Unit 2.1
Unit 2.1
Unit 2.1
a tablet an umbrella
a laptop tw o 4 laptops
16 O n O x fo rd 3000™
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
6a 2.5))) Listen and write the words. PRONUNCIATION w ord stress: -teen and -ty
1 A What's this in English?
10a 2.81 Listen and notice the stress on numbers.
B It’s a n _________.
2 A What's that in English?
thirteen thirty
B It's a _________.
3 A What are these in English? fifteen fifty
B T h e y're _________.
4 A What are those in English? seventeen seventy
B They're_________.
b 2.8))) Listen again and repeat.
b Compare your answers with a partner.
11 2.91 Listen and(cirdg)the word you hear.
7 a Complete the Grammar focus box. Use exercise 6a to 1 thirteen / thirty
help you.
2 fourteen / forty
GRAMMAR FOCUS verb b e (it/they) 3 sixteen / sixty
4 eighteen / eighty
a bag. 5 nineteen / ninety
W hat1 (is) this/that?
it2 (is) an apple.
who3 (is) this/that?
- Wendy.
12 Work with a partner. Practise saying the numbers.
w h a t4 these/those? They5 (are) - apples.
1 twenty-three sixty-nine eighty-two thirty-five
-4 Grammar Reference page 118 forty-one
2 15 52 70 97 49 14 24 28 80 18 86 61 11
b Choose the correct options.
3 Seven Years in Tibet The 39 Steps 21 Grams
Apollo 13 Around the World in 80 Days 48 Hours
1 A What's th is/ these?
B I t 's / are a tablet.
LISTENING SKILLS understanding singular
2 A What is / are these in English?
and plural
B They's / are keys.
3 A Who's / are that? 1 2.10))) Listen to four conversations. Tick ( / ) singular
B Ft’s / They're my friend, Lynne.
or plural for each conversation.
4 A What are that / those in English?
B It's/ They’re phones. 1 2 3 4
C 2.6))) Listen and check your answers.
8 Work with a partner. Talk about things in your bag and in
the classroom. 2 2.11))) Listen and write the numbers.
A W hat’s this/that in English? 1 laptops ___ 4 apples ___
B It’s a notepad./I don’t know. 2 pens ___ 5 book ___
A W hat are these/those in English ? 3 umbrellas ___ 6 bags ___
B They're pens.
3a 2.12))) Listen to four conversations. Write the
Vocabulary & Speaking numbers 11-100 numbers and the objects.
Number Object
9 2.7 )))Look at the numbers. Listen and repeat. 1 one tab let
2 _________ _________
11 eleven 18 eighteen 40 fo rty
12 tw elve 19 nineteen 50 fifty 3 _________
13 th irteen 20 tw en ty 60 sixty
14 fourteen 21 tw e n ty -o n e 70 seventy
4 ________
15 fifteen 22 tw e n ty -tw o 80 eighty
b Compare your answers with a partner.
16 sixteen ... 90 ninety
17 seventeen 30 th irty 100 a hundred
2 L o o k a t t h e i l l u s t r a t i o n s . O r c l e ) t h e c o r r e c t o p tio n .
2 .1 th is /th a t/th e s e /th o s e ; verb b e (it/they)
Near N ot near
Singular th is th a t
• We use...
1 this and these to talk about people or things near us.
This is a tablet.
2 that and those to talk about people or things that are not 1 A W h a t ’s (this)/ that / those i n E n g lis h ?
near us. It's/They're a w a lle t.
Those are my friends.
2 A W h o ’s t h a t /t h e s e / this?
B M y fr ie n d , R in a .
3 those / t h e s e / that p e o p l e fro m ?
A W h e re a re
Wh- questions (?)
B They're/It's f r o m S p a in .
's this It's a pen. 4 A T h is/ T h ese/T h at is P a u l a f r o m C o lo m b ia .
is that It is an apple. B N ic e to m e e t y o u , P a u la .
what in English?
these They're notepads. 5 A W h at areth o s e/ th a t/ this?
those They are bags. B They're/It's u m b r e lla s .
6 A W h a t is that / those / these?
• We use the verb be to ask and answer questions about people B It's/They're a ta b le t.
and things.
• We often use this/that to introduce or talk about people.
2 . 2 Verb b e (he/she/it/they)
This is my friend, Robert.