Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
III. Procedures:
1. Opening Prayer
Before we begin the lesson this The students will stand and bow their
morning, let us all rise and ask the heads.
guidance of our almighty God.
2. Greetings
Good morning class! How are you Good morning, Ma’am. We are all fine.
today? Thank you.
3. Classroom Management
Before we proceed to our lesson
for today, let’s have first an ABC
Do you know what is the meaning
No, Maam.
of an ABC Check?
A stand for Attendance.
Is there any absentee for today? None, Maam
Very Good class!
B stands for Bits of Paper The students will pick up the mess
under their chair and check the
alignment of it.
4. Checking of Assignment
Do you have an assignment? None Maam.
National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines
Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
5. Review
What did we discuss yesterday? We discuss all about impromptu
Exactly! Thank you so much. speech.
A. Activity
B. Analysis
Class, kindly recall those advantages Ma’am based on the activity that we do
and disadvantages you have been earlier, the topic that we will be
National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines
Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
presented. Based on those issues, discussing today is all about an
advantages and disadvantages, do you Argumentative Essay.
have any idea about the possible topic
that we are going to discuss?
Ok, very good! So, do you have any Ma’am argumentative essay is a kind of
idea or prior knowledge about an writing that aims to make the reader
argumentative essay? agree with the writer’s opinion about a
controversial or a debate issues.
C. Abstraction
What is your claim or thesis statement Yes Maam I agree because Mayors
regarding that issue? Do you agree or should not skip the Covid- 19 vaccine
disagree? line since they are not in the priority list.
Introduce the ISSUE.
Give background information.
State your CLAIM / THESIS
Present your EVIDENCE
(Reason + Supporting Details)
(1) Each paragraph must contain
one reason and its supporting
(2) The supporting details may
include examples, statistics,
personal experiences or
Can be:
A general statement that
supports your claim or thesis
National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines
Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
A quotation or call to action.
Based on the introduction what is the The writer disagrees on the issue or on
claim of the writer about the issue or the topic.
the topic?
How do you say so? In what part of On the last part of the introduction the
the introduction state its claim or writer states that marine mammals
argument? have the right to be kept in their natural
environment. And based on that
statement we can say that the writer
disagree on the issue.
Based on the paragraph what is the The Captivity causes many health
reason in the topic? problems in marine mammals.
Precisely! The reason is captivity
causes many health problems in marine
mammals and its supporting details are
the following.
And which is the rebuttal? The rebuttal is But the truth is, scientist
prepare to learn about animals and
their natural environment, so they get
first-hand knowledge.
National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines
Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
That’s right, that is the rebuttal from the
word “but” , because we respond on the
counterclaim on the topic.
In conclusion marine mammals should
not be held in captivity. Mahatma
Ghandi one said, “The greatness of a
nation and its moral process can be
measured by the way it's animals are
treated”. In a world where much of
nature and the world has already been
lost, it is up to us to let these beautiful
marine mammals free.
Is it clear? Do you have questions?
Clarifications? None, Maam
E. Application
Compose of 2 to 3 sentences create
your own claim or stand and reason on
a given topic. Kindly observe the given
rubrics below.
V. Assignment
1. In your notebook write atleast 2 argumentative statement and write your stand
or claim on your given topic or issues.
2. Be ready to share it in a class for tomorrow.
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