiment, you will learn how to prepare slides for observation, and focus and observe
specimens under the microscope.

Objectives MATERIALS
1. Prepare slides for examination under the microscope water
2. Locate the specimen of interest and focus it under LPO and HPO letter e
(cut from a magazine or
3. Calculate the magnification of an image observed under the newspaper)
microscope hair strand with follicle
compound microscope
Procedure medicine dropper
lens paper or cotton
1. Place the cutout letter e at the center of the glass slide. Using swab
the medicine dropper, drop a small amount of water on it. Put a scissors or cutter
coverslip over the specimen, starting from the edge to prevent the coverslip
formation of bubbles. ruler
2. Place the slide at the center of the stage and secure it with the glass slide
stage clips.
3. Set the LPO in place and use the coarse adjustment knob to lower
the objective as close as possible to the slide.
4. Keeping both of your eyes open, focus the specimen carefully
using the coarse adjustment knob. If you do not see anything with
both eyes open, cover one eye with your palm. Sharpen the focus
with one eye.
5. Using the iris diaphragm, regulate the amount of light that
illuminates the specimen. You cannot see clearly the details of the
specimen under examination with too much light.
6. Once the specimen is in focus, move the slide slightly to the left
and then to the right. Note the position and orientation (upright or
inverted) of the specimen. Draw your observations under Data and

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7. Set the HPO in place and focus the specimen using the fine adjustment knob. Draw your
observations under Data and Results. Compare the appearance of the letter e under LPO and
8. Replace the letter e specimen with a 1 cm piece of hair strand with follicle.
9. Focus the hair follicle under LPO, then HPO. Take note of its size. Draw your observations in Data
and Results. Compare the appearance of the follicle under LPO and HPO.
10. Once you are done, clean the ocular and the objective lenses. Make sure that the stage is dry
before returning the microscope into the storage box or cabinet.

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Focusing Specimens under the Compound Microscope

Data and Results

Letter e as seen under LPO Letter e as seen under HPO

Magnification: Magnification:

Hair follicle as seen under LPO Hair follicle as seen under HPO
Magnification: Magnification:

Analysis and Interpretation

1. Letter e
a. What happened to the position of the cutout letter e when you moved the slide to the left?
to the right?

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b. In what objective lens did you see the whole mount of the letter e?

2. Hair follicle
a. Did you see the whole specimen?

b. Differentiate the image of the hair follicle when focused under LPO and HPO.

3. Why should you put the specimen at the center of the field of view before changing the objective

4. Why must you use the fine adjustment knob in focusing the specimen under HPO?


1. If the ocular lens can magnify an object 10×, and the objective lens 100×, what is the total
magnification of the specimen under the microscope?

2. What are the possible reasons a specimen may not be focused clearly under the microscope?

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Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

Cells are the basic units that carry out all life processes. Living organisms may be composed of
only one cell or many cells. Single-celled organisms are called unicellular, while those composed of
many cells are multicellular. Cells have two main types: prokaryotic cells, which lack a nucleus and
membrane-bound organelles, and eukaryotic cells, which have a nucleus and membrane-bound
organelles. Prokaryotic cells include bacteria and archaeans, while eukaryotic cells include plant and
animal cells.
Plant and animal cells can be distinguished according to the type of organelles they contain.
They have similarities and differences, some of which you will observe in this activity.

Objectives MATERIALS
1. Examine plant and animal cells under the microscope water
2. Describe the structures found in plant and animal cells iodine solution
or methylene blue
3. Compare and contrast plant cells and animal cells compound microscope
Procedure medicine dropper
glass slide
A. Plant cells
1. Select a young Hydrilla leaf. Using the forceps, mount this toothpick
carefully onto the slide. Drop a small amount of water on the Hydrilla (digman) leaf
specimen and put a coverslip.
2. Observe the specimen under LPO, and identify the visible cell
parts. Put a check mark in the appropriate boxes in the table
under Data and Results to indicate these visible parts.
3. Repeat step 2, but use HPO instead.
4. Describe the shape of the cells of the leaf. Record your
description under Data and Results.
5. Draw the leaf cells as observed under LPO and HPO.

B. Animal cells
1. Using the flat or round end of a toothpick, gently scrape the
inner lining of your cheeks.
2. Carefully smear the scrapings onto a clean glass slide and
drop a very small amount of iodine solution or methylene
blue on the specimen. Put a coverslip over the specimen.
3. Observe the specimen under LPO, then HPO. Take note of
the cell parts visible under LPO and HPO. Put a check in the
appropriate boxes.
4. Draw the cheek cells as observed under LPO and HPO.
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Comparing Plant and Animal Cells
Data and Results
A. Observed cell parts

Hydrilla leaf Cheek cells

Cell parts

Cell wall

Cell membrane




B. Description of the shape of Hydrilla leaf cells

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C. Drawings

Hydrilla leaf cells observed under LPO Hydrilla leaf cells observed under HPO

Cheek cells observed under LPO Cheek cells observed under HPO

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Analysis and Interpretation
1. What organelles in plant cells were visible under the compound microscope?

2. Describe the chloroplasts that you observed under the microscope.

3. How did cheek cells look like? Were the scraped cheek cells compactly arranged?

4. What organelles in cheek cells were visible under the microscope?

5. Why are stains such as iodine solution or methylene blue used when observing cells under the

6. Compare the organelle(s) present in plant and animal cells.

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1. What are the advantages of having a cell wall in plant cells?

2. Would it be possible in the future for human cells to perform the biochemical processes that
only plant cells are capable of doing? If so, how do you suppose it would be done?

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Diffusion and Osmosis

All cells must maintain homeostasis. To understand how cells do this, you must understand how
molecules move into and out of cells.
Note that molecules are in constant motion. As a net effect of their random movement,
molecules tend to move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
until they spread out evenly throughout the available space. This results in an overall direction of
movement among molecules. This process is called diffusion. In cells, solute molecules and ions
move into and out of the cell across the cell membrane through diffusion.
On the other hand, solvents, such as water, may diffuse through a semipermeable membrane,
following the concentration gradient of the solute. This process is called osmosis. In cells, free
water moves across the cell membrane from an area of lower solute concentration (high free
water concentration) to an area of high solute concentration (low free water concentration). If the
concentration of solute molecules inside the cell is lower than that outside the cell, the external
environment is said to be hypertonic. In this case, the water inside the cell will diffuse to the outside
until equilibrium is reached. Conversely, if there is a higher concentration of solute inside the cell
than its external environment (hypotonic), the water outside the cell will diffuse into the cell. If the
concentration of solutes outside and inside the cell is equal, the solution is isotonic with reference to
its environment. In this case, water will move back and forth across the cell membrane; hence, there
will be no net movement and the amount of water on either side will not change.

Objectives MATERIALS
1. Observe how diffusion and osmosis take place water
2. Compare diffusion and osmosis potassium
permanganate (KMn04)
Procedure perfume
20% sugar solution
A. Diffusion
large potato
1. Fill a 100 mL beaker with water. Slowly add a small amount 100 mL beaker
of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) to the beaker. Observe. potato peeler
Write down your observation under Data and Results. knife or scalpel
2. Spray the perfume in one corner of your classroom or cork borer
laboratory. Go to another corner of the room. Observe what pins
happens to the scent of the perfume after a few seconds. stopwatch or timer
Note your observation under Data and Results.

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B. Osmosis
1. Peel the potato and cut off one of its ends to get a flat base.
2. Using a cork borer, carefully bore a cavity in the potato. Make sure not to bore through the
3. Pour the 20% sugar solution into the cavity, filling it about one-third.
5. Mark this initial level of sugar solution with a small pin.
6. Carefully transfer the potato to the beaker filled about halfway with water.
7. Observe the level of the sugar solution in the cavity.
8. After 30 min, mark the final level of the sugar solution in the cavity using another small pin.

pin beaker


sugar solution

Figure 15-1. Experimental setup for procedure B

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Diffusion and Osmosis
Data and Results
A. Diffusion
1. Mixing of water and potassium permanganate (KMnO4)

2. Spraying of perfume

B. Osmosis
Volume of sugar solution in the cavity of potato =

Analysis and Interpretation

1. Why were the first two steps in procedure A considered diffusion processes?

2. Which of the two diffused faster—potassium permanganate (KMnO4) in water or the perfume in
air? Why do you think so?

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3. What happened to the volume of the sugar solution in the cavity of the potato? What process
took place? Why do you say so?

4. Is diffusion a passive or an active type of transport? What about osmosis? Why?


1. Cite at least two common kitchen activities or chores that show diffusion.

2. Cite at least two common kitchen activities or chores that show osmosis.

3. Why do the vegetables in salads become soft and watery when salt or sugar is added?

4. Why is seawater not fit for drinking?

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Comparing Plant and Animal Tissues

The cells of a multicellular organism are arranged into groups that function collectively as
tissues. Each type of tissue is composed of similar cells performing the same or closely related
functions. Tissues form organs, and organs form organ systems.
Each type of specialized tissue has a function in plants. Epidermal tissues serve as plants’
outermost covering and protect the tissues underneath. Meristematic tissues are found at the tips of
roots and stems, and contain cells that undergo rapid cell division. Vascular tissues carry water and
nutrients throughout the plant.
Just like plants, animals consist of tissues performing different functions. Examples of such
tissues are epithelial tissues for body covering and protection, connective tissues for connecting,
binding, and packing body parts together, muscular tissues that give shape and allow body parts
to move, and nerve tissues that help in the reception and conduction of impulses.

Objectives MATERIALS
1. Examine examples of plant and animal tissues whole herbaceous dicot
plants (e.g., pansit-
2. Compare plant and animal tissues
pansitan, mayana)
Procedure prepared slides of
animal tissues (muscle,
A. Plant tissues blood, and epithelial)
1. Obtain young, herbaceous dicot plants from the school sharp blade or scalpel
grounds. compound microscope
glass slide
2. Examine the internal parts of the stems by making freehand
medicine dropper
cross sections using the sharp blade or scalpel. Make sure
that the cross sections are thin so that you can see the cells in
3. Examine the plant cells or tissues under the compound
microscope. Take note of the many visible cells or tissues,
especially on the outermost layer (epidermis). The big, round,
thin-walled cells found after the epidermis are parenchyma
tissues. Notice also the presence of the vascular tissues
arranged circularly along the center. Draw these tissues in
Data and Results.

B. Animal tissues
1. Focus each prepared slide of muscle, blood, and epithelial
tissues under the microscope. Observe them under LPO, then
under HPO. Draw your observations in Data and Results.
2. Compare the animal tissues with the plant tissues.

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Comparing Plant and Animal Tissues
Data and Results

Plant tissue Animal muscle tissue

Animal blood tissue Animal epithelial tissue

Analysis and Interpretation

A. Plant tissues
1. Describe the technique you have learned in making thin plant cross sections.

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2. What group of plant tissue did you see in your specimen?

3. How do cells that function together look in the specimen that you used?

B. Animal tissues
1. How would you describe the shape of the muscle tissue that you examined? Was it striated
or not?

2. What type of blood cell was the most abundant in the blood smear that you examined?

3. How were epithelial cells arranged? How did they look like?


1. Which has more tissues—plants or animals? Why do you say so?

2. Why must epidermal cells be compactly arranged?

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Open-ended activity 2

The Selective Semipermeable Membrane

The plasma membrane of the cell is semipermeable, which means it only allows some substances
to pass through. The selectivity of the plasma membrane is an advantage to the cell and to the
organelles that it encloses. A semipermeable membrane serves as a barrier between the internal
and external environments of the cell, and thus protects the cell from foreign bodies that could be
harmful to the cell.
In this activity, you will observe the movement of useful molecules through a semipermeable
membrane called dialysis membrane, which is similar to the plasma membrane of a cell. Dialysis
membranes have openings or pores that are only permeable to small molecules indispensable for
the life of the cell.

1. Using a dialysis membrane, design an experiment that will prove that semipermeable
membranes allow some, but not all, substances to pass through.
2. Know the following:
• semipermeable • 5% sugar solution
• selective membrane • osmosis
• dialysis membrane • diffusion
• thistle tube • Benedict’s solution
3. Plan the experiment:
a. List, gather, and use all the materials for the experiment.
b. Write a brief and concise experimental design or procedure.
c. Describe and analyze what you tested.
d. Report the results of your experiment.

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The Selective Semipermeable Membrane
I. Objectives

II. Materials

III. Hypothesis

IV. Procedure

V. Illustration

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VI. Data and Results

VII. Analysis and Interpretation

VIII. Generalization

IX. Application

X. Computation (if applicable)

1. How important is the semipermeable membrane to the cell?

2. What pieces of evidence proved that some substances passed through the dialysis membrane
that you used?

3. What is the purpose of Benedict’s solution in the experiment?

4. What are some of the sources of error that might have led to inaccurate results in the experiment?

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