Chapter 13 EX Wiring Methods - IEC

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Session 13 – Wiring Methods & Cable Standards

Typical IEC Wiring Specification

Multicore cables on racks or trays may be bunched in a maximum of two layers.

HV and LV single core cables shall be laid in trefoil groups with 150 mm clear spacing
between trefoils.

On trays or racks HV cables shall be segregated from the LV cables. Individual cables emerging from
floors or soil shall be protected against mechanical damage by means of galvanized steel pipes or
rigid PVC pipes. Single core cables emerging from floors or soil shall be protected by rigid PVC pipes.
These pipes shall extend at least 100 mm above ground or floor level.

Grouped cables emerging from floors or soil shall be protected collectively by a properly designed
metal shield or duct in such a way that heat dissipation of the sustained load carrying cables is not
hampered. The propagation of fire from one space to the other shall be prevented by proper sealing
of openings around cables.

Cables or cable supports shall not be fixed directly or indirectly to plant, equipment or process piping
which may require removal or replacement. Cables shall be laid on racks or trays strictly in
accordance with the laying patterns stated on the layout drawings. Metal parts of the cable racks and
trays shall be bonded and connected to the common earthing grid.
Typical IEC Wiring Specification

Bends and corners in the cable racks, trays or ladders shall take account of the minimum
cable bending radii. Cable racks and trays shall be closed by removable top covers,
allowing adequate ventilation, in situations where:
‐ mechanical damage of the cables is likely to occur during plant maintenance activities,
‐ oil or chemical spillages on the trays can be expected,
‐sun shielding is required against direct solar radiation.

Vertical cable rack risers shall not be installed in front of, or over, pipe risers.

Flexible cabling

The application of flexible cables in industrial plants and installations shall be limited to:
‐ welding cables;
‐ trailing cables, e.g. for movable equipment, hand tools, hand lamps;
‐ winches, hoists, soot blowers, and electric motors, if connected by means of a nearby
intermediate junction box.
An earth continuity conductor, equal in cross‐sectional area to the largest phase
conductor, shall be provided. This requirement applies even when the cable is armored.
Typical IEC Wiring Specification

Cable marking/numbering

Cable numbers shall be marked on the cables along their routes and at both termination
points. For underground cabling, the spacing between cable numbers along the route should
not exceed 5 m, and for above ground cabling, 25 m. Cables shall also be numbered where
they branch off from a main route.

For underground cable marking purposes non‐corroding strips shall be used, each having
ample length to be wrapped twice around the cable and in which the cable number has been
imprinted by means of letter/cipher punches. For above ground cabling, plastic markers
resistant to the site conditions shall be strapped round the cables.

For underground cabling, above ground route markers shall also be provided at every change
of direction in the routing and at both sides of road or pipeline crossings, except when cable
routing is already indicated by colored concrete pavement.
EX Installation Methods
Conduit or Cable Glands...

Direct Entry via EEx ‘d’ Indirect Entry via EEx ‘e’ Direct Entry via EEx
gland gland & enclosure ‘d’ conduit
Typical Wiring Methods

Rigid Conduit


IEC Cable Types and Construction

Unarmored Cable similar to US TC type cables but with fully extruded fillers. Armored
Cable similar in concept to IEEE45 Type P marine shipboard cable and continuous
corrugated aluminum armor cable.

Type SWA – Steel Wire Armor

Type STA – Steel Tape Armor

Type SWB – Steel Wire Braid

Cable/Conductor Requirements in Zone
The following main requirements are listed in the EN60079 standard for cables and conductors:
‐ use only insulated cables and conductors (test voltage ≥ 500 VAC),
‐ in special cases earth the required screening only once at the end of the non‐explosive
‐ protect intrinsically safe circuits against external electrical or magnetic fields through the
maintenance of adequate distances, screening and/or core twisting, isolate intrinsically safe
cables and conductors from non‐intrinsically safe cables and conductors or, protect against
mechanical damage or, protect through metal housing, or screening of the cables and conductors
do not combine conductors of intrinsically safe and non‐intrinsically
safe circuits
‐ prevent the fraying of fine wired conductors through the use of cable sleeves, for example:
‐ isolate intrinsically safe and non‐intrinsically safe circuits in cable bundles or ducts via insulation
spacer or an earthed metal spacer (not required with screening or sheathing),
‐ identify (i.e. light blue) the cables and conductors of intrinsically safe circuits (not required with
shielding or metal sheathing)
Cable/Conductor Requirements in Zone
When selecting cables and conductors, only use those which can withstand the
expected mechanical, chemical and thermal influences. Cables and conductors with
thermoplastic sheath, duroplastic sheath, elastomer sheath or mineral insulation with
metal sheath may be used for fixed routing. Cable branch lines must comply with the
requirements for hazardous areas.

The cables and conductors must be connected to the electrical equipment in line with
the directives for the associated type of protection. Unused openings on devices and
equipment must be closed. When cables and conductors are installed through openings
into non‐hazardous areas, care must be taken to provide an adequate seal at the
openings (e.g. sand filling, mortar) to prevent carrying‐over of the zone. At particularly
hazardous points, cables and conductors must be protected against thermal, mechanical
or chemical stress by, for example, conduits, tubing or covers. The flame retardance of
cables and conductors for fixed routing must be proven in accordance with IEC 60332‐1.
IEC Cable Types and Construction

In general, SWA cable has been the cable of choice in the UK

for onshore installations. It is somewhat flexible, readily
available and has good bending capabilities.

SWB cable has become the choice for installations offshore

with various armor materials including tinned copper, bronze
and other materials. Very flexible yet durable under very
demanding conditions. Many different jacket types available.

STA is more of an onshore type cable and is widely used in

onshore applications in continental Europe, especially for
power applications. Clients have started to shy away from STA
as it is generally regarded as slightly more difficult to terminate
than either SWA or SWB.

One variation commonly used for direct bury applications is a

Lead sheathed armor cable. Lead provides a very good
insulation due to corrosive elements and is particularly
resistant to rodents and ants. Cable glands for lead sheathed
cable typically need an additional component to seat the lead
portion of the cable.

Designations on glands is to mark a XZ for braid and tape, with

a W for wire armor for field installation.
IEC Cable Types and Construction

BFOU & RFOU instrumentation cables are manufactured with either overall or individual
screens, the cores are either laid up as pairs or triples. Ideal for signal and
instrumentation circuits where the fire performance and Low Smoke Zero Halogen
properties are increasingly being required within public buildings and power stations, as
well as traditional Petro/Chem industries. The cable is designed to carry on working for a
period of 3 hours when exposed to fire, according to IEC 60331 test procedure. BFOU
also offers good screening properties, reducing Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI).


Tinned stranded copper conductor, MICA tape, EPR insulation, overall screen of Copper
backed Polyester tape with a stranded copper drain wire 0.75mm², inner sheath of
Halogen Free Thermoset Elastomer, tinned copper wire braid and an outer sheath of
Halogen Free Thermoset Elastomer. The individually screened version has a Copper
backed Polyester tape with a stranded copper drain wire 0.75mm² around each pair or

Core colors
Pairs ‐ Light blue, black
Triples ‐ Light blue, black and brown
Each pair or triple is identified by a numbered tape.
IEC Cable Types and Construction

The most common sheath material for data cabling in use in the UK is PVC. For many
environments, PVC is the ideal material, having superior mechanical characteristics and
high reliability. However, in a fire, PVC emits heavy black smoke mixed with
hydrochloric acid, thus reducing vision, immediately impairing breathing, and
additionally initiating corrosion of all equipment exposed to the fumes. For improved
fire performance, it is common for LSZH Low Smoke Zero Halogen (usually meeting
IEC61034, IEC60754‐2 and IEC60332‐3) cable sheaths to be used within Europe.
The major Standards in common use are shown in the table.
IEC Cable Tests for Fire Applications
Typical IEC Cable Tests

Fire Resistant Test – IEC60331‐21 Under

long fire exposure, the cable must
maintain the power supply for vital safety
equipment (emergency lighting, alarm,
systems & fire pumps, etc.)

Smoke Density Test – IEC61034‐1/2

The smoke density test evaluates
the smoke emissions of the cable
and the jacket construction.

Test under fire condition –

IEC60332‐3 Flame retardant test
simulating cables installed in bunch
on a vertical ladder under fire
IEC60332‐1‐2 Single wire or cable

• A test on a single length of cable

600mm long held between 2

• The flame is applied for a

predetermined amount of time
based on the weight of the

• To pass the test there should not

be any visible damage or
charring within 50mm of the
lower edge of the top clamp
(Equal to 425mm higher than the
flame source) once all
combustion has stopped.

• This test replaces IEC60332‐1,

BS4066 pt 1 & BS EN 50265‐2‐1.
IEC60332‐3 “The ladder test”

• The IEC60332‐3 ranges of tests are conducted

on bunches of cables and are much closer to a
real life installation. 3.5m Lengths of cables
are bunched onto a cable ladder in a chimney
simulating a building riser.

• The volume of cable on the ladder is

determined in litres of combustible material to
offer a balanced view of performance across a
cable range.

• A flame is applied 500mm from the base of the

ladder for a predetermined time. When the
burner has extinguished a one hour after‐burn
period is allowed then the cables are checked
for performance.

• To pass the tests the cables should not be

affected by the flame 2.5m above the flame
IEC60332‐3 categories

Test Qty of material Flame application Supersedes

60332‐3‐22 Cat A 7.0 litres 40 minutes IEC60332‐3A

BS4066 pt 3A

60332‐3‐23 Cat B 3.5 litres 40 minutes IEC60332‐3B

BS4066 pt 3B

IEC60332‐3‐24 Cat C 1.5 litres 20 minutes IEC60332‐3C

BS4066 pt 3C
IEC60332‐3‐25 Cat D 0.5 litres 20 minutes

60332‐3‐21 Cat A F/R Used for large O.D cables instead of “3‐22 Cat A”. The cables are
mounted on the front and back of the ladder

• All these tests are to be conducted on complete cables.

• Compounds alone cannot be tested to IEC60332
Fire Resistant Testing

• A cables ability to continue operating safely during a fire. Also referred to as circuit integrity.

• Widely used in commercial/public buildings & MOG applications to control fire

alarm/monitoring systems, emergency lighting, fire shutters and emergency evacuation
European Fire Standards
• Standard Ref. Performance requirement
• IEC60331 Cables ≤ 0.6/1kV. 3 hours at 750°C (1970 edition)
• IEC60331‐21 Cables ≤ 0.6/1kV 90 minutes @ 750°C (unless alt. stated in the cable
• IEC60331‐23 Data cables 90 minutes @ 750°C
• IEC60331‐25 Optical fibre 90 minutes @ 750°C
• IEC60331‐31 Cables ≤ 0.6/1kV 120 minutes @ 830°C with vibration

• VDE0472 FE180 This test is equal to IEC60331 (1970 edition)

• DIN 4102 E30 Complete system integrity for 30 minutes

• DIN 4102 E90 Complete system integrity for 90 minutes

Smoke Emission & Toxic Gas

• Obscuration of vision and toxic gas are the main threat to people during a fire leading to
disorientation and chocking from fumes. Death is normally caused by . choking rather than
flames. Reducing smoke & fume emissions is vital to enable safe evacuation.

• Equipment damage is caused by HCl gases mixing with moisture from the sprinkler systems
and creates acid rain leading to long term component failure even if the equipment does not
look damaged.

• Not all materials that are low smoke are halogen free, examples :
• LS‐PVC (Limited Smoke PVC to UL1685)
• Fluorocarbons (PTFE, FEP etc.)
• “Type B” CSP to BS6883 (1991)
European Smoke Testing

• IEC 61034‐2: A one meter sample of cable (or a

bundle of cables depending on the outer diameter) is
placed in a 3m cube and subjected to combustion by
an alcohol produced flame for 20 minutes. The light
transmission through the cube should not fall below
60% during the test (at peak or total)

• Measurement method :
• 100W halogen light source sensed by a photoelectric
cell positioned on the opposite side of the smoke

• IEC61034‐2 is the most popular test used for cable in

• IEC61034‐1 covers the apparatus required and test
Toxic Gas Evolution IEC60754

• IEC60754‐1 (BS EN 50267 pt1) measures the amount of hydrochloric acid (HCl)
evolved during burning. The result is normally expressed as a percentage of the
sample weight. There is no pass/fail criteria.

• This method is not suitable for testing cables classed as “Zero Halogen“ and
compounds containing less than 5mg/g (5%)

• IEC60754‐2 (BS EN 50267 pt2) measures the corrosiveness of the evolved gas in
terms of acidity (pH) and conductivity. IEC 60754‐2 recommended values are :

• pH > 4.3. & Conductivity of combustion gases < 10 mS/mm

Panel Wiring to IEC requirements
Most of Europe abides by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) wiring color
codes for AC branch circuits. The older color codes in the table reflect the previous style
which did not account for proper phase rotation. The protective ground wire (listed as
green‐yellow) is green with yellow stripe.

Function Label Current Color IEC Old Color IEC

Protective Earth PE Green‐Yellow Green‐Yellow
Neutral N Blue Blue
Line, single Phase L Brown Brown or Black
Line, 3 phase L1 Brown Brown or Black
Line, 3 phase L2 Black Brown or Black
Line, 3 phase L3 Grey Brown or Black

The United Kingdom now follows the IEC AC wiring color codes. The table below lists these
along with the obsolete domestic color codes.

Function Label Current Color UK Old Color UK

Protective Earth PE Green‐Yellow Green‐Yellow
Neutral N Blue Black
Line, single Phase L Brown Red
Line, 3 phase L1 Brown Red
Line, 3 phase L2 Black Yellow
Line, 3 phase L3 Grey Blue
Example of old UK wiring colors

The use of color coded ferrules or sleeves is typically left up to the client/user
preference. Either practice is acceptable to relevant IEC standards.
Cable Gland Selection Criteria

Cable glands used in enclosures intended for use in

a hazardous area must meet with the
same criteria as the enclosure to which they are
connected. For example, cable glands used on
an EEx‘e’ enclosure must meet the requirements
for the enclosures of the EEx‘e’
standard i.e. must be capable of withstanding a
7Nm impact and capable of maintaining an
ingress protection of at least IP54.
Testing Procedures for Cable

IP 66 Testing – 100 liters of water for 3 minutes

from 2.5 to 3 meters

Continuity Testing of Armor – Gland is heated and

cooled over time and resistivity should not change
more than 10%

Tork Test – Multiple spanners to prescribed

tension with no damage on disassembly
Testing Procedures for Cable

Load Test – Unarmored cable gland with

mandrel to not slip more than 6 mm over 6 hrs.

Impact Test – I kg falling from 70cm or 7 joules. No

damage to gland

Pressure Test – Minimum of 450 psi without

leakage for Ex ‘d’, 2000 psi for UL2225
Wiring Methods

Wiring concepts Offshore follow the established & prevailing Marine

standards, e.g. IEC 60092‐352

Metallic parts (including armour) shall be earthed effectively to

prevent them from becoming live.

Cable Armour/Braid provides a means of good earth continuity as well

as mechanical protection.

Normal practice has been to use external grounding as the most direct
route to earth.

This is easily achieved with metallic cable glands in non metallic

enclosures by the use of an earth tag

Shrouds have been found to be an ineffective means of keeping water

out of enclosures and glands are typically not used for North Sea
applications any more
Wiring Methods – Shielding EMI

Two forms of EMI/RFI to consider

• Conducted Emissions (Generated & Susceptibility)
• Radiated Emissions (Generated &
A Screened Cable entering shielded enclosure
• Assists in protection against Radiated Emissions

Metallic glands are an essential part of the

system design in respect of
Electromagnet protection.

360o Cable shielding provides optimum

for EMC as opposed to ‘pig tail’ techniques.
Non metallic glands create the weak link in the
system between shielded cable and enclosure.
Typical Ex d & e armored
cable gland

Components of Typical Ex e & d cable gland….

Deluge Seal

Armor Cone Clamping Ring Back End

Front End Outer Seal

Inner Seal
Installation of Ex ‘ed’ gland
Inner & Outer Seals

Ex d & Ex e

Requirement for Ex d cable glands for equipment

< 2 litres
• Screwed entry threads must maintain flame
• Inner seal must be explosion proof and gas tight
• Trend is to use dual certified Ex d & Ex e

Not unusual to use the identical gland for both Ex d and Ex e applications
for less confusion in installation in the field….
Installation of Ex ‘d’ barrier

Flame Path Seal required to

Exhaust a pressure of 450 PSI
Routes (31 bar)
for 2 minutes

Pressure Flame
Hot Gases

Flame Path Epoxy Resin


Direct Entry into Zone 1, Ex ‘d’ enclosure over 2 liters volume

With Arcing Sparking Devices and Zone 1 or 2, IIC applications…
Sample of Cable Types
Which type is suitable for use with Flameproof Ex d equipment
using a gland with an ELASTOMERIC seal?

Cable A Cable B Cable C

Incorrect Shape, û ü
Cables Should
be Round

No Inner Sheath, Correct Cable,

Extruded Bedding e.g. has an
or Suitable Fillers extruded
û û
inner bedding

Cable D Cable E
IEC60079‐15 Cable Gland Selection

In general, about 90% of the application for hazardous location cable glands can be
fulfilled with the use of a non‐barrier compound gland…
Wiring Methods – Typical Norwegian
Installation Practice
Wiring Methods – Typical Norwegian
Installation Practice
Direct and Indirect Entry Ex e & Ex d

Direct Entry, Gland Type

EEx d Barrier Type if
volume > 2 litres

Ignition Source

Indirect Entry, Gland Type

EEx e or Dual Certified EEx
e/EEx d gland
Direct Entry Ex nR Equipment

Gland Type Ex D Barrier Type

providing gas tight Bi‐Directional
seal. Gland must be certified Ex

Gland Type Ex d/Ex e incorporating internal seal

that provides Bi‐Directional Gas‐tight seal.
Wiring Methods – Cable Gland usage UK

UK Offshore Market Sector

Hazardous Areas

Ex e 95%
Ex d 5%

Braid Armor Unarmored

98% Cable 2%

Brass "Armored" Brass "Armored" Brass "Unarmored" "Unarmored"

Exd / Ex e Ex d Compound Ex d / Ex e Plastic Ex e
Cable Gland Barrier Gland Cable Gland Cable Gland
99% 1% 99% 1%

Cable Glands
Thread Information and
The standardization of thread type in the IEC world is typically
around the Metric straight thread. However, other thread types do
exist in the IEC world and if not Metric or a variation of, are a PG,
BSP or BST thread type.

Accessories that are commonly used are:

Cable Shrouds – Becoming increasingly less used as they have a

tendency to hold water in and cover up potential corrosion with

Earth Tags – Otherwise known as “Banjos” or “Frying Pans”. Used

to provide a means to ground the cable gland typically when used in
non‐metallic enclosures.

Locknuts – Typically used to secure the cable gland to the enclosure.

Thread Information and
Accessories (Cont.)
With the various threads used, thread adaptors and
reducers are a common accessory widely used. One
key point is that it is not allowed to reduce a reducer…

Shaker Washers – Typically used between the locknut

and inside of an enclosure, shaker washers are used to
provide a means to keep vibrations from loosening the
cable gland to the enclosure.

IP washers – As the name implies, IP washers help

maintain the IP rating between the cable gland and the

If you have a cable gland in a clearance hole, you have a

metal to metal (or plastic) surface that provides no
better than IP54 protection. IP washers go between
the face of the gland and the outside of the enclosure.

Drains – EEx e drains that allow condensation to drain

from the inside of enclosures due to moisture buildup
during the normal heating and cooling process during
the day and night.
Cable gland spacing on enclosures

Cable glands clearance holes need to be considered when determining number and sizes of
glands installed in enclosures. Always confirm gland cross corner clearance with manufacturer
and template size of enclosure to confirm whether enough space exists for gland entries…
A note on single core cables
entering enclosures

Eddy currents can overheat iron or steel cabinets, locknuts or bushings or any
ferrous metal that completely encircles the single conductor cables. This
presents no problem in multi‐conductor cables, where the magnetic fields tend
to cancel each other out. For single core cables, it is recommended that these
cables enter metal enclosures through a non‐ferrous plate such as aluminum….
Cable gland spacing on enclosures

Traditional use of cable glands entering into an Ex e enclosure need a significant

amount of excess space to allow for the use of a spanner or wrench to tighten the
gland. The use of cabinet seals certified to Ex e can reduce the footprint of the
enclosure required by as much as 50% or allow a doubling of cables to enter in
the same space as traditional cable glands.
Ex ‘d’ Seals and Conduit Systems

Conduit Seals are commonly used with conduit systems

for direct entry into EEx d enclosures. The maximum
allowed distance from enclosure is 450mm. Like the US,
installations also require seal fittings at boundaries. Also,
all Ex d conduit bodies must be sealed when entries are
50mm or larger housing taps, splices, joints or terminals.

Conduit systems have a slightly different requirement in

that countries typically mandate max. fill. In the case of
most of the southern European countries, a max. fill of
60% is allowed. This differs with US regulations of
typically 40% maximum conduit fill. Conduit systems are
usually limited to 3000V or less. Above 3000V, cable
systems are required…
Typical Wiring Practices with Conduit

All switching mechanisms should be omni polar where the neutral wire is always cut
‐MINIMUM allowed wire sizes : ‐ Auxiliary Circuits (Controls) 1.5 mm/sq. ‐ Power
Circuits 2.5 mm/sq.
‐ Cables should be 3000V min. and “flame‐retardant” type

Cables MUST protected against insulation damage generally due to :

‐ Impact damage
‐ Heat sources that could damage cables insulation
‐ Chemical substances that could cause insulation cables corrosion

In order to comply with above mentioned requirements, a proper choice of cables and
cable routing is very important.

If “Cables Pass” far away from any place with risk of corrosion or accidental damage (i.e.
cables for ceiling mounted lighting fixtures) a standard PVC insulated cables in proper
cable trays are allowed. When cables come down to working areas, or pass beside to
valves or other equipment that might release heat or corrosive substances that might
damage cables insulation, it is recommended to pass relevant cables inside a galvanized
steel pipes. If cables go to vibrating machines (example: electrical motors) pipes should
be flexible hoses, for the last 500mm approx. connected to special cable glands with
female threaded head which allow for flexible hoses direct connection to the gland nut,
without leaving any part of cables uncovered.
Typical Wiring Practices with Conduit

Flexible Conduit for vibration

and mechanical protection

Conduit for mechanical

Typical Wiring Practices with Conduit

IEC 61386 is the new European standard governing the performance of

flexible conduit (and rigid) systems in electrical installations.

Superseding the current European flexible conduit systems standards, EN

50086, IEC 61386 covers performance requirements for use of such
products in electrical installation applications. The performance
requirements covered include fatigue life, bend radius, operating
temperature, non‐flame propagation, IP ratings, impact resistance and
pull‐off strength

Tests to be carried out under IEC 61386:

The new IEC 61386 standard requires a number of tests to be carried out
on specimen conduit materials. These include:

The Impact Strength Test ‐ This is carried out on conduits over a range of
different temperatures. The test is made on each specimen using an impact
head with a defined profile. Conventionally, fracture behavior is studied,
but under this test, it is the deformation (buckling) behavior that is also
determined. The specimen passes the test if no fracture occurs after
impact, and there is also no excessive permanent deformation.
Typical Wiring Practices with Conduit

The Peak Load Test ‐ Under the requirements of this test, carried out on conduit specimens
under standard ambient conditions (which is specified as 23°C at 50% relative humidity), the
conduit is deformed by a defined amount between two plates.

The Reverse Bending Test (With Swinging Movements) ‐ This test is based on a cyclic reversed
bending of conduits under various temperatures. Under the requirements for the test, conduits
are dynamically loaded and evaluated over the temperature limits. The number of bending
cycles taken to fracture the conduit determines its strength.

The Self‐Extinguishing Test ‐ Under the requirements for this test, the conduit is exposed to a
flame (from a standard burner). The time to ignition (if any), the flame propagation, and the time
to self‐extinguishing after flame removal are all parameters measured.
Typical Wiring Practices with Cable
A typical method of making final terminations to enclosures is to leave
excess cable in a loop configuration to relieve any potential undue strain on
the cable gland, and allow easier modifications if equipment needs to be
replaced or repaired..
Typical Wiring Practices with Cable

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