S11&12ES Id 23

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Learning Competency: Explain how the seafloor spreads.

I. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able:

1. simulate the seafloor spreading process;
2. describe the seafloor spreading process; and
3. cite evidences that support the Seafloor Spreading Theory.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concept
A.1. Main Concept: Earth Materials and Processes
A.2. Sub-Concept: Deformation of the Crust
B. Materials:
Laptop, LCD Projector, board paper, bond paper, colored pencil,
pair of scissors, ruler
C. References:
 Science Learners Material for Grade 10
D. Process Skills:
 Using information, Observing, Interpreting, Following
Instructions, Analyzing
E. Values Integration:
 Cooperation, Attentiveness, Teamwork

III. Learning Tasks:

Unlocking of Difficulties
Magma Mid-Ocean Ridge Trench
Seafloor Subduction Zone

 Groupings.
 Perform an activity: Word Puzzle. Each group will try their best to
find all the important concepts/words related to continental drift
theory hidden in the puzzle. A music video will be played by the
teacher. As soon the music stops, the students must also stop
answering. The group with the most number of words found will be
the winner and be given points.
 Ask the students to define or describe the concepts they found.
Give additional points for their answers.

A. Engage
 Distribute the Jigsaw Puzzle Materials to the students. (Note:
Teacher should prepare a Jigsaw Puzzle containing the diagram of
a Seafloor.)
 As soon as the teacher gives her go signal, the students will start to
fit the pieces of the puzzle assign to them and paste the complete
picture or diagram in the board provided.
 All members of each group must raise their hands and say
“Seafloor Spreading” as soon as they are finish…first 3 groups to
finish wins the game. Points of 5-3-1 will be given respectively.
 Additional points will be given to those groups who can describe or
explain their puzzle. (Limit their description to 2 or 3 sentences
 Sample diagram of seafloor spreading.

B. Explore
Strategy: Construct a Model/Simulation
Sample Activity: Let the students do the activity “Split and

Objective: Simulate the seafloor spreading process.

• board paper
• bond paper
• colored pencil
• pair of scissors
• ruler
1. Using a colored pencil, draw stripes across one sheet of
bond paper parallel to the short sides of the paper. The stripes
should vary in spacing and thickness.
2. Fold the bond paper in half
3. Write the word “Start” at the top of
both halves of the paper. It should look like the
figure on the right.
4. Cut the bond paper in half along the
dashed line to form two strips.
5. Take the board paper and make
three (3) 11-cm long slits as indicated in the
6. The two slits near the edges of the bond paper should be
both 11-cm from the center slit.
7. Put the two striped strips of paper together so that the
“Start” labels touch one another.
8. Insert the strips up through the center slit, then pull them
toward the side slits.
9. Insert the ends of the strips into the side slits. Pull the
ends of the strips as shown in the figure below and watch what
happens at the center slit.

10. Practice pulling the strips through the slits until you can
make the stripes come up and go down at the same time.

Note: Activity adopted from Science Learners Material 10 pp. 66-67.

C. Explain
Strategy: Group Reporting
Activity: The leader of each group will present to the class their
group output. The following guide questions must be answered:
1. What do the stripes in the paper represent?
2. What does the middle slit represent? What occurs in this
3. What is the role of the mid–ocean ridge in the movement of
lithospheric plates?
4. What process/es happen at the side slits?

D. Elaborate
Strategy: Video-Based Activity and Power Point Presentation
Activity: Let the students watch a video about the seafloor
spreading. Have them write a reflection about the video on their

Guide Questions:
1. What is seafloor spreading?
2. How does the new seafloor form at the mid-ocean ridge?
3. What are the different evidences that support the seafloor
spreading theory?

E. Evaluation
Strategy: Game
Activity: Seafloor BINGO.
 Each group will be given a diagram that shows seafloor
 The students will label the diagram while the teacher is
giving a clue.
 After the group has completely labeled the diagram, they will
say “BINGO”.
 The group with the most number of points acquired will be
declared the winner.

IV. Assignment
Is the earth getting larger and wider when plates drift away from each
other? Explain briefly. (Write your answer in your journal)

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