TserkezisCetal PhysRevB841154552011
TserkezisCetal PhysRevB841154552011
TserkezisCetal PhysRevB841154552011
16 432
4 authors:
G. Gkantzounis N. Papanikolaou
University of Surrey National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos
All content following this page was uploaded by Christos Tserkezis on 12 May 2018.
I. INTRODUCTION each metallic cylinder coated with a dielectric layer. The metal
was considered as perfect conductor and also modeled with
The possibility of electromagnetic (EM) modes localized
a Drude-like dielectric function that takes strongly negative
at the surface of a semi-infinite photonic crystal was initially
values in the frequency region of interest. Starting from a
theoretically investigated by Meade et al.,1 who argued that
crystal of dielectric cylinders that supports photonic surface
such modes must always exist for some termination of any
states and inserting a thin metallic cylinder at the center of
surface of the crystal, and was subsequently experimentally
each dielectric cylinder, it was shown that the surface states
demonstrated.2 Motivated by these works, several numerical
gradually disappear by increasing the radius of the metallic
studies of surface states in two-dimensional (2D) and three-
cylinders. To the best of our knowledge, there is no study
dimensional (3D) photonic crystals, based mostly on the
of surface states in 3D metallodielectric photonic crystals as
supercell approach, have been reported,3–9 and the dependence yet. Here we show, by means of rigorous full-electrodynamic
of such states on the surface termination has been explored.10,11 calculations, that fcc crystals of metallic nanoshells, which
Interest in surface waves has been reignited in recent years, also can be easily fabricated using self-assembly methods,30–32 do
in relation to spoof plasmons in corrugated perfect-conductor support surface EM modes. It is also worth noting that, while
surfaces,12,13 and to the potential appearance of forward and surface states are usually introduced in a photonic crystal by
backward Tamm and Shockley photonic states,14–16 while either terminating a surface at an appropriate point1,10 or by
several applications exploiting surface states in 2D and 3D adding a surface defect layer,33,34 in our case the surface is
photonic crystals have been proposed. When appearing in well defined and no defect layer is needed.
dielectric photonic crystals, surface waves can be considered
as efficient replacements of surface plasmons in metallic films,
thanks to their much lower absorptive losses.17,18 Moreover,
surface modes can be excited using diffraction gratings and Our calculations are based on the full-electrodynamic layer-
can be engineered to collimate light exiting a photonic crystal multiple-scattering (LMS) method,35–37 which is ideally suited
waveguide.19–24 In addition, they can be of particular interest for the study of surface modes in metallodielectric crystals.
in the field of photonic metamaterials, since they can transfer The method can describe not only a finite slab of a given
the evanescent components of an incident wave field to the crystal, but also the corresponding semi-infinite crystal exactly
other side of a negatively refracting slab, thus enabling for and not by appealing to the commonly employed supercell
subwavelength imaging,25–27 and can be engineered to have approximation. Moreover, since the method solves Maxwell’s
opposite phase and group velocities.28 Recently, Ishizaki and equations in the frequency domain, it can treat dispersive and
Noda experimentally observed surface states in 3D photonic dissipative materials like metals in a straightforward manner.
crystals as well,29 and established a new route for photon The concept of the surface is inherent in the LMS method,
manipulation. because the structure under consideration is built as a sequence
Although surface states in 2D—and to a lesser extent of successive layers of scatterers arranged with the same 2D
3D—dielectric photonic crystals have been adequately studied periodicity parallel to a given crystallographic plane, which is
in the past two decades, this is not the case for metallodielectric taken to be the x-y plane. The properties of the individual
crystals. Zhang et al.5 reported that such states could not be scatterers enter only through the corresponding scattering
easily encountered in 2D crystals of metallic rods due to T matrix which, for homogeneous spherical particles, is
the expulsion of the EM field from the surface because of given by the closed-form solutions of the Mie scattering
the presence of the metallic material, though they did not problem,36 while for spheres consisting of a number of
exclude such a possibility. They considered two different kinds concentric, homogeneous spherical shells, it can be calculated
of metallodielectric crystals in a square lattice with cylindrical by an efficient recursive algorithm.38 At a first step, in-plane
scatterers, which are either pure metallic or of layered type with multiple scattering is evaluated in a spherical-wave basis
using the single-scatterer T matrix and appropriate propagator By definition, each eigenmode propagates through the crystal
functions. Subsequently, interlayer scattering is calculated without changing its state and, on the other hand, for a
in a plane-wave basis defined by the reciprocal vectors g semi-infinite crystal, there is no rear surface to reflect the
of the given 2D lattice and the linear polarization state forward into backward Bloch waves. Therefore, the appro-
p = 1,2 of the plane wave beam, for given angular frequency, priate boundary condition for the scattering problem of an
ω, and reduced in the surface Brillouin zone (SBZ) wave EM wave incident on a semi-infinite photonic crystal from
vector, k , which are conserved quantities in the scattering the homogeneous host material that extends to infinity is
process. The waves transmitted through and reflected from V− = 0,42 and then Eq. (2) yields
a single layer are obtained by appropriate transmission and
reflection matrices: QIgp;g p , QIII E−
0 =F
−+ ++ −1 +
[F ] E0 ≡ R∞ E+
0. (3)
gp;g p for incidence from the
IV II On the other hand, the condition for the existence of surface
left (z < 0) and Qgp;g p , Qgp;g p for incidence from the right
(z > 0), respectively.36,37 The Q matrices of slabs consisting modes is to have nonzero forward Bloch modes (V+ = 0) in
of successive layers with the same 2D periodicity are obtained the absence of incoming field (E+
0 = 0) and then Eq. (2) gives
FIG. 4. (Color online) Projection of the photonic band structure FIG. 5. (Color online) (a) Enlarged view of band 1 of Fig. 2
of fcc crystals of (a) composite spherical particles consisting of a silica and the dispersion of corresponding surface modes calculated using
core and a metallic shell described by the Drude dielectric function Eq. (1) for finite slabs consisting of two, four, and eight layers
without dissipative losses (core radius R = 0.9c/ωp ; shell thickness of nanoshells (thin solid, dashed, and dotted lines, respectively).
D = 0.1c/ωp ) and (b) corresponding homogeneous metallic spheres (b) Estimated propagation length of the surface modes under
with radius S = c/ωp , on the SBZ of their (001) surface (nearest- consideration.
neighbor distance in both fcc crystals a0 = 2.1c/ωp ), along the
symmetry lines shown in the inset of Fig. 2. Shaded and blank regions the interaction of these modes becomes smaller, and the results
represent frequency bands and gaps, respectively. With solid lines in
converge to the single dispersion curve that characterizes the
gap regions, we show the dispersion curves of the surface modes,
semi-infinite crystal. This is shown in Fig. 5(a) for band 1 of
while the dashed lines denote the light cone in air.
Fig. 2 and for slabs consisting of two, four, and eight (001)
layers of nanoshells. Interestingly, convergence is faster along
spheres with radius S = c/ωp . It can be seen that, as discussed the XM direction, which indicates that, in this case, the surface
in Ref. 46, variation of the shell thickness results mainly in a states are more strongly localized, as we verified by calculating
frequency shift of the plasmon modes and the corresponding the relevant attenuation length.
band gaps. For example, the position of band 1 shown in Absorptive losses, which have been ignored so far, can
Fig. 2 shifts from ∼0.15ωp for the crystal of thin nanoshells be taken into account by including a small imaginary part
to ∼0.35ωp for the crystal of homogeneous metallic spheres. in the Drude dielectric function. We set τ −1 = 0.002ωp in
Interestingly, while the partial band gaps associated with the Eq. (6), a value which is appropriate for silver. Then Eq. (5)
dipole particle-like plasmon modes retain almost the same is satisfied in the lower complex frequency plane, at ω − iγ ,
form and their maximum width increases by only about 25%, where γ > 0 denotes the inverse of the lifetime of the mode.
those associated with the quadrupole particle-like plasmon The mode lifetime, multiplied by the corresponding group
modes widen drastically for all points of the SBZ as the velocity, vg = dω/dk, along a given direction in the surface,
thickness of the metallic shell increases, and finally an absolute provides an estimate of the propagation length, L, of this mode.
gap is formed. It is also worth noting that, unlike Ref. 5, where In Fig. 5(b), we display the propagation length calculated in
surface states were only encountered for photonic crystals of this way for band 1 of Fig. 2. It can be seen that, even for this
metallic rods coated by a thick dielectric layer, in our case relatively flat band, a propagation length as long as 25a0 can
surface states do appear even for crystals of homogeneous be achieved. Similar calculations for more extended bands of
metallic spheres. The presence of metallic material does not surface states yield propagation lengths as long as 80a0 , which
prohibit the appearance of surface states in a photonic crystal, makes these modes interesting, also in view of photon transport
provided that the dielectric function of the metal is not highly applications. These propagation lengths are of the order of a
negative in the frequency region of interest. Moreover, our few microns, while surface plasmon polaritons on a flat silver
calculations show that the geometry of the crystal is also an surface have propagation lengths in the range 10–100 μm in the
important factor affecting the occurrence of surface states; for visible spectrum, which increase toward 1 mm as one moves
example, such states tend to disappear if we increase the lattice into the 1.5 μm near-infrared telecommunication band.49
constant, i.e., decrease the volume fraction of the nanoshells.
The dispersion curves of the surface states presented in
Figs. 2–4 have been calculated for the semi-infinite photonic
crystal according to Eq. (5). In addition, they can be obtained To summarize, we extended the LMS method so as to
by assuming corresponding finite slabs, using Eq. (1), a method provide the surface states of a semi-infinite photonic crystal
which has already been employed in the study of surface and applied it to the specific case of fcc crystals of metallic
states in phononic crystals.48 Obviously, for a finite slab we nanoshells. In contrast to earlier claims that surface states
obtain two dispersion curves, close to each other in frequency, are unlikely in metallodielectric photonic crystals, our study
corresponding to surface modes localized at the two surfaces of reveals the existence of surface states localized at the (001)
the slab. As the number of layers comprising the slab increases, and (111) surfaces of the crystals under consideration, which
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