Soft Mode Spec of FE and MF
Soft Mode Spec of FE and MF
Soft Mode Spec of FE and MF
S. Kamba
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S. Kambaa)
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Note: This paper is part of the Special Topic on 100 Years of Ferroelectricity—A Celebration.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
This article summarizes the results of the investigations of the dynamics of ferroelectric (FE) phase transitions (PTs) obtained in Prague
during the last 25 years. After a short introduction, explaining differences between displacive and order-disorder types of FE PTs, the results
of the broadband dielectric, THz, and mainly IR spectroscopic investigations of hydrogen-bonded FEs, BaTiO3 , relaxor FEs, strained incipient
FEs, and various multiferroics are reviewed. The high sensitivity of the IR spectroscopy to polar phonons was demonstrated in ultrathin films,
optical soft mode is a dynamical origin of only displacive struc- expressed as a sum of damped harmonic oscillators and Debye
tural PTs. In the case of order–disorder PTs (see below), the soft relaxations,14
mode is not an optical phonon, but it has a relaxational character,
and slowing down of the relaxation frequency is seen in microwave ε ∗(ω) = ε∞ + εph + εdr
(MW), radio frequency, or low-frequency ranges on cooling toward Δεj ω2TOj
n m ΔεRj ωRj
T c .11,13 = ε∞ + ∑j + ∑j . (2)
The demand of miniaturization of the new capacitors in inte- ω2TOj − ω2 + iωγj ωRj + iω
grated circuits requires new dielectric materials with high permittiv-
ity. In the case of non-volatile memories, the capacitors or transistor ωTOj , γj , and Δεj denote the transverse frequency, damping, and
gates should be moreover FE. However, the permittivity in ceramics dielectric contribution to the static permittivity of the j-th polar
and thin films is markedly reduced compared to the single crystals phonon, respectively, and ΔεRj and ωRj mark the dielectric strength
due to the low-permittivity grain boundaries, dead layers between and relaxation frequency of the j-th relaxation, respectively. In the
the thin films and substrates, as well as the strain in the films caused case of displacive PTs, the relaxation contribution εdr should be zero
by a misfit between the substrates and films.15 Understanding the in the paraelectric phase and the increase in permittivity near T c [see
permittivity reduction is necessary for processing good quality thin Eq. (1)] is caused by softening (i.e., decrease in the frequency) of one
films and ceramics, and broadband dielectric spectroscopy helps a of the polar phonons. If the phonons are not coupled, the oscillator
lot in this case. strengths f j = Δεj ω2TOj of all polar modes are expected to be roughly
In the 1990s, a giant piezoelectric effect was revealed in FE temperature independent. It means, for example, that if the soft
relaxor-based single crystals,16 which allowed for the construction of mode frequency ωSM reduces twice, ΔεSM increases four times, etc.
new and much more efficient piezoelectric devices. Since that time, The temperature dependence of the ωSM can be easily obtained from
the interest in relaxors rapidly increased, and mainly, the broad- the Curie–Weiss law [Eq. (1)] and Lyddane–Sachs–Teller relation,18
band dielectric spectroscopy (including our works) contributed a lot which expresses the relation between static permittivity ε0 and high
to the understanding of the mechanisms of huge permittivity, giant frequency permittivity ε∞ with longitudinal ωLO and transverse ωTO
piezoelectric effect, and structural PTs in these materials. phonon frequencies. For materials with two atoms per unit cell, it
Within the last 25 years, our Prague’s group investigated the has the form18
dynamics of structural PTs in many FE materials, which allowed us ε0 ω2
to generalize the soft mode behavior: In reality, the SM never softens = 2LO . (3)
in some of the mentioned sites and we say that the system under-
goes an order–disorder phase transition at T c . If the ordering of ions
is connected with the appearance of spontaneous polarization, the
PT is FE. In this case, the phonons may exhibit only small temper-
ature anomalies and the dynamical origin of the PT is the critical
slowing-down of some relaxation frequency ωRj [see the last term in
Eq. (2)] near T c , which expresses the hopping motion of the dis-
ordered atoms among the equivalent positions in the paraelectric
phase. The soft relaxation frequency ωRs in the disordered materi-
als plays the role of the optical soft mode in displacive ferroelectrics
and follows the simple linear temperature dependence above T c ,13
ωRs = A′ (T − Tc ). (6)
Rs = [A (T − Tc )] + ω−1
ω−1 ′
sat . (7)
article and can be found, e.g., in the reviews of Höchli et al.75 and
Petzelt et al.76
FIG. 4. (a) Temperature dependence of the longitudinal (full circles) and trans-
verse (open circles) optical lowest-frequency phonon frequencies of KDP polarized
along the FE c axis. The inset shows the temperature dependence of the oscillator
strength of the overdamped soft mode. (b) Temperature dependence of the relax-
ation frequencies ωR = 1/τ C in partially deuterated KDP obtained from the Debye
fit [Eq. (2)] of submillimeter spectra. Deuterium concentration x in KH2(1−x) D2x PO4
is listed in the figure. Reproduced with permission from P. Simon, F. Gervais, and
E. Courtens, Phys. Rev. B 37, 1969–1979 (1988). Copyright 1988 American Phys-
ical Society and Volkov et al., Ferroelectrics 25, 531–534 (1980). Copyright 1980
Taylor & Francis.
FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of permittivity in relaxor FE PbMg1/3 Nb2/3 O3
and NH4 H2 AsO4 are antiferroelectrics and their solid solutions depicted at various frequencies. The ε0 -EMA curve is the result of calculation
with KDP, RbH2 PO4 , and KH2 AsO4 exhibit very interesting dipolar of the phonon static ε0 using the effective medium approximation described in
Ref. 103. Reproduced with permission from Bovtun et al., J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 26,
glass behavior. Nevertheless, the discussion of their detail structural,
2867–2875 (2006). Copyright 2006 European Ceramic Society.
dielectric, and lattice dynamics properties is beyond the scope of this
due to some quenched random electric fields82 from cations of dif- indicates increasing correlation among the polar clusters. The
ferent valences, which are sitting in the equivalent perovskite sites mean (τ 0 ) and upper (τ 1 ) relaxation times diverge according to the
(e.g., Mg2+ and Nb5+ in PMN); however, details are still not fully Vogel–Fulcher law,96
In 1997, Park and Shrout16 showed that relaxor-based UVF
τ0,1 (T) = τL exp( ), (8)
PbMg1/3 Nb2/3 O3 –PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) and PbZn1/3 Nb2/3 O3 –PbTiO3 T − TVF
(PZN-PT) single crystals exhibit ultrahigh strain and piezoelectric
behavior in electric field, and since that time, the interest for relax- with the same freezing temperature T VF = 230 ± 5 K for both ceram-
ors rapidly increased because these materials show many technical ics but different activation energies U VF of 1370 K and 1040 K for
applications in piezoelectric devices and microelectronics. Besides the PLZT of 8/65/35 and 9.5/65/35, respectively. τ L in Eq. (8) marks
many research papers published on relaxors, several reviews also the limiting high-temperature relaxation time, which is of the order
appeared. We can refer the reader to the reviews of Cross,83,84 Ye,85 of the reciprocal lowest optical phonon frequency. The shortest
Samara,86,87 and Bokov,88,89 where the present knowledge of relax- relaxation time τ 2 is about 10−12 s and remains almost temperature
ors is overviewed. There are also several reviews about the lattice independent [Fig. 6(a)]. Below room temperature, the loss spec-
dynamics of relaxors. The results of Raman scattering were reviewed tra ε′′ (ω) become essentially frequency independent and the per-
by Siny et al.;90 inelastic neutron scattering results were reviewed by mittivity increases linearly with decreasing logarithm of frequency
Shirane and Gehring91 and Cowley et al.;92 and IR and MW dielec- [Figs. 6(b) and 6(c)].97 This behavior was successfully explained
tric dispersion was reviewed by Kamba and Petzelt,93 Hlinka et al.,94 by a constant distribution g(τ) of equally strong Debye relaxations
Petzelt et al.,95 and Buixaderas et al.29 between upper (τ 1 ) and lower (τ 2 ) limits of relaxation times. It was
It was demonstrated that for understanding the peculiar dielec- shown that if the measured frequency range is much narrower than
tric dispersion in relaxors, a broadband dielectric spectroscopy from the distribution g(τ), the complex permittivity can be expressed as96
sub-Hz up to THz and IR frequencies is necessary. First of all, let
us describe the properties of lanthanum modified lead zirconate ε′ (ω) = ε∞ − B(T) ln(ωτ2 ),
titanate (Pb1−x Lax )(Zry Ti1−y )1−x/4 O3 (PLZT 100(x/y/1−y)) with (9)
x = 8 and 9.5 and y = 65.96 Both ceramics exhibit broad and strongly ε′′ (ω) = B(T),
frequency dependent peaks in ε′ (T) and ε′′ (T) seen between 325 K 2
(at 100 Hz) and 500 K (at 36 GHz). A single broad and symmetric where B(T) is the frequency-independent but temperature-
FIG. 6. (a) Temperature dependence of the mean (τ 0 ), upper (τ 1 ), and lower (τ 2 ) relaxation times in relaxor PLZT determined from the uniform distribution model of Debye
relaxation frequencies. The frequency dependence of the (b) real and (c) imaginary parts of the complex permittivity in PLZT 8/65/35 at various temperatures close and
below freezing temperature T VF . Reproduced with permission from Kamba et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 12, 497–519 (2000). Copyright 2000 IOP Publishing and
Rychetský et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 6017–6030 (2003). Copyright 2003 IOP Publishing.
cubic pyrochlore structure,99 which is not a relaxor FE. In this case, polar nanoregions is highly improbable.107 Hlinka et al. explained
the upper relaxation time follows the Arrhenius law and the relax- the phonon waterfall phenomena by a coupling of the acoustic and
ation was assigned to the local hopping of atoms in the A and O′ optical phonon branches. Observation of different qwf in various
positions of the pyrochlore structure among several local potential Brillouin zones was explained by different structure factors.107
minima. Nevertheless, below T VF and above T d , a soft optical phonon
The archetypical and best-studied relaxor FE is PMN because was observed in inelastic neutron scattering spectra of PMN with
its solid solution with PbTiO3 is material with the highest piezo- extrapolated critical temperature around T ∗ = 400 K.104 The same
electric coefficients.16 The typical relaxor peak in ε′ (T) measured optical soft mode was also observed in the IR spectra, but in con-
between 3 mHz and 420 GHz is shown in Fig. 5.100 The frequency trast to the inelastic neutron scattering spectra, the underdamped
plots of the dielectric function (Fig. 7) reveal similar behavior as in soft phonon was observed at all temperatures (including tempera-
PLZT: a slowing down and broadening of the dielectric relaxation tures between T VF and T d ) not only in PMN (Fig. 8)108 but also in
on cooling.101 Again, in the logarithmic scale, linearly dependent PLZT,96 PMT,98 and PbSc1/2 Ta1/2 O3 .109 Earlier spectroscopic data108
ε′ (ω) and frequency independent loss spectra ε′′ (ω) are seen below have shown that below 400 K, the soft phonon in PMN follows the
the freezing temperature T VF ≅ 230 K. Qualitatively similar dielec- Cochran law with the extrapolated critical temperature correspond-
tric behavior was observed in all relaxors, and it was interpreted ing to the Burns temperature T d [Fig. 8(a)]. Nevertheless, at higher
as follows:102 The dielectric relaxation appears in the spectra below temperatures, the soft mode hardens slower than the Curie–Weiss
the Burns temperature (T d = 600 K–700 K in various relaxors) and law and the Lyddane–Sachs–Teller relation describing the experi-
expresses a dynamical flipping of the cluster polarization. Below the mental ε′ (T) required. Moreover, an additional overdamped cen-
freezing temperature T VF , the clusters freeze out and the flipping of tral mode was observed below T d [Fig. 8(a)], whose activation was
polarization disappears. Nevertheless, the polar cluster boundaries explained by the splitting of the soft mode due to a local breaking
can still vibrate (breeze) below T VF , but since it is a temperature of cubic symmetry in polar clusters.108 Based on inelastic neutron
activated process over energy barriers with some distribution, the scattering experiments, Vakhrushev and Shappiro proposed the soft
relaxation times (or frequencies) exhibit also a distribution g(τ), mode splitting also above T d , and they claimed that both compo-
which broadens on cooling. This low-temperature g(τ) is responsible nents exhibit minimum near T d , but their phonon parameters had
for the dielectric dispersion observed below T VF (e.g., below 200 K high error bars due to the high phonon damping above T d .
in Fig. 7). The recent detailed analysis of the dielectric dispersion For that reason, new detailed THz and IR studies of relaxor
between T VF and T d revealed two relaxations, which were well fit- PMN and PMT have been performed up to 900 K and the spectra
FIG. 10. Schematic diagrams of the model of Ti off-centering creating spontaneous polarization. Models of (a) the rhombohedral, (b) the orthorhombic, (c) the tetragonal,
and (d) the cubic phase. (e) Temperature dependence and assignment of the TO polar mode frequencies in BaTiO3 coarse-grain ceramics. CM marks the soft central
mode. Reproduced with permission from K. Tsuda, R. Sano, and M. Tanaka, Phys. Rev. B 86, 214106 (2012). Copyright 2012 American Physical Society and Petzelt et al.,
Ferroelectrics 469, 14–25 (2014). Copyright 2014 Taylor & Francis.
FIG. 11. Temperature dependences of the soft mode frequencies in the SrTiO3
crystal and strained films grown on various substrates. Compressively strained
films grown on NdGaO3 or LSAT substrates exhibit stiffening of the soft mode with
respect to the crystal, while tensile strained SrTiO3 /DyScO3 exhibits a soft mode
anomaly and appearance of the central mode near 300 K due to a high lattice
anharmonicity near strain-induced FE PT. Below ∼180 K, two new modes activate
above 120 cm−1 in this film due to the antiferrodistortive PT within the ferroelectric
phase. Reproduced with permission from J. Petzelt and S. Kamba, Ferroelectrics
503, 19–44 (2016). Copyright 2016 Taylor & Francis.
reflectivity spectra reveal the FE soft mode, which drives the FE PT,
and magnetic phases appear independently, and therefore, their can be called electromagnons. They are activated in the spectra from
magnetoelectric coupling is relatively small. outside of the Brillouin zone center due to the incommensurate
The most studied multiferroic is BiFeO3 because it is one of the modulation of spins in the antiferromagnetic phase.152 The electro-
few single-phase room-temperature multiferroics with high FE T c magnons are activated due to a dynamic magnetoelectric coupling,
FIG. 15. (a) Temperature dependence of the EuO optical phonon frequency in epitaxial (001)-oriented EuO films with various nominal strain levels imposed by underlying
(001) YSZ, (110) YAlO3 , (001) Si, and (001) LSAT substrates. +5.6% and +6.4% nominal tensile strain was reached in [(EuO)2 /(BaO)6 ]28 /Si and [(EuO)2 /(BaO)2 ]35 /LSAT
superlattices, respectively. The EuO phonon in the superlattice with the highest strain (+6.4%) exhibits softening typical for a displacive FE PT. Upon undergoing the PT,
the single optical phonon splits into three phonons due to the reduction of the symmetry of the (EuO)2 unit cell that occurs below T c . (b) Schematic illustration of the
crystal structure of the (EuO)2 /(BaO)2 superlattice on an (001) LSAT perovskite substrate in which the (EuO)2 layer is under biaxial tension and the (BaO)2 layer is under
biaxial compression. The directions of both strains are marked by arrows. Eu, Ba, and O atoms are shown in blue, green, and red, respectively. (c) Temperature and strain
dependence of the static relative permittivity of the EuO films and EuO layers in the (EuO)x /(BaO)y superlattices. The permittivity values were calculated from fits of the IR
reflectance. The FE critical temperature observed for the [(EuO)2 /(BaO)2 ]35 superlattice strained to LSAT is marked by the arrow. Reproduced with permission from Goian
et al., Commun. Mater. 1, 74 (2020). Copyright 2020 Springer Nature.
phase.173 Both modes exhibit also other anomalies at T N due to the down and the distribution of relaxation frequencies of domain wall
strong spin–phonon coupling (Fig. 16). vibrations broadens. This explains the relaxor-like dielectric disper-
Many type-I multiferroics exhibit improper FE PT connected sion seen below 60 K in Fig. 17(c). The contribution of domain wall
with a multiplication of unit cell below T c . YMnO3 175 and also the motion in ε′ reduces under the bias electric field [Fig. 17(c)] because
famous BiFeO3 147 belong to this family. We investigated a two- the FE domain size increases and domain wall concentration reduces
layered BaMnO3 , which at high temperatures crystallizes in the non- under the field. An antiferromagnetic order appears at 53 K, but
polar hexagonal P63 /mmc structure and its unit cell triples below short-range magnetic correlations were observed in the EPR spectra
T c = 130 K and the space group changes to P63 cm.176,177 Unlike in up to 230 K.176
all proper ferroelectrics, where a peak in ε′ (T) is seen at T c , only
a change in slope in ε′ (T) was observed at T c [Fig. 17(c)] because
the PT is driven by a soft Brillouin zone-boundary phonon of K 3 VIII. SPIN-INDUCED MULTIFERROICS
symmetry with a wave vector q = (1/3, 1/3, 0). This IR inactive In 2003, a new class of multiferroics was discovered in
phonon is coupled with the hard zone-center Γ 2 − mode. Owing to TbMnO3 . Kimura et al.178 observed a narrow and small peak in
the Brillouin-zone folding below T c , the soft mode becomes a zone- ε′ (T) at the temperature, where the cycloidal magnetic structure
center mode in the FE phase, which activates in the IR and Raman of TbMnO3 changes its modulation. Its FE polarization was 3 or 4
spectra and hardens on cooling. This phonon has a small dielec- orders of magnitudes lower than in classical ferroelectrics, but since
tric strength, so it only partially explains the increase in ε′ below T c the polarization direction was possible to control by the direction
(Fig. 17).176 An additional dielectric relaxation, observed in the kHz of the external magnetic field, the authors explained it as caused by
and microwave region, is probably due to the vibration of the FE the spin interactions. Due to this fact, the polarization is more sensi-
domain walls. On cooling, this temperature-activated process slows tive to the magnetic field and the magnetoelectric coupling is huge.
FIG. 19. Temperature dependence of (a) the low-frequency excitations and (b) their plasma frequencies Ωj = Δεj ωj observed in the THz and IR spectra of SrMn7 O12 .
The open symbols correspond to spin excitations or phonons activated by breaking of the inversion center, whereas the remaining phonons are marked by solid symbols.
(c) Real and (d) imaginary parts of the complex refractive index of SrMn7 O12 ceramics obtained from the THz time-domain spectroscopy. Reproduced with permission from
rise to the Mn orbital ordering and an incommensurate structural with the MW dielectric relaxation so that this system belongs to the
modulation along the c axis below ∼250 K. On further cooling, the crossover between order–disorder and displacive type of the PT.28
samples show two magnetic PTs near 90 K and 40 K with PT temper- On the other hand, another related tartrate—lithium thallium tar-
atures depending on the chemical composition. The antiferromag- trate monohydrate—shows a typical behavior of the displacive fer-
netic phases are helical and incommensurately modulated. IR, THz, roelectrics.50 The crossover between displacive and order–disorder
and Raman response of AMn7 O12 (A = Ca, Sr) ceramics revealed PT exhibits also BaTiO3 .122,127 Lead-based relaxor ferroelectrics with
qualitatively similar dramatic changes in phonon spectra with tem- perovskite structures show a strong and soft dielectric relaxation
perature reflecting changes in phonon selection rules in various whose distribution of relaxation frequencies anomalously broadens
crystal structures (Fig. 17) including new phonons appearing in the on cooling toward the freezing temperatures and covers the frequen-
spin-order-induced FE phases.191,192 The strongest variations occur cies from the sub-Hz up to THz region even below the freezing
in THz spectra near the two magnetic PTs [see Figs. 19(c) and 19(d)]. temperatures.96,100 Although the relaxors are cubic in the whole tem-
They activate new modes in the spectra, with resonance frequen- perature interval, the phonons are split at all temperatures due to
cies and intensities changing with temperature and magnetic field. the locally broken center of symmetry in polar nanodomains and
Below the lowest-temperature magnetic PT, a transfer of plasma fre- the lowest frequency phonon undergoes a critical softening toward
quencies Ω1 and Ω2 (defined as square roots of oscillator strength) T ∗ = 350 K–400 K, giving evidence about a local PT in polar nan-
from the low-frequency phonons to these excitations was observed odomains.103,110 In incipient FE SrTiO3 , Srn+1 Tin O3n+1 , and KTaO3 ,
[see Fig. 19(b)]; therefore, they were assigned to electromagnons frequencies of the soft phonons strongly reduce on cooling and sat-
because they must be polar. urate near liquid helium temperatures due to quantum fluctuations,
but it was shown that the epitaxial strain in thin films can induce
displacive FE PTs, which can be revealed in the phonon behav-
ior.129,130,137,138,141 In antiferromagnetic and incipient ferroelectric
In this article, the basic concept of the FE soft modes driving EuTiO3 , 1% tensile strain induces not only a displacive FE PT at 250
the FE PTs is explained and demonstrated in materials investigated K, but the antiferromagnetic structure changes also to a ferromag-
mainly in Prague within the last 25 years. In Rochelle salt—the first netic one due to a strong spin–phonon coupling.159 In ferromagnetic
known FE crystal—it has been shown that although this material EuO, a huge tensile strain (more than 6%) was needed to induce a
was for a long time considered a typical example of the system with displacive FE PT,168 even if the phonon is highly temperature sta-
an order–disorder PT, two coupled polar phonons show anomalous ble in the bulk EuO. Incomplete phonon softening was observed on
softening with rising temperature and these phonons are coupled heating in the multiferroic BiFeO3 connected with the first-order
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